I found it on a map site somewhere, it had the 48k tap file which allowed me to load it into wintzx and from there loaded into my spectrum 128k+1. The 128k version was much harder to find and I cannot remember where I got it from sorry,I do remember I had to convert it from z80 to tzx to get it to load into wintzx.
I hope you enjoy my channel enough to
╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ....Thanks for watching :-D
imagine these levels in the arcade version..
Is this available to download anywhere?
I found it on a map site somewhere, it had the 48k tap file which allowed me to load it into wintzx and from there loaded into my spectrum 128k+1.
The 128k version was much harder to find and I cannot remember where I got it from sorry,I do remember I had to convert it from z80 to tzx to get it to load into wintzx.
Excellent job!
Yeah i'm over the moon with this discovery :-D