THE BEST ONION SOUP! - feat. Mr.Ramsay the Owl

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1 тис.

  • @marwahashimi157
    @marwahashimi157 7 років тому +111

    This channel gives me peace! I love to watch these videos! Though they make me very hungry after but I just can't stop watching

    •  6 років тому +4

      I love the sound of the fire popping while the cooking is going on. It makes me want to take up living somewhere less complicated.

  • @HungoverInHighHeels
    @HungoverInHighHeels 7 років тому +262

    Mr. Ramsay is so cute. My Dad use to have an owl that hung around his library and office with him while he worked. Then, he would just fly away later on. He would wait for my dad at the window at like 7 in the morning every single morning

    • @Srbhkp
      @Srbhkp 7 років тому +6

      Hungover in high heels if i ever find your dads owl i will roast it in dutch style owen and post the video here

    • @HungoverInHighHeels
      @HungoverInHighHeels 7 років тому +6

      sourabh ... You must be illiterate, but I'll bite. Why?

    • @HungoverInHighHeels
      @HungoverInHighHeels 7 років тому +9

      L D.J​ :l my father didn't have a pet owl, hence the owl waiting for him at 7am.
      Reading is fundamental, you guys.

    • @LafeJames
      @LafeJames 7 років тому +2

      + Hungover in high heels A peek into Sourabh's liked vids..I'm surprised he/she even knows what a dutch owen (oven) is LMAO!

    • @HungoverInHighHeels
      @HungoverInHighHeels 7 років тому +6

      Ashutosh Mishra my dad called him a friend and not a pet because he just showed up one day lol
      all of our dogs were free except for Beni because Beni would stay out for days like an unruly teenager lol

  • @RafaelCaracu
    @RafaelCaracu 7 років тому +715

    *Congratulations!!! This is the best UA-cam cooking channel.*

    • @twincity1006
      @twincity1006 7 років тому +6

      rite! it is and the time they put into it! bravo 👏 💚💚

    • @drstit
      @drstit 7 років тому

      408Magenta can you tell which channel was his?

    • @drstit
      @drstit 7 років тому

      Thank​ you​

    • @lusinekhachatryan5697
      @lusinekhachatryan5697 7 років тому

      Ake Kul Q

    • @sushantmj1984
      @sushantmj1984 7 років тому

      Awarded by Rafael Caracu. Just kidding i agree too

  • @ld.j4391
    @ld.j4391 7 років тому +54

    And beautiful camerawork!

  • @shukronthankyoumccarthy4814
    @shukronthankyoumccarthy4814 7 років тому +114

    It never fails that someone has to critique the ingredients or tell them how to improve the meal. Shut up and enjoy an experience that is f***king amazing.

    • @shukronthankyoumccarthy4814
      @shukronthankyoumccarthy4814 7 років тому +3

      joseph blake Everyone knows you read it and thanks for replying back so fast. I think you burnt your dish.

    • @DR-sv8ke
      @DR-sv8ke 7 років тому +1

      ***** try harder

    • @DR-sv8ke
      @DR-sv8ke 7 років тому +1

      joseph blake lol what a simple bitch. now parrot that back to me.

    • @zarfarzar1653
      @zarfarzar1653 7 років тому

      Shukron Thank You McCarthy

    • @soldtobediers
      @soldtobediers 6 років тому +2

      Shukron Thank You McCarthy
      Will Rogers said it best...
      ''When you've made your mark, watch out for the erasers.'' 9718

  • @DeltaPhoenix777
    @DeltaPhoenix777 7 років тому +11

    This soup looks incredible! There's nothing like watching your channel after a long day. This my kind of entertainment: wholesome, educational and good for the soul. Thank you for the impeccable work as always❤

  • @Chief44
    @Chief44 7 років тому +17

    my goodness that looks wonderful! and yes, this is the best UA-cam cooking channel by far!

