Still can't believe Smalls' step dad threw him a curve the first time he'd ever played catch in his life. Looking back now I what an a-hole!
My grandfather hated watching movies and really had no interest whatsoever in watching this movie but when I put it in the VHS I caught him looking over his newspaper to watch it. Halfway through the movie he was dying laughing. That says a lot about this movie.
Jisung Park God yes...I watched this movie at least fifteen times because I was crushing big time. When I heard he was going to be on mighty ducks 2 I flipped out. I almost bought it a million times once it switched to dvd.
"First, you take the Graham. You stick the chocolate on the Graham. Then, you roast the 'mallow. When the 'mallow's flamin', you stick it on the chocolate, and cover it with the other end. Then, you scarf."
Benny The Jet was charged with a felony assault and was facing 7 years prison. Benny and another off duty firefighter along with 2 others guys assaulted a college student, Samuel Chang, pinned him on the ground and chained his hands behind his back, choked him with a headlock that prevented him from breathing for over 6 minutes. The victim's heart stopped beating and he stopped breathing. He was hospitalized for several weeks with kidney failure and permanent brain damage. The firefighter's lawyer, Michael Goldstein, worked for the district attorney, Jackie Lacey, and donated several thousand dollars to her campaign, so now his clients were allowed to plea bargain the felonies charges down to misdemeanors, and walk free with zero jail time and even kept their jobs as firefighters. There are rumors that the victim had indecently exposed himself to the neighborhood kids, but videos from the victim and neighbors only shows the assailants accusing him of passing drug laced candies to kids, not exposing himself. You can easily find those videos on UA-cam. The police tested the candy and the victim and found no drugs in either. Even though all 5 assailants were able to avoid prison time because of their attorney's close relation and political donations to the District Attorney, the victim won a $7.4 million civil settlement against his attackers, including Benny The Jet.
At 65 years old this movie was not in my childhood. But growing up in the 1960s with my glove on my bike handle bars, pick up games most summer days, baseball cards, etc. really was my childhood and this movie does take me back. 🙂
I think we are lucky. My kids are teenagers and they will never know what it was like to ride bikes around the neighborhood or swim all day with friends running in and out from each other's house to get permission to sleep over. I can still smell the 80's 😭💞💞
Yeah memories, just this past thursday i first came across this movie, missed the title but a neighbor later told me. Movie got my attention, lots of laughs. The chubby boy with freckle face and dimples was a shock to me. His face similar to a girl i knew. I had a nickname for her (not wanting to hurt her feelings) Madd Maxx Freckle Face Strawberry. Us neighborhood kids found ways to have fun, some played tricks on each other. Some had hardship growing up but fun together helped with preservation.
You can’t have a reunion without Benny. It’s like you can’t have peanut butter without the jelly, fries without the ketchup, Capt’n Crunch without the milk, the office without Micheal Scott. They need to do this again, with the guy who pickled the beast! Sincerely, Reunions don’t get remember, without the legend oh my!
The lifeguard scene was my favorite scene. Squints is an absolute legend. Squints gave me the courage to ask out my crush. She rejected me but it was worth a try.
The sandlot is such a nostalgic film, it just really makes you miss being a kid, hanging out with your buddies, we used to really play baseball everyday like that all summer, without a care in the world, a beautiful portrait of growing up
@LetsRock Well it's definitely a "guy" film, I can't deny that. I have tried to defend both the film and myself, but so far whenever she brings it up, which is once a year for the last 27 years, I haven't been able to change her prejudiced assessment. She still hasn't seen it. I have already surprised her in past ribbings by mentioning that Karen Allen, James Earl Jones and Dennis Leary are in the cast, which has only temporarily impressed her, but I am now armed with newly discovered facts from today that will probably put this baby to rest once and for all! Thanks to IMDB I just found out that The Sandlot was the 13th highest grossing film of 1993! Beating out some big films starring the HUGE names in the industry. Just to name a few; Robert Deniro, Al Pacino, Michael Douglas, Tom Cruise, Clint Eastwood, Daniel Day Lewis, Kevin Costner, Arnold Schwarzenegger etc. Not too B-A-D for a "boys" movie. I'm going to go as far as saying that it is my second favorite film of 1993 Number one would be The Fugitive, and number three would be The Pelican Brief, which I think were also both outdone at the box office by The Sandlot. Nice talking to you
The only movie i ever watched in its entirety with my Mom. She laughed so beautifully. R.I.P. Mom and a million thanks to this Fabulous Story. Im forever indebted.
