

  • @christiancartmale1150
    @christiancartmale1150 7 місяців тому +37

    Listen, I think the game could be better if it used a D10 but I've been playing for 20 years and basically think it's the greatest game of all time.
    I absolutely recognize that your opinion is not only valid, but has a lot of truth to it. Many games I've won are because my opponent gets a terrible roll into a terrible reroll. Inversely, many of the games I lose are because of the same calamities inflicted upon myself.
    I still love it lol 😂 I guess im a psychopath.

    • @Iyanden1432
      @Iyanden1432 3 місяці тому +6

      I agree, I love Bloodbowl, getting screwed by the dice is kinda the point lol, the game is not meant to be taken seriously, if your playing this game strictly to win and not for fun you need to go play something else this is not your game. The SPP is meant to be spread out over season not level up every single game

    • @patknez
      @patknez Місяць тому +2

      He's obviously never thrown a fling for a one turn to win or tie a game you have no business being in
      .. especially with the sound effect on fumbbl. :)

  • @Doowi27
    @Doowi27 7 місяців тому +52

    I always wondered what the "no" sign was for, but I assumed it was for whenever the kids came running into the room asking for something 😄

  • @gaggle1485
    @gaggle1485 7 місяців тому +17

    I feel you, but you're playing the game as a board game when more often than not it's a gambling game...your strategy should revolve around mitigating potential disasters. I will not disagree with your opinion, as it is valid, but i don't think it's a bad game because of the nonsense probabilities.

  • @SirProdigle
    @SirProdigle 7 місяців тому +97

    It'd be like XCom if 17% of the time they shot themself

    • @jonathan2847
      @jonathan2847 7 місяців тому +4

      The new xcom's also have the same problem with rng.
      The old xcom's don't because you have many guys and you don't invest as much into each of them.

    • @portell0
      @portell0 7 місяців тому +2

      "That's Blood Bowl, baby!"

    • @deetsitmeisterjd
      @deetsitmeisterjd 7 місяців тому +4

      No joke this is why those Mario and Rabbids games are fantastic. It's either 100%, 50% or 0% its entirely about positioning.

    • @sinjoh53
      @sinjoh53 7 місяців тому

      @@jonathan2847 xcom is way more forgivable than bloodbowl , you can load back if you mess up to much which you can't do with bloodbowl and if you want the true experience you have iron man which you shouldn't play with mod because it can make the game really unstable.

    • @gregbulman1151
      @gregbulman1151 3 місяці тому +2

      Also Xcom teaches you how to play as you go. Blood bowl tells you a few rules then makes the campaign mode so bloody difficult for newbies it’s insane! Lots of people like ragging on the AI for being bad at the game but my experience is that it’s almost insurmountable even getting through campaign mode. Absolute savage game that seems to enjoy smashing any enthusiasm out of someone interested in giving it a go

  • @kdg8076
    @kdg8076 7 місяців тому +127

    Flax I REALLY like these recent uploads you've made. UA-cam is rough but these occasional videos weather its a vlog, song or game review really make me a HAPPY MAN. I'm a feller that cant catch streams, but Pyrion Flax content is amongst my favorite. So when I see Pflax on Games Night, Mystery Quest, and the Main Channel, damn its a good day.

  • @WolframYouTube
    @WolframYouTube 7 місяців тому +30

    This reminds me of the time where, in Bloodbowl 2, I lost my +2 movement level ups Dwarven Runner to death into medic reroll death vs a Lizardman team named after Bad Dragon dildos.
    In hindsight, really funny, but that really took me out of the game.

  • @hypolecteur
    @hypolecteur 7 місяців тому +17

    I bounced off Blood Bowl 2 when it was released and this honestly gave me an itch to play it again. The youtube review version of "don't think of a pink elephant"

  • @DrJonLubin
    @DrJonLubin 7 місяців тому +12

    You see. You need to pray to Nuffle harder.

  • @ben_has_hobbies
    @ben_has_hobbies 4 місяці тому +10

    Now I love BB even more. It evokes true emotion.

