I agree, but the mincing of WAAAAAAAAGH made me wince so badly. For any curious who find this and are unaware: It's pronounced like "waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar" though obviously with the British way of ending it, instead of a hard 'r' sound like those in the States tend to say. If unsure, youtube *definitely* has examples.
Well one thing left out is that simpler Ork tech like shootas and choppas can be used by other species though the guns are less reliable, more unusual attachments don't work and the melee weapons are generally less devastating (with the possible exception of a power klaw as Commisar Sebastian Yarrick has one permanently grafted to his arm as a prosthetic battle trophy and it works just fine). Also simpler ork vehicles still function more or less as intended like Trukks except the controls require an "extra degree of violence" to operate making them more difficult for say a human to drive.
I like to think that Orkz are the physical embodiment of internet trolls, they do massive damage to everything and everyone around them for simple fun.
Orks believe many strange things about colours. Red things go faster. Blue things are lucky. Orks are green and therefore green is the best colour. And purple is sneaky. "Wait how is purple sneaky?" I hear you ask. And to this I say: Have you ever seen a purple ork? ... I rest my case.
"Orkses is never defeated in battle. If we win we win, if we die we die fighting so it don't count. If we runs for it we don't die neither, cos we can come back for annuver go, see!" Well that's some positive thinking if i ever seen one.
Specially considering that their reproductive cycle require constant battle, meaning that even if you manage to kill a horde of thousands, you will have to deal with hordes of hundred of thousands in the future. For them war is life Literally the only way to actually win agaisnt them is run away and not face them, otherwise they just keep coming and any victory is just temporary
Okay but couldn’t you just capture some orcs and bring them to the emperor in a cage and tell them that the emperor that the emperor can talk? I’m sure they could do it, and it would be safe from any illegality from the human religion
I fucking adore that what actually makes Orks dangerous is, for all intensive purposes, that fact that that believe in themselves. They can do anything they believe they can do, literally. It's like is cheap moral from a care bears episode brought to its natural, bloody conclusion.
they can also buff their enemies by believing them to be unbeatable, see commissar yarrik or a certain story which i dont remember totally where some marines ran out of ammo but kept mowing down orks by doing BANG BANG noises.
Gotta confess, as a Brit I find the idea of an entire race of loud, fungal, cockneys roaming the galaxy quite endearing. "Grab yer gunz boyz, we goin' ta wor!!! WRAAGHHH!!!"
My favourite thing about the Orks is how, because they think Commisar Yarrick is such a badass, it just worked when he decided to put on an ork power claw instead of his own arm
There is a fan theory (I don't believe any official fiction has confirmed it) that because Yarrick is now approximately more than a century old (he was approaching retirement age at the outbreak of the 2nd War of Armageddon, and the 3rd War started fifty years later to the day), the Orks have somehow integrated him into their gestalt psychic field, and because Orks believe that Yarrick can't be killed except by his archenemy, Warboss Ghazghkull, his sworn foes have made him functionally immortal.
Anyone find it kinda funny that the Orks and Necrons are probably going to be the ones to ultimately save the galaxy when the Tyranid main fleet finally shows up?
@@Glaaki13 I wonder if all the mass the Orkz are pulling out of the warp would eventually start de-powering the Ruinous Powers. I mean Chaos might be infinite, but the Chaos gods have been shown to only be able to access some of it at any time(which may or may not be the amount of "warp" that's dimensionally locked with the 40K galaxy in Real-Space). so if the orkz are drawn into an eternal battle, they may start becoming a vacuum that starts bleeding out all of Chaos's power into Real-Space(making it weaker/inert)
Nah, my Green Terminator bois can do it all on their own. THEY CLOSED THE BLOODY EYE OF TERROR! or, it's at least canon that they have the tech to do so now.
I love Orks in 40k it might seem odd at first, for there to be Space Orks in a scifi universe. But i love how diffrent and alien they are rather then being just another race.
Actually that explains a lot. There must be a psychic field over at Bethesda where everything works. The second anyone else gets their hands on it, it craps out.
@mstrblik that would be commisar Yarrick and he also has an ork klaw as a hand that still works even though most ork weapons require enough orks to believe it works so essentialy either gork or mork specificaly directed the power of the WAAAAAAGH to the ork klaw because he was so badass
@@lyoncassar58 it is the same powerklaw that cut his hand off, he killed the ork wielding it, then put it in the place of his missing arm. He is so METAL
They were a race that I played in Dawn of War, as they looked quite menacing, then I just played them because they were a really fun bunch. My favorite line is one of the Orks saying "I wanna get stuck in with da boyz", which doesn't sound like a very serious thing to say, but does give a lot of charm to the character and race.
@@nathanielgrey4091 "Eh.. Boss? We're gettin' shot up!" I would quite like to see another 40k videogame made. Or any kind of Warhammer game that isn't some kind of strategy game. Vermintide's good and all but it is kind of Left 4 Dead with rats, and Space Marine was a really enjoyable game. So much opportunity...
Somewhere in the Imperium, a random human soldier is being conscripted to join his planet's fight against an Ork WAAAGH! that has made it there. While all the other soldiers in his unit are given regular firearms, he is instead given a broom by a Tech-Priest assigned to aid in the defense. When he asks why he is given it, the Tech-Priest responds that all he need do is point the broom at an enemy and shout "BANGITY-BANGITY-BANG!," and everything will work out in the end. Despite his understandable protests, the soldier is led into battle, along with countless other conscripts and even several Space Marines. Though the soldier is confident in his chance of survival given the size of the Imperial army, that confidence is quickly dashed when the WAAAGH! meets it. In seconds, soldier, Space Marine, and tank alike are torn apart by the Ork forces. The soldier himself tries his best using the guns dropped by his fallen comrades, but it takes more than 3 whole clips to take even one OrK down. Eventually, when he is almost the last member of the Imperium standing in the way of the WAAAGH!, out of desperation, the soldier grabs his broom, points it at the nearest Ork, and shouts "BANGITY-BANGITY-BANG!" at it. Less than a second later, the Ork drops dead. Realizing that the broom works, and that it's his only chance of getting out of there alive, the soldier continues to point the broom at Orks and kill them instantly with the same magic words. "BANGITY-BANGITY-BANG!" "BANGITY-BANGITY-BANG!" "BANGITY-BANGITY-BANG!" The comedic carnage continues for hours as the soldier holds his own against the WAAGH!, killing Ork, Squig, and Snotling alike. Eventually, the battlefield is devoid of all life except for the soldier's, as he realizes that he has single-handedly ended the entire WAAGH!. Well, almost ended. Not long afterward, the soldier sees an Ork levitating towards him, completely unfazed by the thousands of dead brethren that surround him. The soldier points his broom at the Ork and shouts "BANGITY-BANGITY-BANG!" in order to finish him off, but nothing happens. "BANGITY-BANGITY-BANG!" "BANGITY-BANGITY-BANG!" Still nothing. Eventually, just as the Ork gets right in front of the soldier, the soldier feels a sudden, overwheling crushing sensation on his body. As his bones shatter and organs fail, he hears these last words as the Ork levitates over him: "TANKITY-TANKITY-TANK!"
