The Mario and Luigi brigade taking a hard lead, yet the Pizza Tower legion are disorganized and scrambled. It's a tight battle against theoretical opposites - who will pull out on top?!
Mario & Luigi! I love those games and would be excited to hear your thoughts on them, it's a shame the company that made them went under, could you imagine if they were able to do crossovers with things like Kirby or even Sonic? Or even one where you'd play as Mario & Luigi + Wario & Waluigi, those concepts are some of my biggest pipe dream games
YES This series is my precious baby. It is basically the same age as me, and I was more or less raised by the DS games. Whenever I see Mario & Luigi, the happy dots in my brain begin to dance. So yeah, a video on the Mario & Luigi games (or any one of em really) would be pretty cool, I think.
For the outro, the "Mario and Luigi" series was the first thing that came to mind. With superstar saga now on the switch, it's almost the perfect opportunity to see your thoughts on it. Plus with your opinions on Mario and RPGs, it would make an interesting video.
It feels much weaker than the Wii one. The super strike in charged was like a party where both parts had a role, in this you just kick the ball and the other waits to see if the AI can block it or not. And don't forget about the intro in charged, it was unskippable.
Listen I agree that megastrikes are more fun than boom boom’s random chance, but then why are they completely useless in charged’s hard mode? That’s why they changed it, it’s also more friendly to varying skill levels
@@agent_beta420 Maybe the Megastrikes were "useless in hard mode" 'cause it was a HARD MODE! Scoring 3 or more goals at once in the toughest levels is not supposed to be the norm, that's the outlier lol
In regards to the outro, I remember one of your older videos was about the different personalities of Bowser throughout the year, but in that video you never mentioned Mario & Luigi: Bowsers Inside Story, Which is the game where he arguably has the most personality. Would be nice to have a video on that game, or even just a general video on the Mario & Luigi series.
6:31 this right here is what breaks the game for me. Bowsers megastrike in charged give me chills TO THIS DAY. Charged has such grungy and powerful sounds that make this soccer game feel like A BATTLE OF GODS. Meanwhile battle league makes a battle of gods feel like a soccer game
I think it has more to do with the fact that the SFX of Pizza Tower is something I can imagine just casually blending in with the rest of Alax's retro soundboard.
the thing with modern graphics is that sometimes, with so many colors and values on the screen at once, hierarchy can be much harder to accomplish due to less overall contrast. I feel like that affects this game a lot too
Imagine a low-poly and low-res game made with the budget of a AAA game, forcing it to have awesome animations while also being able to use the budget on the actual gameplay.
@@juanrodriguez9971 Except the animations are not an issue in strikers. There isn't an issue on budget on the gameplay. It's an issue of Game design that is suppose to appeal to everyone.
This. It's why 480p game resolutions can acheive harder contrasts and makes things pop. It's like a song having so many instruments and effects put onto each one - sometimes simpler is better! But with game graphics we simultaneously have companies needing to meet a minimum requirement, with that requirement being less than the past AND more costly.
@@NaJk93 Maybe Next Level Games wanted to appeal to soccer fans, so they made things more balanced and less chaotic??? Considering the online is stronger than before, it makes sense why Next level Games would do this.
Zack and Wiki for the Wii: gorgeous point and click puzzle with tonnes of character, devilish puzzles and MOTION CONTOLS at every opportunity they could find
Mario Strikers Charged was one of my childhood favorites. I picked up Battle League day one, something I rarely do nowadays. I tried to figure out the new tech for a couple weeks, then I put it down and haven't played it since. And I think you hit the nail on the head with the game feel. Most people complain about lack of content or stage hazards, but really I just don't think the game feels very satisfying to play. 6:17 Just the little sound warping, the impact sounding like a bullet shot, the slightly faster ball, and the little camera shake make Charged feel 100% cooler than the new one.
If there ever was some kind of storyline/lore to the Mario Strikers series (as weird as it sounds), I would say that it feels like this game seems to fall between the first and second ones. For example, you start the game with regular kit, but they've just started experimenting with power armour, so players are seeing what gear works for them. Also, the football/soccer ball itself - in the first game, it was a plain ball, in Charged, it was a ball that held and generated its own energy charge just from regular play, whilst in Battle League it doesn't generate its own charge outside of skilful play or power orbs being supplied, and it can't hold a charge for very long before it dissipates entirely. Even the stages themselves feel somewhere between the two games - not regular stages with absolutely nothing fancy, but nothing that would affect the game itself has been allowed in yet. Lastly, the character's themes - in the first game, no personal themes at all, in Charged, WILDLY personal themes, with vastly different instrumentation in many cases (jungle drums DK, flamenco Luigi, banjo Waluigi, just to name a few), whilst Battle league has the beginnings of personal themes... with everyone stuck in some form of rock/metal with guitars and maybe a little hint of something else - an allusion to individuality. Hopefully if they ever have the guts to do a fourth Strikers game (and can actually do it justice - honestly think this was played too safe because of Nintendo having too tight on a grip on the devs rather than Next Level Games choosing to be stale), we'll get something that's more akin to Charged, and the nature of Strikers that we came to love. .... Oh yeah, next video choice - saw someone suggest Mario & Luigi, that's a pretty good idea. Either that, or a look back at when Mario was allowed to be experimental with their character designs (such as older Paper Mario titles, or heck, the older Strikers games), and why that seems to have been reined the f*ck in as of late.
calling it now, nintendo will release a remaster of battle league called mario strikers battle league: revamped that fixes every problem that the game has, it becomes a option to upgrade to revamped if you already own the game(not if it will cost money or it will be a free update) then the next game will probably be called mario strikers: wonder flower mayhem.
