As someone from the Western world who is just getting introduced to Buddhism ☸, I find the philosophy fascinating. Taking the middle way, meditation, charity, generosity, focus, kindness, not becoming attached to *things,* being able to let go. Buddha has been a good teacher so far, but there is obviously much still to learn. I'll keep studying Buddha's teachings, which largely so far seem to mirror somewhat how I lived and thought all along! His lessons put into words things in life that I can grasp, but could never have expressed myself, until now. I think I've found an important part of my existence I had never noticed before. My mental health has improved in ways I could never have believed. I understand now that suffering is the nature of things and knowing that means I can react correctly to it rather than being swept up like a directionless leaf in a storm like before. I am motivated, I feel somehow whole, more at peace with my place in existence, new and full of colour and I've only just started practicing. Buddha is wonderful, you all are beautiful and I am really gonna have to struggle to learn pronouncing Indic words haha. If you're reading this, have a nourishing day, I love you and thank you to the universe, the Buddha, the Dhamma and the Sangha.
In order to know Buddha, all you have to do is know yourself first. Once you reach to that state of mind, you will have clear knowledge of Buddha. It is not possible for an ordinary human being to reach to the state of nothingness or being still. In Asia, we just follow the margs(path) of Buddha that Buddha has paved for us to walk. There are 4 types of Margs in south-asia - Mahayana Buddhism, Heenyana Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism and Vajrayana Buddhism. It all depends on you what your will is meant to follow. I'd suggest you to search for a Buddhist Guru.
lord buddha our religoin leader. i am from sri lanka and i'm budhhist. lord buddah's dharma was very important to me becuase i am a student. i am proud of me for be a buddhist.🙏🛐🛐
I am feeling down and low but I went across to this video. Yes and the Lord Buddha showed me the answer. I take refuge to the Tri Pitaka. Nothing else I would want.
Respect Hariharan sir 🥹🙏🙏❤️. Buddhist people all over the world listen to this with a great devotion. Hariharan sir has done himself a great favor by singing this chant so beautifully. 🙏🙏❤️❤️. Hariharan Sir is an excellent singer whom I respect and love very much ❤️🙏 .No words 🙏❤️❤️
@Amituofo537f it’s a part of hinduism does hinduism teachs you about ruup kalap? That fundamental truth about ourselves? About the real truth about that we don’t have a soul and only we have is ruup,naam combination wich is leading us to gain karma and all of that cause and effect wich is why we are trapped in this sansar still haven’t escaped this cycle… and the “anathma” concept? And also that there is no sattava in us gaining karma cause everything is a result of the cause and effect and the all of things we are experiencing as thinking that we are having it all our mind (naam) and ruup only having this experience in this world until we resolve our karma to this lifetime. So please this is a deep topic and yall telling easily that it’s a part of hinduism and this doesn’t make any sense to buddhist people who knows the real truth. We don’t ever disrespect your religion so stop doing that to our dharma too. You guys don’t even know the hardest core of the buddhism and believing that it’s a part of hinduism.. I’m not disrespecting your religion but people are being so rude to buddhism and always saying that it’s a part of their religion.. remember this that buddhism is not a religion or nor a philosophy.. only few people know about this who have found the real path to nirvana and we have experienced the real truth about these things. So please at least stop this rn cuz it’s already 2023 and yall need to do some research hardly before sayin anything that passed to you by generation to generation. And this is not a religion or a philosophy. Buddhism is a dharma.. wich tells us the real truth about this world. Buddha taught about the real truth about this world people are the whom made it a religion or a philosophy. That’s all. and the attachments we’re having even we cannot detect it with our minds it’s like walking on a thin ice.. at least stop saying that it’s a part of hinduism.
Buddhism started as a philisophy that opposed Hinduism beliefs, then it became a religion, then, Buddhism and Hinduism became so alike, that it seemed as if Buddhism was just another copy of Hinduism, then the Indian people lost interest on it, making Hinduism the most popular religion on India.
I'm not a Buddhist but i'm found of Buddhism and the teachings of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. I Hope each and everyone of us will walk on the sermons of Buddhism.
I’m proud my Buddhaya Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammasambuddhassa Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammasambuddhassa Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammasambuddhassa
But the fact is buddhism is not a religion. It's a set of teachings taught by the enlightened being called "Buddha" before he was enlightened called siddharta gautama a prince from the sakya clan.
His life, his teachings and the philosophy is eternal, I hope Buddhism becomes strong in India again, our buddhist heritage should never be neglected. Beautiful mantras :)
It's so sad to know that the place where Buddha actually grew and spent most of his time didn't accept his teachings or his dhamma, there will be peace and wisdom everywhere if Buddha's teachings is followed by everyone!
Bramha putr Buddh ko naman...~~~Buddhi ke sharan me javo...Sangthit Rahne me surakchha hai Manav tabhi tak jivit hai ..? Dhm=Prakriti=jagat=jivan=Ant=Satyam Shivam Sundarm
Because they refuse to understand 😊 their loss, because if they accept it they will be the happy wise and enlightened, and it ain't easy to do so, because for that they need you follow or at least understand this beautiful spiritual yet scientific dhamma!
