Understanding Obesity in Mental Illness | A Comprehensive Discussion

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024


  • @DrSyl
    @DrSyl  6 місяців тому +5

    If you’re interested, consider signing up to my newsletter (get updates regarding when the CBT course is completed): eepurl.com/iMHJp6

    • @fionanaylor6104
      @fionanaylor6104 6 місяців тому

      Hi Dr Syl, you may already know about this chap Dr Sanil Rege, @sanilrege he has just tweeted Metabolic Syndrome and Risk of Readmission in Psychiatric Patients and First Episode Psychosis. interesting read.

  • @zionnoel
    @zionnoel 6 місяців тому +2

    I likely had anorexia nervosa and/or bulimia (exercise purging) during my high school years.
    My relationship with my body, and especially with food (of course, ultimately, with my core self & spirit) was stressful and suboptimal during those high school years.
    I still struggle with whole self care and monitoring/being aware of my eating patterns and what they are motivated by at times, especially when feeling stressed in life (of course), but I just wanted to thank you for your video today, because I find your videos to be very grounding, calming, and soothing in that they remind me of the scientific and very real biological/psychological factors at play as I work through these processes -- that I'm not bad, or simply at moral failing as a person, if I don't eat in the ways which I believe are generally ideal and best for fueling and supporting my body.
    Your video today reminded me that I am blessed to be fully able to connect with my body, look at things from a practical and scientific perspective, and not only focus on and respond to how I feel. This kind of reminder is always really encouraging and empowering, because I am a very feely mushy person, haha, and sometimes being reminded of the practical elements of how systems such as the body (and mind, and chemicals mixed in with those things) work really helps me to take a more principled, balanced, and healthy approach to myself and food.
    I deserve nourishment and wellness, and everybody reading: so do you. :) You also are able to be aware of yourself and make good choices . . . AND, even, when you don't do things the way you'd like to, you are still beautiful and worthy of love, and still capable of hope, and of making choices that you will feel better about the next time around. :)
    We can learn from every experience. :) Get the support you need, stick up for yourself and remain with yourself.
    Ok, long comment: done. With gratitude. ❤️🌸☺️🪻,🌱

  • @irmenotu
    @irmenotu 6 місяців тому +10

    I do believe there is amount of personal responsibility however we have statstics that clearly show well over 90% of diets fail. In any other scope or field of medicine, if a treatment or medication failed 90% of the time we would clearly say the medication isn't working, but we easily and quickly shift blame to a dismissively simple lack of willpower or effort which is simply not the case. Surgeries, medications (newer ones) and other treatments are dismissed as a shortcut or easy way out but more often then not they are anything but and like anything are tools to help out. We need to take a comprehensive approach and that's understanding the physical, mental and social factors that impact each individual. To say the solution to the entire problem is for obese people to "just eat less" and that's the whole thing sorted is ignorant and short sighted, and part of the reason most diets fail.

    • @dionysusapollo
      @dionysusapollo 6 місяців тому

      I have ocd so I can just not eat when I make up my mind, kind of grateful for it at the moment, it gives some control when I'm on meds

    • @katiebeark
      @katiebeark 6 місяців тому

      I’m overweight and was prior to starting my mental health medication. I had both the lap band and the gastribypass nether worked I didn’t loose the weight I’m at a loss as to what to do

  • @TheNurseWhoLovedMe89
    @TheNurseWhoLovedMe89 6 місяців тому +1

    “With cups of tea!” You’re so wholesome, I love it 🥰😁

  • @shiabue
    @shiabue 6 місяців тому +15

    The best advice I’ve received regarding weight loss is to work on improving mental health before diving into diet and exercise. I’ve struggled with excessive weight and I believe there may have been a correlation between my weight and the various SSRIs and SNRIs I’ve been on. I recently started taking bupropion and I’m hoping this will help with my depression treatment. Exercise helps my anxiety but with my low energy, it’s been hard to include it into my routine. I’ve been able to slowly begin my weight loss journey as I get a handle on my mental health. Videos like this one that look into the science behind obesity have been what inspires me the most to lose weight.

