Truly the Griffin and smother family ate sorry for the lost of pastor black as fAmily members we send our condolences to this family. Auntie Lois god bless you .you husband pastor robert c.blake will truley be mist .great love you sisters and christ adrienne griffin
I don't dwell on the past with Jesus Christ love I keep my eyes on the lord Jesus Christ love and that's to stay focus ahead in life moving right on.
Truly the Prophet shakes the world!
Thankful to God for the prophet Blake,he was such a awesome man of God .
Truly the Griffin and smother family ate sorry for the lost of pastor black as fAmily members we send our condolences to this family. Auntie Lois god bless you .you husband pastor robert c.blake will truley be mist .great love you sisters and christ adrienne griffin
Amen amen thank Jesus
Yes Lord
Amen 🙏🏾.
Love the word of gof the way it going out to the nation
Wow. Just found out Bishop passed! Didn't know he was sick. My Prayers & Thoughts with The Family.