After much frustration and even sending one speaker back thinking it faulty, I eventually nailed it after reading many comments. For stereo operation you must have only one speaker paired over bluetooth. Check the bluetooth light is illuminated on only one of your flip 5's. JBL's own instructions are not clear on this.
I think using the program Voicemeeter is the only option. I've scoured Reddit and UA-cam, and every time it only mirrors the sound between the 2, NOT allowing stereo L/R mode. - Connect ONLY one device - check - Press partymode - check - Both devices connect - check Then it only mirrors sound instead of stereo mode. Some videos claim they paired in stereo mode, but I think they are lying. Maybe We have to set it to stereo mode in the app first, then pair it to a PC??
I’ve looked at umpteen videos on how to do this. NONE OF THEM WORKED, until yours. Thank you, thank you, really THANK YOU so much, but my fingers thank you as well 😁🙏! I now can go to bed knowing tomorrow is going gonna be a Hair Metal Day!!!!!!
is creates a center soundstage but tbh the speakers don't really act like left and right channels naturally because using a stereo test file there is very little speration between the L and R channels. but it will sound louder because there is twice as many speakers and the center stage will sound more present than a solo speaker
*Is there any way to put two FLIP 5 speakers in stereo mode without the app?* Once I used the app, I could connect my mp3 player in stereo mode. Yay! That gives me some versatility for music practice and performance. But suppose my phone breaks or isn't available for some reason? Is there a way to set stereo mode using only the speakers themselves. (I'm gonna guess no, but it doesn't hurt to ask.)
Thanks for showing how to connect in stereo. One thing for me as of August 2022: if I connect 2 speakers together before opening the JBL app, it doesn't find them. I have to turn each one on, not connect them together, then open the app. The app sees both and gives me the option to connect them together, and to choose to always connect in stereo mode without using the app in the future.
Wow this was so helpful, thank you! I especially liked when you were talking over the speakers during the sound test. It made it so much easier to hear the differences between the Party and the Stereo modes.
What about latency when you use 2 jbl flip 5 in stereo? is it much bigger? Will there be difference on videos (youtube,netflix)? I got one and its acceptable and I am thinking about buying secound for pair, but I am worried about the latency.
Like the video. Question, can you use 2 speakers in stereo when they are connected to a smart TV? Or can it only be in stereo when connected to the phone with the JBL app on it.
Is it possible to add a third speaker, and adjust the particular speaker to only output bass. And use the two JBL FLIP as left and right channels, and third speaker as bass, making this a portable 2.1 sound system ?
I am wondering the same thing, even if not just the bass, if I can even have my Boombox do left&right, but have each Flip6 do Left and Right only, that would be cool!
Thank you this was very helpful I bought this speaker and was wondering if it was worth getting a second one. I was thinking if I couldn't get stereo what's the point of getting to
I love this speaker for my computer. I use bluetooth on my laptop and use it for netflix exc. Is there a way to put it in stereo mode through your computer if I got a second one?
Thank you so much! I've been looking for a video such as yours. Thank you for clarifying for me that in order to get stereo sound one speaker will play left while the other place right. Awesomeness! I guess my next question would be should the second speaker be larger in order to have more bass, or should I purchase another flip five for a better sound?
Hi, in order to have stereo sound you’d have to get another Flip5. The JBL app doesn’t allow stereo mode with different speaker models anymore (it used to in the past).
Do they have to stay close together? Mine seem to get staticy when far apart. Should i have both connected to the phone? You only connected one in this video. Thank you
Mine work together from over 300ft apart as you can see here: I never connect both to the phone, since PartyBoost has a much longer range.
@@MegaSafetyFirst That is super lame of JBL! they should give you a way to sit each speaker in space, left right center etc. Man, you would think JBL would do better.
I did not notice anything abnormal. You can locate at which position the transducer is sitting at on the housing. That is different compared to the Flip4.
You're doing it wrong. Don't connect both to Bluetooth only 1. Turn the second one on hit the party button on both at the same time . I have mine playing stereo sound and they're amazing.
How can I connect JBL Flip 5 speakers without the app? You said it's easy but I can't find any support about this on the JBL site or elsewhere on the Internet. I want to play music through my Macbook Air and I can't get two speakers to connect using the party boost buttons alone. Thanks!
Hi, For stereo mode, do you need to re-pair two speakers each time after the two are turned off? Or the two speakers automatically connected and remember the previous setting?
