for some reason skittlz gets the best interactions and fans, i do like skittlz more cuz hes more entertaining with more material but dude has like 80k+ less subs lol how is oozie not getting known (k nvm i misread skittlz' subs earlier mf almost has 1m 😭.)
Finally content creators started punishing the griefers by teamkilling. I thought this community would always remain impotent and sterile. Whenever in my 7k hours I tried to make things right combatting the toxicity I was always made to be the toxic one.
oozie idk if you remember me but I met you at the bmw dealership in Dallas that one day with my brother and friend trying to look for a car. My name was Jayden it was so cool meeting you. And I hit champ recently too 🤞
I thought "Cheesy Poofs" was an American thing - "Poof" means something very different in the UK (at least Scotland). They're called Cheesy Wotsits here.
Yeah the toxicity that some Kids have in Siege should be a crime in the category: Injury it hurts my brain trying to explain in almost every Match why People should DRONE before going in a Room but the only response i always get is "STFU you're trash!" like bruh i'm just trying to help them by giving useful Tips donkeys. and in the end complaining about having a trash team when the responseable one isn't even helping the Team lmao.
I don’t think I’d make a good streamer especially if I had the skill oozie does cause someone says something stupid I’m plugging that shi immediately. Ego is such a weakness for me.
Streaming Right NOW! -
i love how that wicked dude got quiet when you started calling him fat and having bad posture, that definitely hit a nerve cause its true.
fax u can hear it in his voice lmao
You can hear it in his voice. 27 year old man whos fat and can barley say a sentence without running out of breath
How do people still don’t know who Oozie is😭
Its good they dont
for some reason skittlz gets the best interactions and fans, i do like skittlz more cuz hes more entertaining with more material but dude has like 80k+ less subs lol how is oozie not getting known (k nvm i misread skittlz' subs earlier mf almost has 1m 😭.)
@@nikkoshodo may be because Oozie has the typical teenager voice like lots of people have, and Skittles has a unique, more notable voice.
@@Oneiros433nah probably cuz Karan has a deep voice and Oozie is the most handsome femboy and most of the people don't like femboys(jk)
Bros ops is the entire company of ubi and 40% of siege players 😭
Ik you don’t drop the twitch immediately to get better content cause they will switch up if u did but at least do it at the end so they can feel dumb
why is bro always gettin hated on bru
Siege is so full of miserable people.thats why I often take a break from it lol
South african ?
Im so bad if someones dominating me so hard i probably also would opponent is cheating 😅
suck it harder
@@yoyobagg So true. Even when they have 1 kill and 5 deaths they will still insult you when you‘re MVP. Must be miserable people behind the monitor
"I hope a double decker bus takes you out" had me dead 💀
in game ofc
Should've dropped the twitch to see their reaction at the end of the games
surely start dropping the twitch at the end that's my favourite part of the reaction when they realise they're wrong and ur just BETTER xD
nah nah nah dont group everyone in the uk in with that chanka
@@ooziieliterally bro im a wholesome British siege player
35 seconds no comments, sell the bmw it’s over.
u make no sense brother...
Your head
Never in my life have I seen Ozzie go mira
imagine being so miserable you decide to spend the rest of the game in a video game designed for fun by not having fun. that tachanka is crazy
9:28 the femboy allegations are NEVER going away after this
Plug your twitch more
facts all he gotta do is plug the twitch and call them broke losers lmao
nah they say funnier shit if they think he’s a random
in game or on video?!
@@ooziiein game
@@ooziiein game bro !! I would love to hear people’s reactions !! “Omggg it’s Oozie, I love your videos!” Head asses 🤣👏🏽
oozie is the best at rage baiting lmfaooooooo
The rise and fall of tachanka
Oozie acts like he doesn't like these situations but he knows it's all content and he loves it 🤣
“hit diamond then talk to me” little does that guy know 😭😭😭
Alternative title: i dropped 23 kills with ONE toxic teammate
Bro is the master ragebaiter
27:10 big boy said that in the most zesty way.
"I hope a double decker bus takes you out" LMAOOOOO
I want to be just like you oozie, thats why I spent all my money on a gaming pc and i got 20 fps. It is great!
Everytime someone says the word mid to me now I’m gonna be reminded of this video
Thanks for always bein there for me ooz
Bros villan arc has begun🙏
Ily ooziie❤
I always thought I won arguments like these I’ve now learned.. I was only a victim
This video just shows the 2 sides of siege
no way that get wrecked guy is talking about someone sounded like a fruit cup when he sounds like that 😭
Bro he said "fruitt cuap" like a literal female
i love oozies vids
Would love to see a 1v1 with spoit, would you consider it, would be awesome to watch
200 views in 6 mins, proud of you bro good job 👍
drop a coffee and pizza ooz😞
People should know you, you are soo talented ❤❤❤❤ love you
the things i wouldve said at 28:25 would make me banned for generations on twitch
started laughing when the one guy said hit diamond then talk to me. Little does he know who he's playing with lmao
Console diamond too😭
Finally content creators started punishing the griefers by teamkilling.
