The office set reminds me of the detective's office or whatever it was that was permanently free. There are a fair few props I can use and modify from that office anyway as it will fit a couple of my scenes and any time I don't have to spend my own time doing busy modeling and texturing work and the more time I get to actually building functionality and systems the better.
@@coondog7934 then they would be no different than the other asset stores. This is their competitive advantage. All I'm saying is that they could've picked more unique/useful assets, especially because its Christmas time! And I do appreciate them of course, just like everyone else.
That is of course one take. You could also argue, changing it from how it is now, to having fewer but higher quality or useful assets would be a more interesting tradeoff.
Yeah, these environmental assets are extremely situational. But at least I have an use for the airfield. As for the rest, I'm not entirely sure; but I certainly can't complain too much. Overall, I'm not the biggest fan of the current release cycle. But my stance is that they'll eventually give away something that's incredibly useful... eventually
Thanks for the reminder, as always!
My pleasure!
The office set reminds me of the detective's office or whatever it was that was permanently free. There are a fair few props I can use and modify from that office anyway as it will fit a couple of my scenes and any time I don't have to spend my own time doing busy modeling and texturing work and the more time I get to actually building functionality and systems the better.
It does resemble t han one for sure.
As before, nothing I need right now, but who knows. And Thanks to show how it looks and how useful it may be.
My pleasure!
Sad! They could've done something good for Christmas but instead they give us 50 bucks worth of assets.
They could also just give absolutely nothing for free instead, like all the other asset stores. A little bit more appreciation please, thank you.
@@coondog7934 then they would be no different than the other asset stores. This is their competitive advantage. All I'm saying is that they could've picked more unique/useful assets, especially because its Christmas time! And I do appreciate them of course, just like everyone else.
@@coondog7934 agree coondog still high quality assets for free
It would have been nice with something a bit special for the holidays.
It's better than nothing. Plus, they gave us fab already 😁
Part 2 time i forgot yes!
The cadence is very high on the asset give aways now.
Great that Epic still give away free staff. But the pick of asset isn't the best this time around.
I do agree fully.
December #1 asset were much better! 😢
Glad to hear you liked the assets in part #1! Not many were overly excited unfortunately. :)
I liked the stylized creature collection by N-Hance
Not quite as useful as I was hoping. But I really can't complain after they gave away one of Phoenix's game templates, a few months ago
That is of course one take. You could also argue, changing it from how it is now, to having fewer but higher quality or useful assets would be a more interesting tradeoff.
Yeah, these environmental assets are extremely situational. But at least I have an use for the airfield. As for the rest, I'm not entirely sure; but I certainly can't complain too much.
Overall, I'm not the biggest fan of the current release cycle. But my stance is that they'll eventually give away something that's incredibly useful... eventually
@@armchairgeneral7363 I hope you are correct. :)
Win some, lose some
Huh i only like the Japanese houses one
It is a fairly useful one if Japanese houses is what you are looking to create, for sure. :)
gonna use it for Tenchu-like game LOL
More trash... Yay!
Sometimes they are a bit less impressive and useful, that is true.
@LeafBranchGames I'm honestly lost for words. And that's being nice.
@@kellowattentertainment Maybe all they need is some feedback from the community to change direction.
they should remove all the low poly asset for Unity so we won't get any low poly for FREE STUFF