Thanks for watching everyone. Be sure to check out our accompanying article for this video here - Thanks - Matt
@@TheArmourersBench russia's total GDP is 65% oil. If we started pumping in USA, it would drop gas prices and actually have an effect on russian economy... . . Instead we are buying russian oil indirectly... They are sanctioned and have to sell for less, but they are still making loads of money because Brandon jacked up the prices so high. it's his greatest accomplishment.. The Saudi's are loving this war
I don't know if they have the same charge but are also available for 120mm mortar named STRIX. Just imagine how devestating a mortar team can be on advancing armor...
Yup, and that one has a solid state rocket booster option too, extending the range from 7km to almost 9km... (I've fired them myself in trsining back in 2003)
It's amazing, fucking awful to face. Even knowing these exist will make tank crews cry (This doesn't include Russians, they are told they are wiping out Nazi's, they are happy with dying for nothing)
The 120mm STRIX is a terminally guided mortar round with a HEAT warhead, it’s guided by heat signature of a target. Its effect on a target is devastating.
Before the Ukraine war, I didn't even know that such ammunition even existed. Projectiles that steer to the target at the end of their flight, yes, I thought of something like that, but definitely not of those parachute things that then calmly look for the target within a radius of 200 m and only then destroy it.
@@OpenGL4ever it is electronics, EMI probably will damage it quite good, it is interesting how RF conteract such type of armory. i tend to believe they have type of weapon for that case, it is stupid to think, who have rocketery that fly over land and hit marketed targets, do not have anything against such toys :)
The US used to have these in our arsenal. They were called SADARM and they were quite nasty. The submunitions could talk to each other so they wouldn’t double task on the same target. And, they could also modify their explosive effect to either frag for soft targets and infantry or they could jet for top armor attack. The Army and Marine Corps lost these munitions due to political in-fighting with the Air Force. The argument was that the SADARM capability crept into the Air Force core mission of tactical air support.
wow weird logic if true, but idk knowing military bureaucracy it can be a circus imagine then armies shouldn’t field artillery or mortars or surveillance drones or tanks since their jobs can be done by aircraft…..
I'm most impressed with the accuracy, stability, and range of that EFP. It appears it can reach as far as 200m by the one diagram? In the footage they are quite high when they pop. Long range AND fired while spinning rapidly well above the target. Well done.
It's the target zone, 200 meters in diameter it can hit anything. So the artillery folks need to know where about the tank or other vehicles are and fire on them and the Bonus goes after the vehicle that the crew have designated as a target.
@@kristofferkaaling8795 If the radius of the "zone" is 200m, then one would assume that even with a WIDE wobble creating a broad detection cone, that the efp could potentially fire from up to a couple hundred meters away. That said objects on the very outside edge of that zone may be more of a hail-mary pass with impact velocity going up as the target approaches the center of the cone.
SMArt 155 also uses a millimeter wave radar both passiv and active. Thanks to that it can’t be stopped detecting the target even if it has reduced thermal signature or is hiding in multi spectral smoke.
Ther german article regarding smart155 is much more detailed than the english one: "The two submunitions spiraling down the parachute autonomously scan the target area for targets with their triple seeker sensors. The sensor algorithm is said to be able to detect armored combat vehicles, distinguish them from false targets and engage them even under difficult environmental and weather conditions"
"Still pierce", actually that's another explosive ignited like 100m from the tank, carried chemical energy, so it's not surprising. But I regard surprising, that despite of the recoil of that second explosion in the air, the kinetic penetrator still keeps the correct aim.
actually spinning the whole machine at a known rate simplifies the targeting mech. and is used in rocketry since the very first "seeking" missile (when the electronics of the time could not solve the targeting task without spinning)
@@tommolldev it doesn't "eliminate" an axis, it converts the coordinate system into a polar coordinate system (all dimentions preserved) which eliminates the ARTIFACT-rotation that inevitably emerges from the composition of course corrections expressed in a cartesian system.
