Old Testament vs. New Testament God

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024
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    Whenever anti-Christian polemicists want to take a swipe at the Bible or the Christian tradition, certain passages of the Old Testament seem to be a favourite haunting ground for easy target practice.
    Richard Dawkins, for example, has made accusing the God of the Old Testament a range of pretty loathsome adjectives a bit of a trademark for himself when he calls him jealous, petty, unjust, vindictive, bloodthirsty, racist, infanticidal, and so forth.
    And I have to admit, that there are times I’ve spent reading the Old Testament with a sphincter fully clenched because of how terrifying I imagine some of those interactions with God would be if I was inserted into the story.
    And I don’t know about you, but it’s certainly given me pause on such occasions to ask, how can this be the same God that Jesus calls father and reveals to us through his teachings and example? You might be tempted like Marcion to think that they aren’t the same God and that the God of the Old Testament must be some kind lesser being and the one that Jesus reveals the true Supreme God of the Universe.
    Music written and generously provided by Paul Jernberg. Find out more about his work as a composer here: pauljernberg.com
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  • @ambbarofficial
    @ambbarofficial Рік тому +168

    People posed this question to Jesus in the context of the rules for divorce in the Old Testament. He responded that “because of your hardness of heart Moses allowed you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it was not so”. So I assume that as we exist in space and time, God’s relationship with man has a consideration of this reality and reveals Himself in the appropriate manner in each epoch.

    • @marvalice3455
      @marvalice3455 Рік тому +2


    • @hybreeztrapper_ml8sb
      @hybreeztrapper_ml8sb Рік тому +18

      Yahweh is a physical god like those of egyptians while Jesus said is father Is of spirit no one has seen him at any time.
      Yahweh is not the father Jesus Christ was talking about.
      If you're going to say Yahweh is God then you're Left with a mountain of contradictions because Yahweh and Jesus Christ are totally polar opposites.
      Exodus 15:3
      "The lord is a man of war: Yahweh is his name."
      So god here is a man and fights other nations with their gods to prove his power what kind of power and threat do those other gods pose to Yahweh.
      Revelation 12:9
      And the great dragon was cast out that serpent of old called the devil and Satan who deceiveth the whole world. He was cast out onto earth and his angels were cast out with him.
      "Who deceiveth the whole world "
      The Elohim of the old testament in Deuteronomy 32:8
      When they divided the nations amongst themselves.
      1 kings 22:23
      "Now therefore behold the lord hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of all these thy prophets, and the Lord hath spoken evil concerning thee." Yahweh is a liar
      He has been deceiving the Israelites in the old testament.
      2corinthians 3:14...
      But their minds were blinded for until this day remaineth the Same Vail untaken away in the reading of the old testament which Vail is done away in Christ. But even unto this day when Moses is read the Vail is upon their heart.
      So the Vail is lifted with new Gospel of truth by Jesus Christ
      but the Vail still remains because of the reading of Moses Torah why because the bible clearly tells you that Moses was deceived by Yahweh/Satan
      Isaiah 5:20
      "Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil that put darkness for light and light for darkness that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter ."
      The deceived Christians and Jews see Yahweh as God and evil he did in the OT as good or justifiable by making apologetics excuses For what evil he did like killing women and children without realizing they're actually defending a tyrant god
      Hosea 13:7-8
      Yahweh/Jehovah says...
      "Therefore I will be unto them as a lion:as a leopard by the way I observe them. I will meet them as a bear that is bereaved of her whelps and will rend the caul of their heart and there will I devour them like a Lion: the wild beast shall tear them."
      Let's interpret this with Revelation 13:2
      "And the beast which i Saw was like unto a leopard and his feet were as the feet of a bear (to Tear nations) and his mouth as the mouth of a lion (to devour nations ) the dragon gave him his power and his seat and great authority."
      So whose the dragon we go back to Deuteronomy 32:8
      Dead Sea Scrolls: “When Elyon gave the nations as an inheritance, when he separated the sons of man, he set the boundaries of the peoples according to the number of the sons of God (bene elohim). For Yahweh’s portion was his people; Jacob was the lot of his inheritance”.
      So Yahweh was given authority and power over Israel by Elyon. So Elyon Is the dragon while Yahweh is a lesser god.
      Peter 5:8
      "Be sober. Be vigilant. For your enemy the Devil is like a roaring lion looking for whom he may devour."
      Be careful with Yahweh because he devours.
      2samuel 24:1
      The LORD's(Yahweh) anger against Israel flared again,a and he incited David against them: “Go, take a census of Israel and Judah.”
      1 chronicles 21:1
      Then Satan stood up against Israel and incited David to count Israel.
      So here it's clear that Yahweh is the devil and he really incited David. But theologians will try to say that the lord allowed the devil to incite David when the Bible clearly shows you who did it.
      John 1:17
      For the laws was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.
      John 8:19
      Where is your father?” they asked. Jesus answered, “Since you don’t know who I am, you don’t know who my Father is. If you knew me, you would also know my Father.”
      John 8:44
      " You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies".
      Jesus is telling the pharisees the god Yahweh they worship is a liar and has deceived them since Genesis

    • @jeaninehicks2907
      @jeaninehicks2907 Рік тому +6

      Thank you for sharing. Is there a book or other source you can point me to, to learn more about what you’re claiming?

    • @HcgrEsthHchcWeydhji
      @HcgrEsthHchcWeydhji Рік тому +6


    • @exaucemayunga22
      @exaucemayunga22 Рік тому +4

      Are you saying God allows sin depending on one's culture? Isn't God the same before, today and forever?

  • @CMVBrielman
    @CMVBrielman Рік тому +97

    It occurs to me that the same perspective that condemns God for His harshness in the Old Testament will simultaneously hold it self evident that modern society is more ethical and moral than previous generations.

    • @marvalice3455
      @marvalice3455 Рік тому +36

      This is basically my current take.
      We are currently about as morally bankrupt and wicked as we ever have been, yet they think everything is hunky dory, and they are in a position to judge God.
      I don't think the two are divisible either.

    • @rckstrrrr
      @rckstrrrr Рік тому +9

      @@marvalice3455 This is a really interesting take, I haven't thought about this! I'm wondering, if you don't mind, could you give me examples that support the idea that we as a society haven't grown more ethical and moral than previous generations? I'm thinking about the times where slavery was more tolerated worldwide in the past, and times where women were mainly seen as objects to be owned, used and sold, there were less ethical laws in place.. more crimes were punishable by death, etc.. I can definitely see how the world has grown to be more ethical. I'd really like to hear your view point and explanation on this!

    • @jayboy2kay7
      @jayboy2kay7 Рік тому

      @rocki9148 if you are a straight white male, you are told you are useless, mocked, degraded, called every “ist” and “phobe” under the sun, if you don’t believe in extreme left wing progressive ideology you are also demonised, women have taken complete moral authority over what is right and wrong, people can be cancelled for saying or doing one wrong thing, and worse even accusing someone of wrongdoing is taken as gospel now, extreme wealth is given to the top 1% of the 1% while the poor get poorer, social media bas absolutely ruined a generation, economic collapse, the list goes on. Today’s society is rotten and needs a complete reset.

    • @IdontlikeWhytepeople
      @IdontlikeWhytepeople 8 місяців тому

      @@rckstrrrrrape, human trafficking and extortion is prevalent amongst the elite, and who is in control of this physical world? The Elite. Women are still used as sex dolls, little boys and girls are still being Sexual Assaulted while the poor stay hungry and cold. The Catholic Church has enough money to feed and clothed all the poor…but look around. Religious wars are still being fought til this day. Law and order has been in play since the dawn of man, and since the dawn of man Law and order has been broken time and time again.

    • @aniyaruffin3288
      @aniyaruffin3288 7 місяців тому

      Sorry can u explain the point? R u implying that since humans Change over time then so does God? If that’s what u saying that’s a bit blasphemous

  • @FraterSpiritus
    @FraterSpiritus Рік тому +71

    I’m reading “Against Heresies” by St. Irenaeus, definitely something more people should read.

    • @joenathan8059
      @joenathan8059 Рік тому +4

      I will. Thank you for sharing this book with us,may god bless you

    • @Wizard_of_Light
      @Wizard_of_Light Рік тому +5

      The idea of Heresy in itself is ridiculous

    • @katiehorneshaw995
      @katiehorneshaw995 10 місяців тому

      You realise that document unilaterally condemns the gospel of John? Like, the whole thing start to finish? Even though it's one of few gospels that is actually in keeping with the stuff written when Jesus was alive? I suppose you think the entire Nag Hamadi library is Heresy then? Thousands of documents from the pre-Roman period? Burried by Christians to get the word out to future Christians not to fall for the Roman revisionist stuff? Every single author and all of their accounts- all heresy?
      What makes something Heresy? If it's a lie? Or if it contradicts a particular selection of documents that powerful men edited and spread to legitimise their power during a period of genocide, slavery and oppression?
      If it's the later, then there's nothing to stop powerful people from doing the same thing again- throwing out the old stuff, writing up a bunch of new versions, and warning people that to contradict the latest version with the version you follow is Heresy.
      Jesus would be so disappointed to see the faiths that have been forged in his name.

    • @joshua_wherley
      @joshua_wherley 10 місяців тому +1


    • @Wizard_of_Light
      @Wizard_of_Light 10 місяців тому

      @@joshua_wherley because the only goal of classificating things as heresy is to to defend an idea, in this case, christianity.
      Christianity is an opinion. A set of ideas. It is nothing more but a book. One book amidst millions of books. The idea that this book, which is only composed of a mix of fables and historical facts, contain the absolute truth and that every other ideas, or book of ideas that is incompatible with this one is heresy, is only an attempt at controlling population to gain power.
      Ultimately, the Bible is a book used as a tool to maintain structural power. Heresy is a tool to enforce the same structural power.

