New Bespoke Post subscribers get a free mystery gift with your first membership purchase - go to and enter code SCOTTYGIFT at checkout. Thanks to Bespoke Post for sponsoring!
Ask the Bespoke team to send you a Christy a Helix Pipe you guys will love it for on the go use. Get one for Panda too no better way to enjoy your sesh.
16:07 that lady talking about meat and decks is me with my boyfriend all the time🤣I like to see how many times I can get him to say "you're fired" in a day lmfaoooo
3:01 some people are going to say a stage light with some gels. I'jm going to say that yellow looks so pure, that its actually a high pressure sodium lamp.
15:28 I love getting pets in my doordash pictures! One time someone’s cat was outside, and it was sticking its head in the bag when i took the pic. After a few moments, i heard people in the house laughing. Good times!
@9:43 We got my dad one of those Hei Hei toys for Christmas, he took it to work. And now his coworkers like to stop by his office to hit the button and leave lol 😂
The worst thing about binging a bunch of these in a row is watching them “react” to the same exact tiktoks they’ve seen in other videos and every time they act like it’s the first time lol
guys it wasn't a cucumber with nic cages face... IT WAS PICKHOLOUS CAGE! idk how to spell nicholas. was that it? spellcheck says yes lol. but pickle+ nic cage. i bet by just looking at me people would think i have a high body count. its only 3. im kind of a modest serial killer lmao
8:55 I guess it might be a cheap way to eliminate some of the echo. 90 degree corners like that act like retroreflectors, reflecting directly towards the source of the sound.
Dude, Scotty, your cat scared me 😂 9:50-ish, I saw something dark run across your screen out of the corner of my eye (as I had been watching Panda at first). Then I rewound the video and laughed when I saw it was a cat tail 😅 I thought it was a ghost at first! So glad it was a furry feline!
10:00 Bro went from "Stop resisting" to "wait there's a dog in the house?" *switches off body cam to go back inside after killing a family of 4 for the crime of buying a legal firearm but misspelling something on their 4473*
8:30 im the friend that sends shit like to my friends solely cause i just like sending them fucking weird shit its great - i always love the "wtf is this shit" they always react with
The temperature it's estimated to take for a human to spontaneously combust and leave no real trace left is so high that it would sear her skin just being that close to it, and scorch anything he was sitting on
everytime i deliver for doordash or instacart, and there's a pet at the window I will always get it in the picture. had someone thank me for the great pic of her dog one time
2:55 that is lit dude XD (sorry) 5:47 that man got shocked from the lightning XD 6:16 NGL that does sound like a gremlin chant 6:27 LOL why is Bad Ape there 7:05 Scotty’s slow turn on this one XD 9:44 Poor Hei-Hei 10:54 I do feel bad for this man 11:54 that kitty is adorable 12:19 how did they not realize what they have done with that costume 14:17 she did not stay true to her words XD 15:26 that is kinda scary
New Bespoke Post subscribers get a free mystery gift with your first membership purchase - go to and enter code SCOTTYGIFT at checkout. Thanks to Bespoke Post for sponsoring!
Scotty me fellow jew how goes it.
Ask the Bespoke team to send you a Christy a Helix Pipe you guys will love it for on the go use. Get one for Panda too no better way to enjoy your sesh.
👎 Negotiate putting the ad at the end, it’s really annoying… 👎
Please react to pet videos
You heard Big Dyl.
The source is pokimane telling a story about a creepy editor
He borrowed the title from brine
Pokimane story
@@ruind404 making up a story*
this certainly is one of the titles of all time 👁👄👁
Hey, Scotty, can I be your editor? There's nothing wrong with wanting to be your editor.... right?
Always great to hear you and panda laugh, good way to set to mood for my birthday tomorrow. 9:48 I saw a cat fly by.
Kitty at the start and Kitty at the end. That makes it an amazing vid
Ok bro 😭 what are we doing with the title, is this a reference to Pokemain’s editor who did that to her? 😂
idk what ever you could be talking avout
@Scottysvlog69 in my head you sound russian
@@Scottysvlog69well because the miss spell I read that in a Slavic accent
Just a reminder misspoke poki later said that he wasnt touching himself to her but prn in general.
