Star Wars Jedi: Survivor - Easy Allies Review

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @zanfear
    @zanfear Рік тому +23

    Despite being a shorter review than IGN's, this was infinitely more informative.

  • @crfstaley
    @crfstaley Рік тому +14

    “Fast travel through resting spots” YESSSS

  • @sunnywagle8995
    @sunnywagle8995 Рік тому +7

    How can they be so unvocal about performance issues across all platform??!!

  • @marcbromaghim-oropeza3199
    @marcbromaghim-oropeza3199 Рік тому +130

    Hearing Jones say "Star Wars" is always a joy.

    • @Ayoul
      @Ayoul Рік тому +11

      Hearing Jones say anything really :)

    • @meowforjasper2838
      @meowforjasper2838 Рік тому

      @@Ayoul I could love to him him moan my name in my ear as he takes me from behind. I don't even like men. In fact, even though I'm a man I'm pretty sexist against those pesky mens, but something about Jones makes me want him to paint his ding dong like a red light saber and use the force to force open my death star. Mmm I just know he's got a little dark side.

    • @Spydiggity
      @Spydiggity Рік тому

      I thought Jones left EA a while back?

    • @afd1040
      @afd1040 Рік тому +2

      @@Spydiggity Still his voice is like a silk brushing against your skin.

    • @Bry.89
      @Bry.89 Рік тому

      @@afd1040 I think they mean, why is he doing Easy Allies content if he left? The truth is he didn't leave entirely. He still does this as a job, he just doesn't participate in their day to day content.

  • @Dynasty1818
    @Dynasty1818 Рік тому +58

    Shame about the performance issues being mentioned by seemingly everyone so far, but good to see it praised as much as the first.

    • @maegnificant
      @maegnificant Рік тому +1

      Sie they really have not figured out how to use a cpu properly, still. Sad.

    • @superdog736
      @superdog736 Рік тому +2

      ​@@maegnificantwouldn't be surprised if there's some growing pains from being an early UE5 title as well

    • @maegnificant
      @maegnificant Рік тому +5

      @@superdog736 well the first game was not ue5 and it also had horrible cpu perfomance and stuttering

    • @count_zakkula666
      @count_zakkula666 Рік тому +1

      Its ue4, they should know how to use it at this point

    • @RossGarfoot
      @RossGarfoot Рік тому +2

      @@superdog736 It's not UE5.

  • @somestranger-_-
    @somestranger-_- Рік тому +8

    This is dangerous, I just finished RE4 and this looks very good.

  • @sebastianhall4913
    @sebastianhall4913 Рік тому +39

    It's here! Been waiting for this review! best in the biz! Brad writes brilliantly as always.

  • @twocityfoodies8476
    @twocityfoodies8476 Рік тому +10

    Is the lower resolution the only difference for the performance mode or is there a loss in textures/lighting etc too?

  • @blakeandcamp
    @blakeandcamp Рік тому +36

    9 from Brad means this must be a banger. He wouldn't throw that score around lightly for a game like this. Can't wait.

    • @AmirGameShow2
      @AmirGameShow2 Рік тому

      Brad is a great guy. But he gave Shadow of Tomb Raider a 9. So its just an opinion. easy allies see the games as a number and I don't like it. they call games a 7 or 8. they don't care how much polish or good the game is.

    • @blakeandcamp
      @blakeandcamp Рік тому +17

      @@AmirGameShow2 Digging up a single game he rated higher than you would have to try and make a point is actually weird as hell lmao. Move along buddy.

    • @Hypno_BPM
      @Hypno_BPM Рік тому

      @@AmirGameShow2 if they’re giving a game an 8 i’m pretty sure they care about the polish and how well the game is.

    • @joeyisabsb1
      @joeyisabsb1 Рік тому

      ​@@AmirGameShow2I'd easily give Shadow of the Tomb Raider a 9. Even IGN gave it a 9 and sure IGN is considered to some stuck up gamers as a joke review site but at the end of the day its still just an opinion.