  • @CJVale
    @CJVale 7 місяців тому +7

    I'm going to preface this one with the disclaimer: I've watched your video, and can understand your grievances with it. Okay, we cool now?
    While I do like you trying to liken Blood Bowl to D&D 5e, it's a very inaccurate analogy, it's essentially the classic "Apples and Oranges" comparison. I don't know how much you've dipped into the TTRPG space, but Blood Bowl's dice system is more akin to the d6 dice pool system where you try and build the biggest pool possible to maximise your chance of success. Games in this genre usually have a separate critical success and failure system rather than using the highest and lowest numbers respectively. A game that follows this system, such as Blades in the Dark, would be a more accurate analog.
    Blood Bowl is akin to these kinds of RPGs, but in those you can usually build up more than the three dice maximum in your specialty area. I suppose you could say the game at its core is about risk mitigation, which can be fun. I enjoy it, but only on occasion, I couldn't play it all the time. It's like Catan for me, I hate Catan because I've never played a game of it where someone hasn't been shut out by the dice rolls, and it's not fun for that person.
    Anyway, that's a side rant for another day. My point was that while the analogy was good, the analogy is ultimately inaccurate because of the fundamental differences at the very core of the RNG of the two games.

  • @Milezor
    @Milezor 7 місяців тому +41

    I love to see people being so passionate about something.

  • @dennisfranks1510
    @dennisfranks1510 7 місяців тому +10

    This rant is made from an elf player😂. While i understand/agree with some of the complaints i do believe there is much depth in the game and its built around a failure mechanic. Good players understand they will fail and prepare for the inevitable.

  • @vidiv4730
    @vidiv4730 5 місяців тому +5

    Thats why i love It, the strategy mixed with rng and permadeath generates so much suspance and takes away all the boringness of a mathematical game like chess. Also i love that you cant get attached too much to a team, cause every team you develop is to be considered a single "run" at the game, not your precious jewel representing your entire coach career.

  • @davidpacker7602
    @davidpacker7602 2 місяці тому +4

    It seems odd that your main concern is that the odds of success and failure aren't realistic in a game about fantasy races playing a comedy sportsgame. However everyone is entitled to their opinions and not everything is for everyone.

  • @benneem
    @benneem 7 місяців тому +6

    Blood Bowl is X-Com with a ball. These hard probability based strategy games aren't for everyone.

    • @deetsitmeisterjd
      @deetsitmeisterjd 7 місяців тому

      Its not X-com with a ball though is it.
      X-com is like rolling a d100 with far more reliable factors such as positioning, flanking etc etc
      That and guys will level after killing like 2 enemies.

    • @deetsitmeisterjd
      @deetsitmeisterjd 7 місяців тому

      Its not X-com with a ball though is it.
      X-com is like rolling a d100 with far more reliable factors such as positioning, flanking etc etc
      That and guys will level after killing like 2 enemies.

  • @sidneyflinton6500
    @sidneyflinton6500 7 місяців тому +36

    Your repeated 'that does not make sense' reminded me of the Chewbacca defense. As such I wholeheartedly agree with you

  • @ubertoaster99
    @ubertoaster99 7 місяців тому +11

    I loved the Bloodbowl (2?) league you did with NorthernLion, Crendor, Dodger and others. Introduced me to some good guys. Big fan of NL's stuff since.

  • @Pirigo13
    @Pirigo13 7 місяців тому +19

    Playing low armor teams is also a damn pain in the ass, due to the leveling and the injuries and deaths.
    A bad roll can feel like it destroyed your team sometimes.

  • @frankclancy508
    @frankclancy508 7 місяців тому +10

    The d6 game sounds like a goofy side game mode you'd play for craic

  • @SuperBurgernips
    @SuperBurgernips 7 місяців тому +8

    I remember buying this playing for about 3 or 4 games online and on the last game realized it was just not for me.

  • @Hopohoo2
    @Hopohoo2 7 місяців тому +26

    based and factual
    I will play it again today

  • @RufusOmega
    @RufusOmega 7 місяців тому +4

    I don't play Blood Bowl but I do like it and like to watch people play it. Not because I'm a psychopath, but because I'm a sadist; I enjoy the pain and suffering.

  • @peterbaker5615
    @peterbaker5615 7 місяців тому +4

    Super random para social feeling: Would love to hear you talk about Blood Bowl with @roguehobbies. 😅

  • @alexrussell3907
    @alexrussell3907 7 місяців тому

    I didn’t even realize he was back posting on UA-cam. I came back cause I was wanted to watch an old video of his I remember. Good to see you back!

  • @Zharn_
    @Zharn_ 7 місяців тому +5

    Love this! Dont play it myself for ghe exact same reason but still watch Crendor play here and there.