In response to the outro, I remember back in 2020 you briefly talked about how much you loved Super Metroid and Hollow Knight in that tier list video on games you played. I’d love to hear your full thoughts on those games at some stage :)
Thanks to Mario Strikers Battle League, I'm 100% - nay, *1000%* sure that now the idea of a new Mario Sluggers game has changed from being everyone's greatest dream to being everyone's greatest nightmare. (I swear, if they pull the "finish it later" model on Sluggers too...)
The one video I’ve been looking forward to the most is one about the Mario design for the movie. You covered his design before in detail, and I’d like an update. (Also Peach has a personality, something else you covered)
Great video There’s a bunch of stuff I miss from the first two games: I miss more than 3 types of npcs in the audience, the hazards, the darker tone (the new one’s a bit overbright), the diverse music (the teams still have themes, but they’re all using the same instruments, also the music in the stadiums is almost not even there), the emphasis on the captains and support characters as being a core team (the teams were actually recognizable), the emphasis on each individual stadium, the cups that felt like they carried real weight, the achievements that did stuff, and the interactive elements like menus that felt like they had more soul (e.g., Charged’s pause menu and main menu), and the customization options for things like items and gameplay.
I just love how budgeted these mario spin off games have felt compared to their GC/Wii counterparts I can’t wait for mario baseball 3 where there will be like 3 stadiums half the roster is just shy guys and toads, there’s no wario or birdo or rosalina until they throw them in for “free” about 3 months later and of course watered down minigames, it’s gonna be great :p
And for the record I actually really enjoy super mario party to this day, and feel that superstars is only marginally better for having a S tier premise with B tier execution, the point I’m getting at is how sad it is I find these games to be the gold standard of switch era mario spin off games 😆
Honestly the problem for me was taking away the excitement and edge of the other titles. This is where the characters get to be angry and violent, making them calm down took a lot of the fun away. Honestly though I'd like to see you do a video on Tekken or just any fighting game (other than smash) in general.
@@adryaunadavis6370 I wonder if Next Level games wanted this game to be more balanced and fair than before, since there's even more focus on online matches??? However this also means removing the chaos and making it sligthty more realistic.
Could we get a video series about Mario 64 Romhacks. Would love to see the Alax spin on this. Heck a deeper dive on SM64 itself would be fun since you’ve done some 3D Mario’s like Sunshine and 3D World.
I agree game feel and a lot of subtle choices is what makes some indie games stand out over triple a games in the same ideas. this is a nuanced game to review because there are no fatal flaws on the surface but it can feel disappointing. nice that you came back! any video would be okay, its fun to just discuss whatever.
Love the video! This is the first time I have seen a review of Mario Strikers Battle League that wasn’t overly bashed, which I find a breath of fresh air, as after the updates, this game is almost up to standard of the other games, imo its just missing that special something as you said. Btw the trick shown in 3:42 is a Titan Chip, basically you lob free pass off the wall on a angle, boom boom goes for the ball, he does nothing, and then you score on the open net.
Played Strikers on the GameCube for many, many hours over my life. Recently tried playing the new one and it just didn't feel as snappy. Part of the fun with the older games was the fact that even toads could tackle and beat up everyone. Everyone has different stats now, which is pretty cool, but some of the charm that made strikers so fun is sacrificed. Everyone used to be equally broken, now the characters that used to hit like a truck can barely push anyone around.
Would love to see something on Kirby and the Forgotten Land. It's just got so many cool little details and additions that I feel somebody like you would appreciate
I relate to how I felt about this game, the controls were difficult to adapt to, and not to mention it was hard to get a genuine win without blasting the kick button. It felt unsatisfied. The fact that the team captains are no longer captains, makes the whole set up look lacking, meaning very little characters to play with in the roster. I miss the lil minions you can have in the team (Hammer bro am I right?) But yeah, there is no oomph to the impact of scoring the ball when doing a special kick. Rather be playing the wii version, and that's saddening
I've always wanted to hear your thoughts on the Kingdom Hearts series, for better or for worse. I admire the originality in your sense of humor and comparisons you make, so naturally I'm curious to see how you tackle the franchise without repeating the same hashed out jokes everyone else makes about it.
My recommendation for a video game would be Bug Fables The Everlasting Sapling. It has the gameplay heavily based on the first paper mario game, with a nice story and good characters to boot!
