I am about to express a truth that people might cringe at or agree with. When i was 24, i was called to Jury Duty here in Long Island. When i got there, they made me stand up and answer the following question: "If a policeman was on the stand, will he tell the truth or lie?" I answered the following: "It all depends on the situation. When a policeman's image is being held in suspicion, he or she will probably and most likely lie to protect it." I was given a 6-year letter excusing me to never come back, and i was never called back. This is how corrupt the system can be. They don't want truth speakers. They are looking for blind enablers that don't say too much and usually go along with the status quo.
The judicial system is corrupt to the core and beyond as we all know ! The court system works exactly like a market , where the two sides involved act like salesmen in the car dealers ! Absolutely no different!! My level of trust in the so- called “ Justice “ in America is a negative number ….
@@itadrummer1 Yeah i had to see it for myself. They gave me a paper saying they won't call or write me for the next 6 years? But it's been over 6 so i think i am good. Nice and out of the meatgrinder.
@@beholdandfearme How would you improve your life to adequately fit that of someone who isn't a total reject going through 5 month old comments and responding to them? Your defense of this idiot won't get you laid either, big guy.
basically legal adult kidnapping. I have to go somewhere against my will and be paid less than minimum wage instead of going to WORK and contributing to the economy.
Yes please explain to me how this is constitutional requiring someone to stop their life and wages so a criminal has due process? I am 48 years old and keep getting called to jury duty over and over while people like my wife have never been called. I have been required for jury service like 10 times. How is this fair or just. I had to sue a guy for damages and got a judgement over 4 years ago. I have never received a dime and this scumbag's lawyer tells me I have to enforce the judgement. Really? So I have to take the guy back to court so he can explain to the judge why he won't pay me even though a judge ordered him to. This costs me more time and money just to recoup a fraction of what the judge awarded me. Again why not just do the right thing and pay me rather hiring an attorney and refusing to pay me what you owe me? Because he thinks I'll give up. With a justice system meant to protect the accused/criminals and the victims made to feel like criminals it's no wonder he's banking that I'll give up. I'm sick of hearing about my civic duty when I have done it more than my fair share. I'm sick of paying taxes, following the law, and being a good citizen when I am treated like cattle. How is it my responsibility to fill in for others that dont show up? I have to go more because others dont show up. I've never been arrested or sued yet i have to give up countless hours and time so some repeat criminal has a fair trial? My country does nothing for me other than pass law after law restricting my rights and robbing me by taxing my dollar over and over. I'm sick of judges and lawyers attitude that my time is worth $17.50 a day. In order for me to go to jury service I have to travel 2 hours both ways. How is my time worth nothing? This needs to change! Nobody should be able to tell me I HAVE to to anything I dont want to. LEAVE ME ALONE! Only thing the government should be there for is to build infrastructure and maintain an army, period. Other than that stay out of people's lives, last I checked I have a mommy and daddy and I am an adult with a moral compass and common sense. Start looking to change this unbalanced system of kidnapping and robbery. It's a complete joke.
Thank you for the clear explanations! If you see this question, I know several people who would really love to serve jury duty and would find it fulfilling and interesting. That being said, why don't courts allow people to be vetted and put on a volunteer list and then pull from that list first, rather than requiring random people to serve jury duty causing many people a LOT of hardship in their family and work schedules? Thank you.
@@gameaddict6969 OK then pay them the wages they lose from their job and proper travelling expenses. Here in the UK the maximum.we can claim is £60, a day, £5 for food, if my husband got called, we would be in severe financial hardship.
@@GailOwens everyone I’ve known in the states has gotten between $6-12 for the day 😒 AND you have to pay for parking, so you might end up at a loss even before you factor in the loss of wages
So I just got summoned and this video definitely alleviated some of the anxiety, so thank you for that! I think my main issue is I'm not so sure that I'm qualified to contribute to a decision that may impact someone's life in a serious way. Guess all I can do is try my best and hope the case isn't too complicated :P
HI @PsychicSploob - you will be fine! Your attitude is spot on for success if you are put on the panel. Check out the other videos in our Jury Duty playlist if you have more questions.
I'm looking forward to my jury summons. Just got mine today. It's an honor and a privilege for sure! But it's not just you making the decision, it's the entire jury.
I just got my first circuit court jury duty summons! I’m 20 and have no desire to be a juror or miss a full day or paid work, but I still want to be prepared if something happens. I don’t want to be responsible for someone like this, and it makes me *super* anxious.
I should throw it away, you’re right. It’s causing so must stress right now. They are forcing me to put others before my children. F them. I also refuse surveys at home. I think this is my punishment and it’s not random. I am just concerned about crossing border lines in future. Maybe it’s a silly worry.
This helps a lot as I got summoned for Jury Duty in a few days. My anxiety about what might go on is making me nervous. This helped so much!! Thank you
In Arizona there is about 30 to 40 prospective jurors brought into the courtroom. You are given a card with a number on it. The judge will ask generic questions as you had mentioned. Then everyone leaves the courtroom. Then the clerk will come out and call up a bunch of names telling these people they can leave. About 15 of you go back into the courtroom the lawyers do not even ask a question. One of the lawyers will call off 12 names and tell them to sit in the jury box they will state this is the jury. All others are released to go home or report back to the waiting area.
@JoshuaAllenof thePittsFamily I'm not familiar with nullification I've been called to jury duty about four times I was on one case. I'm just an average person I'm not a lawyer I've never heard the term of jury nullification either while questioned for jury duty or sitting as a juror on a actual case
@JoshuaAllenof thePittsFamily no Maricopa County. Also I have a question why do they ask you if you have served as a juror on a case and what the outcome was when they question you as a potential juror
Is there time to discuss with the judge if you have good reason not to serve? I called and they said there would be interaction as such. I work three jobs as a contractor (60 hrs a week minimum) and have to make up time gone, since I am using all of my PTO for a nonrefundable international flight later this month. I also have a toddler and we downsized to one car since I work from home. I am due to call later today to see if I need to go in tomorrow. I’m in Maricopa as well. 😬
@@wendy5116 in Arizona it is illegal for your employer to retaliate or fail to grant you time. That said, loss of income is a hardship. If you reply to the summons early enough (at least 10 days prior to you summons date) you may be excused. This happened to me and they excused me. On another point, many Arizona employers pay jury duty. I'd definitely talk to your employer. One you go, you won't be called again for 1 1/2 years. And if you serve, it's 2 years. Most trials aren't weeks long. Try changing your viewpoint from one of inconvenience to one of Karma. Maybe one day you need 12 people in a jury box who aren't pissed at having to be there.
@@geelee3370 Update edit: You don't' have to go after all. Just talked to my friend who is an attorney and he states court must have a proof of you being served with the summons. Without it, they can't prosecute you. All those penalties they list on the paper is for people who have proven to court that they received it but decided not to show. You have to go. Ignoring can lead to felony or misdemeanor and you can get charged upto $1500. It goes in their system. It will haunt you. Better to go and express yourself and if you're not impartial and not fair with your justice view, then they'll dismiss you. Yes, it's annoying. The fact that you have to wake up at 6 or earlier and get to the court at 7 is a huge hassle but not going makes it worse. There's no way around judicial system. It's not a photo red light or radar speeding ticket where you can ignore it since they have to physically serve it to you within certain period of time. This is judicial system.
I got a letter telling me I’ve been summoned today. But hopefully I don’t have to sit through anything haha. I’m kinda nervous too but then again, I didn’t do anything wrong so p:
@@FinelyRevealed Yesterday wasn't as bad as I thought but I was so nervous,and I ended up getting pick so hopefully these 2 days coming up want be so bad
I have been summoned for federal court jury duty. I have to go on Monday. I have terrible anxiety that I take medication for. I’m terrified. My short term memory is terrible, as a result of my anxiety. I also have a very hard time paying attention when I am thrust into a situation like this. I am so afraid that if I get picked, I may not be able to follow what’s happening as well as I should. When I am that distressed, my bladder goes on overdrive, making it even harder to pay attention. I hope there are bathroom breaks. I am going to limit my intake of liquids just in case. I was supposed to do this in August, but it got postponed. This is literally my worst nightmare. Being trapped in a building full of strangers in a place where they can put you in jail. I seriously don’t want to do this.
Hi @Heather you are making this too much of a big deal! Jury duty is cake. Instead of imagining a worst case scenario- try looking at it as making new acquaintances - watching a live case and having lots of breaks. For the first day it is very easy and you may only be there a short time and excused. Let us know how it goes.
@@jvseptember14 I didn’t get as far as an interview. We were waiting for that and the guy pled guilty. I’m sorry you have anxiety. It’s a horrible and crippling thing.
I'm almost like a hermit and just received juror qualification form. Never liked being around people and especially having to speak. I guess I can live through it but not sure if my social anxiety will allow me to be the best juror member that could be picked. Just wondering if I should try to go through with it or write a letter to attach to the form asking to be excused for these reasons.
It would be best for you to show up and most likely you will be in and out within an hour or so. You were chosen for a reason. Perhaps there is someone in the case who is like you. Or, maybe you will see that your anxiety has diminished.
@I hate dream and kpop stans. Fools. oh no i havent yet maybe it was due to you know pandemic. So, thats why they didnt call me yet i guess. But i did get a mail from them it was a questionnare form i had to fill and mail them back.
I have mixed feelings right now. I kinda want to do jury duty because it would be a fun and new experience, but again I don’t know how long the trial would take, and I’m a nerve wreck when it comes to interviews. Ughhh
Hi @Awesome! The questions are to get information for the attorneys to determine which people they do not want on the jury. It is based on the case and there is no way for you to 'pass' or 'fail'. Give yourself a break- go and enjoy the experience. They will tell you how long the trial will be at the beginning and if that conflicts with something you have coming up just speak up and tell them. Most likely you will be in and out of there in a few hours at the most. Go with yoru fun new experience attitude- it's great for people watching and meeting new friends.