@@tommolldev btw, the ground radar systems (albeit unable to spin as easily as rockets) also spin around the axis of the beam! (usually by rotating the polarisation of the beam)
@@beardymcbeardface69 good old soviet steel coffins, where the incineration of the bodies is icluded feature in the ammo storage below the turret crew. So russian goverment can tell its people: "na they did not die, we just cant find them anymore, im sure they are there somewhere. we only lost 10k men"
Spent three years with a M109a3 battalion at Ft Sill after OCS and FAOBC. Too see the things we tested coming to fruition almost 4 decades later is proof that Artillery is the King of Battle.
This thing is an unbelievably powered weapon system. About 20 years ago, I saw a "Future Weapons" (show) episode where they showcased some of this technology. It was a cluster munition missile though. It was said to be a "13 stage weapon" It deployed many sub-munitions, that then deployed more, that oscillated, tracked, communicated between each other, and used EFPs as well. It was said to be used to destroy entire armoured columns. However being a cluster munition I dont think it was legal. It was very cool to see brought into the 155MM BONUS system. I think this gives it a great ability to be used on smaller scale and be upscalled as required (fired from a battery of artillery at the time), The only downside i can see is the 35km range but that still is good. One person mentioned putting it on the HIMARS or MRLS. Makes you not want to be inside that tank! If you saw any of the Armenian/Azerbaijan war, they used small drones that targeted enemy armor and towards the mid/end you would see guys refusing to be around vehicles, and super spread out, because they would also bomb groups of soldiers. I cant imagine being in that position.... Fuck war.
dude, you were a us dude, you did test shit with bofors or rheinmetall subammo. also, albeit you might thinking you us americans were the ones with the idea, you werent.
@@bradcloud7670 bonus actually is just as old as the us cluster ammo you have seen, the us were neither the first on it, nor the ones bringing the 2nd gen tech.
@@tarkitarker0815 Yes I am aware BONUS is very old. I just wasnt aware that it used EFPs. From what I understood years ago, it was just a highly accurate 155MM round. Has it always used EFPs?
@@bradcloud7670 yes, it was always a projectile without an explosive load, or more like, without a explosive load that is meant to directly damage. there were many demonstrations against bonus and smart as they are effectively clusterbombs that fit into a only somewhat legal spot.
Germany delivered SMArt 155 which are very similar. The German submunitions use parachutes and scan with infrared sensors and a radar for targets around them.
That is exactly how Ukraine can spearhead pretty much anywhere it wants, we have an upper hand in precision artillery systems. The possibly to end the war this year is there. But unfortunately AFU high command is inept and does not use resources properly. If the war ends then how will Zelenksy and his jews make money?
The US airdrop munition CBU-97 sensor fuzed weapon operates the same way. 10 submunitions with 4 sub sub munitions or Skeets on each of the 10 for a total of 40 skeets. The fire a copper slug into the top of an armored vehicle. Quite reliable and accurate.
The issue with that is that you need air superiority. And if you are Sweden and Sovjet is attacking , you might not have that. I would say also, that is probobly why the Swedish weapon work so well in Ukraine. They are designs for exactly that sort of war.
I remember very well a Q&A question for the Chieftain about what he feared the most, where he complained about those types of ammunition: "What am I supposed against it?" He asked...
@Peter T Yeah... now protect every tank (expesically ones close to frontline) with C-RAM aganist chance of getting hit by rare 100k USD round while being any country that isnt USA
And the saddest thing is, it really has to be us! the human race will never learn ! there will always be wars as long as there are people. even after the worst wars in this world, global peace only lasted for two or three generations. people forget very quickly when the generations that have experienced these terrible things first hand are gone. the reasons are always the same.
The US produced the CBU 97 and CBU 105 going back to 1992. Each bomb had 10 submunitions which themselves contained 4 submunitions for a total of 40, individually targeted munitions. It was called the, "thousand miracles bomb" due to its complexity. I think the Ukrainians would find it useful.