A video on risk of rain 2 would be awesome. Anytime I think about the idea of video games being art, my mind jumps to this game. Also, I really love your content and it’s super awesome to see you back! I really hope you’re feeling much better and enjoying your time back!
I think Alax could finally talk about Mario Golf games. We know how exquisite Toadstool Tour is, and imo World Tour is a very smooth experience too. But I actually have yet to play Super Rush, although I've heard people say it was...a super rushed game. So it'd be neat to hear your thoughts! Especially like in this video, comparing how certain aspects are to the older games. I think the main thing about the Mario sports games as of late is that they don't offer enough variety in gameplay experiences. Nowadays, they have the main sport mode and they kind of expect you to just grind that over and over again because it's fun? Compared to the old days, we had tons of gimmick courts, challenges or minigames, tournament modes, and that was without any online multiplayer too! It wouldn't necessarily be such a problem, but I find they don't really hone in and polish the core gameplay to its best (Mario Tennis Aces almost did fine in this regard, I just find the core gameplay got boring eventually because it could easily amount to just trick shot your gauge to full and use a special shot, rinse and repeat). The outlier is, ironically, Super Mario Party, they filled it with many side modes but didn't develop the core party mode to a full extent, making the game overall feel like a collection of side modes.
They definitely wanted to make a more competitive title so they lessened the amount of chaos that the first two had. Personally, I enjoy the change, I never was the biggest fan of the random chaos.
A video that I would really like to see is a retrospective on sonic unleashed. I feel that discussing the impact of the game on the sonic franchise moving forward would make an interesting video. Keep up the good work Alax glad to have you back!
The game looks too clean to me, if that makes sense. I miss when it was rough around the edges, when everyone looked one hard tackle away from bleeding out and the stage looked like it was barely held together.
Mario Strikers Charged was like, almost kinda scary when I was a kid. They went all out making it as unique and epic as possible. Its kinda shockingly violent, there's weird music and sounds and it felt like they were playing soccer in hell or something. They went all out on making dk hit the gritty or whatever in the new one but its just not a freak like charged
Great to have you back Alex. Think I will join Patreon been massive fan of your content for years. Also, Any old school analysis content on art, sound, gameplay is great
I don't expect this to get any attention, but Cross Code is an amazing little indie game that more people need to try. Not sure what you'd do for a video on it, but I just want to say that it's really good (and also support this video at the same time).
My biggest gripe with Strikers Battle League is that it pretty much took a defining personality for Soccer games. Strikes Battle League just felt like a typical sport with the characters javing the same outfits. But Strikers Charged felt like an event. Everyone had their own personality in terma of clothing at times. And the entire sport taking place in an apocalyptic event was so fucking cool. How do you lose so much sause.
i think it'd be cool to see a video where you talk about what a perfect sequel for (insert series of choice) would be like for you. im always interested in hearing what people would want for a sequel or addition to a video game franchise they like.
I think a cool game you could cover is this relatively new game called pizza tower. The movement, artstyle, and level design is superb. And I would love to hear your thoughts on this game with your unique relax Alax style. Would really appreciate making a video based on my stupid suggestion. So hopefully you cover this great game :)
Make a video about anything you want mang. Your jokes and edits are always hilarious, and always coupled with an intelligent perspective, so I’ll enjoy whatever it is. 🤣
I'm honestly glad I didn't grow up with strikers now because it would've made my disappointment with the game immensely worse. Also, if you could do a video on "Cars" the video game that would be great.
oh, I see that there's other posts with 1.7k Likes on them. Yep, its never gonna happen. Just more bogwater milktoast topics from everyone else from here on in.
Honestly a video on the yo-kai watch franchise would be interesting in your style of videos and perhaps trying to go into what made it succeed to much in the east compared to the west but also what each half of the world liked about it more compared to the other could again be very interesting
A game I was super hyped for on it's reveal, but I couldn't justify picking it up. Just seemed hollow compared to the previous entries. Especially after the demo, I remember getting thrown off by the controls and feeling like... something was off. Don't have much hope if we get a Mario Baseball anytime soon that it'll be worth it. For the outro thing, I nominate Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky.
I was so hopeful because at least for once, the mechanics seemed sound in a modern Mario game. Like holy clap, actually depth rather than just watered down mechanics! And then I realized that is the only positive I can say about the game. It’s simply lacking the content, the art style, the personality, etc etc etc of the previous Strikers games. It’s a mechanically sound game, even if I prefer Charged’s mechanics still, that doesn’t *feel* like Strikers at the end of the day. (Also, just to be clear on the mechanics part, I’m not defending the gear, because that’s where the balancing problems were. Some stats were just way better than others, such as shooting power to guarantee goals way easier against the crappy goalie ai, and so not only were some character just bad because of their stat spreads, but also gear meta could be pretty stagnant cause you want only a few kind of stats more prominently, and would feel fine dropping some like passing).
