Some people might just think these are some stupid and offensive videos. But When you realize you've actually started caring about these characters you know Brandon made something special. Can we get another season of this?
No, we'd be better off with a wholesome ending instead of milking the show for another season. But still we have videos like "a day at the park" or "a day at the beach"
Thank you all for sticking with this 20-episode, 5 MONTH LONG web series. What a project this has been! The more of these shows I make, the more I realize they're each unique experiences that can never be replicated by the next project, you just gotta live and love the moment while you're in it. I know I will never work on something quite like this again, and I will miss it for what it was. Nevertheless, I'm fuckin proud we all made it to 20! Haha! EDIT: What will I be working on now? I miss making my standalone, non-series videos like A Day at the Park, Hall Monitor Helen or A Day with Mom, so I will be going right back to those, introducing a handful of new characters as well as bringing back some of the favs who never got to a appear in Stuff & Sam :)
The elmer at the end is by far the sweetest most wholesome elmer, and then we got the oldest elmer who is downright psychopathic. It’s interesting how almost the same person can be so different
Simple, the Oldest Elmer was only every shown pain and death, so that infused into his mind until he was kind of like Bryce herself And Nephew Elmer? He was a kid who grew up with his dear old mom and his uncle Sam, he was happy
I'm literally crying. Brandon Rogers is the most underrated and most GENIUS writer no matter what mood I'm in. Thank God for you, my man. It would be an honor to meet such a beautiful writer that's time and time again made me feel both hilarious and emotional feelings all at once. You were born for this, Brandon. I hope to meet you one day, real talk.
@@demagischewereldvanalexand1128 is in j hi j no jijkjjji9jiijjjj*jkjijjiiij*9jj9jjjhhjjiijjjj9ijh9jjj9ihijjjj89ijijjjjjjj9ij9jjijjjjijjijiiiusing jikuijij9ijijjij9jiij8ijijij9jji8jjijjjijjij9ijjj9jjj8jjjiijjijjjhii9jjiii9ihj*jkiii9jjjijijij*h9ijij9jjjjjjj8iijijiijj9ijijiij9ijj9jijihj9jjijinijiijijijijij9jjji9jijjjjijjjijijij9ij9ijj9jijjjijij⁹ii9ijijjjjjiijjjjijjijjiijjj8jijji>j9ij uou jkijjjijjij>j9ij9iij9jjj9jijjjj99ijjjijijij9j9ijjijijijijji99ijjiiij9ij9i I 9kiji9i9i998j9ijijjjjij9jijji99ij9j9j>i>9ij99ij9iij i9j999ij999999999ijij9>9ijjj9jiij9ijjijjij9ii8iijjjjjj99j8kjj99jijiij9jjij9j I kk9j999jij9ijjijij9ij99jiijijji99jijn998jij9ij99jjjjn9ijjijijjij9i9ji9ijji99j9ijjjijijij99jjijjj9j9ijjkjj9ijijij9jijij9i9i9ijo9jijij99ijjj99jj9ij99iij9ij9ij9jjjij9j999jijjijijijjjijjjjjijjjjj8kjijijjiikijjijjjjij9ijij ok ijjjjijnjjj9o>jn I kikjïjjjjjijjjjj99j9jj99jj9jijj99j9j999jjijijjn9jjj9jj I ikon j8 no kkijjjijjjijjiij9jj99j9i9jjjjj99j9jj9jj9jjij99jjj9jjij9jijjjjjjjjjjjjjj*j*9jjjijijijijjkkijijijijh9ijji9i9ii99i99iv9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999⁹999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999⁹999999k9999999999ij9999⁹99999999999j999⁹999999999ij9999ij99999999ij9999ij999999999⁹9999999ij9i999999999999999999k9999⁹999999999999999999k9j99999ij9j999999j99ij99j9ij9k9999⁹9999999999k99ij9999⁹99999999999999999j9⁹9999k999⁹99jijij99j9ij999jijijjij9ij99kk99999k9k9jijiij99j9jijj9ij9k9iijjijijjij9jijijijkijijij9jjijijij9ijj99j99ij⁹ij9k9k9ij no⁹j9ik no 9in999999999j9ij9kk9⁹⁹⁹999999999999⁹9⁹99⁹9⁹⁹9⁹⁹⁹9999⁹9⁹⁹999⁹⁹⁹99⁹⁹⁹⁹99⁹99⁹9⁹9⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹9⁹ijjijjijjjjijijjjijjjjjjjijjjijjjjjjjijjjijjjjjjjjjjijjjjijjijjijkjjjijjijjjjijjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjijjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjkjjjjjjj9⁹⁹⁹⁹99⁹9⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹9⁹⁹99999999999⁹⁹⁹9⁹99999999999999999999999999999⁹999⁹99999⁹⁹99⁹⁹⁹9⁹⁹⁹9⁹9⁹99999⁹⁹⁹⁹9⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹99⁹999⁹⁹⁹999⁹9999⁹99999⁹⁹9⁹9⁹99⁹9⁹999⁹⁹99⁹⁹⁹9⁹999⁹9⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹9⁹99⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹9⁹⁹9⁹⁹⁹⁹9989999999999999999999⁹⁹99999999⁹99⁹⁹998⁹99999999999⁹9 Hu 9⁹99⁹999⁹89⁹9999999999⁹998⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹9⁹⁹⁹I 9⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹9⁹9⁹9⁹99⁹999⁹9⁹99⁹9⁹99⁹⁹9999⁹9⁹⁹9⁹99⁹⁹⁹⁹99⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹9⁹⁹⁹⁹99⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹9⁹9⁹9⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹99⁹⁹9⁹⁹⁹9⁹⁹⁹⁹9⁹⁹⁹⁹90⁹⁹⁹99⁹⁹⁹⁹9⁹I⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹9⁹99⁹⁹⁹⁹99⁹9⁹0 Jones 9⁹⁹9u99999 uou 0j990uuou⁹⁹⁹9i9⁹j9999⁹⁹999⁹⁹no 9 no joke⁹9999⁹⁹9⁹⁹⁹⁹9⁹99j⁹John 9jno⁹⁹9⁹⁹99 joined⁹⁹9999⁹999 I I 9⁹⁹999⁹hi 99u⁹⁹99j9 I Hu 9⁹99 Hu n9ij no I hi 99k99999⁹⁹999⁹hi 099jJohn 09
