Manchester City 1 West Bromwich Albion 3 - 1979/80

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @matthewarmitage7149
    @matthewarmitage7149 4 роки тому +18

    How times have changed, just look at that pitch. Batson was brilliant this game, one of the best WBA teams of all time. COYB.

    • @63Baggies
      @63Baggies 2 роки тому +2

      Boing Boing...bloody right mate...just look at those great Umbro kits...that yellow and green one is my favourite Baggies strip...

  • @waynemillward2807
    @waynemillward2807 3 роки тому +17

    The baggies had a great team back then under Ron Atkinson with cyrile Regis, bomber brown, Laurie cunningham, brendon batson, brian Robson, Gary Owen and Peter Barnes great team 👍👍👏👏😍😍.

    • @63Baggies
      @63Baggies 2 роки тому +4

      I loved those teams; it was privilege watching them

  • @consty715
    @consty715 8 років тому +28

    Not an albion fan but you have to watch classic baggies.

  • @davidreed1995
    @davidreed1995 3 роки тому +6

    West brom were a great team under big ron

  • @Rightturnclyde78
    @Rightturnclyde78 2 роки тому +4

    Brendon bats on was nice and cool on the ball solid player, man of that match for me come on you baggies

  • @spencersandmark
    @spencersandmark 5 років тому +11

    Quality side back then WBA

  • @nigeh5326
    @nigeh5326 5 років тому +5

    Went to this game remember it well and going to aNorthern Branch WBA supporters club meet after where I got Gary Owen and Peter Barnes autographs. Always liked visiting Man City at Maine Rd

  • @quiquibud4
    @quiquibud4 7 років тому +14

    First game as a city fan against wba at Maine rd 78 just heard that big Cyrille died yesterday R.I.P.

  • @Smiffy830
    @Smiffy830 10 місяців тому +1

    Could you imagine De Bryne, Foden etc playing there game on that pitch? Great to see Remi Moses, he lived next door to my cousin on Smethwick for a while, great lad.

  • @franklinandlamar6005
    @franklinandlamar6005 3 роки тому +5

    Cyrille Regis best player in the world

  • @janmikolajczyk5587
    @janmikolajczyk5587 3 роки тому +5

    We had a great side lost in 2 fa cup semis and a league cup semi and so close to winning the title but alass lost the lot

    • @davidmichaels8934
      @davidmichaels8934 2 роки тому +1

      Jan,yes,the really bad winter in the West Midlands,in early 1979,made sure that the Albion,could not win the Division One title,they did not kicks ball for 5 weeks,then first fame back away at Liverpool,and lost 2 -1,and they never recovered that form before the break!

  • @holmleighnyd
    @holmleighnyd 6 років тому +14

    I think you will find this was a division one match. We didn't have to put up with the "Premier League" back then.

    • @steveblack610
      @steveblack610 Рік тому

      I’m loving the sound of contempt in your comment.

  • @wellington-yh8rc
    @wellington-yh8rc 6 років тому +12

    That Albion team really should have won things , a shame they didn't .

    • @chriscoughlan5221
      @chriscoughlan5221 3 роки тому +4

      thanx to a board with no ambition and the final straw letting big ron and bryan robson go!!

  • @mikedavies1217
    @mikedavies1217 4 роки тому +4

    i was at that game criminal that Allison sold Barnes and Owen at there peak that finished us as a top club in the 70smand early 80s

  • @acustomer3518
    @acustomer3518 3 роки тому +1

    i loved this football i grew up with i even had a subbuteo wba away kit i loved my young naive days it was great even at 14 was subbuteo mad, how times have got shit WBA were stunning to watch if i was allowed up to watch match of the day [11 yrs old lol ]

  • @kailashpatel1706
    @kailashpatel1706 5 років тому +10

    Its sad to think that Peter Barnes declined in the early 1980s, can you imagine him and Steve Coppell at the 1982 World Cup plundering the flanks..?

  • @davidmichaels8934
    @davidmichaels8934 3 роки тому +5

    Look at the goal from Cyrill Regis, no back lift just shear power! What a player, what could the Baggies do with a player like that now, we would be in thus ridiculous situation that we are in now!

