Sunbeam Dreams and The Carolyn Jane - PART 1 of 4

  • Опубліковано 25 лис 2024


  • @billbailey1577
    @billbailey1577 10 років тому

    Love going to algonquin, been 11 years of total joy. I got my kids started when they were young (boy 3 and girl 7). Now my daughter is going for her bachelor of photography at Sheridan due to her love of photo logging our canoe trips. I was the happy chauffeur for those 5 am paddles into the liquid tranquility.

  • @PineMartyn
    @PineMartyn 3 роки тому

    I came across your channel thanks to Kevin Callan's recent shout-out and have since watched a number of your videos and your appearance (last night) on the Canoehound Adventures Livestream. Your content is excellent. There are probably no youtubers who do a better job of capturing the sights, sounds, and especially the moods of the backcountry while canoeing.
    Oh, and I love the way you make campfires. I have, for years, advocated that backcountry canoeists adopt the practice of making small campfires, using minimal fuel and only a few rocks, rather than those large bonfire style fires within an absurdly large ring of rocks. The practice of large fires is one that people seem to import into the backcountry from their experience car camping with a large group or family and they never learn that a small fire is easier, faster, and more efficient, to say nothing of safer and more ecologically responsible. One sees the years of canoe-tripping experience in evidence just from the way you make campfires.
    Keep up the great work,
    - Martin

    • @JasonIrwinTumblehome
      @JasonIrwinTumblehome  3 роки тому +1

      Thanks Martin! I've got loads of rants that I've filmed about the large grotesque fire pits ( that seem to be the norm ).... most of the rants are left on the cutting floor. I eventually came to realize that the best way to make the point is to simply show how much easier and effective a small fire can be.
      I think the campsites in Algonquin would be well served by putting in metal fire rings and encouraging people to use them.

  • @NatureLapse22
    @NatureLapse22 11 років тому

    You've done it again. You've created yet another masterpiece which has made the canoe-head community wish the winter was over. Wonderfully shot, narrated, and edited. Time to pull out the camping gear and plan the next trip!

  • @mattmcmaniac
    @mattmcmaniac 10 років тому +3

    I've only watched part one so far but I gotta say this is stunning! Amazing production too and appreciate your narrations. Thanks!

  • @davidgroomes404
    @davidgroomes404 6 років тому

    You sir are very talented I have so enjoyed all of your videos I am a long time boat camper on lake tamagami 30 yrs I'm 62 now I have gone to big bob lake once canoeing your must have filming experience Keep up the great work If I didn't own a canoe I would go buy one after watching your sunbeam videos thankyou. Yours truly dave Groomes

  • @Welshchris13
    @Welshchris13 10 років тому

    What a lovely vid thank you my friend.

  • @markarmesto
    @markarmesto 11 років тому

    Honestly, my spirit was so moved by part one; that I want to look at it a couple more times, before going to the remaining three. I REALLY like this. My compliments and appreciation for sharing.

    • @JasonIrwinTumblehome
      @JasonIrwinTumblehome  6 років тому

      Hey Mark, thanks much for this... just trying to catch up and am now seeing a bunch of comments that I missed long ago

  • @cliffordwright1603
    @cliffordwright1603 5 років тому +1

    I don’t know when these were posted but you’ve got my attention so much ve been binging since noon and it’s 6 o’clock now

  • @pathfinderfergusfilms6630
    @pathfinderfergusfilms6630 11 років тому

    Excellent series of videos my friend and well shot and edited. Thoroughly enjoyed them.

    • @JasonIrwinTumblehome
      @JasonIrwinTumblehome  11 років тому

      Thanks Sinclair,
      Now that I have a little time, I'm finally going to relax and watch a load of other peoples films that I've been missing including yours.

  • @Naughtz
    @Naughtz 8 років тому

    Subscribed! Keep these canoe tripping videos coming they are some of the best if seen. Love how you show everything from the scraping of the birchbark to the wild life and canoe gliding through water. Perfect!

  • @garyg763
    @garyg763 11 років тому

    Perfect piece of adventure..."thank you

  • @AngieDevineDodge
    @AngieDevineDodge 10 років тому +1

    I am so a quick fan now! Thank you for inspiring me to adventure as well. This is awesome stuff.