    • @EasyAllies
      @EasyAllies  Рік тому +14

      Shadow of the Tomb Raider got an 8.5. -Bloodworth

  • @lgolem09l
    @lgolem09l Рік тому +4

    For PC players: DO NOT toggle ray tracing while in the game, it destroys the framerate (currently at launch)

  • @jonasking3670
    @jonasking3670 Рік тому +5

    B.D. Wong is a great companion.

  • @rowegardner9673
    @rowegardner9673 Рік тому +25

    Killer review! Well done EZA crew. Really can’t wait for this game.

  • @ShArp_MK
    @ShArp_MK Рік тому +1

    Can we appreciate how badass the lightsaber cutting the droid at 5:41 looks?? You can even see how the tip of the saber also grazed the second droid behind the one thats getting executed! Love details like this

  • @marktadd3331
    @marktadd3331 Рік тому +6

    Probably the best review I've seen of this game so far.. i like the fact that you explore some of the settings on offer too . 5/5

  • @calvinmatthews1527
    @calvinmatthews1527 Рік тому +6

    So satisfying when games like this live up to the hype!

  • @naysgameopinions
    @naysgameopinions Рік тому +11

    Man I wasn't really interested in getting this immediately, but now I feel like the Star Wars itch is cracking me open!

    • @iNoScopedMLK
      @iNoScopedMLK Рік тому +1

      Everyone has mentioned performance issues. I don't think it's going to be terrible on launch, but I imagine it'd be best to wait

    • @naysgameopinions
      @naysgameopinions Рік тому

      @@iNoScopedMLK good idea

  • @NotCharAznable
    @NotCharAznable Рік тому +30

    It’s crazy how some games get a pass on performance while others don’t.

    • @danarseptiyanto8236
      @danarseptiyanto8236 Рік тому +5

      Performance problem is varied each case, it can be very bad that its unplayable like cyberpunk on console, sometimes its just dip in framerate like botw couple years ago. They both have "performance issue" label but the later is far more forgiving

    • @akvalues
      @akvalues Рік тому +1


    • @cloudrise
      @cloudrise Рік тому

      Performance issues don't negate a game as a whole if the game itself is good. And this game is fuckin awesome. Now it's a non issue since the game runs great but even on release I could deal with it because the game is just simply fun to play.

  • @y_magaming9798
    @y_magaming9798 Рік тому +16

    Brad has a sick play style.

  • @RisenHellFire
    @RisenHellFire Рік тому +2

    Will there ever be a review for Hi Fi Rush? Or Final Bar Line?

  • @NigelMelanisticSmith
    @NigelMelanisticSmith Рік тому +2

    That blaster stance activated the inner Yakuza fan in me lol

  • @JLeeCN
    @JLeeCN Рік тому +1

    Bought this one on PC so I didnt have to worry about resolution drops in exchange for 60fps, but it still looks good on PS5

    • @waltblackadar4690
      @waltblackadar4690 Рік тому +2

      Per other reviews, you may hit both frame rate drops and some pretty nasty audio issues.

    • @mrshmuga9
      @mrshmuga9 Рік тому

      That’s not always a guarantee, look at Gotham Knights. Doesn’t matter if you have a 4080 because of the way they programmed it. Don’t know about this game specifically, but always check first.

    • @InnerRise
      @InnerRise Рік тому

      Uh oh💀💀💀

  • @myzt8805
    @myzt8805 Рік тому +2

    How long is the campaign compared to the previous game?

  • @geoafe66
    @geoafe66 Рік тому +7

    Haven't been the biggest Star Wars fan in recent years but this looks and sounds great

  • @crixus1121
    @crixus1121 Рік тому

    What’s up with the clip at 2:30? That NPC looks and sounds like they were borrowed from Mass Effect Andromeda.