I am out if words to describe the greatness of this Buddha's chants.. immense power... I dont understand how few people disliked it without realizing how much peace these chants bring to one despite how miserable he or she is
Siddhartha Gautama was nothing more than an enlightened being that we learn from. He is wise and i myself take some of his teachings like meditation and to rid anger. But to treat him like a god, no way. He is a human like you and i. “I am not god nor a prophet, i am the awakened one” -Buddha. I hope we all get guided to the straight path. Stay blessed everyone
Buddham Sharanam Gachchhami ................ Saadhu .......Saadhu.........Saadhu................ May all living beings be free from danger with the blessing of triple gems
The Buddha, the fully enlightened one. The Dharma, the teachings expounded by the Buddha. The Sangha, the monastic order of Buddhism that practice Dharmas.
in the eyes of lord buddha each an every sential being is have compassion towards are your own master.may lord buddha bless every one.
🌺😇🙏namo buddhaya ,namo kuan im phusa,TA PEI COU~ZHOU🙏😇🍍🌺 🌺🍍😇🙏(Mahakaruna Dharani)🙏😇🍍🌺 Teks MANDARIN: 🍍Na Mo He La Ta Na To La Ye Ye Teks INDONESIA : 🌹Dengan penuh sujud aku Berlindung Kepada Tri Ratna 🍍Na Mo O Li Ye Po Lu Cie Ti Suo Po La Ye, 🌹Dengan Penuh Sujud Aku Berlindung kepada Yang Maha Sempurna 🍍Phu Ti Sa To Po Ye Mo He Sa To Po Ye 🌹Mahkluk yang Telah Mencapai Pencerahan Bodhi 🍍Mo He Cia Lu Ni Cia Ye, 🌹Mahkluk Agung Maha Welas Asih 🍍Aum Sa Po La Fa Yi Su Ta Na Ta Sie 🌹Aum Beliau yang mempunyai kekuatan kesempurnaan Dharma 🍍Na Mo Si Ci Li To Yi Meng A Li Ye 🌹Dengan sepenuh hati dan sujud aku berlindung kepada Mu 🍍Po Lu Cie Ti Se Fo La Ling To Po 🌹Sumber segala kesucian 🍍Na Mo Na La Cin Ce 🌹Setulus hati aku bersujud Pada MU 🍍Si Li Mo He Pu Tuo Sa Mi 🌹Cahaya kebajikan Agung yang tiada batas 🍍Sa Pho Ah Tha Tou SU Peng Ah Se Yin 🌹Para Buddha sayup - sayup merasakannya 🍍Sa Po Sa To Na Mo Po Sa To 🌹Yang memiliki semua kemuliaan kebahagiaan kemakmuran tak terkalahkan 🍍Na Mo Po Chie Mo Fa The Tou 🌹Sumber berkah semua makhluk di seluruh penjuru alam 🍍Ta Che Ta Aum, Ah Po Lu Si Lu Cia Ti 🌹Aum beliau yang mendengarkan suara dunia mengatasi segala rintangan karma 🍍Cia Lo Ti, Yi Si Li Mo He Phu Thi Sa To 🌹Aku akan menjalankan ajaranmu sampai tercapainya pencerahan 🍍Sa Po Sa PO Mo La Mo La, 🌹Memberi yang baik utk semuanya di dalam berkah dan kebijaksanaan Mu 🍍Mo Si Mo SI Li Tho Yin Chi Lu Chi Lu 🌹Inti ketenangan tak terhingga laksana Dharma melepaskan kerterbatasan mengembangkan kemajuan pribadi dan menolong semua makhluk 🍍Chie Meng, Tu Lu Tu Lu Fa Se Ye Ti 🌹Berlatihlah atasi kelahiran dan kematian raih kemenangan agung gemilang 🍍Mo He Fa Se Ye Ti To La To La Ti Li Ni 🌹Bersatulah tenang jernih tajam berani pancarkan cahaya terang benderang 🍍Se Fo La Ye Ce La Ce La Mo Mo Fa Mo La 🌹Guncang guncanglah bebaskan aku dari noda bahtin 🍍Mu Ti Li Yi SI Yi SI Se Na Se Na 🌹Datang Datanglah dengar dengarlah 🍍Ah La Sen Fo La She Li 🌹Raja Dharma memutar ajaran 🍍Fa Sa Fa Sen Fo La Se Ye Hu Lu Hu Lu Mo La 🌹Kabar gembira senyum suka cita terimalah Dharma menyatu dalam hati 🍍Hu Lu Hu Lu Si Li Suo La Suo La 🌹Laksanakan Dharma tampa timbul keraguan teguh tak tergoyahkan 🍍Si Li SI Li Su Lu Su Lu 🌹Raih kemenangan tak terkalahkan bagaikan embun