So like I just turned 18 and I work alot of fast food if I recognize one costumer that comes to my place of work. I don't really talk with them I just take the money and give the their food. Does that count as know the person?
Just got a summons in the mail today. I’m terrified, I’m not even old enough to buy alcohol but apparently I’m old enough to determine the fate of another human’s life. I don’t feel like I’d be a fair juror in the slightest.
I got summoned for jury duty in North Carolina a week before I move to Colorado. I’m gonna have to have to contact the courthouse to be dismissed because I have to out process from my unit during that time.
In our country the burden of proof is on the prosecution--a man is considered innocent until PROVEN guilty. How in the world can the court prove that the summons was indeed delivered to the right address and that the addressee did see it and ignored it? The summons isn't even sent registered mail! Prosecution for ignoring a summons seems impossible under the law.
You can totally do that. For the most part it works. A friend has done that twice and both times they accepted that from him. He was honestly telling the truth too.
I've been summoned on two occasions, but never picked to join the panel. It happened yesterday, 3 trials. Honestly if the cases are easy I don't mind, I get anxious with hard cases, I feel dumb.
Just the fact so many people in thr comments arr talking about being summoned and how nervous the are just shows how poor the system and process is. Only people willing to submit their names in a pool should be randomly selected for such processes.
Thanks for the information, it's really annoying that so many videos I saw when searching for this were just about how to get out of jury duty when all I want to know is how to do things properly.
During a couple of our selections.... there was about 100 plus in the pews... they asked court questions, by show of hands, how many have received a traffic ticket at least once, and paid it? All the hands went up. LOL! Including mine.
Hi @Murderous Please don't get worked up about it. The hardest part will be finding the room that you are to report to - after that it's waiting and watching and most people are only there a few hours.
@@FinelyRevealed u sure because my parents told me I have to walk and talk in front of a bunch of people and my anxiety will skyrocket in that situation
Are these question on paper? Or do I have to speak in front of the other possible jurors? I’m have severe anxiety and have never been able to publicly speak.
@@FinelyRevealed thank you for the response, I just got out. We were told to sit in the witness stand and speak to the judge, potential jury and the attorneys. I was nervous but it wasn’t so bad. Thank you so much for the info.
Got a jury summon a few weeks ago and instead of being filled with anxiety I am filled with anger and annoyance that I even got a summon and that the court denied the letter I sent them telling why I don't want to do jury duty. I don't have the time and especially don't have the money to be wasting hearing people on both sides try to tell me why they think they have the better argument. What I don't understand is why do these stupid people that run the system try to get people to be on jury duty when they clearly don't want to be and make it clear they don't want to do this? only people that actually want to take time out of their lives should be allowed to do this and people that don't want to be a part of this should never be forced to do it. If they keep trying to get me to do this when I contact them again then I'm not going to take the oath and I'm not going to listen to anything the lawyers have to say because I don't want to be a part of this. it's a waste of my time and it interferes with the work I'm trying to stay focused on doing and I can't do that if I'm going to a courthouse for multiple days burning what little money I have to spend just for something they could be selecting other people that are better off than me to do.
I feel 100 % the same way. I just don’t know what happens if I fail to show up. I am not complying to a single thing. I am furious. They are forcing my to choose this over my children, my wife has to loss 200 dollars not working and we are already financially disabled. I was stripped of my medical career and was refused any government help the only time I needed it in life because I wouldn’t take an untested medication. I lost my house and now I’m supposed to be involved in the “justice “ of this joke of a country. (Can)
I received a jury summons and I’m a bit anxious in regards to answering the questions to the best of knowledge. The question of “Have you ever been the victim of a crime,” I would answer no. But, it got me thinking. Years ago in my early 20s, I was beat up by a couple of guys outside of a bar which resulted in me being hospitalized. The reason it didn’t come to mind was because I didn’t pursue charges, I was also highly inebriated, I recovered, and it was a long time ago. But, would this be considered being a victim of a crime? Should I raise my hand if this question is asked?
Hi @Marcus Don't worry too much about it- you may be brought in for a civil case- even if it is criminal you can answer how you best feel and then go from there. You can ask questions about what they mean- whether charged or not- that kind of thing. If you raised your hand then they can ask follow up questions and you go from there. Unfortunately many people are victims of crimes of all types.
I got a summons for jury duty in PA. I filled out the questionnaire and was required to come in the next day. Two criminal cases consisting of 45 potential jurors were called. I was one of a few people that didn't get called for either and let go early. Why didn't I get picked to even go in to the court room. I'm one of the few people that was actually looking forward to the experience and I'm disappointed. Why did they even call me in?
Sorry you were disappointed AnneMarie. Most courts have 'jury trial' weeks and set the trial on those so that they can call in a bunch of people and get the trials completed. Cases get continued by judges or the parties or they settle or they can be ruled on before the trial. As far as being put into the courtroom- you can contact the jury coordinator and ask if it was random or by alphabetical order. If they do not 'assign' seats - next time get in there early and be at the front of the line. Thank you for participating. Video coming on my most recent jury trial.
For those complaining about being repeatedly called into jury duty many jurisdictions set time parameters for you to get called back. For instance I just served in king county superior court. I’m automatically exempt from that court for the next twelve months. If Renton municipal draws my name in the next year (they don’t automatically get the juror information from king county) I just call them and say I’ve served at that court and they strike my summons.
Hi @40starzz Hunter watch this video - ua-cam.com/video/FHLSZ4ZVpqg/v-deo.html it should help - you'll be fine! *promise ! If you are put on the jury to serve come back and watch the videos in our jury duty playlist for what things to watch for.
I’m not particularly avoidant towards or excited about having to serve, but I will try to be honest while also doing my best to not exempt myself. I’m young, work for myself and don’t have people relying on me for care. I should be in there instead of someone who has places to be and people who need them. Thanks for the information
Here in California, the last two times I was summoned for Jury Duty, all I had to do was make a phone call every evening for 5 nights. If they wanted me, the recording would tell me I had to go in to the courthouse the next day. If not, I simply had to call in the next night. After my 5 nights of not being needed, my jury responsibility was satisfied for one year. But it's been a few years since I've last heard from them. I'm 71 years old, so maybe that has something to do with it.
Thank you so much for this! I’m 19 and just got summoned for next month, I was super nervous but this calmed me a bit, just waiting to see how it goes, hopefully it goes as good as I can expect
@@anonymousllama8038 hi! It’s not as nerve wracking as I thought lol, it’s pretty straight forward like the video, but there’s a 50/50 chance you wont get called, your group might be dismissed so just call a day before, I called a day before after 6pm, and they said my group number and the time to show up, but it also might say dismissed
@@anonymousllama8038 don’t stress too much about it lol, just if you do get called, and when you go just be honest answer the questions if they ask and if you don’t feel comfortable depending on the case or anything you can say that
There is a JUDGE here in Australia who's DAUGHTER was killed by a drunk driver. .....EVERY person who is charged with drink driving SHE gives the MAXIMUM SENTENCE. HOW is that "UNBIASED"???
Driving while impaired increases the risk to the driver and others of being injured or killed- that is what the judge seems to be focusing upon. However the sentencing rules usually provide the penalties and while the prosecutor might work a compromise it is always up to the judge to approve or disapprove - so there are rarely guarantees. . We will check out the factors that play into sentencing in Oz and see what we can find. In some places a party may ask for a change of judge. For anyone with a case before this particular judge - if the person may have a legal defense then he or she should get the best counsel to represent them and to not try to take a plea.
Yea we had a guy in Illinois just kill a state trooper he had 2 DUI's just recently at the end of Nov. 2018, he hadn't had a drivers license for like over 20 years. How do you get a DUI and no drivers license and not be in jail? This is why our justice system is a joke. Or the guy who got a FOID card and was a felon from another state only to buy a gun and commit a workplace shooting in Aurora. And politicians have the audacity to talk about common sense laws. Both of those examples are on Illinois dropping the ball but they won't admit that. Their response is to prohibit my right to have a magazine more than 10 rounds. This shit is getting stupid. One politician proposed to register every bullet manufactured. Not only is that logistically impossible and extremely costly that is the most idiotic thing I have ever heard. I'm already taxed $25 per gun and taxed for every bullet I buy because Chicago won't control their gangs and the crimes they commit with guns. How about Cook county start by going after criminals and not law abiding citizens? Where is natural selection and saber tooth tigers when you need them?
@@leonardhoffman9140 . I feel your anguish. Thankyou for you long, yet conservative reply. Stay safe, and I hope you never have to use your gun. Brendon.
@@thebipolarbear2639 Thank you, I appreciate a like minded individual. I'm moving out of Illinois next year. As for my May 7th jury summons that will be the last thing I do for Cook County aside from paying taxes to leave this state when I sell my home, unreal. I have to pay Illinois and Cook county taxes just to sell my house and leave. My daughter goes to KU and they allow conceal carry on campus. I feel better honestly. If the need arose I would appreciate someone protecting my daughter if something happened and I would do the same for someone's child, no hesitation.
It seems that people that live in the northeastern region of the U.S., like NY, NJ, MA, CT etc. get summoned for federal jury duty a lot, more than anywhere else.
Here in Florida, Judges usually like to select jurors that have never served on a trial before over the ones who have, just to be fair, even though the Florida bar says anyone can be selected. That means jurors that have served on a trial will have a better chance of getting dismissed unselected next time they get summoned for jury service.