With my 2 flip 5s...after I connect the speaker's.. play music. Go into the app I'm directed to hold connect button on master speaker till it blinks. Then it puts me on another level for party or stereo.. does this make sense? I didn't see that step here?Thanks you much..
do you get true stereo with proper left and right channels or just mono sound X2? I have a charge 5, and wanted to know if I can get true stereo with another charge 5. Thanks
In Partyboost mode, can I operate one speaker at a lower volume and one speaker at a higher volume? I would like to have one inside our camper (at lower volume) and one outside the camper at higher volume.
Thank you so much! This is a GREAT video to help me decide. I was particularly interested in Stereo. Do you think that the JBL Flip 5 - or 6 - in stereo are enough in a small apartment, and for listening to classical music? Does it have enough bass? Or do I need something bigger like 2 X JBL Charge 5 ...?
It's not the same as a much larger speaker but it's definitely loud enough. And if you have 2 of them on opposite sides of the room it sounds very good
@@jonathanshaked3045 I use a single Flip 5 in apartment and I only go up to 50% volume, else it can become too loud and annoy the neighbors (keep in mind I don't live in the US and don't have the plywood walls. I have thick concrete walls). The lows (bass + beats) are REALLY powerful. I mean it. About the stereo, you could just see it in the very video under which you're asking: you can select either a party boost mode (any number of Flips playing the same, so the same music sounds in different rooms/floors), or a true stereo mode where two Flips act as a L and R speakers.
i was kinda confused because i couldnt activate the stereo mode but thats because this mode is only available for two identical speakers it doesnt't work for different ones like a charge 3 and an xtreme 2. Only the party mode is available there
I agree. We have two in our house, and especially when playing music, having two of them in stereo mode is very noticeably improved over one (and even over two in Party Boost). The soundstage is really quite impressive for such small speakers. Just wish there was an easier way to get them into stereo, and that the app didn’t suck so bad.
Hey @MegaSafetyFirst does the stereo feature work with 3 speakers? I have two flip 5's that I use in my car and I'd like to buy a Boombox 2 to put in the back but I wanna keep the left/right split on the flips. And keep the single Boombox in stereo. Thanks in advance.
As others have noted here, accessing stereo mode is somewhat of a PITA. First, be sure you are only connected to one speaker. I then get that speaker connected and playing, with the app open and it showing my speaker. Only then do I power on the second speaker, then connect the two with the PB buttons. At this point the app shows my speaker searching, then eventually shows the second speaker and this is when the PB and Stereo buttons become “live.” In addition to all this frustration (and the fact that you have to do it every time), my app doesn’t allow me to go back and forth between PB and Stereo after a short period of time. Even if I keep the app open, it will stop showing those buttons at the bottom and just say that I’m connected in PB mode (regardless of which mode I’m in). If I want to switch to other mode, I have to repeat the process. Great speakers; app and programming are pure 💩.
@@andres6197 make sure you are using the newest version of the App. They changed it a while back so that you can set it to stereo and it stays that way. I never even use the app anymore bc my speakers are always in stereo. Good luck
There’s got to be a way to go into stereo mode without the app, right? Some button sequence or something. It’s kind of bs if you HAVE to have the app for this feature.
@@MegaSafetyFirst I'm not sure it'd get carried over, though. Maybe you could connect one to the PC, the other to the phone, sync them up, then control the speaker setup through one and play audio through the other? Do you know if you have to have the other one connected through bluetooth to use it in stereo?
@@johnsonmcbig9157 agreed. easy thing to do is buy the flip 4 for your computer. I have one for mine and love it. It's already in stereo mode as it has two speakers (a left and right) built in. The bass and mids wont sound as good as the flip 5, but there stereo sound is amazing.
@@JamieTheBangles11Fan there's an issue with it where it will go into sleep mode if no sound is played, which means there's a delay when sound starts playing again. I still prefer anker.
Hi, I found a problem/issue with JBL Flip 5 bluetooth audio device. The sound is making interruption on each 2 seconds. Any help will be super appreciated!
Thank you for this helpful video. I do have few Qs: 1. Is the stereo configuration stable with the Flip 5's? 2. Is the JBL Connect App essential for getting a pair of Flip 5 working in stereo? Any other alternatives? 3. Is it a real stereo, i.e if you put them far apart can you actually hear the music goes from right to left and vice versa? Many thanks!
@Hermit Hippie Thanks. Once I set it to stereo, is it stable for the entire playing? Also- is there a genetic application that can substitute jbl connect?