@@wulfenacht666 No he's NOT!! He took a plea deal in order to not have to serve. Anger management classes, community service, restitution to the victim.
The movie is art. When I was little, I thought it was based on a true story. It's that well done. Weeeelp, time to rewatch this masterpiece again. And yes, this would be a dream assignment. Are you kidding? Wowsers.
It could have been. I grew up playing baseball like that in the San Fernando Valley. We played every day in the summer for hours no score. We also had Pony, WBBA, little leagues, and park leagues. Our lives were baseball. We usually played out by Lassen and Lindley at the old pony field near CSUN however did play a few times near Parthenia and the field reminded me of the sandlot field. Later we made a team together and play city parks. However, the Latin kids would usually destroy us (we had a few but not a whole team). We had nicknames. We even would go to the Northridge pool or CSUN pool and there always was a hot female lifeguard there (or at the beach). I story was based on loose truths I suppose. Since this is script writing country there were probably similar stories around Los Angeles. But now it seems all the extra land has been paved and the college took all the land for growing student body. If you play in someones backyard and you hit the ball over the fence you did have images of the big dog or angry home owner coming after you. You would make foul line out of garden hose and the patio and stucco wall would be the green monster then the ivy/bamboo fence would make the rest of the home run line. At home you would play with wiffle balls. The faucet wall almost at the end of the stucco wall and you would pull it tight and jerk it up and down to make it perfectly straight. One of the kids was bat boy for CSUN and he had a signed broken bat of Lyman Bostock. We would watch there games and sometimes find balls there. They even had a baseball camp for kids I went to once. We would go to dodger games a lot. Sandlot and bad news bears the old one has same kind of vibe. Most of the communities are planned or out in the desert so I don't see kids playing like this anymore the seem to hang out on cell phones.
Playing baseball with the cast of the Sandlot. That's like an item on somebody's bucket list, and Gadi Schwartz got to do it. This is a legendary video.
For kids who grew up in the 90's, playing baseball with this cast would be our parent's equivalent to jamming with The Beatles... Just a dream come true in every conceivable way (well almost, if Benny was there of course it would be better)
I love how you can still see that after years of age they're still the OG crew we all grew up with and wore out our vhs players watching. Makes my childhood feel whole.
I was about 15 when this came out but it captured my childhood and still watch it to this day. My child grew up with this movie....he was hesitant at first, don't know why but then it was always in his VCR/DVD player ❤️
I've watched sandlot my whole childhood. I was already playing baseball when it came out, but it just made me love the sport more! I loved baseball as a kid, still do. This movie is FOREVER one of my top 5 movies. 👌🏼
"You're are killin me smalls" make me laugh everytime I watch the movie, now I recently watch the movie with my 9 years old daughter and she loved it 😍😍😍😍😍
This is a movie that ages very well, and it will be seen for many generations to come, my 14 and 9 year old were obsessed with it, just like their dad...
Nah he didn’t play Mike that was Jason Weaver. This dude played on Fresh Prince as Ashley’s bf, Fool in The People Under The Stairs among other things.
25 years?! I remember seeing a news piece like this for the 20th. Can't believe 5 years went by so fast. One of my all-time favorite movies. "...legends never die"
During my childhood I watched this more than probably any other movie combined. As a child in the mid to late 90's my mother would take my sister and I to blockbuster almost every friday after school to rent a movie. I remember my younger sister would take forever, browsing trying to decide which movie to pick/rent. I had no such issue. For me it was a no brainer. For me It Was Always The Sandlot.
I still think of playing with my friends at the park in the 80s and 90s. We played there, friends yards, street, baseball, football, basketball, hockey, tag. It be from 3-15 of us just having fun… The great days of being a kid playing with the boys…
He became a fireman, and then he nearly took part in an assault on a guy that nearly killed the guy (he stopped breathing, but since 2 of the guys beating him up were firemen they brought him back). I think he got a deal in a battery charge and he got probation, community service, and a suspension from the fire department. Probably didn't want to deal with the questions if he'd shown up here. Latest update on this...also I was in LA just this past week and someone at the hotel I stayed at mentioned she knows someone who saw Vitar at the LA fire dept. headquarters so he is still around. Just doesn't do public signings and events I would think.
