i have a tip to find out where stealthed snipers are, you can only do this if you are a commando, switch seats to one of the planes wings while heading down with your plane and do mark target. you will mark a random target wich can sometimes be a stealthed sniper. i do this alot and its freaking brilliant
Yes you can change the control settings, I talk about it in the full video but not in depth. I played with Keyboard only before i got a joystick, but you can also change the mouse sensitivity.
Yea me to dude you should see me fly i am so beast BUT one thing i know is that the ME-109 is better witch is the nationals plane it is more east to control plus the set of guns it has is faster and looks sick
Excellent video! This was a really educative tutorial and your flying skills are impressive. I am average at flying and your dodging skill near the end was hard to follow. I would have prolly got owned like that guy who ditched the plane and got wingclipped! Anyway 5/5
@PatrickP0078 No sorry we're not a clan, if you want to get on the pilot list, and get challenged often by good flyers. Add a name from that list to your friendlist and join their game to get noticed. Just TELL them you want to get on that list. and fight with them as try-out. If you're good enough, we'll put your name up too!
@serofthedarkness This video was made during closed Beta stages of the game. The gamemakers changed the "F-look" What i mention at 3:26 is no longer true. Now you have to learn what to use to see above or below your tail (of the plane) Push mouse/joystick forward (up arrow) to see above. Pull mouse/joystick back (down arrow) to see below. Turn the plane sideways and do same to see left and right sides of the world When scanning the aereas behind you.
i am a true royal ace i compleated plane mission 4 lvl 15 i made 32/0 only in plane i get 1 place and it wasnt my better gameplay but u are my inspiration the royal airforce thanks you for yours services and we call u to join the battle again because national pilots are getting better and better but not for me and u and some aces of =RAF=
its all true im already good at flying but this guide would make me better Thanks. P.S. to shoot enemy planes out of the air. go high in the sky then look down. if you see a enemy plane follow it
1. Thnx All, 2. I use Joystick, (try different mouse sets until 1 worx 4 u) 3. "Steal" all u want, My shark is always hungry. (Pilot and his Royal plane smile!)
Pretty nice guide, I'm sure it'll help me :D Know your enemy x) I'm a proud national, and with this information, I'll have good and honorful dogfights against your kin, mwahahahaha xD And by the way, bailing is cowardish^^ Anybody should be a man and die with their planes :D
One of the best BFH vids I've ever seen!!!
i have a tip to find out where stealthed snipers are, you can only do this if you are a commando, switch seats to one of the planes wings while heading down with your plane and do mark target. you will mark a random target wich can sometimes be a stealthed sniper. i do this alot and its freaking brilliant
Awsome Tuturial.
I usually use plains, but i dont adapt. Now i am to going to try your tactics.
Thank you.
This video helped me a lot when I was learning to fly. Very good!
This was the best video yet
I'm commander Shepard and this is my favorite tutorial on BFH.
Yeh its glengis :P, @Leon
This is an ACADEMY, where we teach ALL basics.
How and When to use What is up to the pilots in their respective situations.
I still play BFH from time to time.
thx this movie helped me alot to fly
Really nice video thanks for everything. This makes everything look so easy :)
you are too good to fly...
Thats awsome....
Yes you can change the control settings, I talk about it in the full video but not in depth.
I played with Keyboard only before i got a joystick, but you can also change the mouse sensitivity.
Wow that was acctually really helpful. Go royals!
great tutorial! you are a really professional flyer:D
nice guide, i hope it will help me!
i suck at flying, thanksf!
Awesome tutorial! 5/5 + fav :)
I was gonna press a bfh parody but pressed wrong and got this AWESOME video!! Thanks mouse!
U got an nice place in my favorites
finnaly, a video that supports the royals
thanks for that guide. that was pretty good.!!
Wow This would have been very helpful like 6 months ago, now I do all that second-nature... How do you put the text right in the video like that?
I've shooted down 7 Planes in 1 Planes without dying! And killed 14 by doing that!
Thanks to you!
dude ur vid pwnes all other i seen about this game and ur stunts absolutely blew my mind lol how long did it take you to fly like this?
sounds like a true ace...
very nice video, thx for sharing.
