Strapping Young Lad live 8.13.1997 kinda pro shot (Pops, Sauget IL)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @Ambugaton
    @Ambugaton 9 років тому +1218

    Whoever preserved this piece of history deserves some sort of Metal medal or something.

    • @Jimboishere11
      @Jimboishere11 9 років тому +21

      Fuckin a

    • @jtolliver
      @jtolliver 7 років тому +12

      Right on! I saw these guys up in Schaumburg at Jackhammer lounge on this tour. With Stuck Mojo and Testament. No pics, no vid, nothing... so this is really a great find!

    • @Solaaace
      @Solaaace 6 років тому +4


    • @belowthepale8943
      @belowthepale8943 6 років тому +3


    • @colinsinclair4728
      @colinsinclair4728 6 років тому +2

      \m/ achieved

  • @jordanowens3748
    @jordanowens3748 7 років тому +539

    Imagine going to your usual local bar and having a drink. All of a sudden this show happens. *mind blown*

    • @NoFishTacos4You
      @NoFishTacos4You 4 роки тому +6

      My life would be complete!

    • @jonathanwilsonemail
      @jonathanwilsonemail 3 роки тому +3

      Eardrums blown as well.

    • @jbasti227
      @jbasti227 2 роки тому +3

      @@jonathanwilsonemail Worth it

    • @jasonjuneau2948
      @jasonjuneau2948 2 роки тому +5

      I have a relatable Saturday I went to buy a guitar in a city close to where I live. I get to the guitar store and there's a line to go upstairs where the guitars are. I asked what was going on and the employee says children of bodom are signing autographs. So got a guitar and some autographs. Pretty sweet..if your a COB fan.

    • @Polyinstrumentalism
      @Polyinstrumentalism Рік тому +1

      @@jasonjuneau2948 Once I went to see my neighbour's post-rock band, walked into the wrong entrance to a different club and was asked: "Are you here to see Eyehategod?" Luckly my neighbor was going on first in the other place. Sick set, Mike Williams did his low-key bottlesmash and everything.

    @GRANKOR 11 років тому +256

    I love how the young Dev had all the same stage moves and facial expressions as he does now, just shows he has always been himself and totally genuine. I met him last year and he's the nicest guy around

    • @Ruffnek310
      @Ruffnek310 2 роки тому +10

      Jed is the underrated star imo

    • @BrofUJu
      @BrofUJu 2 роки тому +6

      I saw them probably 15 years ago and he was a total goofball and hilarious, lol def always been himself

    • @johnhasso8908
      @johnhasso8908 Рік тому +1

      It's almost like he's the same person as back then

    • @speeddemonji9547
      @speeddemonji9547 3 місяці тому

      @@johnhasso8908well no, as least per Devin and records of other fans, Young Devin was kind of an asshole

  • @alphaenemy
    @alphaenemy 12 років тому +51

    Well, thanks for posting, man. Killer memories. I actually met Devin in the bathroom as he was taking a shit at that show. There were mirrors in front of the urinals, so I saw him walk behind me into the stall. "am I listening to Devin taking a shit?" I asked. "Yeah, but I kinda can't do it when people are talking to me, uh, wanna wait outside?". Nicest guy.

  • @paulie1919
    @paulie1919 5 років тому +91

    This is the most metal thing I’ve ever seen. Relentless, unapologetic, and borderline out of control at all times.

  • @gisibah
    @gisibah 9 років тому +181

    1:15 - Intro (In the rainy season choir)
    2:38 - Velvet kevorkian
    3:58 - All hail the new flesh
    9:26 - Home nucleonics
    11:53 - Oh my fucking god (Devin breaks a string)
    15:34 - S.Y.L.
    20:32 - In the rainy season
    25:43 - Far beyond metal
    30:55 - Spirituality
    33:10 - AAA

  • @samharvey3241
    @samharvey3241 7 років тому +261

    I saw them the following year 1998 at the Highbury Garage in London. The support band didn't turn up so he played Ocean Machine with jed, Byron and Gene. Then they all played as strapping young lad, super lucky.

    • @kalebthornsberry870
      @kalebthornsberry870 5 років тому +10

      I'm beyond jealous.

    • @bjornlakenstrazen2186
      @bjornlakenstrazen2186 5 років тому +6

      holy fuck

    • @Angelrat666
      @Angelrat666 5 років тому +7

      They played in Germany too. Same Lineup. Strapping was one of the most intense gigs I ever witnessed.

    • @oreofudgeman
      @oreofudgeman 5 років тому

      Wow. That must have been incredible.

    • @stevesekora
      @stevesekora 5 років тому +5

      That must havw been the most awesome show ever.

  • @TheStatuatoryApe
    @TheStatuatoryApe 9 років тому +543

    These people had no idea of the musical genius in front of them. lol

    • @TheStatuatoryApe
      @TheStatuatoryApe 9 років тому +8

      +TheStatuatoryApe Devin was only 25 here, and already had all that talent.