I've been subjected to the copper explosively formed projectiles used in these rounds when I was in Iraq. Its devastating and also terrifying once you know what they can do. We're talking a molten copper projectile going mach 20 right at you, and whats left over is not pretty( i was a medic)
HEAT shells (I'm assuming RPGs in your case) are not EFPs, and molten copper is a myth (melting temp of copper < melting temp of steel, so it will not help penetrate armour). It's the sheer energy of the shaped charge explosion that does the most damage
@@haley746 It's the focused shockwave of the high explosive that liquifies the copper focusing cone as well as the steal ((and other layered armor) that gets sprayed into the crew compartment of the tank. So no it is not the copper itself ""melting" it's way through so much as it's just being turned into a jet of molten copper and steel purely from the pressure which creates the heat.
@@SilvaDreams EFP's don't necessarily liquefy the "squirted" copper lining when ignited: "the copper jets are well below the melting point of copper. However, these temperatures are not completely consistent with evidence that soft recovered copper jet particles show signs of melting at the core" Tantalum is superior to copper when it comes to effectiveness of EFP lining materials and tantalum's melting point (3017 °C) is much higher than that of copper (1084.62 °C): "it was found tantalum is superior to copper, due to its much higher density and very high ductility at high strain rates." A very ductile metal might "behave as a mix of both", liquid and solid, in EFP applications (maybe some form of plasma jet).
It was invented by BOFORS here in Sweden. BONUS stands for "BOfors NUtating Shell" Development of the BONUS began in 1985 as a study project of the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV). The intent was to find a way to increase the effectiveness of artillery in engaging enemy armoured units❤
It seems expensive only if you have never seen how many ordinary cheap rounds it takes to get a direct hit on a tank. It’s just the same money packed in less volume.
I just watched 4 times todays video of masacre near Vuhledar, were brave Ukrainians repeled Russian orcs attack. On one moment was to see arty explosion above 10m sideling over orc tank.... and this after few second started to burn from inside (ammo fire). At first moment i thought it was miss but now im almost sure it was something like BONUS shot.... Orcs lost over 30 IFV and Tanks in just one clash.... great succes !
@@ezragoldberg3132 Maybe even JAS39 (of course not anytime soon) and RBS15 (also available with truck launchers) and later RBS15 versions can also attack land target and not just their fleet...
@@jetaddicted True true, all I know is it started development here in Sweden but probably needed a joint partner to realize the project, for some reason Nexter doesn't seem to have a hand in STRIX which is the same technology... perhaps Bofors holds the patent or SAAB licenses it... still neat even though it's been around for >2 decades.
As amazing as it is, this concept has existed in a working form at least for the past 30 years. Take a look at the US Air Force CBU-97 Sensor Fuzed Weapon. Same kill concept, with fin spiralling shaped charge munition which triggers on engine heat signature.
@@TheArmourersBenchHonestly, 100-140 mm of armored penetration really isn't that much. I mean, Kontakt-1 ERA, alone, even arranged in a manner that doesn't allow the block/brick to make the most of its abilities, provides 100-200 mm of protection, iirc, so this kind of weapon would actually be much more devastating against Western armor, & now Russia can reverse engineer it. Great...
Russian tankists aren't even being taught how to operate their vehicle properly any more. I doubt the Russian MOD is is telling them about these horrors they're up against.
Sounds like a game show--bonus round. That's pretty impressive for something that looks like a paint can. The winglets are pretty neat--I'd never seen anything quite like them before.
the US had a $1M missile in early 2000s or late '90s that had around 16 of these canisters, but I'm sure was very limited and not cost effective: could've been used upon the initial invasion line of vehicles
the us however had not smart ammo, it seeked enemies, but enemies and thats it, and as we know every arab thats not rich is an enemy of the usa. they were normal, illegal cluster bombs.
Well, if I'm not mistaken, this is a BAE Systems Bofors developed munition, but I guess that if it is shot from a French artillery piece it is still impressive on the receiving end 🙂.
No it was a joint venture between bofors and giat industries (french old MoD consortium) now nexter. It's 50-50 swedish and french but It's mainly used by France.
I don't think people fully sppreciate just how amazing these submunitions are in that they can identify enemy armor and fire their shaped charge at just the right moment, while spinning, to hit the target.
@@TheArmourersBench LUL is a French manufacturer's marking attributed to LUCHAIRE DEFENSE, a subcontractor for Nexter. Funnily enough on some French shells you can find the identifier "ASS" which stands for the "Ateliers de Salbris" subcontractor.
