Planner Dilemma|Chatty Rant|Filofax Setup

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024
  • Hello Everyone! In this video, I am trying to talk through my current planner dilemma. My apologies if it's a bit long and boring, but I wanted to share this in hopes of getting some advice, and maybe helping someone else who may feel the same. Feel free to leave comments below. Please Like & Subscribe and thank you so much for watching! Have an awesome day!
    Links to Products used and mentioned are below:
    Cloth & Paper:
    The Planner Spot:
    Find me on Instagram: @just_keyz


  • @Magy09able
    @Magy09able 4 роки тому

    Thank you for sharing. I have a similar dilemma: sometimes using rings feels boring and bulky, so I feel like using a bujo. But I give up pretty quickly after setting spreads.
    The middle option turned out to be using rings with some dotted paper for some sections.

    • @KeyzDesignzLLC
      @KeyzDesignzLLC  4 роки тому

      Thank you so much for watching. Using rings and a dotted notebook is actually a great idea. I'm currently back in rings, pocket size. I am enjoying it so far.

  • @Kathy_Ellen
    @Kathy_Ellen 5 років тому +2

    I guess I am not alone with the never-ending battle of Filofax vs notebook. It is a difficult decision for me too. :)

    • @KeyzDesignzLLC
      @KeyzDesignzLLC  5 років тому +1

      Kathyest Sorry to hear that you are having the same issue. Which one are you leaning towards? Thanks for watching 😊

    • @Kathy_Ellen
      @Kathy_Ellen 5 років тому

      @@KeyzDesignzLLC I only in rings right now but my heart is pulled towards my notebook. I may try to do only daily pages in my notebook but I worry that it would be too weird.

  • @LesaKenner
    @LesaKenner 5 років тому

    Someone told me once use whichever planner makes you wan to pick it up and use it. For me I reach for my rings because I can slit the daily pages and keep them on my desk then pop them back in when I’m done. I don’t have hardly any appointments so a daily to do list is more important. I’ve spent lots of money and time only to switch from a travelers notebook to a ring based system. I miss the feel of the leather from the travelers notebook though so I put rings in strings and I’m enjoying best of both worlds. I can’t handle having used pages in my planner and taking them out makes my brain happy so another reason I switched to rings. That and no matter what page I’m on it lays open and flat by itself. I would use both and see how you feel after awhile and make a pro and con list for each. It’s not an easy decision and it actually takes toying with both systems to make a decision good luck!!

    • @KeyzDesignzLLC
      @KeyzDesignzLLC  5 років тому

      Lesa Kenner Thank You so much for your words of encouragement! I’ve been using the rings and each day I actually love it more. I started in Rings years ago and here I am right back lol. But it is working for me.

  • @faithandbulletjournals
    @faithandbulletjournals 5 років тому

    I’m still having the same issue! I thought I would be able to clear my mind this weekend and decide on which planner I wanna use but I’ve only narrowed it down to 3... 👀 this has me anxious and I don’t know why... I’ve been using 2 planners for about 2 years now because I keep all my homeschooling planning in a separate planner but not sure why picking one for my EDC is hard. I will say I do love my B6 too!!

    • @KeyzDesignzLLC
      @KeyzDesignzLLC  5 років тому

      HomeschoolingPlannerMomma It’s something about this month that has everyone frazzled! Maybe we should stop and just use what’s always been working 🤷🏽‍♀️ ... I hope we both are able to make a decision soon and just be done with it! 🤗

  • @moniki_writes
    @moniki_writes 5 років тому

    Use the notebook it’s more free flowing. Rings seems too complicated for ya. 🥳🥳🥳🤗

    • @KeyzDesignzLLC
      @KeyzDesignzLLC  5 років тому

      Monique Smith Hahaha can’t argue with you there. The rings are definitely too much for me 😊🤗

  • @christineaufmann6414
    @christineaufmann6414 5 років тому +1

    Use the notebook. You didn’t say anything negative about it. It’s possible you like the Filofax planner itself but not ring planning in general.

    • @KeyzDesignzLLC
      @KeyzDesignzLLC  5 років тому +1

      Christine Aufmann You are absolutely right! I didn’t say anything negative about the notebook 🤔 and I do like the Filofax itself just not the rings. Thank you so much 😊