    • @mike66atx45
      @mike66atx45 7 років тому +11

      They were either completely blown away or confused, regardless all jaws were dropped for sure

    • @briangeorgebowes
      @briangeorgebowes 6 років тому +11

      Incorrect. We knew.

    • @TheJohnnyDIV
      @TheJohnnyDIV 6 років тому +2

      Neither did I when I saw them open for Fear Factory in 2005

    • @xXCAFOXx
      @xXCAFOXx 5 років тому +4

      Bullshit! I see some youngsters around 14min. that are ready to burn the fucking club down with SYL. Lol

  • @isukatgeetar15
    @isukatgeetar15 7 років тому +139

    Practically no one in the audience, but these guys played like they're in an arena packed with thousands of people. Mad respect!

  • @aeanominae
    @aeanominae 11 років тому +100

    "I just broke a fuckin' string and I don't have a replacement guitar. THAT SUCKS!" *insanity*

  • @ShovelheadADofficial
    @ShovelheadADofficial Рік тому +9

    strapping is truly one of the most talented bands to ever walk the earth. They should be in the category of greatest metal bands based off of music alone

  • @danmaccioni1136
    @danmaccioni1136 11 років тому +162

    I had the pleasure of seeing them tour in 97. In a small bar with 20-30 people there including myself...was EPIC!

    • @hugomartinez4742
      @hugomartinez4742 6 років тому +6

      Dan Maccioni YOU LUCKY BASTARD !!!!! 🤘🏻

  • @stupendous7848
    @stupendous7848 6 років тому +47

    i literally hadnt heard of this band until last night. now im playing their albums nonstop. they have all the rage that most of todays metal lacks

    • @Jussijii77
      @Jussijii77 2 роки тому +3

      How are things 3 years later?

    • @GabiBrooks
      @GabiBrooks 2 роки тому +1


    • @mattmain237
      @mattmain237 Рік тому +7

      He's still catching up on Devins discography. Almost halfway done I'm betting

    • @yeeaahBUDDY
      @yeeaahBUDDY 5 місяців тому +1

      @@mattmain237 if he'd just stop making albums for a minute!

  • @LLAFMan
    @LLAFMan 11 років тому +198

    2:39 - Velvet Kevorkian
    4:08 - All Hail The New Flesh
    9:26 - Home Nucleonics
    11:54 - Oh My Fucking God
    15:34 - S.Y.L.
    20:32 - In The Rainy Season
    25:40 - Far Beyond Metal (9 years before it was released o.O)
    30:57 - Spirituality (riff)
    33:10 - AAA

    • @SupahflyJazzguy
      @SupahflyJazzguy 4 роки тому +12

      Far Beyond Metal was actually on Devin's original demos, pre Sex & Religion. It's one of his oldest songs.

    • @steffish
      @steffish 4 роки тому +5

      Still, it's pretty unreal to see a non-dreaded Dev play far beyond. At least if you haven't. Which I haven't. x-)

    • @AndrewJShirley
      @AndrewJShirley 4 роки тому +2

      @@SupahflyJazzguy Shit, is it that old? Woah.

    • @lesterawilson3
      @lesterawilson3 3 роки тому +7

      Far Beyond Metal is also on the live SYL EP "No Sleep Til Bedtime".

    • @Casketkrusher_
      @Casketkrusher_ 3 роки тому +3

      Was also live on their Live EP and one hell of a performance that is. Incredible.

  • @MrWizwag
    @MrWizwag 5 років тому +76

    1:27 - Intro
    2:40 - Velvet Kevorkian
    4:08 - All Hail the New Flesh
    9:27 - Home Nucleonics
    11:55 - Oh My Fucking God
    15:35 - S.Y.L.
    20:33 - In the Rainy Season
    25:44 - Far Beyond Metal
    30:55 - Spirituality
    33:13 - AAA

    • @slavden
      @slavden 2 роки тому +3

      25:40 - Far Beyond Metal (9 years before it was released o.O)

    • @daniolus
      @daniolus 2 роки тому +5

      @@slavden It was a live only song for most of SYL's existence. They recorded it properly and put it on their last record, but it was originally made on tour in the City era (as you can see!) and made it to their "No Sleep Til Bedtime" live album in 1998 as well as "For Those Aboot To Rock" in '04!

    • @jamescooper-hope6930
      @jamescooper-hope6930 Рік тому +3

      No band since has the sheer awesome viciousness these guys brought. That setlist is a metal Everest.

    • @MetalheadZW8
      @MetalheadZW8 Рік тому

      The Far Beyond Metal thing just blew my fuckin mind

  • @Hegder
    @Hegder 8 років тому +177

    Oh man. This is incredible. I love how even though nobody is there (seriously, he's asking people to come to the front!) they still kill it as if they're in an arena. This is prime SYL. Where the hell was everyone?