  • @Motorcyclewindtherapy
    @Motorcyclewindtherapy 3 роки тому

    Hi Jason-
    Totally bingeing on your channel. Thank you for all these amazing videos. A family situation has precluded all but day trips for me for a few years now... but in the future... I know I will return to my love of being alone with my pack and canoe for many days on end.
    Anyway, I love the story of the Carolyn Jane! I have spent the last few decades being spoiled with my Old Town Pack - 33 pounds, huge capacity, perfect for me alone, and even if it's short, I carry a double and traditional paddle...I have no issues with tracking. That said, I have recently come into a canoe of my deceased fathers lifetime of canoeing love...a 17' Grumman double ender. Not as deep an attachment as the Carolyn Jane is to you...but it's been truly loved and kept well...I think I'll have it many decades more before passing it on.
    My questions are about the weight and length of the Carolyn Jane? I see in more of your vids the modern layups we all enjoy...but I am intrigued by the idea of doing some tripping in the future with the Grumman (even if its more for nostalgia than practicality)
    Thanks again. I have created a separate file in my YT library just for your tripping vids! - john

    • @JasonIrwinTumblehome
      @JasonIrwinTumblehome  3 роки тому +1

      Thanks a bunch John... glad you are diggin the vids! The CJ is 14' / 60lbs. It's the "Puddle Duck" design by Gil Gilpatrick.
      I always thought it was 55 ish but finally weighed it one day and that made me realize I needed a 30lb boat :-)
      I have a red 17' lake / tripper boat that weighs in around 59'... "Maple" made by Evergreen
      Hang on to that Grumman, it's the perfect boat for the coming zombie invasion! Heavy but bombproof.

    • @Motorcyclewindtherapy
      @Motorcyclewindtherapy 3 роки тому

      @@JasonIrwinTumblehome thanks for the reply and the answers. The CJ is special on it's own and the family attachment is beyond cool.
      I'm able to load and carry the 17' Grumman by myself (internet says 75 pounds but it feels lighter.) I have a Reece Canoe loader I never need for the OT Pack, but I use it to put the big silver gal on top of my Jeep Wrangler.
      Your channel is awesome and I'm loving the vicarious release of my pent up long-trip wishes and daydreams!
      Paddle often sir, I'm convinced it adds to our days in quality and quantity!

  • @Edogawa1117
    @Edogawa1117 10 років тому

    Great video.
    I enjoyed it a lot.

  • @ThePursuitofPassion
    @ThePursuitofPassion 4 роки тому

    Awesome Jason. Love that you got engaged on a canoe trip. So did I, except in Temagami. Looking forward to the rest!

  • @Joe_Sant
    @Joe_Sant 11 років тому

    Love this. Great video, wonderful country. Lucky fella. Thanks for sharing.

  • @5upercharged
    @5upercharged 11 років тому

    AMAZING Series. Thank you for sharing.

    • @JasonIrwinTumblehome
      @JasonIrwinTumblehome  11 років тому

      Thanks bud. I'm going to check out a bunch of your vids... just watched the Bday trip vid... nice time lapse! Sounds like we're using roughly the same kit.

  • @MrBackcountry84
    @MrBackcountry84 11 років тому

    I just watched the first part and I am hooked, excuse me while I watch part 2-4...subbed!

  • @LarryHyett
    @LarryHyett 11 років тому +1

    Your narration is excellent. It really captures the spirit of the wilderness adventure. On to vids 3 and 4!

  • @steveforsythe9264
    @steveforsythe9264 8 років тому

    Just found your videos and the camera work - angles are excellent. Your whole presentation is a job well done...great series!! Thanks for sharing!!

  • @DonnyOutdoors
    @DonnyOutdoors 10 років тому

    This is just fantastic! I knew this would be great from the first few seconds. Stunning scenery, well shot, edited and narrated. Just my cup of tea, this. It makes me look forward to my own week-long canoeing adventure in Scotland coming up soon, even more. Onto the next parts now! Thanks for sharing! Subbed! ..Donny.

  • @callancanoe
    @callancanoe 11 років тому

    Amazing series. You captured what its all about out there. Perfect!

    • @JasonIrwinTumblehome
      @JasonIrwinTumblehome  11 років тому

      Thanx Kevin,
      I just finished your 5 part Once Around... and I was whining about a 650m portage! Those brookies were something else too. Hard work and big payoffs. Great idea to pepper the film with people taking about their love of the park and history of the area etc...always hard to find a thread and that worked nicely.