That's could very well happen. There is a story in the lore about an imperial tank that got looted by orks, and when the imperials recaptured it, instead of an engine, they found a crude drawing of an engine with the words "vroom vroom" scrawled on it. The tank had been fighting against them for weeks at this point. Anything is possible, if only you believe
It's less that the air is produced by imagination, more that the Orks believe their ship is *just* well built enough to hold the atmosphere in, and so it does.
It entirely depends on just how many orks you have and how big the shotcomings of the machine are. The waagh energy can make up for quite a bit but it's not omnipotent. Essentially the mekboy needs to construct a machine that looks sufficiently complex and is sufficiently noisy to convince the other orks it works. Preferably the machine actually works to some extent in the intended way so that the waagh energy just needs to cover for the shortcomings of the machine instead of sustituting the workings of the machine in its entirety (although that can work too if there are enough other orks that are convinced enough that it works).
In the Adeptus Ridiculous podcast, Bricky gives an anecdote of a number of Orks who went out to fix their ship without suits. Because they didn't realize the vacuum of space is dangerous, they were totally fine. Then, another Ork ship pulls up along side them. Now, this crew was collectively more intelligent than your average warband, likely having deduced that space was dangerous from the fact that humans fucking died when sucked out into frigid void, and so had built ramshackle space suits to keep themselves alive. These Orks somehow contacted the unprotected "engineers", and asked how they were floating around in space unharmed. Every Ork who heard this immediately died upon realizing the dangers of space.
I love how weapons that are basically just toobs with rockets work just cus and massive space ships don't even need windows because WHHAAAAGGG protects from hard vacuum somehow.
Hearing about 40k for the first time some years ago "oh, ok, that's kinda cool". Hearing about 40k Orks for the first time shortly after: "WAAAAAAAGGGGGHHHHHH!" and bought some Orks. I heard Games Workshop is trying to make Orks not the funny things they are and I can't think of a worse thing to do. I usually peak people's interest when I talk about Orks and how they think "dis 'ill fly" and that's why it flies.
@@sicarius6501 Touché. I'm also guilty of not mentioning the other part of the equation: Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka aka "Da Ork dat once Spok Hi Gotik to ol' one-eye yarrick"
Orks are more....exotic than I expected.I thought they were just a callback ftom the original Warhammer universe, but there are it´s unique race in the 40k, I respect them more now, and now I find them terrifying
If the Orks of the Warhammer 40k universe would ever unite under one leader,they would pretty much curbstomp the entire galaxy.Maybe the Tyranids could stood against them,but the rest would be fucked,like proper fucked. The only reason they haven't conquered the entire galaxy is because they fight as much each other,as they fight the other races and they don't use their psychic powers to their full potential, because they're too dumb to do so. During the Octarius War, they successfully pushed back a Tyranid Hive Fleet and even forced it to do a strategic retreat. Not even the Ultramarines, the biggest Mary Sues in the Warhammer 40k setting have managed this! During the War of the Beast, the united Ork clans were one step away of defeating the Imperium,they conquered a huge part of it and almost Holy Terra itself, they killed the Primarch Vulkan and almost wiped out the Imperial Fists down to one Space Marine. To put this in perspective: Horus, who was a frikin' Primarch demi-god, ''blessed'' with the powers of Chaos, commanding a huge army of traitor Space Marines incl. several other traitor Primarchs, ascended to Demon Princes and a huge regular army & mechanicus traitors, plus a huge demon army, didn't manage that!
Orks are as silly as they are horrifying. Slapstick cartoon violence is hilarious... until it's running towards you in the form of 7-foot-tall monsters that plow through your defenses with boundless child-like enthusiasm while wielding literally impossible weapons and vehicles that simply *work* in complete defiance of logic and physics. That's the true horror of the orks. They are giant, gleefully barbaric children with machetes and hand-cannons who build silly guns and mechs that look like crayon drawings made of Legos and scrap metal. Then they charge screaming into battle, expecting the universe to accommodate all this nonsense about red paint and starships... and, for the most part, it does.
Very good video just one point I want to raise. Ork hierarchy is determined solely by size, so odd boys are usually out ranked by nobz since they are smaller and weaker. This is important for weird boys who normally avoid other orks since being surrounded by so much waaagh energy can make their heads explode so the nobs have to force them to join the tribes. An odd boy might be the only one with an idea of where to find a good fight or how to get more guns so the tribe might end up always following their advice but an odd boy that tries to order a nob around is in for a right good kicking. The exception to this are the big meks and mad dokz which are mekboys and pain boys that have lived long enough to grow to nob sizes. And warp heads which are weird boys who enjoy blasting things with their psychic powers and will use those powers to make up for their lack of size in a fight.
One other thing. The exstent to which the waaagh helps ork tech along is only vaguely understood at best, but it's probably not good enough to turn slabs of gun shaped metal into fully automatic rifles. We know from the beast arises series that while ork tech only worked while in the hands of orks, it still was based on actual science and engineering to the point that it could be studied and replicated by the ad mech. Of course the red ones go faster, a blue ork can stepped on by a titan and some how survive, and a purple ork is almost completely invisible. So the waaagh does warp reality but i think it's less a box of scrap metal can some how shoot bullets, and more an ork can load whatever sized bullets into his gun he wants. Which is why the thing will explode in the hands of a human rather than just becoming completely inert.
Oi see boyz of green red wartrukks too 'umies go 'boom' for me an' you An' oi fink to meself 'Wat a wandarful Waaagh!' Btw I did not make this, just posted part of it cause Orks are hilarious
@@xp3334 bit late bur here you go: Oi see boyz of green, red wartrukks too. 'umies go 'boom' for me an' you. An' I fink to myself: 'What a wondaful Waaagh!'. Oi see Marines of blue an' bikes of white. Those beakie boyz they sure know 'ow to fight. An' I fink to myself: 'What a wondaful Waaagh!'. Our stormboyz and deffkoptas, so orky in da sky, blast away da faces of humies goin' by. Oi see gits dyin' and sayin': 'Wot do we do?' And then they's all sayin: 'Oh, I'm froo.' I hear panzees cry, I watch 'em explode. They'll fight no more 'cuz they wuz too slow. Then I fink to myself: 'What a wondaful Waaagh!'. Yes, I fink to myself: 'What a wondaful Waaagh!'.
...man, you're making me think what an Ork with a blonde wig and a facemask would look like, sitting in a bar going "Because he's just a stupid kid..." ...I'm guessing very few people will get that reference...
More fun facts about the Orkz: They use currency, called "teef" which is exactly what you think it is. The bad moons clan is the richest clan because their teef grow back the quickest. You know how red makes their stuff go faster? Yellow makes bigger explosions, green is DA BEST COZ ORKZ IS DA BEST and purple is sneaky. Because you ain't nevah seen a purple Ork. I am not kidding. Shout-out to the Lorehammer podcast if you want some neat lore discussions for 40k
It's also a nice feature of Ork economy that, if an Ork is a bit short on cash, all he needs is a decent right hook and someone smaller than he is to boost his income. Also, on the subject of colour, the Death Skulls believe that blue is a lucky colour, to the point of slathering themselves head to toe in blue paint to improve their odds of survival and finding good loot.