It made me emotional, l because the part where Sam revealed what he last wrote in the book about Donna always being happy with or without him just shows how selfless he actually is. He does care a lot about Donna, even if they fight sometimes, Sam has always been there with Donna and she always stayed by Sam's side (until she met George/Blame)
I believe the Elmer with feelings was the one in the school class room at the end talking about Sam. I think he had feelings because he was smiling, I don’t remember any other Elmer smiling.
I haven't cried this hard since episode 13 wtf. Sam and Donna's friendship is literally the best ride or die I've ever seen. That scene where he wished Donna happy with or without him made me pause the video to collect my emotional ass
This was amazing Brandon! It's crazy to see how far you've come, thank you for sharing your talent with us. Your work brings pure happiness to us. We love you. 💞
While this wasn't the cleanest series I have ever seen, it has been one of the most enjoyable. You can see how much effort went into this, and it's kind of inspiring to see Brandon put all this work into something just for us viewers. *HERE'S TO THE END OF STUFF AND SAM!*
*standing ovation* Great show Brandon! I never imagined it would be more than a silly series of videos about a man in short shorts, but it was SO much more! Awesome.
Holy shit, I just rewatched this for the millionth time and I'm only just now seeing the POST CREDITS SCENE!!? Everything makes so much more sense now, leading into Blame The Hero. I knew everything was connected, but that scene just made it so much more seamless. Amazing storytelling. I can't express how impressive and inspiring series like this are to me. Thank you Brandon!
UGH IT'S JOE just like my a****** with a marijuana cigarette shoved in it you're nothing but a suck-up but I agree I would give Sam and stuff a 69 out of 69 but I myself I'm nothing more than a suck-up as well so Joe don't shut up just keeps sucking up or one day you'll be with the Masters me yay but don't get your butt hurt allow me to get you but hurt confessions I do I did I came I saw I conquered now I call your whole the love tunnel cuz when I go through it in my boat I realized dead man tells no Tales and I realize keep all hands in my mobile when writing through your tunnel I don't want them to fall off again
You know, this series always has me rewatching and getting surprised every time. It’s just so good.. I am in tears. Brandon should literally make a move or actually have his own tv show 🥲 love you Brandon
To have been able to create a series on UA-cam that included breaking the fourth wall, emotional scenes, and comedy gold dialog and actions is possibly the most extraordinary thing a person can do in a ordinary world. Brandon, I sincerely pray that I can stay around longer to observe and react to your continuous imaginative brainstorming ideas that have been brought into this reality. And for all who have watched this man's content, I also pray that that you have taken a page from his book and applied some inspiration to your own lives as I certainly have. Have a blessed day everyone.
McGunther While I am WELL aware of him NOT being Jesus, few I can actually call extraordinary since most live with a common and ordinary life. So I commemorate his work and how someone and a few others can come up with this masterpiece.
well Snuggy you should know that some captions are computer generated,and you should have realized that the grammar is improper .not that i give a fuck tho
Rewatching this now. After Sam said his closing speech. Donna's quips. I genuinely cried. I have seen something I will never experience for the first time ever again. Bravo
FakeHoeSimmer I’m confused as to if Brandon isn’t really gonna make any more skits. I hope he will continue to make more skits and keep this characters going.
