When you were talking about the music tracks, you didn't seem to mention that they actively change based on Yoshi. Getting on and off him actively and instantly adds and removes layered drum tracks.
It's funny you mention a "cartoon-like aesthetic." For whatever reason, the dream was to "play a cartoon" back in the early 90s. Kids on the school bus would talk about games in those terms. I remember Toejam & Earl: Panic on Funaktron was one that the kids I knew were impressed with for this reason. To be fair, that game is still very pretty.
A Pleasant Ghost absolutely! ToeJam and Earl 2 is such a fantastic game. Playing it now on PS3, was discounted to a couple of cents and love everything about it
Nice review. I was surprised by the number of things we agree on about this game. Super Mario World is still an amazing game and despite its few flaws, it did evolve the Mario series a little.
You just forgot to mention the 2 player life sharing mechanics along with some little differences on the game overs compared to Super Mario Bros 3(the stage resets specially), and I wanted to see more of torpedo ted. Took me years to reach soda lake and finally know who was that one guy from the credits. It's always nice to see your detailed take on games individually, keep up the good work
I love how in depth your reviews/overviews are, great job! SMW was the very first Mario game I played (at a friend's house around '93), and after getting a SNES with Allstars shortly after, spent many hours exploring the secrets of Dinosaur Land. It's a testament to the game we're still discovering things now. I always felt the cape was a bit OP myself.
I love seeing reviews of beloved retro games. You can understand the flaws of a game while still discussing why the game is still cherished to this day.
13:10 I loved how they did it in Super Mario Land 2 as well. Most of the tracks were variations on a theme, and those tracks fit the mood of that level really well. Granted, it could be said Totaka was copying Kondo in that regard, but considering how well Kondo made it work, I'm not surprised that Totaka did the same thing.
Despite being before my time, Super Mario World was the first video game I ever played (this is actually an assumption, as it could've been F-Zero or Aero the Acrobat, but I like to think it was SMW). It's probably the one video game I've played more than any other game... ever. I love everything about it, and although it is missing a lot for me nowadays, it's still a blast to go back and do another playthrough of every now and then. My main gripes with the game would likely be the lack of Level background variety. Grasslands are present throughout the entire game. There are a few level types that have a background similar to the Grasslands, so it doesn't really feel all that different to me. The biggest changes throughout the game are probably the Forest of Illusion, and Chocolate Island. I would love to see how the Developers would handle Desert, Snow, and Volcano levels. However, even without that much variety, the world of Dinosaur Land has a very impressive sense of connection. The whole world feels pretty similar, but there are small differences throughout that make each section of the game stand out. The world is small, but it feels vast and unique. This is something I can't say about NSMBU. the levels don't transition very well at all. Although the world map looks cool, it's a mess. Nothing feels natural, and every world abruptly changes into the next. Dinosaur Land's atoll feels really connected, and every different world theme blends naturally. Although I dislike that there are no Desert or Snow levels, I must commend the game for keeping the theme simple, so it doesn't get too messy. Super Mario Sunshine does a similar thing. The entire world feels very connected, and not just because you can see other locations from the one you are currently at. Instead of having a ton of different themes smashed into an Island, the changes are subtle. And most of them utilize the Beachside feeling.
No other game on the planet has as many fan-made rom-hacks. Whether it be vanilla, chocolate, kaizo or traditional. The Super Mario World community is still going strong 30 years later.
My favorite MARIO game of all time. Loved the game play here. The final battle with bowser, the star world, all the secret secondary exits. On top of that the fact that you could take Yoshi with you from level to level added a lot to the game. Great graphics too.
I got a scary surgery while I was in the third grade. I'll never forget the moment when a kind nurse brought a snes into my hospital room with super Mario world. This game will always hold a special place in my heart. Playing this for the first time was downright magical. There was nothing else like it. Also, nothing was more disappointing than going to my local McDonald's and seeing an SNES on display only to discover the game being played was "Mario is missing". lol.
Super Mario World is such a fantastic game. I've beat it countless times over the years and I can always go back and play it again. Great episode bro. Keep up the great work on the channel.
Nintendo, SEGA and Rareware. What an awesome childhood I had as a young gamer looking at my own gaming experience back then even when I had to go to my cousin's house, neighbors house and even to a school friend's house for those experiences in 2D Platforming. I never had a console until I turned 13 years old and that was the N64 console and while I was lucky enough to have Donkey Kong Land 2 on GameBoy as my own personal experience of 2D Platforming, I had to wait until the Nintendo Gamecube with the GBA Player for the 2D Mario games as well as the Sonic Mega Collection on the Gamecube as well as on the PS3 with the SEGA Ultimate Megadrive Collection for those awesome 2D gaming experiences as well as the Nintendo Wii's Virtual Console to download those 2D games from the NES and SNES library that I never had when I was younger. Super Mario World while awesome in it's own right, I still have huge nostalgia for Super Mario Bros 3 and their many power ups and the different worlds I could go to and not limited to just Dinosaur Island. The mini bosses were of course, the weaker parts of the game but it was still awesome to defeat those Koopa Kids and perhaps those are what I remember the most from the Super Mario Bros 3 and Super Mario World cartoons.
A baby Yoshi will also instantly mature if fed a single power-up. And the stomp shockwave endowed by yellow shells and innate to yellow Yoshi has a lot more utility than you might think; it allows for the cape shockwave with no need for takeoff and potential kamikaze, and moreover can be used in tight corridors where the cape shockwave cannot. In other terms, it's less limited than fire breath but not as overpowered as wings. (Well, I think it's fun) Also SMW isn't as pretty as the SMAS remakes -- especially SMB2 -- but then again none of those really take advantage of rotation, scaling and alpha transparency like SMW does either, so maybe it's was a necessary tradeoff.
But cape shockwave isn't an impressive attack, as others things like rotating cape and throwing a shell on the enemies can do the same job as it. So in the end, I still think Yellow Yoshi is the least interesting Yoshi of all, tho I think it is fun to use it and it is a pretty looking Yoshi
@@danielcm4237 True enough that the cape's other abilities more than make up for the few shortcomings of the shockwave, but the same could be said for pretty most abilities within SMW. Moreover the cape spin is not enabled if Mario is mounted, so it gives Yoshi some added offensive options apart from just eating and spitting, just like fire breath but not limited to a single use per shell. Also, apparently there's the added effect of yellow ability to descend faster in the air, which kinda neat, too.