sejuk yang menyembuhkan 🍍Pu Thi Ye Pu Thi Ye Pu Tho Ye Pu Tho Ye 🌹Terang teranglah batin sadar sadarlah tercerahkan 🍍Mi Ti Li Ye Na La Cin Ce Ti Li Se Ni Na 🌹Beliau yang maha asih yang patut di puja laksana pedang kebenaran yang kuat dan tajam 🍍Pho Ye Mo Na Sa Po He 🌹Kepada yang sempurna Svaha 🍍Si Tho Ye Sa Pho He 🌹Kepada yang mulia Svaha 🍍Mo Ho SI Tho Ye Sa Pho He 🌹Kepada yang maha sakit Svaha 🍍Si to Yu Yi Se Po La ye Sa Pho he 🌹Beliau yang memiliki kekuatan sempurna Svaha 🍍Na La Cin Ce Sa Pho He, Mo La Na La 🌹Pelindung yang maha welas asih Svaha 🍍Sa Pho He, Si La Sen A Mu Cu Ye Sa Pho He 🌹Beliau yang mampu mengatasi semua kesulitan svaha, yang berwajah singa Svaha 🍍Sa Po Mo He Ah Si Tho Ye Sa Pho He 🌹Beliau yang memiliki kesaktian Agung Svaha 🍍Ce Ci La Ah SI to Ye Sa Pho He 🌹Beliau yang memiliki kesaktian cakra Svaha 🍍Pho To Mo Ci Tho Ye Sa Pho He 🌹Yang memegang bunga teratai Svaha 🍍Na La Cin Ce Pho Cia La Ye Sa Pho He 🌹Pelindung yang welas dan patut di puja Svaha 🍍Mo Po Li Sen Ci La Ye Sa Pho He 🌹Resi agung yang menjalani hidup suci Svaha 🍍Na Mo He La Ta Na To La Ye Ye 🌹Dengan penuh sujud aku berlindung Kepada Tri Ratna 🍍Na Mo Ah Li Ye Po Lu Cie Ti 🌹Dengan penuh sujud aku berlindung 🍍Suo Po La Ye Sa Pho He 🌹Kepada yang Maha Sempurna Svaha 🍍Aum Si Thien Tu Man To La Pha To Ye 🌹Dengan Kata Aum Semoga Jalan Mantra Ini Membuahkan Kekuatan Sakti dan Harapan Tercapai. Semoga Semua Makhluk Hidup Senantiasa Berbahagia Selalu🙏😇🍍🌹 Semoga Bermanfaat Bagi Sahabat SeDhamma Yang Berbahagia🙏😇🍍🌹 Sadhu🙏😇🍍🌹 Semoga Harapan Terkabulkan🙏😇🍍🌹 Sadhu🙏😇🍍🌹 Semoga Impian Tercapai🙏😇🍍🌹 Sadhu🙏😇🍍🌹 Semoga Semua Cita-Cita Menjadi Kenyataan🙏😇🍍🌹 😊🙏SALAM METTA🙏😊 ( Alm,hong tjong jhiang& huang shien yong)🙏🌹🙏 om mani pad me hum
Wow, this came to me on accident today, it was the same melody that was playing at the thai temple in Bangkok by my wife's family home. I never knew what they said until now. Refuge in buddha , dharma, sangha. Beautiful! Namaste🙏🙏🙏
That's great!! one thing about "dharmic faiths" is that it isn't actually a religion like the abrahamic faiths more like a philosophy so if you're a christian you can still adopt buddhist philosophies!! just sharing😁
අතිශය නිර්මල පාරිශුද්ධ නිමැවුමක් ! බුදුන්ට කළ මාහැඟි පූජාවක් !
सबसे शुद्ध और शुद्ध उत्पाद! बुद्ध को एक महान भेंट
Sadu Sadu sadu!!!! Jeewithetama ahapu lassanama wachana tika
Buddhan saranan gacchami☸️
Damman saranan gacchami☸️
Sangan saranan gacchami☸️
මාගේ බුදුරජාණන් වහන්සේට මාගේ නමස්කාර වේවා....සාදු සාදු සාදු ...
ඉන්දියාව නම් බුද්ධ දේශයේ සිට සිංහලයට, ශ්රී ලංකාවට සහ බෞද්ධාගමට ආදරය හා ගෞරවය
මාගෙ ලොව්තුරු තථාගත අමාමහා බුදු පියාණන් වහන්සේ හට මාගේ නමස්කාරය වේවා🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️💖💖❤️💖 සාදු සාදු සාදු
IF there is any religion which is acceptable to the modern scientific mind, it is Buddhism.
🌸ගනඳුරෙන් වැසී ගිය දසදහසක් සක්වල ම තම සුළැඟිල්ලෙන් එක් චිත්තක්ෂණයකින් ආලෝකමත් කළ හැකි මහා බ්රහ්ම රාජයා පවා බැළ මෙහෙවර කරනා දාසයකු සේ දණ නමා තම දෑතේ දසැඟිලි එකට එකතු කොට දණ්ඩ නමස්කාරය කරන්නා වූ මේ මහා භද්ර කල්පයේ සිව්වනුවට ලොව පහළ වී වදාළ ඒ භාග්යවත් වූත් , අරහත් වූත් ගෞතම නම් මහා වීර පින්සරාණන් වහන්ස...
ඔබ වහන්සේ ට මාගේ මේ ජීවිතය මල් පියල්ලක් සෙයින් පූජා වේවා!!!!
සාදූ... සාදූ... සාදූ...
✍ (~W.U. හිරුණ ප්රභාෂ්වර... ~ ගාල්ල.)
May blessings of triple gem be with you !! අපට මේ ආත්මයේම දුකින් මිදීමට හැකි වේවා!!
