The rice is red because higher tier sushi restaurants use something called "Akasu" which is red rice vinegar, this is common in edomae sushi. Historically, white rice were expensive, thus they did not produce white rice vinegar, komesu, so the use of vinegars changed as technology developed.
This is why its so expensive. A single Top Sushi Chef stands before a single customer , and works on building their meal - for an hour.
Why their rice is red? What vinagret they use?
The rice is red because higher tier sushi restaurants use something called "Akasu" which is red rice vinegar, this is common in edomae sushi. Historically, white rice were expensive, thus they did not produce white rice vinegar, komesu, so the use of vinegars changed as technology developed.
Thank you for the explanation !
Was thinking of going to this place. How were the quality and price for this sushi place ?
About 20000 yen. Worth more than the price! Quite good sushi place i've been to.