@@powpuck5031 For me, the shockwave ability of Yellow Yoshi is interesting. What I think that would make Yellow Yoshi stands up as as good and memorable as the other Yoshi would be if the range of the shockwave were bigger. The shockwave only kills the enemy if they are just in front/behind you, so besides being limited, sometimes you stay too near the enemy and accidantely touches them, losing Yellow Yoshi. Imagine how awsome would be if the range of the shockwave were 3 square-block distance in front and beside you. That would make Yellow Yoshi more powerful and funnier to use
So glad you are going through this game I was worried you wouldn't do this one. This is my favorite mario game ever I have put like 500 hours into this game and beat it to death over and over it's amazing.
This game is so great! when I was a child, I played it 250 times. I could never get enough. As you mentioned, some details could have been better: 1) Blocks delivering a coin snake: I never understood how to steer coins. 2) Wings: I didn't understand very well how to use them with Mario only. I didn't understand they are only for Yoshi. 3) I am French, and the game was not available in French. I didn't understand why some dots are yellow and other are red. It would have been helpful to know the difference. But it is more linked to my own education. 4) Feather: overcheated. 5) On the cheese bridge: I took years to find the secret exit. I never understood the Star Road entrance in the sea. Colored Yoshi: I think that makes sense they can be found only in the Star World. It gives importance to this zone. I say it again: I played a lot this game, and you highlit a very clever level design. You could have mentioned Magikoopas: in the 3rd castle, Mario is stuck on blocks. The player can see Magikoopas' bullets affect them. Very clever. Somehow, there are similarities with other games you show (I think about Metroid games): without writing a lot of text, Nintendo is easily able to show how mecanics work. This is very satisfying for the player.
I like your thoughts on platformers, trial and error levels and auto-scrollers are common detriments, but when they're good they're really good! Super Castlevania 4 got me into platformers, I'd love to see you do a series on those games!
SMW is riddled with slowdown if you look for it. Almost every end level sequence - the shrinking black circle that closes in on Mario once the level exit is reached - runs at half speed. Playing through the SA-1-enhanced version of SMW (with slowdown and sprite limits removed) was a revelation.
While Super Mario World is a memorable game for me and friends, it is blatantly obvious that was hacked together with tape and clamped shut with dried grease, it does have highlights. I have contributed to the SMW disassembly and reverse-engineering, and so I know the full ins and outs of the game internally including the ability to compose music know sampling data destinations. without starting a list of problems and flaws with the game I'm only going to name a few. 1: no full 100 levels, only 96. Red ! blocks do not give fire flowers. the musical instruments has the classic rubber instruments and definitely could have done much better using the 64kb BRR SPC700 audio hardware; not to say it is underwhelming, the composers could have made the game sound way better. The graphics are way too simplistic for a SNES game and the sound driver is very basic as well. There are a lot of glitches, and too many information boxes. Lastly, the special world completion could have offered a few more game changes than just a few blue shells and sprite swaps. Nintendo clearly hired interns for some of the programming and the game is way too easy to abuse the game's stack allowing the insertion of custom code. The game is a mess and despite numerous flaws in a lot of ways it definitely is one of the definitive games of my childhood. Thanks for the honest and lighthearted reviews!
My favorite part of this game that isn’t replicated in the others: you can easily go back into levels you cleared and hit start+select to peace out at any time, saving all the power ups and Yoshi you collected, so you can use them in other levels. Also useful when trying to get the second exit and you’re about to fall in a pit.
Technically the Dragon Coins in the SNES version of Super Mario World disappear once collected so it is possible to consider collecting them all an extra way to 100% the game with the exception of Choco Secret not containing all 5 Dragon Coins in the SNES version.
Great review once again. I love this game and do think its the best starting point for the series. I only wish besides yoshi's island there was a true follow up that could really expand on the awesome mechanics that were more underutilized. Mario maker and rom hacks do have that covered at least
First time I played this was at my cousins, was sent there when I had chicken pox....good times playing SMW way back when. Fast forward several years later I got my own SNES for Xmas, along with a copy of this game...fast forward again to last week where I have this game yet again on my Switch! This and SMB3 are my 3 favorite mario games.
I was a big fan of Mario 1 and 3 as a kid but my extreme frugality got in the way of me buying most later titles except for New Mario Bros Wii which...came packaged with the Wii. So this series is definitely encouraging me to pick up these. (I only played World one time - for some reason a hotel room I stayed in had a Super Nintendo in it. )
It is my understanding a lot of older gamers skipped out on the "NEW" Mario Bros. games, myself included. New Super Luigi U is actually pretty rad though. Finally, the timer is put to good use!
My first game ever and favourite Mario game, grew up with both the original SNES version and GBA version later on (yeah, i was playing SNES during the N64 and PS2 era)
I love this game because it's very easy to pick up and play. The controls were easy and precise. Making it easy to master jump timing. Also challenging levels but not too hard. The learning curve was organic also, providing stages where you could master the new power ups or moves like soaring thru the sky to collect coins, or having different types of turtles to see what yoshi does. Plus yoshi is the best thing to happen to super mario of course.
Great review and video Kris! As you know, I love your content - you’re one of my top 5 fav YB-ers. Therefor, A little feedback, because I care :-) You often mention in your vids that other youtubers / reviewers have already said so much on a certain subject, it’s no use repeating them. Keep in mind lots of viewers don’t know what you know, it might be the first vid someone watches about the game. It’s totally worthwhile if you choose to share ALL of your thoughts/insights!
Thanks Jaymz! Honestly, most of the things I leave out are the "hot takes" many reviewers seem hell bent on including in their reviews even though its been repeated hundreds of times. Mario 2 is a great example. The Gaming Historian did such an expert job at covering the history of the game it is pointless for me to even bother. Game Design is what I like to explore, not development history. Sometimes there are exceptions to this, like the changes to the Japanese version of DKC. But stuff like "ZOMG Shadow is so emo, Edgy the Hedgy" is entertaining the first time it was said 10 or whatever years ago, but lazy at this point. Those are the types of things I leave out of the videos. I assure you, you are not missing anything!
implantgames thanks for your response! I understand what you’re saying. Also.. please bring back the podcast man! Why is it suddenly gone? A specific reason? Thanks for all your work man.
It's the first of the old Mario games that still looks great to this day. It has a retro style of course, but it somehow doesn't look dated like the other early mario games.
The pipes that look like they stretch to the top of the screen actually don't. I mean, they might go to the top of the visible portion of the screen but if you have very good timing you can aggressively updraft with the cape and still clear them. There are, however, some levels with off-screen blocks which impede the perpetual updrafting technique. One of these such levels is the seventh level in Special world (the forest themed one with all the Wigglers and Bullet Bill Blasters).