සාදු සාදු සාදු.... ඒ භාග්යවත් අරහත් වූ සම්මා සම්බුද්ධ දසබලධාරී තථාගතයාණන් වහන්සේ ට මාගේ නමස්කාරය වේවා
জগতে সকল প্রাণী সুখী হোক
සාදූ ...සාදූ ...සාදූ ...!!!
ලොව්තුරා අමා මෑණි බුදුරජාණන් වහන්සේ ට මගේ නමස්කාරය වේවා ...සාදු සාදු සාදු 🙏🏼♥️🍃💫 ලෝකයේ පවතින සියලු ගැටුම් වසංගත රෝග දුරු වෙලා යැවේ වා..සාදු සාදු සාදු.🙏🏼💫🍃💖♥️
හිතම සන්සුන් කරන භාවනාවක්..!🙏🙏🙏
ඉන්දියාව නම් බුද්ධ දේශයේ සිට සිංහලයට, ශ්රී ලංකාවට සහ බෞද්ධාගමට ආදරය හා ගෞරවය
What is your language?? So pretty 😍
@@leaderglobal7923 Marathi language, an indian language
@@leaderglobal7923 this is Sri lankan language සිංහල.. මෙක සිංහල භාෂාවකි 🥰
I'm not Buddhist but I love this religion 🙏
මේ ලොව පහළ වූ එකම ශ්රේෂ්ඨතම ශාස්තෘවරයාණන් අප මහා අමා මෑණි සම්මා සම්බුදු බුදුපියාණන් වහන්සේට මාගේ නමස්කාරය වේවා
බුදුපියාණන් සැමදා අප සමගයි
කෝරෝනා වසංගතය දුරුවේවා
Namo Buddhaya 😊🙏☸
ලොව උතුම් බුදුරජාණන් වහන්සේට මගෙ නමස්කාරය වෙිවා🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
පින්වත් මනුසත් බව ලැබූ....ලෝකවාසී සියලු දෙනා හට උතුම් ධර්මාබෝධය ලැබේවා!!සාදු සාදු සාදු ..🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
මම මගේ ජීවිතය භාග්යවතුන් වහන්සේ වෙනුවෙන් පූජා කරමි...පූජා වේවා...
ඉන්දියාව නම් බුද්ධ දේශයේ සිට සිංහලයට, ශ්රී ලංකාවට සහ බෞද්ධාගමට ආදරය හා ගෞරවය
Very good👍
Namobuddaya ❤
May I ask what are the letters are? They are beautiful, like roses arranged in series.
As someone from the Western world who is just getting introduced to Buddhism ☸, I find the philosophy fascinating. Taking the middle way, meditation, charity, generosity, focus, kindness, not becoming attached to *things,* being able to let go. Buddha has been a good teacher so far, but there is obviously much still to learn. I'll keep studying Buddha's teachings, which largely so far seem to mirror somewhat how I lived and thought all along! His lessons put into words things in life that I can grasp, but could never have expressed myself, until now. I think I've found an important part of my existence I had never noticed before.
My mental health has improved in ways I could never have believed. I understand now that suffering is the nature of things and knowing that means I can react correctly to it rather than being swept up like a directionless leaf in a storm like before. I am motivated, I feel somehow whole, more at peace with my place in existence, new and full of colour and I've only just started practicing.
Buddha is wonderful, you all are beautiful and I am really gonna have to struggle to learn pronouncing Indic words haha. If you're reading this, have a nourishing day, I love you and thank you to the universe, the Buddha, the Dhamma and the Sangha.
May the universe bring us peace my fellow human that has awakened his/her mind May the Dhamma teach us to be calm and positive as always!
"Singlehandedly chant to awaken your Buddha nature daily" - Nichiren Daishonin
I can relate
In order to know Buddha, all you have to do is know yourself first. Once you reach to that state of mind, you will have clear knowledge of Buddha. It is not possible for an ordinary human being to reach to the state of nothingness or being still.
In Asia, we just follow the margs(path) of Buddha that Buddha has paved for us to walk. There are 4 types of Margs in south-asia - Mahayana Buddhism, Heenyana Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism and Vajrayana Buddhism. It all depends on you what your will is meant to follow. I'd suggest you to search for a Buddhist Guru.
භාග්යවත් අරහත් සම්මා සම්බුදුරජාණන් වහන්සේට මාගේ නමස්කාරය වේවා🙏🙏🙏🙏
Love From Sri Lanka 🇱🇰🇱🇰🇱🇰
බොරු නේද කියන්නෙ
මාගේ ශාස්තෘවරයානන් වහන්ස , තිලෝගුරු අමා මෑණී බුදුරජාණන් වහන්ස, ඔබ වහන්සේට මාගේ නමස්කාරය.🙏❤️
lord buddha our religoin leader. i am from sri lanka and i'm budhhist. lord buddah's dharma was very important to me becuase i am a student. i am proud of me for be a buddhist.🙏🛐🛐
❤भवतु सब्ब् मंगल्❤
Namo Buddhaya 😊🙏☸ "Understanding a Dhamma pada is very rare and requires many punya karma(good karma) 🥺❤🙏
आज के समय मे बुधा के मांग कही जायदा है ओर आने वाला समय मे भी हो ते रहेगे संपूर्ण भारत में जय भीम नमो बुद्धाय जय भारत
I am feeling down and low but I went across to this video. Yes and the Lord Buddha showed me the answer. I take refuge to the Tri Pitaka. Nothing else I would want.