  • @Kermit-bi7dl
    @Kermit-bi7dl 7 років тому +6

    This is the best way to cook onion soup it remind me of my childhood at my gran in France.
    We used to it this after an heavy night out !
    Thanks for the video

  • @marki992
    @marki992 7 років тому +4

    Vaši su videozapisi izvrsni! Moji roditelji dolaze iz Ulqina, Crne Gore! Ništa se ne približava vanjskoj prirodi Balkana! Bravo!

  • @NessaRossini...
    @NessaRossini... 7 років тому +6

    I LOVE Mr. Ramsay! The soup looks amazing. I just saw your video tonight and already on a binge watching frenzy. Best, Cooking, Channel.

  • @keyhavilah6038
    @keyhavilah6038 7 років тому +25

    who ever you guys are you are the best. I have a horrific sickly immune system, and when I feel as though I don't have the strength or the will to cook for me and my family, I either listen to the bible on audio or I view your cooking channel, which always lifts me up encourages me, relaxes me, and gets my creative juices flowing so that I can cook a satisfying meal. thank you so much for your nature soothing soul food videos. I don't know what I'd do without my family, Gods word, and you.😊

  • @yousseflayachi9005
    @yousseflayachi9005 5 років тому +1

    Vous avez tout d ' un grand chef cuisinier. De très bon produits pour cuisiner. simple et efficace. je me régale, rien qu'en regardant vos super vidéo. merci !

  • @dejandose
    @dejandose 7 років тому +19

    Свака Вам част како промовишете нашу земљу и кухињу! Направили сте нешто невероватно од нечег тако обичног, а то је уметност...

  • @lynettedespanza2278
    @lynettedespanza2278 4 роки тому +1

    Absolutely positively beautiful! I was in awe watching,it was like watching my Poppie. He was a Native American Indian from New Orleans. He loved cooking outside with nature! We grew our own veggies in pots on the veranda. This man is beauty in motion. He feels what he is cooking. The positive vibrations between him, the food,the fire and nature is sublime. Thank you for sharing your gift, style and passion of cooking! But most of all thanks for waking up my memories of my Poppie! I am subscribing to your channel because of the way you have mastered the simplicity of bringing peace,nature, food and cooking to how it should be!

  • @islandantoinette
    @islandantoinette 7 років тому +4

    I just made a WONDERFUL French Onion Soup. I took 4 different You Tube Videos and I take the things I like the best and make my own. Yours was the first I watched it for about 4 hours while cooking. Watched Julia Childs, Martha Stewarts and the Russian Chef. My husband and I LOVED the soup.

  • @mikec3124
    @mikec3124 7 років тому +60

    Best cooking show on youtube - hands down.

  • @hansxiaomeng4741
    @hansxiaomeng4741 7 років тому +151

    How did you pick up that pot lid and not get burned?

    • @tabaks
      @tabaks 7 років тому +35

      Hans Xeiomng Serbian Iron Fist technique!

    • @Capybaraism
      @Capybaraism 7 років тому +22

      He's Serbian.

    • @pettykitsune4219
      @pettykitsune4219 7 років тому +1

      he probably has really dry hands lol

    • @hairylegsxd
      @hairylegsxd 7 років тому +20

      with his manliness

    • @steveb9999
      @steveb9999 7 років тому +6

      one bad ass dude

  • @jojomama4787
    @jojomama4787 7 років тому +1

    just when I was thinking these folks couldn't get any better they do this!!wow!!!thank you,Almazan Kitchen!!!!!

  • @ld.j4391
    @ld.j4391 7 років тому +301

    I hope you will show us how to make bread or cheese sometime!

  • @bojangostic6372
    @bojangostic6372 7 років тому

    Najbolji ste ljudi, obozavam vas. Gazite do milion, usrecite se, zasluzili ste, toliko srece donosite ljudima! Veliki pozdrav, zivi bili!

  • @mariasupp2915
    @mariasupp2915 7 років тому +125

    The Best Onion Soup i ever seen

    • @elizabethshaw734
      @elizabethshaw734 7 років тому +1

      Maria supp have you made it?