I remember taking this VHS movie over to a girls only camp around 12 yrs old when newly released. There was an uproar when you heard him say "You play ball like a girl!"😂😅🤣
It's a remake I would of preferred them to do a sequel or a prequel in a horror movie setting where the first kid got eaten that would of been pretty rad and interesting something like Cujo.
@@cinemafanatic6687 ohhhhhh im so gonna get Disney exclusive now, only for the show tho. but why doesn't it come when i search up sandlot show? do you know when the show is going to air?
I saw this at least 5 times in the theater. It's been a favorite growing up and I tend to watch it on the 4th of July. I introduced it to my son when he was 5. He's 8 now and his sister (3 and a 1/2) also loves to watch it. #legendsneverdie
Ahh The Sandlot, the best movie I've ever watched. I wish I could experience those times and fun in the movie, my favorite scenes are when they're at the pool, when they're in the tree house and when they're playing baseball against a team
I’ve seen this movie more times than I can count I you don’t even have to like baseball to enjoy this movie one of my all time favorites so so awesome to see them reunite
I found out about sandlot because it was on tv once and my parents told me to watch it, and gosh they got me addicted, so addicted I later watched sandlot 2. But the first one was the best
Even if you don't like baseball, you still gotta love The Sandlot.
My freind not a baseball fan but loves the sandlot
I really don’t support baseball like others but I LOVE THIS MOVIE!
BTW I’m 12
The Sandlot is my favorite baseball movie!
Well said. I hate baseball(????) for whatever reason. But sandlot i watched 500x and loved every second of it
“Heroes get remembered but legends never die”
Follow your heart kid
...and you can never go wrong. ;)
Vok3n just stop it please
Nobody asked or cares tbh
Manchester United
If you haven’t seen The Sandlot as a don’t have a childhood
Katsuki Bakugou my hero academia👌❤️
I'd be willing to bet I've watched this movie more than any other human in the world!
Bakugou Your basically Benny and Midoriya is smalls you get it because Deku is shorter than you and your better than him.
Guess I don’t have a childhood.
Katsuki Bakugou fr
My god, "You're Killin' me Smalls!" is still a quote you hear at least once a year.
The Madrummer i hear it once a day in my house 😂
Just saw a t shirt yesterday
I STILL use it all the time.
YESSS!!! I just said this yesterday to someone, and use it OFTEN hahaaa!!! :-D
Lol I've never heard anyone say it
The chubby kid who played the catcher (Patrick Renna) is the only one that looks the same to me..
Top 10 Archive idk yeah yeah looks pretty similar
Black guy look the same too
Top 10 Archive He just has a deeper voice but looks exactly the same.
Top 10 Archive uglah boi
Top 10 Archive haha he could still play that character
Still can't believe Smalls' step dad threw him a curve the first time he'd ever played catch in his life. Looking back now I what an a-hole!
Well, the guy was a New Yorker, so, it stands to reason...
He did make a song called "im an ahole"
Yeah but at least he caught it
Hey buddy !
Now that you say, yeah
I was instantly bummed Benny wasn't there.
He's in jail
Or did community service
But anyway he did something bad okay
@@xitlalydominguez6776 really?
xitlaly Dominguez why??!!
honeyglow he actually did go to jail for assault
honeyglow look again im pretty sure he went for assault
My grandfather hated watching movies and really had no interest whatsoever in watching this movie but when I put it in the VHS I caught him looking over his newspaper to watch it. Halfway through the movie he was dying laughing. That says a lot about this movie.
This is a lovely story made me smile😊😊
MacKenzieMillar My grandfather watches movies all the time. Lol. But good story.
Awe that's so sweet
Something about rewinding that vhs haha
@What About aww
They are all now older than their “older” selves in the movie.
TraceurDoc1 ew
@@sylviabeer6633 ?
@@sylviabeer6633 ?