  • @hannesture9313
    @hannesture9313 3 місяці тому +3

    This clip is hilarious. What is the most ridiculous though is comparing dnd-interactions with miniature game dice rolls. A dice roll in a miniature game can never be as granulated as a dnd-interaction.

    • @crusibex
      @crusibex Годину тому

      Agreed and hey I think his head would explode if he factored the ammoint of d6 in 40k

  • @AfterAscon
    @AfterAscon 7 місяців тому +5

    Blood Bowl is the only game I've rage quit and uninstalled.

  • @h2_
    @h2_ 7 місяців тому +11

    Nuffle has forsaken him.

  • @MrDoomey375
    @MrDoomey375 7 місяців тому

    I dont remember the last time a pyrion flax video landed in my subscription box. But I am happy to see you are still doing you.

  • @kuragh
    @kuragh 6 місяців тому +14

    lol - straight away you saying them picking up the ball and failing despite them being an expert player - makes me think that youve never watched a game of rugby played in the wet - and seeing international level superstars drop the ball like it's a greased egg yolk.
    Your point about bash teams is missing the point too - sounds like you put your whole team in the scrimmage if you are getting that bashed ... hang back, cover lanes - they can only blitz once a turn.... I do agree touchdowns should be 4 though. But casualties arent the easiest to get either.
    Your imbalance talk is weird too - literally tells you teams are of different tiers and balance is inherently wonky. Playing a tier 3 team is like selecting hard mode in a video game, its fun BECAUSE its hard and unfair. Not every game has to be totally balanced - go and look at a couple people playing the game over some brews and yelling and screaming and having a pearler time, telling the stories in discords for years to come of the random things that happen that are hilarious (which you - somewhat correctly call bad game design - but are missing out on the fun part).
    I feel, that even at a competitive level, with tier 1 teams (yawn) if you are playing only to win, and dont want to ride the waves of chaos. You're doing it wrong.
    This coming from a boardgame enthusiast - who has played (and is sometimes bored by) very well designed balanced games (i may also be a lilttle bit of a pyschopath).
    TLDR: Blood Bowl is rad, play it.

  • @Futuristic271
    @Futuristic271 7 місяців тому +14

    I think the appeal of blood bowl for me personally is that the ludicrous rng can happen to both players and the relatively high odds of something dumb happening makes for really good emergent narratives. Also most good plays are made that all your important rolls in the game are based on 2d6, and that then turns failure into a 1/36, which is much more manageable. I can't tell if this is a bit or not but I'm glad that you're stopping playing something you're not enjoying. I personally love blood bowl

  • @strategystuff5080
    @strategystuff5080 4 місяці тому +2

    I love blood bowl 2, and fumble. I don't think there is a problem with the core design tbh, its all about risk minimization. I do think the game should play faster. and yeah guys lvl up way too slowly.

  • @TheRealFishyB
    @TheRealFishyB 7 місяців тому +2

    why you gotta pick on the kobolds?

  • @mattslater167
    @mattslater167 3 місяці тому +1

    I love how evil Blood Bowl is. I love the fear that comes from a 1d6 engine! The best part is how all that horror is so often for nothing: sure, somebody just pissed on your intricate sand sculpture, but now you're that much cheaper: woe betide your next opponent!
    Thanks! It's hilarious watching someone who "should get it but somehow doesn't" go off on the thing you love, bitching quite reasonably about earnest gripes that you think are actually features and not bugs. Whether that was genuine or camp is almost immaterial to the fact that it was fun to watch.

  • @oceankills1515
    @oceankills1515 5 місяців тому +3

    I want to get into blood bowl. Is blood bowl 2 still active? I only see bad reviews for blood bowl 3

    • @mikejonesnoreally
      @mikejonesnoreally 3 місяці тому +1

      Yes Blood Bowl 2 IS still active and quite inexpensive.

    • @randomnpc4173
      @randomnpc4173 2 місяці тому

      Is based on the old leveling spp system, you will see very busted teams against which you can do nothing.
      BB3 is more balanced, is not finished though and had a lot of issues at launch.
      Imo best blood bowl is on Fumbbl

  • @trentb3148
    @trentb3148 7 місяців тому +1

    Lol, appreciate the honesty of the video description.

  • @FishFighterFred
    @FishFighterFred 7 місяців тому

    Does this mean you’ll play football manager now?