I love the 17 years later thing. It's sweet to see the real Elmer and overall the series was great and unexpected! Just like you Brandon Rogers. Your creativity is the reason why we all love you. Keep up the good work ;)
The amount of storyline behind this silly sitcom is insane. Brandon Rogers is just a genius to create and play such different characters and some what connect all of them in the same reality. The interpretation always blows me away. Little shout out to the voice acting for Blame cause damn it’s crazy. He manages to give a great impression of every character but they still sound like him, i mean you can tell it’s him behind. With Blame it’s crazy, i couldn’t tell a bit he was voiced by Brandon if i havent seen the character. He does such a great job
I first found Brandon in early middle school with my best friend, and we watched a day at the beach. Now we're in high school and we've finally found where we belong because of Brandon. Every time I rewatch these videos I love so much it reminds me that life is awesome, and the shit we learn along the way helps us a lot. This series made me laugh, cry, and gasp in shock. I'll never forget how Brandon changed my life for the better. I thank you so much for helping me through some of the toughest years of my life, I was bullied and felt like an outcast for four years and really hated myself. But when we found you, we realized that everything could actually end up okay. So, with every bit of love in my heart, I thank you Brandon Rogers.
This has honestly been such an experience! It's been funny, sad and absolutely fucking crazy. It's been amazing to watch this from start to finish and to have Brandon as such a creative and brilliant UA-camr. I wonder if we'll ever see something like this for any of the other cast?
He seriously tied up all the loose ends from the very beginning and I feel so emotionally connected to these characters and how complex yet so simple they are and the humor of this series is so dark yet I still find myself laughing and going back to rewatch a certain scene bc it was too funny! How is this not on TV or at least on something like Hulu or Netflix? bc the world should applaud such a geniuses piece of art like this. Brandon Rodgers, you did it! and I can’t wait for more of your future projects. It’d be cool if you read this so you know how much I apprecieateyour work though. Oh well lol.
I love all of Brandon's series, but this one is my absolute favorite. I've watched it all at least 5 times now, and every time it never fails to get a smile or a laugh out of me.
Stuff And Sam are the best videos I have ever watched, A day at the beach was amazing too. Brandon, are you able to create a season 2 of Stuff And Sam, PLEEEEEEAAAASSSSSEEEE!
Taleisha Taylor there is NEVER going to be one, Buuuuuuuttttttt! I am Making a Second One On my Quotev Account! My account is KikionaCarousel If you want a Season 2 Check there!
He’s making more characters now, he’s going to introduce more of these until it’s like this was where he had enough and made a show like this out of it so I say by next year there’s going to be something else like it. If you’re up to date with his videos he’s got more characters in and he’s getting them started. I knew you would end this series incredible but nobody saw an ending this good coming. Great job man, and thanks for that awesome series :)
i am so glad the world got to experience this,and that this exists,its crazy how this series established everyones place in brandon's crazy ass universe,this is truly what i subscribed for.
The IMPACT on the endings this man creates and the complicated storylines, I can’t image how much effort goes into this. Brandon Rogers is a literal genius
I just bench watched all of this Holy shit did it acutally have a great story line with some randomness everythi g had a purpose to play And well...hell, I cried I'll miss this web series so much
I was extremely satisfied, not only by the comedy, but also the plot twists and development. I remember gasping at least 6 or so times through-out the series. A fantastic job, with fantastic characters, Brandon.
I cried so hard i feel so attached to these characters and brandon has a talent and hes amazing i thank you brandon this wasnt a stupid series its an amazing story
Actually amazing when this started I thaught it would just be randome hilarious shit the whole time but it ended up being an amazing story with twists and turns well done for making this amazing series and thank you for entertaining me and thousands of others your mind is truely remarkably brilliant
This series is beautiful in every way possible I've watched this series a lot over the years and i never got tired of it and it sucked that the series ended years ago but it is still perfect.
Some people might just think these are some stupid and offensive videos. But When you realize you've actually started caring about these characters you know Brandon made something special. Can we get another season of this?
Me: *silently sobbing over the ending* yEaH, fAm--
No, we'd be better off with a wholesome ending instead of milking the show for another season. But still we have videos like "a day at the park" or "a day at the beach"
That is so sweet and I agree
Thank you all for sticking with this 20-episode, 5 MONTH LONG web series. What a project this has been! The more of these shows I make, the more I realize they're each unique experiences that can never be replicated by the next project, you just gotta live and love the moment while you're in it. I know I will never work on something quite like this again, and I will miss it for what it was. Nevertheless, I'm fuckin proud we all made it to 20! Haha!
EDIT: What will I be working on now? I miss making my standalone, non-series videos like A Day at the Park, Hall Monitor Helen or A Day with Mom, so I will be going right back to those, introducing a handful of new characters as well as bringing back some of the favs who never got to a appear in Stuff & Sam :)
Brandon Rogers WE LOVE U DAD
Brandon Rogers well done! 💖🎉
Brandon Rogers make I hate mars bars
Brandon Rogers I hope you still make more of these videos, they were fucking awesome and hilarious 😂😂✌👍keep up the good work
I loved this series and I think I speak for everyone (well atleast those who arent as sensitive) that we cant wait for whatever you’re planning on.