I think a video about Celeste would be a great idea for the channel, since you’ve talked about some of the games attributes and what you’ve enjoyed previously, but never at length in a full video. I feel that it would suit your content well and also should do well in the algorithm due to the Strawberry Jam Celeste update coming out.
I know it might be a long shot, but I would really appreciate the fifth game in the Breath of Fire series getting a look-over on this channel. Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter is a criminally underrated RPG that was Soulslike before that became a term. A roguelite RPG set in a world themed after poverty and scarcity is something that needs to be experienced. Also, another classic to try, Kameo: Elements of Power.
Battle League is fun and all but it doesn’t have the same…I wanna say attitude or identity as Charged. Just look at how charged starts: a desert wasteland, spectators running into an electric fence, Bowser and Mario dropping out of the sky without even a single parachute. We get a montage of players duking it out in the matches, pulling out their tricks, treating the playing field like a battlefield all backed up by an intense heavy mettle rock song! This ain’t your middle school soccer match THIS IS THE STRIKERS CUP!!! We just don’t get something like that with Battle League. We just don’t have that same edgy attitude and it really hurts Battle League’s identity.
Talk about anything related to Randomizers! They have exploded in popularity over the last few years and it would be interesting to see your take on the subject. For a game to talk about? I wanna hear you talk about Hollow Knight or the Ori Series at some point!
I didnt know what i was hoping for with the new mario strikers, now i just know i want a port of Mario strikers charged on the switch. That game is perfection
Doshin the giant would be a fun idea. I know it's gotten a little more popular over the years but a game that I feel like would be interesting to look at.
The Mario and Luigi brigade taking a hard lead, yet the Pizza Tower legion are disorganized and scrambled. It's a tight battle against theoretical opposites - who will pull out on top?!
Terriara 9:50
The Mario brothers and plumbings their game
Mario & Luigi! I love those games and would be excited to hear your thoughts on them, it's a shame the company that made them went under, could you imagine if they were able to do crossovers with things like Kirby or even Sonic? Or even one where you'd play as Mario & Luigi + Wario & Waluigi, those concepts are some of my biggest pipe dream games
@Sahaprocks We’re not like the others who get all the fame
This is the “struggler dad” arc of alax where he just grows a full beard and grunts at everything
@@staronmarz8858 War of God refrence?????!!!1!!1
Wall termite
I can’t really blame him on this game lol
I prefer the wife beater arc
A retrospective on the "Mario and Luigi" series would be cool.
Yeah I can get behind this
This series is my precious baby. It is basically the same age as me, and I was more or less raised by the DS games. Whenever I see Mario & Luigi, the happy dots in my brain begin to dance.
So yeah, a video on the Mario & Luigi games (or any one of em really) would be pretty cool, I think.
This please.
Was hoping I wasnt the only one :)
For the outro, the "Mario and Luigi" series was the first thing that came to mind. With superstar saga now on the switch, it's almost the perfect opportunity to see your thoughts on it. Plus with your opinions on Mario and RPGs, it would make an interesting video.
lol I think that's called gaslighting
@@trevorgrover5619 huh?
It feels much weaker than the Wii one. The super strike in charged was like a party where both parts had a role, in this you just kick the ball and the other waits to see if the AI can block it or not. And don't forget about the intro in charged, it was unskippable.
Listen I agree that megastrikes are more fun than boom boom’s random chance, but then why are they completely useless in charged’s hard mode? That’s why they changed it, it’s also more friendly to varying skill levels
@@agent_beta420 Maybe the Megastrikes were "useless in hard mode" 'cause it was a HARD MODE!
Scoring 3 or more goals at once in the toughest levels is not supposed to be the norm, that's the outlier lol
Holy Moly I've missed your content! I cannot understate how happy I am that you finally returned!
Sounds like you aren't using your sub box
Top 10 ten anime resurrections
In regards to the outro, I remember one of your older videos was about the different personalities of Bowser throughout the year, but in that video you never mentioned Mario & Luigi: Bowsers Inside Story, Which is the game where he arguably has the most personality. Would be nice to have a video on that game, or even just a general video on the Mario & Luigi series.
i like that idea !
I want a video on this
More people need to talk about that series. Especially the first 3
100% agree with this a vid on this series would be amazing!!
A video on the Mario & Luigi franchise would be pretty cool. Glad to have you back bud, hope you're doing well
6:31 this right here is what breaks the game for me. Bowsers megastrike in charged give me chills TO THIS DAY.
Charged has such grungy and powerful sounds that make this soccer game feel like A BATTLE OF GODS.
Meanwhile battle league makes a battle of gods feel like a soccer game
He didn’t even show the best part
I'm surprised you haven't talked at all about Pizza Tower! It has this atmosphere to it that I think meshes almost perfectly to your own!
Yeah, I love that game and would love for him to try it at least, even if he doesn't end up making a video on it.
idk why but i gaslit myself into thinking he already made one lmao
I think it has more to do with the fact that the SFX of Pizza Tower is something I can imagine just casually blending in with the rest of Alax's retro soundboard.
