God's Generals- William Seymour and Charles Parham

  • Опубліковано 18 жов 2024


  • @ashishsam7356
    @ashishsam7356 2 місяці тому

    Thank you ❤❤❤

  • @estherchristapp2290
    @estherchristapp2290 6 років тому +6

    I really enjoy listening abt these men of God. Your exhortation is just great!!!Thank u for sharing such precious knowledge!

  • @mvies77
    @mvies77 5 років тому +2

    Azusa Street was amazing and glorious. The Pentecostal experience spread around the world within a short time. Just as the first Christians spread throughout the known world at that time and within a short time a major portion of that world was converted. The true manifestations of God reach those whom are really seeking and hungry for the presence of God in their lives. Before the end there will be a final outpouring of Gods Spirit and a great harvest of souls will ensue.

    • @1vanDrap3r
      @1vanDrap3r 5 років тому +1

      Azuza was a cult. There understanding of the Day of Pentecost was highly misinterpreted. It has led to to the downfall of many people faith in Christ.

    • @mvies77
      @mvies77 5 років тому +2

      Ivan Draper Azusa Street was a place where people came together and sincerely sought the full instruction that God via Peter gave in Acts 2:38 for full salvation. They received the outpouring of the Spirit of God with the evidence of speaking in tongues as the Spirit gave the utterance. As to the following weeks, months, etc of time those members continuing actions were their responsibility. We are not only lead by the Spirit by primarily by the Word of God. If you think the Spirit of God is leading you in any way against the Word then it is not the Spirit. God said My Word is forever settled in Heaven. It is the foundation of truth. We must all work out our salvation with fear and trembling, the Bible meaning of, sincerely with all of our heart and in respect of Gods Will. There was good and bad from Azusa, but it will always be a vital part of Church History. From there revival traveled around the world.

  • @BlaxkNobility
    @BlaxkNobility 9 років тому +2

    Great History lesson, it's about time pentecostalism starts transforming society again.

    • @BlaxkNobility
      @BlaxkNobility 9 років тому +1

      It's true! About the statement about people's mouth.

  • @stanblockton1597
    @stanblockton1597 6 років тому +1

    Racism comes from something deeper than what the human flush can manifest. Its a enemy of the creator Himself made manifest through a created being, a archangel. Who captured the selfish hearts of men. We all must continue to love one another as God love us.

  • @phyllislupo9410
    @phyllislupo9410 6 років тому +1


  • @bretmaverick4993
    @bretmaverick4993 3 роки тому +1


  • @donjazzy5510
    @donjazzy5510 6 років тому +3

    If i remember correctly, Parham tried to take over the Revival, and Seymour felt betrayed, after which he never trusted people again. Parham may have been racist or scared of the authorities. Tremendous things were happening with Brother Seymour @ the revival. Not only were people speaking in tounges, but the fire brigade rushed to attend the Building because there was a reported fire, only to find that though there was a fire indeed, it rested on the building and not consuming it. People withing a two mile radius were being slain in the spirit on the streets,and all kinds of other moves of God. It must have been an affront to white ministers of that time that the greatest recorded move of God in their time came through a black man! Lets also be honest, Parham did not care for the Azusa revival, he only came there coz he could not get control of Zion Illinois!

    • @kenansmith7924
      @kenansmith7924 10 місяців тому


    • @kenansmith7924
      @kenansmith7924 10 місяців тому +1

      Some of his accounts are lies. Seymour only attended a few of Parham teachings and became an acquaintance of his, that racist didn't even let him sit in the same room of his teachings. Seymour didn't learn anything from this man. Seymour was already a religious man seeking after God before he met Parham. God's hand was upon Seymour because he was rejected by society. God opened a door for Bro. Seymour in California and that's where the true Pentecostal movement and experience STARTED. The evil fake Christian Parham came to visit Seymour and the Azusa st Power of God and debunked and rejected the true workings of The Only true and living God. He didn't like blacks and whites worshipping together, he thought the people were possessed, he couldn't the fact that a black man was a leader of a church where blacks and white were loving each other. In his latter end he was accused of homosexual activity and became ill. He stopped preaching became a regular everyday living person

    @BROTHERJONATHANBURG 5 років тому +2

    ACTS 2 38!!

  • @simclimie6045
    @simclimie6045 5 років тому +1


  • @estervann7743
    @estervann7743 8 років тому

    God will JUDGE US ! Amen. ..PTL. ...At Last Day. ...

  • @melogardener
    @melogardener 10 років тому +11

    This is sad and wrong because Charles Parham was racist and Azusa street Revival was attributed to the humble prayers and work of William Seymour who graciously tolerated Parhams abuses because he did not believe a black man should be preaching to white people etc. Parham was charged later with abusing boys though after the children he abused were afraid to testify. There is much Christians don't know or study. The best study is how the Lord moved at Azuza Street and how the Lord moved through the prayers of Seymour and others before Parham arrived to rearrange things. I always found it a sad story to read but Seymour only acted as the Lord acts in kindness and love when confronted by Parhams racism.