    • @kevinroy1736
      @kevinroy1736 6 місяців тому

      I'm not watching the video as I hate psychriatrists, I'll say this, you take a SSRI's, that causes down regulation, of receptors, those receptors are tied to gut function, now improper signals on when you should be hungry or feel sated don't get through to the brain, so your brain thinks you require additional food intake, hence you eat more. Same applies your your body energy levels, less signalling = less energy. Take a mouth full of coffee and watch how it perks you up. That' cause you just gave your neuro transmitter signalling a kick. They cause muscle weakness and blurry vision. Same reason signal input isn't getting through, it's why your emotions dull and you feel like a zombie on them. You can't feel depressed if you can't process it. Depression requires higher functioning of the brain. The pills stop this, it's a mask.
      PS. you are not mentally ill, you have unresolved pain that you are reacting negatively too. Also when you decrease meds you get anxiety, again not mental illness, it's caused because you get a flood of serotonin and dopamine, when you reduce your meds, you pull the block out of the damn and the water is coming rushing through and it's sensory overload. It takes months for the brain to re-regulate.

  • @agrata
    @agrata 6 місяців тому +1

    Dr. Syl, as a current cogsci student your videos teach me so much! I personally would love a video on the neurobiology mentioned at 10:53 !!!

  • @hanos4082
    @hanos4082 6 місяців тому +1

    Thanks for your interesting videos!
    Regarding to BMI, it was originally used by the belgian Quetelet. He used it in de 19th century as a statistical tool, more like a screener to determine health in socials groups. Used in that way, it makes perfect sense to use it. The problem is, I think, that we nowadays apply it to individuals. Thats less useful, as you say, because of all the variation in body composition.

  • @shalacarter6658
    @shalacarter6658 6 місяців тому +4

    How about why we understand why doctors feel the need to put "obese" rightt after our names in their after-care reports? Could we at least move that to comment 3? ? ?

  • @TallDiana
    @TallDiana 5 місяців тому

    My husband, obese when we married, ate 85 years worth of food in 54 years and is dead. He had a leg amputated from a diabetic infection and was in heart failure and on dialysis for kidney failure prior to becoming septic from his remaining leg becoming infected. None of the rest of the family are obese. He did have Kleinfelter Syndrome- XXY chromosomes- was 6’11” and about 750 pounds at times before his unfortunately predictably untimely death.

  • @jodi-annedavidson5348
    @jodi-annedavidson5348 5 місяців тому

    Bring in the neurobiology stuff!!!🙌

  • @naturalfreeness322
    @naturalfreeness322 5 місяців тому

    Today there is a Nationwide slow death, from uncontrollable indulgence in excess, smoking to much, drinking to much, using drugs to much, now eating ourselves to death,

  • @MyCurly31
    @MyCurly31 6 місяців тому

    I have been on antipsychotic medication since my 20’s I am now 44. My weight gain got worse during Covid and now I’m so morbidly obese that I can’t walk far or look after myself. My weight gain began when I started taking antidepressants. I began overeating to cope but has only really got better with enormous amounts of exercise. I believe these anti psychotics make you crave bad food and the bad food then effects your mood and it’s a cycle. I’ve tried most of the anti psychotic medications and the only one that works for me is olanzapine. I feel my physical health is ignored by mental health professionals. I feel they are happy to just let me muddle along like this. I definitely feel that metabolism does get affected dramatically.

  • @berf9445
    @berf9445 6 місяців тому +1

    Before going on antipsychotics I was tiny, anorexic actually... now after being on so many of them I'm overweight/bordering on obess and they put metabolic syndrome in my chart. My last one was Latuda which is supposed to be weight nuetral, well I had just lost 15lbs before I started it and It made me put on 20lbs!! Now I'm on Invega and haven't been able to lose anything. It's a nightmare. I hate my body and I feel cheated. I can try so hard and lose the weight but then we will switch to a new antipsychotic and I will gain it all back.