  • @Wazzit
    @Wazzit Рік тому +4

    Great review. Appreciate the very vague story details. I went over to watch the Gamespot review after this and they spoiled the plot like 2 minutes into the review. 😐

    • @NerdyGamerReacts
      @NerdyGamerReacts Рік тому +2

      There's something I didn't want to know though within a minute of this review, a reveal that I didn't know for sure who this fellow character would be, and unfortunately, now I know, now I'm scared to watch the rest of the review. 🥺

  • @jamaldee2355
    @jamaldee2355 Рік тому +2

    Playing it on the ps5 and it’s a little glitchy but still fun to play

  • @Pl4sm0
    @Pl4sm0 Рік тому +13

    Can't wait for next year's sales and pick it up at 50% discount :)

    • @asimb0mb
      @asimb0mb Рік тому

      Or get a month of EA Play for dirt cheap and play it once.

    • @WinstonWolfe21
      @WinstonWolfe21 Рік тому +4

      I hope Jedi Survivor sells extremely well tho this looks pretty awesome

    • @hododod246
      @hododod246 Рік тому

      @@asimb0mb If you have gamepass you don't even need to do that.

    • @hododod246
      @hododod246 Рік тому +1

      @@liandria Both of them are gonna come to EA play eventually. It usually takes a year.

  • @Johnny.1994
    @Johnny.1994 Рік тому +1

    2023 has the potential to be the best year in gaming history and I'm not even kidding. We had Dead Space Remake, Hogward's legacy, RE 4 Remake, Jedi Survivor and more exciting games releasing this year such as Zelda, System shock remake, FF XVI, Diablo IV, Armored core 6, Lies of P, Spiderman 2, Starfield, Alan Wake 2, Stalker 2, Lords of the fallen and quite possibly Hades 2 and Silksong

  • @prettyaverage97
    @prettyaverage97 Рік тому +1

    The fact that I don't yet have a PS5 to play this is hurting so bad

  • @louisebrown103
    @louisebrown103 Рік тому +1

    This weekend is my birthday so guess ill be playing this so glad its good

  • @paulsmith9192
    @paulsmith9192 Рік тому +1

    How populated is the areas?npcs to interact with?

  • @cynicalPixels
    @cynicalPixels Рік тому

    "We are aware that Star Wars Jedi: Survivor isn’t performing to our standards for a percentage of our PC players, in particular those with high-end machines or certain specific configurations.
    For example, players using cutting-edge, multi-threaded chipsets designed for Windows 11 were encountering problems on Windows 10, or high-end GPUs coupled with lower-performing CPUs also saw unexpected frame loss. Rest assured, we are working to address these cases quickly.
    While there is no single, comprehensive solution for PC performance, the team has been working on fixes we believe will improve performance across a spectrum of configurations"
    The Star Wars Jedi Team

  • @ronen2741
    @ronen2741 Рік тому +2

    I'm just waiting for that inevitable digital foundry performance review before deciding on which console to play. A game like this, the performance should be a solid one, so I'm a little bit disappointed with it.

  • @Dennizzzz89
    @Dennizzzz89 Рік тому +11

    I watched the original trilogy for the first time past week. I should have done so years ago.

    • @y_magaming9798
      @y_magaming9798 Рік тому

      Bro what did you like about em?

    • @Dennizzzz89
      @Dennizzzz89 Рік тому +1

      @@y_magaming9798 These movies are great! My favorite was Return of the Jedi (1983). I love the story and universe in general. Luke's character development, the Ewoks and Threepio are one of my favorite things about the movies. I will watch the prequel trilogy soon with lower expectations, but I'm sure I will like those too. Not sure how I will feel about the sequel trilogy... One of my reasons to watch the movies is I had no idea what a Rancor is about when Brad mentioned this creature in a preview.

    • @StonedMagician99
      @StonedMagician99 Рік тому +1

      Dude, watch ALL the movies! They're not all great (especially episodes 1 and 2), but when taken as a whole series, warts and all, it's magnificent.

    • @Hydelsius
      @Hydelsius Рік тому +1

      Bro, Godspeed on your Star Wars journey! Don't be in any rush with the sequel trilogy. There's A LOT of great content to watch before the events after Jedi, perhaps some of the best Star Wars content out there.

