Reza Pahlavi's Nowrooz 1399 Message with Subtitles

  • Опубліковано 16 бер 2020
  • My compatriots,
    I share this message with you today at one of the most critical periods in our nation’s history. The massive crises afflicting our people have, in the past weeks, been confronted by an even more terrifying crisis: a biological one.
    By further complicating the current political, military, nuclear, economic, moral, financial, and public welfare crises, the current biological crisis is driving our nation towards a collapse. The primary barrier to the prevention and remediation of these crises is the regime itself.
    My compatriots,
    A state has failed when:
    It is unable to provide the most elementary public services;
    It lacks legitimacy;
    It suffers unending economic crises;
    It is drowning in pervasive corruption;
    And finally, when it lacks the ability to establish healthy and normal relations with other countries.
    My compatriots,
    The so-called “Islamic Republic” is, in its entirety, a failed state. As an example, its diseased relations with other nations make any form of helpful and timely assistance impossible. At such impasses, the chronic inefficiency of the system and the widespread corruption of its officials worsen the situation.
    The country is on the edge of the abyss. Any expectation of a change in behavior from the parasite which has latched onto the life of the country is not only futile but also dangerous.
    We have no other path but the formation and unification of the national will to rid Iran of this parasite.
    My compatriots,
    We, united by our national will, are our own most trustworthy source of support.
    It was this will of the people that during the great floods came to the assistance of those in need. It was this will of the people that brought the cries of the people to the world during the Aban-month uprising. It is this will of our people, that in the current crisis, in the form of medical teams, support staff, and spontaneous student networks, and despite the regime’s lies and hoarding that spread awareness and support, that request assistance from international bodies, and that disinfect and quarantine. In the current crisis, just as in previous and ongoing crises, it is your will that has and will prevent these crises. And it is your will that will prevent the ultimate, terrible crisis. It is this, your national will, that will be able to bring an end to the present misery.
    Empowering one another, we must all recognize the urgency of forming this national will. A will to eliminate the principal infection.
    My compatriots,
    Our day will be made new when the parasite that has attached itself to the life of our people and homeland is uprooted from our soil. Our day will be made new when our national determination is returned to its rightful seat at the table. This will not be the first time in our history that our nation will rise up from this very land. It will rise up from the hearts of those across levels of the army and the administrative services who are sympathetic to the people and have patriotic concerns and aims. As one of the nation’s soldiers, I have never and will never neglect my responsibility to fight for and shape this national will.
    My compatriots,
    This year, I do not celebrate the New Year.
    This year both in my own solitude and with my family, I am thinking of those Iranians who have lost their lives. A day in which nothing is new does not allow for joy.
    This year I will honor a moment of silence in the memory of all of those who have given their lives. Silence for the recent victims of the outbreak, for the flood-stricken of Sistan, for the Kolbars of Kordestan, for the selfless nurses and doctors, for those killed in the Aban-month movement, for the passengers of the Ukrainian airliner. Silence for a pain that is both national and shared, at the moment of the turning of this black year.
    A silence from the depths of the heart and of the soul for the revival of the spirit of our national will. A telling silence. A national silence.
    Long live Iran
    Reza Pahlavi