Sir acording to your mathod i have done both in stearo mode but after some time i cant play in stearo mode n messege apears getting ready for u...kindly solve my problem my jbl flip 5
In stereo mode does it mean that they are double as loud as only a sinle one, or is it reducing the volume in stereo mode somehow? I mean is it worth to buy a second one for increasing volume? Thx
Using two speakers will increase the breadth of the sound experience but the overall volume will not increase. You'll get only the same max volume from each speaker, but spreading them apart will increase the coverage of the sound you hear.
@@professor3699 You get more volume, 2 speakers, twice the watts, like anything audio related, twice the watts in not twice the volume, but +3db, but it is twice the power, does not really matter if it is in Party Boot mode or stereo, the mount of volume depending on the mode would have more to do with how the music you are listening to is mixed.
Thanks, very helpful video! These are now being included with many new travel trailers. At 1st I thought it was silly. Then I tried it out and we liked it a lot. Good to know I can sync 2 together 🤜
Party Boost plays the same music through both speakers. Stereo mode splits the music between left and right channels - a channel from each speaker (if recorded in stereo).
Great video. I keep having issues with my iphone pairing the two. The application is very buggy and it causes me more frustration than anything. Listening to stereo is much better than party mode but its such a hasstle to set it up. Which song did you use? I really liked it!
why my jbl connect app is different to yours? what the hek is going on!!! your phone is aple my phone is realme 5i and we have the same app downloaded but im having a hard time connecting to stereo mode?can you tell me whats the difference? actualy i already uninstall it and back again but still slow and cant connect. can you please explain that to me
i notice your app set up has ball rotating in the flip5 while connecting i cant see it in my app whats going on dont say that the app you downloaded in america is diff. from the jbl connect app here in the philippines?
Hi, the app should not be different. Do you have only one speaker paired to your phone or both? Sometimes people pair both, which causes the stereo mode not to work.
Most of the time it won't give me the option for the stereo mode, and most of the time it only even recognize the second speaker in the app, but they both wotk tho...... In partyboost mode, it's a pain in the ass, help?
I don't know if you have fixed your trouble but i think i have the solution. First, you need to connect ONLY one speaker (FLIP5) with Bluetooth to your phone and not the other speaker. Then use the Partyboost button on each speaker and the JBL app to connect them together with Stereo mode. In Fact, it works with a master speaker connected to your bluetooth and a slave speaker connected to the Master through the app... Hope it's clear ;)
Philippe Mallard Philippe Mallard Hi there. I just bought two Flip5s and had the following problem: if i paired just one Flip5 with the iphone and press party boost on both speakers, they start playing synchronized but the one that was not paired with the phone stops playing the music in approximately 20 minutes. Anyone else having this problem? I fixed this by pairing both Flip5s to the phone and then pressing party boost on both speakers.
@@Philou1975 YAY!!!! Thank you soooo much for this video and response. I had paired 2 JBL Flip 5 speakers to my phone. When in PartyBoost mode they faded in & out and clicked. Hours of online search, reaching out to JBL, tech support with Amazon who recommended resetting to factory settings and nothing solved the issue. FINALLY, I searched YT, found your video and noticed that ONLY 1 speaker was paired when you accessed PartyBoost and then I saw the above response. Thank you soooo much.
@@observatoriocervejaartesan8042 this completely happens to me with mine! I tested it and it continues to happen every 20-30 minutes. Can you place them far apart without them interfering (sound cutting in and out) with each other though with them both connected to your phone?
Stephen yes, i can put them apart with no issues (around 20ft away from each other). I don’t know if this will help you but here it is my step by step procedure: Since my phone recognizes both speakers, i just turn on the first jbl and wait to automatically connect; i start to play a song on this first speaker; when it is playing, i turn on the second jbl and the phone switches automatically to the second speaker that continues to play the song that was playing on the first speaker; at this point i press the party boost button on both speakers. Remember to keep the phone close to the speaker that it is actually paired on. Hope that you can fix the problem. Let me know if i can help you with additional information.
I've got four flip 5 now, what is the maximum distance allowable (1) between my computer/ phone and the flip 5#1 (2) between flip 5#1 #2 #3 and #4? Thank you very much for your help.
Connect speaker to phone and pair in stereo mode first then connect to computer it might work. Jbl have release firmware update so that they work better with computers and they remember which sound mode when turned back on
Man I got second speaker but even with the right instructions both speakers do the same mono shit sound. I want one speaker to do 1 sound and the other speaker another sound. Its that possible in Flip 5. I want stereo mode like, voice in one of the speakers and the other do the instruments, you know... like good old times.