I think the dichotomy between gork and Mork is interesting. The whole "cunning but brutal" thing says to me that one will try to stab you in the back if he can't beat you to death, and the other will beat you to death if he can't stab you in the back
How Ork tech works is hilarious when you read the old codex's. Technically you can give them a lead pipe, convince them its a gun and by GOD that empty lead pipe will start flinging bullets.
This could go bad VEEEERY fast... Imagine an Ork using a weapon and believing that it could kill all his enemies at the same time with one pull of it's trigger… Genocide Incoming...
@@keepermovin5906 I think, most of them are stupid enough to do that... for example, if a big and powerfull warboss announces it, because the "inventor" claimed it to work that way? Why would they doubt him? In a WAAAAAHG, everything can happen!
@@sicarius6501 depends on who you asks. The greatest human, eldar and necron scientists have unsuccessfully tried observing this phenomenon and yet orks state the opposite
@7:05 orks: "okay boyz, der gunna bee some kamera boyz down der, Dey say if you look in da kamra it'll wreak der shot, so whuevva ya' do down der. No. Looken at de Kamera!" astartes: "oh brave defenders of his Imperial greatness, a remembracer crew will be recording our brave exploits for all posterity, I beseech thee! In his holy name, don't look directly into the camera" that one squig: "WAAAAAzzzzzUuup!"
It happens a lot with th in the middle of a word. Compounded with Ork language being what it is, the mistake is understandable. Stull made me cringe though.
My favorite tid bit of orc humor is a Imperial garrison ran out of ammo and started making gun sounds. The orcs believing they were getting shot at were dropping dead at their own accord.
On the outside, these things looks terrifying, the almost perfect killing machine, each and every one of them Reality DAKKA! WAAAAAGGGGHHHHHHH!! GREEN IZ BEZT
one of my favorite things about the orks is that while their psychic field makes stuff work sometimes if enough of them die or say a bad roll of the dice their stuff blows up on them or begins to function less and less like the orks want and more like how science says it actually should
This lore is much better than the original. In the original lore, occasionally an Ork would get the sense they to take care of some business, what they called "doin' somethin' Orky" where they'd break from the group and pretty much cough an egg out of their...whatever held it, this was before they were remade into a fungus. They had the instinct to make sure the small, leathery egg was at least partially obstructed from view then they'd give it no more thought as the ran off to rejoin their group. All Orks did this and this happened fairly often. The Orks can survive in all sorts of ridiculous conditions so this could happen in the densest jungle, in the middle of a continental size desert, hidden somewhere in the grass lands, or in the frozen wastelands. This occurred at random times but would usually average out to several egg per year, more if the Ork was particularly hardy and well-fed. I like the newer version much better, there wasn't really anything wrong with the old canon and it was unique enough, but the fungal origin just feels better, at least to me. The hardiness of the Ork feels much better with the explanation that they're fungi, able to regenerate from almost nothing given enough time and sunlight. Plus the shedding of spores like humans do dead skin cells certainly makes infestation seem much more difficult, if not impossible, to remove from a planet. And I love that when they are finally actually killed, their body erupts with spores as one last giant middle finger to their enemy. And since the spores are microscopic, it took the other races forever to figure out their true nature. This fits the Orks general theme of enthusiastic goofiness and warlust so much better.
No joke. If I had to be born in the 40k universe, I'd probably want to be an ork. They are pretty much the only race who actually enjoy their existence.
My favorite thing about Orks is that they are a valid explanation for the Warhammer 40k universe existing. Since the Waaagh makes anything Orks believe is true, true, it's thought that because Orks believe that the only thing to live for is War, the entire galaxy is consumed by it and in a constant state of battle. It's also thought to be why the Emperor of Man is still alive. The Orks believe him to be immortal, so he is.
Well that's more just due to how the warp works in general. Bad shit happens in reality: Chaos gods form that embody that bad shit. Said Chaos gods act to insure that their particular flavour of bad shit is spread throughout realspace, making them more powerful, allowing them to cause even more. Rinse and repeat. For example, Khorne is currently the most powerful chaos God because 40k is so violent, and 40k is as violent as it is because Khorne is the most powerful Chaos god (and intends to keep it that way). Of course, there's so many books, codexes, games and other material set in 40k by so many different creators that what you just said could be true in one of them. I mean, there have been 8 editions of the core rulebook by now so establishing what's actually canon is a difficult task. 40k has been around since the '80s and it's still going strong so I'm not even sure if it's even possible for someone to keep track of all the Emperor-damned lore for 40k.
Well saying the Old Ones lost is wrong. They beat back the Necrons and put them into remission for 65 million years. They were just so weak and in a bad situation at the end of the war they couldn't continue.
No the Necrons won. Then afterwards they turned on the C'tan and shattered them, almost destroying reality in the process. The silent king decided to sent everyone to sleep to let the galaxy recover
depends in which edition you read. There was a point in time when that was basically true, but in the 5th ed necron book, when they did a major update to the necrons, they rewrote the war in heaven so that the necrons completely destroyed the old ones, and then rebelled against the C'tan, which left them too weak to fight the eldar and the krork left over from the war in heaven, so that's why they went into stasis
this is a good descriptor of the Orks and their way of life, and well researched. keep up the good work. however, one thing that should be noted, is that a WAAAGH!!! is only pronounced 'waah' the G is silent... not entirely certain why, but it does roll off the tongue better. didn't want to sound like 'that guy' when bringing this up, but figured it'd be helpful
40k and Fantasy used to be related but Games Workshop kept the two apart as separate universes since the third edition though there are sometimes easter eggs like that time some elves found a giant man in a suit of silver armor speaking in a strange tongue AKA a Grey Knight.
In the original lore, the old world (the world of warhammer fantasy) was a planet in the 40k universe (thought to be in the eye of terror), but about 20 years ago, Games workshop retconned that and stated that they were two seperate universes
Another interesting Orky fact: Orks have an economy with currency, however this "currency" is in fact dislodged Ork Teeth. If one ork is trying to buy something and does not have enough teeth to make the purchase it is not against the rules of Ork society to knock the last few teeth out of the head of the Ork you are buying the object from. Sort of like "Need a penny take a penny, have a penny leave a penny" containers at the corner market. Everything orks have will eventually grow back, even teeth so to them it isn't that big a deal.
40k orks have always been my favorite orks. I feel like the warhammer fantasy orcs have a lot of comedic mechanics in them such as the goblin fanatic (the one that's hoped up mushrooms and spins a ball and chain in random directions including right into the boyz) lol
8:52 Can someone PLEASE explain to me what in the HELL is happening in this picture? The psychic Ork seems to be either sucking up or shooting out snotlings... hahaha it is so weird.
Its actually a Big Mek. The Shokk Attack Gun sucks up snotlings and firea them through the warp, teleporting them inside of the target. Scares the shit out of them, literally, and the trauma of having a clawed, fanged toddles materializing inside of you, your armor or your tank, clawing, biting and shitting everywhere is fairly lethal, or at least disruptive. Thats when the weapon works. Sonetimes it shoota the ork operating the gun instead. Sonetimes it explodes. Sometimes it opens a rift into the warp that sucks in all matter in a small radius, causing overwhelming damage. Fun times.
Besides, even if they're small, they're still pretty resistant to damage. Chances are the snotling will be killed by the enemy after it crawls it's way out of someone's body rather than before it does so. Or be sucked up and shot again. Who knows.
no mention on how the waargh! interacts with non orks? like how humans who spend a lot of time around orks can use their weapons or commisar yarrick who was likely believed to be immortal by the orks he thought and has now become a perpetual?