  • @Byron.D
    @Byron.D Рік тому +106

    To add onto this a couple of things need to be said:
    1. Christ IS the God of the Old Testament. No man has seen the Father save for the Son. Meaning that He who walked with Adam in the Garden was the pre-incarnate Christ. The one whom Abraham considered friend and spoke with face to face was the pre-incarnate Christ. The one who spoke to Moses in the bush was "The Angel of The Lord" which we know is the pre-incarnate Christ. The Rock of water and the manna from Heaven that they ate and drank from. When the Israelites ask for a king God says "They rejected me as their King," and we know that only Christ is the one true king of Israel and the World. Even Creation it shows the Father speaking things into existence and order. Christ as the eternal WORD of God has always been the one whom the Father enacts His will through.
    2. No one in the bible speaks more of Hell, Damnation, and of the destruction that WILL come upon sinners if they do not follow the Son of Man, the only begotten of God, than Christ Himself. Christ's first coming was of salvation, but don't get it confused it's also a fairly strict and blatant warning to get it together before he comes again in Judgement. Just like how in the Old Testament God would be long suffering and would continually warn the Israelites time and time again before he enacts his wrath on them for not listening.
    3. The vast majority of the books within the Old Testament take place before, during, or soon after a war. The Israelites were in a near constant state of struggle both from the exterior nations and from their own internal idolatrous ways. If they weren't being invaded, they were invading, and if it wasn't either those two they were either in or about to start a civil war. If you actually pay attention to how God deals with his people there's always a cycle of "Warning>Merciful Waiting To Allow Repentance>Judgement And War>Redemption Of The Holy Remnant."
    Christ was humanity's final revelation and warning. This Christian age is our Lord's final long suffering to allow as many people as possible to come to him and be saved; because after the Final Judgement and Redemption of his people this cycle isn't going to repeat again.

    • @russellcollier8320
      @russellcollier8320 Рік тому +4

      What does pre-incarnate Christ mean?

    • @Byron.D
      @Byron.D Рік тому +15

      @@russellcollier8320 Pre-incarnate Christ is the second person of the trinity, The Son aka Jesus, before his physical and temporal incarnation as a man. Christ is the Eternal Uncreated Word of God who became flesh and dwelt among us.
      Christ didn't just appear in the New Testament, he's found all throughout the Old Testament once you know where to look. If you want to know more I recommend looking up articles and writings on "Jesus in The Old Testament." Also this isn't a Christian invention either as even the Jews, prior to later rabbinical reforms done in response to Christianity, believed in "Two Powers In Heaven." As even they realized that there seemed to be "Two YWHW's yet only one God/Lord."

    • @russellcollier8320
      @russellcollier8320 Рік тому +1

      @@Byron.D Thank you for the reply.

    • @gunsgalore7571
      @gunsgalore7571 Рік тому +1

      Oh my... Point 1 is VERY interesting, never heard it before, but the argument you make is convincing. I'm going to need to research that, as it would totally blow away my six-year-old self's interpretation of the Old Testament. Wow.

    • @hybreeztrapper_ml8sb
      @hybreeztrapper_ml8sb Рік тому +2

      Jesus came to redeem mankind from the curse of false gods we had made a covenant with. There's no eternal damnation in the old testament or eternal Life. Because the devil can't give you that. He meant to bound humans in the flesh and material world that's why he promised Israel the Land of milk and honey.
      Jesus offered salvation because we are not in his father's world but of the devil's.
      Hebrews 2:14-15
      Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds the power of death-that is, the devil- 15 and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death.
      See Yahweh in the old testament had power of death until Jesus Christ came and took it from him rendering him powerless. Jesus took the keys from Satan when he was in Hades. Yahweh killed millions in the old testament including children.
      Yahweh laws states that an eye for an eye
      Jesus says that love your enemy
      Yahweh brought only sickness while Jesus healed
      Judges 1:19 The LORD was with the men of Judah. They took possession of the hill country, but they were unable to drive the people from the plains, because they had chariots fitted with iron.
      In 2 Kings 3, Moab was a vassal to Israel, and it decided to rebel against Israel. (v. 4-5) Israel, Judah, and Edom decide to strike back. They stop by the prophet Elisha to get Yahweh's word on whether they will be victorious. Elisha prophecies that "(Yahweh) will also deliver Moab into your hands. You will overthrow every fortified city and every major town." (v. 18-19)
      This parallel is clear. in 2 Kings 3, Yahweh's prophecy of victory is a failure, and a Moabite god's wrath drives Israel into retreat. In the Moabite Inscription, Chemosh's wrath ends in Yahweh's defeat and the fleeing of Israel. Yahweh is not some sort of omnipotent being in much of the Bible. He is one of many gods, and he is a god that can be beaten.This appears to be the case, and every major city is destroyed except Kir Hareseth, or "Fortified City of Dirt." Over and over, Moab is defeated. But, suddenly, in verse 27, the Moabite king sacrifices his own child, and "divine wrath" fell on Israel, causing them to retreat. The Bible tries to show you that maybe Yahweh let them win but if you read with an open mind you will see the truth clearly.
      Yahweh is not all powerful after all.
      Luke 9:54-56
      And when His disciples James and John saw this, they said, “Lord, do You want us to command fire to come down from heaven and consume them, just as Elijah did?” But He turned and rebuked them, and said, “You do not know what manner of spirit you are of. For the Son of Man did not come to destroy men’s lives but to save them.” And they went to another village.
      If it was God the father who rained down fire in the old testament then why did yeshua rebuke them and say "you don't know the manner of the spirit you are of"
      Jesus can't contract himself so what manner of the spirit he's talking about. The spirit of Yahweh the devil is not the divine father's spirit.
      Genesis 3:8
      Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden.
      Exodus 33:11
      And the LORD spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend.
      John 5:37
      And the Father who sent Me, He has testified about Me. You have neither heard His voice at any time, nor seen His form.
      Jesus said no one has ever seen or heard from his father so who was Moses talking to.... Yahweh so he can't be God the father. Yahweh was an angel who gave the law to judge his nation.
      Psalm 82
      God presides in the great assembly;
      he renders judgment among the “Gods”:
      2 “How long will you[a] defend the unjust
      and show partiality to the wicked?[b]
      3 Defend the weak and the fatherless;
      uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed.
      4 Rescue the weak and the needy;
      deliver them from the hand of the wicked.
      5 “The ‘gods’ know nothing, they understand nothing.
      They walk about in darkness;
      all the foundations of the earth are shaken.
      6 “I said, ‘You are “Gods”;
      you are all sons of the Most High.’
      7 But you will die like mere mortals;
      you will fall like every other ruler.”
      8 Rise up, O God, judge the earth,
      for all the nations are your inheritance.
      Psalms states that the gods were being condemned as corrupt in their administration of the nations of the earth. How many god's are there.
      Deuteronomy 32:8
      "When Elyon gave the nations as an inheritance, when he separated the sons of man, he set the boundaries of the peoples according to the number of the sons of God (bny 'elhym]). For Yahweh's portion was his people; Jacob was the lot of his inheritance".
      So Yahweh looks up to a higher god than him that's elyon and turns out that he's his son and that elyon has other sons that inherited the nations so they can judge but it seems in psalms that they are not judging accordingly. And they're being reminded the order their father elyon gave them lest they all die like men. So the gods are mere mortals.
      Matthew 11:27
      Jesus claims a direct relationship to God the Father: "No one knows the Son except the Father and no one knows the Father except the Son"
      Mathew 4
      Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted[a] by the devil. 2 After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. 3 The tempter came to him and said, “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.”
      4 Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.
      To my understanding of the passage it seems the devil doesn't know if Jesus Christ is the son of God and attempts to test his power to prove the claim.
      So basically no one at that time knew the son of the God father and the God father himself proving the old testament was just fallen angels taking Gods glory for themselves and be exalted.
      Again, further in the chapter the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. 9 “All this I will give you,” he said, “if you will bow down and worship me.”
      So the devil is in possession of this material world and he can give it to whom he wishes.
      Where In the Bible has an incidence like that happen
      Let's go back to the old testament.
      Isaiah 45:1-5
      'This is what the LORD says to Cyrus, his appointed king: “I hold your right hand and will help you defeat nations and take away other kings’ power. I will open doors for you so city gates will not stop you. I will go before you and make the mountains flat. I will break down the bronze gates of the cities and cut through their iron bars. I will give you the wealth that is stored away and the hidden riches so you will know I am the LORD, the God of Israel, who calls you by name. I do these things for my servants, the people of Jacob, and for my chosen people, the Israelites. Cyrus, I call you by name, and I give you a title of honor even though you don’t know me.'
      So Yahweh the devil gives the prince of Persia power over the nations.
      The world of the true father and the lies of Satan are intertwined to lead Christians astray. The old testament is history of the Israelites and not the true word of God. The true word of God is the New gospel. The Bible is clear only if you read in the lens of Jesus will you see the truth and what the devil has been trying to deceive us.
      John 5:39
      39 “You search the Scriptures because you think they give you eternal life. But the Scriptures point to me!
      Jesus was talking of the Torah the Jews read. Jesus is the only the truth the way and life.
      Ephesians 2:15
      by abolishing in His flesh the enmity, which is the Law of commandments contained in ordinances, so that in Himself He might make the two into one new man, thus establishing peace.
      Jesus did away with the ten commandments so if he's the one that gave Moses why does he do them away. It's clear that Yahweh and Jesus Christ are of different nature and that Jesus came to set us free from the bondages of this material world that the devil's tries to contain us in so we can't access the divine spirit of the true father of the cosmos.
      The law of sin and death the law of Moses was given by Yahweh we do not follow any more. We now follow after a new law, "The law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus." Which will make a man free from sin and death. Jesus came with life so we can sin no more. We walk in the spirit now under Christ's law of spirit and life. Because what's evil for your heart the holy spirit will disagree with it. So the law of Yahweh is unnecessary.