    • @anolaf
      @anolaf 7 років тому +28

      They weren't a known band yet. That's how it goes starting out.

    • @anolaf
      @anolaf 7 років тому +38

      Although, Gene was a pretty well known drummer by then from his work with Death and such. So that is a little weird.

    • @farrh6867
      @farrh6867 5 років тому +2

      And StL kinda sucks for shows a lot of the time it seems.

    • @blindskatr156
      @blindskatr156 5 років тому +6

      I was 5, otherwise I would have absolutely been there!

    • @aerahtv0000
      @aerahtv0000 4 роки тому

      @@anolaf Actually Devin was already somewhat famous for work with Vai. I guess this shit was too tough for that pussies)

  • @21580anwar
    @21580anwar 6 років тому +54

    Its rare to see bands enjoying themselves these days...these guys were trully amazing. I can all of them really love performing these songs. You can tell by their faces.

    • @bjornvantoorn
      @bjornvantoorn 4 роки тому +5

      Not rare. Not everybody shows up at to local shows.

  • @kevinwantstoshred
    @kevinwantstoshred 4 роки тому +79

    I never realized how young Devin is here. He's only 25 and absolutely killing it

    • @elanibo666
      @elanibo666 2 роки тому

      @HaCH Me too 😂😂... but that never stopped me from headbanging 🤘... I must confess that having long hair will be cool

    • @MrGul
      @MrGul 2 роки тому

      @HaCH A guitar playing buddy of mine had severe hair loss already at 18. Not fun for him at all...

    • @Casketkrusher_
      @Casketkrusher_ Рік тому +3

      Knowing Devin has a bald head doesn't make me scared of getting bald, I mean he's one bald badass.

  • @gabedotti3716
    @gabedotti3716 10 років тому +103

    Frontman 101 here folks

    • @woodfamily5229
      @woodfamily5229 9 років тому +10

      +Gabe Dotti Productions Exactly. If I had any ambition to be in a band, I'd study him like a Pope studies the Bible

    • @DC33879
      @DC33879 7 років тому +3

      Gabe Dotti Couldn’t have said it better myself!

    • @arekhautaluoma4276
      @arekhautaluoma4276 4 роки тому

      Here's one for your ass!!!

  • @spedwest5380
    @spedwest5380 2 роки тому +11

    25 years ago this, and city still sounds as fresh as the day it was released. arguably the finest metal album of the 90s if not ever, definitely the most underrated.

  • @gringochucha
    @gringochucha 8 років тому +98

    Here you can really hear how important the keyboards were to their sound.

  • @OhLookBirdies
    @OhLookBirdies 11 років тому +54

    In its first six months, Heavy As A Really Heavy Thing sold the grand total of 143 copies.

    • @prefernoto4788
      @prefernoto4788 6 років тому +1


    • @IrateWizrd
      @IrateWizrd 5 років тому +2

      @@prefernoto4788 yup

    • @Casketkrusher_
      @Casketkrusher_ 3 роки тому +8

      Apparantly Devin also hates that album, written in the liner notes of the reissue. He didn't even wanted to have it reissued too. As a musician I can understand he evolved into something better, but for me that's the best album he ever wrote.

    • @cosmiccatgirl8310
      @cosmiccatgirl8310 3 роки тому +2

      143 thousands..?

    • @CatastrophicG
      @CatastrophicG 3 роки тому +5

      @@Casketkrusher_ totally agree! My fave SYL/Devin one. Guess i was one of the 143 who bought it then when it came out. Saw the debut vid SYL on Headbanger's Ball when it premiered and loved them ever since. Guess normal for someone extremely creative like Devin to distance from debut cuz he's busy writing tons of music constantly so i don't blame him but Heavy as a really heavy Thing is something special and mindblowing and my fave SYL record.

  • @oceanmachine420
    @oceanmachine420 2 роки тому +18

    What a fucking diamond in the rough this is, can't believe this is my first time seeing this. Thanks for uploading.

  • @chefchris9097
    @chefchris9097 6 років тому +67

    Can safely say this is probably the best I've ever heard Devin sound like with Strapping live.

    • @danielssonsgarage
      @danielssonsgarage 5 років тому +3

      Those aboot to rock, or the live albums in spotify. Those are clean

    • @joshuaneufeld7885
      @joshuaneufeld7885 2 роки тому

      Also Hultsfred 2006

    • @Tobitube93
      @Tobitube93 2 роки тому

      And Download 2006

    • @MetalandMGS
      @MetalandMGS Рік тому +7

      @@Tobitube93 While I think the 2006 sets were pretty iconic, at that point his singing vocals were pretty shot and he was pretty blatantly not enjoying his time with the music anymore. Here, at least, it seems like him and the guys were much more fresh and enjoying performing the relatively new music they came up with, so I'd agree and say this is among the best Devin has sounded live with the band

    • @Tobitube93
      @Tobitube93 Рік тому

      @@MetalandMGS true

  • @billybedlam8783
    @billybedlam8783 12 років тому +173

    Devin is the Frank Zappa of metal...\,,/

    • @richardkey4289
      @richardkey4289 5 років тому +5

      Huh! Thats a good asessment

    • @emily_vaughn
      @emily_vaughn 4 роки тому +15

      makes sense, Frank Zappa influenced Steve Vai quite a lot in his music carrier, then Steve Vai influenced Devin quite a lot (even when you consider Devin was mad at him in the past)

    • @offroaders123
      @offroaders123 6 місяців тому +1

      @@emily_vaughn That's a great point! I'm curious as to the extent of how that lines up.