    •  6 місяців тому +1

      I'm on invega as well. Do you mind me asking what your diagnosis is? Sorry if it's too personal a question.

    • @berf9445
      @berf9445 6 місяців тому

      I have bipolar 1

    •  6 місяців тому

      Thank you, me too.

  • @julias6659
    @julias6659 5 місяців тому

    @DrSyl, are you familiar with the Metabolic Mind? It's a project of the Baszucki Group, and their research suggests that mental illnesses are metabolic disorders and, ultimately, mitochondrial disorders. I only just came across their UA-cam channel, but I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on their work!

  • @cosmicreef5858
    @cosmicreef5858 Місяць тому

    No. We mean to eat ENOUGH and NOT over kinda OBVIOUSLY!
    NEVER over because that is AGAINST survival.

  • @tabatasennadagracalopes5180
    @tabatasennadagracalopes5180 6 місяців тому

    I got 6kgs in 2 months with aripiprazol, so i stop the medication myself, even though the medication had an amazing effect, cause i had bulimia for a few years, i dont wanna go back there

  • @hayleyprice8345
    @hayleyprice8345 6 місяців тому

    Very informative thanks

  • @Maverick_Mad_Moiselle
    @Maverick_Mad_Moiselle 6 місяців тому

    I don't know how to lose weight. During the depression, I used to starve myself for 5 days in a row and only eat on the weekend because I hated my body until it plateaued and despite the starvation I wasn't able to lose the last bit of weight I wanted to lose.
    I know now (I already knew but I didn't realize it) that starvation isn't a good way to lose weight. It plateaus. Once you stop you get the weight back so fast. If you actually get to a critically low weight or have conditions you may not be aware of (diabetes, I think?), you put yourself at risk for refeeding syndrome.
    So I tried to go the other way, the slow but actually good way, sports... but I despise sports. I take no pleasure in doing that. Every time I try to do sports I give up after a month, my record my be 3 months. And I can't stop from binge eating. I've noticed that on days when my anxiety is worse when I'm in the shop, I just end up buying tons of chocolate and biscuits or whatever.
    And I'm afraid to ask my doctor for help because I'm afraid of being dismissed. I know there are doctors specializing in weight loss who actually understand that it's very hard but I don't know how to get to them.

    • @Maverick_Mad_Moiselle
      @Maverick_Mad_Moiselle 5 місяців тому

      Update: I had the courage to talk to my doctor about it today. He wasn't dismissive but he didn't know how to help me so I asked if I needed a referral to consult a dietician and he said yes then made the letter for me and talked to me about group sports sessions which are covered by La Sécurité Sociale! :D

  • @myfmc73
    @myfmc73 5 місяців тому

    I am fighting the meds not the biology. I am finding it hard to keep up the exercise too, but sedation doesn't keep me exercising. I was slim and no weight around my belly. Mental Illness doesn't cause obesity. A person with medication induced weight gain the weight is harder to shift. Exercise and diet just doesn't cut it. Talking up solutions that just won't get me back to baseline whilst on antipsychotics is a false solution.

  • @pyenygren2299
    @pyenygren2299 6 місяців тому

    How can a person with a severe depression *try* to find motivation to cook *a bit healthier* food?
    EDIT: central stimulant medicin works best for me (I have ADHD). I had to stop taking Ozempic (after talking to my GP about the problems).

  • @bzzwiebel963
    @bzzwiebel963 6 місяців тому

    I have a shrink who doesn’t think I am overweight. According to the BMI I am overweight. I am 1.68 m and weigh 72 kg. That is too much.

    • @dopex89
      @dopex89 6 місяців тому

      If your waist to hip ratio is in the healthy range for your age and gender, you can probably disregard BMI. Did you know they actually lowered the criteria for being obese instead of overweight? Make it make sense.