  • @DoctorLazertron
    @DoctorLazertron Рік тому +79

    I had issues with the “jealous God” thing, then remembered what happens when you worship something like money or sex.

    • @marvalice3455
      @marvalice3455 Рік тому +35

      It's also important to remember that while our culture conflated jealousy envy and covetousness, in scripture they are very much not the same.
      To covet is to desire something that rightly belongs to someone else.
      To envy is to desire someone lose the good things they have (whether you get them or not)
      Jealousy though, in scripture is mostly about not wanting others to have what is yours. This can be a vice, but it can be a virtue too, depending on the context.
      The Lord is not envious. He is protective of that which is rightfully his.

    • @tvhead7074
      @tvhead7074 Рік тому +2

      @@marvalice3455I took a screen shot of this

    • @hybreeztrapper_ml8sb
      @hybreeztrapper_ml8sb Рік тому +9

      Yahweh is a physical god like those of egyptians while Jesus said is father Is of spirit no one has seen him at any time.
      Yahweh is not the father Jesus Christ was talking about.
      If you're going to say Yahweh is God then you're Left with a mountain of contradictions because Yahweh and Jesus Christ are totally polar opposites.
      Exodus 15:3
      "The lord is a man of war: Yahweh is his name."
      So god here is a man and fights other nations with their gods to prove his power what kind of power and threat do those other gods pose to Yahweh.
      Revelation 12:9
      And the great dragon was cast out that serpent of old called the devil and Satan who deceiveth the whole world. He was cast out onto earth and his angels were cast out with him.
      "Who deceiveth the whole world "
      The Elohim of the old testament in Deuteronomy 32:8
      When they divided the nations amongst themselves.
      1 kings 22:23
      "Now therefore behold the lord hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of all these thy prophets, and the Lord hath spoken evil concerning thee." Yahweh is a liar
      He has been deceiving the Israelites in the old testament.
      2corinthians 3:14...
      But their minds were blinded for until this day remaineth the Same Vail untaken away in the reading of the old testament which Vail is done away in Christ. But even unto this day when Moses is read the Vail is upon their heart.
      So the Vail is lifted with new Gospel of truth by Jesus Christ
      but the Vail still remains because of the reading of Moses Torah why because the bible clearly tells you that Moses was deceived by Yahweh/Satan
      Isaiah 5:20
      "Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil that put darkness for light and light for darkness that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter ."
      The deceived Christians and Jews see Yahweh as God and evil he did in the OT as good or justifiable by making apologetics excuses For what evil he did like killing women and children without realizing they're actually defending a tyrant god
      Hosea 13:7-8
      Yahweh/Jehovah says...
      "Therefore I will be unto them as a lion:as a leopard by the way I observe them. I will meet them as a bear that is bereaved of her whelps and will rend the caul of their heart and there will I devour them like a Lion: the wild beast shall tear them."
      Let's interpret this with Revelation 13:2
      "And the beast which i Saw was like unto a leopard and his feet were as the feet of a bear (to Tear nations) and his mouth as the mouth of a lion (to devour nations ) the dragon gave him his power and his seat and great authority."
      So whose the dragon we go back to Deuteronomy 32:8
      Dead Sea Scrolls: “When Elyon gave the nations as an inheritance, when he separated the sons of man, he set the boundaries of the peoples according to the number of the sons of God (bene elohim). For Yahweh’s portion was his people; Jacob was the lot of his inheritance”.
      So Yahweh was given authority and power over Israel by Elyon. So Elyon Is the dragon while Yahweh is a lesser god.
      Peter 5:8
      "Be sober. Be vigilant. For your enemy the Devil is like a roaring lion looking for whom he may devour."
      Be careful with Yahweh because he devours.
      2samuel 24:1
      The LORD's(Yahweh) anger against Israel flared again,a and he incited David against them: “Go, take a census of Israel and Judah.”
      1 chronicles 21:1
      Then Satan stood up against Israel and incited David to count Israel.
      So here it's clear that Yahweh is the devil and he really incited David. But theologians will try to say that the lord allowed the devil to incite David when the Bible clearly shows you who did it.
      John 1:17
      For the laws was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.
      John 8:19
      Where is your father?” they asked. Jesus answered, “Since you don’t know who I am, you don’t know who my Father is. If you knew me, you would also know my Father.”
      John 8:44
      " You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies".
      Jesus is telling the pharisees the god Yahweh they worship is a liar and has deceived them since Genesis

    • @ashley_brown6106
      @ashley_brown6106 Рік тому +4

      He's only jealous like a lover is jealous when his beloved is giving her attention to someone else. Which is COMPLETELY understandable because it's betrayal.

    • @DoctorLazertron
      @DoctorLazertron Рік тому +1

      @@ashley_brown6106 Definitely agree, and when it comes to other Old Testament criticisms of God’s behavior outside of our understanding, like wrathfulness or harsh punishment - even I can be guilty of putting God to human standards, when that’s just mind-bendingly backwards. The only reason we _have_ standards is because of God’s revelatory and natural laws.

  • @alandoughty6320
    @alandoughty6320 Рік тому +10

    I have tried to explain this very difference between the Old Testament and the New Testament, to a non Christian but I could never do the subject justice , this video explains it very well , now I’ll just share this with non Christians who have questions, thank you Brian for this !

    • @cardodalisailia1515
      @cardodalisailia1515 Рік тому +5

      It's hard to explain something if they don't want to hear your explanation, especially you both have different beliefs

    • @orlindamyanov2989
      @orlindamyanov2989 11 місяців тому

      God is not Death but Life... That's why Jesus came. Yahweh is not the Father

    • @Tommytoolsqueezer
      @Tommytoolsqueezer 8 місяців тому +2

      @@orlindamyanov2989Yahweh is the God of the Old Testament.. The father.

  • @biblescenes
    @biblescenes Рік тому +8

    Thanks for a really good video, it is something that I have long been thinking about and, like a few other topics, people tend to shy away from it. I love the analogy of the driving instructor and immediately think of Philippians 3:24-25 that says “Therefore the law was our tutor to bring us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith. 25 But after faith has come, we are no longer under a tutor.” Once you’ve got the certificate you no longer need a driving instructor.

  • @tonicross6409
    @tonicross6409 Рік тому +86

    New Testament God: Firm, Patient, Understanding.
    Old Testament God: Fuck around and find out.

    • @comicsunblock
      @comicsunblock 7 місяців тому +18

      almost like they aren’t the same God lmfaoooo

    • @nachoblack
      @nachoblack 6 місяців тому


    • @ryanparker4996
      @ryanparker4996 5 місяців тому

      ​@@comicsunblock they literally aren't, the "God" of the OT is clearly Satan

    • @tracyreid8682
      @tracyreid8682 4 місяці тому +2

      This is what i was looking for . But so we live under the New testament rules as today right ?

    • @tonicross6409
      @tonicross6409 4 місяці тому +2

      @@tracyreid8682 Pretty sure it's just this now:
      "Stop acting like you know the way ahead, like you know the rules. There are no rules, man, we're lost." - Rick Grimes.

  • @sergiopablo6555
    @sergiopablo6555 Рік тому +56

    The more depraved a people is, the more unjust they perceive God to be. Our difficulty in understanding God in the Old Testament is a consequence of the growing distance between our twisted minds and the unchanging nature of God.

    • @marvalice3455
      @marvalice3455 Рік тому +3

      Very much so

    • @mariangabrielahernandezmur9876
      @mariangabrielahernandezmur9876 Рік тому +1

      That's right

    • @ryanparker4996
      @ryanparker4996 5 місяців тому +4

      I think its pretty depraved to send bears to kill children for laughing at a bald man

    • @planteruines5619
      @planteruines5619 Місяць тому

      ​@@ryanparker4996because mocking shall stay unpunished ?

    • @ryanparker4996
      @ryanparker4996 Місяць тому

      @@planteruines5619 No, because killing children is closer to the Modus Operandi of Gods enemy. The Old Testament has many examples of the actions of the enemy being attributed to God. Perhaps thats why he decided to come here in person, to remove confusion. Catch my drift?

  • @gerddonni2017
    @gerddonni2017 Рік тому +7

    "Novum in vetere latet, vetus in novo patet". St. Augustine and Brian seem to be in ligne, which is quite a good sign. 👍

  • @EndTimesHarvest
    @EndTimesHarvest Рік тому +12

    There is an important observation to be made in this discussion of how the New Testament God is so different from the Old Testament God: when you get to the book of Revelation in the New Testament, God once again becomes just like how He is depicted in the Old Testament: full of wrath, judgment, vengeance, and a desire to destroy the wicked. In the events of Revelation, God pours out His wrath upon mankind throughout the Tribulation period, He destroys Babylon the Great, Jesus returns and slays the wicked, and Jesus smites the nations and subdues them. The kind of God described in Revelation is the same kind of God described in the Old Testament; the God of the Old and New Testaments are one in the same.

  • @brittanybasora3115
    @brittanybasora3115 Рік тому +36

    Thank you for making this video ! I found this explanation very helpful in my understanding of the differences in how God is described in the Old vs New Testament. 🙏🏼

    • @peterbrennan1085
      @peterbrennan1085 Рік тому +1

      My son said the same thing when he was in coast guard boot camp. The drill instructors where hard on them throughout. The last week they had them to their home for a cookout. Quite a transition

    • @angelcarmona4540
      @angelcarmona4540 Рік тому +1

      You actually need to read both books yourself, rather than finding a christian to give you his explanation. Have you ever asked yourself... Why was the New Testament written, if god is never changing?

  • @MikePasqqsaPekiM
    @MikePasqqsaPekiM Рік тому +6

    I think a great resource on this topic is Dr. Scott Hahn’s audiobook, titled a father who keeps his promises. Highly recommend listening, the book format isn’t quite as intuitive as the audiobook.