I mean orks aren't males either. They are asexual in nature. No true gender since they reproduce by giving off spores. I guess the reason as to why they would look like males was that in order to combat the threat the galaxy is facing they need to adapt to its harshest conditions and grow into a larger individual to further more the race's survival. That's just my own point of view.
Asa Kura, Yeah I can see what you mean, they have Male characteristics and possible the same things as human males for waste removal. But other than that the similarities stop there. It’s kinda similar to the super mutants in fallout 3 where they all have Male characteristics in appearance but no proper gender or sexuality or sexual characteristics.
@@paladinboyd1228 isn't that a good thing. You can somewhat call them on what gender you want. If you think that they're males you are right. If you think they are also females. You are also right. I guess this is GW's saying you can assume their gender all you want to your hearts content and no one would every question you.
I love your videos dude,great work. Since emperor of mankind has his own video I think Warlord Ghazghkull Taraka also deserves a video about himself. His worst enemy is imperial guard’s commissar yarrick.Check those twos storyline.It is simply perfect.Also it will give you chance to explain both imperial guard and ork culture. Keep up the good work man.
An ork space vessel needed repair, they had some free booters come to fix it the ship. The orks that came to fix it witness a group of orks outside the ship with no space gear at all. They ask the orks how are they in the vacuum of space without gear. After hearing the question, instead of answering they all died. the ship got fixed though.
The psychic field also can be a detriment to the orks. There was a marine who had a heavy bolter vs a few hundred orks, but the heavy bolter was out of ammo so the marine made gun noises. The orks heard the noises and belived they were being fired on. So they thought and so it happend.
They actually arent that stupid. One warboss was getting beaten back by tau. So he changed his tactics to suit and ended up slaughtering the tau sent to take him out
Hearing an academic presentation of terms like "big choppa" and "slugga" makes my day.
I agree, but the mincing of WAAAAAAAAGH made me wince so badly. For any curious who find this and are unaware: It's pronounced like "waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar" though obviously with the British way of ending it, instead of a hard 'r' sound like those in the States tend to say.
If unsure, youtube *definitely* has examples.
If you like it here, listen to the Templin Institute's video on the orks
Even in 40k they do the same thing. It's kind of funny for a space marine to say "Killa' Kan" instead of Killer Can.
Well one thing left out is that simpler Ork tech like shootas and choppas can be used by other species though the guns are less reliable, more unusual attachments don't work and the melee weapons are generally less devastating (with the possible exception of a power klaw as Commisar Sebastian Yarrick has one permanently grafted to his arm as a prosthetic battle trophy and it works just fine). Also simpler ork vehicles still function more or less as intended like Trukks except the controls require an "extra degree of violence" to operate making them more difficult for say a human to drive.
A WAAAGH is basically a cross between a holy war and a pub crawl with a lot of indiscriminate violence and killing
so a crusade
Hey at least they dont discriminate in killing, right?
@@marlonyo ssssst
That is like the BEST way to describe a Ork WAAAGH. I LOL'd.
Discriminating means that you stop and think, finkin’ means wasting time best invested on krumpin’ ‘eds
In any other sci-fi, an apocalyptic plague. In 40k, the comic relief.
Comic relief and 40k don't really sound like they go together....but you're not wrong. Love orks in the genre
They have really toned down the comic part though over the years.
I like to think that Orkz are the physical embodiment of internet trolls, they do massive damage to everything and everyone around them for simple fun.
@@spencers4121I know make me sad
Orks are still an apocalyptic plague.
Orks believe many strange things about colours.
Red things go faster.
Blue things are lucky.
Orks are green and therefore green is the best colour.
And purple is sneaky.
"Wait how is purple sneaky?" I hear you ask. And to this I say: Have you ever seen a purple ork?
I rest my case.
The orks are right Green is the best color
if youre at war with orke, cant you just play their colorgame against them, making your vehicles red for example?
@@Mrcreeperdead well yeah you could
@@Mrcreeperdead Not really it only applys to orks unless its the ultrasmurfs or yarrick
"Orkses is never defeated in battle. If we win we win, if we die we die fighting so it don't count. If we runs for it we don't die neither, cos we can come back for annuver go, see!"
Well that's some positive thinking if i ever seen one.
And thus, the Orks way of live turned into a twisted Xanatos Gambit: No matter what you do, the Orks gain something in their favor...
Only cowardly blood axes fink like dat
Runnin' away ain't orky ya git, only blud axes run away 'cause theyz like humies too much
Specially considering that their reproductive cycle require constant battle, meaning that even if you manage to kill a horde of thousands, you will have to deal with hordes of hundred of thousands in the future.
For them war is life
Literally the only way to actually win agaisnt them is run away and not face them, otherwise they just keep coming and any victory is just temporary
Okay but couldn’t you just capture some orcs and bring them to the emperor in a cage and tell them that the emperor that the emperor can talk? I’m sure they could do it, and it would be safe from any illegality from the human religion
I fucking adore that what actually makes Orks dangerous is, for all intensive purposes, that fact that that believe in themselves. They can do anything they believe they can do, literally.
It's like is cheap moral from a care bears episode brought to its natural, bloody conclusion.
*for all intents and purposes
Sorry, I had too. What you said is totally true though.
they can also buff their enemies by believing them to be unbeatable, see commissar yarrik or a certain story which i dont remember totally where some marines ran out of ammo but kept mowing down orks by doing BANG BANG noises.
Thanks, now I can't stop thinking about Care-Bears ripping humans apart by the millions.
Weaponized motivational posters...
I love thinking about their planes, they just fly.
How though.
Don’t worry about it 😂🤣👌
Gotta confess, as a Brit I find the idea of an entire race of loud, fungal, cockneys roaming the galaxy quite endearing.
"Grab yer gunz boyz, we goin' ta wor!!!
Yeah, that's the orks in a nutshell.
'Umie. You's got the 'nformaton about Gork 'n Mork wrong! One cunningly brutal an' the ot'ers brutally cunning!
Wot a git!
My favourite thing about the Orks is how, because they think Commisar Yarrick is such a badass, it just worked when he decided to put on an ork power claw instead of his own arm
He also heard that the Orks believe he could kill with a glare, so he got a laser eyeball implant. Yarrick is a neat dude
That powerklaw is the one that cut off his arm, he killed the ork that injured him, and put the klaw in place of his missing arm. How badass
There is a fan theory (I don't believe any official fiction has confirmed it) that because Yarrick is now approximately more than a century old (he was approaching retirement age at the outbreak of the 2nd War of Armageddon, and the 3rd War started fifty years later to the day), the Orks have somehow integrated him into their gestalt psychic field, and because Orks believe that Yarrick can't be killed except by his archenemy, Warboss Ghazghkull, his sworn foes have made him functionally immortal.
@@Zombiewithabowtie To (Too) be fair though a century in 40k isn't that old
@@ddavis5708 It is way more than what your average person lives, though. Even for an inquisitor, given all the backstabbing and corruption.
Anyone find it kinda funny that the Orks and Necrons are probably going to be the ones to ultimately save the galaxy when the Tyranid main fleet finally shows up?
