How on earth dares who to taste death but Jesus! the suppression of uncomfortable gospel may be common in religion or common church science but that's not the path to knowledge, it's called ooparts. The gospel, self-correcting process, to be accepted, A new life must survive. I had a philosophical fall out from material which is too toxic.
그리스도께서는 죽음에 이르는 고난을 당하셨습니다. 이는 우리를 온전케 하시기 위함입니다. 마귀는 죽음의 권세를 잡은 원수로 우리를 두렵게 합니다. 그 두려움에서 자유케 하시기 위해서 손수 죽음을 맛보신 예수 그리스도를 찬양하고 경배합니다. 아멘!
How on earth dares who to taste death but Jesus! the suppression of uncomfortable
gospel may be common in religion or common church science but that's not the path
to knowledge, it's called ooparts. The gospel, self-correcting process, to be accepted,
A new life must survive. I had a philosophical fall out from material which is too toxic.
예수님의 몸이 찢기심으로 내가 나음을입었다는것은 생각할수록 그사랑이 너무깊고 오묘합니다.