Thank you I didn't expect quite the amount of feedback I have received throughout the comments. Praise is appreciated, bin moans and insults/trolling isn't. But you'll find that on any video
Great video good driver I used to drive rcvs for 15 years nice to see some using the mirrors correctly mirror mirror camera and not to forget using there seat belt to
Wow! Keep the videoes coming, I always look forward to watch your videoes after school. I got 2 years until I can join at Blackburn with Darwen borough council 😊
Thank you Rear steer, turning in is fine it's the swing out you've got to pay attention to When turning near cars/walls/objects make sure to leave a decent distance, as if you were passing a cyclist. If you make a turn with too sharp an angle the rear swing is so severe it's almost like turning on the spot. You'll get the hang of it within a few minutes/miles
Everyone's situation is different and the benefits can vary Agency may offer slightly more okay in the short term, but offers little in terms of job security Council employment brings with it continued employment security and pension benefits. Pay may be less but sick pay, holiday and pension schemes may be advantageous. Private company employment _could_ be thr most profitable of the 3 however I _feel_ that comes at the expense of greater responsibility and accountability.
Credit to the community. Although not all the community appreciate the hard efficiency work you all do day in day out over the year. Well done
Thank you
I didn't expect quite the amount of feedback I have received throughout the comments. Praise is appreciated, bin moans and insults/trolling isn't. But you'll find that on any video
@@wheelerd02 779gt4 bh
Wow that's nice and easy
In Ireland we do 12 to 14 hour days
Jesus, those are long days picking up bins. The rounds must be enormous
Well the truck we have is new and 8 months old there's 21 thousand kilometers on it now
@@gerardmcconnon9155 the truck I am driving today is a 2015 model, 86271 kilometers at first start
Good heavens your days must be long
Loved the content on the recycle route that you did
Great video good driver I used to drive rcvs for 15 years nice to see some using the mirrors correctly mirror mirror camera and not to forget using there seat belt to
Thank you for positive feedback
Mirrors are key, very often not used by many. As is the case with seat belts, not to mention mobile phones
Cool video mate keep it up 👍👍👍
Amazing work mate! Keep it up! 👍
Wow! Keep the videoes coming, I always look forward to watch your videoes after school. I got 2 years until I can join at Blackburn with Darwen borough council 😊
Should definitely being doing single sided on main road we have to in Denbighshire lol 😅
I agree for safety purposes but on our routes it would've been very impractical.
wow nice 🤩
Another brilliant video mate!! Can't wait to see more! You do a great job driving the truck
Great, amazing teamwork 🙂👍💪
Teamwork makes the dream work
Here in cheshire we now use an iPad for our calls it’s a crazy system
Paper maps, A4 clipboard and pens down here
Same here in Dacorum, Hertfordshire all iPad .
There's a brown Chelmsford bin which is painted black and used for general waste on one of our routes in South Lanarkshire
We have a great many other councils bins scattered throughout the area
Normally get left as it indicates multiple bins at a property
Nice one mate
Brilliant video, any tips on driving rear steer for the first time? Thanks
Thank you
Rear steer, turning in is fine it's the swing out you've got to pay attention to
When turning near cars/walls/objects make sure to leave a decent distance, as if you were passing a cyclist.
If you make a turn with too sharp an angle the rear swing is so severe it's almost like turning on the spot.
You'll get the hang of it within a few minutes/miles
@@wheelerd02 thanks bud
Can someone explain why that bloke at 41:31 was throwing stuff?
he was throwing the caddy back to the house after he emptied it
The driver name is Larry no3
Do the bins automatically throw up and down by them self's or you press a button ?
Auto mode, hence the solid green light at the top of the controld
I love the video mate how much for one of you to collect me and empty in the back
Can't do private collections unfortunately, only on sanctioned routes
@@wheelerd02 Let me know which bin to be in or next too then and would you take me away for £500
Awesome!! Loved it!! Was this general waste?? Also will you be doing mor videos like this??
Black bin/general waste, yes
More videos, yes
How much do they jockies get paid after tax for a week and the driver gets more i assume? Per hour ?
I won't quote numbers, all this stuff can be found on Google
would you recommend working for the council or company or working for an agency
Everyone's situation is different and the benefits can vary
Agency may offer slightly more okay in the short term, but offers little in terms of job security
Council employment brings with it continued employment security and pension benefits. Pay may be less but sick pay, holiday and pension schemes may be advantageous.
Private company employment _could_ be thr most profitable of the 3 however I _feel_ that comes at the expense of greater responsibility and accountability.
@@wheelerd02 ah ok
You know you don’t have to wear your seat belt if your next to bins
maybe he’s being safe rather than following guidelines
@@moeroebuck2447 your not going to die from. A 5mph crash lol
@@tyronealaka6537 someone might crash into you at 70mph
@@moeroebuck2447 having a seat belt on still won’t help lol
@@tyronealaka6537 alright mr know it all you think that 👍🏽
Brilliant video! Hoping to see more of these 👍🏻
Keep your eyes peeled
One day re nuclei g next day general waste stops you getting bored he he
These lorry's sound a bit like buses lol 😂
Volvo straight 6 engines with Allison gearboxes