    • @Lyn.isGrey
      @Lyn.isGrey 9 років тому +2

      Parham had to be brought up because Seymour started at his church before going to California, so it's part of the history and can't be left out. Seymour is still fully credited for the things he did.

    • @melogardener
      @melogardener 9 років тому

      Seymour started at a barn and then another building church when Parham heard of the move of God using a black man...those are the facts, and Parham did not agree with God allowing a black man speaking to whites...now those are the facts. Seymour like a true man of God continued in what God called him to do in the mighty move of the Holy Spirit and Parham went on to do things as he saw fit and thus the Pentacostal churches were formed... Reading the original publications of Seymour and Azuza Street outpouring was a wonderful read for us 45 years ago. Parham was merely an aftersite...rather a sad history of the church let loose on the likes of Parham... it is what it is as the Papal rule of a thousand years of horror of outlawing the Word of God and the Books of Enoch quoted in the Bible...all for the Catholic churches power over people. There is always someone that taps into what they want and not what God wants!

    • @melogardener
      @melogardener 9 років тому +1

      Seymour had joined the holiness movement of 1905 and did not start at Parham church, he went to Bible college where he submitted to segregated classes of Parham. He did not experience and receive the outpouring in Houston for it had not happened yet though they were teaching on it. He returned to LA and the Azuza where the Lord would begin the World Pentacostal movements through the First Pentacostal Church of the Nazarene street Revivals would begin there as accounted by eye witness Bartleman in his book Azusa Street. The Holiness movement took them in as they did us in the late 70's when so many were called to salvation, Holy Spirit Baptism and Holiness. The actual story touched our hearts exceedingly, but, Parham and the troubles he caused did not. They were merely a side line to what was most important and that was the Lords' Prescence moving throughout the world to draw men unto Him.

    • @Lyn.isGrey
      @Lyn.isGrey 9 років тому

      Oh ok :)
      I'm in Houston and was raised around this region in a Pentecostal/Apostolic church. Seymour was always the more important one talked about when the subject came up but we know Assemblies of God branched off somewhere and suspected that maybe they were modeled more after Parham. We had a few weird run ins with them in the town we were in on edge of the city. The pastor of the church I was raised in's family did come from California, and he had started as early as the 60s or 70s never with any talk or practice of exclusion. The oneness Pentecostal churches with a heavier 'white' base that are diverse (most are, and many are full on hispanic and diverse depending on whether or not their pastor and services use English or Spanish) frown on Parham. The other charismatic movemements of other white ppl I don't know much of anything about. They never liked us.

    • @melogardener
      @melogardener 9 років тому

      :) mmm.... I was just wondering about the insinuations here that was all. The Assemblies of God lay claim to Parham as their roots and they seem to claim the history of Pentacostal movement though it really started in Wales and affected many worldwide who encouraged to seek Holiness and the Baptism and the outpouring began in LA amongst the poor and people hungry for the Holy Spirit. I just have never laid that at the door of the Assemblies of God though I have attended a few and not with positive experiences in the last 30 years though I know of some Pastors passing through them that were wonderful men of God. The largest part of experiences for people I've known are negative though there are many that like and adhere to there doctrines. Their initial signs of tongues and replacement theology are a major reason for questionable theology and not racism today though it was part of most peoples lives in 1905 - 1909 but, Parham disagreed with Pastor Seymour preaching to white people so that was my question on the purpose of this peculiar site. I have the original two books on the Azuza outpourings as well as the Wales Holiness movements and they are just beautiful to read and learn of what the Lord has done....as he did in the 60's and 70's, I am not interested in Parhams peculiar behaviour that seemed to claim a holiness and knowledge of the Holy Spirit but did not behave accordingly. That is all.

  • @gabrielmatthews9142
    @gabrielmatthews9142 10 років тому +3

    As I listen to this my 1st impression is this is an exposition of the history of something so why is he adding his personal commentary? Just tell us what happened lol

  • @stevendajuan4915
    @stevendajuan4915 9 років тому +2

    I love Roberts liardon very few preachers are able to talk and tell you about GOD and not religion

  • @manolitohosea8144
    @manolitohosea8144 7 років тому +6

    It's one thing to preach righteousness and holiness(Parham); and it's totally another thing to be righteous and holy(Seymour). The fruit that Seymour produced in three years has never been duplicated. Never has Smith Wigglesworth, Edgar Cayce, Katherine Kuhlman, Nathan Morris, or anyone else since reproduced Seymour's feats. Anybody can "teach or preach" ; what the world needs is more teachers and preachers who lead by Seymour's examples. SHUT UP TALKING AND DO THE GREATER WORKS.

    • @ursulaansbach2244
      @ursulaansbach2244 6 років тому

      Well said. Perhaps racism has something to do with the lack of acknowledgment and recognition that Seymour has received. Additionally , this video has it wrong: Seymour was not under Parham in any way...he had been preaching on his own before this. They were partners at best.