  • @geerussell
    @geerussell 2 місяці тому

    I spent a lot of time playing the board game with a fully painted undead team back in the day. Later, I'd spend many, many more hours in Blood Bowl 1 and 2. 100% agree with all the points raised in this video.

  • @Pratalax
    @Pratalax 7 місяців тому +1

    Your dnd analogy reminded me of cheesequest...ahh good times

  • @morteng.lauridsen8068
    @morteng.lauridsen8068 7 місяців тому +10

    To bad you don't enjoy it, but hey plenty of other games to spend your time on. Think that most Blood Bowl players will agree with you points, except that that is those design choices is what makes them love the game.

  • @TheNiebling
    @TheNiebling 7 місяців тому +7

    I have played Blood Bowl for over 30 years. It’s the best game ever made ;)
    Last year I became the European champion in it❤ this game is a part of me :)
    Your d6 rant is not quite fair you forget about rerolls, the best ball handler in the world will have sure hands making it a 1/36 chance of fumbeling the ball
    And yes it is chess, saying it has no strategy is so wrong. There is a reason the same country keeps winning and winning (England)
    It’s a game of risk management
    Also the doctor is on a d16 now ;)

    • @gremlong4
      @gremlong4 5 місяців тому +3

      Also played for 30 years I have no idea what game this guy is playing or if he has played more than 1 game.

    • @KavinayKishor
      @KavinayKishor 3 місяці тому +1

      @@gremlong4 I think there's a certain kind of player who bounces off Blood Bowl due to the 1/6 + 1/9 + 1/36 melting their brain.
      IDK, as @TheNiebling notes, the game is about risk management and most experienced coaches tend to make peace with rerolls and positioning. Maybe the hard part for some gamers is that NOT making plays in BB is sometimes the best strategy based on the turn + reroll situation.

  • @darrenfleming7901
    @darrenfleming7901 4 місяці тому +1

    Funnily enough, the DnD comparison is amazing because in that game critical failure and critical success are 5% and people still often say it's annoying and stupid and there's lots of debate about whether it's actually fun to use that rule because it's just really random and nonsensical in some cases. So it's like Pyrion says, if people have that kind of debate for a 5% chance, imagine a game built around 1/6 critical failure/critical success.

  • @kylee3447
    @kylee3447 7 місяців тому

    i expected you to bust out a break dance in that velour hoodie

  • @greenthousands
    @greenthousands Місяць тому

    What’s better than a D6’s probability? Would the game make more sense using D10 or D20?
    You’re right that it takes forever. 1-2 hours for one match at the table, shorter on console/PC.

  • @Gyokan7
    @Gyokan7 7 місяців тому

    Damn this needed to be one of those paint animated videos.. oh Raymond oh Ma oh

  • @nuffles.nomads
    @nuffles.nomads 4 місяці тому

    The casualty dice is d16 btw :)

  • @Jomchen
    @Jomchen 7 місяців тому

    please upload more flax i don't have time to watch your streams but you're my favourite part of the jingle jam and triforcee

  • @ryanoleary4106
    @ryanoleary4106 7 місяців тому +11

    Man, that’s about the most wrongheaded take you could make about bloodbowl. For a halfling to kill a dragon, they wouldn’t d do it on a 6. They would need to roll 3d6 with the dragon picking the result. If they rolled triple 6, then they would need to meet the dragons armor, which we will assume is an 11, then they’ll need to roll a 10-12, if that succeeds, then it’s 15-16 to kill it and it probably has regen.

    • @gregbulman1151
      @gregbulman1151 3 місяці тому

      Though when playing the ai my experience is that this will happen about 98% of the time as a sure fire thing …

  • @RetroPandroo
    @RetroPandroo 7 місяців тому

    Top 10 Board Games video incoming?

  • @cameroncook
    @cameroncook 7 місяців тому +6

    As someone who's never played blood bowl and watched 15 seconds of the video, I agree 100%

  • @tyukan2000
    @tyukan2000 7 місяців тому

    I have never played Blood Bowl, never seen any gameplay, don't have any friends who've played it, have never given it more that a fleeting thought. I enjoyed this rant immensely despite this

  • @groove-lm6uh
    @groove-lm6uh 7 місяців тому +7

    Sounds like rubber banding so that someone who has invested time and money into buying and painting minatures but has a lower skill level (either as the player, or as their team) feels like they'll have fun fluking a win occasionally instead of getting steamrollered every game. Which is fine, I think. Doesn't really translate into the video game though.