  • @michaelmarchei8539
    @michaelmarchei8539 5 місяців тому

    Take a couple of diazepams if your stressed Doc 😊

  • @cyberiad
    @cyberiad 6 місяців тому

    Give me a few Seroquel and I'll eat a whole bag of potato chi.... who am I kidding, the whole bag of potatoes.

  • @madelinegrace7575
    @madelinegrace7575 6 місяців тому +17

    I'm in 5 different psych meds, and have put SO much weight on. I literally changed nothing about my diet other than now I eat a lot healthier and am vegan. I also exercise a lot more. I think it's less about that you eat more - and more that these drugs completely slow down your metabolism. I seriously hope in the future these drugs don't hurt our physical health so much.

    • @JustJ-Me
      @JustJ-Me 6 місяців тому

      Yes. Very much agree

    • @smellymelly457
      @smellymelly457 5 місяців тому

      Read brain energy by Chris Palmer !!!!

    • @Ameliamaemay1990
      @Ameliamaemay1990 5 місяців тому +1

      Omfg I know. I’m the heaviest I’ve ever been right now and I really don’t eat much at all. I haven’t been working out much lately but I’m usually pretty active….in cutting out carbs and trying to go keto right now to see if it’ll help.

    • @ashatan4554
      @ashatan4554 4 місяці тому +1

      Ugh! I feel your pain. I know it’s the meds because I have stopped taking them before and the weight melted off in a few months. However my panic attacks, OCD and insomnia all returned also. I think need them the rest of my life but being overweight really affects my confidence.

  • @dionysusapollo
    @dionysusapollo 6 місяців тому +10

    I really don't want to get overweight from psych meds because I can't walk properly because of my illness so my joints are already under strain. Ive also read this is part of why psych patients get high rates of heart disease. Thanks for the video.

  • @fionanaylor6104
    @fionanaylor6104 6 місяців тому +7

    Take ad’s, mood stabiliser, anti anxiety, thyroid replacement. I am 55.Via my GP I am accessing a joint pain management programme with Nuffield Health. Slow start, but like you say, 5 mins is 5 more than I was doing. Great video. Thank you.

  • @amirachokri4084
    @amirachokri4084 6 місяців тому +5

    Thank you !! so insightful ! I appreciate how you explain 👍👍👍

  • @wedzuproar
    @wedzuproar 6 місяців тому +2

    My tips to loose weight are diet and then exercise, i think u must get used to diet less calories etc before you start to exercise (if ur new to it) because i find after exercise i am hungrier and more tierd = cravings and if you dont already have some sort of control over your eating you most likely going to let ur cravings beat you

  • @DaveReynolds-y3v
    @DaveReynolds-y3v 4 місяці тому +1

    I am diabetic and have lost over 80lbs. My blood sugar is now manageable by diet alone. I can attest to your advice about diet. One advantage to going to a more vegetarian diet is that you can retrain your sense of taste to more subtle flavors. I'm 70 and my exercise routine involves several short sessions spaced out during the day, rather than a single intense session.

  • @ann18o96
    @ann18o96 6 місяців тому +4

    Thank you!
    I'm dealing with depression and anxiety, and comfort food has become a really bad habit. For me it starts in the evening hours, so I try to distract myself or drink coffee to keep the appetite at bay. It's really tough when 3-5 hours a day are a constant fight, and you're already drained from the day.
    And on that note, for me coffee has been so helpful. It lowers the appetite quite a lot. So I try to drink one cup early enough to still be able to sleep, but right before my appetite usually starts. And sometimes I try to eat just a bit of dark chocolate. That's also said to decrease the appetite rather than some sweets that create more cravings.
    Do you have specific advice for efficient workout when depressed? I don't really have a lot of spare energy, I've tried to make it as low effort as possible (eg doing it inside so I don't need to be dressed to go outside or drive to a gym). I don't know what people talk about when they say they feel better after workouts - not sure if it's depression or just a personal thing. I figured especially after gaining weight I hate sweating and the feeling after anything high intensitiy.