Even their art style feel similar
Especially with his increasingly chaotic edits
the thing with modern graphics is that sometimes, with so many colors and values on the screen at once, hierarchy can be much harder to accomplish due to less overall contrast. I feel like that affects this game a lot too
Imagine a low-poly and low-res game made with the budget of a AAA game, forcing it to have awesome animations while also being able to use the budget on the actual gameplay.
@@juanrodriguez9971 Except the animations are not an issue in strikers.
There isn't an issue on budget on the gameplay. It's an issue of Game design that is suppose to appeal to everyone.
This. It's why 480p game resolutions can acheive harder contrasts and makes things pop. It's like a song having so many instruments and effects put onto each one - sometimes simpler is better! But with game graphics we simultaneously have companies needing to meet a minimum requirement, with that requirement being less than the past AND more costly.
@@NaJk93 Maybe Next Level Games wanted to appeal to soccer fans, so they made things more balanced and less chaotic??? Considering the online is stronger than before, it makes sense why Next level Games would do this.
@@orangeslash1667 Hi person who does not understand game design.
Especially for a Mario Sports Title.
Zack and Wiki for the Wii: gorgeous point and click puzzle with tonnes of character, devilish puzzles and MOTION CONTOLS at every opportunity they could find
Maan that games tha goat
Mario Strikers Charged was one of my childhood favorites. I picked up Battle League day one, something I rarely do nowadays. I tried to figure out the new tech for a couple weeks, then I put it down and haven't played it since. And I think you hit the nail on the head with the game feel. Most people complain about lack of content or stage hazards, but really I just don't think the game feels very satisfying to play.
6:17 Just the little sound warping, the impact sounding like a bullet shot, the slightly faster ball, and the little camera shake make Charged feel 100% cooler than the new one.
If there ever was some kind of storyline/lore to the Mario Strikers series (as weird as it sounds), I would say that it feels like this game seems to fall between the first and second ones. For example, you start the game with regular kit, but they've just started experimenting with power armour, so players are seeing what gear works for them. Also, the football/soccer ball itself - in the first game, it was a plain ball, in Charged, it was a ball that held and generated its own energy charge just from regular play, whilst in Battle League it doesn't generate its own charge outside of skilful play or power orbs being supplied, and it can't hold a charge for very long before it dissipates entirely. Even the stages themselves feel somewhere between the two games - not regular stages with absolutely nothing fancy, but nothing that would affect the game itself has been allowed in yet. Lastly, the character's themes - in the first game, no personal themes at all, in Charged, WILDLY personal themes, with vastly different instrumentation in many cases (jungle drums DK, flamenco Luigi, banjo Waluigi, just to name a few), whilst Battle league has the beginnings of personal themes... with everyone stuck in some form of rock/metal with guitars and maybe a little hint of something else - an allusion to individuality.
Hopefully if they ever have the guts to do a fourth Strikers game (and can actually do it justice - honestly think this was played too safe because of Nintendo having too tight on a grip on the devs rather than Next Level Games choosing to be stale), we'll get something that's more akin to Charged, and the nature of Strikers that we came to love.
.... Oh yeah, next video choice - saw someone suggest Mario & Luigi, that's a pretty good idea. Either that, or a look back at when Mario was allowed to be experimental with their character designs (such as older Paper Mario titles, or heck, the older Strikers games), and why that seems to have been reined the f*ck in as of late.
i ain’t readin allat
took this man 6 months to choose not to read something
Don't worry OP, I actually read that. And I'll say: Yeah that makes sense
calling it now, nintendo will release a remaster of battle league called mario strikers battle league: revamped that fixes every problem that the game has, it becomes a option to upgrade to revamped if you already own the game(not if it will cost money or it will be a free update) then the next game will probably be called mario strikers: wonder flower mayhem.
In response to the outro, I remember back in 2020 you briefly talked about how much you loved Super Metroid and Hollow Knight in that tier list video on games you played. I’d love to hear your full thoughts on those games at some stage :)
Hollow knight would be dope
@@paperplate3282 How about a review on Deadcells?????
Thanks to Mario Strikers Battle League, I'm 100% - nay, *1000%* sure that now the idea of a new Mario Sluggers game has changed from being everyone's greatest dream to being everyone's greatest nightmare.
(I swear, if they pull the "finish it later" model on Sluggers too...)
The one video I’ve been looking forward to the most is one about the Mario design for the movie. You covered his design before in detail, and I’d like an update. (Also Peach has a personality, something else you covered)
I know it definitely won't happen but another RelaxCast episode would be insane! Easily my fav podcast when it was airing
Watch your mouth ;) - Alex #2
Great video
There’s a bunch of stuff I miss from the first two games:
I miss more than 3 types of npcs in the audience, the hazards, the darker tone (the new one’s a bit overbright), the diverse music (the teams still have themes, but they’re all using the same instruments, also the music in the stadiums is almost not even there), the emphasis on the captains and support characters as being a core team (the teams were actually recognizable), the emphasis on each individual stadium, the cups that felt like they carried real weight, the achievements that did stuff, and the interactive elements like menus that felt like they had more soul (e.g., Charged’s pause menu and main menu), and the customization options for things like items and gameplay.
i was so underwhelmed by this game that i forgot it even existed, and i think it should stay that way
Yeah, it should, just like the rest, too.
