This is really good stuff. I purchased both tests and they actually gave a solid idea of what to expect for the written exam and guess what, I passed lol. I appreciate all of the information and you did a really good job on putting this together sir!
I want to say thank you for the practice test. I bought it from you and I have to say it's pretty close to what the real written exam is with NBCMI. I passed the written test with 90% and the practice test has helped tremendously in terms of estimating the difficulty level of the written exam.
The HR department of many hospitals across America don't have the luxury of being picky when it comes to whether or not a potential candidate has the NBCMI or the CCHI what they need is medical interpreters that are certified.
In the past week, I received my certificate. It took me 1 week to complete the training. (This is not a certification!) I work for the Department of Health Florida
Very informative. 👍 I worked for LLS as well before. I also live in Vancouver, British Columbia. 🤝 Currently working as a Medical and Legal interpreter. I have also taken NBCMI.
In the past week, I received my certificate. It took me 1 week to complete the training. (This is not a certification!) I work for the Department of Health Florida
물론 사람마다 어디서 시작하느냐는 개인차가 있겠지만, 일단 의료지식 관련해서 아무것도 없는 백지상태에서 시작한다고 하면 간단한 의학관련 용어/단어들부터 공부하는걸 추천드립니다!! 단순히 영어/한국어만 암기한다는 느낌보다는 실제로 Biology 공부를 한다는 느낌으로 하는게 더 나중에 도움이 많이 될거에요. 특히나 register 같은 개념 같은걸 잘 알아 놓으시는게 도움 많이 되실껍니다! (ex. kneecap -> patella) 어느정도 신체부위 관련 단어 기초가 쌓이면 다음은 의학 질병 이름에 관한 prefix, suffix 미친듯이 공부하시면 됩니다. ㅎㅎ 이런 의료지식 자료들은 인터넷에도 많이 있어서 찾기가 어렵다거나 하지는 않으실꺼에요. Written exam은 이런식으로 공부 빡시게 하시면 통과가능 합니다. Oral exam은 실제공부보다는... 자신감? 기세? 같은게 더 중요한 느낌입니다 ㅎㅎ 다음 영상에서 이런 부분에 관해서 말씀드릴 예정이고 나중에는 한국어로 좀 더 자세하게 설명드리는 영상도 올려보도록 하겠습니다~~
Hello Jamie! Sorry for the late response. Unfortunately I do not have any recommendations for the training course as I do not want to be seen as affiliated with any other institutions. I think generally it costs around $500 for the online course. I am considering creating a course to make it a bit more affordable for many people! (hopefully someday soon in the future!)
안녕하세요. Written test 두개다 구입해서 풀고 시험 쳤는데 많은 도움이 되었어요. ^^ 덕분에 written test 를 무사히 마치고 oral exam 을 준비 중인데 정보를 좀 구하고 싶어요. Sight translation 은 어떤 종류이고 내용이 얼마나 긴가요? 그리고 12개 시나리오는 nbcmi 설명이 좀 헷갈리는데 시나리오 1에 의사가 말하면 시나리오 2에 환자가 말하고 시나리오 3에 다시 의사가 말하고. 이런 식으로 진행이 되나요? 아님 시나리오 1에 의사, 환자, 의사, 환자 대화가 몇줄 나오나요?
Sight translation 같은 경우는 그렇게 길지 않습니다. 한 3~4줄 정도 되었던것 같아요! NBCMI 웹사이트에 가시면 한번 연습삼아 해보실 수 있는 Mock exam이 있습니다. Sight translation 같은 경우는 그 Mock exam과 굉장히 비슷하게 나오구요. 실제 시나리오는 시험이 훨씬 깁니다. 시나리오 한개당 환자와 의사가 대화하는 내용이 나오는 식이구요, 각 시나리오는 다른 주제의 대화로 구성되어있습니다. 한 시나리오당 대화가 몇줄 나오는지는 잘 기억이 나지 않으나 대략적으로 한 8~10줄정도였지 않을까 싶습니다. 이 부분도 practice test 해보시면 감이 오실껍니다^^. 도움 되셨길 바랍니다!