Orks armored with necrodermis, now that's the real nightmare
@Arusiek90 It's Hive Fleet Leviathan iirc
@@Glaaki13 I wonder if all the mass the Orkz are pulling out of the warp would eventually start de-powering the Ruinous Powers. I mean Chaos might be infinite, but the Chaos gods have been shown to only be able to access some of it at any time(which may or may not be the amount of "warp" that's dimensionally locked with the 40K galaxy in Real-Space). so if the orkz are drawn into an eternal battle, they may start becoming a vacuum that starts bleeding out all of Chaos's power into Real-Space(making it weaker/inert)
Nah, my Green Terminator bois can do it all on their own. THEY CLOSED THE BLOODY EYE OF TERROR! or, it's at least canon that they have the tech to do so now.
I get the feeling they basically made a few planks and put it on the center
Red uns goes quicker ya grot...
Not narrated in Orky, 9.8/10
To be fair, if you just can't get a gud an proppa ork tung, (as myself), it's best to leave it be.
In all fairness he wasn’t born with a heavy cockney accent
I'm the 666th like, I literally do not care, this comment is just about what I think
I love Orks in 40k it might seem odd at first, for there to be Space Orks in a scifi universe. But i love how diffrent and alien they are rather then being just another race.
Honestly, I'd be surprised if space orks were in anything other than scifi.
Sorry but I had to.
I totally love the "it works cause i want it to work" thing. Its just so cool.
@@annakozuki8950 sometimes I wish that I could paint myself purple and disappear
@@samuilsbroadcastingcorpora403 ;_;
"Space Orc" as a concept makes sense... when you understand that "Space Elves" have long since been a staple of Sci-fi.
If Orkz had made Fallout 76, it would have worked.
Actually that explains a lot. There must be a psychic field over at Bethesda where everything works. The second anyone else gets their hands on it, it craps out.
Not evun da mekboyz cudda fixed dat bunch o grox shite. Wez orkz not mirakal workarz.
@@bludspitta4726 xD
it just works
@@bludspitta4726 I can understand that
I thaught Orks were silly until that psychic field ability now im kinda jealous. I never thought I'd be jealous of fungus.
I mean, they're still silly. For one thing, Ork vehicles that are painted red go faster because the orks believe they will.
@mstrblik that would be commisar Yarrick and he also has an ork klaw as a hand that still works even though most ork weapons require enough orks to believe it works so essentialy either gork or mork specificaly directed the power of the WAAAAAAGH to the ork klaw because he was so badass
@@lyoncassar58 it is the same powerklaw that cut his hand off, he killed the ork wielding it, then put it in the place of his missing arm. He is so METAL
The best Shrooms in the galaxy.
M'lord your son is dead, you must let him go
@@michaelle1764 *I WANT TO SEE MY SON.*
Don't do durgz
From a certain point of view, the Orks and the Imperium have excellent relations.
From the Orks' point of view?
@@blackagent4754 Yep. The Orks love war, and the humans give it to them. Win win.
Yeah even the orkz themselves have said they love to fight the Imperium of Man.
ork pov
@@Bluecho4 and the imperium of man finds battle glorious and holy. Perfect for one another, a match made in heaven
They were a race that I played in Dawn of War, as they looked quite menacing, then I just played them because they were a really fun bunch.
My favorite line is one of the Orks saying "I wanna get stuck in with da boyz", which doesn't sound like a very serious thing to say, but does give a lot of charm to the character and race.
Look at me flash, boss! Mine's shootier than yours!
@@nathanielgrey4091 "Eh.. Boss? We're gettin' shot up!"
I would quite like to see another 40k videogame made. Or any kind of Warhammer game that isn't some kind of strategy game. Vermintide's good and all but it is kind of Left 4 Dead with rats, and Space Marine was a really enjoyable game.
So much opportunity...
I want to see more things talking about Orks. All settings place them as these monstrous enemies hungry for battle, but they're not just that.
Somewhere in the Imperium, a random human soldier is being conscripted to join his planet's fight against an Ork WAAAGH! that has made it there. While all the other soldiers in his unit are given regular firearms, he is instead given a broom by a Tech-Priest assigned to aid in the defense. When he asks why he is given it, the Tech-Priest responds that all he need do is point the broom at an enemy and shout "BANGITY-BANGITY-BANG!," and everything will work out in the end.
Despite his understandable protests, the soldier is led into battle, along with countless other conscripts and even several Space Marines. Though the soldier is confident in his chance of survival given the size of the Imperial army, that confidence is quickly dashed when the WAAAGH! meets it.
In seconds, soldier, Space Marine, and tank alike are torn apart by the Ork forces. The soldier himself tries his best using the guns dropped by his fallen comrades, but it takes more than 3 whole clips to take even one OrK down.
Eventually, when he is almost the last member of the Imperium standing in the way of the WAAAGH!, out of desperation, the soldier grabs his broom, points it at the nearest Ork, and shouts "BANGITY-BANGITY-BANG!" at it. Less than a second later, the Ork drops dead.
Realizing that the broom works, and that it's his only chance of getting out of there alive, the soldier continues to point the broom at Orks and kill them instantly with the same magic words.
The comedic carnage continues for hours as the soldier holds his own against the WAAGH!, killing Ork, Squig, and Snotling alike. Eventually, the battlefield is devoid of all life except for the soldier's, as he realizes that he has single-handedly ended the entire WAAGH!. Well, almost ended.
Not long afterward, the soldier sees an Ork levitating towards him, completely unfazed by the thousands of dead brethren that surround him.
The soldier points his broom at the Ork and shouts "BANGITY-BANGITY-BANG!" in order to finish him off, but nothing happens.
Still nothing.
Eventually, just as the Ork gets right in front of the soldier, the soldier feels a sudden, overwheling crushing sensation on his body. As his bones shatter and organs fail, he hears these last words as the Ork levitates over him:
Damn, that's fucked up.
Lmao so the orc imagined himself as a tank bruhhhh epic counter
The ultimate battle.
Warhammer 40k fact: The only actually happy ending to anything in 40k is Tuska and his "journey" to fight at the doorstep of Khorne.
So they just believe that their ships have life support system and breathe air produced by imagination?
Or the Mek made some super sophisticated life support system in a month of feverish inspiration. Both are equally likely.
That's could very well happen. There is a story in the lore about an imperial tank that got looted by orks, and when the imperials recaptured it, instead of an engine, they found a crude drawing of an engine with the words "vroom vroom" scrawled on it. The tank had been fighting against them for weeks at this point.
Anything is possible, if only you believe
It's less that the air is produced by imagination, more that the Orks believe their ship is *just* well built enough to hold the atmosphere in, and so it does.
It entirely depends on just how many orks you have and how big the shotcomings of the machine are. The waagh energy can make up for quite a bit but it's not omnipotent. Essentially the mekboy needs to construct a machine that looks sufficiently complex and is sufficiently noisy to convince the other orks it works. Preferably the machine actually works to some extent in the intended way so that the waagh energy just needs to cover for the shortcomings of the machine instead of sustituting the workings of the machine in its entirety (although that can work too if there are enough other orks that are convinced enough that it works).
In the Adeptus Ridiculous podcast, Bricky gives an anecdote of a number of Orks who went out to fix their ship without suits. Because they didn't realize the vacuum of space is dangerous, they were totally fine.