I've borrowed another Filip 5 to test it. Conclusion: one flip 5 is pretty good. Two flip 5s are perfect! Just amazing.
I was in trouble because I didn't know how to connect in stereo mode. Thanks to you, the problem was solved. Thank you
After much frustration and even sending one speaker back thinking it faulty, I eventually nailed it after reading many comments. For stereo operation you must have only one speaker paired over bluetooth. Check the bluetooth light is illuminated on only one of your flip 5's. JBL's own instructions are not clear on this.
Smart thinking
Do you need to do this every time for stereo pairing ?
@@MoNeYMlKE420 On mine yes
@@Fraizedesbois gotcha thanks just curious
THANK YOU for writing this. Nice quick explanation! They need to improve their instructions for sure!
Hi 🙋♂️ How do you think can I connect two jbl flip5 in stereo mode to laptop? I didn’t find any information about it! Best regards!
yes i think it works with any bluetooth device
@@bigtonkaa69 Why did you reply if you weren't going to answer?
I think using the program Voicemeeter is the only option.
I've scoured Reddit and UA-cam, and every time it only mirrors the sound between the 2, NOT allowing stereo L/R mode.
- Connect ONLY one device - check
- Press partymode - check
- Both devices connect - check
Then it only mirrors sound instead of stereo mode. Some videos claim they paired in stereo mode, but I think they are lying. Maybe We have to set it to stereo mode in the app first, then pair it to a PC??
I’ve looked at umpteen videos on how to do this. NONE OF THEM WORKED, until yours. Thank you, thank you, really THANK YOU so much, but my fingers thank you as well 😁🙏! I now can go to bed knowing tomorrow is going gonna be a Hair Metal Day!!!!!!
Does adding anothrr flip 5 and playing it in either stereo or partyboost improve the sound tremendously?
is creates a center soundstage but tbh the speakers don't really act like left and right channels naturally because using a stereo test file there is very little speration between the L and R channels. but it will sound louder because there is twice as many speakers and the center stage will sound more present than a solo speaker
Thanks so much! You made connecting my new speakers so fast and easy! Cheers!!
*Is there any way to put two FLIP 5 speakers in stereo mode without the app?* Once I used the app, I could connect my mp3 player in stereo mode. Yay! That gives me some versatility for music practice and performance. But suppose my phone breaks or isn't available for some reason? Is there a way to set stereo mode using only the speakers themselves. (I'm gonna guess no, but it doesn't hurt to ask.)
No unfortunately which is very stupid from harmon
Thanks for showing how to connect in stereo. One thing for me as of August 2022: if I connect 2 speakers together before opening the JBL app, it doesn't find them.
I have to turn each one on, not connect them together, then open the app. The app sees both and gives me the option to connect them together, and to choose to always connect in stereo mode without using the app in the future.
Ty bro. Didnt know about this. Got 2 same speakers and wanted to buy something serious , but it is new life for them )))
is it bad to stand the speakers vertically? like if the bass is too loud, could the bottom radiator hit the surface its on?
I don’t think that it is bad to put them in the radiator. Doing it alll the time.
Can you pair stereo mode of flip series and stereo mode of other series like charge/xtreme/boombox series?
It used to be possible, but I believe JBL disabled this function now when using different models.
No, certainly not. I have a Flip 6 and a Charge 5, can pair them party boost but no stereo.
Can you test how far they can be apart and still be connected to each other?
Wow this was so helpful, thank you! I especially liked when you were talking over the speakers during the sound test. It made it so much easier to hear the differences between the Party and the Stereo modes.
What about latency when you use 2 jbl flip 5 in stereo? is it much bigger? Will there be difference on videos (youtube,netflix)? I got one and its acceptable and I am thinking about buying secound for pair, but I am worried about the latency.
Can I conect two diferent speaker with the same function?
As long as its a jbl speaker with party boost then yes
When paired and in party mode or left & right mode do they stay like that? Or do you need to connect them every time you use them?
As far as I remember they always fall back into partyboost mode.
Is it possible to connect a jbl flip 5 with a jbl xtreme 3 in partyboost?
Hi Man. What is the song ? Can't find it with "Triumph" ? Cheers
Called Big Cigar by Les Winner’s
Can you explain the difference when it let's you switch from left or right channel on the app?
Like the video. Question, can you use 2 speakers in stereo when they are connected to a smart TV? Or can it only be in stereo when connected to the phone with the JBL app on it.