    • @brianlandis2928
      @brianlandis2928 Місяць тому

      Now he says metal isn't his thing to do , it's 2 angry 4himself
      I don't understand it

  • @RuiTavaresmyworld
    @RuiTavaresmyworld 5 років тому +71

    *I just broke a string and don't have a replacement guitar! THAT SUCKS*
    And continues to deliver with all his got!

  • @LogeJit
    @LogeJit Рік тому +10

    0:00 Soundcheck/Dev Begging
    1:25 In The Rainy Season sample
    2:39 Velvet Kevorkian
    3:59 All Hail The New Flesh
    9:26 Home Nucleonics
    11:50 Oh My Fucking God
    15:35 SYL
    20:23 In The Rainy Season
    25:35 Far Beyond Metal
    30:48 Spirituality (Partial)
    33:14 AAA

  • @Jordy666sic
    @Jordy666sic 11 років тому +42

    So much power throughout the entire set! Amazing to see Devin rock his younger self out with hair haha. Sick performance.

  • @johnnymorgansynthdreams
    @johnnymorgansynthdreams 2 роки тому +6

    Yes - there was about 30 people in a club that could hold about 500, but it was such a fun tour.

  • @lesterawilson3
    @lesterawilson3 11 років тому +55

    A four-string guitar! How cool!

  • @BakerKC
    @BakerKC 12 років тому +7

    There will never be a more amazingly crafted character like Devin in SYL. He has a perfect personality for what he has done and what he is continuing to do.

  • @windstone87
    @windstone87 9 років тому +23

    Wow! This video brings back memories. I saw this same set a month earlier at The Pacific Club in Superior, Wisconsin. I went to see Stuck Mojo and Testament, but walked away a SYL fan. At one point Devin says, "I can't believe we're doing this tour out of the back of a f'kn van." I'll never forget that.

  • @bigmateria2871
    @bigmateria2871 2 роки тому +102

    Doctor: “Full head of hair era Devin isn’t real, he can’t hurt you.”
    Full head of hair era Devin: “Hold my Bong”

    • @JonnyCrackers
      @JonnyCrackers 2 роки тому +12

      Wouldn't really call it a full head of hair. His hairline is hanging on by a thread lol.

    • @AndreBigBoi
      @AndreBigBoi 2 роки тому +6

      @@JonnyCrackers ha, by a thread

    • @AndreBigBoi
      @AndreBigBoi 2 роки тому +3

      I actualy like his hair this way

    • @eddiefleming7302
      @eddiefleming7302 Рік тому +3

      Hair today gone tomorrow

    • @Casketkrusher_
      @Casketkrusher_ 6 місяців тому

      Lmao poor Devin, he already balding here badly. he looks badass bald though.

  • @scottymojo1
    @scottymojo1 4 роки тому +8

    Found this a few weeks ago after searching a framus guitar review. I've watched every SYL vid on youtube now. New fan for life, sad I missed them in the day. Freaking awesome

  • @offroaders123
    @offroaders123 6 місяців тому +2

    I'm so happy the video of this exists, this is outstanding! The camera work is actually really great too, with the panning and all.

  • @amindlost
    @amindlost 11 років тому +28

    From this to The Retinal Circus. I'm so glad Dev didn't just fade into obscurity.

    • @mykuntstynx9463
      @mykuntstynx9463 3 роки тому +5

      Almost a decade later, We have Empath and The Puzzle/Snuggles is right around the corner...

    • @jord1son88
      @jord1son88 3 роки тому +6

      @@mykuntstynx9463 Outstanding development from Dev for sure. Best guy.

    • @mykuntstynx9463
      @mykuntstynx9463 3 роки тому +1

      He headlined Bloodstock last night.
      'nuf said

    • @Hastenforthedawm
      @Hastenforthedawm 10 місяців тому +1

      ​@@mykuntstynx9463 and now we have the Moth and Atmos coming up soon!