Then, another Ork ship pulls up along side them. Now, this crew was collectively more intelligent than your average warband, likely having deduced that space was dangerous from the fact that humans fucking died when sucked out into frigid void, and so had built ramshackle space suits to keep themselves alive. These Orks somehow contacted the unprotected "engineers", and asked how they were floating around in space unharmed. Every Ork who heard this immediately died upon realizing the dangers of space.
On the psychic ability of the Orks:
They believe the emperor is still alive, that's why the emperor is still alive.
I love how weapons that are basically just toobs with rockets work just cus and massive space ships don't even need windows because WHHAAAAGGG protects from hard vacuum somehow.
I just love how you managed to make these ridiculous beasts sound serious.
You're one of the best people to explain warhammer 40k.
Pull yourself together, Wolf, last i checked none of the schools excepted monsters into their ranks XD
Hearing about 40k for the first time some years ago "oh, ok, that's kinda cool". Hearing about 40k Orks for the first time shortly after: "WAAAAAAAGGGGGHHHHHH!" and bought some Orks.
I heard Games Workshop is trying to make Orks not the funny things they are and I can't think of a worse thing to do. I usually peak people's interest when I talk about Orks and how they think "dis 'ill fly" and that's why it flies.
Can't wait for the "Exploring Warhammer 40k: Comissar Yarrick"
I think you misspelled Human Ork Waaggh boss
@@sicarius6501 Touché. I'm also guilty of not mentioning the other part of the equation: Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka aka "Da Ork dat once Spok Hi Gotik to ol' one-eye yarrick"
Orks are more....exotic than I expected.I thought they were just a callback ftom the original Warhammer universe, but there are it´s unique race in the 40k, I respect them more now, and now I find them terrifying
[BLAM!] Fear not xeno fear me instead.
If the Orks of the Warhammer 40k universe would ever unite under one leader,they would pretty much curbstomp the entire galaxy.Maybe the Tyranids could stood against them,but the rest would be fucked,like proper fucked.
The only reason they haven't conquered the entire galaxy is because they fight as much each other,as they fight the other races and they don't use their psychic powers to their full potential, because they're too dumb to do so.
During the Octarius War, they successfully pushed back a Tyranid Hive Fleet and even forced it to do a strategic retreat. Not even the Ultramarines, the biggest Mary Sues in the Warhammer 40k setting have managed this!
During the War of the Beast, the united Ork clans were one step away of defeating the Imperium,they conquered a huge part of it and almost Holy Terra itself, they killed the Primarch Vulkan and almost wiped out the Imperial Fists down to one Space Marine.
To put this in perspective: Horus, who was a frikin' Primarch demi-god, ''blessed'' with the powers of Chaos, commanding a huge army of traitor Space Marines incl. several other traitor Primarchs, ascended to Demon Princes and a huge regular army & mechanicus traitors, plus a huge demon army, didn't manage that!
Orks are as silly as they are horrifying. Slapstick cartoon violence is hilarious... until it's running towards you in the form of 7-foot-tall monsters that plow through your defenses with boundless child-like enthusiasm while wielding literally impossible weapons and vehicles that simply *work* in complete defiance of logic and physics.
That's the true horror of the orks. They are giant, gleefully barbaric children with machetes and hand-cannons who build silly guns and mechs that look like crayon drawings made of Legos and scrap metal.
Then they charge screaming into battle, expecting the universe to accommodate all this nonsense about red paint and starships... and, for the most part, it does.
Very good video just one point I want to raise. Ork hierarchy is determined solely by size, so odd boys are usually out ranked by nobz since they are smaller and weaker. This is important for weird boys who normally avoid other orks since being surrounded by so much waaagh energy can make their heads explode so the nobs have to force them to join the tribes. An odd boy might be the only one with an idea of where to find a good fight or how to get more guns so the tribe might end up always following their advice but an odd boy that tries to order a nob around is in for a right good kicking. The exception to this are the big meks and mad dokz which are mekboys and pain boys that have lived long enough to grow to nob sizes. And warp heads which are weird boys who enjoy blasting things with their psychic powers and will use those powers to make up for their lack of size in a fight.
One other thing. The exstent to which the waaagh helps ork tech along is only vaguely understood at best, but it's probably not good enough to turn slabs of gun shaped metal into fully automatic rifles.
We know from the beast arises series that while ork tech only worked while in the hands of orks, it still was based on actual science and engineering to the point that it could be studied and replicated by the ad mech.
Of course the red ones go faster, a blue ork can stepped on by a titan and some how survive, and a purple ork is almost completely invisible. So the waaagh does warp reality but i think it's less a box of scrap metal can some how shoot bullets, and more an ork can load whatever sized bullets into his gun he wants. Which is why the thing will explode in the hands of a human rather than just becoming completely inert.
Oi see boyz of green
red wartrukks too
'umies go 'boom'
for me an' you
An' oi fink to meself
'Wat a wandarful Waaagh!'
Btw I did not make this, just posted part of it cause Orks are hilarious
part? is there more? :D
@@xp3334 bit late bur here you go:
Oi see boyz of green,
red wartrukks too.
'umies go 'boom'
for me an' you.
An' I fink to myself:
'What a wondaful Waaagh!'.
Oi see Marines of blue
an' bikes of white.
Those beakie boyz they
sure know 'ow to fight.
An' I fink to myself:
'What a wondaful Waaagh!'.
Our stormboyz and deffkoptas,
so orky in da sky,
blast away da faces
of humies goin' by.
Oi see gits dyin' and sayin':
'Wot do we do?'
And then they's all sayin:
'Oh, I'm froo.'
I hear panzees cry,
I watch 'em explode.
They'll fight no more
'cuz they wuz too slow.
Then I fink to myself:
'What a wondaful Waaagh!'.
Yes, I fink to myself:
'What a wondaful Waaagh!'.
@@apotekariusri652 nice xD ty
@@apotekariusri652 I sang this all to myself now my throat hurts
"Painting things red makes them go faster."
Char? Trans-am?
Also yellow is more explody, blue is lucky
...man, you're making me think what an Ork with a blonde wig and a facemask would look like, sitting in a bar going "Because he's just a stupid kid..."
...I'm guessing very few people will get that reference...
@@mikeching6374 that's loads better than a mekboy shouting "I am gundam".
Or is it?
@@OverseerXIII the ork version of a gundam are killa kans defd dreds and gorguntz
@@lucianfrostbane and from now on every single one of those shall be painted red.
More fun facts about the Orkz:
They use currency, called "teef" which is exactly what you think it is. The bad moons clan is the richest clan because their teef grow back the quickest.
You know how red makes their stuff go faster? Yellow makes bigger explosions, green is DA BEST COZ ORKZ IS DA BEST and purple is sneaky. Because you ain't nevah seen a purple Ork.
I am not kidding.
Shout-out to the Lorehammer podcast if you want some neat lore discussions for 40k
It's also a nice feature of Ork economy that, if an Ork is a bit short on cash, all he needs is a decent right hook and someone smaller than he is to boost his income.
Also, on the subject of colour, the Death Skulls believe that blue is a lucky colour, to the point of slathering themselves head to toe in blue paint to improve their odds of survival and finding good loot.
