The shot starting at 15:32 hits me right in the feels. Wonderful ending to this epic adventure and I'm very happy that I was part of this. Thanks and well done!
There’s a dark humor in how nothing you really tested beat what was already in use, while they couldn’t optimize the design using high speed cameras, there was no shortage of aristocrats to iterate the design on.
Despite what so many people on the internet would have you believe, medieval humans were extremely clever and intelligent. They knew exactly what they were doing in most instances.
@@Runefrag They weren't any stupider, they just had a smaller knowledge base to work with. We have a bigger one now, but most people don't bother using it.
honestly seeing the state of that guitar made me sad, im glad it got to go out in a really cool way AND the high school got a new one out of it, i feel bad for the poor sops who had to learn using that thing
Not really relevant anymore but tatami mats are usually cut wet because a) it's a closer simulation and provides a more consistent cut and b) it doesn't run the risk of damaging the blade as much. Note that cutting a wet tatami mat cleanly is easier than cutting one dry because it doesn't dissipate the force in random directions as much.
the bit at the end with the guitar is peak cinema to me. using it to play one last solo and then playing the recording over its own destruction. the little bow at the start. the respect you show for this hand-crafted object, even while destroying it for fun for a youtube video, is really nice to see
As a musician and amateur classical guitarist myself, usually seeing instruments destroyed (even cheap or broke ones) is somewhat distressing, but I found it to be satisfying in this instance! I think in large because of the efforts you made to positively replace that guitar, and also because the guillotine cut was simply very nice compared to just smashing an instrument. EDIT: Also the fact that you honored the instrument with a final performance. Very cinematic and fitting!
This feels very topical. Like knowledge that's going to be good to know in a few years. Would that more content creators gave us such a gift. Vive la révolution!
btw tatami mats are supposed to be wet beforehand to properly simulate human flesh, the dry tatami will have much more resistance than actual human flesh.
There was a huge void in entertainment for peasants. If they didn't have to work, they didn't have much else to do. Theater was catered to upper-class folks who can afford to pay for it.
The sharper bevel is probably performing worse on the meat because it pushes it less apart, causing the meat to stick to the blade more easily. Probably also the same reason why meat cleavers are thicker, a thin blade or highly sharp bevel angle would more likely result in sticking.
With a single sided bevel you'd ideally be cutting with the bevel vertical and the flat side of the blade facing away from the sausage. As the cut is being made, the blade has to go in between the fixed sausage and the slice being cut. If the flat side of the blade is up against the immobile sausage it just gets pressed into that and the friction just builds up. If the flat side is against the slice being cut, it's much easier to push that out of the way and with only the bevel contacting the sausage friction can't build up as much. The reason why meat cleavers are thick, heavy blades is much more simple. The 30 degree bevel has more supporting material behind the edge, so it doesn't dull as easily as a sharper bevel. The mass is just there so the cleaver has more momentum to cut through bone easily. You don't use a meat cleaver to make precision cuts. As opposed to a filleting knife, which is flexible and has a very sharp bevel, because you don't want it to cut bone, but rather cut the meat off the bone. So it's light and thin for agility and precision.
hmm.. I believe most of the meat cutting in a butcher shop is done with very thin blades and that the cleaver is there mostly for the bones, but I could be wrong! Interesting theory
@KnowArt It was just a quick thought that cleavers, being thicker and splitting the meat further out, would have less issue with sticking or friction. But, friction would probably be more an issue with thick slabs of meat. A thin slab is more about overcoming the initial resistance of the meat against cutting, where a sharper thinner knife would better suffice. Also yeah, I take back on friction being the reason for meat cleavers being thick. I can imagine it might be a small benefit though.
Civil service is a thankless business. Best to invest a little time and energy into research and optimization beforehand to avoid troublesome hangi..... hangups.. down the road.
Last time, I had recommended a curved blade like a saber or an axe, but I didn't take in to account something: an axe has a relatively short edge to focus its force in to a small area, and a saber draws across the target rather than push straight down. Thanks for trying it!
1) Considering how our civ is and how it develops such devices may see flamboyant comeback 2) Way you got guitar to the test is highly honourable and appreciated
This excites me so much, because as a teen, the design of guillotine blades bothered me, and I thought a curved blade would work much more nicely. Good to know someone else cares enough to test it out!
