Pastor Geoff Smith Preaches a Series on I Peter (Session 22--I Peter

  • Опубліковано 17 вер 2024
  • If people want to know God--not just the God of monotheism, not the God of the philosophers, but the living and the true God who revealed himself to Abraham, Issac, and Jacob, and to Israel at Mt. Sinai, and the prophets, and then to Israel, to Jesus Christ, and through the apostles to the world--if people want to know that God, then they should really turn to a passage like this one which shows us something about God that at least should win him widespread admiration. He is a God who cares for the wretched of the earth. The miserable. And we typically love to see that in the privileged and the powerful. To see the privileged and powerful deny themselves, stoop down, stoop low to meet those, as we call it, less fortunate and regard them as peers in the sense of as human beings with a natural dignity that belongs to their humanity. And we love to see them show compassion to those in need.
    We more often hear stories about the rich and famous treating their employees with contempt as disposable beings who in some cases certain prima donnas are forbidden from looking at them in the eye. When we see that, we are incensed by it. What makes this passage so compelling is broadly speaking, God tends to pass people like that, the rich and famous, by when he comes into the world to seek and to save the lost...