    • @mariasupp2915
      @mariasupp2915 7 років тому +7

      Elizabeth Shaw . Even i made it..NO WAY i can meet his taste CUZ ,
      1) i dont have that kinda Mr.RAmsey the Owl
      2) i dont have that kinda Stove
      3) i dont that The Knife is Superior as how he cut things sumwut unique (EVRYTIME)
      4) i dont have homemade Onions or any homemade stuff and he have Everything homemade (healthy foods)
      i can list down more.. Overall I dont think so anyone of us can beat his recipe or taste . I can only keep dreaming. SO. he Better dont tell the place he is now OR else i'll Hijack him and his place for sure . Believe me I will . ;P

    • @Garth2011
      @Garth2011 6 років тому

      Yes, more like a stew than soup broth but looks tasty.

    • @justsceptic3085
      @justsceptic3085 4 роки тому

      come in france i meet you my granma...

  • @kylemichailoff2932
    @kylemichailoff2932 7 років тому +1178

    Make a video showing us how to make your Homemade Bread and Cheese! Like if you agree!!!

    • @meltin1
      @meltin1 7 років тому +8

      For the bread just search for "lepinja" recipe.

    • @erinnkemp
      @erinnkemp 7 років тому +1

      Kyle Michailoff Go to your local Whole Foods and buy the cheese.

    • @proof159753
      @proof159753 7 років тому +4

      all the homemade stuff :D

    • @Krysk_SK
      @Krysk_SK 7 років тому +6

      Kyle Michailoff Gavin Webber has a how to make cheese channel

    • @coconutmakkoli
      @coconutmakkoli 7 років тому +4

      Kyle Michailoff This is really what we want to see...

  • @3l3
    @3l3 7 років тому +15

    this channel is awesome much love from sweden

    • @easykatja
      @easykatja 7 років тому +4

      3l3 germany ❤

  • @Gankiao
    @Gankiao 7 років тому +2

    Mr. Ramsay is not only teaching us food and cooking he is also showing us the way people should live not like how we live today. That's the value of living like a real human!

  • @killerterreur25
    @killerterreur25 7 років тому +67

    French food represent ! Lot of love from France, i do really like you channel ;)

    • @fiatvoluntastua9183
      @fiatvoluntastua9183 7 років тому +8

      HUGO DELCEY I know right! Expect to see a lot of Pork Dishes since your country and Germany are gonna pave the way for any pork or alcohol to be outlawed in the near future. Enjoy your Sharia Law dude. Yay Diversity!!!!!!

    • @dcjxd
      @dcjxd 7 років тому +2

      Your name is your motto, right?
      Come on, mate... wrong channel. Take that to Buzzfeed.

    • @fiatvoluntastua9183
      @fiatvoluntastua9183 7 років тому +4

      zeezhz Sobieski and Martel are screaming DEUS VULT from their graves. 20yrs from now, you'll understand the gravity of my comment. R.I.P France. Have a good day.

    • @tabaks
      @tabaks 7 років тому +1

      Offend In Every Way buzz off, boy.

    • @dcjxd
      @dcjxd 7 років тому +3

      I see where you are coming from. You might call it opening eyes, others see it as trolling or blind alarmism, but it boils down to one simple fact: You try to twist every conceivable statement to fit as an opener for your ramblings. It's your right to hold such views, but nonetheless, this is simply not the place for it. Don't waste your time preaching the defense of christian Europe on a cooking channel.

  • @francesnee2870
    @francesnee2870 6 років тому

    Simply Brilliant. Beautiful photography, fascinating cooking techniques over open fire, I've spent too many hours watching these delightful videos. Bravo Almazans!!

  • @lisamadinger5822
    @lisamadinger5822 7 років тому +3

    omg it looks sooooo amazing, i absolutely love onion soup, my mom use to make it at Christmas time, not ike yours though, haven't had it in years, wish i was there eating it with you, once again great job, thank you, waiting for more videos.