    • @Dennizzzz89
      @Dennizzzz89 Рік тому

      @@Hydelsius I'm definitely not rushing. I'm taking it all in at my own pace and I'm loving it! I might check out Mandalorian as well!

  • @102mertcan
    @102mertcan Рік тому +2

    Congratulations Respawn.I have never doubted you.

  • @RubyJones-zj4fu
    @RubyJones-zj4fu 4 місяці тому

    Just got this for my b'day. Looks SOOOO Good. 🎉

  • @FatherofEunice
    @FatherofEunice Рік тому +2

    Best review in the biz!

  • @dannih4
    @dannih4 Рік тому

    I didn't like Fallen Order, mainly because i got easily lost and couldn't understand where i was supposed to go next. So, hopefully, i might like this one better.

    • @InnerRise
      @InnerRise Рік тому

      I heard the map in this game isnt good. I dont know in what regard but traversal seemed convoluted with all the platforming.

  • @charlieburrows7490
    @charlieburrows7490 Рік тому

    found the first clunky...played fed up with no fast travel after being through a level 3 was frustrating as I wanted to like it. Hoping this one has better level design. At leastbthere is fast travel now. His legs still look like he's got a ferret shoved down the back of his pants when he runs. Just tell me they've improved the useless map. Believe it or not I really did want to like the first one!

  • @ghost-in-the-ciel
    @ghost-in-the-ciel Рік тому +2

    Equipment doing nothing almost kills this series for me. Imagine if everything you found in Dark Souls had no gameplay implications whatsoever. What a bizarre and self-defeating decision

    • @TheSocratesofAthens
      @TheSocratesofAthens Рік тому

      I guess it would have been more work for the developers to balance the game that way. Anyway, the difficulty is annoying at times, since it seems to be punishing rather than rewarding.

  • @maegnificant
    @maegnificant Рік тому +1

    Still wished the whole game was like the prologue mission of the first game. More like the Uncharted of Star Wars games. I guess thats what 1313 would have been like.

  • @thewhitewolf4968
    @thewhitewolf4968 Рік тому +13

    Great review ❤ can't wait to play it :)

  • @ericb8689
    @ericb8689 Рік тому

    What's upsetting to me about performance mode on PS5 is not the resolution, but the screen tearing.

  • @rossren9691
    @rossren9691 Рік тому +1

    The only review that matters

  • @rikkuricky
    @rikkuricky Рік тому +1

    Great review, can't wait for the game. Spoilercast with Jones?

  • @ccan_max5285
    @ccan_max5285 Рік тому

    Looking forward to playing this

  • @Solh0und
    @Solh0und Рік тому

    Seeing this review makes me wish I waited a bit on Dead Island 2 but I'll still pick this up in the coming weeks,

  • @insanegixxerdude486
    @insanegixxerdude486 Рік тому

    Any idea how the pc performance is?

  • @soldier660
    @soldier660 Рік тому

    I noticed the glitchs when someone its picking up a object or a small object is moving hmmm

  • @jroaduri
    @jroaduri Рік тому

    It’s finally here

  • @ANTheWhizkid
    @ANTheWhizkid Рік тому

    Thanks for the review!

  • @makaan1932
    @makaan1932 Рік тому +2

    This'll become a trillogy

  • @AmirGameShow2
    @AmirGameShow2 Рік тому +1

    No one talks about how they used Dual Sense?

  • @MrStrangermoon
    @MrStrangermoon Рік тому

    good to see you guys review not effected drama about it. unfortunely you guys effected on battlefront 2 review. as game it look same game to me. ı was expected usable xwing like ship and more trilogy era story. more clone wars enemies not my thing. 50 gb to 150gb not reflect the game kinda look same. the main hub clealy inspidred again dark souls main hub but nothing like dark souls 1 style connected map.