I was trying to cut "rubber tiles" last year - yes, the ones used in gyms and sport-halls. I used the ones from Hornbach, 50 mm thick, and had the unenviable task of making a tight seal around the rounded periphery of a rectangular trampoline. Tried various cutting-tools. The one that worked best was a bread-knife. But it was not about the knife. The least painful operation where I used my other hand to bend the "waste" rubber away from the piece I was trying to keep. The stretch made that the cut was helped along, and more importantly, that the two resulting pieces of rubber did not pinch the knife, in the form of a pair of excellent brake-shoes.
..what I'm saying is - any geometry that "spreads-apart" the separated pieces, with minimal surface contact area is likely to have the least energetic cut and/or least forceful cut.
I am so happy about how you sourced your guitar to chop in half. Normally when I see guitars get destroyed it hurts my soul a little bit, but this time, I have no bad feelings about it at all. 👍
The 15° blade problem is not related to the sharpening or more cutting forces. I assume the left-hand sensors of the balance scale are more loaded than the right-hand ones because of the attack angle of the forces. The displayed load is wrongly calculated. The smaller the blade angle, the more you should see this effect, probably. The setup to remedy to that is not trivial...
I really appreciate how, instead of buying a new guitar to destroy, you bought a new guitar to give to a school in exchange for a guitar students definitely don't want to use. That really shows your level of care. While I enjoy watching Aussies drop bowling balls from a crane like anyone else, this is the level of care and respect that puts a genuine smile on my face.
2:21 you have to also consider you weren't sharpening it with a pinning tool. So easy was getting duller. Just like sickles and scythes you have to keep them sharpened to determine the correct minimum height. Also how much blade is extending away from the carriage/sled matters to as they to stop around that point
1st, love the video! So fun. 2nd, the reason the groved blade provided better results is because it still had weight while having less friction. The blade with the center cut out has low friction, but a lot less weight, requiring more force to be applied. The groved blade is actually the best happy medium between the options. Hope this helps!
thanks! I don't think that's correct. The scale just measures how much force is applied to the sausage. The weight of the blade shouldn't matter. They all move at the same exactly speed on the small scale model because they don't fall, they are driven
@@Tharronis the only thing here applying load to the scale is the friction between the blade and the sausage and the initial piercing resistance of the skin. you could literally stack yo mumma (sorry! i had to) on the blade and with it being held up by the gantry and driven down it would not make a lick of difference.
I do really appreciate this video, and it's really humbling to know just how much people in the 1700s knew what they were doing. I hope this knowledge comes in handy to many people soon 👀
I like how he had the foresight to know people wouldn't be happy seeing a guitar used and found a clever solution that still allowed him to execute a guitar 😂
Here is why the 45 angle blade works the best: if you think of the forces involved. If you try cutting with a kitchen knife straight down on like a sausage or bread, it will cut poorly, but if you actually cut with the knife, ergo, move it sideways, it will cut much better. By angling the blade 45 degrees, you create the sideways blade motion that is needed to actually cut with the blade. If you would have a 45 degree rail instead, so the blade falls in a 45 degree angle, then the flat/straight blade would work better.
11:30 i would imagine the reason the pointy blade had a higher max load than the angled one is simply because it's symmetrical. with the angled blade, some amount of the downwards force is being translated into horizontal force, and therefore not being recorded by the scale. but with the pointy blade, the horizontal force caused by one half of the blade is being canceled out by the equal and opposite horizontal force from the other half. that means that the entire brunt of the force is being pushed directly down into the scale
Max force is a good indicator maybe but what you really care about is the work, force integral over distance for the whole cut. Lower work means the blade is more efficient
Thanks for making this improved test. It's nice to see youtuber take in criticism and improve on the idea. Great video! We all learned very useful tips for the near future!
I loved the video. 1 because I didn’t know there were different types other than the 45 degree, and 2, your English accent is very captivating and pulls me in. Haha great work guys.
I feel somewhat concerned that youtube saw my raging leftiness and decided to recommend me a video testing guillotines lol I am glad they didf though, great video and I like the point you made about the ethics of destroying things for entertainment.
Microserrations are actually pretty easy to make! Anything from a scythe sharpening stone to a cheap grocery store grade knife sharpener will turn a perfectly smooth edge into a miniature saw. Especially the knife sharpeners that have rough stones instead of carbide inserts. Though I don't think they'd help all that much.
Wow - I love that you bought a new guitar and traded your local school for their worst one. So much better than destroying something nice! Everyone wins!