  • @EricJh21690
    @EricJh21690 9 років тому +62

    Not very often you catch such a top notch talented band at a small venue like this before they get better known and play bigger shows... these people probably had no clue what had just smashed them in the face hahah. While the crowd seems pretty tame and boring for the most part..I laughed my damn ass off when Devin had a string break and mentioned it mid song before a brutally heavy part then the camera switches around 14:20 and you see this kid in the front row laughing his ass off having the time of his life hahaha. I got to see SYL in 2005 at Sounds of the Underground but I wish I got to see them somewhere other than a festival so it could've been a longer set.. or if Heavy Devy ever decides to get the group back together I'd get tickets to see them in a heartbeat. Still need to catch his solo project live, enjoy his solo work practically equally with SYL.. dude is just a musical genius.

    • @champywoodie2873
      @champywoodie2873 9 років тому +1

      +EricJh21690 Wish I had been there.

    • @EricJh21690
      @EricJh21690 9 років тому +1

      +Champy Woodie I hear ya man.. I'm glad I got the chance to see them period; but I do wish I could have seen them at a venue where they could've had a longer set, not at a day long festival with a lot of bands like Sounds of the Underground.. Also, I had just started getting into them back then, so I didn't appreciate it as much as I would now haha... I was only 15 or 16. We can only hope that one day Dev decides to get the guys from SYL back together, if not to do a new album, at least a reunion tour.. In the meantime, seeing Devin with the Devin Townsend Project is at the top of my list of concerts I'd like to go to lol.

    • @kyokushinkuma
      @kyokushinkuma 8 років тому

      I saw them at SOTU '05 as well, in Orlando, then again in December of '05 at the HOB at Disney World, best pure live show I've ever seen.

    • @reubenginsburg2012
      @reubenginsburg2012 8 років тому +2

      I had the pleasure to meet and talk to Dev at a Framus/Fishman clinic a couple months back, such a fucking chill dude! I asked him about a possible Strapping reunion, he pretty much said no. Apparently they no longer has the drive to do stuff like Strapping that they did back in the day, and it wouldn't be the same. But it's cool to see them all doing their thing, and I think Zimmers Hole is still touring. it's pretty much Strapping with a different frontman.

    • @tamdam
      @tamdam 8 років тому +2

      Haha I love the expression that guy gets, pretty much sums up every Devy concert. I went to see DTP in Oslo about 5 years ago and it was both the best and the funniest show I've ever been to. There's nothing like Devy shouting "I HAVE A FOUR INCH PENIS" in the middle of a song. Beav's reaction was great

  • @ad9898
    @ad9898 5 років тому +7

    I remember buying City back in '97. It just crushes everything. Devin is a metal god. Thanks so much for posting this.

  • @ar156
    @ar156 3 роки тому +3

    I love this gig, I come back to this from time to time

  • @digital-alchemist
    @digital-alchemist 9 років тому +82

    Haha, what a great show. I wish I'd have gotten into SYL/DTP earlier so I could have gone to some of Devin's early shows. He's still great, but it would have been cool to see him during his extreme metal days.

    • @EricJh21690
      @EricJh21690 9 років тому +2

      I was lucky enough to catch SYL live in 2005 at the Sounds of the Underground tour in Lowell, MA and they put on a badass show. I'd kill to see them play again though when it's not a festival type concert so they have more than a 45 minute-1 hour set to play more material from all their albums.. unfortunately doubt he'll get SYL back together though. Would also love to see his solo work live.

    • @L8dyAriel
      @L8dyAriel 9 років тому

      +EricJh21690 I would travel up to Mass from NY just to shoot the Woosta shows. Always a happy place memory wise. But I bring this funny memory to you as it;s perm-burned into my mind..Gene &; a few other guys ..Byron the bus in attempts of getting away from an annoying female who thought her shit didnt stink. She was not liked..AT ALL....I get the mouthing/whisper/begging looks from Gene as in ";help me/get me the fuck outta here please!!"; trying to flee this chick who was once famous because she was told she was ";hot enough to be on a tv show for metal music".(I was given the, Who is the fat chick talking to me routine brush off when I attempted to talk to her.(I lost it years later. but still, whaddah fat bitch she really was inside..)..It was GREAT..she thought she was Tyra Banks of metal.So about 20 mins later..Dev runs on the bus..and mind you the Beastie Boys were playing..(friends had no clue..but were staring at me like I left my 3rd breast on that evening as I was rapping to the musical grooves on the system) So Dev stops in his haste, literally in his tracks looks at me as I realized oh Devs looking at me and realizes actually I'm singing to it, yes, she surreal..and hes like..You like the Beasties? ..Yeah..true story. But you are aware, he does SYL if he feels like it w/ the DTP which is..sooooooo amazing to see everyone play..

    • @EricJh21690
      @EricJh21690 9 років тому

      +L8dyAriel Haha cool story man.. yea I am aware that they do play some SYL songs occasionally live and they do an awesome job.. just would be so epic for Dev, Gene, Jed, and Byron to be back together. Especially if they put together a new album. All SYL albums are great especially City and Alien in my opinion and it's a shame their music isn't better known.. can't get much more talent together in one group than these guys had.