Lord Budha?
බුදුගුණ අනන්තයි අප්රමානයි ඒ සත් බලයෙන් සෙත් වේවා.!
මුළු හිතම නිවන පිංවන්ත කටහඩක් ❤
Respect Hariharan sir 🥹🙏🙏❤️. Buddhist people all over the world listen to this with a great devotion. Hariharan sir has done himself a great favor by singing this chant so beautifully. 🙏🙏❤️❤️. Hariharan Sir is an excellent singer whom I respect and love very much ❤️🙏 .No words 🙏❤️❤️
" if there is any religion that would cope with modern scientific needs it would be Buddhism"- Albert Einstein🔥🙏
Buddhism is not a religion 😕😕
@Amituofo537 Buddhism is a philosophy.
@Amituofo537are u insane? It’s not a part of hinduism
@Amituofo537f it’s a part of hinduism does hinduism teachs you about ruup kalap? That fundamental truth about ourselves? About the real truth about that we don’t have a soul and only we have is ruup,naam combination wich is leading us to gain karma and all of that cause and effect wich is why we are trapped in this sansar still haven’t escaped this cycle… and the “anathma” concept? And also that there is no sattava in us gaining karma cause everything is a result of the cause and effect and the all of things we are experiencing as thinking that we are having it all our mind (naam) and ruup only having this experience in this world until we resolve our karma to this lifetime.
So please this is a deep topic and yall telling easily that it’s a part of hinduism and this doesn’t make any sense to buddhist people who knows the real truth. We don’t ever disrespect your religion so stop doing that to our dharma too. You guys don’t even know the hardest core of the buddhism and believing that it’s a part of hinduism.. I’m not disrespecting your religion but people are being so rude to buddhism and always saying that it’s a part of their religion.. remember this that buddhism is not a religion or nor a philosophy.. only few people know about this who have found the real path to nirvana and we have experienced the real truth about these things.
So please at least stop this rn cuz it’s already 2023 and yall need to do some research hardly before sayin anything that passed to you by generation to generation. And this is not a religion or a philosophy. Buddhism is a dharma.. wich tells us the real truth about this world. Buddha taught about the real truth about this world people are the whom made it a religion or a philosophy. That’s all.
and the attachments we’re having even we cannot detect it with our minds it’s like walking on a thin ice.. at least stop saying that it’s a part of hinduism.
Buddhism started as a philisophy that opposed Hinduism beliefs, then it became a religion, then, Buddhism and Hinduism became so alike, that it seemed as if Buddhism was just another copy of Hinduism, then the Indian people lost interest on it, making Hinduism the most popular religion on India.
I am proud because I am a Buddhist
You think that you are?
@uma tambe never feel proud... Feel happy.... When you say u r proud this shows ego....
Budurajanan wanseta mage dahas varayak namaskaraya veva !!!🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 oba wanseta magen dahas warayak mal puja karami🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸
Namo Buddhaya🙏🙏🙏
me too bro
Kaise follow karna h sir , ye religion... Hm bhi follow krna caahte h Buddhism.... Please bataiyega hme
Being a Buddha ( the enlightened one) is better than being Buddhist.
Read tripitaka
@@premjeetpujari8828Do Vipassana , Read Tripitak . Being A Buddhist Is Not Important , To Follow Peaceful Path Given By Him Is Important
I am proud of Buddhism and following Buddha's teachings.🙏🙏🙏
The moment you're proud. you're not a buddhist.
@@ojaskedar4007 I'm about to say that thankyou brother
Buddhist is not showing off
^__ __^
I'm not a Buddhist but i'm found of Buddhism and the teachings of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. I Hope each and everyone of us will walk on the sermons of Buddhism.
Namo Buddhāya
Namo Buddhāya
Namo Buddhāya
Teruwan saranayi!
May All Beings be Happy,
May Samsāra be Empty!
🌷🌷 නාමෝ බුද්ධාය 🌷🌷
🌷🌷 සාදූ සාදූ සාදූ 🌷🌷
I’m proud my Buddhaya
Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammasambuddhassa
Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammasambuddhassa
Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammasambuddhassa
Chinese Mahayana Buddhist listening all the way from California!
Solefull voice hariharan sir.......buddha is the Only path to find peace your inner sole
🙏🙏🙏 I remembered when I was in Buddha temple heard and feeling peaceful Blissful in India 🇮🇳
if i had the chance to born in a religion,i would choose Buddhism.
But the fact is buddhism is not a religion. It's a set of teachings taught by the enlightened being called "Buddha" before he was enlightened called siddharta gautama a prince from the sakya clan.