The elmer at the end is by far the sweetest most wholesome elmer, and then we got the oldest elmer who is downright psychopathic. It’s interesting how almost the same person can be so different
Teacher Elmer? No he’s a student. Its Donnas son
Simple, the Oldest Elmer was only every shown pain and death, so that infused into his mind until he was kind of like Bryce herself
And Nephew Elmer? He was a kid who grew up with his dear old mom and his uncle Sam, he was happy
@@Archiver_Studio pook this comment 3 years old I get it now
@@LyntzbartzkyPerezOh, well I didn't know that so-
Oops? -3-
It feels so unreal that it’s actually over.
thebahooplamaster I think there will be a series 2 tho
iFlyRoblox-Official i hope
I want a second season
thebahooplamaster yup
I'm literally crying.
Brandon Rogers is the most underrated and most GENIUS writer no matter what mood I'm in. Thank God for you, my man. It would be an honor to meet such a beautiful writer that's time and time again made me feel both hilarious and emotional feelings all at once. You were born for this, Brandon.
I hope to meet you one day, real talk.
Katie Matkowski heard of Blame the hero it’s a series and it’s said and full of plot twists
I can't do much but, I hope u can meet him someday, id like to meet him too someday
>4 million views
>Average view count is 1+ million each vid
him meet you hope really K
I agree ☝️
*I absolutely fucking loved this* I seriously can’t put into words how amazing this series was
@@Z3tr_____ ???
Uncooked Fish me too
Always fun watching this again Brandon! Brings back some great memories of filming it and destroying my house... awesome!
I rewatch it all the time
Donna is that you
@@chaverafonsoewa3718 the actress, yes
@@demagischewereldvanalexand1128 is in j hi j no jijkjjji9jiijjjj*jkjijjiiij*9jj9jjjhhjjiijjjj9ijh9jjj9ihijjjj89ijijjjjjjj9ij9jjijjjjijjijiiiusing jikuijij9ijijjij9jiij8ijijij9jji8jjijjjijjij9ijjj9jjj8jjjiijjijjjhii9jjiii9ihj*jkiii9jjjijijij*h9ijij9jjjjjjj8iijijiijj9ijijiij9ijj9jijihj9jjijinijiijijijijij9jjji9jijjjjijjjijijij9ij9ijj9jijjjijij⁹ii9ijijjjjjiijjjjijjijjiijjj8jijji>j9ij uou jkijjjijjij>j9ij9iij9jjj9jijjjj99ijjjijijij9j9ijjijijijijji99ijjiiij9ij9i I 9kiji9i9i998j9ijijjjjij9jijji99ij9j9j>i>9ij99ij9iij i9j999ij999999999ijij9>9ijjj9jiij9ijjijjij9ii8iijjjjjj99j8kjj99jijiij9jjij9j I kk9j999jij9ijjijij9ij99jiijijji99jijn998jij9ij99jjjjn9ijjijijjij9i9ji9ijji99j9ijjjijijij99jjijjj9j9ijjkjj9ijijij9jijij9i9i9ijo9jijij99ijjj99jj9ij99iij9ij9ij9jjjij9j999jijjijijijjjijjjjjijjjjj8kjijijjiikijjijjjjij9ijij ok ijjjjijnjjj9o>jn I kikjïjjjjjijjjjj99j9jj99jj9jijj99j9j999jjijijjn9jjj9jj I ikon j8 no kkijjjijjjijjiij9jj99j9i9jjjjj99j9jj9jj9jjij99jjj9jjij9jijjjjjjjjjjjjjj*j*9jjjijijijijjkkijijijijh9ijji9i9ii99i99iv9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999⁹999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999⁹999999k9999999999ij9999⁹99999999999j999⁹999999999ij9999ij99999999ij9999ij999999999⁹9999999ij9i999999999999999999k9999⁹999999999999999999k9j99999ij9j999999j99ij99j9ij9k9999⁹9999999999k99ij9999⁹99999999999999999j9⁹9999k999⁹99jijij99j9ij999jijijjij9ij99kk99999k9k9jijiij99j9jijj9ij9k9iijjijijjij9jijijijkijijij9jjijijij9ijj99j99ij⁹ij9k9k9ij no⁹j9ik no 9in999999999j9ij9kk9⁹⁹⁹999999999999⁹9⁹99⁹9⁹⁹9⁹⁹⁹9999⁹9⁹⁹999⁹⁹⁹99⁹⁹⁹⁹99⁹99⁹9⁹9⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹9⁹ijjijjijjjjijijjjijjjjjjjijjjijjjjjjjijjjijjjjjjjjjjijjjjijjijjijkjjjijjijjjjijjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjijjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjkjjjjjjj9⁹⁹⁹⁹99⁹9⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹9⁹⁹99999999999⁹⁹⁹9⁹99999999999999999999999999999⁹999⁹99999⁹⁹99⁹⁹⁹9⁹⁹⁹9⁹9⁹99999⁹⁹⁹⁹9⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹99⁹999⁹⁹⁹999⁹9999⁹99999⁹⁹9⁹9⁹99⁹9⁹999⁹⁹99⁹⁹⁹9⁹999⁹9⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹9⁹99⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹9⁹⁹9⁹⁹⁹⁹9989999999999999999999⁹⁹99999999⁹99⁹⁹998⁹99999999999⁹9 