Hi, can you please make a tutorial on how to setup the work envorinment (specifically linux) like you for competitive programming and solving codeforces problems? Kindly consider this because I'm having many issues to setup my workspace!
atcoder has a lot of useful things, all the way from data structures like DSU and segment tree to specific algorithms like Z-function and kosaraju. Having them at your fingertips for any platform is extremely useful
Hi, can you please make a tutorial on how to setup the work envorinment (specifically linux) like you for competitive programming and solving codeforces problems? Kindly consider this because I'm having many issues to setup my workspace!
What is the benefit of this please explain
atcoder has a lot of useful things, all the way from data structures like DSU and segment tree to specific algorithms like Z-function and kosaraju. Having them at your fingertips for any platform is extremely useful