At Tubular there is a way to beat it and completely bypass the p balloon. Get a cake feather and get blue Yoshi. Glide across to the next block and when you eventually find red paratrooper eat it and Yoshi will fly throughout the rest of the level no problem. And also when baby Yoshi eats a power up like that star at Star World 2 where you get blue Yoshi, the baby Yoshi will instantly grow into a full grown Yoshi . they make you have to choose between whether you want blue Yoshi right away or to get the star.
Sonic CD also uses the same melody for every song in the game in the Japanese soundtrack. Far from being repetitive, I actually find it clever to use the same melody to compose songs that sound very different and I wish more games would do this. It gives the entire game a harmonious motif.
I think this is the best mario game ever. Although, I may be biased because I was in 2nd grade when it was released. Man, that $200 price tag back then for the snes was crazy!!
Top Secret Area isn't the best way to farm lives though. The star in Forest of Illusion 1 is probably the most well-known, but the best way by far is the P-switch that turns enemies into silver coins in Vanilla Secret 2, which chain into 3ups, getting 50+ lives on one run of the level.
If any of the mechanics feel half-baked, it is because according to the devs, the game was never finished. Although this game is so amazing as is, I can't imagine it being a whole lot better.
theres also that flight you can initiate with the spin jump instead of the regular jump. it took a rom hack to teach me that existed (i think its mentioned in the manual though)
My very first video game, and _still_ one of my favorite platformers of all time. Perhaps even my favorite Mario game of all time, but tied together with _Super Mario Galaxy 2._ This game IS Super Mario in essence, for my money, and Yoshi was perhaps one of my first imaginary friends as a baby! I could wax nostalgic all day as to how important this game is to me, artistically, even, but I'll just say that its design holds up beautifully, in my opinion. Sure, there aren't as many fancy power-up suits as its predecessor, but Yoshi and his abilities more than make up for it. Mario and Luigi's movement is the best in the series too, as in this game they move with an unmatched speed and fluidity, so much of an improvement over the previous games that whenever I go back to the older Marios, everything from running to jumping just feels so stiff and awkward! This is also Koji Kondo's best soundtrack, by _far,_ in my opinion, and I could hum these classic tunes 'til kingdom come! Ah, and final fight with Bowser and his freaky Koopa Clown Car is one of the most memorable experiences of my entire childhood. _Super Mario World_ will always be perfect in my opinion, for me and many 90s kids, this is to us what the original _Super Mario Bros._ and its NES ilk were to those who grew up in the 80s before us. It's a masterpiece that will be remembered always. 10/10
As a fan of his reviews, I really don't think this review did this classic justice, but whatever. I'm totally biased! SMW is my baby, you know. Immune to criticism on my watch!!
oh man when i was a kid i didn't know about controlling the direction of the lines of coins, in that one level you showed build a staircase, i had to fly up with a cape, stop flying and duck mid air, and land with like the edge of my toe in that opening and jump while crouched u bump your head but if u hold sideways it moves you a little bit, so like 10 little jumps and u squeeze though, or if u hit the flight just right, u can just glide right on through, i could hardly ever do that
The swimming in Super Mario World is something I wasn't really fond of, because his horizontal speed is significantly reduced compared to Mario 1 and Mario 3 even without the frog suit, to the point where it feels really slow compared to the previous games, which already weren't the best in that regard.
Super Mario World is my favourite Mario game of all time and the only one I've ever completed. Even though I have to admit that after Mario 64 Nintendo and the Mario franchise became less appealing to me. I guess mainly because of adolescence. Anyway, if you'll reviewing more of the Mario platformers, I may become interested in some of them. And I agree with you, Super Mario World is a great game for everyone, beginners, veterans, young and old. Thanks for the great review.
When you get all the chaos emeralds in sonic go supersonic you shat a brick back in the day because there was no Way you could've known about that. It literally freaked people out
I feel silly for saying this but I never realized until this video that the same music was played at different levels just a different version of it!!!
Loved this video, lots of nice points and a constant flow that didn't feel rushed. As for those issues about coin trails and pipe cannons, I know in the GBA version message boxes do exist for the coin trails, and I *think* there's boxes for the cannons as well. One other thing to note about the cannons is that holding up isn't the solution, (though it may work I've never tried) but rather holding jump while being launched out. Other than that this video was a great summary of the reason me and probably thousands of others enjoyed this Mario the most.
Glad you enjoyed the video :) After playing with the cannons more, I think you just *can't* be holding the "right" button on the D-Pad. Up appears to do the same as pressing nothing, getting Mario to the Paratroopa at the exact right moment. I hadn't thought to try and hold the jump button if I'm honest. I'm still not certain why holding what is effectively "forward" slows Mario down and causes him to miss the enemy. Still it's minor in the grand scheme of things. Cheers!
Another thing GBA does is add colored Yoshis to the main game once they've been fed in Star World. They're tied to power ups though (Blue for Cape, Red for Fire Flower, and Yellow for Mushroom (I think)), so they argueably go from underpowered to overpowered (Blue Yoshi + Cape Feather will certainly get you places)
@@VirtualScallop Uhh you mean Red Yoshi=Red Koopa/Red Toads Green Toads/Green Yoshi=Green Koopa Yellow Yoshi=Yellow Koopas/Yellow Toads and Blue Koopas=Blue toads/Blue Yoshi's! Yeah...
@@VirtualScallop that these are recurring colors Red Green Yellow and Blue are used by Koopas Toads and Yoshis for them all and each have their own abilities as a result too...
Man, how do you seem to get every minute detail into these? I remember renting a SNES with SMW and Super Rtype and having a sleep over back in the day. We stayed up pretty much all night playing mostly SMW. I'd like to hear your first experience/memories with the game, but I understand this is a review/overview. I enjoyed how it used the same theme over and over, without it getting repetitive. Another game I like that does this is Radiant Silvergun for the Saturn. One if my favorite games ever. I'm going back to WI for the holidays next weekend. I'm sure I'll hit up Game Trade. Maybe I can leave something for you there as a thank you? Not sure if they'll do that, though. I think I read you'll pick up next year again with SM64? Cool. Enjoy the break!
I take a lot of notes haha :) Even then there are always a few things I forget to talk about (such as the Red, Pink, and Green berries in SMW). I was a Sega kid growing up, and when I did have a chance to play the SNES I was all over Super Mario Kart (I was obsessed!). Have a safe trip back to WI, J! I’ll have a small package waiting for you at Press Start :)
+implantgames Something for me? I didn't do anything special. Ok. Should I leave it for you at Press Start then? Since they seem ok with holding stuff.