I cannot figure out how to put them in stereo mode w/o the app - in another words while it is connected to another source that isn't my phone.
buy speakers for tv use, these are for bluetooth use
Is it possible to add a third speaker, and adjust the particular speaker to only output bass. And use the two JBL FLIP as left and right channels, and third speaker as bass, making this a portable 2.1 sound system ?
I am wondering the same thing, even if not just the bass, if I can even have my Boombox do left&right, but have each Flip6 do Left and Right only, that would be cool!
Thank you this was very helpful I bought this speaker and was wondering if it was worth getting a second one. I was thinking if I couldn't get stereo what's the point of getting to
I love this speaker for my computer. I use bluetooth on my laptop and use it for netflix exc. Is there a way to put it in stereo mode through your computer if I got a second one?
You could connect them to the computer and smartphone at the same time. Then set the stereo mode with the phone.
Did this work out for you? I'm trying to see if it's possible too
Thank you so much! I've been looking for a video such as yours. Thank you for clarifying for me that in order to get stereo sound one speaker will play left while the other place right. Awesomeness!
I guess my next question would be should the second speaker be larger in order to have more bass, or should I purchase another flip five for a better sound?
Hi, in order to have stereo sound you’d have to get another Flip5.
The JBL app doesn’t allow stereo mode with different speaker models anymore (it used to in the past).
@@MegaSafetyFirst thank you for your reply. Good to know!
Do they have to stay close together? Mine seem to get staticy when far apart. Should i have both connected to the phone? You only connected one in this video. Thank you
Mine work together from over 300ft apart as you can see here:
I never connect both to the phone, since PartyBoost has a much longer range.
When you pair both again Does the app remember the stereoMode if the speakers where tuned off on stereoMode???
No, it always defaults to the PartyBoost mode.
MegaSafetyFirst not good. Thanks for the answer.
Miguel Kiesse jbl have just released a new firmware update that solved this issue btw 👍
Is it possible to have stereomode and a charge 5 in the ,,middle"?
I don’t believe so. As soon as there are more than two speakers paired together, the stereo mode is disabled in the app.
@@MegaSafetyFirst That is super lame of JBL! they should give you a way to sit each speaker in space, left right center etc. Man, you would think JBL would do better.
Does the sound feel any different like its coming from one side sitting close to the speaker
I did not notice anything abnormal.
You can locate at which position the transducer is sitting at on the housing. That is different compared to the Flip4.
There is only one speaker in the FLIP5.
How many jbl apps are there and which one on my iPad or fire stick will allow stereo from two of my three flip5’s?
i have two pieces of flip 5 and unfortunately if i connect them i chatter the sound. They sound nice separately. mobile LG k50S
You're doing it wrong. Don't connect both to Bluetooth only 1.
Turn the second one on hit the party button on both at the same time .
I have mine playing stereo sound and they're amazing.
Yeah unpair one of your flip5's and that will sort the problem. They are class set up in stereo.
Just a question! What is partyboost. Mono on all speakers?
So the ring around the power and bluetooth button indicates when partyboos is on?
Is the app required to use stereo mode? Do the speakers default to either party boost or stereo when connected?
They default to party boost. So you do need the app to change it to Stereo.
Sir, what is the name of that music you play for demo?
Thank you for your clear explanation and help with connecting my JBL! 😊
Is there a way to do this on a Windows laptop? Thanks!
How can I connect JBL Flip 5 speakers without the app? You said it's easy but I can't find any support about this on the JBL site or elsewhere on the Internet. I want to play music through my Macbook Air and I can't get two speakers to connect using the party boost buttons alone. Thanks!
Hi, For stereo mode, do you need to re-pair two speakers each time after the two are turned off? Or the two speakers automatically connected and remember the previous setting?
Hi, they will have to be paired again every time.
With my 2 flip 5s...after I connect the speaker's.. play music. Go into the app I'm directed to hold connect button on master speaker till it blinks. Then it puts me on another level for party or stereo.. does this make sense? I didn't see that step here?Thanks you much..
What's the song you play for testing?
Please help. How can I do it with an android box that doesn't have location/GPS?
What if you don't use the cellphone app for going to stereo mode can you just do ot manually?
I don’t believe that is possible without using the app.
do you get true stereo with proper left and right channels or just mono sound X2? I have a charge 5, and wanted to know if I can get true stereo with another charge 5. Thanks
hit the stereo button?
In stereo mode, how do you know which is left and right speaker? Does it matter?
