Thank you from South Korea. I have a 5600G CPU and 16G*2 RAM running at 4000Mhz, and after watching the video above, I was able to allocate 4GB of VRAM and can run games that require a lot of VRAM smoothly.
Thanks for the video. I did it all, but the configuration doesn't look to be recognized on the windows, and every time i got back to the bios, it still the ones you teached
I have A520m aours elite And wen i chose 4gb and exit the bios pc not work on window get bios again why?? And when i chose 2gb vram its work😢 i need 4 or 8 gb I have 5600g
olha a versao da sua bios irmão , vai no site do fabricante da placa mãe baixa uma bios recente coloca no pendrive formatado fat32 e abri ele lá na bios mesmo do pc, atualiza e faz a configuração que vc quiser que o sistemavai reconhecer , abraço!!
Hello I have the same specs as yours, and I follow your instructions to increase vram but after that it still showing that my pc vram still 512mb. How can I fix that or Is there a problem in my mobo?
Don't worry, just leave UMA Mode and UMA Frame Buffer Size to Auto, then save and exit. It will show every time 512MB (GPU-Z or MSI Afterburner) but when you play games will auto-allocate memory and extend up to half of the RAM memory (in your case up to 8GB). You can test Forza Horizon 5 benchmark or any other games and you will see on the benchmark result 4-5-6GB VRAM used.
Bro what is your motherboard actually? İs it A520M S2H and also ı need to ask you something. if your motherboard A520M S2H so this xmp profile is true? I mean this is the true for A520M S2H? I need to ask this cause ı have A520M S2H motherboard too. This ram settings are true for A520M S2H. I need to OC my ram. Thats why ı am asking. I need to do OC my ram. I can't find it
XMP profile is RAM OC. You can overclock your RAM manually by changing System Memory Multiplier: 32 = 3200Mhz, but for some RAM sticks you need to set the voltage from Auto to 1.35V.
Hello! I have gigabyte A520MK V2 motherboard with CPU Ryzen 3200G, 16GB RAM 3200 mhz. I not was make it any changes in my bios about integrated graphics card , i just leave setings from factory. În Windows 11 show 16 GB memory RAM , 13.9 GB avaible and 7GB virtual shared GPU memory. It is ok to use 7GB virtual GPU memory or this value can be changed to 0 ?
Just leave it on Auto. If you set UMA mode to Auto then the system can use up to 50% of your RAM as video memory (in your case up to 8GB VRAM). By default UMA is Auto so you have no problems and it's okay.
@@laurentiuilina4992 It shows 2GB maybe because by default your motherboard has been set to Gaming Mode which forces 2GB VRAM. The shared memory of 7GB is always half of the RAM memory and can not change the value. Basically: 16GB RAM total, 2GB video memory, 14GB RAM memory with 7GB shared memory. Even if you install a dedicated video card such as RTX 4060 8GB then the system will show 16GB RAM memory and GPU memory 8GB dedicated + 8GB shared memory. Shared memory can't be changed and it's always half of the RAM memory.
@@CTEoloAH Thanks it worked initially but the computer does not get to windows. It stops recognizing the boot drive and boots ony to the bios. I can only enter windows if I choose 2gb of vram.
@@KleenexGamez No lo creo, en PcIe express solo tengo la M.2 XPG, aun me quedan disponible 1 slot adicional, 1 PcIe x16 y 2 de x8. Al final pude comprar una GTX 1080 8GB. y deje de usar la GPUi 😁😁😁
Yes, the motherboard has 2 outputs - HDMI and DVI-D, so you can use 2 monitors. If your monitors are HDMI only then you can use DVI-D to HDMI adapter but the max resolution of the DVI-D port is 1920x1200px and for FullHD 1080p monitors there is no problem.
Thanks from Brasil! Um viva para você! 👏👏👏
It works, thanks from Germany. Now i have 2G whit a a520m h Bios F15 and Ryzen 5600G
Thank you from South Korea.
I have a 5600G CPU and 16G*2 RAM running at 4000Mhz, and after watching the video above, I was able to allocate 4GB of VRAM and can run games that require a lot of VRAM smoothly.
which motherboard you use? the one mentioned in the video?
Gigabyte A520M K V2 (BIOS F3d / AGESA V2 1.2.0.B) @@joe9192
@@미스터추-m8dNice! I'm planning to buy that one too, do you have Csm Support Disabled In Bios?
Thank you very much and a big hug from Brazil! 💚👨🏻💻
And how do we increase the clock frequency of the gpu?
Приложение для райзен разгон из под винды ,найди в инете
Там и частоту и вольтаж поднять можно у меня 5600g базовая частота видеоядра 1900 я разгонал до 2300
I was able to see your video and solve it. Thank you.
Thanks for the video. I did it all, but the configuration doesn't look to be recognized on the windows, and every time i got back to the bios, it still the ones you teached
did you try disabling csm support?
Why didn't you show it in the Task Manager?
No worries bro it worked. 👍
I have A520m aours elite
And wen i chose 4gb and exit the bios pc not work on window get bios again why??
And when i chose 2gb vram its work😢 i need 4 or 8 gb
I have 5600g
Same :( Did you found any solution?
@@andrasszabo1606 yes
@@andrasszabo1606 turn off csm support from bios
@@Marwan_c7 Can you share with us? Please :)
@@andrasszabo1606 go to search in write turn off cms support and if you cant you need a change your ssd or hardisk mbr to gpt .
A placa A520m ds3h tem como aumentar a Vram? Não consigo
Tem um vídeo em Inglês
olha a versao da sua bios irmão , vai no site do fabricante da placa mãe baixa uma bios recente coloca no pendrive formatado fat32 e abri ele lá na bios mesmo do pc, atualiza e faz a configuração que vc quiser que o sistemavai reconhecer , abraço!!
