You have to be 62 years old plus to get the 1.1% right? You used 62 and 20 years of service. For example, you can’t be 61 with 29 years of service and a years worth of sick leave accumulated and qualify for the 1.1%. You have to work until your 62 and have the service time required to get it?
You have to be 62 years old plus to get the 1.1% right? You used 62 and 20 years of service. For example, you can’t be 61 with 29 years of service and a years worth of sick leave accumulated and qualify for the 1.1%. You have to work until your 62 and have the service time required to get it?
Correct. must be 62 yo.
Ouch. Please invest in a better mic.
Same old stuff.