I know from chefs knifes that the blade geomerty will make a a better knife even if it was sharpened by the same person & Jig same steel.. the blade geometry makes a differences depending on what you are cutting. this was very interesting to watch, many thanks
I love Bambu. Obviously it’s their low end and is a sponsor so they are getting advertising but they did still send a printer and they are still somehow 2x better than anything at the price. I’m honestly amazed that since Bambo emerged there still haven’t been many or even any companies that have matched them.
Wow you can change nozels without tools? That’s actually really cool! The P1S needs you to disassemble it, unplug a bunch of cables, remove like 10 screws and then put new thermal paste on. It wasn’t very easy… Their support also goes over the top with how much they do to help
Theres sum reassuring about knowing you guys are dutch, my homeland is in good hands as we pursue guilletine innovation, truly the only science that matters
“Blade” suggestion: add teeth to one of the vertical supports which mesh like a rack and pinion with gears. These can be geared up to spin a circular blade, and maybe a flywheel as well. Gravity will drop the circular blade (or a toothed circular saw) which would spin very quickly, yet drop slower. Energy would then be released from the flywheel to keep the blade spinning once contact has been made
Ok the whole part with the guitar was beautiful, but I'd like to draw more attention to the 3d printing timelapse as you assemble the small guillotine. That was fun.
from a knife nerd/collector, as non traditional as it would be. try adding a hollow grind to your blades it'll reduce the mass directly behind the cutting edge allowing it to travel through with less resistance
The shot starting at 15:32 hits me right in the feels. Wonderful ending to this epic adventure and I'm very happy that I was part of this. Thanks and well done!
Yeah, crazy good times! Thank you too
i subscribed after that
There’s a dark humor in how nothing you really tested beat what was already in use, while they couldn’t optimize the design using high speed cameras, there was no shortage of aristocrats to iterate the design on.
Despite what so many people on the internet would have you believe, medieval humans were extremely clever and intelligent. They knew exactly what they were doing in most instances.
@@Runefrag They weren't any stupider, they just had a smaller knowledge base to work with. We have a bigger one now, but most people don't bother using it.
We have an excess of aristocrats these days too, maybe we should be using the older methods.
@@veiledAutonym you mean like having them denied life due to the pre-existing condition of a bullet wound like the UHC guy?
They also knew how blades work. It's not rocket science, it's blade smiting, they had experience.
I'm French and seeing the notification for this I instantly knew I was obligated to watch this
I’m sorry, I hope you get better (you are French)
This is a joke By the way, love yourself!
Chad comment!
French and spaniards come in as close seconds in colonizing.@@crusader3108
Preparing, are you? ;)
I just love that you bought a guitar for the school and destroyed the old one. I like your way of thinking
thanks :)
Same. I hate seing new, functioning things getting destroyed
Agreed. I subscribed because of the classy touch.
honestly seeing the state of that guitar made me sad, im glad it got to go out in a really cool way AND the high school got a new one out of it, i feel bad for the poor sops who had to learn using that thing
The design is very human
very easy to use
Robespierre be like
The result is usually something bad
omg icon twins
Bambu Lab really out here sponsoring a video about the optimization of a guillotine. 👏 👏 👏
They want to be on the right side of history with this one.
Their logo almost looks like two guillotines
honestly caught my attention for actually buying one.
Not really relevant anymore but tatami mats are usually cut wet because a) it's a closer simulation and provides a more consistent cut and b) it doesn't run the risk of damaging the blade as much.
Note that cutting a wet tatami mat cleanly is easier than cutting one dry because it doesn't dissipate the force in random directions as much.
Very much this.
Mad respect for deliberately finding a beat up, end of life guitar and donating the new one.
Destroying things for clicks is truly a rot on society.
ur a rot on society
the bit at the end with the guitar is peak cinema to me. using it to play one last solo and then playing the recording over its own destruction. the little bow at the start. the respect you show for this hand-crafted object, even while destroying it for fun for a youtube video, is really nice to see
As a musician and amateur classical guitarist myself, usually seeing instruments destroyed (even cheap or broke ones) is somewhat distressing, but I found it to be satisfying in this instance! I think in large because of the efforts you made to positively replace that guitar, and also because the guillotine cut was simply very nice compared to just smashing an instrument.
EDIT: Also the fact that you honored the instrument with a final performance. Very cinematic and fitting!
This feels very topical. Like knowledge that's going to be good to know in a few years. Would that more content creators gave us such a gift. Vive la révolution!
"In a few years" 👀👀👀
Ah yes the armchair revolutionary
@@Xedlord Everyone says that until the United healthcare ceo gets his mind blown in broad daylight 😊
Free Luigi!
btw tatami mats are supposed to be wet beforehand to properly simulate human flesh, the dry tatami will have much more resistance than actual human flesh.