@@rncine - It's best to get selected and do your fair share of civics, that way your next jury duty experience will go by smooth and just be dismissed at the end of the day.
Tbh I go tomorrow but I can’t stay silent or anything due to having Tourette’s unfortunately I had no time to contact my neurologist due to being a full time student and work . This stresses me out a lot and I hope they can understand to dismiss me because I for sure won’t stay silent because of my medical issue. Because it will put me in a bad uncomfortable position and put others in court in a uncomfortable way as well. Hence I do cuss and move a lot and make really loud noises .
I have been called & highly resent it. I tried to get out of it but they won't let me so I'm voting guilty for whoever the case is about for wasting my time.
@@FinelyRevealed I never got in any trouble all my life so I don't have to go near a court house. Now I'm being forced to sit with a bunch of well dressed gangsters. After the way these courts treat my country & my president I resent all of them.
Having my very first jury duty in march very very excited. On one hand i hope the case is interesting. But Im young and have basically no life experience if the case is important and interesting the people picking will probably overlook me in favor of someone with more life experience. If its a simple case it might be boring but i have a higher chance of being picked. I dont know why people always hate on jury duty. Even if you miss a day of work your job still has to pay you a normal wage as if you where there. Its free time off and you get to do something interesting. This video helped its really just simple questions. My brother had his first jury duty a year ago and it was a murder trial and they asked him "if he supported the death penalty" hope i dont get hit with anything too difficult and that i respond well enough to get picked.
Hi @MrPotatoFudge - watch our other videos in the jury duty playlist - if you want to be included on the jury sit in the front when you are brought into the courtroom. Those in the first 12 seats who are not stricken are usually included on the jury. Good luck!
@@NewEngland721 update on mine which was 5 months ago. It got canceled due to covid. I was deeply upset and I have no idea when I'll get called. Apparently this canceled jury duty counted. So it might be years before I get called again.
Actually, you're wrong there (or at least wrong in most parts of the country as far as I'm aware. Most employers have zero obligation to pay you for the time you miss due to jury duty. Its probably one of the single biggest reasons people try to get out of it. If you're lucky you might get paid enough to cover the cost of parking, maybe even your lunch.
So I’ve been summoned and I had some serious questions not related to the cases or courthouse but why I can’t go. Currently I’m jobless and homeless living in a car. I’ve never voted or been registered to vote in my area, the last place I lived was my parents place which is where the letter was sent. So I live in Edmond Oklahoma, the case takes place in the city around a 40 min drive from my location.
I would look at it as an employment opportunity. If you are living in your car anyway, drive and stay 40 miles away and make $15 a day and food for being on jury duty and hope it's a long trial. You never know, you could meet someone on jury duty that could help with you situation. Good luck!
I just got my first ever jury duty on January 4th I am really nervous for this if I actually get accepted since it’s my first time and I ain’t the type of person to speak in front of people
@@safyankhan8469 heyyy hope you have fun, I will be attending mine so hope it all gone good and ofc meet new people and get to learn something new in the system
I volunteer at a food bank, where I have met a lot of people without ever learning their full name. So when they ask if I know the defendant (3:25), what happens if I don't recognize their name, but once the court proceedings start, I do recognize them after all?
Answer truthfully to the question presented under the circumstances and at the time asked. If asked the same question under different circumstances then answer truthfully then. If the circumstances or time or place are different then the answers may be different. If they are and you are asked to explain - then explain. It's as easy as that.
Very helpful vid, now I know what to expect/say in the jury duty. Is it true that just say you believe in jury nullification and they won't pick you? wanna get off it if I can
This was informative as I received a questionnaire for petit court. I wanted to know do I have to wait til 5:30 the night before as it states on questionnaire or find out earlier if I have a virtual or in person . If I have in person and get chosen I have no transportation to & from courthouse as have 1 car and husband takes to work if I don't need for the day.
The best information would be from the jury coordinator- a contact person/email/number should be somewhere on the materials - or try calling and see what the recording says.
I hold my hand up with middle finger raised "I swear to tell the truth".... What? they wanted me to swear (: Just talk like an old time gangster and say "see" after every statement (it's not illegal to talk like that see)
Hi, I just need to find out the time I suppose to report to the court for jury duty. There is nowhere to find out that specific detail. I called them, but no success. Thank you!
Hi @Nicalicious Yes the information is relevant to the attorneys in the case. Better than telling the whole room of people the information is collected (usually in advance) on a form that goes only to the attorneys and the judge.
I just got hired at a new job that I start Monday and I also am on call and have to call in for jury duty on Monday as well. I’m freaking out and don’t know what to do. I’m scared my new boss will get angry with me.
Hi @Jacqueline Please don't stress about this. Show up for the new job (congrats!) and take your paperwork etc for the jury duty with you. That will cover you and everyone understands -Tell the boss you need to call in and please do that. This is not something you can control. Employers cannot fire you or discipline you for jury duty - you are totally protected. Showing that you care about the job and the jury duty shows your conscientiousness and responsibility. All good things!
I had a friend who is a bit crazy and he told me how he got out of serving on a Jury. He showed up for Jury Duty selection that day he was supposed to and when his time came to be "interviewed" he started to spout Bible verses and to raise his voice a little. WELLLL needless to say.....they dropped his butt like a hot potato. He was back home before 11am. A bit unorthodox but apparently effective. Another friend appeared for Jury Duty at the time an place indicated on the sheet she got in the mail. Apparently there were threats that late comers would be penalized so she was there early. However, the Judge showed up an hour LATE. The Court workers said that "she [the Judge] was notorious for being late". So THAT is what OUR Judicial system thinks of "WE the People" LOL. The ONE person supposedly who is there to set the example and take things seriously is late - while we the common lowly peasants are to sit there and wait for the Feudal Master to show up. Democracy?.?..what a JOKE. The whole System is beneath contempt.
HI Man and thanks for sharing - Funny re your friend's bible fit. Have to be careful not to appear too crazy - there are always deputies in the courtroom. The story re the Judge is all too true. I could tell you a zillion of them. It's hard but we have to remember that we are all just people- just because they have a fancy title doesn't mean they are better or if they don't that they are worse- in behavior, intelligence etc. *sigh
Thanks for your response. Yeah my very odd friend apparently kept his spiel just calm enough to annoy rather than to incite the Court. It seems the Bible is like Garlic to Vampires for Judges. I looked up your video because I have had TWO work colleges who have lost multiple days of pay because of Jury Duty. I feel I am next. They are not rich and they now have lost 1/3 of their paychecks - quite an economic loss for them. They have young families and it has really hurt them. While the people who profit off of the Court System make their big paychecks the common citizenry get (at least in our State) $12 dollars a day. An insult to any person of good will and and is held to be a gross injustice to many I have talked to. It all seems so unlawful and unconstitutional. People NOT convicted of any crime are intimidated under armed force (deputies) to sit in a room where they are physically NOT allowed to leave (arrested? detained? ). North Korea? The minions of the Court System will mindlessly repeat that it is our "Civic Duty" to do Jury Service. AND how good of a juror will someone be who is loosing 1/3 of his paycheck for $12 a day? Is it wrong to assume that enough money is made by the Government to pay these unconstitutionally detained people at LEAST minimum wage for their time? Ok I will get off my soapbox. Thanks again for your video. : )
Do yourself a favor mention Jury Nullification & Deperation Of Liberty. 1st Amendment you have the right to remain silent . You have freedom of speech and the right to express yourself. 13th Amendment Unvoluntary Servitude. You didn't volunteer for Jury Duty you where entrapped threatened with fines and a arrest warrant if you didn't show up. Suffrage unfair wages being forced to take off work . When bills and taxes are to be paid and you have to provide for yourself and your family. The 13 Amendment state's Slavery & Unvoluntary Servitude Unfree Labor a person cannot benifit themselves our another under unfair wages . Your being forced to volunteer without your consent.
6 років тому
thats a great way to make yourself an ass and be called back for the next trial.
what happens when a guy asks the court if others in the jury pool are aware of jury nullification? are they aware they may judge the law? what a great juror he would make, eh?
@@Texasmilitarydepartmentvid9654 ~ i just looked up "Deprivation of Liberty" and here is one definition..."Being deprived of liberty means that you are kept on a locked ward or in a locked room, or you are not free to go anywhere without permission or close supervision, and you are continuously supervised. This is against the law," but being dragged to Jury Duty, and everything there, is all about this, so...i don't understand...Maybe because they are above the law or something...?...What do you mean by bringing the term up there...?
One jury duty questioner ask me what radio stations do I listen to. I have never been excepted for jury duty after at least 12 times I was available. An attorney who I have known for 40 years said I was to experienced to be impartial.??????? Mabey they don't want an intelligent person.
Hi @Frank Thanks so much for sharing. Seems that the cases had one side that had some flaws in the argument that they thought you would find quickly. Will do another video on this topic!
So if i have never experienced any of the situations surrounding the case, will i get picked? It sounds like they are just looking for honest people to will make the right decision based on facts, not opinion. I would guess that having experienced the circumstances surrounding the case would just be a plus
I get summoned every 6 months..my Dr has to write me a letter of excuse everytime as I have PTSD due to something that happened to me in the courts 15 years ago..no I'll never get over it and I'm seeing a therapist..why do they continue to call me for jury duty? I'm in Ca
Can someone who's been to Jury Duty answer this for me? time sensitive question. I've recently got a Jury Duty summon in the mail, that little postcard. But I'm questioning what the date is for. It says to "report" or "call in" on a specific date and time. But what does that date and time mean? Is that day the day where I physically have to go to the court, or is that day just to call the given number?