Hello Mason! This is Sandra! This is a very informative video. I am planning to take the ILSAT or CILISAT test and also become a member of ATIO by the end of this year. It is my understanding that to become a certified member of ATIO, I must pass their certification exam. Do you recommend that I also acquire a medical interpreter certificate as well? Also, do these certificates help raise my pay greatly? BTW I wanted to personally thank you for your classes. I'm grateful that you make the classes enjoyable! : )
Hello Sandra! Good to see you here and my apologies for the late response. Taking exams in Canada and joining your province’s organization are both great idea in my opinion. However, I would like to clarify that “a medical interpreter certificate” you mentioned in fact can be obtained from many different places. Please note that you are not required to have a certification to work as a medical interpreter in many states/provinces/countries. In my opinion, if you are looking to become a certified medical interpreter, the most reputable ones will be NBCMI and CCHI due to US being the most predominant market for remote interpreting. I believe I have mentioned why I chose NBCMI over CCHI in this video. Will these certificates help raise your pay greatly? It helps but not by a lot in my opinion. I think having experience and knowing your skill level will give you the upper hand in negotiating your pay rate when you work as a freelance interpreter. I am planning on making more videos with most frequent questions asked! So, stay tuned! :)
안녕하세요! 통번역사들에게는 항상 고민으로 다가오는 문제이죠. 기술발전이라 한다면 기계 번역/통역 기술이 인간을 대체할 시대가 오는 것을 보통 생각하실텐데, 너무나 빠르게 발전하고 있기는 하나 아직도 너무 먼 길이 남았다고 생각합니다. 통역사의 입장에서 기계가 제 일자리를 빼았아가는건 사실 걱정되지 않고 개인적으로 저는 오히려 통역사가 많으면 많아질수록 그 시대가 더 빨리오게될거라는, 그리고 그래야 한다는 생각이 있습니다. 전화통역은 지난 2-3년간 시장이 엄청 커졌고 아직도 훨씬 더 커져야하는 시장이라고 생각합니다. 통역사는 항상 부족하고 실력이 있어서 대우를 받을 수 있는 통역사들은 더더욱 부족하고요. 여기까지가 제 개인적인 생각입니다. 이에 대해서 나중에 영상으로도 한번 떠들어보겠습니다~! ㅎㅎ 새해 복 많이 받으세요!
제가 찾아봤을때는 따로 책이라던가 그런건 없었었습니다ㅠㅠ 의학지식은 Biology 공부를 조금 얕고 넓게? 한다는 느낌으로 공부하시면 됩니다ㅎㅎ; 그 외 통역관련 문제는 IMIA같은 웹사이트에 나와있는 여러 Standards/cod of ethics 이런거 많이 찾아봤구요. 혹시나 필기시험 준비중이시면 제가 직접 만든 모의고사도 있구요 ㅎㅎ Part 3 영상에 설명칸에서 링크 찾으실 수 있으실겁니다. ㅎㅎ (죄송하지만 공짜는 아니구요…가격은 나름 저렴하게 5불입니다ㅎㅎ)
How do u choose over training course in the market? I only see third party offering these.. do u have any recommendations? Also, what is the market rate for working as a cmi?
Hi! Q1. How should one choose the training course? Any recommendations? A: If the purpose of the training course is to be eligible for CMI exam, I guess it would be cheaper the better as long as it is acknowledged by NBCMI. You can check if the course is indeed eligible to be used as a requirement on the website. If the purpose is truly about “learning what interpretation is” then I do not have a good answer for you unfortunately. Try joining other online communities to ask around what’s good. Just FYI, I am also preparing for 40hr courses for interpreters with a focus on ‘reasonably-priced’ (because many courses in the market right now are just way too expensive imo) so maybe that’s something that might interest you? 😅 Q2. What’s the market rate for CMI? A: Depends on many things. I know it’s not helpful. It depends on your language pair a lot and your location. I do not have a concrete evidence other than the rates for myself and other colleagues. Generally, “experienced and certified interpreters” would make 1.5~2.5x what interpreters who are just starting out in my opinion. I hope it helps!