    • @mpras684
      @mpras684 6 місяців тому +1

      I can relate to your description around cravings… I commend you for your efforts around staving them off. You’re stronger than I when I’m feeling low and/or anxious.
      It sounds really clichėd and after 30+ years of managing mental health battles, yesterday after a ‘bed-bound bender’ I put on a couple of music tracks that have really got me wanting to dance (poorly) when not so low.
      I didn’t judge it or think I had to move, or for a set period of time etc. I just went with it. It got me out of the house for a bit and I still can’t quite believe it! Sounds 100% textbook but it burned some calories.
      All the best on your journey.

    • @cynthiac4041
      @cynthiac4041 5 місяців тому

      Try different workouts. There's so many types of exercise out there and it's so important to find something you enjoy so you keep coming back. Even if you're just dancing around your living room. Remember there's no right or wrong way to get exercise

    • @ann18o96
      @ann18o96 5 місяців тому

      @@cynthiac4041 I don't enjoy workouts. Please do me a favor and don't talk Back about what I'm doing wrong or what I need to try or that I just haven't done it long enough.
      I don't enjoy it. I try to do it cause it's health, so I rather just do the most effektive thing that helps me.

  • @TinekeWie
    @TinekeWie 6 місяців тому +2

    Thank you for this video. I live with obesity and depression after TBI. And I must say the obesity leads to depression and the depression to obesity. Which came first I can’t remember. But I did remember that I felt better during rehab for my TBI and at then I was exercising with a physiotherapist and that was the best thing to do again. My TBI gives me fatigue and lack of motivation and just after my rehab COVID gave us a lockdown and stay at home was the trigger for my TBI to make me do nothing and everything went down hill fast
    In January I started training with a physiotherapist again and shortly after I began to notice my depression fading away, Now I lost 10 kg and still obese but I’m doing much better now, I’m happy and feel motivated to go on.

  • @KayosHybrid
    @KayosHybrid 6 місяців тому +1

    Beginning wonder in my 30s if the bullying from the moment I stepped into school is the reason for be completely disassociating from my own body. Since as long as I can remember, I can’t perceive my own reflection and it makes everything appearance-based incredibly difficult if not impossible. How can I choose a haircut if I don’t know what I look like? Choose what to wear when I have no idea what my body looks like, just that it’s ‘big’?

  • @bzzwiebel963
    @bzzwiebel963 6 місяців тому +1

    The psychotropics are
    killing any effort to maintain weight. I ran 20 km almost every second day and did not lose a pound. All together I gained 10kg. Thankfully with muscle building the weight went down again. It is possible to stay slender however it is a lot of work. Eating slowly helps with satiation. I can’t eat when stressed out. The question is which antipsychotics do not cause weight gain? Valproate also causes weight gain!

  • @nicolehough1132
    @nicolehough1132 6 місяців тому +1

    Low impact exercise like biking and taking long walks. Going to work my way up to more high intensity workouts, but low impact stuff has worked for me. Also trying to get as many steps as possible in a day is good 10k-15k.

  • @JuliaVit-k8h
    @JuliaVit-k8h 6 місяців тому +2

    I love your videos!

  • @lenajazuk4231
    @lenajazuk4231 6 місяців тому +1

    Kangaroo again?😱

  • @jkhawkinsjk
    @jkhawkinsjk Місяць тому

    I’m surprised you didn’t mention the ACE study and the relationship between childhood trauma and eating, there is some relationship, curious of your thoughts?
    Please be kind to yourself how you talk to yourself about food - If I feel bad about something I ate, it makes me likely to eat more! Practicing gratitude/mindfulness around food instead has been good.
    Thank you for the video.