I grew up playing SMW, and didn't get to play 3 till a few years later in a limited capacity at other people's house. I ended up liking 3 more (first played the all-star version, then the NES later). I could never really articulate why I liked 3 better, but I think it's cause it has much more variety in its levels, and themes. All the levels in SMW, in every world, kind of look the same, as they only have like five themes for regular levels (grassy, green mushroom platforms, forest, underground, and sky). SMB3 just felt so much bigger to me. I like SMW's save system, better, but I liked the item management, and maps in 3 better. I like how World has more intricate levels though, and it does feel more polished in some areas, and less experimental. I love both games, and which I say is my favorite pretty much depends on the day. :p
I prefer Mario 3, not only because it had more power-ups, but also because it did more with the world maps. Toad houses, slot machines, card games, wandering hammer bros, checkpoints unlocked by fortresses, breakable boulders, Jugem's Cloud, and the boat in World 3. Mario World, by comparison, has alternate exits and the Top Secret Area. Two good features, but that's it.
Are you planning to cover the Super Mario Advance games at any point? I'd like to hear your input on the changes from the original versions of these games.
18:58 I don't see why being able to fly forever is such an issue. It gives the player extra freedom, and doesn't really seem like a balancing issue. If someone wants to skip a level that they don't like, or an annoying portion of a level, they generally have the freedom to do so. If someone feels that flying over a level is too overpowered, they could simply....not. They would have that freedom. It's not a matter of balancing imo, it's a matter of choice.
I always just use a Blue yoshi to do tubular, u can stop at one point and grab another koopa to refresh it. And in that ghost house i literally have NEVER seen anyone build that platform lol, i usually just crouch fly up there haha.
“I can’t help but feel some aspects of the game were rushed” Fun Fact: Super Mario World has the rare title of the unfinished 2D Mario game. Miyamoto has said that he was disappointed in the games development cycle, feeling that it was an incomplete project. I think Balancing the cape feather and adding Yoshi’s depth is probably what he is talking about. With how polished the game is overall ,however, it’s strange to learn that miyamoto feels it was rushed.
If you include the coloured Yoshis and Lakitu's cloud then there are about as many power-ups in SMW as in SMB3, and many of the power-ups in SMB3 only occur two or three times in the game. (And you forgot to mention Sonic's shield :P)
I wish Nintendo would make a new version of this game. The new SMB games don't capture the same magic imo. I'd love another "cartoony" version of SMW. It worked for Sonic Mania.
I'm at 95 exits in my current play through of the game (first time playing it since the 1990s) and I really enjoyed this video (semi-spoilered myself on my 96th exit in this video but that's OK). I never heard of it before but I find the debate about which jump is the best to be interesting. For me, SMW is the most responsive and I find it suits me the best. I beat SMB3 last month and when I go back to it I actually die a bit because I think it's going to play like SMW. I really just feel like they nailed it exactly in SMW with both the jump and accel/decel. SMB1 almost feels like a different genre when I try it now. Also a big difference between this and SMB3 is accessibility. I found this game extremely easy coming off SMB3, to the point where I don't think I died in the first world or two, and never had to try a (mandatory) level more than 2-3 times. Granted, the special stages were hard, but no harder than late world 7 or 8 stages. The first time I beat Bowser I was actually like "that's it?" as I thought surely that couldn't be the last boss. It's not bad to be accessible, but since this game has a save feature I would have thought more difficulty would have been allowed since you can always come back another day without lost progress. Overall though I highly enjoyed SMW, perhaps more now than when I first played it at 11 years old.
Nice video. But I have to disagree a bit about the cape feather being AS game breaking as the P-Wing or Super Leaf was in SMB3. You didn't have to do anything other than tap the jump button repeatedly to keep going as Raccoon Mario. In SMW, you need to keep a consistent rhythm going in order to fly over the stage that you want to fly over. This makes you have to fully be able to understand the mechanics of flying with the cape in order to do that efficiently. Thus, this take more skill out of the player to be able to utilize this mechanic. It's easy enough to know how to do it, but one needs to be skilled enough to be able to do this on a consistent basis without their hands becoming tired from performing the moves. It's like Nintendo still gave the players the option to do things in that manner, but to make those players have to master the cape feather powers to be able to do so.
The music repeating is again experimented with, and may I say to a much farther extent, and almost more interestingly, by Kazumi Totaka in Super Mario Land II. I await your video on that one!
I’m glad UA-cam’s algorithm finally worked and showed me this channel.
You and me both!
Super Mario World is one of the most polished games that comes to mind. Felt flawless, particularly from my earlier gaming days.
This game is easily one of the greatest games ever made, everything about it just feels perfect.
When you were talking about the music tracks, you didn't seem to mention that they actively change based on Yoshi. Getting on and off him actively and instantly adds and removes layered drum tracks.
I was just about to say the same thing specifically because he compared them
It's funny you mention a "cartoon-like aesthetic." For whatever reason, the dream was to "play a cartoon" back in the early 90s. Kids on the school bus would talk about games in those terms. I remember Toejam & Earl: Panic on Funaktron was one that the kids I knew were impressed with for this reason. To be fair, that game is still very pretty.
A Pleasant Ghost my mind immediately went to the Mario World Cartoon.
A Pleasant Ghost absolutely! ToeJam and Earl 2 is such a fantastic game. Playing it now on PS3, was discounted to a couple of cents and love everything about it
Nice review. I was surprised by the number of things we agree on about this game. Super Mario World is still an amazing game and despite its few flaws, it did evolve the Mario series a little.
You just forgot to mention the 2 player life sharing mechanics along with some little differences on the game overs compared to Super Mario Bros 3(the stage resets specially), and I wanted to see more of torpedo ted. Took me years to reach soda lake and finally know who was that one guy from the credits.
It's always nice to see your detailed take on games individually, keep up the good work
This game holds up REALLY well! It feels modern in a way, kinda like it came out even today! It's fantastic!
I love how in depth your reviews/overviews are, great job! SMW was the very first Mario game I played (at a friend's house around '93), and after getting a SNES with Allstars shortly after, spent many hours exploring the secrets of Dinosaur Land. It's a testament to the game we're still discovering things now. I always felt the cape was a bit OP myself.
I love seeing reviews of beloved retro games. You can understand the flaws of a game while still discussing why the game is still cherished to this day.
Loving all your Mario reviews so far. SMW is such an awesome classic.
13:10 I loved how they did it in Super Mario Land 2 as well. Most of the tracks were variations on a theme, and those tracks fit the mood of that level really well. Granted, it could be said Totaka was copying Kondo in that regard, but considering how well Kondo made it work, I'm not surprised that Totaka did the same thing.
Venomous9 The technique can also hurt games as well though, Such as all of the Yoshi games after Story, their soundtracks are dreadfully boring.
They did this in SM64 too!