Hi Aly, there are many companies such as Language Line Solutions, Globo, LSA, Voyce etc. I highly suggest looking up "remote interpreter" on job searching websites like LinkedIn.
Sorry for the late response! That will depend on your prior medical knowledge but I have seen people spending about a week or two to prepare, some up to 1~2 months.
I just purchased the practice exam. I am taking the test Saturday. I was only able to print the test. How can I get the answers key? When I pressed back the page didn’t reload. Thanks!
This is really good stuff. I purchased both tests and they actually gave a solid idea of what to expect for the written exam and guess what, I passed lol.
I appreciate all of the information and you did a really good job on putting this together sir!
Congratulations and thank you for the comment! Greatly appreciate it!
Is the actual test in English?
@@s-p-man5271 The written test is 100% English with a bunch of medical questions and a minimum part of questions related to interpretation protocols.
@@carlosdisla4920 thank you very much for the tips. Did you take the oral?
I want to say thank you for the practice test. I bought it from you and I have to say it's pretty close to what the real written exam is with NBCMI. I passed the written test with 90% and the practice test has helped tremendously in terms of estimating the difficulty level of the written exam.
Thank you for the comment and that's so good to hear! I am really glad that it helped :)
Congratulations fellow CMI!
Thank you very much!!!! :))
The HR department of many hospitals across America don't have the luxury of being picky when it comes to whether or not a potential candidate has the NBCMI or the CCHI what they need is medical interpreters that are certified.
In the past week, I received my certificate. It took me 1 week to complete the training. (This is not a certification!) I work for the Department of Health Florida
Very informative. 👍
I worked for LLS as well before. I also live in Vancouver, British Columbia. 🤝 Currently working as a Medical and Legal interpreter. I have also taken NBCMI.
I work at the same place AND would like ti be an interpreter in Canada...could we talk?
@@alimentosservicios2238 So u want to immigrate to Canada?
Thank you!
In the past week, I received my certificate. It took me 1 week to complete the training. (This is not a certification!) I work for the Department of Health Florida
Congratulations, best wishes to you!
This is very helpful. Thank you
Thank you for an amazing video!
Thank you!
영상 너무 잘봤어요!
공부는 어디서부터 시작하면 좋은지 조언 주실수 있으신가요? 막연하게 하고 싶다고만 생각했는데 맘먹고 시작할수 있게 동기부여를 해주셨어요~
물론 사람마다 어디서 시작하느냐는 개인차가 있겠지만, 일단 의료지식 관련해서 아무것도 없는 백지상태에서 시작한다고 하면 간단한 의학관련 용어/단어들부터 공부하는걸 추천드립니다!! 단순히 영어/한국어만 암기한다는 느낌보다는 실제로 Biology 공부를 한다는 느낌으로 하는게 더 나중에 도움이 많이 될거에요. 특히나 register 같은 개념 같은걸 잘 알아 놓으시는게 도움 많이 되실껍니다! (ex. kneecap -> patella) 어느정도 신체부위 관련 단어 기초가 쌓이면 다음은 의학 질병 이름에 관한 prefix, suffix 미친듯이 공부하시면 됩니다. ㅎㅎ 이런 의료지식 자료들은 인터넷에도 많이 있어서 찾기가 어렵다거나 하지는 않으실꺼에요. Written exam은 이런식으로 공부 빡시게 하시면 통과가능 합니다. Oral exam은 실제공부보다는... 자신감? 기세? 같은게 더 중요한 느낌입니다 ㅎㅎ 다음 영상에서 이런 부분에 관해서 말씀드릴 예정이고 나중에는 한국어로 좀 더 자세하게 설명드리는 영상도 올려보도록 하겠습니다~~
영상 너무 감사합니다!^^ 혼자 준비하기 막막했는데... 시리즈 계속 기다릴게요! 시험 보기 전 40시간 수업시간 채워야하는건 어떤걸로 선택하셨는지도 영상에 담아주실 수 있을까요?:)
두번째 영상에 담아주셨네요!ㅎㅎ 다음 영상도 기다리겠습니다~!