@@FinelyRevealed Hello Ho. My God i just got one of those notice today and i don't have any idea what is this all about im so scared i don't know what did i do wrong... Please can you explain me more? I jave listen your video but for some reason i can understand it maybe because im so nerves ho my God i feel panicky right Now please help.!!!!!!
I lived here 7 years and have never been sent a jury summons. I own 2 adjacent properties. When I lived in TX, (not a property owner) I got a summons every year I lived there. They went off driver licenses.
Hi John - I go through the whole thing in the Jury Duty #1 video - You are in a big group. First to get there and check in and then divided into smaller groups to go to the individual courtrooms. Once in the courtroom these questions are asked.
During voir dire before a murder trial, would the prospective panel be asked if anyone in their family has been murdered? If you raised your hand, would they ask you to explain - or question you about it?
Good question Kay ! They usually would ask if anyone is related to a victim of violent crime. They may then ask about any trial participation you may have had and whether the victim was a parent, spouse, sibling or child. Any questions that seem too probing or personal would be done in private - and you can ask for that. (very sorry if you had a loved one murdered!)
I thought they also ask if you've ever been convicted of a crime? Wasn't there a juror in Shayna Hubers' first trial who had a prior felony conviction resulting in a retrial?
HI Cody- some people never get called and then some get called regularly- it's all random and depends on how many trials there are in your jurisdiction and how many people live there.
Does anyone know what it means to call after 5 pm? I have to call a certain number to call the day before my scheduled reporting day, and the recording will tell me if I am required to report or if I am no longer required to report.
@@FinelyRevealed Why is it so last minute? If someone is missing work for this, it'd be better if it was at least 24 hours prior so if they aren't required to report they might be able to contact their employer and get back on the schedule.
Hi...I have three questions. 1st...Are the attorneys allowed to ask a prospective jurors personal questions ? 2nd... Can you serve on a jury if you have misdemeanor convictions ? 3rd...Can you serve on a jury if you're unemployed ?
I can answer your questions. I have served on two juries and about to serve on another. 1. No. 2. Yes, you can. You cannot serve if you have indictable offenses. 3. Yes, you can.
General question: if you were the victim of a crime that never got taken to trial, do you still raise your hand for yes? Or... because there's no evidence, not raise your hand as no? I happen to personally know a lot of people this applies to.
Hi Phoenix - try not to overthink it- if you are asked if you were the victim of a crime and you were- raise your hand. They may or may not ask follow up questions about what type, if there was a trial, if you testified etc.
No need to worry @swainvlogs ! For an overview of what to expect you can watch this: ua-cam.com/video/Re8Z0G7OCSU/v-deo.html Try to enjoy it and have fun.
Hi Danielle - It could have you removed for cause in a criminal case if your husband is involved- but otherwise depending on the case someone may want you on the jury based on any second hand knowledge and experience you could give to others to help them understand the case. Jury trials are both criminal and civil.
Me neither but I got friends that gos that gets summons but..so confuse how it works cause I was told ppl get summon to jury duty by paying taxes tho I havent been summoned thankfully tho could some one explain to me how it works ??!
Are there questions that the attorneys are not allowed to ask? I think it's inappropriate for the attorneys to ask if you are employed, and if so who is your employer is.
Hi @Mark great question - will do another video. Regarding the employment - it is to give basic information on the jurors - skilled/unskilled - management/labor - location and job duties etc. It is an easy way to get a lot of information without being personal. Usually this information is included on the juror information card and is not shared with the group unless, for example, someone writes that they work for the sheriff's department and it is a criminal case.
@@FinelyRevealed That is my concern as a juror. That the prosecutor will use the questions to profile the jurors. I'm curious if the supreme court has said anything about this. There is a lot written on racial profiling, but I haven't found anything on other forms of profiling. Especially related to jurors on criminal cases. For example, I doubt prosecutors would want single unemployed men on the jury.
Hi @Christopher It's curious, isn't it? Just the luck of the draw unless there is a very small area for the court and then in that case when there are fewer people then they would be called more often.
LMAO. That chair turn.
Evil Villain Status: Expert Level
Hello Neo, welcome to Jury Duty
@@mcshakycheese7396 underrated comment
I had the video paused about to skip it but then i read your comment and wanted to see it myself.
I only wish she had a window with some closed blinds to peak out of while she had her back turned to us...
When she turned around I expected her to be wickedly petting a cat
Yes James Bond movie with Blofeld stroking the white cat Very foolish Mr Bond
Or holding a pet snake
@@douglasquaid4518 There's an old children's cartoon Inspector Gadget where the evil mastermind has an evil cat.
Ask the attorneys to repeat each question three times while cupping your ear. You'll be home in time for lunch.
sailing95 lol 😂
if they ask you why you're doing that, say it's so that you can't hear the other nasty voices.
Y'all trying to sentence at least 3 days in jail?
M P 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
I am about to express a truth that people might cringe at or agree with. When i was 24, i was called to Jury Duty here in Long Island. When i got there, they made me stand up and answer the following question: "If a policeman was on the stand, will he tell the truth or lie?" I answered the following: "It all depends on the situation. When a policeman's image is being held in suspicion, he or she will probably and most likely lie to protect it." I was given a 6-year letter excusing me to never come back, and i was never called back. This is how corrupt the system can be. They don't want truth speakers. They are looking for blind enablers that don't say too much and usually go along with the status quo.
HI @channel we need to share all the good and bad- it's the best way to make corrections! thank you so much.
@@FinelyRevealed You are welcome, i was a little hesitant to disclose all of that since it highlights corruption.
The judicial system is corrupt to the core and beyond as we all know ! The court system works exactly like a market , where the two sides involved act like salesmen in the car dealers ! Absolutely no different!! My level of trust in the so- called “ Justice “ in America is a negative number ….
@@itadrummer1 Yeah i had to see it for myself. They gave me a paper saying they won't call or write me for the next 6 years? But it's been over 6 so i think i am good. Nice and out of the meatgrinder.
@@ChannelZero1031 where do you live ? I live in South Florida, Broward county
Glad I'm not the only one here that got intense anxiety from getting a jury summons
No, you're not alone - it is common. I think it means people are taking it seriously which is good - but maybe go watch a hearing and that can help.
Bro I legit thought I wad getting arrested for forgetting to pay my student loan
That chair turn tho... Power move!
I usually try for 3 rotations with one spin. That lets them know I mean business.
Though is a conjunction idiot. People who use the "that _ though" phrase are such pathetic cancer
@@FreshOuttttttt how would you improve this comment to more adequately fit your tender sensibilities?
@@beholdandfearme How would you improve your life to adequately fit that of someone who isn't a total reject going through 5 month old comments and responding to them? Your defense of this idiot won't get you laid either, big guy.
basically legal adult kidnapping. I have to go somewhere against my will and be paid less than minimum wage instead of going to WORK and contributing to the economy.
Thanks for watching and for the comment @jesse We are doing a 'founding fathers' playlist series where we explain how jury duty came about.
@@FinelyRevealed sounds good, thanks!
@@FinelyRevealed I saw the recommended video, but it does not state WHY we have to do jury duty. Why is it mandatory instead of voluntary?
We will include this- stay tuned!
Yes please explain to me how this is constitutional requiring someone to stop their life and wages so a criminal has due process? I am 48 years old and keep getting called to jury duty over and over while people like my wife have never been called. I have been required for jury service like 10 times. How is this fair or just. I had to sue a guy for damages and got a judgement over 4 years ago. I have never received a dime and this scumbag's lawyer tells me I have to enforce the judgement. Really? So I have to take the guy back to court so he can explain to the judge why he won't pay me even though a judge ordered him to. This costs me more time and money just to recoup a fraction of what the judge awarded me. Again why not just do the right thing and pay me rather hiring an attorney and refusing to pay me what you owe me? Because he thinks I'll give up. With a justice system meant to protect the accused/criminals and the victims made to feel like criminals it's no wonder he's banking that I'll give up. I'm sick of hearing about my civic duty when I have done it more than my fair share. I'm sick of paying taxes, following the law, and being a good citizen when I am treated like cattle. How is it my responsibility to fill in for others that dont show up? I have to go more because others dont show up. I've never been arrested or sued yet i have to give up countless hours and time so some repeat criminal has a fair trial? My country does nothing for me other than pass law after law restricting my rights and robbing me by taxing my dollar over and over. I'm sick of judges and lawyers attitude that my time is worth $17.50 a day. In order for me to go to jury service I have to travel 2 hours both ways. How is my time worth nothing? This needs to change! Nobody should be able to tell me I HAVE to to anything I dont want to. LEAVE ME ALONE! Only thing the government should be there for is to build infrastructure and maintain an army, period. Other than that stay out of people's lives, last I checked I have a mommy and daddy and I am an adult with a moral compass and common sense. Start looking to change this unbalanced system of kidnapping and robbery. It's a complete joke.
Thank you for the clear explanations! If you see this question, I know several people who would really love to serve jury duty and would find it fulfilling and interesting. That being said, why don't courts allow people to be vetted and put on a volunteer list and then pull from that list first, rather than requiring random people to serve jury duty causing many people a LOT of hardship in their family and work schedules? Thank you.
Omg that is a very logical way to go about it!
Wait, do people choose to serve jury duty? I’ve recently been summoned for jury duty, and I’m not sure what all I need to prepare for
Its a constitutional right to randomly select people of all life to serve on a jury.
@@gameaddict6969 OK then pay them the wages they lose from their job and proper travelling expenses. Here in the UK the maximum.we can claim is £60, a day, £5 for food, if my husband got called, we would be in severe financial hardship.