I thought this community would always remain impotent and sterile.
Whenever in my 7k hours I tried to make things right combatting the toxicity I was always made to be the toxic one.
Those guys last match are the most biggest 🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱 and they were so bad.
Great video Ooz 💪🏽💯
I'd just tell my team to go on twitch and be mesmerized. For enemies I'll drop my handle at the end of every match 😂
“Should i throw it” 😂 no better than the people shit talking you
Plz drop your twitch more ❤❤❤
how do i add those operator badges he had on specific operators in game?
ooziie charm, I need it
ooziie just like that😩
bro fears no one 😭😭😭
"oh so you play on console it's even worse"
"bRoOOo nO One is TalKing tO yOOuuU 😭😭😭"
11:15 😂😂😂
And he replied mid
i love how u deal with them i do the same shit in valorant and u do it so much better LMFAO ur goated
Average klar W
yep ozzie is cheat!!
ooziie handcam?
next season you should play one game and go 25-1 just so the whole season it says you got a 25k/d
I hope they all see this video and it ruins their day😐😂
luv the vids bro
oozie I left twitch to watch this on 1.75x speed
I didn't see the 2x it's faster now
It's on 144p too now
I clicked on this thinking it was a skittlz vid still good though
Top fragged the second game and didnt even play for 3 rounds. How is that even possible😭😭😭
oozie idk if you remember me but I met you at the bmw dealership in Dallas that one day with my brother and friend trying to look for a car. My name was Jayden it was so cool meeting you. And I hit champ recently too 🤞
Yes I do LOL nice meeting you man
@@ooziie RAHHHHHHH
I thought "Cheesy Poofs" was an American thing - "Poof" means something very different in the UK (at least Scotland).
They're called Cheesy Wotsits here.
That’s so funny.
Puffs is what we call them
cheesy poofs is a south park reference. it might be an actual thing but i know it from south park
tbf that recoil did look sus some
I wonder if they see this lmaooo
8:21 bro has 15 kills and his hole team has 1
Didn’t know oozie was tapped in 👀I peep the I care bc you do pic in the back
And bladee??
In his defence you’ve been getting banned 😭
10:30 : avrg day in uk
19:33 fire cylo
Crazy how people can't tell when someone is just good 🤦
Never seen a grown man get this offended by someone saying “mid” ooziie is so fragile lol 😭
Bro what
@@ooziie you genuinely got pissed off at that Amourath dude lol
Thank god i got a 3 stack to play this game 🙏 dont have to deal with these babies in my games
why do people seem to think you're a multi billionaire
cuz he owns a big car or maybe two idk,he's not a billionaire but more than wealthy
@@Angel-ts4kt I’m sure he’s comfortable but ion think he’s overly wealthy or anything
Yeah the toxicity that some Kids have in Siege should be a crime in the category: Injury
it hurts my brain trying to explain in almost every Match why People should DRONE before going in a Room but the only response i always get is "STFU you're trash!"
like bruh i'm just trying to help them by giving useful Tips donkeys. and in the end complaining about having a trash team when the responseable one isn't even helping the Team lmao.
If you keep playing the game you'll realize most of them are adults.
Love my pookems oozie
Oozie believe in Jesus and go to a bible believing church ! All love brother
Bro at 1m 44 seconds how did you get a kill withoutshooting the bosg?
People think that everyone has to be bad like them...
48 views in 2 minutes, bro fell off
I don’t think I’d make a good streamer especially if I had the skill oozie does cause someone says something stupid I’m plugging that shi immediately. Ego is such a weakness for me.
I’m not gonna lie the dissing you were doing was making me wanna be on there side.
11 views 1 minute sell the house
am i goated for having the same exact hair as u( mines just a bit fluffier)
“Bro tbh I died like twice in 3 games “
Gets banned
“Bro they really think I’m cheating “
U definitely are bud not dying in a one headshot kill game
rust ak in the back?
Here after 10 seconds
oozie 2 good
Where is the best place to buy a r6 account from guys ?
Cheesy poofs😂
you were playing the same enemy team again
Cam the man and not dryzzo
Ooziie liked my comment if you the goat ik u r
as someone from the uk we dont claim this special needs case
i do not want to get this geek into my ranked match
bro please start dropping the UA-cam after 😂 so dey can eat all their fucking words
tell them they’re broke and u got more money 😂
No that's corny as shit.
11:12 he is
ooziie carry me to champ plz🙏🙏🙏 only 5 more games🐐
😂we’re u invited to the diddy party? Ozzie: do u kno karan?
I see a rust Ak in the background please upload rust vids