@@mokdong_youngsam 감사합니다!! ^_^ 최대한 빠른시일내로 올려보도록 하겠습니다!
Thank you !!!
Thanks for the information, very detailed and tangible. I wonder if you have any recommendations towards which 40hr training course to take?
Hello Jamie! Sorry for the late response. Unfortunately I do not have any recommendations for the training course as I do not want to be seen as affiliated with any other institutions. I think generally it costs around $500 for the online course. I am considering creating a course to make it a bit more affordable for many people! (hopefully someday soon in the future!)
안녕하세요. Written test 두개다 구입해서 풀고 시험 쳤는데 많은 도움이 되었어요. ^^ 덕분에 written test 를 무사히 마치고 oral exam 을 준비 중인데 정보를 좀 구하고 싶어요. Sight translation 은 어떤 종류이고 내용이 얼마나 긴가요? 그리고 12개 시나리오는 nbcmi 설명이 좀 헷갈리는데 시나리오 1에 의사가 말하면 시나리오 2에 환자가 말하고 시나리오 3에 다시 의사가 말하고. 이런 식으로 진행이 되나요? 아님 시나리오 1에 의사, 환자, 의사, 환자 대화가 몇줄 나오나요?
Sight translation 같은 경우는 그렇게 길지 않습니다. 한 3~4줄 정도 되었던것 같아요! NBCMI 웹사이트에 가시면 한번 연습삼아 해보실 수 있는 Mock exam이 있습니다. Sight translation 같은 경우는 그 Mock exam과 굉장히 비슷하게 나오구요. 실제 시나리오는 시험이 훨씬 깁니다. 시나리오 한개당 환자와 의사가 대화하는 내용이 나오는 식이구요, 각 시나리오는 다른 주제의 대화로 구성되어있습니다. 한 시나리오당 대화가 몇줄 나오는지는 잘 기억이 나지 않으나 대략적으로 한 8~10줄정도였지 않을까 싶습니다. 이 부분도 practice test 해보시면 감이 오실껍니다^^. 도움 되셨길 바랍니다!
Hello Mason! This is Sandra! This is a very informative video. I am planning to take the ILSAT or CILISAT test and also become a member of ATIO by the end of this year. It is my understanding that to become a certified member of ATIO, I must pass their certification exam. Do you recommend that I also acquire a medical interpreter certificate as well? Also, do these certificates help raise my pay greatly?
BTW I wanted to personally thank you for your classes. I'm grateful that you make the classes enjoyable! : )
Hello Sandra! Good to see you here and my apologies for the late response.
Taking exams in Canada and joining your province’s organization are both great idea in my opinion. However, I would like to clarify that “a medical interpreter certificate” you mentioned in fact can be obtained from many different places. Please note that you are not required to have a certification to work as a medical interpreter in many states/provinces/countries.
In my opinion, if you are looking to become a certified medical interpreter, the most reputable ones will be NBCMI and CCHI due to US being the most predominant market for remote interpreting. I believe I have mentioned why I chose NBCMI over CCHI in this video.
Will these certificates help raise your pay greatly? It helps but not by a lot in my opinion. I think having experience and knowing your skill level will give you the upper hand in negotiating your pay rate when you work as a freelance interpreter.
I am planning on making more videos with most frequent questions asked! So, stay tuned! :)
개인적으로 CMI 의 미래장래성을 어떻게 보고 계시는지요? 하루가 다르게 기술발전도 이루어지고 있는 상황에서 향후10-20 년간의 CMI 직종이 괜찮을지 설 자리가 좁아질지 어떻게 생각하시나요?