I played for 4 days, and I've hardly played it since.
Im so glad i didnt pick it up day 1
Why should it stay that way?
@@Scarabola it makes the series worse overall, in my eyes, so i'd rather forget it exists
I just love how budgeted these mario spin off games have felt compared to their GC/Wii counterparts
I can’t wait for mario baseball 3 where there will be like 3 stadiums half the roster is just shy guys and toads, there’s no wario or birdo or rosalina until they throw them in for “free” about 3 months later and of course watered down minigames, it’s gonna be great :p
Can't wait for the next Mario Tennis game where you have a single court merely with customisable floors!
Oh wait, that's Ultra Smash.
@@Splatstab but it has mega battle and gex
@@thatitalianlameguy2235 fellow Scott the woz fan
@Don't Read My Profile Photo okay I wont
And for the record I actually really enjoy super mario party to this day, and feel that superstars is only marginally better for having a S tier premise with B tier execution, the point I’m getting at is how sad it is I find these games to be the gold standard of switch era mario spin off games 😆
Honestly the problem for me was taking away the excitement and edge of the other titles. This is where the characters get to be angry and violent, making them calm down took a lot of the fun away. Honestly though I'd like to see you do a video on Tekken or just any fighting game (other than smash) in general.
But this game is still kinda edgy in that Mario Strikers way, the characters are still all angry and violent
@@personalover249 It's not even like Smash Brose or Mario Kart edge!
@@adryaunadavis6370 I wonder if Next Level games wanted this game to be more balanced and fair than before, since there's even more focus on online matches??? However this also means removing the chaos and making it sligthty more realistic.
I always appreciate how YTP ends up seeping into your editing style
Could we get a video series about Mario 64 Romhacks. Would love to see the Alax spin on this.
Heck a deeper dive on SM64 itself would be fun since you’ve done some 3D Mario’s like Sunshine and 3D World.
I agree game feel and a lot of subtle choices is what makes some indie games stand out over triple a games in the same ideas. this is a nuanced game to review because there are no fatal flaws on the surface but it can feel disappointing. nice that you came back! any video would be okay, its fun to just discuss whatever.
I really miss the personal music of each character scoring like they had in charche
they still do i think, but you legit cant tell xD
Yoshi saying "BAWL" was far funnier to me than it should've been to me
Love the video! This is the first time I have seen a review of Mario Strikers Battle League that wasn’t overly bashed, which I find a breath of fresh air, as after the updates, this game is almost up to standard of the other games, imo its just missing that special something as you said. Btw the trick shown in 3:42 is a Titan Chip, basically you lob free pass off the wall on a angle, boom boom goes for the ball, he does nothing, and then you score on the open net.
Played Strikers on the GameCube for many, many hours over my life. Recently tried playing the new one and it just didn't feel as snappy. Part of the fun with the older games was the fact that even toads could tackle and beat up everyone. Everyone has different stats now, which is pretty cool, but some of the charm that made strikers so fun is sacrificed. Everyone used to be equally broken, now the characters that used to hit like a truck can barely push anyone around.
A video on Pizza Tower is bound to happen eventually, right Alax?
ooh that would be cool
Would love to see something on Kirby and the Forgotten Land. It's just got so many cool little details and additions that I feel somebody like you would appreciate
I relate to how I felt about this game, the controls were difficult to adapt to, and not to mention it was hard to get a genuine win without blasting the kick button.
It felt unsatisfied. The fact that the team captains are no longer captains, makes the whole set up look lacking, meaning very little characters to play with in the roster. I miss the lil minions you can have in the team (Hammer bro am I right?)
But yeah, there is no oomph to the impact of scoring the ball when doing a special kick. Rather be playing the wii version, and that's saddening
I've always wanted to hear your thoughts on the Kingdom Hearts series, for better or for worse. I admire the originality in your sense of humor and comparisons you make, so naturally I'm curious to see how you tackle the franchise without repeating the same hashed out jokes everyone else makes about it.
My recommendation for a video game would be Bug Fables The Everlasting Sapling. It has the gameplay heavily based on the first paper mario game, with a nice story and good characters to boot!
A video on risk of rain 2 would be awesome. Anytime I think about the idea of video games being art, my mind jumps to this game. Also, I really love your content and it’s super awesome to see you back! I really hope you’re feeling much better and enjoying your time back!
I think Alax could finally talk about Mario Golf games. We know how exquisite Toadstool Tour is, and imo World Tour is a very smooth experience too. But I actually have yet to play Super Rush, although I've heard people say it was...a super rushed game. So it'd be neat to hear your thoughts! Especially like in this video, comparing how certain aspects are to the older games.