Let’s be honest we all had a crush on Benny and yeah - yeah 😌
Jisung Park God yes...I watched this movie at least fifteen times because I was crushing big time. When I heard he was going to be on mighty ducks 2 I flipped out. I almost bought it a million times once it switched to dvd.
omg yesssss😭
No, actually
I’m a boy
Proto is epic 😂👌🏾
Jisung Park my first love 🥺
Even Bertram, who got too into the 60's and was never seen again, came back.
Hahahaha 🤣🤣
I always took that to mean that Bertram was tripping balls on some LSD in an alley, somewhere and never got off drugs.
It would have added to the legend of the film if he didn't show up. Lol
Hahaha nice
As a grown man that movie will still bring a tear to my eye. Loved it growing up.
Thats sad asl😂 its a comedy
"Have a s'more", "how can I have some more of nothing?" "YOUR KILLIN' ME SMALLS!!!!"
Matt Daglia probably the most memorable and most quoted 90s movie line.
"First, you take the Graham. You stick the chocolate on the Graham. Then, you roast the 'mallow. When the 'mallow's flamin', you stick it on the chocolate, and cover it with the other end. Then, you scarf."
26 I always thought he said “then you stuff”.
Favorite line in the movie.
@@LoveleneLeBlanc I heard it as "scarf," but either one works.
I had a crush on Benny "The Jet"Rodriguez and I ended up getting married and now my last name is Rodriguez hehe
Marilyn Rodriguez nice
Instagram please. Thanks
Your so dang fake lmao creating fake accounts and commenting on your own comment smh
cow cow who the frick you commenting to?
@@addisondavis8607 dont even
Fun fact: 2 "Sandlot" actors were actually in 2 "Mighty Ducks" movies. Love both, and love how both kind of inspired a generation in different sports.
Squints and Ham were also in The Big Green, another fun fact.
I always felt like Shaun Weiss could’ve been added in The Sandlot. He had the likable personality.
Ham was
Bad News Bears was the Original. Classic!
Ik Benny was in D2 and 3 but who was the other one???
If only Benny the Jet Rodriguez was there 😒
Benny The Jet was charged with a felony assault and was facing 7 years prison. Benny and another off duty firefighter along with 2 others guys assaulted a college student, Samuel Chang, pinned him on the ground and chained his hands behind his back, choked him with a headlock that prevented him from breathing for over 6 minutes.
The victim's heart stopped beating and he stopped breathing. He was hospitalized for several weeks with kidney failure and permanent brain damage.
The firefighter's lawyer, Michael Goldstein, worked for the district attorney, Jackie Lacey, and donated several thousand dollars to her campaign, so now his clients were allowed to plea bargain the felonies charges down to misdemeanors, and walk free with zero jail time and even kept their jobs as firefighters.
There are rumors that the victim had indecently exposed himself to the neighborhood kids, but videos from the victim and neighbors only shows the assailants accusing him of passing drug laced candies to kids, not exposing himself. You can easily find those videos on UA-cam. The police tested the candy and the victim and found no drugs in either.
Even though all 5 assailants were able to avoid prison time because of their attorney's close relation and political donations to the District Attorney, the victim won a $7.4 million civil settlement against his attackers, including Benny The Jet.
HONESTO UNO darn it😕
I had a crush on him
Kimberly Montes sameeee😍😍
themancam cam who’s Benny? The tall kid who wasn’t there?
Wow, the guy who played yeah yeah got JACKED. 💪
Andy Saenz he was like the smallest in the film
He is fine as a knife wooo
He looks like Zac Efron now but bigger
Yeah yeah!
At 65 years old this movie was not in my childhood. But growing up in the 1960s with my glove on my bike handle bars, pick up games most summer days, baseball cards, etc. really was my childhood and this movie does take me back. 🙂
I think we are lucky. My kids are teenagers and they will never know what it was like to ride bikes around the neighborhood or swim all day with friends running in and out from each other's house to get permission to sleep over. I can still smell the 80's 😭💞💞
Yeah memories, just this past thursday i first came across this movie, missed the title but a neighbor later told me. Movie got my attention, lots of laughs. The chubby boy with freckle face and dimples was a shock to me. His face similar to a girl i knew. I had a nickname for her (not wanting to hurt her feelings) Madd Maxx Freckle Face Strawberry. Us neighborhood kids found ways to have fun, some played tricks on each other. Some had hardship growing up but fun together helped with preservation.