Hu 9⁹99⁹999⁹89⁹9999999999⁹998⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹9⁹⁹⁹I 9⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹9⁹9⁹9⁹99⁹999⁹9⁹99⁹9⁹99⁹⁹9999⁹9⁹⁹9⁹99⁹⁹⁹⁹99⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹9⁹⁹⁹⁹99⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹9⁹9⁹9⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹99⁹⁹9⁹⁹⁹9⁹⁹⁹⁹9⁹⁹⁹⁹90⁹⁹⁹99⁹⁹⁹⁹9⁹I⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹⁹9⁹99⁹⁹⁹⁹99⁹9⁹0 Jones 9⁹⁹9u99999 uou 0j990uuou⁹⁹⁹9i9⁹j9999⁹⁹999⁹⁹no 9 no joke⁹9999⁹⁹9⁹⁹⁹⁹9⁹99j⁹John 9jno⁹⁹9⁹⁹99 joined⁹⁹9999⁹999 I I 9⁹⁹999⁹hi 99u⁹⁹99j9 I Hu 9⁹99 Hu n9ij no I hi 99k99999⁹⁹999⁹hi 099jJohn 09
Hi Don- uh I meant Paulette!
“He’s my Uncle Sam, and he is the greatest man whoever lived” *cuts to him holding gun to dog lmao*
Lupen Dude ?
I cried at that scene
Even the dog looked so confused
Technically aren’t Elmer and Sam legal brothers since Donna is both of their legal mother?
Gabby C. But Elmer is a clone and the original didn't even remember him so I don't think so
Holy fuckin shit you just made my mind explode
the boy wonder 4 she means the original elmer (aka the baby)
Exactly! Only Brandon has the genius to be make Sam both Elmer's uncle and brother lol
the boy wonder 4 no, the baby Elmer isn’t a clone
"Directed by Brandon Rogers
Shot by Gabriel"
No, he was shot by Sam.
Do you even know anything about directors and others
@@mrpieintheface2497 kid, this is the internet. If someone acts dumb, they're either making a joke, or they're 5.
Why did the end make me happy-- it was wholesome in a weird way. I never imagined Elmer would praise Sam
It made me emotional, l because the part where Sam revealed what he last wrote in the book about Donna always being happy with or without him just shows how selfless he actually is. He does care a lot about Donna, even if they fight sometimes, Sam has always been there with Donna and she always stayed by Sam's side (until she met George/Blame)
What an ending, this series became insane. It’s fantastic.
hell yeah
Cybno is
"I have an Elmer for a babysitter"
"Oh I'm sorry"
"Tell me about it."
U copied that coment from poppydom asshole
@@Godgod4629 who tf is poppydom
@@Godgod4629 and the comment was copied from the video so?
@@Godgod4629 it’s literally a quote from the video???
I actually wanted to see what would happen if Elmer lived in Episode 16 and they got him a heart. I never saw Elmer with emotions.
I believe the Elmer with feelings was the one in the school class room at the end talking about Sam. I think he had feelings because he was smiling, I don’t remember any other Elmer smiling.
TheLotusFox And because he isn’t a clone
It's sad that the series is over now but it was a beautiful series.
hell yeah it was
at least we got to enjoy its beauty
ITS YOUR GIRL WALUIGI yeh there needs to be a different character series ya know
Dude Paulette always delivers. That monologue of her wanting him to come home KILLED me. Genuinely teared up.
Seriously need another series of another character Brandon. Absolutely loved this series. Really gonna miss it.
WorldReligion Who?
DJ DeBerry any Brandon Rogers character
WorldReligion same
Kid blame
And adult blame
Chris we know
and canada
Kid blame is sebastian
The ending touched my heart
*I had a heart attack by laughing.*
Just like Bruce did to elmer
"you could have unfossilized my tits!"
1:20 I absolutely expected Grandpa's voice to come out of his mouth
''You are the Sam the prophecy has foretold. *SAM'S WIERD SQUEAKY NOISE*
I don't know why but that squeal is cute.