Being born in a particular religion is not in our hands, but we can follow any religion that goes well with us
খুবই সুন্দর। বৌদ্ধ ধর্ম, বাস্তব ধর্ম, প্রকৃতির ধর্ম।
बुद्ध पूर्णिमा के शुभ अवसर पर शांतिमय मंत्र
बुद्धं शरणं गच्छामि का उच्चारण मंत्र करने से
ज्ञान, बुद्धि व शांति प्रदान मिलती हैं।
Wow that's good feeling,.. Namo buddh ☸️
His life, his teachings and the philosophy is eternal, I hope Buddhism becomes strong in India again, our buddhist heritage should never be neglected. Beautiful mantras :)
V Rock I hope so
I really wish Indians start looking deeper in to Buddhism without stopping at the surface. Only then they will understand the uniqueness of Buddhism.
It's so sad to know that the place where Buddha actually grew and spent most of his time didn't accept his teachings or his dhamma, there will be peace and wisdom everywhere if Buddha's teachings is followed by everyone!
Buddhism also became extinct in India after the arrival of Islam!
@@aasthaw5786 Buddhism almost became extinct in India after the arrival of Islam!
Bramha putr Buddh ko naman...~~~Buddhi ke sharan me javo...Sangthit Rahne me surakchha hai Manav tabhi tak jivit hai ..? Dhm=Prakriti=jagat=jivan=Ant=Satyam Shivam Sundarm
මෙම හඬේ හිමි කරු හරිහරන් ඔබට නිර්වාණය අවභෝධය පිණිස පින් පිරේවා..අත්වැල් ගායනය සේම මෙම සංගීහ අධ්යක්ශණය සිදුකල Shailandra ඇතුලු නිර්මාණයට දායක වූ සියලු දෙනාත් මෙය අප වෙනුවෙන් පළ කල නාලිකාවේ සියලුම දෙනාටත් සසර දුක් නැසීමට දොරටු හැරේවා 🙏🙏🙏
খুব সুন্দর! বৌদ্ধ ধর্ম মানব জীবনের প্রকৃত ধর্ম।
I’m really loving this manthra of lord Buddha. This words can be change any imotion convert to calm and piece full
Be Happy ,sadhu sadhu sadhu sabka mangal ho ,,,,🌷🌷🌷🌷🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
It's great chant Hariharan ji for peaceful mind its now become need of human to control their own mind .... really feeling peaceful 🙏🙏🙏🙏🎶🎶🎶
How can someone dislike this! I'm really amazed! Budham sharanam gachammi 🙏🙏
Because they refuse to understand 😊 their loss, because if they accept it they will be the happy wise and enlightened, and it ain't easy to do so, because for that they need you follow or at least understand this beautiful spiritual yet scientific dhamma!
Buddham Saranam Gachami
Dhamman Saranam Gachami
Sangham Saranam Gachami
Buddham Sharanam Gachchhami 🌸
I am out if words to describe the greatness of this Buddha's chants.. immense power... I dont understand how few people disliked it without realizing how much peace these chants bring to one despite how miserable he or she is
Siddhartha Gautama was nothing more than an enlightened being that we learn from. He is wise and i myself take some of his teachings like meditation and to rid anger. But to treat him like a god, no way. He is a human like you and i. “I am not god nor a prophet, i am the awakened one” -Buddha. I hope we all get guided to the straight path. Stay blessed everyone
Of course
Kindly help with one of his teaching which I turn helps to get rid of anger
Im thankful for this chant.. it begins my day everyday and gives me refuge...
May all sentient beings be free from all six realms of suffering
I am Balinese Hindu but every time I listen to this chant, it brings me feeling of peace.
Buddham Sharanam Gachchhami ................
Saadhu .......Saadhu.........Saadhu................
May all living beings be free from danger with the blessing of triple gems
Love buddha from Cambodia 🙏🙏🙏🥰🥰🥰💗💗💗🇰🇭🇰🇭🇰🇭
I really love this mantra, it's giving me peaceful life ❤❤
Utam vichar bahut Sundar ❤❤❤
I am proud of Buddhism and following Buddha Teaching
සාධු සාධු සාධු, නමෝ බුද්ධාය, නිවෙන්න නිවනෙහි.
Buddhan Saranan Gachchami 🙏🙏🙏
Dhamman saranan Gachchami🙏🙏🙏
Sangan saranan Gachchami🙏🙏🙏
I lisen to this Mantra as Soon as I get up .My Whole mind , House get filled with Positive Energy and Peace
May all beings be happy!
May all beings be peaceful!
May all beings be liberated!
सबका मंगल्.हो सब को हित् का मार्ग मिले ,💙🙏🙏
I‘m sending out lots if love to all of you from Bangkok ☀️
Edhi vinte manasu chala prasantham gaa vuntundhi
Lots of love and respect to my favourite lord Buddha 🙏🧡🥰
🙏 *Nam mô a di đà phật, cầu mẹ quan âm gia hộ may mắn bình an đến muôn nhà. A di đà phật* ! 🙏🙏🙏
బుద్ధం శరణం గచ్చామి
ధర్మం శరణం గచ్చామి
సంగం శరణం గచ్చామి
మాది ఆంధ్ర ప్రదేశ్
I m proud to be Buddhist 🙏🙏🙏
Jo log yeh bandna sun rhe hai unko mann ki shanti mile 🙏
outstanding chanting by hariharan
This mantra is universal and the way to surrender to him. I bow down at the feet of my master and surrender .