  • @Poseidonblue123
    @Poseidonblue123 7 років тому +2

    Bravo sir, you worked that well. Best french unionsoup i've ever seen👍

  • 7 років тому +136

    This is the way people cooked in the old days before stoves were invented. It's wonderful to see someone get back to the old ways and serve up some really delicious cuisine. This is food porn at it's best!!😋😋😋

    • @summera3926
      @summera3926 7 років тому +1

      K. De. - I don't think this guy is 'getting back to the old days'...this seems pretty much like he does things ALL the yes, it's great!!

    • @mymysticalwisdom3309
      @mymysticalwisdom3309 4 роки тому +5

      K. De. This is how Serbian ppl in villages still cook sometimes, nothing to do with old days, just a traditional & more tasty way to cook

    • @makemyday63
      @makemyday63 4 роки тому +1

      ....and in the „old days „ they died in the age of 30 by cancer. So many cole eating . Sorry 😐 That s the old days too

    • @Nunya9876
      @Nunya9876 2 роки тому

      @@RedondoBeach2 Gordon Ramsey is a bully and can’t cook a turd. That’s why he stays so angry. 😂

  • @sonasona1981
    @sonasona1981 5 років тому +1

    Actually it is a delight to watch your cooking. I am mesmerized every time by your cooking skill. For me you are the best chef in the world. Best chef award goes to you.

  • @Daniel__777
    @Daniel__777 7 років тому +12

    Almazan knows how to live the good life. Cook a 5 star meal in beautiful mother nature, eat it with a buddy in a meditative state, make people jealous a.f by uploading it, and repeat again. Cheers!

    • @bobbyz2886
      @bobbyz2886 5 років тому

      Ziva istina ...postovanje

  • @karenyoung8183
    @karenyoung8183 6 років тому +1

    This is an amazing cooking video. This is what I call real cooking. I wish I had a fireplace. I’ll never find a bowl of French onion soup like this. Thank you!

  • @sehamexplains
    @sehamexplains 7 років тому +20

    This is fantastic. This recipe is just in time, well done. can you please show us how do you make this bread and your cheese 😳please. thank you

  • @WakefieldTolbert
    @WakefieldTolbert 5 років тому +2

    I've always enjoyed making an onion soup. Now to try this variation!

  • @kimmer6
    @kimmer6 7 років тому +44

    That's it! I know why I'm such a lousy cook.... I don't have a pet owl!

  • @ashahariharan9957
    @ashahariharan9957 4 роки тому

    Wow! That is incredible. Love it. In a world of technology cooking this traditionally is just so beautiful. Loved it. THANKYOU

  • @aliyahussain6104
    @aliyahussain6104 7 років тому +3

    your videos always makes me hungry,.... best cooking channel on youtube.

  • @MrSmitti87
    @MrSmitti87 7 років тому +1

    the owl is so nice and she is so trusting...amazing!

  • @theralphies777
    @theralphies777 7 років тому +8

    Well Thank God!! We've been waiting for you guys to upload!! Loveeeee French Onion Soup!! 🤤🤤🤤🤗🤗🤗💙💙💙

  • @richardsorel201
    @richardsorel201 5 років тому +1

    I love these cooking videos... they're some of the best ones on UA-cam!

  • @AG-lc5us
    @AG-lc5us 7 років тому +68

    other people : My dream is to have nice car,own house 2 kids
    me : My dream is to taste almazan's food :D

  • @beybey9203
    @beybey9203 7 років тому +1

    I love how organic your videos are! 2 mysterious chefs in the forest? This is the life!😍

  • @MrKrivistojko
    @MrKrivistojko 7 років тому +3

    Jeo sam ovo u Francuskoj pre 30. godina i oduševio sam se kako je ukusno. E sad znam i kako se pravi. Jedino što se posle malo auspuh jače čuje, ali je mandža idealna za hladne mesece. I naravno dobrog crvenog vina uz to. Veliki pozdrav majstori.

  • @jeremywhite164
    @jeremywhite164 3 роки тому

    A wonderful showpiece of how great food can be even in the most rustic of conditions. And the food looks absolutely mouth watering. A great visual showpiece. Thank you so much.