@@alishadominguez1235 same
@@auroraks6207 I love the ending ^_^
@@alishadominguez1235 yes
@@crayonpartyz Bryce at the end was hilarious
"My name's Sam and I stole your wallet lax chrixmix"
Haha. Right
Don't cry because is over, smile because It happened
Leoreo headass
I'm only crying for your grammar
Leoreo no cry and demand a second season
Polar Callum his grammar is actually pretty good lmao
this was a perfect ending for a perfect show.
love you brandon
There were three things i loved in this show
1. SAM
“ow that last one hurt” said sam
That was only once in this episode and sometimes in episode 19 dumb ass
Frankie Juarez *I SWEAR TO GOD
Elmer my favourite
Donna Eeles
Bad grammar
I haven't cried this hard since episode 13 wtf. Sam and Donna's friendship is literally the best ride or die I've ever seen. That scene where he wished Donna happy with or without him made me pause the video to collect my emotional ass
This was amazing Brandon! It's crazy to see how far you've come, thank you for sharing your talent with us. Your work brings pure happiness to us. We love you. 💞
Jennifer hello Trixie Mattel
Even tho he’s a shithead
Noooooo! This the end! R.I.P Elmer 😪
It's ok if you think about it everything worked out because Elmer can get his revenge while also avenging the fallen Elmers as well!😁
*emotionless* “holy shit”
And the best line of the series. "You could've cured any of the diseases running through my goddamn body."
Excuse you. The best line was "You could have unfossilized my tits."
The last line*
But her disability check!
Truly Sam protected her
While this wasn't the cleanest series I have ever seen, it has been one of the most enjoyable. You can see how much effort went into this, and it's kind of inspiring to see Brandon put all this work into something just for us viewers.
R-iswolfmazing X what do you mean by cleanest. this is Brandon Rogers, your talking about!!!
R-iswolfmazing X weab
Random ™ You spelled the word "weeb" wrong...
*standing ovation*
Great show Brandon! I never imagined it would be more than a silly series of videos about a man in short shorts, but it was SO much more! Awesome.
Holy shit, I just rewatched this for the millionth time and I'm only just now seeing the POST CREDITS SCENE!!? Everything makes so much more sense now, leading into Blame The Hero. I knew everything was connected, but that scene just made it so much more seamless. Amazing storytelling. I can't express how impressive and inspiring series like this are to me. Thank you Brandon!
How he said "You and I are going to have lots of fun, with infinity." Just sends shivers down my spine
The fact that Elmer actually has emotions since he has a heart is just amazing to me :’)
Brandon Rogers is the type of guy to make you laugh and cry at the same time.
This was made on my birthday
Usually, the people who make you happy, can also make you the saddest. It's basically just like love
Jerry needs a acting Grammy
Elmer: "You are the Sam the prophecy has foretold.."
Sam: - w -
We all love this face - W -
- v -
@@Meow-qr6br nice pfp 🐢
LMAOOO that's part is like so funny😂
" *HhmmMm* !"
Lovely and sad series.
I give this series a 69/69
Joe stop
I agree Joe
UGH IT'S JOE I give it 20/20
UGH IT'S JOE just like my a****** with a marijuana cigarette shoved in it you're nothing but a suck-up but I agree I would give Sam and stuff a 69 out of 69 but I myself I'm nothing more than a suck-up as well so Joe don't shut up just keeps sucking up or one day you'll be with the Masters me yay but don't get your butt hurt allow me to get you but hurt confessions I do I did I came I saw I conquered now I call your whole the love tunnel cuz when I go through it in my boat I realized dead man tells no Tales and I realize keep all hands in my mobile when writing through your tunnel I don't want them to fall off again
I love Donna for talking some sense into Sam in this, 12:58.
glad that Elmer got his revenge at the end. Good shit.
That Donna ending made me emotional
did you watch after the credits?
Shut yo sensitive ass up
Nvm I just cried
Elmer: Saying Sam's the best
Sam: *kills people*
Bostek Btk my hero
Also Sam:threatened to shoot dog
You know, this series always has me rewatching and getting surprised every time. It’s just so good.. I am in tears. Brandon should literally make a move or actually have his own tv show 🥲 love you Brandon
I’m going to miss sam yell “oh my god eemer!”
Oh my gooood eemer I’ll miss Sam to
To have been able to create a series on UA-cam that included breaking the fourth wall, emotional scenes, and comedy gold dialog and actions is possibly the most extraordinary thing a person can do in a ordinary world. Brandon, I sincerely pray that I can stay around longer to observe and react to your continuous imaginative brainstorming ideas that have been brought into this reality. And for all who have watched this man's content, I also pray that that you have taken a page from his book and applied some inspiration to your own lives as I certainly have. Have a blessed day everyone.
christopher totten
christopher totten oh shit you dying?
McGunther While I am WELL aware of him NOT being Jesus, few I can actually call extraordinary since most live with a common and ordinary life. So I commemorate his work and how someone and a few others can come up with this masterpiece.
Pokeshorts Not at the moment.
That’s deep
When you realize that Sam apologized to blame 3 times
AND stole back ~$160k from him.