Siyaludenatama තෙරුවන් සරණයි
Great mantra, peaceful and soothing
The Buddha, the fully enlightened one. The Dharma, the teachings expounded by the Buddha. The Sangha, the monastic order of Buddhism that practice Dharmas.
I first heard this in Big Buddha in Phuket, Thailand... kept searching for it until i am finally here. How soothing, how beautiful!
புத்தம் சரணம் கச்சாமி தம்மம் சரணம் கச்சாமி சங்கம் சரணம் கச்சாமி🙏🙏🙏
in the eyes of lord buddha each an every sential being is have compassion towards are your own master.may lord buddha bless every one.
tenzin kelsang
very true.
🌺😇🙏namo buddhaya ,namo kuan im phusa,TA PEI COU~ZHOU🙏😇🍍🌺
🌺🍍😇🙏(Mahakaruna Dharani)🙏😇🍍🌺
🍍Na Mo He La Ta Na To La Ye Ye
🌹Dengan penuh sujud aku Berlindung Kepada
Tri Ratna
🍍Na Mo O Li Ye Po Lu Cie Ti Suo Po La Ye,
🌹Dengan Penuh Sujud Aku Berlindung
kepada Yang Maha Sempurna
🍍Phu Ti Sa To Po Ye Mo He Sa To Po Ye
🌹Mahkluk yang Telah Mencapai Pencerahan
🍍Mo He Cia Lu Ni Cia Ye,
🌹Mahkluk Agung Maha Welas Asih
🍍Aum Sa Po La Fa Yi Su Ta Na Ta Sie
🌹Aum Beliau yang mempunyai kekuatan
kesempurnaan Dharma
🍍Na Mo Si Ci Li To Yi Meng A Li Ye
🌹Dengan sepenuh hati dan sujud aku
berlindung kepada Mu
🍍Po Lu Cie Ti Se Fo La Ling To Po
🌹Sumber segala kesucian
🍍Na Mo Na La Cin Ce
🌹Setulus hati aku bersujud Pada MU
🍍Si Li Mo He Pu Tuo Sa Mi
🌹Cahaya kebajikan Agung yang tiada batas
🍍Sa Pho Ah Tha Tou SU Peng Ah Se Yin
🌹Para Buddha sayup - sayup merasakannya
🍍Sa Po Sa To Na Mo Po Sa To
🌹Yang memiliki semua kemuliaan
kebahagiaan kemakmuran tak terkalahkan
🍍Na Mo Po Chie Mo Fa The Tou
🌹Sumber berkah semua makhluk di seluruh
penjuru alam
🍍Ta Che Ta Aum, Ah Po Lu Si Lu Cia Ti
🌹Aum beliau yang mendengarkan suara dunia
mengatasi segala rintangan karma
🍍Cia Lo Ti, Yi Si Li Mo He Phu Thi Sa To
🌹Aku akan menjalankan ajaranmu sampai
tercapainya pencerahan
🍍Sa Po Sa PO Mo La Mo La,
🌹Memberi yang baik utk semuanya di dalam
berkah dan kebijaksanaan Mu
🍍Mo Si Mo SI Li Tho Yin Chi Lu Chi Lu
🌹Inti ketenangan tak terhingga laksana
Dharma melepaskan kerterbatasan
mengembangkan kemajuan pribadi dan
menolong semua makhluk
🍍Chie Meng, Tu Lu Tu Lu Fa Se Ye Ti
🌹Berlatihlah atasi kelahiran dan kematian raih
kemenangan agung gemilang
🍍Mo He Fa Se Ye Ti To La To La Ti Li Ni
🌹Bersatulah tenang jernih tajam berani
pancarkan cahaya terang benderang
🍍Se Fo La Ye Ce La Ce La Mo Mo Fa Mo La
🌹Guncang guncanglah bebaskan aku dari
noda bahtin
🍍Mu Ti Li Yi SI Yi SI Se Na Se Na
🌹Datang Datanglah dengar dengarlah
🍍Ah La Sen Fo La She Li
🌹Raja Dharma memutar ajaran
🍍Fa Sa Fa Sen Fo La Se Ye Hu Lu Hu Lu Mo
🌹Kabar gembira senyum suka cita terimalah
Dharma menyatu dalam hati
🍍Hu Lu Hu Lu Si Li Suo La Suo La
🌹Laksanakan Dharma tampa timbul keraguan
teguh tak tergoyahkan
🍍Si Li SI Li Su Lu Su Lu
🌹Raih kemenangan tak terkalahkan bagaikan
embun sejuk yang menyembuhkan
🍍Pu Thi Ye Pu Thi Ye Pu Tho Ye Pu Tho Ye
🌹Terang teranglah batin sadar sadarlah
🍍Mi Ti Li Ye Na La Cin Ce Ti Li Se Ni Na
🌹Beliau yang maha asih yang patut di puja
laksana pedang kebenaran yang kuat dan
🍍Pho Ye Mo Na Sa Po He