  • @arturnt84
    @arturnt84 7 років тому +5

    вы профессионалы своего дела. Спасибо вам

  • @kimmetcalfe5686
    @kimmetcalfe5686 3 роки тому

    Very hypnotic watching the fire and how you prepare the recipes. I just love how relaxing it is

  • @mustafeezahmed9536
    @mustafeezahmed9536 7 років тому +4

    I always get hungry whenever I see your videos, even if I watch right after taking a Heavy meal, My mouth starts filling up with water.

  • @BeaconRocker
    @BeaconRocker 7 років тому

    Your videos are so inspiring, every single one of them is a feast for the senses. The visuals, the recipes, your pro-nature attitude, and of course, the most loveable Mr. Ramsey. Please don't ever stop filming!

  • @LifeofNaturalFoods
    @LifeofNaturalFoods 7 років тому +5

    Looking very yummy.

  • @pamelaepps9614
    @pamelaepps9614 7 років тому +2

    I enjoy watching these videos everyday just relaxing.

  • @fiatvoluntastua9183
    @fiatvoluntastua9183 7 років тому +42

    First Off: This looks fuckin delicious.
    Secondly: How did he not burn his fingers from the lid sitting on the fire?
    3rd: I was almost certain I'd see him add his homemade ale to this. Regardless, these guys have life figured out.

    • @mnichols180
      @mnichols180 3 роки тому

      I thought the same about burning his fingers.

  • @scousered100
    @scousered100 7 років тому +2

    Awesome food and amazing filming... I am in awe, thanks guys!

  • @belvederboy
    @belvederboy 7 років тому +14

    Људи,ви сте феноменални!

    • @CirilloAliyev
      @CirilloAliyev 7 років тому +3

      Гэта на якой мове?

    • @AlmazanKitchen
      @AlmazanKitchen  7 років тому +5

      Hvala Radojko! :)

    • @privremensam
      @privremensam 7 років тому

      It's Serbian. Гэта сербскае, says Google Translate. :)

  • @branislavzica1579
    @branislavzica1579 7 років тому

    PRIJATELJU ...BRATE Svaka Vam cast...uzivancija Vas gledati...veliki pozdrav

    @CROATIAMAGIC 7 років тому +3

    Pozdrav iz Komize na Visu..kanal je ludilo. Hrana za pet👍🏼

  • @Wallouda
    @Wallouda 3 роки тому

    let's admit it, theses videos are therapeutic !! and one day i ll make an outdoor kitchen like that !! feels soo authentic!!

  • @AliTKhan
    @AliTKhan 7 років тому +106

    best cooking ASMR channel!

    • @teephattinnapoom2784
      @teephattinnapoom2784 7 років тому +2

      Peachful cuisine is better but i fucking like this channel

  • @sanduskyok
    @sanduskyok 7 років тому

    This is a real joy to watch. Takes me back to my younger days,,, we did not have half the cooking talent or food products you fellows do. Keep the good videos coming.

  • @Cococlips
    @Cococlips 7 років тому +6

    Eating a soup with a knife. *normal* :-)
    Big love from Germany!

  • @lovetocook3809
    @lovetocook3809 7 років тому +2

    this is the most amazing cooking channel out there!

  • @bhavyatalwar
    @bhavyatalwar 7 років тому +18

    AlmazanKitchen making the best dishes in the Woods!!!👑👑👑 Hats off to you!!

  • @christinarinaldo3130
    @christinarinaldo3130 7 років тому +2

    This is my all-time favorite soup ever! Can't wait to try your recipe! Love you guys!!!!

  • @BabaNamKevalamGames
    @BabaNamKevalamGames 5 років тому +4

    So, that is how life must be...
    I think is never too late to re-start your own life.

  • @sandragrant8271
    @sandragrant8271 5 років тому +1

    I've always loved onion soup. After this, now I crave, adore, and must have it. Sir, you are an R rated chef. Yummy.

  • @babamacvanin4815
    @babamacvanin4815 7 років тому +3

    Najbolji si kuvar .... priroda prava ...