Imagine living in the olden days and coming home to say, "Honey, I got the tickets to the new public execution."
Yes, another billionair who wanted to scape from earth 😂
I don’t think you needed tickets
And your kids come out bouncing all excited going, "Yay! Beheading! Beheading! Wooo!"
There was a huge void in entertainment for peasants. If they didn't have to work, they didn't have much else to do. Theater was catered to upper-class folks who can afford to pay for it.
They need to bring em back
Thumbs up for donating a new guitar to the school in exchange for their janky one you sacrificed. I'm really enjoying this series.
thanks :)
The sharper bevel is probably performing worse on the meat because it pushes it less apart, causing the meat to stick to the blade more easily. Probably also the same reason why meat cleavers are thicker, a thin blade or highly sharp bevel angle would more likely result in sticking.
An astute observation!
With a single sided bevel you'd ideally be cutting with the bevel vertical and the flat side of the blade facing away from the sausage. As the cut is being made, the blade has to go in between the fixed sausage and the slice being cut.
If the flat side of the blade is up against the immobile sausage it just gets pressed into that and the friction just builds up. If the flat side is against the slice being cut, it's much easier to push that out of the way and with only the bevel contacting the sausage friction can't build up as much.
The reason why meat cleavers are thick, heavy blades is much more simple. The 30 degree bevel has more supporting material behind the edge, so it doesn't dull as easily as a sharper bevel. The mass is just there so the cleaver has more momentum to cut through bone easily. You don't use a meat cleaver to make precision cuts.
As opposed to a filleting knife, which is flexible and has a very sharp bevel, because you don't want it to cut bone, but rather cut the meat off the bone. So it's light and thin for agility and precision.
hmm.. I believe most of the meat cutting in a butcher shop is done with very thin blades and that the cleaver is there mostly for the bones, but I could be wrong! Interesting theory
@KnowArt It was just a quick thought that cleavers, being thicker and splitting the meat further out, would have less issue with sticking or friction.
But, friction would probably be more an issue with thick slabs of meat. A thin slab is more about overcoming the initial resistance of the meat against cutting, where a sharper thinner knife would better suffice.
Also yeah, I take back on friction being the reason for meat cleavers being thick. I can imagine it might be a small benefit though.
@@KnowArt The thin blades are likely using draw cuts on the meat, while the cleavers use more of a chopping motion similar to your guillotine
Health insurance execs in the US are the ones who disliked this video
2 minutes into the video. Thats how little I had to scroll to find this legendary comment.
Best comment
Im in the USA & like where this is going😊
As a French, we are overdue an upgrade for future....... strikes.
May I suggest: Rocket boosters (miniature ofc)
Civil service is a thankless business. Best to invest a little time and energy into research and optimization beforehand to avoid troublesome hangi..... hangups.. down the road.
15:10 i love this approach to sourcing props for a video, and it still produced great footage :D
Last time, I had recommended a curved blade like a saber or an axe, but I didn't take in to account something: an axe has a relatively short edge to focus its force in to a small area, and a saber draws across the target rather than push straight down. Thanks for trying it!
My pleasure! :)
Great timing with this one
Timely and relevant information for those seeking to get the most out of their health insurance benefits. 👍
1) Considering how our civ is and how it develops such devices may see flamboyant comeback
2) Way you got guitar to the test is highly honourable and appreciated
This excites me so much, because as a teen, the design of guillotine blades bothered me, and I thought a curved blade would work much more nicely. Good to know someone else cares enough to test it out!
Some guy testing guillotine designs on the internets was what I needed to help me face the day.
The French really liked this.
As a french, I confirm
I was trying to cut "rubber tiles" last year - yes, the ones used in gyms and sport-halls. I used the ones from Hornbach, 50 mm thick, and had the unenviable task of making a tight seal around the rounded periphery of a rectangular trampoline. Tried various cutting-tools. The one that worked best was a bread-knife. But it was not about the knife. The least painful operation where I used my other hand to bend the "waste" rubber away from the piece I was trying to keep. The stretch made that the cut was helped along, and more importantly, that the two resulting pieces of rubber did not pinch the knife, in the form of a pair of excellent brake-shoes.
..what I'm saying is - any geometry that "spreads-apart" the separated pieces, with minimal surface contact area is likely to have the least energetic cut and/or least forceful cut.