🌹Kepada yang sempurna Svaha
🍍Si Tho Ye Sa Pho He
🌹Kepada yang mulia Svaha
🍍Mo Ho SI Tho Ye Sa Pho He
🌹Kepada yang maha sakit Svaha
🍍Si to Yu Yi Se Po La ye Sa Pho he
🌹Beliau yang memiliki kekuatan sempurna
🍍Na La Cin Ce Sa Pho He, Mo La Na La
🌹Pelindung yang maha welas asih Svaha
🍍Sa Pho He, Si La Sen A Mu Cu Ye Sa Pho He
🌹Beliau yang mampu mengatasi semua
kesulitan svaha, yang berwajah singa Svaha
🍍Sa Po Mo He Ah Si Tho Ye Sa Pho He
🌹Beliau yang memiliki kesaktian Agung
🍍Ce Ci La Ah SI to Ye Sa Pho He
🌹Beliau yang memiliki kesaktian cakra Svaha
🍍Pho To Mo Ci Tho Ye Sa Pho He
🌹Yang memegang bunga teratai Svaha
🍍Na La Cin Ce Pho Cia La Ye Sa Pho He
🌹Pelindung yang welas dan patut di puja
🍍Mo Po Li Sen Ci La Ye Sa Pho He
🌹Resi agung yang menjalani hidup suci
🍍Na Mo He La Ta Na To La Ye Ye
🌹Dengan penuh sujud aku berlindung Kepada
Tri Ratna
🍍Na Mo Ah Li Ye Po Lu Cie Ti
🌹Dengan penuh sujud aku berlindung
🍍Suo Po La Ye Sa Pho He
🌹Kepada yang Maha Sempurna Svaha
🍍Aum Si Thien Tu Man To La Pha To Ye
🌹Dengan Kata Aum Semoga Jalan Mantra Ini
Membuahkan Kekuatan Sakti dan Harapan
Semoga Semua Makhluk Hidup Senantiasa Berbahagia Selalu🙏😇🍍🌹
Semoga Bermanfaat Bagi Sahabat SeDhamma Yang Berbahagia🙏😇🍍🌹
Semoga Harapan Terkabulkan🙏😇🍍🌹
Semoga Impian Tercapai🙏😇🍍🌹
Semoga Semua
Cita-Cita Menjadi Kenyataan🙏😇🍍🌹
( Alm,hong tjong jhiang& huang shien yong)🙏🌹🙏 om mani pad me hum
The great Lod budha
I proud of budhist
Namo buddhay...
නමෝ බුද්දාය 🙏💖
නමො බුද්දාය !!
නමෝ බුද්ධාය☸️
සාදු සාදු 🙏🙏 sri 🇱🇰 lanka
Yes chanting Buddha mantras gives me peace
One of simplest way to get moksh and a firm peace and knowledge
Very much happy to hear our Lord Buddhas dharma in this morning
I'm so lucky. Cause i know Buddha.
Namo Sakya Muni Buddha
বুদ্ধম্ শরণম্ গচ্ছামি
ধম্মম্ শরণম্ গচ্ছামি
সঙ্ঘম্ শরণম্ গচ্ছামি
Brmha putr Buddhaye namah-Satyam Shivam Sundarm
I am Buddhist Sri Lanka
Nam Mô Bổn Sư Thích Ca Mâu Ni Phật. ❤❤❤
I love you Budha papa, please bring my Shanida back. I am suffering.
බුදු සරණයි !
ඉන්දියාව නම් බුද්ධ දේශයේ සිට සිංහලයට, ශ්රී ලංකාවට සහ බෞද්ධාගමට ආදරය හා ගෞරවය
Wow, this came to me on accident today, it was the same melody that was playing at the thai temple in Bangkok by my wife's family home. I never knew what they said until now. Refuge in buddha , dharma, sangha. Beautiful! Namaste🙏🙏🙏
That's great!! one thing about "dharmic faiths" is that it isn't actually a religion like the abrahamic faiths more like a philosophy so if you're a christian you can still adopt buddhist philosophies!! just sharing😁
Very beautifully chanted from the heart.excellent way to start the day. Satish
Sadu.... Sitha sansun karana ekama maga..
I feel calm when I listen this. Proud to be Buddhist.
මම මගේ ජීවිතය භාග්යවතුන් වහන්සේ වෙනුවෙන් පූජා කරමි...පූජා වේවා...
It is not a religion,budha is way of life...
সাধু সাধু সাধু ❤❤❤
සාදු 🙏🙏 සාදු 🙏🙏 සාදු 🙏🙏 Sri lanka 🇱🇰 🇱🇰 🇱🇰 🇱🇰 🇱🇰 🇱🇰 🇱🇰 🇱🇰 🇱🇰 🇱🇰 🇱🇰 🇱🇰 🇱🇰 🇱🇰 🇱🇰 🇱🇰 🇱🇰 🇱🇰 🇱🇰 🇱🇰 🇱🇰 🇱🇰 🇱🇰 🇱🇰 🇱🇰 🇱🇰 🇱🇰 🇱🇰 🇱🇰 🇱🇰 🇱🇰 🇱🇰 🇱🇰 🇱🇰 🇱🇰 🇱🇰 🇱🇰 🇱🇰 🇱🇰 🇱🇰 🇱🇰 🇱🇰 🇱🇰 🇱🇰 🇱🇰 🇱🇰 🇱🇰 🇱🇰 🇱🇰 🇱🇰 🇱🇰 🇱🇰 🇱🇰 🇱🇰 🇱🇰 🇱🇰 🇱🇰 🇱🇰