  • @linmichtaylor4984
    @linmichtaylor4984 5 років тому +1

    Everything you make looks so your channel

  • @mariocolic7999
    @mariocolic7999 7 років тому +4

    pozdrav iz hrvatske , najbolji ste :))

  • @johnc3601
    @johnc3601 7 років тому +1

    These cooking videos are superbly put together ✔️

  • @breizhaldrin5645
    @breizhaldrin5645 7 років тому +9

    AWESOME ! from a french viewer

  • @noneofyurfknbiznes
    @noneofyurfknbiznes 7 років тому +2

    You guys, like, seriously, don't stop doing these. You guys have the coolest damn channel around. I love it. Keep it up!

  • @kettyca666
    @kettyca666 7 років тому +18

    PLEASE! Molim Vas! Video kako napraviti sir! SHOW US HOW YOU MAKE CHEESE! Goat, cow, smoked, hard or soft, anything!

    • @AlmazanKitchen
      @AlmazanKitchen  7 років тому +3

      ništa lakše kettyca.izguglaj i upusti se.

    • @kettyca666
      @kettyca666 7 років тому +1

      da, ali Vasi izgledaju kao magija, direktno iz Francuske...

  • @mauma78
    @mauma78 7 років тому +1

    Very well , I like your way of reinterpreting dishes.

  • @tadejjovanovic
    @tadejjovanovic 7 років тому +16

    eating soup with a knife. Badass! :)

  • @palazzo1113
    @palazzo1113 7 років тому

    This channel is so inspiring, calming, beautiful, and it has made me truly appreciate the cooking I do for my friends and family. Cheers!

  • @ksa1043
    @ksa1043 7 років тому +3

    nayis your follower from Saudi Arabia❤🕋🕌

  • @lcmijango
    @lcmijango 3 роки тому

    by far the best, this is without a doubt a gift to humanity man, simple, perfect recipes. the real gourmet.

  • @hakankaya1891
    @hakankaya1891 7 років тому +61

    At cooking issue, you are at somewhere of that point which is between insanity and genius😲

    • @AlmazanKitchen
      @AlmazanKitchen  7 років тому +2


    • @amirhellsing5746
      @amirhellsing5746 7 років тому +3

      AlmazanKitchen god bless you
      such cooking, amazingly looking and im sure is deliciouse
      From Russia with love

    • @newera478
      @newera478 7 років тому +5

      hakan kaya Cooking is philosophy. Unless if it's pastry then it's chemistry.
      - MPW

    • @curiousSOUL22
      @curiousSOUL22 6 років тому

      lol I love love love this channel but I'm not sure where the 'insanity' part comes in...

  • @chvosswinkel
    @chvosswinkel 5 років тому

    Toutes vos vidéos mettent en appétit et les différents paysages dans lesquels elles sont réalisées sont absolument splendides. De plus elles sont empreintes de beau de sérénité. Merci

  • @CarolAnn-gh9fl
    @CarolAnn-gh9fl 7 років тому +6

    My greatest fear is that Almazan is a hoax and they end up being hipsters from Brooklyn. I love this chanel!!!!

  • @terribethreed8464
    @terribethreed8464 6 років тому

    I have got to make your French onion soup! It looks amazing!
    Your channel is the best I've seen & the secrecy of your show is the best idea I've ever seen lol!
    Thank you for all the work you do to share it with us.
    The love your art, truly shows!

  • @soulsisterssurvivorssister8463
    @soulsisterssurvivorssister8463 7 років тому +3

    I am wondering if caramelizing the red onion makes them a milder flavor. This looks delicious though.

    • @tabaks
      @tabaks 7 років тому

      SoulSistersSurvivors Sisters don't wonder, act!

    • @soulsisterssurvivorssister8463
      @soulsisterssurvivorssister8463 7 років тому

      +ILLustrios215 Thanks, this is definitely on my list. I like the fact he makes a veggie broth instead of using plain water.

  • @moniquemartinez5829
    @moniquemartinez5829 3 роки тому

    This is the only type of ASMR that I like. It’s so soothing.