You didn't need to watch the movie, you lived it!
How is it a reunion with out benny
John what did he do?
John wht did they do
Domestic violence charges this what he did
Vinny oh my god is that for real?!
I feel so blessed to have grown up in the 90s. We had some of the best things as kids and this is one of them.
The 90s were the best?
@@Reel210Txthe 90s was the last era where kids were safe in their neighborhoods to go to and from your houses and play without any worry
Plus the culture was awesome. Best cartoons and kids shows in the 90s. Nickelodeon tons of classic movies etc
Benny was my first Crush 😫☺️😚😘 and he wasn't there 🤧
Because him and his firefighter buddies almost choked an asian guy to death for handing out candy on halloween in "their" neighborhood.
4 Reals?
Milton Bu he’s not kidding.
knut wtf
Why he wasn't?
Ugh Benny was SO fine bro I had a CRUSH on him
kazco シ sameeee
Didn’t everyone
@@sarabradford9588 im sure cuz i did
yep me too!
Benny was bae
You can’t have a reunion without Benny. It’s like you can’t have peanut butter without the jelly, fries without the ketchup, Capt’n Crunch without the milk, the office without Micheal Scott. They need to do this again, with the guy who pickled the beast!
Reunions don’t get remember, without the legend oh my!
Cam 4Dan hes in jail
Or the Home Alone Reunion without Macaulay Culkin.
celeste. ramirez. 😦🤦🏾♀️
i don’t like ketchup with my fries
It's not the same without Hercules the Beast!
“YOUR KILLIN ME SMALLS!”,that is the only thing I’m never gonna get tired of hearing😂❤️
Same here
The lifeguard scene was my favorite scene. Squints is an absolute legend. Squints gave me the courage to ask out my crush. She rejected me but it was worth a try.
Yep ....the best
good for you. You never know.
Hero's get remembered, but legends never die
Where's x then😭😭😭😭😭😭
10,000 subs with no videos challenge he wasn’t either of those
The sandlot is such a nostalgic film, it just really makes you miss being a kid, hanging out with your buddies, we used to really play baseball everyday like that all summer, without a care in the world, a beautiful portrait of growing up
I was 44 years old when I watched "The Sandlot." Loved it. I'm 69 now.
real good.
To this day I still get teased by one of my Ladyfriends because I wanted to go see this when it came out.
Well it's definitely a "guy" film, I can't deny that.
I have tried to defend both the film and myself, but so far whenever she brings it up, which is once a year for the last 27 years, I haven't been able to change her prejudiced assessment.
She still hasn't seen it.
I have already surprised her in past ribbings by mentioning that Karen Allen, James Earl Jones and Dennis Leary are in the cast, which has only temporarily impressed her, but I am now armed with newly discovered facts from today that will probably put this baby to rest once and for all!
Thanks to IMDB I just found out that The Sandlot was the 13th highest grossing film of 1993!
Beating out some big films starring the HUGE names in the industry.
Just to name a few;
Robert Deniro, Al Pacino, Michael Douglas, Tom Cruise, Clint Eastwood, Daniel Day Lewis, Kevin Costner, Arnold Schwarzenegger etc.
Not too B-A-D for a "boys" movie.
I'm going to go as far as saying that it is my second favorite film of 1993
Number one would be The Fugitive, and number three would be The Pelican Brief, which I think were also both outdone at the box office by The Sandlot.
Nice talking to you
"Yeah some lady signed it her name was baby ruth" lmao😄😄😄😄
Veronica Pineiro "you mean thats the same guy"
I was just about to say that LOL
Yeah I got a kick out of this line that a lady's name would be "Baby" Ruth
The only movie i ever watched in its entirety with my Mom.
She laughed so beautifully.
R.I.P. Mom and a million thanks to this Fabulous Story. Im forever indebted.
You’re killing me, smalls!
Find the peace in the world,
Believe God rules,
so simple,
so easy,
so happy.
Yes you're correct. God make everyone life warm.
Naser Kob don't you mean the gods
Nadia Nadia how original!