  • @Lipolimtown
    @Lipolimtown 2 місяці тому

    Leading psychiatrtist and teacher Dr. Chris Palmer of Harvard is the one leading the charge on this one. His book Brain Energy outlines that ALL mental illnesses are metabolic issues of the brain. He proposes ketogenic diets and excersise regimes to reverse some of the horrible effects of these drugs psychiatrists prescribe. He’s pretty brilliant and realizes that for people with serious illnesses like schizophrenia and bipolar the medical community has pretty much given up on trying to treat the illnesses, that there are really no effective treatments in psychiatry and that people aren’t getting a whole lot better with current treatments. once people acquire these devastating conditions it’s set, and it’s such a shame as it can happen right when people are in the prime of their lives. Psychiatry really hasent moved the needle. If there is any book to read right now on these issues it’s Brain Energy. He’s pretty brilliant and grounded on the matter

  • @isabellefaguy7351
    @isabellefaguy7351 5 місяців тому

    I had to take pregabalin and clonazepam and didn't change my diet, which was healthy. But these medications made it really difficult to exercise, I just didn't had the energy and muscle tone to exercise while taking them and they made my proprioception and balance deficits even worse. I injured myself a lot more too if I tried exercising, and then had to stop so the injury could heal. As soon as I would do something that require oxygen (even just going up stairs), I would loose sight and get numb fingers and toes and my legs would feel like they weighted 100 pounds. So it was almost impossible to move and thus I gained a lot of weight. They also made me feel hunger more, which I usually have a deficit in feeling. So when doctors tell me it's impossible a drug will cause me weight gain, I tell them they go try their stuff for 1 or 2 years and we have this discussion after that. And I never ever will judge a person who has to take psychiatric medication and gains weight.

  • @annagalabova1289
    @annagalabova1289 5 місяців тому

    Could you please comment on Lauren from the channel Living Well with Schizophrenia’s latest videos. She’s been doing medical keto and had quite some success with it. I would be very interested to hear your perspective.

  • @carlatravagnin4658
    @carlatravagnin4658 6 місяців тому

    Cangaroo?? Really?
    (European here, I thought they were wild animals - just like zebras 😂)

  • @katzrantz
    @katzrantz 5 місяців тому +1

    Saw a screenshot of a tweet yesterday that said "I think the elephant really ties the room together" and then here comes Dr Syl with the uncomfortable truth about healthcare that a lot of GPs need to get on board with.

  • @kandymich4861
    @kandymich4861 5 місяців тому

    Good butter and dark chocolate are good for you

  • @Byroad3
    @Byroad3 5 місяців тому

    You eat kangaroo?!

  • @deborahbasel184
    @deborahbasel184 6 місяців тому

    I would have appreciated you naming the antipsychotics and antidepressants that are less likely to cause weight gain.

  • @alexanderwilliams6377
    @alexanderwilliams6377 6 місяців тому

    I’ve recently gained 40 lbs from side effects from seroqil and zyperexia . And my mental health is getting worse

  • @JustJ-Me
    @JustJ-Me 6 місяців тому

    18:19 As I'm eating a bowl of brussel sprouts! Hearing "Kangaroo" made me pause mid-bite.
    I LOVE spicy food! I make nearly everything spicier than it already is.
    I also love vegetables

  • @meganwaters7772
    @meganwaters7772 6 місяців тому

    I've actually just lost a lot of weight about 8 kgs in the last 4 months through diet. I got my cholesterol down to normal high as well. So really pleased with that. Just eating less saturated fats and more veg and fruit really. With some more protein rich foods like greek yoghurt, chickpeas and chicken mince rather than beef mince. Also, oats and trying to cut back on bread and pasta and all that carb heavy stuff. Because, as I'm always trying to remind myself, if I'm not exercising or even active and eating a diet based on carbs, then this will turn into fat and that's what I don't want more of. My BMI is back within normal, it was up to 27, so now I just want to sustain the diet, so make it tasty, like you said, with spices. I have been on anti depressants for a long time for anxiety and depression, so this may have played a part.