    • @MargaretNolan-c1t
      @MargaretNolan-c1t Рік тому

      If you listen to Hahn, you are listening to a self-serving charismatic heretic. I can assume that Hahn's books are pitched to a sixth grade comprehension level as his talks clearly are. Hahn has made a profitable cult of personality with puerile books, speaking tours, etc. His entire family is involved. Hahn referred to himself as "a glad Trad Pentacostal Catholic", a contradiction in terms to any rational person who has LEARNED their faith. Why would listen to an obvious huckster when you could simply read a Baltimore or Trent catechism, the early Church fathers and Doctors? Have you ever heard of primary sources? "There are many so-called apologists and theologians online using the crisis in the Church to make money." Fr. Isaac Mary Relyea

  • @wookiewoo1
    @wookiewoo1 11 місяців тому +5

    I am wrestling with the apparent conundrum of God as the disciplinarian in the Old Testament with the God of mercy triumphing over judgement in the New, partly because a friend has written a Dawkins-like diatribe against God and all that the Bible says about him.. Your perspective is helping me to develop a reasonable response, although I think unless one cannot really accept that God is God and His perspective is so much bigger and wiser than ours (as in Job). But I would appreciate readers' prayers that my response touches his heart even though his mind is so adamant there is no God.

    • @seeninthedark
      @seeninthedark 11 місяців тому

      hey friend, with all these different human made ideas it can become confusing. People may seem wise in their words, but the value of Proverbs 3:5-6 always comes to mind for me. Through God electing Israel as His people, their earthly lineage led to Jesus being able to be born both from God and man. Although I don't know why God was so very strict on all nations that turned from Him, it is proof that there is a value for morality, and that those lies told from others and their gods are important to oppose as they lead to death. As humans we function in time, whilst God is eternal. So therefore harsh and tough things happened as he tried to live amongst a people, aiming for that end goal to bring these beings he has created in his image that function under time to an eternal peace through Jesus.

  • @ahmadadilovich
    @ahmadadilovich Рік тому +4

    So the explanation of the incoherence of God between the Old and New Testament is that a Person sometimes behaves differently?

  • @xenophon5354
    @xenophon5354 3 місяці тому +3

    The issue I have with the father-prison guard analogy is that the context of the OT has people being wiped from the earth on God’s command. That’s not disciplining the inmate, that’s genocide. To which one might reply that the sun of the Canaanites et al was so severe this was the only recourse. But was it really different from those living in the time of Christ? The Romans were arguably far worse and far more degenerate, but are spared God’s wrath to instead be converted.
    The anthropological argument just seems far stronger, that Yahweh was the God of a hard people living in a hard time, and so they have a hard God. Christ arrives much later, at the height of Roman affluence. The God of Christ speaks more to the downtrodden lower classes of Roman than it does to desert herders and warriors.
    This development continues with the God of the Middle Ages, the God of Charlemagne and King Arthur being a God of glory and victory.

  • @lediceizcast
    @lediceizcast Рік тому +18

    I invited Christ into my life today, all day I’ve been crying in repentance and joy. I’ve never felt love this deep, caring, wise, warm, knowing he loves me and my life is meant for the better through him.
    I regret ever rejecting him, the day I asked for help with sincerity in my heart he answered in the way that left me no doubt. I turned my back on god letting arrogance, sin, and temptation rule over me. Despite my indifference, me leaving him.
    My lord never left me
    He advised me, guided me, protected me, and loved me the entire way back to him. It’s only now I realize how blind, dismissive, disrespectful, and ignorant I was towards him my entire life. Yet he was right there by my side.
    Thank you for the video; praise Jesus our savior. Amen!

    • @JerrymonkIII
      @JerrymonkIII 6 місяців тому

      The Four Foundations of Mindfulness
      Please research and begin the practice of meditation. For humanity to improve. We need to clear our minds. Not fill them with more fiction. Thanks

    • @shaytokyo782
      @shaytokyo782 4 місяці тому +2

      @@JerrymonkIII he has found peace with God. don't take it away from him. instead seek God and he will reveal himself. meditation will make u peaceful for a fleeting moment but then you will just become more stressed; seek God

    • @JerrymonkIII
      @JerrymonkIII 4 місяці тому

      What kind of peace with God can be found when making excuses for evil and following it anyway?
      That doesn't sound like a transaction with God.
      With whom then?
      That's a big reason why our world is lost and divided! It's even deeper than having a dodgy shepherd, tending the flock!
      This below won't bring peace or suffering with God.
      16: Special Instruction
      Ashtavakra said:
      You can recite and discuss scripture all you want,
      but until you drop everything you will never know Truth.
      You can enjoy and work and meditate, but you will still yearn for That which is beyond all experience, and in which all desires are extinguished.
      Everyone is miserable. Because they exert constant effort. But no one understands this.
      A ripe mind can become unshackeled upon hearing this one instruction.
      Rare in this world is one who does not relish past enjoyments, nor yearn for enjoyments to come.
      Where is existence or non-existence?
      Where is Unity or duality?
      Nothing emanates from me.
      No more can be said.
      ~The Ashtavakra Gita~

    • @shaytokyo782
      @shaytokyo782 4 місяці тому

      @@JerrymonkIII I don't entirely understand what you getting at, but if you are questioning why their is evil in the world the answer is simple!
      We as humans have chose to defy God and as a result he respects out decision and takes a step back, giving us free will and as a result we destroy ourselves because we refuse to turn to God's outstretched hand on a daily basis. God wants us to choose him. He will not force us to love him because that would be like a dictatorship!
      I'll give you an analogy:
      Let's say you had a Girlfriend that claimed to love you very much. But one day your mother called you and said "Hey son iv been paying you Girlfriend to be with you for years"
      Would you still consider her a loving girlfriend or someone depraved for cash?
      This Is the same with God. He created us to be free and love him. Love is only love when it Is given freely!
      Now on to natural disaster and disease!
      Because God is everything good and harmonious in this world when he took a step back after we defied him. naturally, his harmonious presence is taken aswell. That is why in nature we see floods and earth quakes and in our health we see diseases and sickness. All these things were not there when the world began, they are a product of our sin that distanced us from God.
      I hope this answered you question. If you have any more feel free to ask.

  • @pabs5270
    @pabs5270 Рік тому +5

    I struggle with the OT vs NT. Always have. Humanity has always been sinful. Still is.
    This explaination is a good one, but then then the argument is that man is better than they used to be?
    That's not what Romans says.

    • @simonline1194
      @simonline1194 Місяць тому

      If you think in terms of OT versus NT then you have a completely warped understanding of the Bible. The Bible (all 66 books from Genesis to Revelation (2Tim.3:16; Heb.4:12-13)) is a unified whole. The issue is, we don’t start from the beginning and work forward. Instead we start in the gospels and work outwards and wonder why it doesn’t make any sense whatsoever. This is why so many Christians are actually biblically illiterate and so easily lead up the garden path.

  • @nategraham6946
    @nategraham6946 Рік тому +10

    But that doesn't change one question. Were God's standards and laws in the old testament meant to only be temporary, or were they never really his standards to begin with?

    • @regandonohue3899
      @regandonohue3899 Рік тому +7

      I think that perhaps both stances presented aren't getting at what Brian is saying. Taking from his "lesson" analogy, the difference between a first year and final year uni student is that they learn is on the same subject, but one is significantly more advanced. Would you call the final year student's first year lessons "temporal"? Perhaps, but it's inaccurate. You couldn't say they weren't the desired standard either, because first year lessons are the foundation for final year subjects.

    • @nategraham6946
      @nategraham6946 Рік тому +1

      @@regandonohue3899 The difference is between progression and replacement. Progression builds and enhances, but the foundations are still as important and applicable. Yet what happened is more of a replacement, where the old no longer applies, and the few parts that do are usually twisted beyond recognition.

    • @olhickory9815
      @olhickory9815 Рік тому +6

      @@nategraham6946 and Jesus said "Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill." Matthew 5:17
      "For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed." Malachi 3:6

    • @nategraham6946
      @nategraham6946 Рік тому +3

      @@olhickory9815 So is the OT law is still applicable or not? If God doesn't change, the answer should be yes.

    • @mosesking2923
      @mosesking2923 Рік тому +11

      @@nategraham6946 Origen, Augustine, and Aquinas divided the Old Law into three sections: the moral law (good vs evil), the ceremonial law (purity and temple laws) and the judicial law (related to National Israel). The moral laws remain in place for Christians since each of the 10 commandments are repeated in the New Testament by Christ Himself and the various epistles. The ceremonial laws have passed away in Christ, the ordinances have been nailed to the cross. Lastly, the judicial laws applies only to Israel and not to any other nation. They ended when Israel was destroyed in 70 AD. The ceremonial law and judicial law weren’t arbitrarily thrown away. They served their purpose within certain covenants and came to an end. Like training wheels being thrown away once a child learns how to ride the bike.

  • @carloscabrera1947
    @carloscabrera1947 Рік тому +6

    Right he is a loving dad, but tougher at work. Is it ok if he kills children, cattle and donkeys at work. Spin, spin and more spin.

    • @Hoe-numan5
      @Hoe-numan5 5 місяців тому +2

      Like the global flood

    • @Ann-sj4pt
      @Ann-sj4pt 3 місяці тому +2

      Like “hell and damnation”

  • @andyabuteo6084
    @andyabuteo6084 9 місяців тому +5

    That does not explain how God commanded the israelites to totally annhilate the people of other tribes brutally.

    • @Moodyblooz
      @Moodyblooz 6 місяців тому

      Read the bible

    • @xyzxanth7606
      @xyzxanth7606 Місяць тому

      They had dna mixed with from children of god fallen angles satan or whatever

  • @hglundahl
    @hglundahl Рік тому +1

    7:57 The driving lessons analogy is much better.
    And the point is correct, taking on OT law is like asking your old driving teacher to be a backseat driver, even after you learned. Back seat drivers tend to make driving less safe.
    This also applies to the kind of people who are back seat drivers for my apologetics, and who prefer some of your erroneous points. They have made _my_ moral conduct, if not reprehensible (to human observers who don't see my heart), at least far less safe than it used to be.