    • @callancanoe
      @callancanoe 11 років тому

      thanks Jason

  • @gilligallou
    @gilligallou 7 років тому

    Just watched the full 4 parts of this vid series, fantastic. This spring coming (may 2018) will be our first ever trip together into Algonquin, I have been several times, the last 20yrs ago or so, the first for my wife. I have sent this series to her as a preview of coming attractions :) great work, thank you , I’m a new subscriber as of today,, We live in the Ottawa Ontario area. Take care,, thank you. ,, Bob, PS. Merry Christmas 🎄

    • @JasonIrwinTumblehome
      @JasonIrwinTumblehome  7 років тому +1

      Awesome. I hope your wife has a good first experience :-)
      A sour first trip experience can turn people off for a while!
      Thanks for the sub... should have some new stuff soonish.

  • @samuraipstrmike
    @samuraipstrmike 10 років тому

    Absolutely amazing!

    • @JasonIrwinTumblehome
      @JasonIrwinTumblehome  10 років тому

      Thanks for watching... you can see the whole thing in one swoop on Vimeo.
      It's a bit better uninterrupted :-)

  • @Simply-canoeCoUk
    @Simply-canoeCoUk 11 років тому +1

    Excellent! Now off to watch the other parts..Oh and subbed too!

  • @alex0000
    @alex0000 4 роки тому

    Love your videos brother

  • @stevesadler7918
    @stevesadler7918 3 роки тому

    Man, you do good work.

  • @jarinknox3128
    @jarinknox3128 11 років тому

    Great videos, I have made a couple myself but we are working on getting better equipment and spending more time getting shots. Ill keep watching so keep it up!

    • @JasonIrwinTumblehome
      @JasonIrwinTumblehome  11 років тому

      Thank you. I also have the "working on getting better equipment" disease.
      My wife can tell you all about it :-)

  • @TheOneCanoe
    @TheOneCanoe 11 років тому

    Hey Jason, Amazing video! Nice pace, very peaceful...loved the background music. Nice use of the POV camera on the boom pole. Keep up the good work.

  • @rpe3715
    @rpe3715 8 років тому +3

    Wow... Fabulous videos! Did I hear a Shug impression with that 'Woohoo Buddy' call at 5:16?

    • @JasonIrwinTumblehome
      @JasonIrwinTumblehome  8 років тому

      +rp e
      Thanks and yes about the Shug impression... although know one can match him.
      I had just discovered Shugs vids prior to that trip.
      He slays me.

    • @rpe3715
      @rpe3715 8 років тому

      +Tumblehome Yes, he's a hoot for sure! BTW, just finished your 'Karma Moose and the Redemption Trout' video, and it's a perfect preparation video for my trip in a couple weeks - Rock-Penn-Welcome-Harry-Rence. Hoping to find my 'Redemption Trout' as well!

    • @MkmeOrg
      @MkmeOrg 4 роки тому

      There's a little Shug in us all :) I've been down with a flu this weekend and binge watching all these vids back to back. Better than Netflix....

  • @tombeckett4340
    @tombeckett4340 4 роки тому

    I agree with your rant . I find younger people are the worst for leaving a mess I don’t know why. Perhaps they haven’t been taught to respect nature? We learned all about that in cub scouts at 7 years old. I think it should be learned in school at grade #1 how important it is . Thanks great video 🇨🇦👍

  • @007Straggler
    @007Straggler 7 років тому +2

    nice vid, glad that Joe Robinet sent me.

    • @jasonirwin2463
      @jasonirwin2463 7 років тому

      Thanks bud. I wish I could do more of them!... but I could never keep up with Joe's output.

  • @godelrt
    @godelrt 8 років тому

    Jason, amazing... Just amazing! I watched your films over and over! Love the story of your canoe. I was bummed out you stopped making videos for a year or so - I needed my fix. Then when you finally did another one it was painful to watch your struggle with your hands. I went though a similar experience. So glad you are feeling better and you can get back to what you love! Hey dumb question, seems that a hammock is your preferred way of sleeping in the wilderness, what hammock and tarp do you use? Also where can I get the ToastyArse3000®? Hahaha!!

    • @JasonIrwinTumblehome
      @JasonIrwinTumblehome  8 років тому

      Hi Raf,
      thanks for enjoying the films.
      I have a Hennesy Hammock, one of the newer ones with the zipper entrance.
      I don't have experience with other hammock types but there are a few other good ones out there I understand. The tarp I use mosty is the larger optional Hennessy tarp and sometimes I"ll just use my big MEC Guide tarp. The original ToastyArse3000 is still in use! ... just used it this past weekend in Algonquin. There have been some issues at the factory so you'll have to make your own for now.

