The rolling code stuff is made so complicated. I have really hard times to learn new remotes. I have 2 gates and 2 garage doors, all roling code. Sometimes the one works, sometimes not, somtimes the other, sometimes not. I werent even able to learn new remote. Im annoyed by the rolling code stuff. But btw, so far, your video is the best ive ever saw here. I will try all your tipps to learn new remotes. Thanks.
Questions for the first remote introduced: Is there an indication of low battery? What is the procedure for replacing a battery and what type is it? Do I need to tune it again after replacing the battery?
The rolling code stuff is made so complicated. I have really hard times to learn new remotes. I have 2 gates and 2 garage doors, all roling code. Sometimes the one works, sometimes not, somtimes the other, sometimes not. I werent even able to learn new remote. Im annoyed by the rolling code stuff.
But btw, so far, your video is the best ive ever saw here. I will try all your tipps to learn new remotes. Thanks.
Thanks. This movie really helped me.
Questions for the first remote introduced: Is there an indication of low battery? What is the procedure for replacing a battery and what type is it? Do I need to tune it again after replacing the battery?
Anything to reduce the signal time, if i want to stop the motor i cant cause it stops but as signal remains on it starts again.
Great video!
Can you tell me where to buy the frequency counter and also if you can share the instruction manual.
Regards from PANAMA
Does it work for 303MHz Boss or Guardian remotes?
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