Despite being before my time, Super Mario World was the first video game I ever played (this is actually an assumption, as it could've been F-Zero or Aero the Acrobat, but I like to think it was SMW).
It's probably the one video game I've played more than any other game... ever.
I love everything about it, and although it is missing a lot for me nowadays, it's still a blast to go back and do another playthrough of every now and then.
My main gripes with the game would likely be the lack of Level background variety.
Grasslands are present throughout the entire game. There are a few level types that have a background similar to the Grasslands, so it doesn't really feel all that different to me.
The biggest changes throughout the game are probably the Forest of Illusion, and Chocolate Island.
I would love to see how the Developers would handle Desert, Snow, and Volcano levels.
However, even without that much variety, the world of Dinosaur Land has a very impressive sense of connection. The whole world feels pretty similar, but there are small differences throughout that make each section of the game stand out. The world is small, but it feels vast and unique.
This is something I can't say about NSMBU. the levels don't transition very well at all. Although the world map looks cool, it's a mess. Nothing feels natural, and every world abruptly changes into the next.
Dinosaur Land's atoll feels really connected, and every different world theme blends naturally. Although I dislike that there are no Desert or Snow levels, I must commend the game for keeping the theme simple, so it doesn't get too messy.
Super Mario Sunshine does a similar thing. The entire world feels very connected, and not just because you can see other locations from the one you are currently at. Instead of having a ton of different themes smashed into an Island, the changes are subtle. And most of them utilize the Beachside feeling.
Well the special and star levels are called “special” for a reason. It wouldnt be special if those mechanics would be in the normal levels.
No other game on the planet has as many fan-made rom-hacks. Whether it be vanilla, chocolate, kaizo or traditional. The Super Mario World community is still going strong 30 years later.
My favorite MARIO game of all time. Loved the game play here. The final battle with bowser, the star world, all the secret secondary exits. On top of that the fact that you could take Yoshi with you from level to level added a lot to the game. Great graphics too.
One of my all time fav games, many a late night smashing this game with my brother. 😍
Haha, we were Sega kids so my memories were playing Sonic 2 multiplayer for hours on end :)
I got a scary surgery while I was in the third grade. I'll never forget the moment when a kind nurse brought a snes into my hospital room with super Mario world. This game will always hold a special place in my heart. Playing this for the first time was downright magical. There was nothing else like it.
Also, nothing was more disappointing than going to my local McDonald's and seeing an SNES on display only to discover the game being played was "Mario is missing". lol.
The music in Super Mario World is a modern example of Wagner's Leitmotif
Super Mario World is such a fantastic game. I've beat it countless times over the years and I can always go back and play it again. Great episode bro. Keep up the great work on the channel.
And to think I thought I was gonna be productive for the next 30 minutes before I saw this.
Haha, enjoy your weekend :)
I was going to do an assignment then I remembered this existed. Glad I remembered.
Could not agree more with your summary!!!
Bring back the podcast!!!
Nintendo, SEGA and Rareware.
What an awesome childhood I had as a young gamer looking at my own gaming experience back then even when I had to go to my cousin's house, neighbors house and even to a school friend's house for those experiences in 2D Platforming.
I never had a console until I turned 13 years old and that was the N64 console and while I was lucky enough to have Donkey Kong Land 2 on GameBoy as my own personal experience of 2D Platforming, I had to wait until the Nintendo Gamecube with the GBA Player for the 2D Mario games as well as the Sonic Mega Collection on the Gamecube as well as on the PS3 with the SEGA Ultimate Megadrive Collection for those awesome 2D gaming experiences as well as the Nintendo Wii's Virtual Console to download those 2D games from the NES and SNES library that I never had when I was younger.
Super Mario World while awesome in it's own right, I still have huge nostalgia for Super Mario Bros 3 and their many power ups and the different worlds I could go to and not limited to just Dinosaur Island.
The mini bosses were of course, the weaker parts of the game but it was still awesome to defeat those Koopa Kids and perhaps those are what I remember the most from the Super Mario Bros 3 and Super Mario World cartoons.
A baby Yoshi will also instantly mature if fed a single power-up. And the stomp shockwave endowed by yellow shells and innate to yellow Yoshi has a lot more utility than you might think; it allows for the cape shockwave with no need for takeoff and potential kamikaze, and moreover can be used in tight corridors where the cape shockwave cannot. In other terms, it's less limited than fire breath but not as overpowered as wings. (Well, I think it's fun)
Also SMW isn't as pretty as the SMAS remakes -- especially SMB2 -- but then again none of those really take advantage of rotation, scaling and alpha transparency like SMW does either, so maybe it's was a necessary tradeoff.
But cape shockwave isn't an impressive attack, as others things like rotating cape and throwing a shell on the enemies can do the same job as it. So in the end, I still think Yellow Yoshi is the least interesting Yoshi of all, tho I think it is fun to use it and it is a pretty looking Yoshi
@@danielcm4237 True enough that the cape's other abilities more than make up for the few shortcomings of the shockwave, but the same could be said for pretty most abilities within SMW. Moreover the cape spin is not enabled if Mario is mounted, so it gives Yoshi some added offensive options apart from just eating and spitting, just like fire breath but not limited to a single use per shell.
Also, apparently there's the added effect of yellow ability to descend faster in the air, which kinda neat, too.
@@powpuck5031 For me, the shockwave ability of Yellow Yoshi is interesting. What I think that would make Yellow Yoshi stands up as as good and memorable as the other Yoshi would be if the range of the shockwave were bigger. The shockwave only kills the enemy if they are just in front/behind you, so besides being limited, sometimes you stay too near the enemy and accidantely touches them, losing Yellow Yoshi. Imagine how awsome would be if the range of the shockwave were 3 square-block distance in front and beside you. That would make Yellow Yoshi more powerful and funnier to use
So glad you are going through this game I was worried you wouldn't do this one. This is my favorite mario game ever I have put like 500 hours into this game and beat it to death over and over it's amazing.
This game is so great! when I was a child, I played it 250 times. I could never get enough.
As you mentioned, some details could have been better:
1) Blocks delivering a coin snake: I never understood how to steer coins.
2) Wings: I didn't understand very well how to use them with Mario only. I didn't understand they are only for Yoshi.
3) I am French, and the game was not available in French. I didn't understand why some dots are yellow and other are red. It would have been helpful to know the difference. But it is more linked to my own education.
4) Feather: overcheated.
5) On the cheese bridge: I took years to find the secret exit. I never understood the Star Road entrance in the sea.
Colored Yoshi: I think that makes sense they can be found only in the Star World. It gives importance to this zone.