They just do not make movies this good anymore!
The movies that defined my childhood.
The Sandlot, The Goonies, Stand By Me and the Lost Boys :)
yess ong
All but one have Corey Feldman
Man, they got Logic, but couldn't get the Jet.
hes in jail
Snowy WHAT
BSUGrad Wdym
He's a paramedic now and i can't remember what he got arrested for but yeah, he's the bad boy of the group lol
Drop_out173YT cause the guy with the glasses looks like logic
I had a crush on Benny Rodriguez
mary turner who didn’t? Lol
mary turner i had a crush on him to
I liked yaya as well lol
Me too
Me too! So cute
one of my all time favorite movies. Just gives me that nostalgic feeling. When life was much simpler.
Benny has been absent at every reunion. Hes practically, a real legend
Mike T too bad people don’t know the real meaning of a legend, otherwise they’d get this and like it.
@@swiftbuddy8878 His story is intriguing. Loving father, recognized as a hero firefighter. But also recently charged with assault.
Hes serving 7 years in prison.
@@wulfenacht666 whaaaat really?
@@wulfenacht666 No he's NOT!! He took a plea deal in order to not have to serve. Anger management classes, community service, restitution to the victim.
Im 32 yrs old
And still watch Sandlot Classic.
blackfeet soldier 34
Hey that makes 032897548390408745 of us.
Mee too
I'm also 32 and I still watch. Ain't no shame in my game.
I'm 35 and watch with my kids and they love it
That movie defined my childhood. Gets me emotional just feeling the nostalgia.
The movie is art. When I was little, I thought it was based on a true story. It's that well done. Weeeelp, time to rewatch this masterpiece again. And yes, this would be a dream assignment. Are you kidding? Wowsers.
This and stand by me are favorite movies.
My whole life is a lie.....
It could have been. I grew up playing baseball like that in the San Fernando Valley. We played every day in the summer for hours no score. We also had Pony, WBBA, little leagues, and park leagues. Our lives were baseball. We usually played out by Lassen and Lindley at the old pony field near CSUN however did play a few times near Parthenia and the field reminded me of the sandlot field. Later we made a team together and play city parks. However, the Latin kids would usually destroy us (we had a few but not a whole team). We had nicknames. We even would go to the Northridge pool or CSUN pool and there always was a hot female lifeguard there (or at the beach). I story was based on loose truths I suppose. Since this is script writing country there were probably similar stories around Los Angeles. But now it seems all the extra land has been paved and the college took all the land for growing student body. If you play in someones backyard and you hit the ball over the fence you did have images of the big dog or angry home owner coming after you. You would make foul line out of garden hose and the patio and stucco wall would be the green monster then the ivy/bamboo fence would make the rest of the home run line. At home you would play with wiffle balls. The faucet wall almost at the end of the stucco wall and you would pull it tight and jerk it up and down to make it perfectly straight. One of the kids was bat boy for CSUN and he had a signed broken bat of Lyman Bostock. We would watch there games and sometimes find balls there. They even had a baseball camp for kids I went to once. We would go to dodger games a lot. Sandlot and bad news bears the old one has same kind of vibe. Most of the communities are planned or out in the desert so I don't see kids playing like this anymore the seem to hang out on cell phones.
thanks ur mom is probably really great and ur dad too and i bet ur
"Now we can play forever"
Benny the Jet
After reading your comment my eyes weld up with tears.
@@samuelgonzalez4035 omg sameeeee
Man this movie totally defines what's it like growing up as a kid in the 90s it's priceless it really a is
Indi Camara Lol Noice
Jake Russell what are you laughing at Yeah Yeah you run like a duck!!!
Indi Camara 100th like 🤗
Oscar Meyer even
YOU PLAY BALL LIKE A GIRRRLL!!!!!! One of the greatest come backs
janette Zuniga “huh...huh... hwhat did you say?”
Today everyone would say thats sexist 😐
janette Zuniga You heard me
Mai Howell who cares
That scene would have been deleted if the movie premiered in recent years.
Playing baseball with the cast of the Sandlot. That's like an item on somebody's bucket list, and Gadi Schwartz got to do it. This is a legendary video.