@@GailOwens everyone I’ve known in the states has gotten between $6-12 for the day 😒 AND you have to pay for parking, so you might end up at a loss even before you factor in the loss of wages
Judge: Please speak the truth son..
Love that movie! Thanks @Randy
I have mine tommorow
I am not your son, Bro!
lol 😂
So I just got summoned and this video definitely alleviated some of the anxiety, so thank you for that! I think my main issue is I'm not so sure that I'm qualified to contribute to a decision that may impact someone's life in a serious way. Guess all I can do is try my best and hope the case isn't too complicated :P
HI @PsychicSploob - you will be fine! Your attitude is spot on for success if you are put on the panel. Check out the other videos in our Jury Duty playlist if you have more questions.
I'm looking forward to my jury summons. Just got mine today. It's an honor and a privilege for sure! But it's not just you making the decision, it's the entire jury.
if you are "honored" that is good, but if you are "excited"
I just got my first circuit court jury duty summons! I’m 20 and have no desire to be a juror or miss a full day or paid work, but I still want to be prepared if something happens. I don’t want to be responsible for someone like this, and it makes me *super* anxious.
Throw it away
@@PUNKMYVIDEO and get a warrant?
@@Gabriel-gz9zg I'm sixty three and I've always thrown them away. Never got a warrant. 😉👍
I should throw it away, you’re right. It’s causing so must stress right now. They are forcing me to put others before my children. F them. I also refuse surveys at home. I think this is my punishment and it’s not random. I am just concerned about crossing border lines in future. Maybe it’s a silly worry.
This helps a lot as I got summoned for Jury Duty in a few days. My anxiety about what might go on is making me nervous. This helped so much!! Thank you
Hope it all went okay, Ashley!
@Whitney Ochoa It turned out I wasn’t needed 😅 I’m sorry I wasn’t much help. Sending good vibes your way 🥰🥰
In Arizona there is about 30 to 40 prospective jurors brought into the courtroom. You are given a card with a number on it. The judge will ask generic questions as you had mentioned. Then everyone leaves the courtroom. Then the clerk will come out and call up a bunch of names telling these people they can leave. About 15 of you go back into the courtroom the lawyers do not even ask a question. One of the lawyers will call off 12 names and tell them to sit in the jury box they will state this is the jury. All others are released to go home or report back to the waiting area.
Thanks @Jeff - great information!
@JoshuaAllenof thePittsFamily I'm not familiar with nullification I've been called to jury duty about four times I was on one case. I'm just an average person I'm not a lawyer I've never heard the term of jury nullification either while questioned for jury duty or sitting as a juror on a actual case
@JoshuaAllenof thePittsFamily no Maricopa County. Also I have a question why do they ask you if you have served as a juror on a case and what the outcome was when they question you as a potential juror
Is there time to discuss with the judge if you have good reason not to serve? I called and they said there would be interaction as such. I work three jobs as a contractor (60 hrs a week minimum) and have to make up time gone, since I am using all of my PTO for a nonrefundable international flight later this month. I also have a toddler and we downsized to one car since I work from home. I am due to call later today to see if I need to go in tomorrow. I’m in Maricopa as well. 😬
@@wendy5116 in Arizona it is illegal for your employer to retaliate or fail to grant you time. That said, loss of income is a hardship. If you reply to the summons early enough (at least 10 days prior to you summons date) you may be excused. This happened to me and they excused me. On another point, many Arizona employers pay jury duty. I'd definitely talk to your employer. One you go, you won't be called again for 1 1/2 years. And if you serve, it's 2 years. Most trials aren't weeks long. Try changing your viewpoint from one of inconvenience to one of Karma. Maybe one day you need 12 people in a jury box who aren't pissed at having to be there.
My jury duty experience wasn't bad, the judge and other jurors I was paired with were nice and friendly.
Hi Chocolate - thanks for the report and thanks for your service!
Just don't go. Lol its worthless
What about the guy who's being judged by men
@@geelee3370 you have to go no?
Update edit: You don't' have to go after all. Just talked to my friend who is an attorney and he states court must have a proof of you being served with the summons. Without it, they can't prosecute you. All those penalties they list on the paper is for people who have proven to court that they received it but decided not to show.
You have to go. Ignoring can lead to felony or misdemeanor and you can get charged upto $1500. It goes in their system. It will haunt you. Better to go and express yourself and if you're not impartial and not fair with your justice view, then they'll dismiss you. Yes, it's annoying. The fact that you have to wake up at 6 or earlier and get to the court at 7 is a huge hassle but not going makes it worse. There's no way around judicial system. It's not a photo red light or radar speeding ticket where you can ignore it since they have to physically serve it to you within certain period of time. This is judicial system.
I got summoned yesterday and I'm sooo nervous and scared.....first time going through this....
No need to fear @Renee - come back and let us know what happened.
@@FinelyRevealed I surely will 💜
I got a letter telling me I’ve been summoned today. But hopefully I don’t have to sit through anything haha. I’m kinda nervous too but then again, I didn’t do anything wrong so p:
@@FinelyRevealed Yesterday wasn't as bad as I thought but I was so nervous,and I ended up getting pick so hopefully these 2 days coming up want be so bad
Glad to hear you survived @Renee ! Maybe you will have an interesting case !
That chair spin.
I have been summoned for federal court jury duty. I have to go on Monday. I have terrible anxiety that I take medication for. I’m terrified. My short term memory is terrible, as a result of my anxiety. I also have a very hard time paying attention when I am thrust into a situation like this. I am so afraid that if I get picked, I may not be able to follow what’s happening as well as I should. When I am that distressed, my bladder goes on overdrive, making it even harder to pay attention. I hope there are bathroom breaks. I am going to limit my intake of liquids just in case. I was supposed to do this in August, but it got postponed. This is literally my worst nightmare. Being trapped in a building full of strangers in a place where they can put you in jail. I seriously don’t want to do this.
Hi @Heather you are making this too much of a big deal! Jury duty is cake. Instead of imagining a worst case scenario- try looking at it as making new acquaintances - watching a live case and having lots of breaks. For the first day it is very easy and you may only be there a short time and excused. Let us know how it goes.
FinelyRevealed The guy plead guilty. We all were dismissed.
@@heatheraustin7342 how was the interview process? Did you have to talk a lot? I suffer from rlly bad social anxiety too
@@jvseptember14 I didn’t get as far as an interview. We were waiting for that and the guy pled guilty. I’m sorry you have anxiety. It’s a horrible and crippling thing.
Bro that's exactly how I used to feel, and right now I still feel it but not much. I thought I was the only one.
All I want to do with jury duty is to cash out. Aka, a high profile case. Have interviews and write a book, kick back for the rest of my life.
Fun plan! Make sure to tell us the name of the book!
dumb ass it against the law to talk about the case you sit on
I think he meant cashing out after the trial is over.
What's up, voluntaryist.
Unfortunately, OJ was a long time ago. But maybe you’ll get lucky with another high profile case
I'm almost like a hermit and just received juror qualification form. Never liked being around people and especially having to speak. I guess I can live through it but not sure if my social anxiety will allow me to be the best juror member that could be picked. Just wondering if I should try to go through with it or write a letter to attach to the form asking to be excused for these reasons.
It would be best for you to show up and most likely you will be in and out within an hour or so. You were chosen for a reason. Perhaps there is someone in the case who is like you. Or, maybe you will see that your anxiety has diminished.
@@FinelyRevealed what about someone who has hearing loss which is a disability.
Fellow hermit, we’ll never meet but thank you for your comment. This is exacly my situation.
@@LouisTLW you can sign the paper they gave you and send it to them and you will most likely be dismissed
I have the same problem 😢 so how was it for you?
I mentioned guilty until proven innocent. I was told I was excused. Works every time.
lmao i mught do that for myself
@I hate dream and kpop stans. Fools. oh no i havent yet maybe it was due to you know pandemic. So, thats why they didnt call me yet i guess. But i did get a mail from them it was a questionnare form i had to fill and mail them back.
No I extended my date I was busy with my IT course so I extended the date to July
I have mixed feelings right now. I kinda want to do jury duty because it would be a fun and new experience, but again I don’t know how long the trial would take, and I’m a nerve wreck when it comes to interviews. Ughhh
Hi @Awesome! The questions are to get information for the attorneys to determine which people they do not want on the jury. It is based on the case and there is no way for you to 'pass' or 'fail'. Give yourself a break- go and enjoy the experience. They will tell you how long the trial will be at the beginning and if that conflicts with something you have coming up just speak up and tell them. Most likely you will be in and out of there in a few hours at the most. Go with yoru fun new experience attitude- it's great for people watching and meeting new friends.
So like I just turned 18 and I work alot of fast food if I recognize one costumer that comes to my place of work. I don't really talk with them I just take the money and give the their food. Does that count as know the person?
Is very important on how you respond to the Answers that they will give to you in: Jury Duty. It will be the difference in sitting in a Jury, or Not.
Just got a summons in the mail today. I’m terrified, I’m not even old enough to buy alcohol but apparently I’m old enough to determine the fate of another human’s life. I don’t feel like I’d be a fair juror in the slightest.
You would be just fine. Most people who go are not put on the jury- they only need 12. But if you are included just listen and do your best!
11 months late but i need to know how it went 😂
I got summoned for jury duty in North Carolina a week before I move to Colorado. I’m gonna have to have to contact the courthouse to be dismissed because I have to out process from my unit during that time.
Can I send someone to the electric chair for jaywalking?
I wanna slide off a building, can I go to jail for that?