  • @SoNorthitzSouth
    @SoNorthitzSouth 7 місяців тому +5

    pure, unmitigated FACTS. I really like streaming BB2 for my friends and we make a whole thing of it watching how badly all my players fail each game until they literally DIE. Its a fun game but its so imbalanced and shit. Anyone with hundreds of hours in bloodbowl, like you said, might be a psycho lmao

  • @MrVile738
    @MrVile738 7 місяців тому

    All thats missing is the MS paint drawings, and this is classic P-Flax

  • @eXtectiX
    @eXtectiX 7 місяців тому

    its a board game aswell isnt it? some football board game sounds nice to be design at a Six-Sided dice

  • @jameschurch6822
    @jameschurch6822 7 місяців тому +3

    Video game blood bowl is shit. Tabletop blood bowl with some drinks with friends in a little league is brilliant fun. I play halflings specifically because they are the worst team because its funny when things go well and funny when things go badly.

  • @evildrganymede
    @evildrganymede 7 місяців тому +1

    I love listening to these Ted talks :D

  • @rich_in_paradise
    @rich_in_paradise 7 місяців тому +1

    This man as had enough and he CAN'T TAKE IT ANY MORE!

  • @johnmckinley2619
    @johnmckinley2619 2 місяці тому

    Im an avid Blood Bowl player and I endorse this video

  • @milestryhard
    @milestryhard 7 місяців тому +8

    Totally agree about Blood Bowl, I've always thought the RNG was far too much and made it unfun. Loving these videos recently, Flax!

    • @bibsp3556
      @bibsp3556 7 місяців тому

      They need to bring in other sided dice. Some stuff should be on d8s 10s or 20s. Depending on what you're trying to do.

    • @mikt860
      @mikt860 6 місяців тому +3

      ​@@bibsp3556I recall the question of introducing polyhedral dice being asked of the community while playtesting the current edition. The response from the player base was a resounding "hell no".

    • @bibsp3556
      @bibsp3556 6 місяців тому

      @mikt860 lmao yeah I can see that, but don't ask people how to do things right, we are absolute idiots. We don't know what's good for us. D6 just won't cut it these days, we need smaller increments. Just make the whole thing d20 based, 5% increments is chill. 1 always fails, 20 always passes, and the the other 18 can still translate to a d6.

    • @mikt860
      @mikt860 6 місяців тому +3

      @@bibsp3556 BB Ain't DnD, and it shouldn't try to be. There's some odd choices in the game, and some problems. But I don't believe the D6 needs to change. If that's a deal-breaker for you, so be it. This game ain't for you, and that's okay.

  • @G0nti
    @G0nti 7 місяців тому +6

    Thank you Pyrion, I was wondering if I should try Blood Bowl, now I know!

    • @DrPepper380
      @DrPepper380 4 місяці тому +1

      Give it a try! It’s a ton of fun! Especially when you have your team established

  • @OrIoN1989
    @OrIoN1989 7 місяців тому +1

    That is the problem with dice based games. Any chance games more or less.

  • @reptilianviking3386
    @reptilianviking3386 2 місяці тому

    Played a game, bunch of my guys got spp and then they didn't have any. I know it's "skill issue" but my guys constantly getting injured and the other team, nothing.

  • @TheBiomedZed
    @TheBiomedZed 7 місяців тому +3

    Every game devolves into the ball carrier being surrounded by a cage of friendly chuds you just grind down the opposing team and eventually steamroller over to get a touchdown. In the meantime they have injured half your team and killed 2 players.

    • @RazmusWiese
      @RazmusWiese 2 місяці тому

      Half the games resolve like that. Against some teams, they'll pick the ball carrier out of the middle of the cage and score a couple TDs while you're figuring out where the ball went.

    • @lazlo686
      @lazlo686 15 годин тому

      @@RazmusWieseAh hah yes very exciting gameplay.
      So many people play bashy teams because yes scoring is apparently (You know THE WHOLE FUCKING POINT OF THE GAME) is just not as important as grinding the enemy team down to no players. Awesome. I would love for a competent game designer to steal Blood Bowl’s concept and actually make it good. Fucks sake.