I really enjoyed the entire video but especially the end. The music, the solution to being wasteful, and that final cut was pure cinema
I am so happy about how you sourced your guitar to chop in half. Normally when I see guitars get destroyed it hurts my soul a little bit, but this time, I have no bad feelings about it at all. 👍
The 15° blade problem is not related to the sharpening or more cutting forces. I assume the left-hand sensors of the balance scale are more loaded than the right-hand ones because of the attack angle of the forces. The displayed load is wrongly calculated. The smaller the blade angle, the more you should see this effect, probably. The setup to remedy to that is not trivial...
hm.. not sure about that. I tested the scale extensively with angled and off center loading and it seemed alright. But theoretically possible! thanks
I swear everywhere I go I see their machines, Bambu Lab has really become popular recently
The next anti-bourgeoisie revolution is gonna have the best guillotines 😂
they'll be 'uuuge and people will come up to you with tears in their eyes saying, this is the most beautiful guillotine they've ever saw...
French Revolution was literally a bourgeoisie revolution by definition. The word you’re looking for is “Bolshevik Revolution.”
I really appreciate how, instead of buying a new guitar to destroy, you bought a new guitar to give to a school in exchange for a guitar students definitely don't want to use. That really shows your level of care. While I enjoy watching Aussies drop bowling balls from a crane like anyone else, this is the level of care and respect that puts a genuine smile on my face.
2:21 you have to also consider you weren't sharpening it with a pinning tool. So easy was getting duller. Just like sickles and scythes you have to keep them sharpened to determine the correct minimum height. Also how much blade is extending away from the carriage/sled matters to as they to stop around that point
Putting this video in my back pocket for the looming revolution. 🇺🇸
This video is so perfectly timed. I was really mad about the owner of the place i work at and guillotines were on my mind. Thanks!
May the CEOs of the world see this important Dutch research
That camera joke was so funny LOL
Respect for taking advice into account and refining your approach, getting real results this time.
This is increasingly useful info! Thanks!
You have exactly the energy I would expect for someone doing these tests (complimentary)
Loved that you swapped guitars, that's awesome!
*@Know Art* 15:05 Very good 😃👍
Also, nice that you shared it's final tune with us :)
Respect for buying the guitar, and thank you for playing one final song with it.
Oh its proper printing! Thanks yt for this recommendation.
1st, love the video! So fun. 2nd, the reason the groved blade provided better results is because it still had weight while having less friction. The blade with the center cut out has low friction, but a lot less weight, requiring more force to be applied. The groved blade is actually the best happy medium between the options. Hope this helps!
thanks! I don't think that's correct. The scale just measures how much force is applied to the sausage. The weight of the blade shouldn't matter. They all move at the same exactly speed on the small scale model because they don't fall, they are driven
@@KnowArt should be easy to test by just testing the same blade a few times while adding a large amount of extra weight
@@Tharronis the only thing here applying load to the scale is the friction between the blade and the sausage and the initial piercing resistance of the skin. you could literally stack yo mumma (sorry! i had to) on the blade and with it being held up by the gantry and driven down it would not make a lick of difference.
I do really appreciate this video, and it's really humbling to know just how much people in the 1700s knew what they were doing. I hope this knowledge comes in handy to many people soon 👀
this video gonna become really useful in the next 4 years
Very impressed with how you did the guitar. Huge kudos.
Billionaires want this video taken down.
Excellent, relevant video for the times.
I like how he had the foresight to know people wouldn't be happy seeing a guitar used and found a clever solution that still allowed him to execute a guitar 😂
we are gonna need this research soon 👀
I know exactly why youtube recommended me this...
Here is why the 45 angle blade works the best: if you think of the forces involved. If you try cutting with a kitchen knife straight down on like a sausage or bread, it will cut poorly, but if you actually cut with the knife, ergo, move it sideways, it will cut much better.
By angling the blade 45 degrees, you create the sideways blade motion that is needed to actually cut with the blade. If you would have a 45 degree rail instead, so the blade falls in a 45 degree angle, then the flat/straight blade would work better.
Executions are not a thing that most people would expect to be connected to the words “there’s a science to it.”
What about a potential 60° blade, making it even pointier?