For kids who grew up in the 90's, playing baseball with this cast would be our parent's equivalent to jamming with The Beatles... Just a dream come true in every conceivable way (well almost, if Benny was there of course it would be better)
Aww, look at them! They're so grown now! My heart 💕💕💕💕💕
Tehya Lmao but Benny wasn’t there 💔🤦🏽♀️😔
I'm 60 and enjoyed Sandlot every year with my kids growing up and now watch it with my grandkids ❤️
“ heroes get remembered, but legends never die follow your heart never go wrong”
😭 My childhood. Memories. Life goes by so fast. I love reminiscing. 😊 What we had as 80s and 90s kids the world will never understand. 😢
Very well said..
"Heroes get remembered, but Legends never die! Follow your heart kid, and you'll never go wrong."
I love how you can still see that after years of age they're still the OG crew we all grew up with and wore out our vhs players watching. Makes my childhood feel whole.
i love how renna/"porter" is 40 and looks exactly the same as he did as a 12 year old lol. i call that the kenan thompson effect. legend.
That's what I thought. Very distinguishable.
Corey Feldman is also like that.
I loved this movie growing up! I just bought it again for the 25th edition.
I loved it growing up, and I still love it to this day.
I was about 15 when this came out but it captured my childhood and still watch it to this day. My child grew up with this movie....he was hesitant at first, don't know why but then it was always in his VCR/DVD player ❤️
This movie is everything to my childhood
I love this movie!
Remember kid, there's heroes and there's legends: Heroes get remembered, but legends never die.
Why am I seeing this on December 2019
20killershot why am I seeing this in January 2020
20killershot Why am I seeing this as a result of quarantine in April 2020?
Why am I seeing this December 2020?
Forget Benny where is WENDY PEFFERCORN
Lamelo Ball i wonder if she's still look hot
she’s still hot I looked her up her name is Marley Shelton
She must be a *MILF* today...
SuperPat88 you can look her up on UA-cam by her name
Been Dead Since 2012 no lol
I've watched sandlot my whole childhood. I was already playing baseball when it came out, but it just made me love the sport more! I loved baseball as a kid, still do. This movie is FOREVER one of my top 5 movies. 👌🏼
"You're are killin me smalls" make me laugh everytime I watch the movie, now I recently watch the movie with my 9 years old daughter and she loved it 😍😍😍😍😍
Me too! My teacher loves to say that quote a lot. 😂
okay squints is still cute
You are pretty 🔥
Here come all the hungry wolves
Always seen him at green dragon before lol
Careful he'll make out with u against ur will
Tommy Wright da 1 man GANG that’s fine
This is a movie that ages very well, and it will be seen for many generations to come, my 14 and 9 year old were obsessed with it, just like their dad...
“and yeah-yeah looking more like hercules” 💀😂😂😂❤️❤️❤️
That black guy was on everything back in the 80's and 90's LoL
I think he played Michael Jackson
it seemed like it . . . cake-eater. lol
Nah he didn’t play Mike that was Jason Weaver. This dude played on Fresh Prince as Ashley’s bf, Fool in The People Under The Stairs among other things.
Dee Harris, He (Brandon Adams) did play MJ in “Moonwalker.” Jason Weaver didn’t play MJ.
He was in the Mighty Ducks
The Sandlot is just a classic I don't think there is one person that hasn't grown up without watching this movie.
This was so awesome! Brings me back to the simpler days of just being a kid and wanting to play some ball.
25 years?! I remember seeing a news piece like this for the 20th. Can't believe 5 years went by so fast. One of my all-time favorite movies. "...legends never die"
"That your Sister Out In Left Field?...Think She'll Go Out With Me?" 😂😂😂
RideOrDieRaider she’s naked, think she’ll go out with me. 😂
Hey hey just tryna have a little friendly conversation here
During my childhood I watched this more than probably any other movie combined. As a child in the mid to late 90's my mother would take my sister and I to blockbuster almost every friday after school to rent a movie. I remember my younger sister would take forever, browsing trying to decide which movie to pick/rent. I had no such issue. For me it was a no brainer. For me It Was Always The Sandlot.
That's so awesome, this movie is a all time great.
100 %. Probably my favorite movie
Always and FOREVER!!!🤣 my favorite movie, and now my kids too!
