Must We Keep the Sabbath Today? An appeal to Seventh Day Adventists.

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024


  • @timleadbeatter5045
    @timleadbeatter5045 Місяць тому

    Thanks for your video on this topic may it reach all those who need yo heat it....
    Even so come lord jesus

  • @davidjohnson8976
    @davidjohnson8976 Місяць тому


  • @milanterzic859
    @milanterzic859 Місяць тому

    So now you can do as you please? If the law is done away with does that makes adultery OK? Keep in mind adulterers were also stoned. Shall we continue this practice?

  • @bethany9622
    @bethany9622 Місяць тому

    @Christadelphians Video Ooops, awkward "seniors moment" near the beginning here - I'm 100% certain this speaker knows that Adam was created on the 6th day :-) Great summary of the real meaning of the Sabbath tho.

  • @zmama007
    @zmama007 Місяць тому

    Have the Ten Commandments been abolished? Do we no longer have to keep them? Why is the fourth commandment the only one that says “Remember”? Is it because God knew we would forget it? What is the Mark of God and what is the Mark of the beast? Dig deeper and ask the Holy Spirit to show you truth. The Sabbath has been kept since creation. Who changed the Sabbath day from Saturday to Sunday? Read history. It was the Catholic Church that changed the Sabbath to Sunday. God created the Sabbath as a day for His people to spend time with Him because in Him we find rest. The tree of knowledge of good and evil was Adam and Eves test to their loyalty to God. The seventh day Sabbath is our test of our loyalty to God.
    Revelation 22:12-14 NKJV
    "And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work. [13] I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last." [14] Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city.

  • @sylvaind5303
    @sylvaind5303 Місяць тому

    Dear brother in Christ,
    Where to start ?
    “I do not keep the 4th of July, therefore stop judging me for that”.
    “I keep the 5th of May instead, but I won’t force you to stop your work that day”.
    That’s the kind of day referenced by Paul as the “Sabbaths” with a plural. These are holidays, not the 7th day of the week of creation from Genesis 2.
    The plot has been lost when you used Deuteronomy 5 instead of Exodus 20.
    For God speaks in Exodus 20 and explains why we should remember the Sabbath from our creation;
    While Moses writes in Deuteronomy 5 to the Israelites.
    Then you should have had a careful study of the antic religions of that time, and compare the differences between Mesopotamian religion, Egyptian religion, and the Hebrew religion. The only difference between the 10 commandments and the morality of these other religions, is the 4th commandment.
    «and consider that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation-as also our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given to him, has written to you, as also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which untaught and unstable people twist to their own destruction, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures.»
    ‭‭II Peter‬ ‭3‬:‭15‬-‭16‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
    Furthermore, “the rules of the fathers” reference to the oral law, which is now visible in the Talmud. The Hebrew put this after God’s law.
    To understand the reason for the mosaic law divine inspiration, one must understand how the Semites understand the transgression of the law. Any law. That’s the major issue today’s occidental justice encounter with the new inhabitants.
    “If I’m not in prison for robbery, that means robbery is somewhat permissible, and there’s no punishment for that. I can keep going on tomorrow”; instead of understanding the grace and the final punition (being ashes).
    I will check on the Catechism to see what it taught on the Sabbath, and I will get back.
    May the Lord grants you his peace.

  • @Metalhefe
    @Metalhefe Місяць тому

    The 4th of God's law is the Sabbath. As it says the Sabbath was made for man. No Jews were around.
    When Christ died on the cross the law of Moses was done away with.
    The law of Moses is not the same as the Law of God 10 commandments.
    Now a question for you:
    Which of God's 10 Commandment law is it ok for the modern Christian to break?

  • @setapart1159
    @setapart1159 Місяць тому

    Jesus tells us in the new testament that we sabbath, was created for man and not man from the sabbath... He did not say that sabbath was created for the jews and not jews for the sabbath

  • @keithradlein5794
    @keithradlein5794 Місяць тому

    According to your argument. Paster: all the gooc Jesus did on the Sabbath should cease by Christians who observe Sabbath? Just like the others, u all confuse moral law with cérémonial laws.

  • @timothythomas1626
    @timothythomas1626 Місяць тому

    An appeal to the 10 commandments.

  • @kensmith8152
    @kensmith8152 Місяць тому

    The 4th commandment says REMEMBER the sabbath and keep it HOLY, these are not my words but the words of GOD in his COMMANDMENTS!
    If we are not to keep the Sabbath day holy then there’s only nine commandment’s.
    Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath,
    I say if you don’t honor the sabbath, then don’t honor Jesus!

  • @renatacristina9562
    @renatacristina9562 Місяць тому

    I think is irrelevant the argument about sabbath. The question here is. Why Sunday? Is not in the Bible is man made chosen date. This looks more like the lies of satan, same way he dicivid Eva he is doing same game in changing Saturday to Sunday.
    Don’t to you think is weird that God ask to remember the sabbath? That mean it would be forgotten. And Satan will take over.

  • @statutesofthelord
    @statutesofthelord Місяць тому

    Do you make videos showing your support for commiting adultery, disobeying parents, blaspheming God's name, bowing to idols, stealing, coveting, lying, doing bad to people, and worshiping other gods too?
    Or is it just the one commandment that God specifically wrote with his own finger in stone to "Remember", that you are valiantly trying to forget?

  • @user-bt5qw2vb8t
    @user-bt5qw2vb8t Місяць тому

    Why not invite Adventist to be fair..

  • @pauldesouza40
    @pauldesouza40 Місяць тому

    You obviously don't know the difference between the Jews of the nation of Israel and Spiritual Israel. You conveniently omitted the fact that it was Constantine changed the day of worship. The question is why is The Pope making all nations to institute a Sunday law, which is the mark of the beast. The beast being the Papacy. Apparently you are part of the deception without the spirit of prophecy you will not know your errors.

  • @pauldesouza40
    @pauldesouza40 Місяць тому

    You are so SO wrong about Jesus doing away with the Sabbath. Your interpretation is grossly false. You should not assume something if YOU! cannot find it in the scriptures. You are leading souls away from the truth. Shame on you for confusing the meaning and interpretation of the law that YAHUWAH wrote with his own hand.