That could be better because it approximates a slicing motion more closely
11:30 i would imagine the reason the pointy blade had a higher max load than the angled one is simply because it's symmetrical. with the angled blade, some amount of the downwards force is being translated into horizontal force, and therefore not being recorded by the scale. but with the pointy blade, the horizontal force caused by one half of the blade is being canceled out by the equal and opposite horizontal force from the other half. that means that the entire brunt of the force is being pushed directly down into the scale
Max force is a good indicator maybe but what you really care about is the work, force integral over distance for the whole cut. Lower work means the blade is more efficient
The distance height is the energy available. Work is the change of energy. A blade requiring minimal work to cut will require minimal height
well, all the footage is in the video, so you can work it out if you want...! I'd love to hear it
I agree with the friction. Try a groove behind the cutting surface to break the seal / let air in?
Which ones are covered under my American Healthcare company? For revolutionary purposes.
Thanks for making this improved test. It's nice to see youtuber take in criticism and improve on the idea. Great video! We all learned very useful tips for the near future!
Dat boek was zo zielig! Dat deed me bijna fysiek pijn gewoon!
[That poor book! It nearly caused me physical pain!]
Portuguese synonyms from the thriftstore
I loved the video. 1 because I didn’t know there were different types other than the 45 degree, and 2, your English accent is very captivating and pulls me in. Haha great work guys.
I feel somewhat concerned that youtube saw my raging leftiness and decided to recommend me a video testing guillotines lol I am glad they didf though, great video and I like the point you made about the ethics of destroying things for entertainment.
This is sweet! You booking appointments yet?
Microserrations are actually pretty easy to make! Anything from a scythe sharpening stone to a cheap grocery store grade knife sharpener will turn a perfectly smooth edge into a miniature saw. Especially the knife sharpeners that have rough stones instead of carbide inserts. Though I don't think they'd help all that much.
A very relevant tutorial these days
I definitely gotta stock up on Monopoly money!
Wicked timing on this video dude
I sincerely appreciate you trying to avoid destroying God quality items unnecessarily.
I really appreciate the guitar explanation, very cool.
Luigi time!!
altijd heerlijk een paar nederlanders tegen te komen op youtube. goeie content jonges
I never thought about different blades. Awesome!
Wow - I love that you bought a new guitar and traded your local school for their worst one. So much better than destroying something nice! Everyone wins!
thanks for the information that helps me a lott :D
getting ready for the state of the world I see.
I know from chefs knifes that the blade geomerty will make a a better knife even if it was sharpened by the same person & Jig same steel..
the blade geometry makes a differences depending on what you are cutting.
this was very interesting to watch, many thanks
I can't tell what country you're from, but your English is brilliant, I'm impressed. Very well spoken.
Can you test with Health Insurance CEOs?
Excellent! I'll be taking notes, probably using it soon😊
Very useful information…..
great job liberating that guitar from that high school
Really excellent work on all parts of this investigation. Thank you!
This gonne get relevant real soon
I was so confused cos I was sure I’d seen this video before but thanks for clearing that up at the start😂
Holy shit this is a really big step for this channel
imagine watching someone build a guillotine in their backyard
I love Bambu. Obviously it’s their low end and is a sponsor so they are getting advertising but they did still send a printer and they are still somehow 2x better than anything at the price.
I’m honestly amazed that since Bambo emerged there still haven’t been many or even any companies that have matched them.
Wow you can change nozels without tools? That’s actually really cool!
The P1S needs you to disassemble it, unplug a bunch of cables, remove like 10 screws and then put new thermal paste on. It wasn’t very easy…
Their support also goes over the top with how much they do to help
Theres sum reassuring about knowing you guys are dutch, my homeland is in good hands as we pursue guilletine innovation, truly the only science that matters
Elon musk been real quiet since this one dropped
I love that you are trying to used old and worn out things to destroy.
“Blade” suggestion: add teeth to one of the vertical supports which mesh like a rack and pinion with gears. These can be geared up to spin a circular blade, and maybe a flywheel as well. Gravity will drop the circular blade (or a toothed circular saw) which would spin very quickly, yet drop slower. Energy would then be released from the flywheel to keep the blade spinning once contact has been made
Cool video, did you know that the US is #1 in most expensive Healthcare, but #42 in life expectancy?
Thank you for getting them a new guitar.
Ok the whole part with the guitar was beautiful, but I'd like to draw more attention to the 3d printing timelapse as you assemble the small guillotine. That was fun.
Subscribed because you took the time and effort to help your community by buying them a new guitar. You are a good one. Keep it up!
from a knife nerd/collector, as non traditional as it would be. try adding a hollow grind to your blades it'll reduce the mass directly behind the cutting edge allowing it to travel through with less resistance
healthcare CEOs shivering their timbers rn
Bruh getting us ready for the day we eat the rich