  • @karminiparsan4440
    @karminiparsan4440 7 років тому +27

    shhhh🙊it's the culinary ninjas....

  • @Bahamut1988
    @Bahamut1988 7 років тому +2

    The 2 best things on this Earth in one video. Nature and Food.

    @OLOIEI 7 років тому +5

    *이분이 만든 음식 한번 먹어보고싶다...*

    @CMANIM 4 роки тому

    That owl was so chill. Love your videos, it all looks so incredible

  • @MajidAli-zc8kg
    @MajidAli-zc8kg 7 років тому +6

    You should have your own channel on tv

    • @KartizaK
      @KartizaK 7 років тому +7

      not to be harsh to you Mayood, but no way. the suits would get involved and ruin everything as usual. people love this because its unusual. plus no one can find them.

  • @TriciaBinGSO
    @TriciaBinGSO 5 років тому

    Wow! It looks SO GOOD! I wouldn't have thought to make the soup with red onions! I'm just loving this channel! Your videos are so soothing and I'm picking up great ideas for my own cooking.

  • @ТатьянаКим-п9б
    @ТатьянаКим-п9б 7 років тому +3

    видео просто супер!!!

  • @stephaniemcgreevy4114
    @stephaniemcgreevy4114 4 роки тому +1

    Love watching and no talking !
    Cooking is a passion of mine, love the no yammering on ;-)

  • @ashtonmarquette128
    @ashtonmarquette128 7 років тому +6

    make some spanakopita!!!! btw love ur channel

    • @pcpeasantry3008
      @pcpeasantry3008 7 років тому

      Ashton Marquette ellinas? an einai na ftiaksei kolokithopita

    • @brookejones405
      @brookejones405 7 років тому +1

      Ashton Marquette or tyropita!!

    • @ashtonmarquette128
      @ashtonmarquette128 7 років тому +1

      KingPlayz Warface i dont speak greek but i love the food

  • @1.forestrunner
    @1.forestrunner 7 років тому

    Cooking artfully mastered! You folks show simplicity is art. Great camera work!

  • @salmonfish1145
    @salmonfish1145 7 років тому +15

    Wow he converted a chopping knife into a multitask tool. You even use it as a spoon. Next you know you will be scratching your eyeballs with a knife by accident while chopping onions. (please don't do that, Mr. Ramsay the Owl would be sad 😦)

  • @takenostress6099
    @takenostress6099 7 років тому

    These videos take me back to my hometown when my grandmom used to cook this traditional way

  • @GarryFunk
    @GarryFunk 7 років тому +5

    I feel like this is an artistic munk's (with a vow of silence) version of a cooking video (no offense meant). Anyone else?

    • @betterthantelly2993
      @betterthantelly2993 5 років тому +1

      Exactly what I was thinking.
      It's so naturally calming without the insane chatter. I suffer that mental disease very much.

  • @14ericksona
    @14ericksona 7 років тому

    This channel is incredible. Seriously fantastic content. Just goes to show how little you truly need to be able to cook amazing dishes. Also, I would kill for that fireplace!

  • @user-vp1pj3xb7s
    @user-vp1pj3xb7s 7 років тому +47

    maaaan you eat with the knife as if it a spoon 😲😲😲

    • @AnaLopez-hq5ne
      @AnaLopez-hq5ne 7 років тому +4

      Kooky this man is one of a kind

    • @Menuki
      @Menuki 7 років тому +1

      My knife is many utensils

  • @dusanvujasin5782
    @dusanvujasin5782 6 років тому

    The biggest Slav on whole internet! Just keep it up brate, do jaja ti je kanal i sve što praviš od jela, puno noći sam proveo gledajuči tvoj kanal, pa sam po frižideru kopao... Zar nismo svi?! U zdravlje brate i samo nastavi ovako!

  • @Yoshimitros
    @Yoshimitros 7 років тому +3

    OOOOOOH MAI GOOOOOOD I hate you right now but i really love you!

  • @DRcar4103
    @DRcar4103 6 років тому +1

    How could any one dislike this dudes videos? Friggen amazing job on all your dishes man!