  • @mindblockandroid
    @mindblockandroid Рік тому +1

    This game answers what would happen if Canelo Alvarez ever got the force

  • @martymcintosh5026
    @martymcintosh5026 Рік тому +1

    1:00 that helmet lookin a bit jittery

  • @LionofDawn
    @LionofDawn Рік тому +4

    Cool. Though i wish you guys had longer reviews. Feels like you could have gone a little deeper on the details of mechanics and stuff.

    • @paulsmith9192
      @paulsmith9192 Рік тому +2

      @LionofDawn they probably do a spoilermode & definitely talk about it on the podcast

  • @BeowulfCav
    @BeowulfCav Рік тому


  • @Jaynna09
    @Jaynna09 Рік тому +1

    Bravo 👏
    Informative and Entertaining

  • @VectoredPromise
    @VectoredPromise Рік тому +1

    Wow high score, could be in the running for goty this year

    • @goldmark25
      @goldmark25 Рік тому

      It sucks that it is in the same year that Tears of the Kingdom comes out because even if there could be games that might be better that game will take over.

    • @AverageUser-
      @AverageUser- Рік тому

      Doubt it

  • @MonsterMJ
    @MonsterMJ Рік тому +1

    omg this is crazy i cant wait great review

  • @nlikeflynn8837
    @nlikeflynn8837 Рік тому +5

    Not locking to 60fps in unacceptable after a 6 week delay. Will be waiting for a sale for sure.

    • @paulsmith9192
      @paulsmith9192 Рік тому

      @N Like Flynn crazy they said 60 fps was gonna,be the standard. Especially, Xbox series X,if cant lock 60 fps,it should've gotten delayed til then.where was said not lock at 60 fps though?

    • @Ayoul
      @Ayoul Рік тому

      Not how optimization works, but ok.

  • @PamdaDev
    @PamdaDev Рік тому +3

    Thanks for the always great content, Allies.
    Cheers from Brazil o/

  • @MukiMuki688
    @MukiMuki688 Рік тому +1

    What do you know, A metroidvania that let's you keep your old powers from the previous game

  • @DzekoVelez
    @DzekoVelez Рік тому +1

    Do i need to play the first one to enjoy this one? I started it but didnt finish but want to play this one now

    • @kthrust777
      @kthrust777 Рік тому

      lol just beat the first one. Patience

    • @DzekoVelez
      @DzekoVelez Рік тому

      @@kthrust777 I can't wait!!! lol, i can only play like 1 hour a day, max, it would take me like nearly a month to complete it

    • @brady3319
      @brady3319 Рік тому

      @@DzekoVelez I don't understand, wouldn't you have the exact same problem if you bought this game

    • @DzekoVelez
      @DzekoVelez Рік тому +1

      @@brady3319 Playing a game when it's super new and exploring it with everyone else and discussing is much better than playing an old game that everyone has already played

  • @luisnogueirapt5295
    @luisnogueirapt5295 Рік тому +1

    I love the first game

  • @Redino20
    @Redino20 Рік тому

    Holy shit there's a Solid Snake hairstyle

  • @kcnnetwork8396
    @kcnnetwork8396 Рік тому

    I'll be playing this and jedi fallen order. :)

  • @mrchiefbs
    @mrchiefbs Рік тому


  • @glaive616
    @glaive616 Рік тому +3

    Some of the animations look so janky.

  • @geoafe66
    @geoafe66 Рік тому

    Loving the game so far

  • @TheMatrix10
    @TheMatrix10 Рік тому

    Can’t wait to play it!

  • @Geinrendour
    @Geinrendour Рік тому +1

    Love you guys, but it's past time you up your game to above 1080p. This video quality ain't cutting it and it's not all UA-cam's fault.

  • @megyskermike
    @megyskermike Рік тому +1

    Said almost nothing about the story. What's good or bad about it? Usually you guys are top marks for reviews, feel like this one is missing some info.

  • @waywardlaser
    @waywardlaser Рік тому +4

    And it's 139 GB lmao

  • @theforcer1762
    @theforcer1762 Рік тому

    Today I realized something, I only played the game to avoid spoilers, I did not like it at all on the ps5.
    It really does not run at all and does not look good.
    I have stopped playing and will wait a few weeks/months to get some patches before continuing.