I say it again: I played a lot this game, and you highlit a very clever level design. You could have mentioned Magikoopas: in the 3rd castle, Mario is stuck on blocks. The player can see Magikoopas' bullets affect them. Very clever.
Somehow, there are similarities with other games you show (I think about Metroid games): without writing a lot of text, Nintendo is easily able to show how mecanics work. This is very satisfying for the player.
I like your thoughts on platformers, trial and error levels and auto-scrollers are common detriments, but when they're good they're really good! Super Castlevania 4 got me into platformers, I'd love to see you do a series on those games!
SMW is riddled with slowdown if you look for it. Almost every end level sequence - the shrinking black circle that closes in on Mario once the level exit is reached - runs at half speed. Playing through the SA-1-enhanced version of SMW (with slowdown and sprite limits removed) was a revelation.
I really need to try the sa-1 patch, it sounds awesome
I have to be honest and thought the slowdown after reaching the goal was an artistic choice haha!
I'm really enjoying your content! Keep it coming!
Man I wish you could make some new documentaries. I love this stuff. Thank you
While Super Mario World is a memorable game for me and friends, it is blatantly obvious that was hacked together with tape and clamped shut with dried grease, it does have highlights. I have contributed to the SMW disassembly and reverse-engineering, and so I know the full ins and outs of the game internally including the ability to compose music know sampling data destinations. without starting a list of problems and flaws with the game I'm only going to name a few. 1: no full 100 levels, only 96. Red ! blocks do not give fire flowers. the musical instruments has the classic rubber instruments and definitely could have done much better using the 64kb BRR SPC700 audio hardware; not to say it is underwhelming, the composers could have made the game sound way better. The graphics are way too simplistic for a SNES game and the sound driver is very basic as well. There are a lot of glitches, and too many information boxes. Lastly, the special world completion could have offered a few more game changes than just a few blue shells and sprite swaps. Nintendo clearly hired interns for some of the programming and the game is way too easy to abuse the game's stack allowing the insertion of custom code. The game is a mess and despite numerous flaws in a lot of ways it definitely is one of the definitive games of my childhood. Thanks for the honest and lighthearted reviews!
Why do you say "Thankfully" when saying the flight controls are awkward?
My favorite part of this game that isn’t replicated in the others: you can easily go back into levels you cleared and hit start+select to peace out at any time, saving all the power ups and Yoshi you collected, so you can use them in other levels. Also useful when trying to get the second exit and you’re about to fall in a pit.
Technically the Dragon Coins in the SNES version of Super Mario World disappear once collected so it is possible to consider collecting them all an extra way to 100% the game with the exception of Choco Secret not containing all 5 Dragon Coins in the SNES version.
Great review once again. I love this game and do think its the best starting point for the series. I only wish besides yoshi's island there was a true follow up that could really expand on the awesome mechanics that were more underutilized. Mario maker and rom hacks do have that covered at least
First time I played this was at my cousins, was sent there when I had chicken pox....good times playing SMW way back when. Fast forward several years later I got my own SNES for Xmas, along with a copy of this game...fast forward again to last week where I have this game yet again on my Switch! This and SMB3 are my 3 favorite mario games.
Please do all the Mario mainline games up to Odyssey.
I will pick up next year sometime with Mario 64, Sunshine, and the Galaxy games. Stay tuned :)
@@implantgames don't forget 3D World.
Sorry if I seem bossy I just like your full/detailed analysis.
I can wait and stay tuned next year
I won't haha ;)
@@implantgames is this a 3d all stars reference??!
3:34 lol - and now we have the floaty mess called New Super Mario Bros.
I was a big fan of Mario 1 and 3 as a kid but my extreme frugality got in the way of me buying most later titles except for New Mario Bros Wii which...came packaged with the Wii. So this series is definitely encouraging me to pick up these. (I only played World one time - for some reason a hotel room I stayed in had a Super Nintendo in it. )
It is my understanding a lot of older gamers skipped out on the "NEW" Mario Bros. games, myself included. New Super Luigi U is actually pretty rad though. Finally, the timer is put to good use!
My first game ever and favourite Mario game, grew up with both the original SNES version and GBA version later on (yeah, i was playing SNES during the N64 and PS2 era)
Nothing wrong with that. I found myself frequently going back to the snes even though we had a n64 and ps1.
Finally! I rarely see anyone talk about this game anymore!
I love this game because it's very easy to pick up and play. The controls were easy and precise. Making it easy to master jump timing. Also challenging levels but not too hard. The learning curve was organic also, providing stages where you could master the new power ups or moves like soaring thru the sky to collect coins, or having different types of turtles to see what yoshi does. Plus yoshi is the best thing to happen to super mario of course.
Great review and video Kris! As you know, I love your content - you’re one of my top 5 fav YB-ers. Therefor, A little feedback, because I care :-) You often mention in your vids that other youtubers / reviewers have already said so much on a certain subject, it’s no use repeating them. Keep in mind lots of viewers don’t know what you know, it might be the first vid someone watches about the game.
It’s totally worthwhile if you choose to share ALL of your thoughts/insights!
Thanks Jaymz! Honestly, most of the things I leave out are the "hot takes" many reviewers seem hell bent on including in their reviews even though its been repeated hundreds of times. Mario 2 is a great example. The Gaming Historian did such an expert job at covering the history of the game it is pointless for me to even bother. Game Design is what I like to explore, not development history. Sometimes there are exceptions to this, like the changes to the Japanese version of DKC. But stuff like "ZOMG Shadow is so emo, Edgy the Hedgy" is entertaining the first time it was said 10 or whatever years ago, but lazy at this point. Those are the types of things I leave out of the videos. I assure you, you are not missing anything!
implantgames thanks for your response! I understand what you’re saying. Also.. please bring back the podcast man! Why is it suddenly gone? A specific reason?
Thanks for all your work man.
I like how you didn't end this one on a bad note, unlike your DKCTF review... heh. Good review.
It's the first of the old Mario games that still looks great to this day. It has a retro style of course, but it somehow doesn't look dated like the other early mario games.
you deserve more subs
keep doing what you're doing
It's funny I had no idea I could jump on the Reznor platforms and I've been playing and beating this game since 93.
The pipes that look like they stretch to the top of the screen actually don't. I mean, they might go to the top of the visible portion of the screen but if you have very good timing you can aggressively updraft with the cape and still clear them. There are, however, some levels with off-screen blocks which impede the perpetual updrafting technique. One of these such levels is the seventh level in Special world (the forest themed one with all the Wigglers and Bullet Bill Blasters).
Super Mario World will always be one of the best Mario game ever.