    • @L8dyAriel
      @L8dyAriel 9 років тому

      Well I wouldnt go as far as saying its a shame they are "less known" lol..far from it. Plus the DTP line up .. theyre just amazing to see ..very very tight. Go if you get the chance. You wont regret ever having such a fun time. I like City ..

    • @EricJh21690
      @EricJh21690 9 років тому +2

      +L8dyAriel I mean SYL is obviously pretty well known but I've known a lot of people who had no clue who they were or only their most mainstream song "Love".. I've turned a good amount of metal heads into fans of SYL; people who've never listened to em are missing out haha. And I def will try to catch Devin live I gotta see when he will be in the Boston area again. The band he plays with now is definitely very talented and play very in tune with eachother.. but there's just something about it when Dev and Gene etc play together that's just epic haha.

  • @MVProfits
    @MVProfits 8 років тому +6

    Wow. Amazing that such talented guys had such low crowd downers like that at their beginning.. yet performed like there were 50k people! One of a kind video!

    • @anolaf
      @anolaf 8 років тому +3

      Especially weird because Gene Hoglan was already also the drummer for Death AND Devin Townsend sang for Steve Vai. You'd think just those two things would bring more people to this.

    • @hazardeur
      @hazardeur 2 роки тому

      @@anolaf yeah but metal heads didn't really care for vai at all if they didn't play guitar on an advanced level. same for Hoglan. I mean, who ever fucking cares for the drummer? I know I do but then i remember i'm one myself lol

  • @sambowmanmusic3804
    @sambowmanmusic3804 2 роки тому +1

    Such rare footage should be put in a museum.

  • @Ardinia
    @Ardinia 2 місяці тому +1

    Seen SYL for the first time on this tour in Canada. Was, still to this date, the LOUDEST concert I've ever been at.

  • @DizzyDez613
    @DizzyDez613 2 роки тому +2

    I don’t remember what the fuck I was doing back in 97, but it sure as shit wasn’t as cool as seeing SYL live at a local bar. This video kicks so much ass. Thank you so much for posting this. ♥️

  • @wattsun7946
    @wattsun7946 5 років тому +6

    Saw this tour at Ziggy's in Winston Salem: SYL, StuckMojo and Testament.
    Pantera ,Machinehead and Coal Chamber played LVJ coliseum in Winston Salem earlier the same night. I was hanging near soundboard watching SYL set with my bands drummer when Vin and Dime came up and started chatting with us. Then to our surprise they left and came back bringing us back shots and downed them with us they watched a few SYL songs before they started being recognized then Vin and Dime left to the back.very memorable night .

    • @moarawkwarder
      @moarawkwarder 3 роки тому +1

      Holy shit that lineup alone would be an unforgettable night, let alone shots with Pantera! RIP Dime

  • @DustinKrefft
    @DustinKrefft 10 років тому +111

    If there were to be two omnisciences...I would be both.

  • @tricksterc
    @tricksterc 11 років тому +28

    That's how it was in the late 90's at a lot of metal shows. I saw Strapping with Testament and was honestly embarrassed for the guys. City had rocked the shit out of me and I expected a rabid crowd... I was wrong. Nobody knew who they were. Undeterred, SYL went out and unleashed their brand of sonic mayhem. Great to see how far they ended up coming. Cool footage. Good times.

  • @andrewbent6328
    @andrewbent6328 6 років тому +4

    This is the best show ive ever seen and im only watching on youtube. Live my head would have exploded.

  • @dylankopff5062
    @dylankopff5062 10 місяців тому +1

    Pops was a legendary place and had so many great acts there! Thankyou ,i lived in Cahokia right by there

  • @Sybex82
    @Sybex82 Рік тому +1

    Very nice to see old footage of Strapping Young Lad 🤘🏾😎🤘🏾

  • @heYgirLtakEiTeasY
    @heYgirLtakEiTeasY 11 років тому +3

    The best metal band for 90,s and part of new century

  • @sicklittlepuppies9064
    @sicklittlepuppies9064 5 років тому +11

    The crowd has no idea of the legend that they are witnessing, would love to have been there, Devin Townsend is a fucking beast.

  • @JohnnyBlade12
    @JohnnyBlade12 12 років тому +1

    This is by far one of the best shows I have ever watched!!!

  • @clematistaiga.official
    @clematistaiga.official 2 місяці тому +1

    I performed on this stage 12 years after this…. I was only 7 when this show happened…. And I had no idea what metal was until a decade later……… I wish I could’ve seen this band live…… now I gotta catch Devin with his new album that’s coming out this month!!!!

  • @localpyro
    @localpyro 2 роки тому +3

    Just think, this amazing man now fills the Royal Albert hall in my country whenever he plays ☺

  • @GeminiWoods
    @GeminiWoods 7 років тому +22

    Wow, they were really nailing these songs. His vocals are on point. Towards the end of SYL they were starting to get kinda sloppy and you can tell Dev wasn't feeling it as much. This is fucking epic... These songs bring back some good memories!