  • @iteadjoseph2234
    @iteadjoseph2234 Рік тому +12

    Another point to make is that there was no mediatrix to appease God. Hence, there is a difference between the Old Testament God and the New Testament God. The Blessed Mother's fiat changed everything. Remember, the Mother of God is also called "Mother of Mercy."

    • @hybreeztrapper_ml8sb
      @hybreeztrapper_ml8sb Рік тому +2

      Yahweh is a physical god like those of egyptians while Jesus said is father Is of spirit no one has seen him at any time.
      Yahweh is not the father Jesus Christ was talking about.
      If you're going to say Yahweh is God then you're Left with a mountain of contradictions because Yahweh and Jesus Christ are totally polar opposites.
      Exodus 15:3
      "The lord is a man of war: Yahweh is his name."
      So god here is a man and fights other nations with their gods to prove his power what kind of power and threat do those other gods pose to Yahweh.
      Revelation 12:9
      And the great dragon was cast out that serpent of old called the devil and Satan who deceiveth the whole world. He was cast out onto earth and his angels were cast out with him.
      "Who deceiveth the whole world "
      The Elohim of the old testament in Deuteronomy 32:8
      When they divided the nations amongst themselves.
      1 kings 22:23
      "Now therefore behold the lord hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of all these thy prophets, and the Lord hath spoken evil concerning thee." Yahweh is a liar
      He has been deceiving the Israelites in the old testament.
      2corinthians 3:14...
      But their minds were blinded for until this day remaineth the Same Vail untaken away in the reading of the old testament which Vail is done away in Christ. But even unto this day when Moses is read the Vail is upon their heart.
      So the Vail is lifted with new Gospel of truth by Jesus Christ
      but the Vail still remains because of the reading of Moses Torah why because the bible clearly tells you that Moses was deceived by Yahweh/Satan
      Isaiah 5:20
      "Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil that put darkness for light and light for darkness that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter ."
      The deceived Christians and Jews see Yahweh as God and evil he did in the OT as good or justifiable by making apologetics excuses For what evil he did like killing women and children without realizing they're actually defending a tyrant god
      Hosea 13:7-8
      Yahweh/Jehovah says...
      "Therefore I will be unto them as a lion:as a leopard by the way I observe them. I will meet them as a bear that is bereaved of her whelps and will rend the caul of their heart and there will I devour them like a Lion: the wild beast shall tear them."
      Let's interpret this with Revelation 13:2
      "And the beast which i Saw was like unto a leopard and his feet were as the feet of a bear (to Tear nations) and his mouth as the mouth of a lion (to devour nations ) the dragon gave him his power and his seat and great authority."
      So whose the dragon we go back to Deuteronomy 32:8
      Dead Sea Scrolls: “When Elyon gave the nations as an inheritance, when he separated the sons of man, he set the boundaries of the peoples according to the number of the sons of God (bene elohim). For Yahweh’s portion was his people; Jacob was the lot of his inheritance”.
      So Yahweh was given authority and power over Israel by Elyon. So Elyon Is the dragon while Yahweh is a lesser god.
      Peter 5:8
      "Be sober. Be vigilant. For your enemy the Devil is like a roaring lion looking for whom he may devour."
      Be careful with Yahweh because he devours.
      2samuel 24:1
      The LORD's(Yahweh) anger against Israel flared again,a and he incited David against them: “Go, take a census of Israel and Judah.”
      1 chronicles 21:1
      Then Satan stood up against Israel and incited David to count Israel.
      So here it's clear that Yahweh is the devil and he really incited David. But theologians will try to say that the lord allowed the devil to incite David when the Bible clearly shows you who did it.
      John 1:17
      For the laws was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.
      John 8:19
      Where is your father?” they asked. Jesus answered, “Since you don’t know who I am, you don’t know who my Father is. If you knew me, you would also know my Father.”
      John 8:44
      " You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies".
      Jesus is telling the pharisees the god Yahweh they worship is a liar and has deceived them since Genesis.

  • @jazz322alllwaysswing
    @jazz322alllwaysswing 11 місяців тому +2

    the thing that confuses me is that it's said that the god of the old testament is Yahweh god of the storm but in the bible its clearly said that its the father god of all. Can anyone help out understanding this ? When i do research on it it says Yahweh is god of the jews and a warrior storm god but this does not sound like Jesus at all. Can anyone help guide me ?

    • @kompo1012
      @kompo1012 11 місяців тому

      You're reading an English translation of a 3000 year old or so book.
      Language changes over time so trying to get the original meaning from words which might mean different things over time is very difficult.
      For sake of stability people might just say "it means this, case closed." for a translation they agree with or think that it says.
      And so you need to have faith in these translators and have faith in the books they translated.

  • @petergreen8477
    @petergreen8477 Рік тому +3

    One of the most useful exegetical principles I have come across derives (I think) from Origen: as it says in the Book of the Apocalypse, only the Lamb that was slain is worthy to open the scroll with its seven seals. In other words, there can be for Christians only one exegete of the Old Testament namely Christ. This utterly passive, self-sacrificing incarnation of God is the one who speaks through every verse of the Old Testament - the one who turns the other cheek, who does not retaliate, who forgives his torturers is not exactly inciting his followers to commit genocide. So what are those blood-soaked passages in the Old Testament all about? They must be read spiritually: the conflict in every human heart between good and evil. There are aspects of our lives which cannot only be partially repented of - the child abuser cannot “improve” by merely reducing the number of children he victimises, he must stop completely. In other words, he must wholly eradicate the evil practice from his life (and turn himself in to the police) - that’s the kind of “genocide” that being one of the people of God involves. Christ abolishes ethnicity - so racism isn’t an option for those who call themselves Christians. The ancient Christian way of reading the Old Testament was to read it typologically - Christ is the new Abraham, the new Abel, the new Noah, the new Abraham, the new Isaac, the new Israel, etc.

    • @petergreen8477
      @petergreen8477 Рік тому +2

      Another key Catholic approach to the Old Testament is to see it as ‘the Divine Pedagogy” - the gradual unfolding of the divine revelation to humans at the level they can understand it.

  • @Skepticallady
    @Skepticallady Рік тому +1

    You mentioned "humanity which he had been forming has changed through that formation and he therefore could act differently with us". I have a question, following the same reasoning, we can say humanity has changed in the last 2000 years, meaning nowdays we don't permit or legalize terrible acts as 2000 years ago, example: slavery, men marrying several women, crucifixions, cutting limbs, killing homosexuals or not allowing women to go to schools, vote etc. But then if nowdays the context has changed could we say "God can act differently with us now because the context has changed and therefore gays could get married now" for example, wouldn't this follow the same reasoning?

    • @rubemartur8239
      @rubemartur8239 Рік тому

      Lets say that, God still the same, but Jesus said He is mercyfull.
      God will act against Sin that still being done by humanity: earthquakes, tsunamis, permition of human's experiment of biological weapon being expread, permition of Wars occuring... as people are lacking faith, they doesnt even ask protection, doesnt even give Hum proper reference.
      He gives Mercy(Jesus) in which one can come back to Him, by the price His Son payed in Cross (His Justice asked for the suffering of His own Son, Thats the same "cruelty" from old testment).
      Then way Innocent must die with bad people? Who knows, rather having Good dying to take them, before they get corrupted forever by human's schemes.
      God didnt changed. Jesus was and is a lightning Rod for God's Ire of Justice.
      But when, in some períods of time, people's SIN are done more then the rememberance of Christ sacrifice in the Cross, then His Justice is brought to the earth.
      Imagine 1 day, entirely, that humanity doesnt do remember His sacrifice, as Jesus asked to the apostles? (DO THIS IN MY MEMORY) Without this lightning Rod effect, humanity rather receive punishments that would make the 7 plagues of egypt "superficial and less painful"

    • @chrissonofpear1384
      @chrissonofpear1384 Рік тому

      Or, possibly, you are out, to breakfast, lunch, and tea, somewhat.
      And I certainly hope... that... thug... has changed, since 2 Samuel 24?
      And Leviticus 25:46, also? As much loose ends, detritus, and shear... cr*p was... left over from that verse, for a long, long, time...
      When ire of justice was fairly muted, during things, like slave trades (plus, an Inquisition...)
      In Christendom. And define 'evil mankind' too please? ('afflicted to the evil mankind', as you once wrote)
      Furthermore, was Eve DESIGNED, to sin?
      And were one third of all, angels, with, no 'glass darkly', no 'inherited sin nature', and no 'spiritual death' afflicting them... BEFORE, they one curious day, chose to rebel, in heaven (a realm, maybe pervaded by Spirit, Presence, and Knowledge...) also, designed, to sin, err, or otherwise 'miss the mark', too?
      As that also, is now, rather confusing. As is, if many people, are also 'pre-drawn and predestinated' (ala Romans 8:30) to be saved, or not?
      Given that all angels could choose individually, fully knowing which and how many gods had existed, and yet still thinking Satan could ever, possibly, remotely... win. It does seem then odd, that much of humanity's choice, was (allegorically) or not... made FOR them, at Eden?
      By... possible representatives. If you see what I mean.
      But it makes it harder to define, if humanity then, is 'evil humanity' as a result.
      As we did - not all... d*mn well... choose, then: Did we.@@rubemartur8239

  • @heritagefirst
    @heritagefirst 6 місяців тому +1

    The God of the Old Testament asked for human and animal sacrifice? How does that teach less evolved pre Jesus humans a tough lesson?