I still think of playing with my friends at the park in the 80s and 90s. We played there, friends yards, street, baseball, football, basketball, hockey, tag. It be from 3-15 of us just having fun… The great days of being a kid playing with the boys…
I only clicked to see how hot Benny the Jet Rodriguez got and HES NOT THERE 😭
Me too. I think he likely didn't want to be there since he retired from the business years ago.
I’ve come to join this club.
He became a fireman, and then he nearly took part in an assault on a guy that nearly killed the guy (he stopped breathing, but since 2 of the guys beating him up were firemen they brought him back). I think he got a deal in a battery charge and he got probation, community service, and a suspension from the fire department. Probably didn't want to deal with the questions if he'd shown up here.
i know me too girl Latest update on this...also I was in LA just this past week and someone at the hotel I stayed at mentioned she knows someone who saw Vitar at the LA fire dept. headquarters so he is still around. Just doesn't do public signings and events I would think.
It’s a classic. My favorite childhood movie. We played Baseball every summer. Now my kids watch it. The best
My kids know I'm fed up when I say "you're killing me smalls"
I absolutely LOVE this movie!!! It's still one of my all time favorites💕💕💕
The best childhood ever ❤️
This is such a nostalgia trip! I remember watching the Sandlot in grade school right before summer break. What a fun movie
Who else is going to watch the movie after seeing this video?
Happy 26th anniversary, Sandlot! 26 summers later and it's still fresh.
All three Sandlots are amazing!!!
I remember taking this VHS movie over to a girls only camp around 12 yrs old when newly released. There was an uproar when you heard him say
"You play ball like a girl!"😂😅🤣
They're making a TV show of Sandlot with the original cast!
Mr. Gamer Cobra Kais for all the great movies!
It's a remake I would of preferred them to do a sequel or a prequel in a horror movie setting where the first kid got eaten that would of been pretty rad and interesting something like Cujo.
@@cinemafanatic6687 Where is the show? I can't find it. When is it going to get launched?
@@sumeetbrarr Disney + exclusive
@@cinemafanatic6687 ohhhhhh im so gonna get Disney exclusive now, only for the show tho. but why doesn't it come when i search up sandlot show? do you know when the show is going to air?
I saw this at least 5 times in the theater. It's been a favorite growing up and I tend to watch it on the 4th of July. I introduced it to my son when he was 5. He's 8 now and his sister (3 and a 1/2) also loves to watch it. #legendsneverdie
Haha I’m pretty sure every girl that watched this had a crush on Benny “the jet” Rodriguez 😂 if not then that’s cool too
Best movie we had on VHS.
"Remember, kid, there's heroes and there's legends. Heroes get remembered, but legends never die. Follow your heart, kid, and you'll never go wrong."
OMG this Is a GREAT movie! One of my old favourites 💕💓
Ahh The Sandlot, the best movie I've ever watched. I wish I could experience those times and fun in the movie, my favorite scenes are when they're at the pool, when they're in the tree house and when they're playing baseball against a team
Watched this a few times a day at times growing up
The Sandlot.. one of my best childhood memories
Kids now a days don’t even try going outside for hours
“We got to do the documentary that’s called Finding Benny” 😂
Faith 💀😂
I’ve seen this movie more times than I can count I you don’t even have to like baseball to enjoy this movie one of my all time favorites so so awesome to see them reunite
I would absolutely love to play baseball with those guys!! One of my all time favorite movies still to this day!!
You'd be the catcher 😂😂
I wanted to see Benny 😭
Romina Sansaricq apparently he’s a fire fighter in LA. Imagine him showing up to save you!!!
I think he's still in jail
Scott Greenlee He is in jail.
Dave Nguyen for what
DV charges
Sandlot: in my Top 5 baseball movies for sure 🏆
I watched that movie because of Brandon childhood crush 😍💜
This is my favorite movie of all time I can recite every dang word!😫 Benny was my first crush that’s why I clicked😂
I found out about sandlot because it was on tv once and my parents told me to watch it, and gosh they got me addicted, so addicted I later watched sandlot 2. But the first one was the best
The 90s has soo many great kids movies sandlot Matilda hocus pocus free willy jumanji