  • @Hijynx87
    @Hijynx87 10 років тому +11

    Oh snap! Still flawless even with a missing string, rofl! Devin is like the Honey Badger of metal.

  • @iamnoone5614
    @iamnoone5614 4 роки тому +1

    Saw them at pops in 2002...never really listened to them much but there show was amazing!!!

  • @leeyihyung
    @leeyihyung 9 років тому +3

    Best SYL live clip I saw on UA-cam and still is.

  • @johnniejay
    @johnniejay 11 років тому +70

    If you are passionate and dedicated to the cause and are willing to bust your ass off, then you are as relevant and important as anyone else; it doesn't matter if you're playing at Donnington Park or a frat kegger. Name a world famous metal band, and I'd bet my last dollar they started life playing to 4 drunks in a bar.

    • @claudiasolomon1123
      @claudiasolomon1123 2 роки тому +4

      Hey now, this comment is heartwarming❤🤟😊 I hope many metal bands who are just beginning read your comment.

  • @lolathescruff
    @lolathescruff 5 років тому +9

    Damn we seeing Fear Factorys influence right here and just imagine seeing these as a support act you would be blown away. Also this popped up on my news feed 19th December 2019

  • @christopherhurley1669
    @christopherhurley1669 3 роки тому +1

    On this date in Christopher Hurley history 24 years ago I saw Devin Townsend & Strapping Young Lad play the Middle East in Cambridge, Ma. Aug. 27, 1997 (14 days after this clip was filmed) They were touring in support of the groundbreaking album" City." It was a musical revelation to me. Since then I've adopted "All Hail The New Flesh" as my personal theme song and have never looked at music the same way again.

  • @adamd1922
    @adamd1922 2 роки тому +1

    This was around the same time I got into SYL, and then all of Devin's other work. I am so happy to see him exploring and branching out into other types of music, because I believe he is a true artist that is following his heart.
    But I really, really miss the SYL-era days.

  • @Anomalous_Bosch
    @Anomalous_Bosch 6 років тому +1

    Thanks, Lepers for uploading. Absolutely love this! The musicianship, the give a fuck attitude, Devin's humour ~ everything. Awesome capture of the band at a particular moment in time. SYL rules!

  • @drianolem3520
    @drianolem3520 4 роки тому +32

    And now Devin's making live shows on his channel to found money for hospitals at the coronavirus pandemia. What a guy.
    Check It. It's awsome

  • @marcotaf6744
    @marcotaf6744 8 днів тому

    Gene always looks like he's on the sofa chilling, while delivering one of the best drumming performances

  • @poundtacos4006
    @poundtacos4006 3 роки тому +1

    Pretty much every great band we're cutting their chops in small clubs like this at some point, and to small crowds who'll always remember it! These people are some lucky ones that fall into that category! Epic stuff!

  • @Meanbeanz7
    @Meanbeanz7 3 роки тому +7

    Devin is, honest to satan, the most underrated vocalist in metal

  • @elliott.cr73
    @elliott.cr73 2 роки тому +1

    This was great to watch. Genes drum sound was amazing. Devin was at his prime time with the vocals.

  • @richardkey4289
    @richardkey4289 5 років тому +1

    HOLY SHIT. Thnkx for posting this

  • @zachbuddie8393
    @zachbuddie8393 2 роки тому

    I can’t help but laugh… I don’t have words for the pure joy in my heart seeing this footage. Wish I’d been around for this.

  • @Martin.Szorad
    @Martin.Szorad 6 років тому +6

    Fok yeah. This shit is epic. Playing without string for 30 people with this effort and energy. Im not surprised where you are today. Good luck Man!

  • @kushantaiidan
    @kushantaiidan 7 років тому +7

    First time I heard this a bazillion years ago, I was a 16 year old confused nerd. And I thought these guys were some kind of gods or aliens. But they're just a bunch of nerds lol. Just a couple chill awesome dudes. Yet a testament to the ingenuity of the human mind.

  • @netslow
    @netslow 4 роки тому

    When I first saw Strapping at Dynamo 98, my jaw dropped at Velvet Kevorkian and wouldn't close throughout their forty minutes set. #mindblown

  • @georgejohnson5904
    @georgejohnson5904 2 роки тому +1

    Less than 10 years between this and the legendary Downlod set

  • @adammchugh5456
    @adammchugh5456 5 місяців тому

    Travelled to London to see them around this time, in Camden, maybe 99'..... They were amazing.

  • @FreshHorses
    @FreshHorses 9 років тому +30

    5:41 Never heard Dev hit that live anywhere else!

    • @kaliyepalata9973
      @kaliyepalata9973 5 років тому +2

      Really? He can go higher than that.

    • @user-oy7gz5bf2h
      @user-oy7gz5bf2h 4 роки тому

      @@kaliyepalata9973 Live he's reached those notes in other ways. Usually goes for that screamier tone he's got instead of singing cleanly in that range.