Don't forget that Blue's Lucky!
I think the dichotomy between gork and Mork is interesting. The whole "cunning but brutal" thing says to me that one will try to stab you in the back if he can't beat you to death, and the other will beat you to death if he can't stab you in the back
How Ork tech works is hilarious when you read the old codex's. Technically you can give them a lead pipe, convince them its a gun and by GOD that empty lead pipe will start flinging bullets.
And purple is sneaky. Have you ever seen a purple orkz?
I can hear the smile on your face when you were saying “shoota” lol
so.... orks will their weapons to work, thats brutal and cunning
This could go bad VEEEERY fast... Imagine an Ork using a weapon and believing that it could kill all his enemies at the same time with one pull of it's trigger… Genocide Incoming...
No, it is cunning and brutal.
@@keinenbockmehr1749 nearly every ork would have to believe that though
@@keepermovin5906 I think, most of them are stupid enough to do that... for example, if a big and powerfull warboss announces it, because the "inventor" claimed it to work that way? Why would they doubt him? In a WAAAAAHG, everything can happen!
Have you ever seen a purple ork? It just works...
Wait?there are PURPLE ORKS!!
@@sicarius6501 depends on who you asks. The greatest human, eldar and necron scientists have unsuccessfully tried observing this phenomenon and yet orks state the opposite
@@samuilsbroadcastingcorpora403 can you trust them gits
@@sicarius6501 have you ever heard of an ork smart enough to lie?
@@sicarius6501 Ya git! You dun' ze da parpul boyz kuz' parpul'z da znikiezt kulur!
orks: "okay boyz, der gunna bee some kamera boyz down der, Dey say if you look in da kamra it'll wreak der shot, so whuevva ya' do down der. No. Looken at de Kamera!"
astartes: "oh brave defenders of his Imperial greatness, a remembracer crew will be recording our brave exploits for all posterity, I beseech thee! In his holy name, don't look directly into the camera"
that one squig: "WAAAAAzzzzzUuup!"
There will never be enough dakka.
10:18 and because orks believe Commissar Yarrick is invincible, he is (as long as he’s fighting orbs)
Its just simple pest extermination - last words of commissar before receiving a choppa to the head
You did a great job of explaining how weird 40k can get
Man, I didn't know Scp lore went this deep.
Yeah, really mindblowing
I know it's almost like these guys have been around for 40 or more years
When you pronounced runtherds as "run-thirds" instead of "runt-herds", I died a little inside.
It happens a lot with th in the middle of a word. Compounded with Ork language being what it is, the mistake is understandable. Stull made me cringe though.
I'm going to paint my car with redcolor
Nah, paint it purple.
That way you'll be able to speed all the time and never get caught!
Hm, I've never seen a purple car befo-
*Holy shit*
Why do you think Ferrari cars are red? To go faster!
My favorite tid bit of orc humor is a Imperial garrison ran out of ammo and started making gun sounds. The orcs believing they were getting shot at were dropping dead at their own accord.
I want this Canon
On the outside, these things looks terrifying, the almost perfect killing machine, each and every one of them
one of my favorite things about the orks is that while their psychic field makes stuff work sometimes if enough of them die or say a bad roll of the dice their stuff blows up on them or begins to function less and less like the orks want and more like how science says it actually should
I've listened to this a few times and still laugh at you going through the Ork weapons. Thanks for all your efforts.
i used to play orks when i was into 40k it was the most fun. I always had a good time playing with my ork army.
It's flesh also has an unique quality, capable of making you see a specific hawkboy
This lore is much better than the original. In the original lore, occasionally an Ork would get the sense they to take care of some business, what they called "doin' somethin' Orky" where they'd break from the group and pretty much cough an egg out of their...whatever held it, this was before they were remade into a fungus. They had the instinct to make sure the small, leathery egg was at least partially obstructed from view then they'd give it no more thought as the ran off to rejoin their group. All Orks did this and this happened fairly often.
The Orks can survive in all sorts of ridiculous conditions so this could happen in the densest jungle, in the middle of a continental size desert, hidden somewhere in the grass lands, or in the frozen wastelands. This occurred at random times but would usually average out to several egg per year, more if the Ork was particularly hardy and well-fed.
I like the newer version much better, there wasn't really anything wrong with the old canon and it was unique enough, but the fungal origin just feels better, at least to me. The hardiness of the Ork feels much better with the explanation that they're fungi, able to regenerate from almost nothing given enough time and sunlight. Plus the shedding of spores like humans do dead skin cells certainly makes infestation seem much more difficult, if not impossible, to remove from a planet. And I love that when they are finally actually killed, their body erupts with spores as one last giant middle finger to their enemy. And since the spores are microscopic, it took the other races forever to figure out their true nature. This fits the Orks general theme of enthusiastic goofiness and warlust so much better.
_"Hey. Slugger is our word. It's okay though, you can say Slugga"_
So they have taken the placebo effect to a hole new level
-punches reporter
If the imperium just chants the emperor lives to orks then the the emperor will return.
In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only War...
And the Orks wouldnt have it any other way...
technically the strongest creature in the W40K universe because they can make anything they believe a reality
Not quite. Although I firmly believe in the end it will be orks vs tyranids vs necrons. Everyone else will be food.
No joke. If I had to be born in the 40k universe, I'd probably want to be an ork. They are pretty much the only race who actually enjoy their existence.
If there is a problem that wasn't previously solved by the employment of DAKKA, in that case, my friend, you just need MOAR DAKKA
Seem a bit comic relief like until one of them gets the bright idea to read and write in red as they’ll learn faster.
Great video, but I'm pretty sure Runtherd is pronounced: Runt-heard. As in, someone that herds runts.
I didn't want to correct this, but I knew someone would.
I'm surprised Da Orks Song wasn't playing in the background of this video
8:45 now there’s some priorities that I can get behind
They're just so fun and terrifying. They're like angry ants that are bigger than a man and exist to murder for the sake of it.
My favorite thing about Orks is that they are a valid explanation for the Warhammer 40k universe existing. Since the Waaagh makes anything Orks believe is true, true, it's thought that because Orks believe that the only thing to live for is War, the entire galaxy is consumed by it and in a constant state of battle. It's also thought to be why the Emperor of Man is still alive. The Orks believe him to be immortal, so he is.
Well that's more just due to how the warp works in general. Bad shit happens in reality: Chaos gods form that embody that bad shit. Said Chaos gods act to insure that their particular flavour of bad shit is spread throughout realspace, making them more powerful, allowing them to cause even more. Rinse and repeat. For example, Khorne is currently the most powerful chaos God because 40k is so violent, and 40k is as violent as it is because Khorne is the most powerful Chaos god (and intends to keep it that way).
Of course, there's so many books, codexes, games and other material set in 40k by so many different creators that what you just said could be true in one of them. I mean, there have been 8 editions of the core rulebook by now so establishing what's actually canon is a difficult task. 40k has been around since the '80s and it's still going strong so I'm not even sure if it's even possible for someone to keep track of all the Emperor-damned lore for 40k.
Well saying the Old Ones lost is wrong. They beat back the Necrons and put them into remission for 65 million years. They were just so weak and in a bad situation at the end of the war they couldn't continue.
