This article is about to show the interesting facts about Cambodia. Ankor wat Facing to the west, because our ancestors built this monument for the future even, when the second sun comes ,the west will become to be the east , and a very even will happen in Cambodia. You know a richest country in the last day ,that your Bible says An island in the east and the island in the west, where ? It's Cambodia , not Philippines. Our ancestors still alive, they are preparing for a time comes, they do meditation and live in a deep inside of mountains. Sorry i forgot how English called it. (Kanal) We are Khmer but the word khmer was written in complex style ,was read as khem mac rac not khmer. When Thai occupied Cambodia they read this word as khmen(r) not in the complex style, in normal style, so the word khmer was born , so we have to names khmer and Khem mac rac. Khmer had the killing field because of Vietnamese they pretending to be khmer, impostor like Pol Pot , even Hun Sen , too. Now Hun Sen is pushing khmer to very danger of nuclear by giving land to China, our ancestors, too predicted that...
ឧបត្ថម្ភ: ចូលរួមការពារ និង ផ្សព្វផ្សាយ សិល្បះវប្បធម៍បុរាណជាមួយខ្ញុំ
អេបីអេ / ABA 000229790
ទ្រូមានី / True Money 0977222126
វីង / Wing 0977222126
អីមានី / Emoney 0977222126
អរគុណដ៏ជ្រាលជ្រៅ សំរាប់ការខិតខំស្រាវជ្រាវ និង ការបើកបង្ហាញនៃប្រវត្តិសាស្ត្រក្មេរ/ក្មែរ/ខ្មែរ/កម្ពុជ 🙏🪷🪄
ខ្ញុំមិនហ៊ានទទួលទេបង ចំពោះការប្រើពាក្យពេចន៍ ( ស្រាវជ្រាវ) ខ្ញុំអាចចូលរួមចំណែកផ្សព្វផ្សាយបន្តតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ។ អរគុណ 💓💓💓
This article is about to show the interesting facts about Cambodia.
Ankor wat
Facing to the west, because our ancestors built this monument for the future even, when the second sun comes ,the west will become to be the east , and a very even will happen in Cambodia. You know a richest country in the last day ,that your Bible says
An island in the east and the island in the west, where ?
It's Cambodia , not Philippines. Our ancestors still alive, they are preparing for a time comes, they do meditation and live in a deep inside of mountains. Sorry i forgot how English called it. (Kanal)
We are Khmer but the word khmer was written in complex style ,was read as khem mac rac not khmer. When Thai occupied Cambodia they read this word as khmen(r) not in the complex style, in normal style, so the word khmer was born , so we have to names khmer and Khem mac rac.
Khmer had the killing field because of Vietnamese they pretending to be khmer, impostor like Pol Pot , even Hun Sen , too.
Now Hun Sen is pushing khmer to very danger of nuclear by giving land to China, our ancestors, too predicted that...
លោកជួយប្រាប់ឈ្មោះ ទីតាំងកន្លែងសិលាចារឹកនិងនៅខេត្តណា..? អរគុណ🇰🇭♥️💪👍
បាក្យថាក្មេរបានកេិតឡែីងឆ្នាំ ៣០០០មុនសតវត្សរ៍ បង្កេីតឡេីងដោយព្រះកឹស្បៈ , កម្ពុជាបានកេីតឡេីងនៅសតវត្សរ៍ ទី៣ ដោយព្រះមាតាត្រ័យភពឬ ព្រះពុទ្ធកោនាគមនូស្រីពោធិសត្តជាមួយព្រះបាទកៅឌាញ់ព្រះអង្គទាំងពីរមានបុត្រី៥អង្គកចែកប្រទេសក្មែរជា ៤អោយកូនសោយរាជ , ពាក្យថាកម្ពុជា=កម្ពុ+ជាតិ, ខ្មែរពុសជា៤ ,ជា=ជាតិ=ជាតិខ្មែ ទៅកម្ពុជា មិនមែនជេនឡាទឹកឬជេនឡាគោកស្អីនោះទេ
បងអាចសៀបាន 🥰🥰
@@siemreaptv បាទអរគុណ
@@yavyort5862 🥰🥰🥰