*your favorite
At Tubular there is a way to beat it and completely bypass the p balloon. Get a cake feather and get blue Yoshi. Glide across to the next block and when you eventually find red paratrooper eat it and Yoshi will fly throughout the rest of the level no problem.
And also when baby Yoshi eats a power up like that star at Star World 2 where you get blue Yoshi, the baby Yoshi will instantly grow into a full grown Yoshi . they make you have to choose between whether you want blue Yoshi right away or to get the star.
I have played this game alot since I was 3 and I never realized or noticed the Leif Motif of the music
At 17:17 if you hit the blocks from the left side with your cape they will *always* turn into circles.
Sonic CD also uses the same melody for every song in the game in the Japanese soundtrack. Far from being repetitive, I actually find it clever to use the same melody to compose songs that sound very different and I wish more games would do this. It gives the entire game a harmonious motif.
SM64 (and SMB3 kinda?) does this, too!
I think this is the best mario game ever. Although, I may be biased because I was in 2nd grade when it was released. Man, that $200 price tag back then for the snes was crazy!!
Ever notice how the vast majority of Nintendo successes from 1989 till about 1995 we're all basically variations of Mario Brothers three
It wasn't until very recently, that I even realized the Castle/ Ghost House was still the main theme music.
Reviewing the recorded footage after playing and listening to the sound was an eye opening experience for me haha :)
You mean ear opening lol
Top Secret Area isn't the best way to farm lives though. The star in Forest of Illusion 1 is probably the most well-known, but the best way by far is the P-switch that turns enemies into silver coins in Vanilla Secret 2, which chain into 3ups, getting 50+ lives on one run of the level.
Awesome video! Subscribed
Welcome aboard!
If any of the mechanics feel half-baked, it is because according to the devs, the game was never finished. Although this game is so amazing as is, I can't imagine it being a whole lot better.
22:38 Oh! It always seemed completely random which direction the coins would go, and that never felt right to me.
theres also that flight you can initiate with the spin jump instead of the regular jump. it took a rom hack to teach me that existed (i think its mentioned in the manual though)
The coin controlling mechanic is explained in the only ice level in the game. (Donut Secret 2 iirc)
Great as always brother. Keep it up!
Will do, thank you!!
My very first video game, and _still_ one of my favorite platformers of all time. Perhaps even my favorite Mario game of all time, but tied together with _Super Mario Galaxy 2._ This game IS Super Mario in essence, for my money, and Yoshi was perhaps one of my first imaginary friends as a baby! I could wax nostalgic all day as to how important this game is to me, artistically, even, but I'll just say that its design holds up beautifully, in my opinion. Sure, there aren't as many fancy power-up suits as its predecessor, but Yoshi and his abilities more than make up for it.
Mario and Luigi's movement is the best in the series too, as in this game they move with an unmatched speed and fluidity, so much of an improvement over the previous games that whenever I go back to the older Marios, everything from running to jumping just feels so stiff and awkward! This is also Koji Kondo's best soundtrack, by _far,_ in my opinion, and I could hum these classic tunes 'til kingdom come! Ah, and final fight with Bowser and his freaky Koopa Clown Car is one of the most memorable experiences of my entire childhood.
_Super Mario World_ will always be perfect in my opinion, for me and many 90s kids, this is to us what the original _Super Mario Bros._ and its NES ilk were to those who grew up in the 80s before us. It's a masterpiece that will be remembered always. 10/10
Totally agree!
As a fan of his reviews, I really don't think this review did this classic justice, but whatever. I'm totally biased! SMW is my baby, you know. Immune to criticism on my watch!!
oh man when i was a kid i didn't know about controlling the direction of the lines of coins, in that one level you showed build a staircase, i had to fly up with a cape, stop flying and duck mid air, and land with like the edge of my toe in that opening and jump while crouched u bump your head but if u hold sideways it moves you a little bit, so like 10 little jumps and u squeeze though, or if u hit the flight just right, u can just glide right on through, i could hardly ever do that
Also it wasn't mentioned that if you allow baby yoshi to eat a power he will automatically grow to a full yoshi
The swimming in Super Mario World is something I wasn't really fond of, because his horizontal speed is significantly reduced compared to Mario 1 and Mario 3 even without the frog suit, to the point where it feels really slow compared to the previous games, which already weren't the best in that regard.
Super Mario World is my favourite Mario game of all time and the only one I've ever completed. Even though I have to admit that after Mario 64 Nintendo and the Mario franchise became less appealing to me. I guess mainly because of adolescence. Anyway, if you'll reviewing more of the Mario platformers, I may become interested in some of them. And I agree with you, Super Mario World is a great game for everyone, beginners, veterans, young and old. Thanks for the great review.
When you get all the chaos emeralds in sonic go supersonic you shat a brick back in the day because there was no Way you could've known about that. It literally freaked people out
I feel silly for saying this but I never realized until this video that the same music was played at different levels just a different version of it!!!
Love this soundtrack!!
Loved this video, lots of nice points and a constant flow that didn't feel rushed.
As for those issues about coin trails and pipe cannons, I know in the GBA version message boxes do exist for the coin trails, and I *think* there's boxes for the cannons as well. One other thing to note about the cannons is that holding up isn't the solution, (though it may work I've never tried) but rather holding jump while being launched out. Other than that this video was a great summary of the reason me and probably thousands of others enjoyed this Mario the most.
Glad you enjoyed the video :) After playing with the cannons more, I think you just *can't* be holding the "right" button on the D-Pad. Up appears to do the same as pressing nothing, getting Mario to the Paratroopa at the exact right moment. I hadn't thought to try and hold the jump button if I'm honest. I'm still not certain why holding what is effectively "forward" slows Mario down and causes him to miss the enemy. Still it's minor in the grand scheme of things. Cheers!
Another thing GBA does is add colored Yoshis to the main game once they've been fed in Star World. They're tied to power ups though (Blue for Cape, Red for Fire Flower, and Yellow for Mushroom (I think)), so they argueably go from underpowered to overpowered (Blue Yoshi + Cape Feather will certainly get you places)
@@VirtualScallop Uhh you mean Red Yoshi=Red Koopa/Red Toads Green Toads/Green Yoshi=Green Koopa Yellow Yoshi=Yellow Koopas/Yellow Toads and Blue Koopas=Blue toads/Blue Yoshi's! Yeah...
@@travisshaffer6623 uh... not sure what you're trying to say honestly
@@VirtualScallop that these are recurring colors Red Green Yellow and Blue are used by Koopas Toads and Yoshis for them all and each have their own abilities as a result too...
I was today years old when I learned you could push up while swimming to ascend quickly
World and 3 are my favorite, btw baby yoshi can grow up instantly if you feed it a star
Man, how do you seem to get every minute detail into these?