I think the main thing about the Mario sports games as of late is that they don't offer enough variety in gameplay experiences. Nowadays, they have the main sport mode and they kind of expect you to just grind that over and over again because it's fun? Compared to the old days, we had tons of gimmick courts, challenges or minigames, tournament modes, and that was without any online multiplayer too! It wouldn't necessarily be such a problem, but I find they don't really hone in and polish the core gameplay to its best (Mario Tennis Aces almost did fine in this regard, I just find the core gameplay got boring eventually because it could easily amount to just trick shot your gauge to full and use a special shot, rinse and repeat).
The outlier is, ironically, Super Mario Party, they filled it with many side modes but didn't develop the core party mode to a full extent, making the game overall feel like a collection of side modes.
1:53 I never thought I'd see that film referenced in a thousand years
They definitely wanted to make a more competitive title so they lessened the amount of chaos that the first two had. Personally, I enjoy the change, I never was the biggest fan of the random chaos.
A video that I would really like to see is a retrospective on sonic unleashed. I feel that discussing the impact of the game on the sonic franchise moving forward would make an interesting video. Keep up the good work Alax glad to have you back!
The game looks too clean to me, if that makes sense. I miss when it was rough around the edges, when everyone looked one hard tackle away from bleeding out and the stage looked like it was barely held together.
Charged Football is always number 1
@Don't Read My Profile Photo okay
@@MashupProductions22 This is the first Mario Strikers game not directed by Mike Inglehart, as he left Next Level games. It shows
A "Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games" retrospective is something I don't see often.
Mario Strikers Charged was like, almost kinda scary when I was a kid. They went all out making it as unique and epic as possible. Its kinda shockingly violent, there's weird music and sounds and it felt like they were playing soccer in hell or something. They went all out on making dk hit the gritty or whatever in the new one but its just not a freak like charged
Alax please every time you use that donkey kong falling clip i burst into a laughing fit that lasts half of the videos length.
Keep using it
I been liking you videos dog, dont gotta ask
Also i wanna hear you talk about the fossil fighters trilogy, or just the first one if i cant do that lol
So good to see that Cat is back
A video on the history of Frogger would be cool, that amphibious bastard has been through some interesting phases
So like Noodle's video?
@@IngisBingis never heard of them, but probably yeah bahaha
This is my favorite intro you've done Al.
Star Platinum landing the final blow
Great to have you back Alex. Think I will join Patreon been massive fan of your content for years. Also, Any old school analysis content on art, sound, gameplay is great
I don't expect this to get any attention, but Cross Code is an amazing little indie game that more people need to try. Not sure what you'd do for a video on it, but I just want to say that it's really good (and also support this video at the same time).
Does anyone mind if I make a gif of that? That was beautiful.
forgot how much your videos make me laugh. it’s good to have you back, man.
My biggest gripe with Strikers Battle League is that it pretty much took a defining personality for Soccer games.
Strikes Battle League just felt like a typical sport with the characters javing the same outfits.
But Strikers Charged felt like an event. Everyone had their own personality in terma of clothing at times. And the entire sport taking place in an apocalyptic event was so fucking cool.
How do you lose so much sause.
i think it'd be cool to see a video where you talk about what a perfect sequel for (insert series of choice) would be like for you. im always interested in hearing what people would want for a sequel or addition to a video game franchise they like.
underrated comment
@@Krozbot This is the first Mario Strikers game not directed by Mike Inglehart, as he left Next Level games. It shows.
Would love to see a video on Hyrule Warriors and/or Age of Calamity! Very underrated series that adds a lot of fan service to Zelda.
I almost didn’t comment this because I thought no one else would also care but I'm glad someone else does.
I think a cool game you could cover is this relatively new game called pizza tower. The movement, artstyle, and level design is superb. And I would love to hear your thoughts on this game with your unique relax Alax style. Would really appreciate making a video based on my stupid suggestion. So hopefully you cover this great game :)
The thumbnail is kinda in the style of pizza tower too
Make a video about anything you want mang. Your jokes and edits are always hilarious, and always coupled with an intelligent perspective, so I’ll enjoy whatever it is. 🤣
Simple, cause it didn’t have Daisy at launch, that how you know they’ve majorly screwed up .
Pizza Tower definitely feels like your kind of style, think that would make a great video man.
I'd like to hear your thoughts on how you'd make a smash bros story mode if you were given the chance. If you're accepting video ideas and don't mind.
I'm honestly glad I didn't grow up with strikers now because it would've made my disappointment with the game immensely worse. Also, if you could do a video on "Cars" the video game that would be great.
Sonic 06 to Project 06 and the art of turning a bad game into a good one, to stay on theme with this video
I’m just glad you’re back :)
Make a video on the Tak and the Power of Juju trilogy for GameCube! Such legendary games!
oh my god yes
@@Bit_Boi Fun Fact: Avalanche Software who created Tak, also made Hogwarts Legacy. Impressive😉
I doubt it will win the vote
But I’d love to see Alax take on Touhou. 🎉
oh, I see that there's other posts with 1.7k Likes on them.