    • @kaliyepalata9973
      @kaliyepalata9973 4 роки тому +1

      @@user-oy7gz5bf2h that's true and I don't like when he screams higher notes. I prefer the higher notes to be clean.

    • @kaliyepalata9973
      @kaliyepalata9973 4 роки тому +2

      @@user-oy7gz5bf2h I'll send you 2 links to show you where he hits higher notes in a clean voice.

    • @bluman6793
      @bluman6793 3 роки тому +1

      @@user-oy7gz5bf2h I wonder why he doesn't si g those notes clean though.

  • @heavymetalheretic5386
    @heavymetalheretic5386 5 років тому +4

    Wow even back in the volatile and violent Strapping Young Lad days Devin us quirky, funny uncool (In a cool way) Brilliant and essentially the Devin we all know and love.

  • @ouodo
    @ouodo 12 років тому +1

    uploader, you have my eternal gratitude for this

  • @joeldoughty6488
    @joeldoughty6488 6 років тому +6

    Fucking crazy that in the really early days Devin Townsends music was called just noise, Devin is a the mad instrumentalist A TRUE GENIUS, Zappa for his style was a Genius as well.

  • @JudoChopCowboyKO
    @JudoChopCowboyKO Місяць тому

    I've never seen Gene so animated. This video was and still is awesome!

  • @thegreathmisanthropist9507
    @thegreathmisanthropist9507 5 років тому

    Thanks so much for uploading this. I can say I’ve had the pleasure of playing that same stage 12 years after this

  • @edgaralves136
    @edgaralves136 7 років тому +2


  • @daveparer10
    @daveparer10 6 років тому

    I hope those lucky enough to witness this piece of musical history survived to educate our younger generations of aficionados. A true watershed moment IMHO

  • @villcrs4110
    @villcrs4110 6 років тому +2

    What a voice!!!

  • @ImmortalDisciple
    @ImmortalDisciple 6 років тому

    Glad I was able to see SYL just one time in 2005 before the split.
    Thanks for the upload.

  • @metalkillerist
    @metalkillerist 10 років тому +11

    19:58 wow....I love SYL !!!!!!

  • @AttomicaMetal
    @AttomicaMetal 5 років тому +1

    00:02:39 - Velvet Kevorkian
    00:04:08 - All Hail The New Flesh
    00:09:26 - Home Nucleonics
    00:11:54 - Oh My Fucking God
    00:15:34 - S.Y.L.
    00:20:32 - In The Rainy Season
    00:25:40 - Far Beyond Metal (9 years before it was released o.O)
    00:30:57 - Spirituality (riff)
    00:33:10 - AAA

  • @Beejaroni
    @Beejaroni 12 років тому +2

    great find for sure. Devin always the entertainer

  • @ACidTRA5H
    @ACidTRA5H 7 місяців тому

    City est un des meilleurs albums de 1997 !!

  • @AlexRiseTyrantOfDeath
    @AlexRiseTyrantOfDeath 9 років тому +48

    They should've played Spirituality more often, song sounds like a nuclear apocalypse.

    • @ErlendBuflod
      @ErlendBuflod 9 років тому +1

      Alex Rise Damn straight.

    • @rxhx
      @rxhx 6 років тому +1

      is an absolute beast of an epic song

    • @acidicmen3882
      @acidicmen3882 6 років тому +1

      That's the most accurate a description for that so g I've ever seen

    • @chrisdostal8324
      @chrisdostal8324 6 років тому

      epic track - remember hearing it the first time on my crappy dubbed cassette and having my ears blown off

  • @gabedotti3716
    @gabedotti3716 10 років тому

    It doesn't get better than this!

  • @Nuclearsnow
    @Nuclearsnow 6 років тому +7

    i wonder if devin ever watches this and thinks "wow my hair was so thick back then"

  • @thetasurfers
    @thetasurfers Рік тому +3

    I can't think of a band sounding this heavy, full and modern at that point in history.
    Do prove me wrong if you do!

  • @AyyyLmao420
    @AyyyLmao420 9 років тому +20

    I like how far beyond metal sounds exactly the same as it was recorded 10 years later. But even funnier are the lyrics here.

  • @fuddinblackmetal
    @fuddinblackmetal 12 років тому +4

    Gene the Mean Machine Hoglan...
    The Devinator... (with hair)
    Two people that should always be paired in a band. :'D Two amazing musical minds.

  • @zerobelow22
    @zerobelow22 3 роки тому

    Simply amazing
    Thx Dev 👍🏻

  • @spicy734
    @spicy734 День тому

    I’ve played that same stage. Crazy to see it. That venue could tell stories.

  • @dustinparker9456
    @dustinparker9456 3 роки тому +1

    This video needs to archived in the library of congress.

  • @papaspears5035
    @papaspears5035 5 місяців тому +1

    Devastating I had 3 chances to see them and had tickets once but never made it. Woe is me.