Bowser, Ganondorf, Zant, Ghirahim, Demise, Yuga, Cia, Volga, Wizzro, Astor, Ganon Devorador, Ganon El Caltacrismo, Las Iras de Ganon, Elementor, Zavok, Neo Metal Sonic, Tiki Tong, Mecha Sonic, Bellum, Malladus, Ghastly King, Mega Rabbid Kong, Metal Sonic Kai, Dark Gaia, Metal Sonic, Solaris, Erazor Dijinn la forma de Alf-Layla-wa-wayla, la reina de la oscuridad, Nega Wisp Armor, Time Eater, Eggrobo, Chaos, Lyric The Last Ancient, The Phantom Monarch, Infinite, Nazo, Supreme/The End, Silver Sonic Mech, Metallix, Paper Bowser, Chaos Sonic, Rocket Metal Sonic, Devil Doom, Tail Lung, Lord Shen, Kai, William birkin, Albert Wesker, Nemesis, Jack Norman, Sanctus Diabólica, Urizen, Rey Olly, Stallord, Koloktos, Berial, Null, Maliscar El Gran Imperio Zorn, Jafar, Hades y Rudy en high school dxd 0:29
El final me recuerda al de esdheat y tatsumi
1 2 3 4
2 3 4 5
Bowser, Ganondorf, Zant, Ghirahim, Demise, Yuga, Cia, Volga, Wizzro, Astor, Ganon Devorador, Ganon El Caltacrismo, Las Iras de Ganon, Elementor, Zavok, Neo Metal Sonic, Tiki Tong, Mecha Sonic, Bellum, Malladus, Ghastly King, Mega Rabbid Kong, Metal Sonic Kai, Dark Gaia, Metal Sonic, Solaris, Erazor Dijinn la forma de Alf-Layla-wa-wayla, la reina de la oscuridad, Nega Wisp Armor, Time Eater, Eggrobo, Chaos, Lyric The Last Ancient, The Phantom Monarch, Infinite, Nazo, Supreme/The End, Silver Sonic Mech, Metallix, Paper Bowser, Chaos Sonic, Rocket Metal Sonic, Devil Doom, Tail Lung, Lord Shen, Kai, William birkin, Albert Wesker, Nemesis, Jack Norman, Sanctus Diabólica, Urizen, Rey Olly, Stallord, Koloktos, Berial, Null, Maliscar El Gran Imperio Zorn, Jafar, Hades y Rudy en high school dxd 0:29