In Partyboost mode, can I operate one speaker at a lower volume and one speaker at a higher volume? I would like to have one inside our camper (at lower volume) and one outside the camper at higher volume.
Hi, I don’t believe that is possible.
As far as I know the speakers keep their audio volume symched up at all times.
In party mode (not stereo mode) can the 2 speakers be adjusted to different volumes or is the volume control linked to both speakers together?
The volume for both speakers is linked.
Thank you so much! This is a GREAT video to help me decide. I was particularly interested in Stereo. Do you think that the JBL Flip 5 - or 6 - in stereo are enough in a small apartment, and for listening to classical music? Does it have enough bass? Or do I need something bigger like 2 X JBL Charge 5 ...?
It's not the same as a much larger speaker but it's definitely loud enough. And if you have 2 of them on opposite sides of the room it sounds very good
@@vortdr Thank you so much. Question: "sounds very good" but is it true STEREO or just the same output on both speakers?
@@jonathanshaked3045 I use a single Flip 5 in apartment and I only go up to 50% volume, else it can become too loud and annoy the neighbors (keep in mind I don't live in the US and don't have the plywood walls. I have thick concrete walls).
The lows (bass + beats) are REALLY powerful. I mean it.
About the stereo, you could just see it in the very video under which you're asking: you can select either a party boost mode (any number of Flips playing the same, so the same music sounds in different rooms/floors), or a true stereo mode where two Flips act as a L and R speakers.
@@Slaveknight_gael thank you! I appreciate
Mine will disconnect from each other leaving only one playing after around 20-30 minutes using this method. Do you have this issue as well?
Omg we have the same problem WTH
I start stereo, but every next song start in party mode... :-(
Same is pissed
@@thaguy7732 yours disconnect after 20-30 minutes also when in stereo?
I was doing it with out that jbl app I got the app and it works no problem, but before that It was shit I never know their was a app thing
Do I need the App to Sync the 2 speakers???
You’ll need to the app to switch the two speakers to Stereo mode.
How many speakees can it connect?
It is good for 100 speakers
@@MegaSafetyFirst cheers
i was kinda confused because i couldnt activate the stereo mode but thats because this mode is only available for two identical speakers it doesnt't work for different ones like a charge 3 and an xtreme 2. Only the party mode is available there
Hi. Is there a big difference if you play a pair of Flip 5s compared to just one? I am thinking of getting another one. Thanks
I think the sound gets even better, because you can place them apart from each other and turn on the stereo mode.
I agree. We have two in our house, and especially when playing music, having two of them in stereo mode is very noticeably improved over one (and even over two in Party Boost). The soundstage is really quite impressive for such small speakers. Just wish there was an easier way to get them into stereo, and that the app didn’t suck so bad.
Hey @MegaSafetyFirst does the stereo feature work with 3 speakers? I have two flip 5's that I use in my car and I'd like to buy a Boombox 2 to put in the back but I wanna keep the left/right split on the flips. And keep the single Boombox in stereo. Thanks in advance.
Hi, unfortunately that won’t work.
As soon as there are more than two speakers they are going to fall back into the partyboost mode.
hi.. can you pair 2 jbl clip 4?
As others have noted here, accessing stereo mode is somewhat of a PITA. First, be sure you are only connected to one speaker. I then get that speaker connected and playing, with the app open and it showing my speaker. Only then do I power on the second speaker, then connect the two with the PB buttons. At this point the app shows my speaker searching, then eventually shows the second speaker and this is when the PB and Stereo buttons become “live.”
In addition to all this frustration (and the fact that you have to do it every time), my app doesn’t allow me to go back and forth between PB and Stereo after a short period of time. Even if I keep the app open, it will stop showing those buttons at the bottom and just say that I’m connected in PB mode (regardless of which mode I’m in). If I want to switch to other mode, I have to repeat the process. Great speakers; app and programming are pure 💩.
Totally agree the app really makes the whole experience 💩
@@luke4800 when it works...
You would be better off by getting Sonyspeakers because Sony in stereo... IT JUST WORKS !!! No hassle at all.
It doesnt work for me, they both make the same mono sht sound.
@@andres6197 make sure you are using the newest version of the App. They changed it a while back so that you can set it to stereo and it stays that way. I never even use the app anymore bc my speakers are always in stereo. Good luck
Is there any way at all to connect a flip 5 and a charge 4
No, based on others comments
does the stereo mode goes back to party mode if music is paused for several minutes?
