80% Accurate VtES Predictions? | Ravnos Salubri Tzimisce | Vampire the Eternal Struggle

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @finelerv
    @finelerv 11 місяців тому +2

    So great to see Stu on again. His ability to extract flavour from the cards is second to none.

  • @stumacleod9557
    @stumacleod9557 11 місяців тому +1

    Thanks again for having me on!

  • @adampeter8405
    @adampeter8405 11 місяців тому +2

    Well...thank you for the shoutout! :)
    Ravnos got noticeably better on release, Break the Bonds is a top 2 card in the whole set, so that salvaged the whole concept in the end.
    Salubri was obvious for sure, with the tool set they were bound to get.
    Tzimisce got pre-nerfed, mostly because the immensely dangerous discipline set they've got, but still gonna be really strong.

  • @finelerv
    @finelerv 11 місяців тому +1

    On the idea of deck enhancer product, I'm still hoping they can squeeze something like that in next year - Especially if they can add more Crypt options.
    I know people like their stars, but when you see V5 Gangrel TWDs just running 12 unique Vampires, I personally think that's a good indicator of successful Crypt design overall for a clan.

    • @SuakuOZ
      @SuakuOZ  11 місяців тому

      Yes, it'll be nice to have a selection of crypt cards for the updated clans

  • @steveharris1709
    @steveharris1709 11 місяців тому

    Great vid, guys!

  • @finelerv
    @finelerv 11 місяців тому

    Just responding as I watch.
    On the Ravnos Crypt cards not feeling thematic enough, I feel like that's almost a universal problem across a lot of the cards. I'd like to see them double down on the vibe of all the clans and really make them all feel more than a set of Disciplines. Give the cards personality through their text boxes.

  • @LiesFromTheTabletop
    @LiesFromTheTabletop Рік тому

    gangrel revel is the card that already has the ravnos symbol, from its printing in the new blood deck

    • @SuakuOZ
      @SuakuOZ  11 місяців тому

      I knew I saw that somewhere!! Thanks 😊

  • @drakethesnek6429
    @drakethesnek6429 Місяць тому

    Stu needs to buy a better mic.

    • @SuakuOZ
      @SuakuOZ  Місяць тому +1

      Probably just a limitation of taking the call on his phone