  • @findingthebroom
    @findingthebroom 6 місяців тому

    thank you for spreading this important information! i got fat on a couple of different antipsychotics a couple of years ago and just started losing weight when i stopped taking those meds (after talking to my doctor ofc). i was down 12kg in 2-3 months. now, almost 3 years later, i'm down 50kg in total and have found a better "cocktail" and it makes life so much easier tbh

  • @hayleyprice8345
    @hayleyprice8345 6 місяців тому

    Unhealthy foods make you feel better in the short term but definitely not in the long term

  • @kathleenhargest418
    @kathleenhargest418 6 місяців тому

    Can you talk about eating disorders? :) thanks

  • @sophiegolden
    @sophiegolden 6 місяців тому

    Great video, very interesting, thank you very much 😊

  • @hayleyprice8345
    @hayleyprice8345 6 місяців тому

    I don't think I'd like the idea of taking a tablet to lose weight

  • @Obsessedwithpurple
    @Obsessedwithpurple 6 місяців тому

    I take olanzapine and several other things.

  • @jgnmtz
    @jgnmtz 6 місяців тому +3

    Great video ! In my childhood , my mother stopped nurturing me within 6 months (assasination of JFK) . Then my brother was born 1 year and a month after me very premature (4 months early ) . Mom transferred all her love, all her nurturing that she had left to my brother and it never returned to me again. My father was a cruel, explosive fundamentalist with no social skills or fatherly abilities . I grew up making my breakfast and eating watching tv . My oral fixation contonitues even today with food being my primary sustenance for love, comfort , empathy , compassion ..food doesn’t judge . I am married to a beautiful person who was cursed with military service ..they stripped him of humanity and tried to make a machine that acts before thinking . He has lots of compassion and empathy ..but he’s trapped inside the war trauma with major PTSD. His dementia has progressed to where he sits for 12-14 hrs a day watching tv . He cannot carry a conversation. I spend most of my time loving him and giving him the comforts I would have enjoyed as a child and young adult . Warm bean bags , warm blankets, medicine , glaucoma drops , meals , coffee freshly made daily , back rubs, motivational talk (happy reinforcement hourly ) .. I find it makes me feel like I have those human touches to give and I give them to him and it gives back to me to see him comforted in the ways I always dreamed of .. I’m not happy if I cannot share the things I enjoy, acquire , read, watch or see with him. He’s like my internal being love mirror if that makes sense

  • @lenajazuk4231
    @lenajazuk4231 6 місяців тому

    So if you eat very restrictive diet and set amount of calories you wouldn’t gain weight taking meds?

    • @dopex89
      @dopex89 6 місяців тому +1

      Well that doesn't sound sustainable at all. Very restricted diet could lead to binge eating 😢

  • @suzyhorrigan1544
    @suzyhorrigan1544 6 місяців тому

    Weight gain from drugs.. recommends more drugs !

  • @silverdweller2809
    @silverdweller2809 6 місяців тому

    I was a normal BMI my whole adult life until I got on Abilify. I gained over 70 pounds and tried losing weight while on it and couldn't achieve a deficit because I was feeling starved. It was awful. I switched meds and managed to lose 60 pounds with effort as soon as I switched.

    • @Ameliamaemay1990
      @Ameliamaemay1990 5 місяців тому +1

      What did you switch into? I’m on a mood stabilizer right now, valproic acid, and Paxil and omfg I am soooo much heavier than I’ve ever ever been. I’m now obese but I’m just worried it could continue, you know?

    • @silverdweller2809
      @silverdweller2809 5 місяців тому

      @@Ameliamaemay1990 I'm on Invega now and I have had an okay time losing weight on it. I've been counting calories for a year and a half. Some people gain on it though. Everyone is different. I wish you luck!