Lol no😂
That's what I always wanted to say too
@fred palmer What the FUCK is "littereiong"? Lol _kidding_ ...littering*. But it sounds hilarious having read it out loud 😭😂💀
In our country the burden of proof is on the prosecution--a man is considered innocent until PROVEN guilty. How in the world can the court prove that the summons was indeed delivered to the right address and that the addressee did see it and ignored it? The summons isn't even sent registered mail! Prosecution for ignoring a summons seems impossible under the law.
Some people do that.
You can totally do that. For the most part it works. A friend has done that twice and both times they accepted that from him. He was honestly telling the truth too.
I've been summoned on two occasions, but never picked to join the panel. It happened yesterday, 3 trials. Honestly if the cases are easy I don't mind, I get anxious with hard cases, I feel dumb.
If the attorneys do their job every case will be easy for the jury to understand!
I got summoned for jury duty for January 2, 2024 first time doing this a bit nervous but also excited to be a part of our justice system
How’d it go?
@@michael_8794 jury duty was cancelled
I've been called in for jury duty 4 times but I have never made it to the selection process. Last case was settled as we were waiting to go in.
That happens a lot!
“Dude, you’re just on the jury, sit down and shut up!”
"that's not even the right game..."
Just the fact so many people in thr comments arr talking about being summoned and how nervous the are just shows how poor the system and process is. Only people willing to submit their names in a pool should be randomly selected for such processes.
Hi @D LLL we need changes for sure!
I know this is an old video but it is still helpful. Just got my first jury duty notice and I was terrified. I feel so much better now. Thank you!
Happy to help Kiki- the info is evergreen- if things change then we replace it.
Absolutely nothing to be anxious about - my second time in 30 years - both were a "walk in the park"
Last time I was summoned was in 2013.
Thanks for the information, it's really annoying that so many videos I saw when searching for this were just about how to get out of jury duty when all I want to know is how to do things properly.
During a couple of our selections.... there was about 100 plus in the pews... they asked court questions, by show of hands, how many have received a traffic ticket at least once, and paid it?
All the hands went up. LOL! Including mine.
Sounds like what I went through long ago. I am permanently excused from jury duty for health reasons.
So basically my anxiety is going to skyrocket. I really don't want to go. I just got something in the mail about it.
Hi @Murderous Please don't get worked up about it. The hardest part will be finding the room that you are to report to - after that it's waiting and watching and most people are only there a few hours.
@@FinelyRevealed u sure because my parents told me I have to walk and talk in front of a bunch of people and my anxiety will skyrocket in that situation
@@bloodytomboy5309 how did it go?? Also im sure you can get anote from your doctor about your anxiety and be excused
If you take Xanax for anxiety, let them know.
Same here, the sucky part is for me I’m being called upon during my colleges finals week :(
Are these question on paper? Or do I have to speak in front of the other possible jurors? I’m have severe anxiety and have never been able to publicly speak.
They are questions asked of the entire group of people - answered usually by just raising your hand.
@@FinelyRevealed thank you for the response, I just got out. We were told to sit in the witness stand and speak to the judge, potential jury and the attorneys. I was nervous but it wasn’t so bad. Thank you so much for the info.
I tell the lawyer "That defendant looks guilty as sin. Fry him!" Then they let me go.
They'll never fry them anymore they'll give them 3 square meals a day and they'll be out in 25 years.
Got a jury summon a few weeks ago and instead of being filled with anxiety I am filled with anger and annoyance that I even got a summon and that the court denied the letter I sent them telling why I don't want to do jury duty. I don't have the time and especially don't have the money to be wasting hearing people on both sides try to tell me why they think they have the better argument.
What I don't understand is why do these stupid people that run the system try to get people to be on jury duty when they clearly don't want to be and make it clear they don't want to do this? only people that actually want to take time out of their lives should be allowed to do this and people that don't want to be a part of this should never be forced to do it.
If they keep trying to get me to do this when I contact them again then I'm not going to take the oath and I'm not going to listen to anything the lawyers have to say because I don't want to be a part of this. it's a waste of my time and it interferes with the work I'm trying to stay focused on doing and I can't do that if I'm going to a courthouse for multiple days burning what little money I have to spend just for something they could be selecting other people that are better off than me to do.
I feel 100 % the same way. I just don’t know what happens if I fail to show up. I am not complying to a single thing. I am furious. They are forcing my to choose this over my children, my wife has to loss 200 dollars not working and we are already financially disabled. I was stripped of my medical career and was refused any government help the only time I needed it in life because I wouldn’t take an untested medication. I lost my house and now I’m supposed to be involved in the “justice “ of this joke of a country. (Can)
I agree
I received a jury summons and I’m a bit anxious in regards to answering the questions to the best of knowledge. The question of “Have you ever been the victim of a crime,” I would answer no. But, it got me thinking. Years ago in my early 20s, I was beat up by a couple of guys outside of a bar which resulted in me being hospitalized. The reason it didn’t come to mind was because I didn’t pursue charges, I was also highly inebriated, I recovered, and it was a long time ago. But, would this be considered being a victim of a crime? Should I raise my hand if this question is asked?
Hi @Marcus Don't worry too much about it- you may be brought in for a civil case- even if it is criminal you can answer how you best feel and then go from there. You can ask questions about what they mean- whether charged or not- that kind of thing. If you raised your hand then they can ask follow up questions and you go from there. Unfortunately many people are victims of crimes of all types.
I got a summons for jury duty in PA. I filled out the questionnaire and was required to come in the next day. Two criminal cases consisting of 45 potential jurors were called. I was one of a few people that didn't get called for either and let go early. Why didn't I get picked to even go in to the court room. I'm one of the few people that was actually looking forward to the experience and I'm disappointed. Why did they even call me in?
Sorry you were disappointed AnneMarie. Most courts have 'jury trial' weeks and set the trial on those so that they can call in a bunch of people and get the trials completed. Cases get continued by judges or the parties or they settle or they can be ruled on before the trial.
As far as being put into the courtroom- you can contact the jury coordinator and ask if it was random or by alphabetical order. If they do not 'assign' seats - next time get in there early and be at the front of the line. Thank you for participating. Video coming on my most recent jury trial.
It was a very helpful video! Now I know what to expect on my very first jury duty. Thank you so much!
Is that a marijuana plant next to her?
Did she just turned to face the camera?
She was probably putting out the reefer
It's a money tree - clearly you've never seen a marijuana plant! ;-)
For those complaining about being repeatedly called into jury duty many jurisdictions set time parameters for you to get called back. For instance I just served in king county superior court. I’m automatically exempt from that court for the next twelve months. If Renton municipal draws my name in the next year (they don’t automatically get the juror information from king county) I just call them and say I’ve served at that court and they strike my summons.
Damn. Where I live in Colorado, disqualification/exemption has to be done in writing format
@finelyrevealed I have jury duty tomorrow and I’m so nervous about the questioning part like if I won’t know what they mean and then look stupid.
Hi @40starzz Hunter watch this video -
it should help - you'll be fine! *promise !
If you are put on the jury to serve come back and watch the videos in our jury duty playlist for what things to watch for.
FinelyRevealed Thank you so much !
@@Simzz674 how did it go? can you tell a bit what thet asked ? my mom has jury duty tomorrow lol
Man I got jury duty tomorrow and the next day too crazy and I'm in my 40's too this will be my first time doing it
HI @BlackCloud how did it go?
Shit you're lucky I've been summoned 5 times in 16 years.
I’m not particularly avoidant towards or excited about having to serve, but I will try to be honest while also doing my best to not exempt myself. I’m young, work for myself and don’t have people relying on me for care. I should be in there instead of someone who has places to be and people who need them. Thanks for the information
Here in California, the last two times I was summoned for Jury Duty, all I had to do was make a phone call every evening for 5 nights. If they wanted me, the recording would tell me I had to go in to the courthouse the next day. If not, I simply had to call in the next night. After my 5 nights of not being needed, my jury responsibility was satisfied for one year. But it's been a few years since I've last heard from them. I'm 71 years old, so maybe that has something to do with it.
You do not have to serve jury duty after 70 dude
Not true…but you can get a doctors excuse detailing the issues. I’m 73 and read my summons a few weeks ago.
@@smittysilver6682 Different states have different max ages for jury duty.
Thank you so much for this! I’m 19 and just got summoned for next month, I was super nervous but this calmed me a bit, just waiting to see how it goes, hopefully it goes as good as I can expect
Hey, I’m the same age and also got summoned for this month! Have you been yet?
@@anonymousllama8038 hi! It’s not as nerve wracking as I thought lol, it’s pretty straight forward like the video, but there’s a 50/50 chance you wont get called, your group might be dismissed so just call a day before, I called a day before after 6pm, and they said my group number and the time to show up, but it also might say dismissed
@@anonymousllama8038 don’t stress too much about it lol, just if you do get called, and when you go just be honest answer the questions if they ask and if you don’t feel comfortable depending on the case or anything you can say that
Leroy Henry No lmfao
I think its fake.
It's a plant called a "money tree"
That is definitely not a pot plant. I mean, I'm not even sure what pot is.
There is a JUDGE here in Australia who's DAUGHTER was killed by a drunk driver. .....EVERY person who is charged with drink driving SHE gives the MAXIMUM SENTENCE. HOW is that "UNBIASED"???
Driving while impaired increases the risk to the driver and others of being injured or killed- that is what the judge seems to be focusing upon. However the sentencing rules usually provide the penalties and while the prosecutor might work a compromise it is always up to the judge to approve or disapprove - so there are rarely guarantees. . We will check out the factors that play into sentencing in Oz and see what we can find. In some places a party may ask for a change of judge. For anyone with a case before this particular judge - if the person may have a legal defense then he or she should get the best counsel to represent them and to not try to take a plea.