  • @jula5417
    @jula5417 Рік тому +7

    Thank you so much for this video🤗🤗🤗
    Blessing from Poland 💙💙💙

  • @ElyjahDHerring
    @ElyjahDHerring 4 місяці тому +3

    The old testament was full of sin

  • @christendumb9371
    @christendumb9371 Рік тому +2

    U really believe that until the law was read to the ppl by Moses ..those ppl never thought murder was wrong ?? ..
    Hamarabi new murder was wrong long long before those laws were written ...

  • @ricardoheredia7307
    @ricardoheredia7307 Рік тому +5


  • @lGalaxisl
    @lGalaxisl 11 місяців тому +1

    Mistranslation and lack of context are two big problems when it comes to this. Two examples:
    Elisha and the she-bear. Atheist love to take that story because they think it's just about some group of kids taunting "God's prophet" and God disproportionally lashing out and killing 50 of them. With proper translation and context, however, the story turns out to be about a group of court officers harassing Elisha, threatening to kill him just like their Jezebel did with all other priests of Jahweh (Go up to the mountain => Sacrifice to baal on the temple mount). They were about to lynch Elisha when God intervened.
    The second example is about Joshua entering the holy land. God specifically lays out rules for warfare against the giant clans because they need to be stopped asap. Compare it to the police barging into a house where a pedophile was keeping his niece imprisoned. The pedophile had been ordered to stop doing these horrendous things, but he does not repent so he has to be stopped with violence. We don't think the police is immoral for using violence in this situation, so why would we when God orders Joshua to stop a bunch of cannibal child-sacrificing clans?

  • @johnathannoble409
    @johnathannoble409 5 місяців тому +1

    This guy didn't even mention the attributes that God is supposed to have from beginning to end omnipotent omniscient an omnipresent

  • @hannahkirchner1656
    @hannahkirchner1656 Рік тому +2

    Old testament God in my view is not a lesser God. And Jesus often isn't that nice.
    First I don't take the Bible literally. I try to understand it in context of intent and writing style. I would say little of this actually happened, but that doesn't mean it's not true or wise or beautiful. Indeed, it is all those things.
    I think God helps explain the moral and ethical formation of a people who largely were carved out of slavery and oppression. God's rules were of that time.
    God is trying to give the people the discipline and structure to develop themselves and truly be free.
    It seems to me that the Bible is largely about man overcoming himself in order to set himself free.
    I wrote this before watching the video. Your explanation is spot on.

  • @muscleprotein
    @muscleprotein 10 місяців тому +3

    I believe in universal salvation because anything other than the eventual salvation of everyone isn’t a God I want to follow.

    • @BrianHoldsworth
      @BrianHoldsworth  10 місяців тому +1

      If you only worship what you want to worship, then you'll only ever worship yourself.

    • @Ann-sj4pt
      @Ann-sj4pt 3 місяці тому +1

      @@BrianHoldsworthThat is nonsense.Stay delusional.

  • @jpdebartolo
    @jpdebartolo Рік тому +3

    I would suggest consideration that Jesus never felt the need to defend the actions of His Father as described in the ‘old testament’.
    I believe that any conflict imagined between the ‘two’ testaments are completely artificial. Conflicts in this line remind me of the words of satan in the garden of Eden when he introduced doubt to mankind. Those who can’t recognize how much God shows His love to us in the ‘Old’ Testament are blind.
    The Bible is a story of mankind’s response to God great love. Doubt at any level is a rejection of God’s love. Question conceived in doubt (consider Zachariah) are an affront to God. Questions to gain information (consider Mary) demonstrate a willingness to be obedient to God‘s will.
    There is no conflict in God as presented anywhere in the Bible.

    • @marvalice3455
      @marvalice3455 Рік тому +3

      Oh it's absolutely artificial. But Christ sets an example for us. When a child of the devil seeks to make us doubt, children of Christ should, as best we can, respond with confidence

    • @jpdebartolo
      @jpdebartolo Рік тому

      @@marvalice3455 I think we agree, but I will never respond to the devil. I will only respond to God talking to the devil is worthless.

  • @chris002able
    @chris002able 6 місяців тому +1

    Stick around till the end where he really lays it down ❤

  • @Zandman26
    @Zandman26 Рік тому +3

    When it comes to explaining the cruelty of God, going with tales and legend is probably the only good awnser.
    The father with an authoritarian job is not a very strong defense.
    You forget in this case that God is all powerful and all knowing, so the people he is authoritarian against is people he created that way.
    So he set up a "play" where he could show how evil he can be, and that's why this is a bad defence.
    If the plesant father could soften or harden the inmates hearts at will, he would not have to be authoritarian against them.

    • @GhostFace-ss5is
      @GhostFace-ss5is 7 місяців тому

      But he would if God wanted us to have free will other wise we would be like Lucifer we might not know what gift god has given us. You can’t spoil your kids god cant spoil us he has to show us why we need him and Jesus is the way. Jesus died for our sins so that god wouldn’t have to throw his wraith at humanity again instead all we had to was turn to Jesus and truly ask for forgiveness and follow through with Jesus’s teachings.

    • @Zandman26
      @Zandman26 7 місяців тому +1

      @@GhostFace-ss5is Great you brought up two other things that I think are full defeaters of the Abrahamic God concept.
      The God is described as all knowing (omniscient) like I said in my post.
      This makes free will a moot point as God already knows before you were born what actions you will do through your entire life.
      By other words you have no choices, you will live exactly as God's all knowing already determined, or his not all knowing.
      Next up we have the non sacrifice of specifically the Christian theology.
      According to this God takes human form to sacrifice himself to himself to somehow atone for the creatures he himself created knowing they would sin against him.
      This makes no logical sense either.

    • @GhostFace-ss5is
      @GhostFace-ss5is 7 місяців тому

      @@Zandman26 At the beginning it was god and heaven and Lucifer let his pride get to him and humanity so humanity became sinful. Lucifer offers a false freedom from God not from death or anything as Lucifer holds no power it was given to man by Jesus to hold dominant over demons and sin. So in the beginning the angels were sleeping with women and women were giving birth to the giants etc. So i believe they were living in sin at that time period which God gave them sufficient time to get on Noah’s ark. In this time period they were idolized false gods such as Lucifer and other fallen angels. Pagan gods are believed to be demons and so God flooded the world to cleanse sin and the only way to heaven in that time period was through death of the body. But we have to remember The father God sees us as his children and death to him is not same as us he simply moving energy from one plane to another plane basically. Thats what he did in testament one and God let us known that he would send his Son but nobody expected his Son to be incredibly loving to everyone we assumed he would be a righteous warrior who come to kill all evil or something. Instead he showed how powerful words and love could be he denies the harming or shaming of others he doesn’t want us to judge nor take upon ourselves to assume what God wants. For example racism, sexism and other issues of that sort shouldn’t be a thought in a good Christian because we are all children of God and the beginning everything was pure and the end everything will be pure as God intended but we must choose God through Christ. The reason Christ died was so we can sin and still go to Heaven and we no longer have to follow the 10 commandments as those are another time with a different people who faced different issues. Jesus came here to warn us of Government and believed the truth we seek is in testament 2 but we need to read the beginning to understand the end and we are taught to no longer believe the beginning to important when it is.

    • @GhostFace-ss5is
      @GhostFace-ss5is 7 місяців тому

      @@Zandman26 As far as i understand i’ve only read and watched some of the bible. To clarify i only believe in Jesus and Father and holy spirit.

    • @Zandman26
      @Zandman26 7 місяців тому +1

      @@GhostFace-ss5is Ah yet another part of the Christian lore that makes no sense.
      The initial Abrahamic God (the one Jews believe in) is a single entity making the theology a monotheistic one.
      However for some reason when the new testament was written it was hints that the holy spirit was God and also that the God's son was also God.
      If you think about this a bit you realize that we now talk about three entities, but Christianity is supposed to be mono theistic (a single God).
      This lead early church fathers to come up with the trinity as a solution to make this a mono theistic religion.
      The problem is that three entities being one and the same breaks the law of identity (a part of logical reasoning).
      So yet another thing that makes this God very unplausable, even less so than the Jewish one.

  • @joeygambers4489
    @joeygambers4489 Рік тому +1

    I shall be watching and learning sir. Nice to meet you.

  • @exaucemayunga22
    @exaucemayunga22 Рік тому +2

    I still struggle to understand Jesus's saying "I came not to abolish the law but to fulfill it"

  • @stevendelgado5654
    @stevendelgado5654 10 місяців тому

    Theirs only one way to find out ..living,learning, and adapting

  • @ithadtobesaid23
    @ithadtobesaid23 Рік тому +2

    Um...genocide. murder. Jealousy.
    ..is not compatible with Jesus father

  • @BjornTuroc2112
    @BjornTuroc2112 9 місяців тому

    This is the best explanation I’ve ever heard about reconciling God of the Old Testament with God of the New Testament.

  • @gunsgalore7571
    @gunsgalore7571 Рік тому +1

    I tend to gravitate towards the idea that the conquests in Joshua did happen and that there was mass destruction of the Canaanites, but that some of the language is simply a manner of speech of the time. Similar to how you might say "We murdered them at that football game" but everyone understands that you meant that your team just beat them handily rather than actually shooting them or stabbing them to death. The archeological evidence actually supports this interpretation, as there is a Moabite bust discovered somewhere over there that claims that the Moabs "utterly destroyed" the Israelites and totally wiped them out, when we know that this didn't happen, as there are Israelites today. This supports the idea that "wiping out" and "utterly destroying" a people or city means that one handily overran and defeated them in combat, not that you literally totally wiped out the race from the face of the Earth.
    When viewed in that light, it is suddenly revealed that the Old Testament God is not a mass killer/racist, as He allowed all this to happen to the Israelites as well, seeing as how the Old Testament records the many times that the Jews were defeated and conquered by the Babylonians, Romans, etc.

  • @frederickanderson1860
    @frederickanderson1860 Рік тому +2

    Same God.

