【養和快問快答】兒童食物過敏 Food Allergy in Children - 何學工醫生 (養和兒童免疫、過敏及傳染病科專科醫生)
- Опубліковано 28 жов 2024
- 兒童如患有 #食物過敏 ,一般在兩歲前出現病徵,通常在嘗試新食物時可能會有過敏症狀。#兒童免疫、過敏及傳染病科專科醫生 #何學工醫生 為大家講解兒童食物過敏的嶄新診斷及治療方法。何醫生指出,最嚴重的食物過敏個案,可以對超過五種不同類別的食物有過敏反應,包括 #海鮮過敏、 #果仁過敏 以及 #雞蛋過敏 。當過敏涉及不同種類的食物,就不單是食物的選擇而已,更會對家庭造成極大困擾,例如不少家長認為 #花生過敏 就像計時炸彈,隨時都可以發作,因此無論旅行或外出飲食,都感到十分憂慮。現時,隨着醫學研究的發展,食物過敏已有許多先進的治療方法,包括 #食物階梯 、 #口服免疫療法 等,讓兒童早日 #擺脫食物過敏 的困擾。
If children have food allergies, symptoms typically appear before the age of two, often when new foods are introduced. In this video, Dr. HO Hok Kung, Marco, Director of HKSH Lee Tak Hong Allergy Centre and Specialist in Paediatric Immunology, Allergy and Infectious Diseases, explains the latest diagnostic and treatment approaches for food allergies in children. In the most severe cases, children can have allergic reactions to more than five different categories of food, including seafood, nuts, and eggs. When allergies involve various types of food, it's not just about dietary choices; they can cause significant distress for families. For instance, parents often fear that peanut allergies are like ticking time bombs that could go off at any moment, making them anxious about travelling or dining out. Recent advancements in medical research have led to innovative treatment methods for food allergies, such as the food ladder approach and oral immunotherapy, which can help children overcome these challenges early.
00:12 食物過敏在香港有多常見?
How common are food allergies in Hong Kong?
01:17 哪種過敏測試最適合小朋友?
What kind of allergy test is most suitable for children?
01:47 食物過敏只是影響飲食選擇?
Are the impacts of food allergies limited to dietary choices?
02:34 食物過敏有哪些新的治療方法?
What are the new treatment methods for food allergies?
04:27 我的孩子只有一歲,可以接受食物脫敏治療嗎?
My child is only one year old. Is it safe to undergo food desensitisation?
05:06 我第一個孩子有食物過敏。我將迎來第二個孩子,如何為他預防食物過敏?
My first child has food allergies, and I am expecting a second child. How can I prevent food allergies in my second child?
06:47 食物過敏會持續直至長大成人?
Do food allergies persist even after growing up?
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