    • @1vanDrap3r
      @1vanDrap3r 5 років тому

      This man was not teaching sound doctrine it was all misinterpreted understanding of what happened in Acts.

  • @911elijah
    @911elijah 7 років тому +2

    It is a sleeping people that keep racist laws.

  • @gersondanielhernandezvarga5114
    @gersondanielhernandezvarga5114 8 років тому

    Robert Liardon te faltaron mas Generales de Dios como Albert Simpson o Billy Sunday

  • @gersondanielhernandezvarga5114
    @gersondanielhernandezvarga5114 8 років тому

    varon de Dios Robert Leardon no me gustaron tus comentarios en tu libro de los Generales donde narras la Biografia de A.A.Allen , para mi Allen fue un gran siervo de Dios, de lo demas te felicito por tu trabajo bien echo de tu libro.

  • @wamulonjezodi2690
    @wamulonjezodi2690 5 років тому

    Grace is personal not this servantandfriend demagogue.

  • @eduardohoover2127
    @eduardohoover2127 8 років тому

    William J Seymour headed the preaching of the Azusa Street revival in Los Angeles in 1906 initiating charismatic spiritually in modern time. William was born May 2, 1870, in Centerville, Louisiana the son of former black slaves. He was baptized in Franklin, Louisiana at The Church of the Assumption Roman Catholic church and had a blend of Roman Catholic, Baptist and Louisiana Voodoo spirituality along with intense racial inequality influencing him during his upbringing. He was a troubled young man tormented by hallucinations and a vexed victim of the circumstance of his youth. He tried to find solace by moving several times: Indianapolis, Indiana; Cincinnati, Ohio; Jackson, Mississippi; Houston, Texas and finally Los Angeles, California were the movement began. Everywhere he went he sought spirituality whether Christian or heretical. He contracted smallpox yet lived but thus lost his eye to the disease in Cincinnati; possibly a physical manifestation of his own skewed spiritual blindness. As bad as the loss of his eye, his introduction to Charles Parham a preacher and instructor of heresy in Houston was far worse. Parham influenced young William to the “baptism of the Holy Ghost” and glossolalia so called “speaking in tongues” to formulate the assurance of one’s salvation. William was taken by this paradigm witnessing such the like as a boy beholding Louisiana Voodoo, a mixture of a deluded understanding Roman Catholicism’s sacramental veneration of deceased saints and west African tribes’ spirituality with dancing and incoherent vocal response through demonic possession. This is the stuff of charismatic spirituality in the guise of Christianity, then in William’s day and now it is much the same with the addition of patripassianism the modalistic view of God and Hindu Kundalini the demon possession brought upon by music and focusing on flowing waves of “love” manifesting in bodily gyrations, running mad, psychotic laughter and incoherent utterances. ***Stay far away from this dangerous spiritual deception and if you are partaking separate yourself in great haste.*** Repent and seek ye the Kingdom of the King of Kings, Christ, Jesus!

    • @conradgallardo9046
      @conradgallardo9046 6 років тому +1

      Eduardo Hoover all manner of sin shall be forgiven EXCEPT Blasphemy against The HOLY GHOST. Beware! & REPENT!!!

    • @1vanDrap3r
      @1vanDrap3r 5 років тому

      Amen! Eduardo

  • @charlesdan5509
    @charlesdan5509 6 років тому

    What a Racist Report, I lost so much respect for this Narrow minded Racist Report.....☹🤨🙄

  • @top6lifepills615
    @top6lifepills615 7 років тому

    Brother Liardon, who is really the general that God used for Azusa revival as far as this presentation is concern? dedicating about 35mins to a man who brought the revival to an end. No need to have talked about Seymour at all in this presentation.
    Parham cannot be the father of pentecostalism and Seymour the catalyst.
    God gave us Jesus, why is Jesus the leader of Christianity?

  • @TurrettiniPizza
    @TurrettiniPizza 10 років тому +1

    Horrible theology.

    • @92Raider-art
      @92Raider-art 10 років тому

      If his heart is right was does it matter?

    • @gabrielmatthews9142
      @gabrielmatthews9142 10 років тому

      Christopher Larsson What does the phrase "if his heart is right" actually mean? Theology matters above all for it is the foundation of all belief and faithful action.

    • @92Raider-art
      @92Raider-art 10 років тому

      Gabriel Matthews I just shared my opinion on the matter and I agree Theology is important but I belive you can have a right heart and still have a bad theology or vice versa good theology right heart :-)

    • @92Raider-art
      @92Raider-art 10 років тому

      Gabriel Matthews I just shared my opinion on the matter and I agree Theology is important but I belive you can have a right heart and still have a bad theology or vice versa good theology right heart :-)

    • @ntlearning
      @ntlearning Рік тому

      Better than Calvinism. And Presbyterianism started to accept LGBQT ......

  • @shawndurham297
    @shawndurham297 5 років тому

    Parham was a heretic

    • @ntlearning
      @ntlearning Рік тому

      If that's the case, so were a lot of the Church fathers...... hahaha

  • @MrKanai777
    @MrKanai777 10 років тому +1