    • @swaldron5558
      @swaldron5558 3 роки тому +2

      He would’ve worth £100 millions!

    • @davidmichaels8934
      @davidmichaels8934 3 роки тому +5

      @@swaldron5558 yes, you are right! Priceless probably! How the Albion did not win anything with that team is a tragedy! They were top of the 1st Division in January 1979,but then in the West Midlands the winter really set in, frozen pitches etc, they did not play again for 5 weeks, by that time they had lost some of the edge to their play, and guess who was the team they played first? Yes, Liverpool! At Annfield, they lost narrowly 2-1 and then finished 4th at the end of the season, it could have been, but for the winter! ❄️

    • @63Baggies
      @63Baggies 2 роки тому +2

      @@davidmichaels8934 ...and a little more investment from Sid Lucas and Bert Millichip. We ended up getting plundered after that Laurie (RIP) Johnston, the Robbo. A great many people have forgotten that he even played for us...

  • @stevenroper2754
    @stevenroper2754 10 років тому +9

    I was at this match. When Regis scored the first goal I jumped over the wall onto the perimeter track to celebrate......and was 'helped' back into my seat by a bemused policeman.

  • @stephenvine3104
    @stephenvine3104 Рік тому +2

    What a winger Peter Barnes was, could beat a man and score goals, Gary Owen a very good midfielder, we stole those 2 greats from man city, and oh, cyrille regis too !! Great days for a baggie then COYB

  • @srikarrishikesanXF
    @srikarrishikesanXF 3 роки тому +1

    Stuart Lee is now a coach of my soccer club

  • @harrywelch1668
    @harrywelch1668 7 років тому +3

    We didn't need grass in those days! Lovely to catch a Cyrille goal that tends not to be shown. Probably more upset in this afternoon seeing the scenes around the country when I heard the sad news than I was on Monday morning when I heard about his early death. I was privileged to meet him, thanks to Mark at the London Baggies.
    Nice goal by Steward Lee, suprised he never mentions his footballing career when on stage

  • @glenjarnold
    @glenjarnold 3 роки тому +2

    Great days...

  • @albionboy72
    @albionboy72 9 років тому +6

    I'm a WBA fan, and Albion dominated this game by the looks of it, Robson, Batson, Regis Barnes Owen et al superior, but what a sweet goal by Man City's Lee.

    • @bryanhood8077
      @bryanhood8077 5 років тому +1

      I absolutely loved WBA back the, I was a 13 year old with the full home kit living in Leith, Edinburgh.. Loved the entire team. They were capable of beating anyone.

    • @63Baggies
      @63Baggies 2 роки тому

      A great strike.....dreadful marking though...

  • @ianholden7
    @ianholden7 7 років тому +6

    R I P Cyril Regis

  • @davidrichard2761
    @davidrichard2761 3 роки тому +1

    I marked Stuart lee at Broadway Secondary modern school, Cheadle, Manchester in the late 1960’s. The corner came in, he jumped above me glanced the ball with his forehead and I stood rooted to the ground as the ball unerringly made its way about 20 feet into the top right hand corner of the goal. It was magical, that brain of.his seemed to have a genius.

  • @soundofphiladelphia311
    @soundofphiladelphia311 4 роки тому +2

    2:34 "with Owen making a run down the left". Think you will find it was the ballboy on the overlap 😂

  • @paulwiley7533
    @paulwiley7533 2 роки тому +2

    Forgot how good we were then
    Barnes was top drawer
    Robbo , Regis , Gary Owen
    Hated Man City even more then

  • @itsme-gm9oi
    @itsme-gm9oi 4 роки тому +1

    The state of that pitch.

  • @paullittle4622
    @paullittle4622 7 років тому +2

    Two good ones there with big Ron

  • @scotchegg3419
    @scotchegg3419 6 років тому +2

    this was my first time in the kippax.with my sister ,

  • @damianmcdonagh7908
    @damianmcdonagh7908 3 роки тому +1

    Transport me back: I was 12-years-old.

  • @TheLastOilMan
    @TheLastOilMan 7 років тому +10

    greatest team never to win the league ! Yes our claim to fame !

