Unreal Engine free assets December 2024 Part 2

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @coondog7934
    @coondog7934 День тому +3

    Thanks for the reminder, as always!

  • @dwain.d
    @dwain.d 15 годин тому +1

    The office set reminds me of the detective's office or whatever it was that was permanently free. There are a fair few props I can use and modify from that office anyway as it will fit a couple of my scenes and any time I don't have to spend my own time doing busy modeling and texturing work and the more time I get to actually building functionality and systems the better.

  • @blenderahoi-jb5ol
    @blenderahoi-jb5ol День тому +2

    As before, nothing I need right now, but who knows. And Thanks to show how it looks and how useful it may be.

  • @emirisik
    @emirisik День тому +9

    Sad! They could've done something good for Christmas but instead they give us 50 bucks worth of assets.

    • @coondog7934
      @coondog7934 День тому +2

      They could also just give absolutely nothing for free instead, like all the other asset stores. A little bit more appreciation please, thank you.

    • @emirisik
      @emirisik День тому

      @@coondog7934 then they would be no different than the other asset stores. This is their competitive advantage. All I'm saying is that they could've picked more unique/useful assets, especially because its Christmas time! And I do appreciate them of course, just like everyone else.

    • @darnedghost2008
      @darnedghost2008 День тому

      @@coondog7934 agree coondog still high quality assets for free

    • @LeafBranchGames
      @LeafBranchGames  День тому +2

      It would have been nice with something a bit special for the holidays.

    • @hharald
      @hharald День тому

      It's better than nothing. Plus, they gave us fab already 😁

  • @sniper44x
    @sniper44x 20 годин тому

    Part 2 time i forgot yes!

    • @LeafBranchGames
      @LeafBranchGames  17 годин тому

      The cadence is very high on the asset give aways now.

  • @HTFGamesStudio
    @HTFGamesStudio День тому +1

    Great that Epic still give away free staff. But the pick of asset isn't the best this time around.

  • @shirotonbo6315
    @shirotonbo6315 6 годин тому +1

    December #1 asset were much better! 😢

    • @LeafBranchGames
      @LeafBranchGames  5 годин тому +1

      Glad to hear you liked the assets in part #1! Not many were overly excited unfortunately. :)

    • @shirotonbo6315
      @shirotonbo6315 37 хвилин тому

      I liked the stylized creature collection by N-Hance

  • @armchairgeneral7363
    @armchairgeneral7363 День тому +1

    Not quite as useful as I was hoping. But I really can't complain after they gave away one of Phoenix's game templates, a few months ago

    • @LeafBranchGames
      @LeafBranchGames  День тому +1

      That is of course one take. You could also argue, changing it from how it is now, to having fewer but higher quality or useful assets would be a more interesting tradeoff.

    • @armchairgeneral7363
      @armchairgeneral7363 День тому

      Yeah, these environmental assets are extremely situational. But at least I have an use for the airfield. As for the rest, I'm not entirely sure; but I certainly can't complain too much.
      Overall, I'm not the biggest fan of the current release cycle. But my stance is that they'll eventually give away something that's incredibly useful... eventually

    • @LeafBranchGames
      @LeafBranchGames  17 годин тому

      @@armchairgeneral7363 I hope you are correct. :)

  • @andreww4751
    @andreww4751 День тому +1


  • @goblinman3010
    @goblinman3010 День тому +2

    Huh i only like the Japanese houses one

    • @LeafBranchGames
      @LeafBranchGames  День тому

      It is a fairly useful one if Japanese houses is what you are looking to create, for sure. :)

    • @nyomanbandarayani6830
      @nyomanbandarayani6830 День тому

      gonna use it for Tenchu-like game LOL

  • @kellowattentertainment
    @kellowattentertainment День тому +4

    More trash... Yay!

    • @LeafBranchGames
      @LeafBranchGames  День тому

      Sometimes they are a bit less impressive and useful, that is true.

    • @kellowattentertainment
      @kellowattentertainment День тому

      @LeafBranchGames I'm honestly lost for words. And that's being nice.

    • @LeafBranchGames
      @LeafBranchGames  День тому

      @@kellowattentertainment Maybe all they need is some feedback from the community to change direction.

    • @nyomanbandarayani6830
      @nyomanbandarayani6830 День тому

      they should remove all the low poly asset for Unity so we won't get any low poly for FREE STUFF