I wonder if anyone is confused
@@jstanotherlol201 same
@@FallenAeon01 I would do the same. (Not kidding)
@@jstanotherlol201 um I'm guessing your talking about the fact that there's technically 3 alternative versions of blame
The running gag where Sam bumps into the camera and mutters is my favourite.
It would be pretty cool if ypu did a "Helen the librarian" video.
"I know your mother's, and your all products of rape." 😂😂 to good
Brody Vaughn turn on sub titles and yeah I did use the wrong "your" *you're
Brody Vaughn i like you, we should be friends
Brody Vaughn lol
well Snuggy you should know that some captions are computer generated,and you should have realized that the grammar is improper .not that i give a fuck tho
Illegal Immigrant true. True
“You could’ve cleared all the god damn diseases rushing through my body” 😂 loved every second of it
Rewatching this now. After Sam said his closing speech. Donna's quips. I genuinely cried. I have seen something I will never experience for the first time ever again. Bravo
I'm gonna miss this series, although I really do hope this isn't the last we see of these characters, as I do love them very much.
FakeHoeSimmer I’m confused as to if Brandon isn’t really gonna make any more skits. I hope he will continue to make more skits and keep this characters going.
Um, where is Brandon’s Oscar?
Right in the A-hole
Dopy ya, exactly
ME IRISH WAFFLE9712 sensible
ya oscar
Dopy ikr he needs to have a real show on tv or Netflix
I love the 17 years later thing. It's sweet to see the real Elmer and overall the series was great and unexpected! Just like you Brandon Rogers. Your creativity is the reason why we all love you. Keep up the good work ;)
The amount of storyline behind this silly sitcom is insane. Brandon Rogers is just a genius to create and play such different characters and some what connect all of them in the same reality. The interpretation always blows me away. Little shout out to the voice acting for Blame cause damn it’s crazy. He manages to give a great impression of every character but they still sound like him, i mean you can tell it’s him behind. With Blame it’s crazy, i couldn’t tell a bit he was voiced by Brandon if i havent seen the character. He does such a great job
Life Choices with Dr Dini needs to be a actual show
It really really does
Yes I can see it being s real thin 😂😂
It is. It's called supernanny
I hope grandpa finds himself a pharmacist, after that.
Badgerconda drug dealer*
*And then Granpa used the 50-something dollars to go to London and Disneyland.*
But he lost it all
How the f**k u no his name
@@Juju-b9u lol
bro he lost it all look at the episode
Is name is blame
I first found Brandon in early middle school with my best friend, and we watched a day at the beach. Now we're in high school and we've finally found where we belong because of Brandon. Every time I rewatch these videos I love so much it reminds me that life is awesome, and the shit we learn along the way helps us a lot. This series made me laugh, cry, and gasp in shock. I'll never forget how Brandon changed my life for the better. I thank you so much for helping me through some of the toughest years of my life, I was bullied and felt like an outcast for four years and really hated myself. But when we found you, we realized that everything could actually end up okay. So, with every bit of love in my heart, I thank you Brandon Rogers.
This has honestly been such an experience! It's been funny, sad and absolutely fucking crazy. It's been amazing to watch this from start to finish and to have Brandon as such a creative and brilliant UA-camr.
I wonder if we'll ever see something like this for any of the other cast?
I got raped by a sheep
He seriously tied up all the loose ends from the very beginning and I feel so emotionally connected to these characters and how complex yet so simple they are and the humor of this series is so dark yet I still find myself laughing and going back to rewatch a certain scene bc it was too funny! How is this not on TV or at least on something like Hulu or Netflix? bc the world should applaud such a geniuses piece of art like this. Brandon Rodgers, you did it! and I can’t wait for more of your future projects. It’d be cool if you read this so you know how much I apprecieateyour work though. Oh well lol.
Jackie Sucks thank you my dear!!
+Brandon Rogers oh well fun while it lasted it was cool though
Oh wow
Its actually ending. It's bringing the Tears!
Yeezy ASMR awwww know
Yeezy ASMR sameee
same with me
I love all of Brandon's series, but this one is my absolute favorite. I've watched it all at least 5 times now, and every time it never fails to get a smile or a laugh out of me.
Great ending, I'm really impressed with your creativity Brandon.
He knows right from wrong
Sam: *starts punching and stealing*
@@jonahkillsit ik
VII Joshy isnt that Ranpo from Bungo stray dogs???
@@MoonchildDontCry maybe
@@spixisingss wow I never noticed 😂
I honestly could not have asked for a better ending
Sergent Anime same I love him
Elmer: Holy shit-
Sam: UwU
Stuff And Sam are the best videos I have ever watched, A day at the beach was amazing too.
Brandon, are you able to create a season 2 of Stuff And Sam, PLEEEEEEAAAASSSSSEEEE!