There’s got to be a way to go into stereo mode without the app, right? Some button sequence or something. It’s kind of bs if you HAVE to have the app for this feature.
Party85050 you would think so, but no. 🙄🤦🏼♂️
Hey man, do you know if I can use the stereo mode while connected to my computer's bluetooth?
Good question. I have personally never tried.
You might have to first pair it with a phone to set them to stereo mode and then switch over to the PC.
@@MegaSafetyFirst I'm not sure it'd get carried over, though. Maybe you could connect one to the PC, the other to the phone, sync them up, then control the speaker setup through one and play audio through the other? Do you know if you have to have the other one connected through bluetooth to use it in stereo?
@@johnsonmcbig9157 agreed. easy thing to do is buy the flip 4 for your computer. I have one for mine and love it. It's already in stereo mode as it has two speakers (a left and right) built in. The bass and mids wont sound as good as the flip 5, but there stereo sound is amazing.
@@JamieTheBangles11Fan there's an issue with it where it will go into sleep mode if no sound is played, which means there's a delay when sound starts playing again. I still prefer anker.
@@johnsonmcbig9157 did you get this to work or are you saying you did get them connected in stereo and that it just caused a delay?
How many speakers can be run together?
PartyBoost supports over 100 speakers to be connected together.
@@MegaSafetyFirst ohhh my neighbors are gonna be PISSED!!
Can you do this with a laptop?
Hi, I found a problem/issue with JBL Flip 5 bluetooth audio device. The sound is making interruption on each 2 seconds. Any help will be super appreciated!
What if we could connect 4 of them as 4 separate channel Front left, Front Right, Rear Left, Rear Right as a Home theater.
And how do you know which speaker is left and right ?
im guessing my JBL Flip 5 which doesnt have the Party Boost symbol cant be linked to another JBL Flip 5?
That sounds like a Flip5 Essential. Those do not come with Partyboost unfortunately.
Kalau jbl charge 3 sama flip 5 di partyboost memeng gak bisa..? Punya saya kok gak mau ya
connects great with smartphone but on the laptop its not possible. can i solve this ?
Anyone having trouble with stereo mode with the new update?
Can u pair 3 JBL flip speakers
That depends on the version of the speakers.
@@MegaSafetyFirst flip 5
Yes, three flip 5 can be connected together with the PartyBoost feature.
Thank you for this helpful video. I do have few Qs: 1. Is the stereo configuration stable with the Flip 5's? 2. Is the JBL Connect App essential for getting a pair of Flip 5 working in stereo? Any other alternatives? 3. Is it a real stereo, i.e if you put them far apart can you actually hear the music goes from right to left and vice versa?
Many thanks!
@Hermit Hippie Thanks. Once I set it to stereo, is it stable for the entire playing?
Also- is there a genetic application that can substitute jbl connect?
I losing conection in stero mod
Thank you.
Your information is useful for me!
After following many of the instructions below I am still not able to connect my two Flip 5 speakers. I pair with a macbook pro.
Use MacOS "Audio MIDI Setup" "Multi Output Device".
Sir acording to your mathod i have done both in stearo mode but after some time i cant play in stearo mode n messege apears getting ready for u...kindly solve my problem my jbl flip 5
In stereo mode does it mean that they are double as loud as only a sinle one, or is it reducing the volume in stereo mode somehow? I mean is it worth to buy a second one for increasing volume? Thx
Using two speakers will increase the breadth of the sound experience but the overall volume will not increase. You'll get only the same max volume from each speaker, but spreading them apart will increase the coverage of the sound you hear.
@@professor3699 You get more volume, 2 speakers, twice the watts, like anything audio related, twice the watts in not twice the volume, but +3db, but it is twice the power, does not really matter if it is in Party Boot mode or stereo, the mount of volume depending on the mode would have more to do with how the music you are listening to is mixed.
Thank you most helpful. It worked
Thanks, very helpful video!
These are now being included with many new travel trailers. At 1st I thought it was silly. Then I tried it out and we liked it a lot. Good to know I can sync 2 together 🤜
can you stereo mode from pc?
As far as I know that is not possible.
I cannot enter stereo mode. Any help for me?
blue tooth don't connect both ,only one connect
So party mode only works with a 2nd speaker right?!
Right 👍
What is the difference between party boost and stereo mod
Party Boost plays the same music through both speakers. Stereo mode splits the music between left and right channels - a channel from each speaker (if recorded in stereo).