16:07 that lady talking about meat and decks is me with my boyfriend all the time🤣I like to see how many times I can get him to say "you're fired" in a day lmfaoooo
7:05 Rucka stays goated.
the fact it isnr AI and Rucka Rucka Ali made this YEARS AGO
Ah, seretonin, dopamine, bliss, joy, a Scooter and Jiggles upload
16:00 when I randomly enter game chat to tell someone I hate their entire soul
7:05 I'm actually glad that this TikTok made it into this video, not often I hear a song by Rucka Rucka Ali in a short TikTok video!
3:48 Don't let Big the Cat hear you talking shit about Froggy XD
3:01 some people are going to say a stage light with some gels.
I'jm going to say that yellow looks so pure, that its actually a high pressure sodium lamp.
No I think he spontaneously combusted
17:33 my phone is deaf as well I feel ya on that
4:01 it's obviously Pickoulas Cage. Duh😂😂😂😂
7:49 loved reading the newspaper eddit
Lmfaooo I had to double take and scroll back up when I saw this on my home page. Youre too funny. 😂
15:28 I love getting pets in my doordash pictures! One time someone’s cat was outside, and it was sticking its head in the bag when i took the pic. After a few moments, i heard people in the house laughing. Good times!
Watching these two stoned talking and reacting to TikToks is S tier content 😂
@9:43 We got my dad one of those Hei Hei toys for Christmas, he took it to work. And now his coworkers like to stop by his office to hit the button and leave lol 😂
What a fuckin title bro 😂😂
7:05 Rucka Rucka mentioned 🗣️
Only other person I’ve seen who knew what it was 💀💀
@@loganmiller4919 ikr his songs were hilarious
The worst thing about binging a bunch of these in a row is watching them “react” to the same exact tiktoks they’ve seen in other videos and every time they act like it’s the first time lol
I realllly thought 9:00 was gonna be some sort of cartel meme. What it actually was, was soo much better. 😂
Pot of Greed got the same haircut too lol
7:05 the fact Scotty thinks this is AI is what blows my mind… Rucka Rucka was my childhood 💀 I know literally all the words to that song 😭😅
He rates them 9 out of 11 ovens...gotta love wanna the best comedy duos on UA-cam
6:18 that kid became a Boxtroll. 😂😂
The Kool Kasper kostume can probably be explained because British. 😂
15:37 that photo of Droid lives rent free in my head, I think about it constantly
14:04, dude literally looks like an older Brock 😂😂😂
4:00 Pickolas Cage
guys it wasn't a cucumber with nic cages face... IT WAS PICKHOLOUS CAGE! idk how to spell nicholas. was that it? spellcheck says yes lol. but pickle+ nic cage.
i bet by just looking at me people would think i have a high body count. its only 3. im kind of a modest serial killer lmao
I was about to make that joke.
Picolas Cage wit da karambit. What will he do??
@@CobaltZ_hansyou lik mai knif?
Just saying, I don’t think anyone thought that second thing
This is single-handedly the best title I've seen out of the whole entire crew
7:10 thats a BANGER if ive ever heard one!
Someone has too say it, you two have the best react content. Go Scotty Go Jiggly
5:00 nahhh the “there’ll be another one” sent me 🤣🤣🤣
i love these vids you and anthony go together like peanut butter and jam
8:55 I guess it might be a cheap way to eliminate some of the echo. 90 degree corners like that act like retroreflectors, reflecting directly towards the source of the sound.
Dude, Scotty, your cat scared me 😂 9:50-ish, I saw something dark run across your screen out of the corner of my eye (as I had been watching Panda at first). Then I rewound the video and laughed when I saw it was a cat tail 😅 I thought it was a ghost at first! So glad it was a furry feline!
7:09 song name? That was fire
16:42 Aw ye, I loved me Mum's fizzy wiggits.
7:04 - Scott, Panda... Just don't... You're beyond this... Do as MJ says, get help...
Was going to hit the hay but saw you posted, now I need to watch the video!