    • @RazmusWiese
      @RazmusWiese 6 годин тому

      @@lazlo686 As opposed to other wargames where the objective might be to take a building or destroy a bridge, and in some cases grinding the opposing forces to no units is a valid tactic. Obviously it's just not a game style for you, and that's okay.

  • @PpProblems
    @PpProblems 3 місяці тому

    This Is Why I Play Undead and Am Considering Quitting. Honestly If The Game Is Supposed To Be About Dice Rolls Then My Players Shouldn't Have Value Of Any Kind They Shouldn't Cost Gold, Level Up, Or Have Any Value On My Team Considering How Expensive It Can Be To Replace Them. Either That Or They Should Be Using A D10 And Calculating Stats And Exp. Differently.

  • @DoctorChuck
    @DoctorChuck 2 місяці тому

    I have to admit that Blood Bowl 3 is absolutely infuriating to play and I have installed and uninstalled it multiple times.
    However I keep playing Blood Bowl tabletop and it is usually very fun.

  • @dudekazoo
    @dudekazoo 7 місяців тому

    Okay Pyrion, I won't.

  • @mikeiona
    @mikeiona 7 місяців тому

    I have a friend who loves Pflax's content and BloodBowl (like attends tournaments and what not) and had to send this to him. Sorry Aron 😂

    • @khornight8963
      @khornight8963 7 місяців тому +2

      don't worry this has been sent around 99% of bb communities I'm in, we love it too. not going to stop me asking PF when he's next playing bb next time I'm in stream :D
      (hel'll be back, we all know it)

  • @OmgJomajo
    @OmgJomajo 7 місяців тому +1

    Its like the whole Bloodbowl genre never had its 2.0 version. Left stuck in the past.

    • @burningphoneix
      @burningphoneix 7 місяців тому

      OG Bloodbowl was very different from modern Bloodbowl

    • @OmgJomajo
      @OmgJomajo 7 місяців тому

      @@burningphoneix So, OG bloodbowl was wargaming miniatures and we're still stuck with 1994 version.

  • @dingding12321
    @dingding12321 7 місяців тому +1

    Not to throw too much shade at the Warhammer universe, but AoS 3.0 gave me similar vibes. So many stinkin rules and it takes so long, and yet it's designed as if it's for a casual audience haha.

  • @deetsitmeisterjd
    @deetsitmeisterjd 7 місяців тому

    I've been playing Jagged Alliance 2 again Flax, come to realise how much better percentages are for RNG rolls and JA hides them on purpose and I notice I don't get pissed off when my guys miss 👍
    Saw you play JA3, it's decent but JA2 is still the king.

  • @samnolan45
    @samnolan45 7 місяців тому +1

    love seeing a bit of ted in my feed

  • @Zowednessday
    @Zowednessday 7 місяців тому

    This is such a funny video but also so so valid!!

  • @Cottinmouth
    @Cottinmouth 7 місяців тому +1

    My man needs to organize his shelves

  • @I_Stern
    @I_Stern 3 місяці тому

    For each boardgame/computer game existing you also find that one guy crying about it for whatever reason....🤷‍♂

  • @Venomousse
    @Venomousse 7 місяців тому +3

    Love this game but it is a bit shit isn't it

  • @icemage21k
    @icemage21k 2 місяці тому +1

    its the best game ever! Played it for 40 years now.

  • @andrewbunting2914
    @andrewbunting2914 14 днів тому

    Sounds like my son ( who is 7 ) when he can’t win at something so says he hates it and it’s not a good game 😂 just enjoy playing blood bowl and chill

  • @DenWarrenMusic
    @DenWarrenMusic 2 місяці тому

    Sounds like Blood Bowl is not the game for you. Enjoyed the video.

  • @Refleksy
    @Refleksy 7 місяців тому

    ooh as soon as I saw this drop in my sub box I knew it was gonna be full of OLD MAN RAGE. It did not disappoint.

  • @ratgutsnorthwind9154
    @ratgutsnorthwind9154 2 місяці тому

    I do agree that the game devs probably just dont like the game and try to make it fail.