Yea we had a guy in Illinois just kill a state trooper he had 2 DUI's just recently at the end of Nov. 2018, he hadn't had a drivers license for like over 20 years. How do you get a DUI and no drivers license and not be in jail? This is why our justice system is a joke. Or the guy who got a FOID card and was a felon from another state only to buy a gun and commit a workplace shooting in Aurora. And politicians have the audacity to talk about common sense laws. Both of those examples are on Illinois dropping the ball but they won't admit that. Their response is to prohibit my right to have a magazine more than 10 rounds. This shit is getting stupid. One politician proposed to register every bullet manufactured. Not only is that logistically impossible and extremely costly that is the most idiotic thing I have ever heard. I'm already taxed $25 per gun and taxed for every bullet I buy because Chicago won't control their gangs and the crimes they commit with guns. How about Cook county start by going after criminals and not law abiding citizens? Where is natural selection and saber tooth tigers when you need them?
@@leonardhoffman9140 . I feel your anguish. Thankyou for you long, yet conservative reply. Stay safe, and I hope you never have to use your gun. Brendon.
@@thebipolarbear2639 Thank you, I appreciate a like minded individual. I'm moving out of Illinois next year. As for my May 7th jury summons that will be the last thing I do for Cook County aside from paying taxes to leave this state when I sell my home, unreal. I have to pay Illinois and Cook county taxes just to sell my house and leave. My daughter goes to KU and they allow conceal carry on campus. I feel better honestly. If the need arose I would appreciate someone protecting my daughter if something happened and I would do the same for someone's child, no hesitation.
Keep in mind We In the US consider DUI a misdemeanor while in most of the world it’s a felony. For the very first one. Remember that.
When she turned around in the beginning, it gave me a michael scott feeling LMAO
It seems that people that live in the northeastern region of the U.S., like NY, NJ, MA, CT etc. get summoned for federal jury duty a lot, more than anywhere else.
Yup. Once a year in those states.
Here in Florida, Judges usually like to select jurors that have never served on a trial before over the ones who have, just to be fair, even though the Florida bar says anyone can be selected. That means jurors that have served on a trial will have a better chance of getting dismissed unselected next time they get summoned for jury service.
HI @n310ea Thanks so much for this!
Oh crap, I’ve never served and have to go this Thursday 😣
@@rncine - It's best to get selected and do your fair share of civics, that way your next jury duty experience will go by smooth and just be dismissed at the end of the day.
Tbh I go tomorrow but I can’t stay silent or anything due to having Tourette’s unfortunately I had no time to contact my neurologist due to being a full time student and work . This stresses me out a lot and I hope they can understand to dismiss me because I for sure won’t stay silent because of my medical issue. Because it will put me in a bad uncomfortable position and put others in court in a uncomfortable way as well. Hence I do cuss and move a lot and make really loud noises .
@@moshi1om0chii90 : Sounds like an excuse......you're okay now.
SUCK IT UP!......................Buck Up, Buttercup!
I have been called & highly resent it. I tried to get out of it but they won't let me so I'm voting guilty for whoever the case is about for wasting my time.
Hi @Sherry Why do you resent being called?
@@FinelyRevealed I never got in any trouble all my life so I don't have to go near a court house. Now I'm being forced to sit with a bunch of well dressed gangsters. After the way these courts treat my country & my president I resent all of them.
Wow @Sherry I definitely agree with you, sis!
@@sherryannedavison4369 you're such a smart individual, really bright
Chair turn put me in a great mood for the day! Thank you 🤣
Having my very first jury duty in march very very excited. On one hand i hope the case is interesting. But Im young and have basically no life experience if the case is important and interesting the people picking will probably overlook me in favor of someone with more life experience. If its a simple case it might be boring but i have a higher chance of being picked. I dont know why people always hate on jury duty. Even if you miss a day of work your job still has to pay you a normal wage as if you where there. Its free time off and you get to do something interesting. This video helped its really just simple questions. My brother had his first jury duty a year ago and it was a murder trial and they asked him "if he supported the death penalty" hope i dont get hit with anything too difficult and that i respond well enough to get picked.
Hi @MrPotatoFudge - watch our other videos in the jury duty playlist - if you want to be included on the jury sit in the front when you are brought into the courtroom. Those in the first 12 seats who are not stricken are usually included on the jury. Good luck!
@@FinelyRevealed in mine today ..in MA. We were assigned numbers, mine happens to be the highest of 54 of us. Don’t think they’ll get to me
I want to get on also, surprised at how many ppl are saying they are anxious about it.
@@NewEngland721 update on mine which was 5 months ago.
It got canceled due to covid. I was deeply upset and I have no idea when I'll get called. Apparently this canceled jury duty counted. So it might be years before I get called again.
Actually, you're wrong there (or at least wrong in most parts of the country as far as I'm aware. Most employers have zero obligation to pay you for the time you miss due to jury duty. Its probably one of the single biggest reasons people try to get out of it. If you're lucky you might get paid enough to cover the cost of parking, maybe even your lunch.
Thank you, thorough insightful share! Gave us plenty to think about.
So I’ve been summoned and I had some serious questions not related to the cases or courthouse but why I can’t go. Currently I’m jobless and homeless living in a car. I’ve never voted or been registered to vote in my area, the last place I lived was my parents place which is where the letter was sent. So I live in Edmond Oklahoma, the case takes place in the city around a 40 min drive from my location.
Call the jury coordinator and tell him/her and ask them for a year deferral until your situation changes.
I would look at it as an employment opportunity. If you are living in your car anyway, drive and stay 40 miles away and make $15 a day and food for being on jury duty and hope it's a long trial. You never know, you could meet someone on jury duty that could help with you situation. Good luck!
I just got my first ever jury duty on January 4th I am really nervous for this if I actually get accepted since it’s my first time and I ain’t the type of person to speak in front of people
I got tomorrow my first one.
@@safyankhan8469 heyyy hope you have fun, I will be attending mine so hope it all gone good and ofc meet new people and get to learn something new in the system
Great attitude! The best way to get ideas about how to change things is to learn more about them.
I volunteer at a food bank, where I have met a lot of people without ever learning their full name. So when they ask if I know the defendant (3:25), what happens if I don't recognize their name, but once the court proceedings start, I do recognize them after all?
Answer truthfully to the question presented under the circumstances and at the time asked. If asked the same question under different circumstances then answer truthfully then. If the circumstances or time or place are different then the answers may be different. If they are and you are asked to explain - then explain. It's as easy as that.
Very helpful vid, now I know what to expect/say in the jury duty. Is it true that just say you believe in jury nullification and they won't pick you? wanna get off it if I can
HiOkay - that could work in a criminal case. Good luck!
If you believe in jury nullification please try and get on the jury
Just tell them your favorite show is Boondocks and you love Uncle Ruckus and his Philosophy on life.
got a letter today but i wont be able to go i work too many hours and then i have my daughter to pick up from school..
Hi @lfgford Contact the coordinator and let them know. They could defer you to the next session over the holidays or next summer.
This was informative as I received a questionnaire for petit court. I wanted to know do I have to wait til 5:30 the night before as it states on questionnaire or find out earlier if I have a virtual or in person . If I have in person and get chosen I have no transportation to & from courthouse as have 1 car and husband takes to work if I don't need for the day.
The best information would be from the jury coordinator- a contact person/email/number should be somewhere on the materials - or try calling and see what the recording says.
I hold my hand up with middle finger raised "I swear to tell the truth".... What? they wanted me to swear (: Just talk like an old time gangster and say "see" after every statement (it's not illegal to talk like that see)
toolofbordem 😂
Hi, I just need to find out the time I suppose to report to the court for jury duty. There is nowhere to find out that specific detail. I called them, but no success. Thank you!
Probably too late to assist but normally it is 8 am at the earliest to process everyone and get up to the courtrooms by 9.
Do I have to answer questions? I don't think it's anybody's business where I work or what I do.
Hi @Nicalicious Yes the information is relevant to the attorneys in the case. Better than telling the whole room of people the information is collected (usually in advance) on a form that goes only to the attorneys and the judge.
I just got hired at a new job that I start Monday and I also am on call and have to call in for jury duty on Monday as well. I’m freaking out and don’t know what to do. I’m scared my new boss will get angry with me.
Hi @Jacqueline Please don't stress about this. Show up for the new job (congrats!) and take your paperwork etc for the jury duty with you. That will cover you and everyone understands -Tell the boss you need to call in and please do that. This is not something you can control. Employers cannot fire you or discipline you for jury duty - you are totally protected. Showing that you care about the job and the jury duty shows your conscientiousness and responsibility. All good things!
FinelyRevealed This is so helpful! Thank you so much!
I had a friend who is a bit crazy and he told me how he got out of serving on a Jury. He showed up for Jury Duty selection that day he was supposed to and when his time came to be "interviewed" he started to spout Bible verses and to raise his voice a little. WELLLL needless to say.....they dropped his butt like a hot potato. He was back home before 11am. A bit unorthodox but apparently effective.
Another friend appeared for Jury Duty at the time an place indicated on the sheet she got in the mail. Apparently there were threats that late comers would be penalized so she was there early. However, the Judge showed up an hour LATE. The Court workers said that "she [the Judge] was notorious for being late". So THAT is what OUR Judicial system thinks of "WE the People" LOL. The ONE person supposedly who is there to set the example and take things seriously is late - while we the common lowly peasants are to sit there and wait for the Feudal Master to show up.
Democracy?.?..what a JOKE. The whole System is beneath contempt.
HI Man and thanks for sharing - Funny re your friend's bible fit. Have to be careful not to appear too crazy - there are always deputies in the courtroom.