Taleisha Taylor there is NEVER going to be one, Buuuuuuuttttttt! I am Making a Second One On my Quotev Account! My account is
If you want a Season 2 Check there!
He’s making more characters now, he’s going to introduce more of these until it’s like this was where he had enough and made a show like this out of it so I say by next year there’s going to be something else like it. If you’re up to date with his videos he’s got more characters in and he’s getting them started.
My favorite was theater class or magic funhouse
"Oh she's dead!"
"Holy shit!"
I love how he said it in the most relaxed way 😂😂😂😂
I'm your 666 like!!!
John Laurens gasp!
Lunar Eclipse
Well now you have 708 likes
I have never had more than 25 likes!
Lunar Eclipse ikr!!!
You'd think that book only had so many pages.
Good thing you can write more pages.
Or more books.
A book for every Elmer.
At least one of Brandon’s characters had a somewhat successful apology tour
was realy hoping the oldest elmer would be the real grandpa
Apocaly pstick He could have changed his name and got the plastic surgeon to change the way he looked.
OtteRex Oti But he's older than Donna
"What are you assholes doin here"
Ima real grandpa!
Everything is clear now. All of Brandon's shows are connected
@@tasi61266 The BRCU
The Rotten Fujoshi shush ho
@@tasi61266 shut up filthy fujoshit
Mcu sucks
What about blah blah?
14:35 there is the best character in the whole show, the guy sharing his chips in the background
Shit, he a real generous soul
I got a spectrum mobile ad
I like when I click on the time stamp I get a pringles ad
The way the guy is reaching into the chips is satanic wth
I watched this series half a dozen times and I still laugh so hard it hurts. Brandon, thank you for all your hard work and creativity in all you do~
*looks behind sam* “OH SHE’S DEAD!”
*still making drinks* “ holy *shit* ”
Also Sam’s happy noise is just precious
ishimondo they’re all the best
When you make the same sound right after 😂😂
was 0:57 not a moan
The end to such a beautiful show..
This man needs an Oscar.
LandonRoasts yess yes he does
Elmer: "he's my Uncle Sam, and he's the greatest person to ever have lived."
Sam: *about to shoot a fucking dog over 50,000 dollars* I knew you would end this series incredible but nobody saw an ending this good coming. Great job man, and thanks for that awesome series :)
just teedo ayeeeee
Love the profile picture
Sam: steals disinfectant wipes
Me: He was ahead of his time
I guess I’m first commenter in commenting on this
I know *nothing sticks around forever* but...
It was good while it lasted. I'll come back to this series at some point.
Nows that “some point”
i am so glad the world got to experience this,and that this exists,its crazy how this series established everyones place in brandon's crazy ass universe,this is truly what i subscribed for.
The IMPACT on the endings this man creates and the complicated storylines, I can’t image how much effort goes into this. Brandon Rogers is a literal genius
“my caaat. my CAAAAAAAAT” me when I’m dead
Holy shit I just realized this series continues with Blame the Hero
I watched blame first so the book that controls everything was confusing as fuck
Best UA-cam series ever. I've watched it 3 times already and it doesn't grow old, not even older than Grandpa.
Brandon, if you somehow read this, PLEASE MAKE A MOVIE! We're POSITIVE you could get funded. Yout career is taking off, man.
His career has already taken off
I just bench watched all of this
Holy shit did it acutally have a great story line with some randomness everythi g had a purpose to play
And well...hell, I cried
I'll miss this web series so much
bench watched?
How does on bench watch?
You can watch anything sitting on a bench but I think that's a little much
Man why didn't Sam ever told the Elmer clones that Donna is their mother?
He didn't know that at the time
Donna didn't even know
I think I know but he didn't because he knows if he did it would make it harder for them
Good question
“ I have an Elmer as a baby sitter”
“ Oh, I’m sorry “
“ Tell me about it. “
I’m sorry I had to
*baby sitter
I was extremely satisfied, not only by the comedy, but also the plot twists and development. I remember gasping at least 6 or so times through-out the series. A fantastic job, with fantastic characters, Brandon.
I cried so hard i feel so attached to these characters and brandon has a talent and hes amazing i thank you brandon this wasnt a stupid series its an amazing story
Agreed I cried too
@@decone4839 me too bro
sam and donna are the dream team why am i crying
0:55 “You are the Sam the Prophecy has foretold...”
“ *MmMmMmMmM* ”
I have nothing to live for now
beef beef same
Actually amazing when this started I thaught it would just be randome hilarious shit the whole time but it ended up being an amazing story with twists and turns well done for making this amazing series and thank you for entertaining me and thousands of others your mind is truely remarkably brilliant
David Pare same I thought it wasn’t gonna go anywhere
"Oh my god shes dead!"
Completely monotone,
"Holy shit"
Beautiful just beautiful
This series is beautiful in every way possible I've watched this series a lot over the years and i never got tired of it and it sucked that the series ended years ago but it is still perfect.