I saw Garfield running and my brain immediately said “LAST TIME WE GET FUNKY” 😂😂😂
What a clip to start with, Aaron is one of the goats lmao
Hell yeah Scotty uploaded time for editors slopy seconds
9:49 Scotty's cat just casually went by his webcam XD
0:13 fcking star wars😂
7:05 nah💀
9:45 whole district heard that sh*t😂
10:13 the way that golf club bounced😂
I love MurderCrumpet!! They are a funny VRChat Content Creator and Yes that was Nick Cage as a pickle!
Touching myself while watching Scotty and Panda react to TikToks Scotty's editor touched himself to.
Not us getting shat on for social mediocrity XD I love yall keep it up. Though i make weird noises so does pandas ass XD Love you Anthony!
Ty and jiggles for the laughs froozer. I just put my dog down Monday afternoon and I’m having a rough time
I spy with my little eye a cat outside the window behind Scott
This video was so great i watch the sponsor portion Thrice!
12:19 I’m pretty sure this is the second time Anthony has seen this I’m not sure though lol
I still do not understand why this channel has not hit a million plus yet.
I love the kitty hiding behind the curtan
11:25 bro look like Hammy from Over the Hedge
The Pickleas Cage strikes again.
That joke at 5:00 really took off
I love how much the pot of greed guy found that funny
a murder crumpet tiktok on a scotty vid. what a crossover 😂
Yooo that title is WILD LOL
Anthony definitely “prepared” for this videos
Water: the bugzapper for drunk people.
@Scotty love watchin your vids with pandA drunk best time ever
😂😂😂 Already dying just to the title!
Shoulda just called Marcel to go save uncle Ron from jumping 😂
The second to last TikTok reminds me of that one COD clip from years ago of Nogla describing plum pudding.
The British one destroyed me bro 😂.
10:00 Bro went from "Stop resisting"
"wait there's a dog in the house?" *switches off body cam to go back inside after killing a family of 4 for the crime of buying a legal firearm but misspelling something on their 4473*
1:58 BLAM bro the cat plopped down so aggressively 😂
7:07 why does it kinda slap though
That song is by rucka rucka ali
7:10 it is a real song by Ruka Ruka ali
Moo seeing the title & hearing the intro: "Oh Boy"
Honestly, a good sponsor.
8:30 im the friend that sends shit like to my friends solely cause i just like sending them fucking weird shit its great - i always love the "wtf is this shit" they always react with
Bro the fact that this came out in 2018 before all of this AI stuff should be terrifying. Imagine what the guy could do WITH AI.
7:28 My thoughts exactly bro. Why was the song so good when the message was so bad? 😂
Everyday he is shuffling
Dodo dodo do dododo
@@arsalaan2292 haha
16:51 mans sounds like Captain Gorian Shard from the Mandalorian
Love your video Scotty
The temperature it's estimated to take for a human to spontaneously combust and leave no real trace left is so high that it would sear her skin just being that close to it, and scorch anything he was sitting on
9:48 kitty crosses scottys screen ❤
I cried laughing at this video!
Me and my hubbies have a sign above our bed that says “let’s eat” 😂
everytime i deliver for doordash or instacart, and there's a pet at the window I will always get it in the picture. had someone thank me for the great pic of her dog one time
that scene with the plane and the 911 joke i know its fucked but dude i was drinking water i laughed so hard it came out my damn nose
4:00 that, my dear Scotty boi, is Picolas Cage
Scotty the TITLE 😭😭😭
2:55 that is lit dude XD (sorry)
5:47 that man got shocked from the lightning XD
6:16 NGL that does sound like a gremlin chant
6:27 LOL why is Bad Ape there
7:05 Scotty’s slow turn on this one XD
9:44 Poor Hei-Hei
10:54 I do feel bad for this man
11:54 that kitty is adorable
12:19 how did they not realize what they have done with that costume
14:17 she did not stay true to her words XD
15:26 that is kinda scary
7:05 that song is a real banger
7:26 There was plenty of tilting on 9/11 as it was.
10:14 Whoa, FORE!
12:31 Evie, whoa.
Pretty sure that model is called Picolas Cage. As in, it's a pickle with Nicolas Cage's face on it.