I remember renting a SNES with SMW and Super Rtype and having a sleep over back in the day. We stayed up pretty much all night playing mostly SMW. I'd like to hear your first experience/memories with the game, but I understand this is a review/overview.
I enjoyed how it used the same theme over and over, without it getting repetitive. Another game I like that does this is Radiant Silvergun for the Saturn. One if my favorite games ever.
I'm going back to WI for the holidays next weekend. I'm sure I'll hit up Game Trade. Maybe I can leave something for you there as a thank you? Not sure if they'll do that, though.
I think I read you'll pick up next year again with SM64? Cool. Enjoy the break!
I take a lot of notes haha :) Even then there are always a few things I forget to talk about (such as the Red, Pink, and Green berries in SMW). I was a Sega kid growing up, and when I did have a chance to play the SNES I was all over Super Mario Kart (I was obsessed!). Have a safe trip back to WI, J! I’ll have a small package waiting for you at Press Start :)
+implantgames Something for me? I didn't do anything special.
Ok. Should I leave it for you at Press Start then? Since they seem ok with holding stuff.
Ohhh man, being 14 years old and playing SMW until I got eye fatigue. Those were the days.
I grew up playing SMW, and didn't get to play 3 till a few years later in a limited capacity at other people's house. I ended up liking 3 more (first played the all-star version, then the NES later). I could never really articulate why I liked 3 better, but I think it's cause it has much more variety in its levels, and themes. All the levels in SMW, in every world, kind of look the same, as they only have like five themes for regular levels (grassy, green mushroom platforms, forest, underground, and sky). SMB3 just felt so much bigger to me. I like SMW's save system, better, but I liked the item management, and maps in 3 better. I like how World has more intricate levels though, and it does feel more polished in some areas, and less experimental. I love both games, and which I say is my favorite pretty much depends on the day. :p
My favourite game ♥
14:10 Voice crack :)
Ha! By the end of recording I have basically no voice left.
I prefer Mario 3, not only because it had more power-ups, but also because it did more with the world maps. Toad houses, slot machines, card games, wandering hammer bros, checkpoints unlocked by fortresses, breakable boulders, Jugem's Cloud, and the boat in World 3. Mario World, by comparison, has alternate exits and the Top Secret Area. Two good features, but that's it.
Are you planning to cover the Super Mario Advance games at any point? I'd like to hear your input on the changes from the original versions of these games.
I don't actually own any of them at the moment! I know there is interest in them and I look forward to playing them in the future :)
Amazing review!
Thank you Sir!
implantgames your welcome!
Mario Really Started In The Arcade Called Donkey Kong 1982 After That The NES Was
Born Into Homes 1985 ..Duck Hunt And Mario Bros With Luigi ..
18:58 I don't see why being able to fly forever is such an issue. It gives the player extra freedom, and doesn't really seem like a balancing issue. If someone wants to skip a level that they don't like, or an annoying portion of a level, they generally have the freedom to do so. If someone feels that flying over a level is too overpowered, they could simply....not. They would have that freedom. It's not a matter of balancing imo, it's a matter of choice.
I always just use a Blue yoshi to do tubular, u can stop at one point and grab another koopa to refresh it. And in that ghost house i literally have NEVER seen anyone build that platform lol, i usually just crouch fly up there haha.
I didn't think there were any koopas in tubular?
“I can’t help but feel some aspects of the game were rushed”
Fun Fact: Super Mario World has the rare title of the unfinished 2D Mario game. Miyamoto has said that he was disappointed in the games development cycle, feeling that it was an incomplete project. I think Balancing the cape feather and adding Yoshi’s depth is probably what he is talking about. With how polished the game is overall ,however, it’s strange to learn that miyamoto feels it was rushed.
No way...
I thought it was a laundry detergent.
The cape feather, aka Mario's most broken power up
Actually, the tail whip in Mario 3 couldn't even be used when standing in water...
11:32 That checkerboarding wouldn't exist if you were on a CRT.
I trust you watch all of your youtube classic reviews on a CRT.
I forgot about those moons ^_^
If you include the coloured Yoshis and Lakitu's cloud then there are about as many power-ups in SMW as in SMB3, and many of the power-ups in SMB3 only occur two or three times in the game.
(And you forgot to mention Sonic's shield :P)
I wish Nintendo would make a new version of this game. The new SMB games don't capture the same magic imo. I'd love another "cartoony" version of SMW. It worked for Sonic Mania.
I'm at 95 exits in my current play through of the game (first time playing it since the 1990s) and I really enjoyed this video (semi-spoilered myself on my 96th exit in this video but that's OK). I never heard of it before but I find the debate about which jump is the best to be interesting. For me, SMW is the most responsive and I find it suits me the best. I beat SMB3 last month and when I go back to it I actually die a bit because I think it's going to play like SMW. I really just feel like they nailed it exactly in SMW with both the jump and accel/decel. SMB1 almost feels like a different genre when I try it now.
Also a big difference between this and SMB3 is accessibility. I found this game extremely easy coming off SMB3, to the point where I don't think I died in the first world or two, and never had to try a (mandatory) level more than 2-3 times. Granted, the special stages were hard, but no harder than late world 7 or 8 stages. The first time I beat Bowser I was actually like "that's it?" as I thought surely that couldn't be the last boss. It's not bad to be accessible, but since this game has a save feature I would have thought more difficulty would have been allowed since you can always come back another day without lost progress.
Overall though I highly enjoyed SMW, perhaps more now than when I first played it at 11 years old.
implantgames could you review rayman M/arena?
its a racing game but it has 3d platforming mechanics and i would like your opinion on it
Do you have any idea how difficult cape flying or boss fights were for 10 year old me??
Nice video. But I have to disagree a bit about the cape feather being AS game breaking as the P-Wing or Super Leaf was in SMB3. You didn't have to do anything other than tap the jump button repeatedly to keep going as Raccoon Mario. In SMW, you need to keep a consistent rhythm going in order to fly over the stage that you want to fly over. This makes you have to fully be able to understand the mechanics of flying with the cape in order to do that efficiently. Thus, this take more skill out of the player to be able to utilize this mechanic. It's easy enough to know how to do it, but one needs to be skilled enough to be able to do this on a consistent basis without their hands becoming tired from performing the moves. It's like Nintendo still gave the players the option to do things in that manner, but to make those players have to master the cape feather powers to be able to do so.
Great Video! Thanks!
What's your next review, also would you do a review on Dragon Ball Advanced Adventure, it's an action platformer
The music repeating is again experimented with, and may I say to a much farther extent, and almost more interestingly, by Kazumi Totaka in Super Mario Land II. I await your video on that one!