@Bobskilintopia I guess u should go above them the most u can to attack them.
Thanks man ! u got my subscribe ! That Helped me Really Alot !!!!
ty for this guide i faved rated and even subbed
Yea me to dude you should see me fly i am so beast BUT one thing i know is that the ME-109 is better witch is the nationals plane it is more east to control plus the set of guns it has is faster and looks sick
If you have some gunners at your wings, You can use their Explosive Kegs as Missiles!!!
Can joysticks be used during infantry and tank gameplay?
Hey how do you avoid AA guns its the only time the enemy can score a kill on me
Excellent video! This was a really educative tutorial and your flying skills are impressive. I am average at flying and your dodging skill near the end was hard to follow. I would have prolly got owned like that guy who ditched the plane and got wingclipped! Anyway 5/5
No sorry we're not a clan, if you want to get on the pilot list, and get challenged often by good flyers.
Add a name from that list to your friendlist and join their game to get noticed.
Just TELL them you want to get on that list. and fight with them as try-out.
If you're good enough, we'll put your name up too!
I like the royal planes because they remind me of the WW2 British spitfire plane
hi can u help me?when i fly(i learnt by u XD) if i press F to look around i have the down look when i go vertical,how can i repair this??
This video was made during closed Beta stages of the game.
The gamemakers changed the "F-look"
What i mention at 3:26 is no longer true.
Now you have to learn what to use to see above or below your tail (of the plane)
Push mouse/joystick forward (up arrow) to see above.
Pull mouse/joystick back (down arrow) to see below.
Turn the plane sideways and do same to see left and right sides of the world
When scanning the aereas behind you.
i am a true royal ace i compleated plane mission 4 lvl 15 i made 32/0 only in plane i get 1 place and it wasnt my better gameplay but u are my inspiration the royal airforce thanks you for yours services and we call u to join the battle again because national pilots are getting better and better but not for me and u and some aces of =RAF=
Its a nice vid!!! the plane of the royals is mutch nicer
you are really good you made me almost a acsport
TY That help me alot and good video!
I'm a royal soilder hope to fly with you some day
dang u r a good pilot
What's your recomended mouse sensitivity?
This is really old, but i just added you on BF heroes, dunno if you still play. the names: topsov
Right and left to make rolls... Yum
Im very Bad in plane kills but with your instructions i will Beat them all!!!
@GoldenHordeclan i wont let you down sarg!
@GoldenHordeclan thank you u helped me much ^^
So how many times did you crash to make this video....
very nice vid ^^
its all true im already good at flying but this guide would make me better Thanks.
P.S. to shoot enemy planes out of the air. go high in the sky then look down. if you see a enemy plane follow it
@GoldenHordeclan do a barrel roll!!!!!!!
awesome video mate!
(Even though I'm in the national airforce)
1. Thnx All,
2. I use Joystick, (try different mouse sets until 1 worx 4 u)
3. "Steal" all u want, My shark is always hungry. (Pilot and his Royal plane smile!)
OBS i completed mission plane 4 lvl 15 :)
-hand up- if im a national, why this was recomended for meh?
u are amazing :D
Nice ur almost as good of a pilot as me
im a fan of royals and all, but, you have to admit, the national salute is better :P
omg what a pro xD! 5/5
7:29 , halt the advance of those noob royals. fixed :D
woow cool :P
i dont really play anymore, just sometimes.. but thanks anyway.. :)
i am gonna show the nationals your tactic !
mu ha ha ha!
gosh i can't fly at all..
Nooo stop killing my nationals :)
Your soooooooo pro
subtitles are ugly, and to fast, but video is good
tis is a realy true nice plane pilot and video cause is not a national made
HA!!!! I get it plane silli ROFLCOPTER
... but i'm a nat T.T
Pretty nice guide, I'm sure it'll help me :D
Know your enemy x)
I'm a proud national, and with this information, I'll have good and honorful dogfights against your kin, mwahahahaha xD
And by the way, bailing is cowardish^^
Anybody should be a man and die with their planes :D
Awsome Tutorial.
I usually use plains, but i dont adapt. Now i am to going to try your tactics.
Thank you.