  • @jfred17
    @jfred17 11 років тому

    Amazing trip and some amazing work with the camera and editing!!! Really beautiful! If I may, I wanted to share with you this that I made from a trip in early October: Our Playground - 2013 Vol. 3

    • @JasonIrwinTumblehome
      @JasonIrwinTumblehome  11 років тому +1

      Just watched all three volumes... loved em!
      You may have already but if not, check out Karma Moose and the Redemption Trout... me and my fly fishin bud on the hunt for Specks in Algonquin.
      Thanks for the kind words.

  • @markarmesto
    @markarmesto 11 років тому

    This was one of the most beautiful videos; I've seen. I'd pay to watch it. Great work. Can I steal some of your camera placement ideas?

    • @JasonIrwinTumblehome
      @JasonIrwinTumblehome  11 років тому

      Thanks Mark.... sure would be great to make films like this for a living!
      Yes, by all means lift any shooting cues you see / like... I'm always picking up ideas from others :-)
      I see you've commented on Pt.1... check out 2,3,4 if you haven't already ;-)

  • @hunsteven
    @hunsteven 6 років тому

    Awesome video. Videography is the best. Are you a professional? Do you have a video of how you make these and the gear you take?

    • @JasonIrwinTumblehome
      @JasonIrwinTumblehome  6 років тому

      Thanks bud.
      I might be considered a pro editor / producer by some measure (I work as such at the CBC) but I'm also a keen enthusiast with cameras and audio. Before becoming a producer I worked in post audio / cutting sound fx and recording foley etc.
      I haven't ever made a living out of shooting... not yet anyway!
      I don't have a particular video of the gear I take but I think I"m going to do just that in the near future.
      More videos in the works.

  • @julietitone
    @julietitone 3 роки тому

    Fantastic, transporting work. But now that you're a canoe influencer, how about keeping your PFD on?

  • @michaelbirks2888
    @michaelbirks2888 4 роки тому

    Doing the exact same loop (in opposite direction). Inspired by you and this video. My first solo for 5 days. Any tips or suggestions for route? Have 2 days on sunbeam.

    • @JasonIrwinTumblehome
      @JasonIrwinTumblehome  4 роки тому +1

      Great route for first solo! Sunbeam is a beauty lake to have a layover. Have fun!

  • @37south47
    @37south47 7 років тому

    New sub here. Good stuff!

  • @JohnShepherdMusic
    @JohnShepherdMusic 6 років тому

    I know I'm a little late to the party but I'm glad I'm here. Why your sub count isn't off the chart I will never know but I guess we all have our own tastes and that's a good thing. I know it's the "indian and not the arrow" (am I able to say that still in this PC age?) ... any way... what editing software do you use? Incredible editing and production!!!

    • @JasonIrwinTumblehome
      @JasonIrwinTumblehome  6 років тому

      Thanks a lot for the kind words! Glad you appreciate the effort in these little movies. I use Avid for editing.

  • @GraylingOutdoors
    @GraylingOutdoors 5 років тому

    Hi, I love the quality of your videos with the great sound and transitions. In the field how do you keep track of which video clip aligns the right audio clip? I think it would be difficult especially if you don't use the Tascam every video clip.

    • @jasonirwin2463
      @jasonirwin2463 5 років тому

      Hi Rodd. Thanks!
      I actually don't use the Tascam that much... mostly for wild sound etc now.
      I am going to start to use it more when I have the GP mounted on a pole on the boat... the mics are not great on the GoPro (better now but terrible on the 3). I'll probably just do simple hand clap sync method.
      On the DSLR, the pinhole mic is actually pretty good but I've purchased a hot shoe mic that works better and has a deadcat... also doesn't pic up the stabilizing motor sounds in the lenses which the onboard mic definitely does.

  • @ExploreTheBackcountry
    @ExploreTheBackcountry 11 років тому

    Curious what you used to make and animate your map with? Flash perhaps?

    • @JasonIrwinTumblehome
      @JasonIrwinTumblehome  11 років тому

      I had a friend do that bit and I'm pretty sure it was done in After Effects

  • @ThatsAPaddlin88
    @ThatsAPaddlin88 6 років тому

    Did you used to own a store called tumblehome in Burlington??

    • @JasonIrwinTumblehome
      @JasonIrwinTumblehome  6 років тому

      No! Never heard of it. What did they sell?

    • @ThatsAPaddlin88
      @ThatsAPaddlin88 6 років тому

      Tumblehome they sold camping and outdoor gear, it was downtown on Brant St