  • @tallesmagno201
    @tallesmagno201 3 місяці тому

    that WBA team, Batson, Cunningham, Regis, Robson, Barnes, Owen, Ali Brown - really fantastic side but maybe Gary Owen didnt quite have enough bite in midfield alsongside robson to be a title challenge, but beating Liverpool in those days was a tough ask.

  • @Sanctified57
    @Sanctified57 4 роки тому +2

    Why did City get rid of Barnes and Owen? Madness. Two young talents who came back to haunt them

    • @davidmichaels8934
      @davidmichaels8934 3 роки тому +1

      Sanctified and just why did the Albion get rid of them as well? Crazy Baggies board!

    • @barrieroberts75
      @barrieroberts75 3 роки тому +2

      That was the day I will always remember, disliked Allison for what he did to the gentleman Joe Mercer but hated him for selling 2 great local high quality lads, Barnes and Owen brilliant footballers, and after buying the rubbish Steve Daley his reputation was finished, Joe Mercer was the architect of all our great 60s-70s success and Allison a glorified ball boy 🤮🤮although dead I will never forgive the big-headed git 🤮🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

    • @swaldron5558
      @swaldron5558 3 роки тому +2

      To buy rubbish Steve Daley. Worst ever player in century.

    • @Rightturnclyde78
      @Rightturnclyde78 2 роки тому +1

      @@swaldron5558 Steve Daley was shit because brought him from wanky wanderers, come on you baggies

    • @angusbabb4913
      @angusbabb4913 Рік тому +3

      Painful to watch! Barnes and Owen should’ve been playing for City ..Allison was a criminal for selling them

  • @mikedavies9953
    @mikedavies9953 2 роки тому +2

    Why on earth did we sell Barnes and Owen it was one disaster after another when Big Mal came back

  • @EvoGoody
    @EvoGoody 4 місяці тому

    West Brom looked good there.

  • @JimHara
    @JimHara 8 місяців тому

    Best Albion team, that was

  • @MarkRaybould-mo2tl
    @MarkRaybould-mo2tl 8 місяців тому

    Gary and peter are friends of mine. peter loves the Albion his dad had history with us. but Gary is just the other way, always says he should have stayed at city.

  • @alancorbett1361
    @alancorbett1361 8 років тому +4

    There wasn't a Premier League in 1979/80, let alone one sponsored by Barclays!

  • @geoffclarke8934
    @geoffclarke8934 7 місяців тому

    Some great football there especially from Albion on that dreadful pitch. Love watching these old school matches despite the shitty pitches players had to play on in those days.

  • @chriscoughlan5221
    @chriscoughlan5221 3 роки тому +1

    silly question why did city let peter barnes +gary owen go? not to mention dzeko.

  • @RT-ko5hl
    @RT-ko5hl Місяць тому

    Groundsman done a fine job

  • @swaldron5558
    @swaldron5558 3 роки тому +1

    Can’t believe City flogged Barnes and Owen to purchase rubbish Steve Daley!

  • @wba_connor1420
    @wba_connor1420 5 років тому +1


  • @TheBaggieboy95
    @TheBaggieboy95 9 років тому +2

    Strange to see a mostly seated stadium for the time.

    • @melbman43
      @melbman43 7 років тому +2

      Both Ends behind the goals North Stand to your left, and the Platt Lane to your right were seating for years, opposite in the Kippax were the standing was. Always found it strange to.

    • @wellington-yh8rc
      @wellington-yh8rc 6 років тому

      Highfield road Coventry had terracing above seats if I remember rightly on one side , not behind the goals though .

    • @spencersandmark
      @spencersandmark 5 років тому +2

      25000 kippax stand that's why

  • @mikedavies9953
    @mikedavies9953 6 місяців тому

    We sold Barnes and Owen and bought Stuart Lee , Bobby Shinton, and Paul Sugrue no wonder Alison got sacked and they blamed Swales

  • @johndeacetis4707
    @johndeacetis4707 9 років тому +2

    man of the match BARNES ? against his former club stuart Lee of man city forgot about that LEE ......!

    • @stephenwalker893
      @stephenwalker893 7 років тому

      john deacetis
      Stuart Lee was a good player for Stockport County especially when he teamed up with Les Bradd , wasn't at City very long before he went abroad. Was at this match as well .