안녕하세요! 통번역사들에게는 항상 고민으로 다가오는 문제이죠. 기술발전이라 한다면 기계 번역/통역 기술이 인간을 대체할 시대가 오는 것을 보통 생각하실텐데, 너무나 빠르게 발전하고 있기는 하나 아직도 너무 먼 길이 남았다고 생각합니다. 통역사의 입장에서 기계가 제 일자리를 빼았아가는건 사실 걱정되지 않고 개인적으로 저는 오히려 통역사가 많으면 많아질수록 그 시대가 더 빨리오게될거라는, 그리고 그래야 한다는 생각이 있습니다. 전화통역은 지난 2-3년간 시장이 엄청 커졌고 아직도 훨씬 더 커져야하는 시장이라고 생각합니다. 통역사는 항상 부족하고 실력이 있어서 대우를 받을 수 있는 통역사들은 더더욱 부족하고요. 여기까지가 제 개인적인 생각입니다. 이에 대해서 나중에 영상으로도 한번 떠들어보겠습니다~! ㅎㅎ 새해 복 많이 받으세요!
영상 감사합니다^_* 혹시 온라인 코스 외에 혼자 공부할 수 있는 책같은 서면 자료도 살 수 있나요~~~?? ㅠ 검색해보니 안나와서요! ㅠ
제가 찾아봤을때는 따로 책이라던가 그런건 없었었습니다ㅠㅠ 의학지식은 Biology 공부를 조금 얕고 넓게? 한다는 느낌으로 공부하시면 됩니다ㅎㅎ; 그 외 통역관련 문제는 IMIA같은 웹사이트에 나와있는 여러 Standards/cod of ethics 이런거 많이 찾아봤구요. 혹시나 필기시험 준비중이시면 제가 직접 만든 모의고사도 있구요 ㅎㅎ Part 3 영상에 설명칸에서 링크 찾으실 수 있으실겁니다. ㅎㅎ (죄송하지만 공짜는 아니구요…가격은 나름 저렴하게 5불입니다ㅎㅎ)
How do u choose over training course in the market? I only see third party offering these.. do u have any recommendations? Also, what is the market rate for working as a cmi?
Q1. How should one choose the training course? Any recommendations?
A: If the purpose of the training course is to be eligible for CMI exam, I guess it would be cheaper the better as long as it is acknowledged by NBCMI. You can check if the course is indeed eligible to be used as a requirement on the website. If the purpose is truly about “learning what interpretation is” then I do not have a good answer for you unfortunately. Try joining other online communities to ask around what’s good. Just FYI, I am also preparing for 40hr courses for interpreters with a focus on ‘reasonably-priced’ (because many courses in the market right now are just way too expensive imo) so maybe that’s something that might interest you? 😅
Q2. What’s the market rate for CMI?
A: Depends on many things. I know it’s not helpful. It depends on your language pair a lot and your location. I do not have a concrete evidence other than the rates for myself and other colleagues. Generally, “experienced and certified interpreters” would make 1.5~2.5x what interpreters who are just starting out in my opinion.
I hope it helps!
Thank you Mason, where I can work as freelance interpreter remotely? What websites or whatever? Thanks
Hi Aly, there are many companies such as Language Line Solutions, Globo, LSA, Voyce etc. I highly suggest looking up "remote interpreter" on job searching websites like LinkedIn.
How long does it usually take to get certified.
Sorry for the late response! That will depend on your prior medical knowledge but I have seen people spending about a week or two to prepare, some up to 1~2 months.
I just purchased the practice exam. I am taking the test Saturday. I was only able to print the test. How can I get the answers key? When I pressed back the page didn’t reload. Thanks!
Hello! Please send me an email to with your name and the email address you used for PayPal.
why not speak english for these series of videos , cause we dont understand korea at all hahhahaha
I would like to purchase the books/materials which help with taking the exam. Please send me your email I will contact you. Thanks
Hello Hasina! Please contact me by sending an email to