  • @MrJuiceFreeze
    @MrJuiceFreeze 5 місяців тому

    Love angry rants from Pyrion. Quality content

  • @alexrussell3907
    @alexrussell3907 6 місяців тому

    It would be funny if one day you just dropped a "Pyrion Flaxs guide to *some DOTA hero you haven't done*" lol

  • @SlavicGold
    @SlavicGold 7 місяців тому

    Im not buying the new one after several warnings including this one. Thanks Pflax

  • @lukeboy61
    @lukeboy61 7 місяців тому +4

    The thing that gets people into blood bowl (myself included) is the gambling element of it. You play as optimally as possible, hope for the odd misplay from the opponent. And gamble on your boys winning. I've kicked my addiction but still there is a little piece of me who wants to keep rolling those dice.

  • @ertrstytry
    @ertrstytry 6 місяців тому

    bb1 was fine, it had features that bb2 never had, like live game spectator chat
    it also had some quirks that made certain skills just not work and matchmaking was dead

  • @octopusexperiment1931
    @octopusexperiment1931 7 місяців тому

    Hmm, i should go play some blood bowl

  • @Dinonumber
    @Dinonumber 7 місяців тому +1

    Blood Bowl is one of those games I would love to love but it's just awful. Been playing for ages and finally just ran out of steam with it.

  • @SlayerOfWorlds
    @SlayerOfWorlds 7 місяців тому

    GamesWorkshop reliance on the d6 has been its worst mechanic since the 90s.

  • @Tom-ys1xn
    @Tom-ys1xn 7 місяців тому +1

    Great vid! Now play Blood Bowl...

  • @pikewerfer
    @pikewerfer 6 місяців тому

    I love Blood Bowl. Have played it for ages. Still, I also have no choice but to agree with this video. The game could be so much better. And I did not and will not buy BB3 until it has become a decent game with all races!

  • @eaterofcrabs4683
    @eaterofcrabs4683 7 місяців тому +1

    Still the best CEO

  • @chaoslongshot
    @chaoslongshot 7 місяців тому

    Honestly sounds like playing any GW game, computer or tabletop both feels forever or just bad

  • @ekimnevets8541
    @ekimnevets8541 7 місяців тому +5

    Pyrion... NO...
    I run a local blood bowl table top league...
    You are so wrong... SO SO wrong.
    The game is about mitigating chance. Bad things are going to happen.
    Just be better...
    I massively respect you, and listen to the triforce every week.
    You could not be more wrong here.

    • @ekimnevets8541
      @ekimnevets8541 7 місяців тому

      I will say... i hate BB3 because the RNG is weird, so i dont play it. I play tabletop only (tournament and league) and its the best game ever (most fun anyway)

  • @JersyCityDevil
    @JersyCityDevil 6 місяців тому

    Is that guy seriously this agitated about the fact that it's possible to fail a dice roll? That's the main criticism? Oh right, afterwards he points out a couple things that actually make Blood Bowl super fun and interesting and lists them as negatives. Great job!

  • @fabianrafferty7546
    @fabianrafferty7546 7 місяців тому

    Could listen to flax review for hours hilarious

  • @sovietdragon330
    @sovietdragon330 3 місяці тому

    My hopes have been dashed of a P Flax community league ):

  • @hewas9738
    @hewas9738 7 місяців тому

    This is a classic p flax video. Reminds me of the old dota 2 hero complaint vids

  • @Goomberdups
    @Goomberdups 7 місяців тому +1

    when you have a bad game and make a video about it

  • @Christowin
    @Christowin 7 місяців тому

    Table top is great fun. Just not playing the right variants my man. Bb3 isn't great though, agree there.

    • @sinjoh53
      @sinjoh53 7 місяців тому

      I really don't like BB3 variant for multiple reason :
      -they buffed foul , i don't know why , the previous version was always fair to me
      -they shreded my lizardmen team ,thanks you ,i don't mind about break tackle nerf but the remain was overreacting , they lose their champions , and did get price increase on reroll and saurus.
      -nurgle look just ugly when i was liking their previous model (my poor beast)
      -they did throw at us a team which i don't know what they were thinking about , underworld , that team is so busted that not even funny when you face them when they have everything.
      Like i just did a match , it was really stupid with my lizardmen , i just wanted to quit when i did see the team , go face rat ogre + blitzer + gutter level 4 when i am with my starting roster and a poor block saurus , perfectly balance , 1100 TV by the way , lel.
      -i don't know what they did with stat but the way to get it is bad and it's random in top of it , only scoring unit can mostly get it.
      -Double are to easy to get , now get block on every big guy , perfectly balance.
      I think right now i probably want to try a bit necromantic and waiting for vampire to.