I made my way across a very muddy field to watch a father John misty set at Glastonbury. Four girlfriends infront of me were enjoying the sound of thier own voices tripping over thier own tongues . The joys of chemicals . They never listened to one song and all I heard was all of thier stories.
The reaggae version of Candy..love it...
Great! Super recording, finally one with great bass sounds!
Need this version as a studio record
The people talking during a concert... FFS
If you still have a voice after a concert, you wasted your time lol.
I made my way across a very muddy field to watch a father John misty set at Glastonbury. Four girlfriends infront of me were enjoying the sound of thier own voices tripping over thier own tongues . The joys of chemicals . They never listened to one song and all I heard was all of thier stories.
Respektlos dem Entertainer gegenüber!Warum geht man dann auf ein Konzert!
This is missing the drum work of the original 13 years ago
This doesn’t have the magic of 13 years ago it pales in comparison