  • @wreaver1984
    @wreaver1984 Рік тому +1

    its just star wars dark souls change my mind

  • @TheSocratesofAthens
    @TheSocratesofAthens Рік тому

    0:59, not so smooth animation. Again, a lack of quality control. Wait to buy the game if you buy it at all.

  • @aceboog4873
    @aceboog4873 Рік тому

    Hopefully it doesn't have 20+ second respawn times on death like the first one. My attention span isn't long enough to deal with that lol

  • @RobertLM_
    @RobertLM_ Рік тому +2

    Great to see the map UI changed. Fallen Order's map UI was such an eye sore.

  • @G_Rad_Ski
    @G_Rad_Ski Рік тому +2

    So many games!

  • @paulsmith9192
    @paulsmith9192 Рік тому

    Strange concern.but,I hate that bright green light Shining behind u,I hope that's not the entire time ur walking? Hurts my eyes.

  • @ocat1979
    @ocat1979 Рік тому

    Fast Travel!!! Praise Jeebus 🙌

  • @plaernotree
    @plaernotree Рік тому

    Game needs to put its skin on top of knights of the old republic 😊

  • @zhaf
    @zhaf Рік тому

    So the performance is decent on a PS5? I was going to play this on a PC but hearing about the performance issues there makes me think console might be the way for this game.

  • @paulsmith9192
    @paulsmith9192 Рік тому +1

    All the other reviews, all I'm hearing about is the bugs & crashes & dropped frames

  • @SOTVT
    @SOTVT Рік тому

    No words on the other graphics mode?

  • @dragonhunterx5929
    @dragonhunterx5929 Рік тому

    Damn, 4 years ago!?

  • @EX7Sonic
    @EX7Sonic Рік тому +2

    I'm glad there's an actual duel wielding mode now instead of what they did with it last time.

  • @AverageUser-
    @AverageUser- Рік тому

    Glad Jones is still doing these. L&R

  • @1wayroad935
    @1wayroad935 Рік тому +4

    So basically, everything Star Wars aside from the main Movies are at least doing really well

    • @Ayoul
      @Ayoul Рік тому +1

      And except Boba Fett.

  • @AverageUser-
    @AverageUser- Рік тому

    I don’t hate Respawn but this game is the most easiest high score game they could make. They already have all the lore and the weapons so they just create an entire 3rd person adventure. It’s probably the easiest game they have ever made with minimal effort.

  • @anthonycirami8500
    @anthonycirami8500 Рік тому

    Yess can't wait

  • @jedione12345
    @jedione12345 Рік тому

    looks more like Tombraider with jedi theme,

  • @Meowtro
    @Meowtro Рік тому +4

    These guys really put a massive spoiler in the first 30 seconds ☠

  • @Blt9983
    @Blt9983 Рік тому

    I feel like my biggest gripe is the way he runs while dual wielding, I feel like he should hold one upright and one or both down behind him while running, it looks kinda jank the way he hold his arms out trying to run with two sabers

  • @twilightofthegods33
    @twilightofthegods33 Рік тому +1

    Best review on UA-cam bar none. Not too long, not too short. Great work team!

    • @InnerRise
      @InnerRise Рік тому

      Posting to stay updated on any replies bc WOOOWHEEEE!🤐

  • @bensinger6637
    @bensinger6637 Рік тому +1


  • @anasshahid224
    @anasshahid224 Рік тому +1

    Great news, really enjoyed Jedi Fallen Order, super excited for Jedi Survivor 👏👏👏😃

  • @MrYoungHegelian
    @MrYoungHegelian Рік тому +3

    Another outstanding game from EA.

    •  Рік тому +5

      From Respawn. They developed it.
      Thankfully, EA just published it. No harm done by EA this time. I'm glad both Fallen Order and Survivor are great. Can't wait to play it!

    • @AverageUser-
      @AverageUser- Рік тому

      Respawn… either way Respawn is kind of overrated.