The story re the Judge is all too true. I could tell you a zillion of them. It's hard but we have to remember that we are all just people- just because they have a fancy title doesn't mean they are better or if they don't that they are worse- in behavior, intelligence etc. *sigh
Thanks for your response. Yeah my very odd friend apparently kept his spiel just calm enough to annoy rather than to incite the Court. It seems the Bible is like Garlic to Vampires for Judges.
I looked up your video because I have had TWO work colleges who have lost multiple days of pay because of Jury Duty. I feel I am next. They are not rich and they now have lost 1/3 of their paychecks - quite an economic loss for them. They have young families and it has really hurt them. While the people who profit off of the Court System make their big paychecks the common citizenry get (at least in our State) $12 dollars a day. An insult to any person of good will and and is held to be a gross injustice to many I have talked to.
It all seems so unlawful and unconstitutional. People NOT convicted of any crime are intimidated under armed force (deputies) to sit in a room where they are physically NOT allowed to leave (arrested? detained? ). North Korea? The minions of the Court System will mindlessly repeat that it is our "Civic Duty" to do Jury Service. AND how good of a juror will someone be who is loosing 1/3 of his paycheck for $12 a day?
Is it wrong to assume that enough money is made by the Government to pay these unconstitutionally detained people at LEAST minimum wage for their time?
Ok I will get off my soapbox. Thanks again for your video. : )
Do yourself a favor mention Jury Nullification & Deperation Of Liberty. 1st Amendment you have the right to remain silent . You have freedom of speech and the right to express yourself. 13th Amendment Unvoluntary Servitude. You didn't volunteer for Jury Duty you where entrapped threatened with fines and a arrest warrant if you didn't show up. Suffrage unfair wages being forced to take off work . When bills and taxes are to be paid and you have to provide for yourself and your family. The 13 Amendment state's Slavery & Unvoluntary Servitude Unfree Labor a person cannot benifit themselves our another under unfair wages . Your being forced to volunteer without your consent.
thats a great way to make yourself an ass and be called back for the next trial.
Man In The Wilderness preach!!!!!
Which of these questions can i refuse to answer? That is a lot of information I refuse to disclose on principle.
If you have strong principles in a particular area go ahead and let them know on the jury questionnaire that you get with the first notice.
what happens when a guy asks the court if others in the jury pool are aware of jury nullification? are they aware they may judge the law? what a great juror he would make, eh?
Don't forget to bring up Deperation of Liberty as well.
@@Texasmilitarydepartmentvid9654 ~ i just looked up "Deprivation of Liberty" and here is one definition..."Being deprived of liberty means that you are kept on a locked ward or in a locked room, or you are not free to go anywhere without permission or close supervision, and you are continuously supervised. This is against the law," but being dragged to Jury Duty, and everything there, is all about this, so...i don't understand...Maybe because they are above the law or something...?...What do you mean by bringing the term up there...?
One jury duty questioner ask me what radio stations do I listen to. I have never been excepted for jury duty after at least 12 times I was available. An attorney who I have known for 40 years said I was to experienced to be impartial.??????? Mabey they don't want an intelligent person.
Hi @Frank Thanks so much for sharing. Seems that the cases had one side that had some flaws in the argument that they thought you would find quickly. Will do another video on this topic!
So if i have never experienced any of the situations surrounding the case, will i get picked?
It sounds like they are just looking for honest people to will make the right decision based on facts, not opinion.
I would guess that having experienced the circumstances surrounding the case would just be a plus
Hi Crown you are correct that the ability to follow the instructions at the end is key
I get summoned every 6 months..my Dr has to write me a letter of excuse everytime as I have PTSD due to something that happened to me in the courts 15 years ago..no I'll never get over it and I'm seeing a therapist..why do they continue to call me for jury duty? I'm in Ca
HI Misty - Probably just bureaucratic bad record- keeping.
Can someone who's been to Jury Duty answer this for me? time sensitive question.
I've recently got a Jury Duty summon in the mail, that little postcard. But I'm questioning what the date is for. It says to "report" or "call in" on a specific date and time.
But what does that date and time mean? Is that day the day where I physically have to go to the court, or is that day just to call the given number?
HI Tony. The call in is to verify that they still need you on the 'report' date. The report date is the day you are to show up.
Is it a good idea to call the day before and see if I still have to show up because of corona virus concerns?
So basically, im not in trouble if im selected?
HI @deathpearl360 No, you're not in 'trouble' if selected! Just watch, listen and then answer questions. You'll be great!
Hello Ho. My God i just got one of those notice today and i don't have any idea what is this all about im so scared i don't know what did i do wrong... Please can you explain me more? I jave listen your video but for some reason i can understand it maybe because im so nerves ho my God i feel panicky right Now please help.!!!!!!
I lived here 7 years and have never been sent a jury summons.
I own 2 adjacent properties.
When I lived in TX, (not a property owner) I got a summons every year I lived there. They went off driver licenses.
Are you in a group when they ask these questions or are you by yourself
Hi John - I go through the whole thing in the Jury Duty #1 video -
You are in a big group. First to get there and check in and then divided into smaller groups to go to the individual courtrooms. Once in the courtroom these questions are asked.
During voir dire before a murder trial, would the prospective panel be asked if anyone in their family has been murdered? If you raised your hand, would they ask you to explain - or question you about it?
Good question Kay ! They usually would ask if anyone is related to a victim of violent crime. They may then ask about any trial participation you may have had and whether the victim was a parent, spouse, sibling or child. Any questions that seem too probing or personal would be done in private - and you can ask for that. (very sorry if you had a loved one murdered!)
Thanks for asking this, I'm curious too. I have jury duty in the morning.
I thought they also ask if you've ever been convicted of a crime?
Wasn't there a juror in Shayna Hubers' first trial who had a prior felony conviction resulting in a retrial?
Hi @Tamara good question - that is normally on the juror questionnaire if the jury coordinator doesn't do a separate criminal search.
Thanks for the clarification and explanation
I've never been . never got anything in the mail . almost 25 years old .
HI Cody- some people never get called and then some get called regularly- it's all random and depends on how many trials there are in your jurisdiction and how many people live there.
I'm 36 and I just received my first summons for jury duty a couple days ago.
I’m 20 and I received mine
I just turned 21 and got mine
I get mine every two years. I just lie to them. And laugh at them
Does anyone know what it means to call after 5 pm?
I have to call a certain number to call the day before my scheduled reporting day, and the recording will tell me if I am required to report or if I am no longer required to report.
Hi Ms Kira - the timing for the call is so that they have accurate information to pass along to you.
@@FinelyRevealed Why is it so last minute? If someone is missing work for this, it'd be better if it was at least 24 hours prior so if they aren't required to report they might be able to contact their employer and get back on the schedule.
Hi...I have three questions. 1st...Are the attorneys allowed to ask a prospective jurors personal questions ? 2nd... Can you serve on a jury if you have misdemeanor convictions ? 3rd...Can you serve on a jury if you're unemployed ?
I can answer your questions. I have served on two juries and about to serve on another. 1. No. 2. Yes, you can. You cannot serve if you have indictable offenses. 3. Yes, you can.
What if I was employed at the time I filled out the questionnaire and currently not working in school now
lol that chair turn reminded me of darth sidious
General question: if you were the victim of a crime that never got taken to trial, do you still raise your hand for yes? Or... because there's no evidence, not raise your hand as no?
I happen to personally know a lot of people this applies to.
Hi Phoenix - try not to overthink it- if you are asked if you were the victim of a crime and you were- raise your hand. They may or may not ask follow up questions about what type, if there was a trial, if you testified etc.
That is the greatest chair turn in the history of our sport.
Thanks for all information it’s really helpful
You are so welcome.
I just got my juror summons today and was wondering if it's anything I should be worried about since it be my first time
No need to worry @swainvlogs ! For an overview of what to expect you can watch this: ua-cam.com/video/Re8Z0G7OCSU/v-deo.html
Try to enjoy it and have fun.
If my husband works in corrections doesn't that exempt me for conflict of interest
Hi Danielle - It could have you removed for cause in a criminal case if your husband is involved- but otherwise depending on the case someone may want you on the jury based on any second hand knowledge and experience you could give to others to help them understand the case. Jury trials are both criminal and civil.
I’ve never been to jury duty but I always hear about it😭
Me neither but I got friends that gos that gets summons but..so confuse how it works cause I was told ppl get summon to jury duty by paying taxes tho I havent been summoned thankfully tho could some one explain to me how it works ??!
Is it true that defense attorneys are prohibited from mentioning jury nullification as an option?
Are there questions that the attorneys are not allowed to ask? I think it's inappropriate for the attorneys to ask if you are employed, and if so who is your employer is.
Hi @Mark great question - will do another video. Regarding the employment - it is to give basic information on the jurors - skilled/unskilled - management/labor - location and job duties etc. It is an easy way to get a lot of information without being personal. Usually this information is included on the juror information card and is not shared with the group unless, for example, someone writes that they work for the sheriff's department and it is a criminal case.
@@FinelyRevealed That is my concern as a juror. That the prosecutor will use the questions to profile the jurors. I'm curious if the supreme court has said anything about this. There is a lot written on racial profiling, but I haven't found anything on other forms of profiling. Especially related to jurors on criminal cases. For example, I doubt prosecutors would want single unemployed men on the jury.
Why are some people called for jury duty multiple times and some not called at all?
Hi @Christopher It's curious, isn't it? Just the luck of the draw unless there is a very small area for the court and then in that case when there are fewer people then they would be called more often.
if you showed up once, they figure you'll do it again. Fact.