  • @whatarefriends4
    @whatarefriends4 8 місяців тому +1

    Haha! I didn’t expect to hear the word sphincter at all😂😂😂

  • @hglundahl
    @hglundahl Рік тому +1

    1:36 I can say for me, that the channels on youtube or quora users I interact with have ceased confronting me with the problem - probably because at 4 million views just on my present blogger account, not counting the views on MSN Groups Antimodernism before MSN Groups closed down, or disconnected blogger accounts, or the disconnected or presently still connected wordpress account, as well as former and two present quora accounts, as well as those who follow me on youtube - my position is more or less known, it is predictable I will defend the OT God and this in ways that will seem insensitive to a lot of those who have this problem.
    B U T when I started out on MSN Group Antimodernism, I tended to answer this a lot, as I recall.
    When they closed down, one group member had been asked by me to:
    * save messages or threads from the group on webcitation, which was still working at the time
    * send me the webcites, so I could put them on the blogger account when I had time
    * since back then, as not just homeless, but vagabond in an area with little internet connexion, outside Aix, which was made physically unpleasant, I did not have the internet time to do this myself.
    What happened is, once I had more time, and could ask him to send me webcites, he told me, "oh, I couldn't do that" - and via FB I found out he was a FreeMason - guys who obviously do _not_ like integrist defenses of the OT God. I unfriended him, but it was too late. Parts of the site had already been lost.

  • @Jhon95x
    @Jhon95x 3 місяці тому +1

    God is not a person the comparison with the person in the prison is not relevant

  • @hueylongeverymanaking3399
    @hueylongeverymanaking3399 Рік тому +3

    Great video! Thanks 🙏

  • @kevindowell6003
    @kevindowell6003 3 місяці тому

    I think it is easy to understand. There is the God that created man and there is the god that man created. There is spirituality, the belief in God and there is the social political control/corruption of organized religion

  • @ethiehetherington5086
    @ethiehetherington5086 8 місяців тому

    When God kill or get a children die, that is because He knew that the children would grow up to be wicked. They are saying goes " Before you were born, God already knew what or who you will become), so He have to let you if you go if you chose to become wicked.

  • @revan4130
    @revan4130 10 місяців тому

    I like this explnation but there are a few questions I have. Firstly, this seems like its a very broad spectrum. the "people" were corrupted and bad, but what about individuals? Surely there were individuals that were still godly but were they grouped up with the "entire" story and wiped out? If 5000 men are bad but 10 men are good, do they all get wiped out with the same judgement? Secondly the era of people is ever-changing. Its so easy to think in 2020 that the Bible, God, and jesus has been around long enough that we know what we need to do or not need to do, but what if you take a random person from hundreds of years ago and bring them to our time? It could be a very hateful person but if you brought them to our time with all our knowledge they might change their ways. And conversely, take a "good person from our time" and drop them thousands of years ago. Thats just how people lived and existed. So do we immediately conedem someone from 2000 years ago for living and experiencing that timeline with that lifestyle and existence. 3rd and this is my hardest point that I have never been able to understand. What about all the other billion people living in different areas of the world? Why doesn't God reach out to them? The people of Africa, east Asia, small islands, its hundreds of millions of people if not billions that are growing up with their own indoctrinated religions without God or Jesus. How is that fair to them?

  • @iamjustjoshin
    @iamjustjoshin 3 місяці тому

    This is was perfect. Thank you. Praise I AM.

  • @Celeste-jh2lj
    @Celeste-jh2lj 6 місяців тому

    This is something thats always confused me about christainity. Ive heard god in the old testament is different than the new one. Im reading the bible and looking stuff up and the more i learn the more confused i get. Who are they worshipping if the god in the old testament is different than the one in the new testament? Im struggling to get through it bc of how horrific god is in the old testament. I can understand god being wrathful to those who harm his people, what god isnt wrathful? But there are times it just seems like down right cruelity

  • @Mystic_Jawhar_Saaleh
    @Mystic_Jawhar_Saaleh 9 місяців тому

    This is a very intelligent and kind explanation to such a sensitive topic. God bless you

  • @peterplus2001
    @peterplus2001 2 місяці тому

    By that logic are we to overlook the Old Testament when we read scripture and stick with a New Testament?

  • @jonathanguzman8584
    @jonathanguzman8584 Місяць тому

    God Bless you for the great video

  • @antoniocolon1567
    @antoniocolon1567 3 місяці тому

    Well said brother!

  • @alessandroguermandi8828
    @alessandroguermandi8828 8 місяців тому

    The analogy of the gentle father is flawed as it refers to different SCENARIO when the point was the different ATTITUDE.Old Testament God attitude vs New Testament God attitude.

  • @jeep250es5
    @jeep250es5 9 місяців тому

    In the realm of absolutes you wouldn't see the duality that exists between the old and new. Jesus taught us truth and truth was absent in the old

  • @nicbahtin4774
    @nicbahtin4774 Рік тому +1

    based god

  • @Jontheinternet
    @Jontheinternet 9 місяців тому

    It's not so much that the Old Testament God is different - it is that the leaders would twist things to fit their needs. Any time a county's leader is religious, the danger is that they will twist the religion to suit their needs. It happens all throughout history. It was the reason behind the separation of church and state - to preserve religion.
    Look at how the romans used religion, or the Jews, the croustades, the holy wars, and the condemnation and suffering through the ages. Look at how the Anglican Church was formed - when he couldn't get his way, the king broke off and changed the religion to suit his needs and get a divorce.
    God is not different. People are corrupt. You can bet that what Moses first learned in the mountains - and even what was inscribed in the holy pyramid temples where they used to worship God - that the message was much like the gospels.
    People twist religion and God. It's not that God changed. And we generally know this.

  • @manoloribera9362
    @manoloribera9362 26 днів тому

    Both versions are as real as Harry Potter.

  • @marry.mebitc.h3279
    @marry.mebitc.h3279 6 місяців тому

    was he wrong

  • @Republican_Banana
    @Republican_Banana Місяць тому

    People forget that God killed Ananias ane Saphira, and herod in the new testament. Jesus told a parable where the people reject him and he says " bring them here and slay them before me". God is the same in both testaments. If you still have doubt, read revelation.

  • @kispankum
    @kispankum Рік тому

    I like that your videos are not much longer than the path of one thought.

  • @Misha-cs3vm
    @Misha-cs3vm 3 місяці тому

    We all know the miracles God performed in front of the Israelites during the Exodus. They all saw and witnessed it FIRST-HAND. But when Moses went up to Mount Sinai and disappeared for a while, the same people made a golden calf and started worshiping it instead... People were different back then, even the ones selected to be in a covenant with God.
    Re Canaanites, this is what is written about them in the Book of Leviticus: “Do not defile yourselves in any of these ways (i.e., by making child sacrifice to Molech, engaging in abominable sexual relations (including incest and bestiality), etc.), because this is how the nations that I am going to drive out before you became defiled. Even the land was defiled; so I punished it for its sin, and the land vomited out its inhabitants." So they were pretty corrupt and perverted people, like the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah, who were annihilated by God himself.

  • @mncpakistan9995
    @mncpakistan9995 9 місяців тому

    God is pure.. He has no son.. He created adam without mom and dad and jesus without dad.

  • @santiagohernandez4880
    @santiagohernandez4880 11 місяців тому

    Old vs. New

  • @Ancel316
    @Ancel316 Місяць тому

    Who actually wrote Moses laws? Not the 10 commandments, the Mosaic laws.

  • @ulrohermit1369
    @ulrohermit1369 Рік тому

    wow, this music is touching what is the genre ??

  • @shaneross7428
    @shaneross7428 8 місяців тому

    I really needed to hear that thank you. I had a tear down my cheek.

  • @hglundahl
    @hglundahl Рік тому

    2:34 First issue.
    Adultery merits in and of itself death penalty, and NT political powers like Rome from Constantine to Justinian actually enforced this.
    That adultery is _not_ punished in the kingdoms of the New Law by death penalty is due to a specific clemency of the New Testament, and this is like God telling the Jews He's not annihilating them just because by rejecting Christ they are in fact adulterers. And Justinian saw where Christ was heading, and he respected the example given by King Arthur who simply didn't execute Guinevere. Arthur and Guinevere being alive in the precise period between Constantine and Justinian, an era also in which lots of NT copies circulated without the passage.
    Fornication does not in and of itself merit death penalty, and that it was punished by death in the OT is not just a rigour of the OT, though that too, but also because God wanted to keep the lineage leading up to Jesus clean. An Israelite virgin losing her virginity before Christ would have been guilty not just of fornication, but also of sacrilege against the then as yet only upcoming Messiah.
    The passage in John 8 reflects two things _apart from this:_
    * Jews had lost their right to execute criminals according to their own law before Christ arrived at adulthood, but after He was persecuted in childhood, fulfilling the prophecy (by Jacob on his deathbed) that Judah would not lose sovereignty up to when the hero came (Daniel 13 shows that Jews _had_ the right to condemn to death under Nebuchadnezzar and Cyrus;
    * the stoning was not actually legal, since the two witnesses were the husband and adulterer, and since the adulterer couldn't be a witness in a process where under the law, he would have been on trial as well - unlike Roman law, the Jewish law would have required the death, not just of Guinevere, but of Lancelot as well.

    • @hglundahl
      @hglundahl Рік тому

      It can be added, marriage is also different. A NT husband is obliged to lifelong fidelity. Putting his wife away by stoning for adultery or putting her away by bill of repudiation for not serving a correct tea are both things he should abhor much more, than the OT husband had to.
      And this is relevant, because God divorced Israel, and married the Catholic Church, whom He will never divorce.
      Deuteronomy 28 shows a conditional covenant, and the correct (on this point) LXX text of Jeremias prophecied it would be annulled. Matthew 28 shows this as replaced by an eternal covenant.
      King Arthur was acting the role of Hosea or of a NT husband, _should_ his wife be unfaithful.