спасибо от всей души!!!!!!!!
Hello I have the same specs as yours, and I follow your instructions to increase vram but after that it still showing that my pc vram still 512mb. How can I fix that or Is there a problem in my mobo?
Don't worry, just leave UMA Mode and UMA Frame Buffer Size to Auto, then save and exit. It will show every time 512MB (GPU-Z or MSI Afterburner) but when you play games will auto-allocate memory and extend up to half of the RAM memory (in your case up to 8GB). You can test Forza Horizon 5 benchmark or any other games and you will see on the benchmark result 4-5-6GB VRAM used.
it works with only 1 slot 16gb ram?
It just do not go more than 512mb when windows start
I set it in any config, 2g, 4g, and still 512mb on system
Bro what is your motherboard actually? İs it A520M S2H and also ı need to ask you something. if your motherboard A520M S2H so this xmp profile is true? I mean this is the true for A520M S2H? I need to ask this cause ı have A520M S2H motherboard too. This ram settings are true for A520M S2H. I need to OC my ram. Thats why ı am asking. I need to do OC my ram. I can't find it
XMP profile is RAM OC. You can overclock your RAM manually by changing System Memory Multiplier: 32 = 3200Mhz, but for some RAM sticks you need to set the voltage from Auto to 1.35V.
uhm how can i go back to default settings, i cant find the default button
Cuando reinicio mi pc termimado estos pasos mi pc vuelve la bios no me deja aumentar mas de 512 mb la verdad no se que puede ser ayuda
o meu tambem voce conseguiu resolver
Thank you from Bangladesh.
I have gigabyte A520MK V2 motherboard with CPU Ryzen 3200G, 16GB RAM 3200 mhz.
I not was make it any changes in my bios about integrated graphics card , i just leave setings from factory.
În Windows 11 show 16 GB memory RAM , 13.9 GB avaible and 7GB virtual shared GPU memory.
It is ok to use 7GB virtual GPU memory or this value can be changed to 0 ?
Just leave it on Auto. If you set UMA mode to Auto then the system can use up to 50% of your RAM as video memory (in your case up to 8GB VRAM). By default UMA is Auto so you have no problems and it's okay.
@@CTEoloAH all setings is default, i not make any change in bios but in task manager show dedicated video memory 2.0 GB and shared gpu memory 7.0 GB
@@laurentiuilina4992 It shows 2GB maybe because by default your motherboard has been set to Gaming Mode which forces 2GB VRAM. The shared memory of 7GB is always half of the RAM memory and can not change the value. Basically: 16GB RAM total, 2GB video memory, 14GB RAM memory with 7GB shared memory. Even if you install a dedicated video card such as RTX 4060 8GB then the system will show 16GB RAM memory and GPU memory 8GB dedicated + 8GB shared memory. Shared memory can't be changed and it's always half of the RAM memory.
I have almost the exact system my motherboard is the a520m s2h. However I can only go up to 2 gb. There is no resize bar support option in the bios.
Try to update the bios to the latest version F14. Resize bar option has been added in F12 and newer.
@@CTEoloAH Thanks it worked initially but the computer does not get to windows. It stops recognizing the boot drive and boots ony to the bios. I can only enter windows if I choose 2gb of vram.
@@jment34 What version do you have? I use Win11 and 16GB ram and works. Maybe try to reinstall Windows. I hope you have more than 8GB ram.
@@CTEoloAH I have 16 gb of ddr4 ram and windows 10.
During boot press F12 to enter into the Boot menu and choose your Windows SSD/HDD.
Hay manera de hacer esto, sin que se me deshabilite el arranque en mi mvme? Al hacer este proceso, no reconoce el pcie para el NVme 😔
I don't know. Try to update to the latest bios. I have Adata and Kingston SSD and they works on PCI-e NVME slot.
That maybe has to do with your system board not having enough PCIe express lines to all the components u got
@@KleenexGamez No lo creo, en PcIe express solo tengo la M.2 XPG, aun me quedan disponible 1 slot adicional, 1 PcIe x16 y 2 de x8. Al final pude comprar una GTX 1080 8GB. y deje de usar la GPUi 😁😁😁
It was a great help to me Thank you
Спасибо мой друг 🎉
thx man! great!
Como entro a la bios no me deja en mi gigabyte a520ms2h
Proba , es según la bios que tengas puede ser F2 , F12 , F11 , Borrador
Cómo lograste entrar ?
@@quezadacarmonamiguelangel1203 al f2 y para configurar los 2 o 4 gb de vram debes tener actualizada la bios , si no no te dejara
@@chochosgaming52 gracias!!
@@chochosgaming52 Es cierto que la placa a520m s2h solo llega hasta 2gb de vram?
Can I use dual monitors with this
Yes, the motherboard has 2 outputs - HDMI and DVI-D, so you can use 2 monitors. If your monitors are HDMI only then you can use DVI-D to HDMI adapter but the max resolution of the DVI-D port is 1920x1200px and for FullHD 1080p monitors there is no problem.
Na minha Apm A520g tem a mesma configuração da sua bios. Mas quando vejo a memória no techpowerup só fica com 512MB porque?
A minha tbm mano, conseguiu resolver?
@@dieegomelo não irmão
A minha tbm mn
Se conseguir pode me falar??
To com o msm problema alguem resolveu?
gracias hace 2 dias no duermo por solucionar eso
Thank you that really helped
I cannot find the integrated graphics section
FPS boost??
big thx ❤
Thanks same mobo is my
Thank you bri
Gigabyte A520M DS3H (Bios F16) dont working... why :( Thanks, for anybody :)
Nice brother👍👍
Very helpful
can you make warzone video
Nice vid
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