Notice the two round roof passenger cars near the middle of the train they are former Indiana Railroad/Interstate Public Service Interurban sleeping cars
All (?) the early PGE passenger cars were former interurbans because standard 70- and 80-foot cars risked derailment on the tight curves through the mountains and canyons. It was quite an eclectic and fascinating collection! (I know you posted a year ago, but though I'd add my 2¢.)
Yes, there is software to clear that up, but the tracks were pretty bad until the late 1970s. Sad to say most of the railroad has been mothballed since Canadian National took over operations.
Made the same trip from Vancouver to Birken in 1953 for a weeks vacation. Thanks for the memories, I love it.
Notice the two round roof passenger cars near the middle of the train they are former Indiana Railroad/Interstate Public Service Interurban sleeping cars
All (?) the early PGE passenger cars were former interurbans because standard 70- and 80-foot cars risked derailment on the tight curves through the mountains and canyons. It was quite an eclectic and fascinating collection! (I know you posted a year ago, but though I'd add my 2¢.)
Would love to see what someone can do to take the shakes out and clear it up.
Yes, there is software to clear that up, but the tracks were pretty bad until the late 1970s. Sad to say most of the railroad has been mothballed since Canadian National took over operations.
formerly known as "Prince George Eventually!
Also "Please Go Easy" or "Past God's Endurance"