  • @imeantry8006
    @imeantry8006 9 місяців тому

    GOD is our creator, not a peer we can judge from our own moral positions. He can be what He wants, cruel, good, all and more. We obey regardless.

  • @pabs5270
    @pabs5270 Рік тому

    My explantion will be questionable to most, but it helps me.
    Christ the Son was able to 'set aside' his power (Hebrews) and become a human being. He had to 'learn obediance'. Why would God (Jesus the Son) have to "set aside' his majesty and 'learn obedience'? Ever really think about this?
    Why did Jesus say He couldn't perform miracles in certain situations because of 'unbelief'. Seems if He was God, He could do anything, right?
    The explantion for OT vs the radical NT 'character change' (the Law vs Grace) is that Jesus (who created everything) was a Son who still had to learn lessons from the Father. Jesus created a flawed system (humans/sin). Jesus did not know that this would result (limited foreknowledge at creation) ) is such evil. He said in Genesis 6 that ' He was sorry He created humans' ! This first book of the bible, six chapters into it, and He wishes He hadn't created humans!
    Jesus came to show us grace. He thought - "hey, mankind will listen...I'm showing LOVE'. Nope, instead He was treated as a criminal by the Jewish priests and brutally murdered.
    He had to pay for this 'mistake' of His creation. The Father had to look away, and let it happen.

  • @kae6250
    @kae6250 5 місяців тому

    This was well explained. Thank you!

  • @hglundahl
    @hglundahl Рік тому

    6:03 _"the gods"_
    There is no event in the Iliad, and few if any in the Odyssey, which actually require such gods to be real for the events as such to be real, if misinterpreted theologically.
    Some of the gods are human qualities, some are angels, I suspect Athena in the Odyssey is more than once Ulysses' or Telemachus' guardian angels, some are demons (that is more apparent in the tragedy) and some are Homer's way of referring to God's providence, making it "the gods' providence" instead, like the conference on Olympus in the beginning of the Iliad.
    Very little of that would _require_ any real supernatural events, apart from purely spiritual ones, and none of those that require them are totally inexplicable in Christian terms.

  • @markscannell865
    @markscannell865 Рік тому +2

    When it comes to the God of the Old Testament vs the God of the New Testament, I think of the "Pam from The Office It's the Same Thing" meme.

  • @Dominic-mm6yf
    @Dominic-mm6yf Рік тому

    They are the same.Christ said he came to fulfill the law.There are Greek influences in the NT but it is the same deity of Israel.

  • @onedill1232
    @onedill1232 8 місяців тому

    This makes so much sense

  • @JoseGarcia-jd4rp
    @JoseGarcia-jd4rp 7 місяців тому

    Brian are we allowed to eat pork and shrimp and lobster etc?

  • @CappieBG
    @CappieBG 8 місяців тому

    From my understanding God is simply trying to bring his people to himself since people chose Satan ( Adam ). Sin is not only disobedience to a holy God who cannot stand in the presence of Sin and he is punishing you all the time. He is Love so all the rules he "sets" are actually for harmony and our own good. It is shown even in the garden of Eden ( they literally had one job ) . Satan didnt just disappear when he tempted Adam and Eve, he stayed on the Earth and perverted again the people of the nations. Just consider the fact that people used to live up to almost thousand years. The more they broke the law of Love like the example with Noah. The more they risked not only us never being reconsiled back to God thanks to his Son, because there was not a single righteous person except Noah, but the world would be under Satan's full dominion. Same goes for the canannites and their children who practiced all sorts of stuff including bestiality and etc. The Bible needs to be looked from the beginning to end. Sin is not only a transgression against God's holy law. But its also bad for humanity but they don't realise it. I will give a simple example. Satan has perverted something God created for consummation in Marriage into C*rn. People all around you watch it and think its normal and good for you, but it literally fries your brain and you gain anxiety and 100+ other negative effects.

  • @ashleybriones2445
    @ashleybriones2445 Місяць тому

    I still can’t find a video that reconciles this issue for me..the god of the Old Testament is asking for burnt sacrifices of innocent animals? This is not an all loving god

    • @Mudda_Faka
      @Mudda_Faka Місяць тому

      Theophilus most excellent explains animal sacrifice

  • @copperknowsis5159
    @copperknowsis5159 10 місяців тому

    It's not the same God. And it seems that Christians confuse who is the Most High. Read a book called Piso Christ

  • @erikamoretti9887
    @erikamoretti9887 2 місяці тому

    this is so good

  • @TheTangofrog
    @TheTangofrog 11 місяців тому

    Great explanation, Timely fro my faith. Thank you.

  • @bobbobertbobberton1073
    @bobbobertbobberton1073 18 днів тому

    Jesus said that Moses brought law to the world but he brought the truth. The new testament is a completely benevolent book, it has none of the questionable things like the old testament, because laws change truth doesn't. Laws are designed for the time period and political scope of a place.

  • @WTGibbons
    @WTGibbons 2 місяці тому

    Don't you realise our God is in the Trinity, and the Jew god is on one person ?!
    It is not the same God.

  • @McRuffin
    @McRuffin 5 місяців тому

    If God is the same yesterday today and forever, why such a contrast if his qualities would remain the same? I just don’t see the need for such a large difference. And killing babies?… sound a but extremely. Why would God, both himself and his followers, slaughter millions for 4,000 years and wait to bring atonement for sin when he could have did it so much earlier?

    • @bigpigslapperoinktoo4953
      @bigpigslapperoinktoo4953 5 місяців тому +1

      satan was deceive'n the people,,, they thought satan was God,, the fallen angels were placed rulers over the nations and the people also made them gods,,,, Jesus aint the god of the Old Testament

  • @fungaming683
    @fungaming683 Рік тому

    Something like the bible you can't just change that. I watch morgueofficial. He kinda makes sense

  • @FrMarkGoring
    @FrMarkGoring Рік тому +14

    Great explanation Brian. Thank you 🙏🏽

  • @jaroslav-6027
    @jaroslav-6027 11 місяців тому +5

    Total nonsense, but it's sounds nice, I give that.

  • @MastaKeahi
    @MastaKeahi Рік тому +18

    This why I’m really glad I do the Bible in a year

  • @LawGarithmic
    @LawGarithmic Рік тому +48

    There's simply no more honest an indication of fear than the clench of a sphincter. - Albert Einstein 2/4/2420

  • @johnathannoble409
    @johnathannoble409 5 місяців тому +2

    Humanity changed, so He had to change,😅, thats a new one, now I heard em all.

  • @alexanderhamilton6370
    @alexanderhamilton6370 Рік тому +104

    GREAT analogy of the gentle father with his kids vs how he is at work as a prison guard! This is good stuff. Thank you, Brian.

    • @ksanto9797
      @ksanto9797 Рік тому +9

      ​@@Roman-Labrador Discipline is rooted in love.

    • @LaserFace23
      @LaserFace23 Рік тому +14

      @stingingnettle9726 To love is to will the good of the other - To treat a criminal the way you'd treat your child would be to enable them, not love, just like treating your child like a criminal wouldn't be discipline, but cruelty. The light of God's love is warm and comforting to those living in it, but feels like a blinding fury to those who only love the dark.

    • @Realone031
      @Realone031 Рік тому +11

      Or… it’s two different gods

    • @clouds-rb9xt
      @clouds-rb9xt Рік тому +3

      @@Realone031 No. Jesus is Yahweh.

    • @VNuxion
      @VNuxion Рік тому +3

      ​@@Realone031Well, it's complicated to make reason out of something fictional.

  • @liquidmocofilmsllc4915
    @liquidmocofilmsllc4915 9 місяців тому +3

    Huge flop. Intellectually dishonest. All the signs are there and all things being equal the most simple explanation is true, they are not from the same God.
    Your statement that people have changed not God is dishonest. The God of the OT states he is unchanging. If so, his nature is opposite of Yehushua.
    Despite the OT God stating he is unchanged, you use a very man made interpretation of how a man is different as a prison guard and a father. That’s not the definition of unchanged if you should be honest.
    Also, as a father, I know my actions are a direct reflection and absorption by my kids. I can’t tell them thou shalt not murder and then give them the order to go commit genocide. They learn more by actions and experiences before words.
    If you want to be honest, and believe that both OT God and NT God are unchanging then ask yourself, would Yehushua give the order to murder an entire population? The man endured torture to his death unknown to any human and continued to forgive and pray for his enemies.
    You cannot use foundational learning analogies when it comes to life. Life is precious not a driving test. And again, I’ll repeat that OT God’s foundation is murder. Yehushua told them their father was a murderer from the beginning. The OT has always lived by the sword.

  • @orlindamyanov2989
    @orlindamyanov2989 11 місяців тому +6

    God is not Death but Life... That's why Jesus came to let us know the real God. Yahweh is not the Father

  • @spencermarkham1
    @spencermarkham1 Рік тому +8

    I hope I won’t seem blasphemous or heretical using this comparison but I always believed that because the Old Testament times was like the Wild West therefore God had to be the lawman, a Wyatt Earp or Wild Bill Hickock figure to tame the ancient world! By the time Jesus came, human civilization was settled therefore God didn’t need to be the Wild Bill Hickock figure anymore!

    • @AzureSymbiote
      @AzureSymbiote Рік тому +2

      That makes sense to me.

    • @marvalice3455
      @marvalice3455 Рік тому +2

      That's not a terrible analogy, though it's less a matter of being more "civilized" (the Carthaginians Rome fought were a remnant of the Canaanites Israel and the Phoenicians drive out of the lavant. Literally the same people, just in a different place) and more about people being in a better theological and philosophical position to understand.
      It is *not* a coincidence Christ came when he did. The gentiles had been made ready for him just as much as the Jews had

  • @blazingocean4206
    @blazingocean4206 Рік тому +4

    God made them that way in the first place. Free will is BS.