@@professor3699 tnx
Great video. I keep having issues with my iphone pairing the two. The application is very buggy and it causes me more frustration than anything. Listening to stereo is much better than party mode but its such a hasstle to set it up. Which song did you use? I really liked it!
Hi, the song is called 'Triumph' from Yung Logos. It's from the UA-cam library:
Thank you so much this helps so much
It's the iPhone 6??
In the Video an iPhone 7 was used.
Thank you. I had both connected to my phone via Bluetooth and that made it not work.
its worth it?
why my jbl connect app is different to yours? what the hek is going on!!! your phone is aple my phone is realme 5i and we have the same app downloaded but im having a hard time connecting to stereo mode?can you tell me whats the difference? actualy i already uninstall it and back again but still slow and cant connect. can you please explain that to me
i notice your app set up has ball rotating in the flip5 while connecting i cant see it in my app whats going on dont say that the app you downloaded in america is diff. from the jbl connect app here in the philippines?
Hi, the app should not be different.
Do you have only one speaker paired to your phone or both? Sometimes people pair both, which causes the stereo mode not to work.
Most of the time it won't give me the option for the stereo mode, and most of the time it only even recognize the second speaker in the app, but they both wotk tho...... In partyboost mode, it's a pain in the ass, help?
I don't know if you have fixed your trouble but i think i have the solution.
First, you need to connect ONLY one speaker (FLIP5) with Bluetooth to your phone and not the other speaker. Then use the Partyboost button on each speaker and the JBL app to connect them together with Stereo mode.
In Fact, it works with a master speaker connected to your bluetooth and a slave speaker connected to the Master through the app... Hope it's clear ;)
Philippe Mallard Philippe Mallard Hi there. I just bought two Flip5s and had the following problem: if i paired just one Flip5 with the iphone and press party boost on both speakers, they start playing synchronized but the one that was not paired with the phone stops playing the music in approximately 20 minutes. Anyone else having this problem? I fixed this by pairing both Flip5s to the phone and then pressing party boost on both speakers.
@@Philou1975 YAY!!!! Thank you soooo much for this video and response. I had paired 2 JBL Flip 5 speakers to my phone. When in PartyBoost mode they faded in & out and clicked. Hours of online search, reaching out to JBL, tech support with Amazon who recommended resetting to factory settings and nothing solved the issue. FINALLY, I searched YT, found your video and noticed that ONLY 1 speaker was paired when you accessed PartyBoost and then I saw the above response. Thank you soooo much.
@@observatoriocervejaartesan8042 this completely happens to me with mine! I tested it and it continues to happen every 20-30 minutes. Can you place them far apart without them interfering (sound cutting in and out) with each other though with them both connected to your phone?
Stephen yes, i can put them apart with no issues (around 20ft away from each other). I don’t know if this will help you but here it is my step by step procedure:
Since my phone recognizes both speakers, i just turn on the first jbl and wait to automatically connect; i start to play a song on this first speaker; when it is playing, i turn on the second jbl and the phone switches automatically to the second speaker that continues to play the song that was playing on the first speaker; at this point i press the party boost button on both speakers. Remember to keep the phone close to the speaker that it is actually paired on. Hope that you can fix the problem. Let me know if i can help you with additional information.
This is where I found the FLIP5 on Amazon:
(associate link)
I've got four flip 5 now, what is the maximum distance allowable (1) between my computer/ phone and the flip 5#1 (2) between flip 5#1 #2 #3 and #4? Thank you very much for your help.
how does stereo mode, not party mode, work with a laptop
Connect speaker to phone and pair in stereo mode first then connect to computer it might work. Jbl have release firmware update so that they work better with computers and they remember which sound mode when turned back on
Man I got second speaker but even with the right instructions both speakers do the same mono shit sound. I want one speaker to do 1 sound and the other speaker another sound. Its that possible in Flip 5. I want stereo mode like, voice in one of the speakers and the other do the instruments, you know... like good old times.
Meu sonho 😍,tô perto de comprar já faltando 100 reais 🙏🙏
Thank you for the help !
okay so idk why but the circle on my flip 5 is white and it won’t connect or turn off someone lmk
how to fix it
Thank you but Unclear intepratation ......?
TRY the "JBL Connect" App...
Is this app free?
john trinidad yes!
hi you! how many jbl flip I can conect together?
Hi, if I remember right it is up to 100 speakers.
FYI bro’s, if u have a 5 and a x
I did the same thing, thinking I could sync them but sadly no ....
Same deal
Thanks you helped me out