Yep, its never gonna happen.
Just more bogwater milktoast topics from everyone else from here on in.
Honestly a video on the yo-kai watch franchise would be interesting in your style of videos and perhaps trying to go into what made it succeed to much in the east compared to the west but also what each half of the world liked about it more compared to the other could again be very interesting
Talk about what makes you happy :) I'm just glad you're back, hope the break was worthwhile and it helped you
I think we're all anxiously waiting for Alax to just upload a ten-minute UA-cam Poop to mess with us. I'll embrace it with open arms. :)
A game I was super hyped for on it's reveal, but I couldn't justify picking it up. Just seemed hollow compared to the previous entries. Especially after the demo, I remember getting thrown off by the controls and feeling like... something was off.
Don't have much hope if we get a Mario Baseball anytime soon that it'll be worth it.
For the outro thing, I nominate Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky.
A video on banjo tooie would be a lot of fun
The video I was waiting for as well as the video I always feared. Just as the game.
I was so hopeful because at least for once, the mechanics seemed sound in a modern Mario game. Like holy clap, actually depth rather than just watered down mechanics! And then I realized that is the only positive I can say about the game. It’s simply lacking the content, the art style, the personality, etc etc etc of the previous Strikers games. It’s a mechanically sound game, even if I prefer Charged’s mechanics still, that doesn’t *feel* like Strikers at the end of the day.
(Also, just to be clear on the mechanics part, I’m not defending the gear, because that’s where the balancing problems were. Some stats were just way better than others, such as shooting power to guarantee goals way easier against the crappy goalie ai, and so not only were some character just bad because of their stat spreads, but also gear meta could be pretty stagnant cause you want only a few kind of stats more prominently, and would feel fine dropping some like passing).
" I mean, take Super Mario party.." Nah you can have it.
I missed you Alax
sonic 06, now you have to do it
Roger Roger
@@Deniss_mda15 It was rushed for the 15 anniversary, the end.
A video on Rain World would be pretty neat, especially since the DLC had recently came out! Maybe it could be a series on each of the characters?
It’s insane how quickly you ramped up the quality of your videos after over a 1 year break, good job
I think a video about Celeste would be a great idea for the channel, since you’ve talked about some of the games attributes and what you’ve enjoyed previously, but never at length in a full video. I feel that it would suit your content well and also should do well in the algorithm due to the Strawberry Jam Celeste update coming out.
Talk about how weirdly cute the enemies of Risk of Rain 2 are.
9:42 Yokai watch, this series is way too good for how underapriciated it is.
I even forgot about it for the day I watched this video.
Agreed, the worst thing Nintendo ever did was stripping Mario of his cheeks. 😔
It's not as BOMBASTIC as the Wii one.
agreed fam
I know it might be a long shot, but I would really appreciate the fifth game in the Breath of Fire series getting a look-over on this channel. Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter is a criminally underrated RPG that was Soulslike before that became a term. A roguelite RPG set in a world themed after poverty and scarcity is something that needs to be experienced.
Also, another classic to try, Kameo: Elements of Power.
bro is still real and funny as fuck and your edits are hilarious, great to see you back man.
You should review the cult classic Madden 08.
10/10 Gameplay, Story, Score and Dialogue
Its good to have you back Alax
You talked about Civilization I think you could make a subject about why 4X's are so hypnotizing, happy to have you back
Battle League is fun and all but it doesn’t have the same…I wanna say attitude or identity as Charged. Just look at how charged starts: a desert wasteland, spectators running into an electric fence, Bowser and Mario dropping out of the sky without even a single parachute. We get a montage of players duking it out in the matches, pulling out their tricks, treating the playing field like a battlefield all backed up by an intense heavy mettle rock song! This ain’t your middle school soccer match THIS IS THE STRIKERS CUP!!! We just don’t get something like that with Battle League. We just don’t have that same edgy attitude and it really hurts Battle League’s identity.
That zoom in on Mario's flat ass killed me, dear God
It’s great to see you back in the swing of things
Honestly I would love a video on you covering the lore of Splatoon.
I was going to say something else, but the top rated Mario and Luigi series suggestions are kinda on point.
“Take Super Mario Party” “nah you can keep it” was the funniest joke
great video, Love hearing ur music in ur main videos!
Talk about anything related to Randomizers! They have exploded in popularity over the last few years and it would be interesting to see your take on the subject. For a game to talk about? I wanna hear you talk about Hollow Knight or the Ori Series at some point!
I didnt know what i was hoping for with the new mario strikers, now i just know i want a port of Mario strikers charged on the switch. That game is perfection
Yeah, this is all I want now. I love Charged but dang I could really use a switch controller with it
I still wanna cry on how bad it is , my brother and I screamed with happiness when the trailer appeared but halfway we could tell something was off
What upset me most about the newest strikers game is they removed the waluigi crotch chop
Doshin the giant would be a fun idea. I know it's gotten a little more popular over the years but a game that I feel like would be interesting to look at.
The jokes in this video is rlly good