Thank you for your time and effort . Love your lectures . How can I reach you Rabby? I am live in Miami by the last 28 years and need your advice. Thank You! Shelly Shlomit Newstat.
Another point, all stories told in the Gemarah ,and all of Chazal ,cannot be understood as stories, they are all very deep understanding wrapped in levushim meshalim.
Rabbi Biton, i already told you to stop saying this stupidity, its a lie. There is no old man that is Eliyahu hanavy ,its a madreiga period. Eliyahu does not appear to people as an old man, that is an understanding of a 5 year old. Its a high level of understanding called Eliyahu. Also the Zoar cannot be read literally ,as its codes and not stories, just like the Zoar says about the Torah ,that whoever thinks that its a book of stories, is a kofer and has no chelek leolam haba.The Torah is codes and a very deep understandings of olam haemet told in a mashal and wrapped in a story.
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×שך ××× ×ª×××š× ××× ×עך××¥ ש××× ×Š×× ×ך ××× ×××
ת×××š× ×××× ×ך×ððð
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×××× ×§×××©× ×××£ ×ש×××¢ ×ת ×××× ×ך×
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ת××× ×ת ×× ××¢× ××× ×ª ××ךתקת, ס×××£ ×××ª× × ×ך××ת ×××× ××× ××ך. ××שך ××! ת×××š× ××€× ×¢××××. ×××! ððð¹ðððððððð¥
Thank you for your time and effort . Love your lectures . How can I reach you Rabby?
I am live in Miami by the last 28 years and need your advice.
Thank You!
Shelly Shlomit Newstat.
you can call +97239509686
Another point, all stories told in the Gemarah ,and all of Chazal ,cannot be understood as stories, they are all very deep understanding wrapped in levushim meshalim.
××š× ××× ××¡× ××× ×©××ª× ×€×ª××× ×š××× ×××× ×× ×©× ××Š× ×××× × ×¢×× ××ª× ×× ×š××× ×××× ×š×§ ׊××¢ ×××
×× ×©×××¢××
×× ×©×××¢×× ××× ×§××
Rabbi Biton, i already told you to stop saying this stupidity, its a lie. There is no old man that is Eliyahu hanavy ,its a madreiga period. Eliyahu does not appear to people as an old man, that is an understanding of a 5 year old. Its a high level of understanding called Eliyahu. Also the Zoar cannot be read literally ,as its codes and not stories, just like the Zoar says about the Torah ,that whoever thinks that its a book of stories, is a kofer and has no chelek leolam haba.The Torah is codes and a very deep understandings of olam haemet told in a mashal and wrapped in a story.