No the Necrons won. Then afterwards they turned on the C'tan and shattered them, almost destroying reality in the process.
The silent king decided to sent everyone to sleep to let the galaxy recover
depends in which edition you read. There was a point in time when that was basically true, but in the 5th ed necron book, when they did a major update to the necrons, they rewrote the war in heaven so that the necrons completely destroyed the old ones, and then rebelled against the C'tan, which left them too weak to fight the eldar and the krork left over from the war in heaven, so that's why they went into stasis
@@joelritter1336 ye
The old ones invented orks. That counts as the ultimate victory
this is a good descriptor of the Orks and their way of life, and well researched. keep up the good work.
however, one thing that should be noted, is that a WAAAGH!!! is only pronounced 'waah' the G is silent... not entirely certain why, but it does roll off the tongue better. didn't want to sound like 'that guy' when bringing this up, but figured it'd be helpful
I’m pretty sure the Orks view Gork & Mork similarly to how we view ying & yang
Me as an ork: i believe this butter knife can obliderate this whole planet
"planet fucking explodes"
So Warhammer 40k isn't the future of the medieval fantasy Warhammer? Are the two related at all?
40k and Fantasy used to be related but Games Workshop kept the two apart as separate universes since the third edition though there are sometimes easter eggs like that time some elves found a giant man in a suit of silver armor speaking in a strange tongue AKA a Grey Knight.
For all intents and purposes they're completely different universes with shared elements.
That turned out to be a sigmar marine
Different universes. Not even connected by the warp
In the original lore, the old world (the world of warhammer fantasy) was a planet in the 40k universe (thought to be in the eye of terror), but about 20 years ago, Games workshop retconned that and stated that they were two seperate universes
Another interesting Orky fact: Orks have an economy with currency, however this "currency" is in fact dislodged Ork Teeth. If one ork is trying to buy something and does not have enough teeth to make the purchase it is not against the rules of Ork society to knock the last few teeth out of the head of the Ork you are buying the object from. Sort of like "Need a penny take a penny, have a penny leave a penny" containers at the corner market. Everything orks have will eventually grow back, even teeth so to them it isn't that big a deal.
40k orks have always been my favorite orks. I feel like the warhammer fantasy orcs have a lot of comedic mechanics in them such as the goblin fanatic (the one that's hoped up mushrooms and spins a ball and chain in random directions including right into the boyz) lol
9:02 why not build a window in your spaceship?
8:52 Can someone PLEASE explain to me what in the HELL is happening in this picture? The psychic Ork seems to be either sucking up or shooting out snotlings... hahaha it is so weird.
Its actually a Big Mek. The Shokk Attack Gun sucks up snotlings and firea them through the warp, teleporting them inside of the target. Scares the shit out of them, literally, and the trauma of having a clawed, fanged toddles materializing inside of you, your armor or your tank, clawing, biting and shitting everywhere is fairly lethal, or at least disruptive.
Thats when the weapon works. Sonetimes it shoota the ork operating the gun instead. Sonetimes it explodes. Sometimes it opens a rift into the warp that sucks in all matter in a small radius, causing overwhelming damage.
Fun times.
@@nathanielgrey4091 HAHHAAHAHAHAHAA! No way. So the snotljngs are running because when they get shot into someone's body there probably going to die.
@@reina4969 no they're too dumb to know what's going too happen, they're just scared of the loud noise the shokk attack gun makes.
Besides, even if they're small, they're still pretty resistant to damage.
Chances are the snotling will be killed by the enemy after it crawls it's way out of someone's body rather than before it does so.
Or be sucked up and shot again. Who knows.
So the Orks essentially take the "Believe it!" Quote from Naruto and just crank it up to 11.
no mention on how the waargh! interacts with non orks? like how humans who spend a lot of time around orks can use their weapons
or commisar yarrick who was likely believed to be immortal by the orks he thought and has now become a perpetual?
Commandos yell "QUITE NOISE! QUITE NOISE! QUITE NOISE!" over and over as the sneak around your defenses.
Wid da proppah bluu an purpul dabs it kin work...
-Ork Kommandos is optimists.
If Schrek was in Mad Max
I just love how much this feels like the joke SCPs video with a cold analytical description of terms like the WAAAGH and others.
Yeah that's why it orks are so hilarious is why I love about 40K well my favorite is the tyranids all hail the Great Devourer
It needz moar dakka....
_The ork says looking at his creation which is litterally that massive gun made of guns from saints row 4_
Says in a bad cocki accent: Ahh right boyz here we go!
No female orks. W40K universe is an hell for everyone.
Wot kind o' postal service is "fee-mail" anywayz?
I mean orks aren't males either. They are asexual in nature. No true gender since they reproduce by giving off spores. I guess the reason as to why they would look like males was that in order to combat the threat the galaxy is facing they need to adapt to its harshest conditions and grow into a larger individual to further more the race's survival. That's just my own point of view.
Asa Kura, Yeah I can see what you mean, they have Male characteristics and possible the same things as human males for waste removal.
But other than that the similarities stop there.
It’s kinda similar to the super mutants in fallout 3 where they all have Male characteristics in appearance but no proper gender or sexuality or sexual characteristics.
@@paladinboyd1228 isn't that a good thing. You can somewhat call them on what gender you want. If you think that they're males you are right. If you think they are also females. You are also right. I guess this is GW's saying you can assume their gender all you want to your hearts content and no one would every question you.
Asa Kura, Oh yeah your right. However there will proper be one weirdboy that insists he is a girl or something.
I love your videos dude,great work. Since emperor of mankind has his own video I think Warlord Ghazghkull Taraka also deserves a video about himself. His worst enemy is imperial guard’s commissar yarrick.Check those twos storyline.It is simply perfect.Also it will give you chance to explain both imperial guard and ork culture. Keep up the good work man.
Dis vid-yo makes mah choppa be'um da big choppa!
"I'm a tank I'm a tank I'm a tank I'm a tank"
Orkz iz mayd fur foitin' an winin!
An ork space vessel needed repair, they had some free booters come to fix it the ship. The orks that came to fix it witness a group of orks outside the ship with no space gear at all. They ask the orks how are they in the vacuum of space without gear. After hearing the question, instead of answering they all died. the ship got fixed though.
I can’t get over them being called boys!!! I love it!!😅
Ah ah ah - They're BOYZ. Leave all sibilants by the door, Orks don't need them.
All should fear the Ork who chants, "I'm a tank I'm a tank I'm a tank"
Orks: if Douglas Adams/Terry Pratchett made a W40k race
“There were more guardsmen on the planet than atoms in the universe, And there’s still orks”
-MandalorGaming, on a ‘bug’ in 40k Chapter master.
The psychic field also can be a detriment to the orks. There was a marine who had a heavy bolter vs a few hundred orks, but the heavy bolter was out of ammo so the marine made gun noises. The orks heard the noises and belived they were being fired on. So they thought and so it happend.
There very powerful
But they’re so stupid it holds them back
They actually arent that stupid. One warboss was getting beaten back by tau. So he changed his tactics to suit and ended up slaughtering the tau sent to take him out
Aaron Henderson
1 war boss doesn’t make them smart it just means a couple orks are smart
Anker Larsson
Yeah sorry
they were designed to be stupid.
Completely new to this WH40k stuff but I think I love these guys holy hell