I could have swore I saw a video on telegram where a helicopter was taken out by some type of munition that shot downwards just like this one. I'd be willing to bet money it was some type of munition like this. Extremely interesting video. 💪🇺🇦
when heli is low enough, thats certainly possible. but i guess it was not aimes at the heli, but the heli was in the wrong moment at the wrong places and took a round ment for a tank ^^
That video was most likely an S300. Clearer angle showed the projectile being almost as tall as the helicopter. S300 has a diving terminal mode for some of its missile types. It's also easy to mistake a high speed air burst for an EFP as explosions, while fast, are not instantaneous and do carry some of the momentum and velocity vector that the warhead was traveling in.
this is very good news they have a new way to atrit russian armored vehicles. ive been wondering since the beginning of the war what will happen when russia runs out of t72s... do they just go home at that point?
@@dukenukem8381 But hulls of what? You don't just slap a new motor and a coat of paint on the carcass of a T-80 that has been sitting in a debot since the USSR collapsed. We have seen a ever increasing amount of T-62's operated by Russia which makes you question the condition of T-72 and T-80 tanks. Even Russian state went: "We will reactivate our million T-80's!", but then they started talking about activating more T-62's.
Cooperation between Sweden and France promises great advances in artillery. These two countries have been experts in this area for a long time. Well before Napoleon, France won the Hundred Years' War thanks to new cannons manufactured by the Bureau brothers. These cannons revolutionized artillery by transforming fixed bombards into mobile cannons mounted on wheels and with which the firing range could be adjusted.
@@moos7005 "Then why does NATO not just role into Moscow and remove Putin? Surely something is holding them back?" It is called nukes. NATO does not want Russian land. The same cannot be said for Russia and Ukrainian land.
@@gabrielteo3636 Exactly, the rosso-brainwashed people fail to understrand that NATO is a defensive alliance. NATO cannot invade. It exists as a shield, not a spear.
@@tenpoll Unfortunately, the Russians have never given up till they have had 500K losses. This war will go on for another 3-5 years, the Russian economy will be wrecked and they will become another N. Korea. The only thing stopping that is a bullet for Putin.
That is loads of different fancy artillery munition. There is also one system to complement BONUS, The STRIX that is a 120mm light artilery (mortar) that can fire 7-9 km ad track and target enemy armor and IFV and. APC. It have much more advanced sensors and can differentiate between hit and active vihicles and also can tell the diffrance between different vehicles. Taking out heavy vehicles like tanks first, then IFV then APC. They was all designed in sweden in the late 80s for a war that never came. Bonus would thin out the Sovjet armor. STRIX would target what was left, and then go in With N-law and finish of what ever survived.
You don't know your tanks, that looks nothing like the 72. The turret overhang, the number of road wheels, the extractor, etc, it is obviously an Abrams.
I am astonished that this could ever work. To even fet the two tumbling blobs accurately above the target seems hard enough but for then those two blobs to somehow pinpoint fix on the target and launch their own projectiles at the target, while they themselves are falling and revolving it is unbelievable.
yea exactly , just like the claims the Iranians shot down one of our stealth drones. They show pictures that dont show any damage other than it broken into a few pieces. Then they claim they "hacked" it. Like its on the internet ... pfft.. Then they claim they "overrode the controls and landed it" so all these things run on crypto that cant even be broken by the NSA in real time as its a daily changed randomized encryption. By the time they broke the code its already been changed to a new one not that they could break the first one but anyway. I used to do this SIGINT/ELINT stuff and i know what we can do. What a backwards nation like Iran or Russia? Please.
I wonder if modern science could make smaller versions of this for say NLAW or Carl Gustav - Imagine forward infantry able to take out IFV/APC and even light tanks with this tech?
idk i think you could get the electronics to fit just fine but you would probably not be able to pack in a big enough shape charge to penetrate such amounts of steel would probably still be useful in striking manned positions you cant see perfectly though and know roughly where they are at.
@@zachmoyer1849 Thanks. If a -50cal/7.62 round can penetrate a lighter armoured vehicle a smaller version of this should be adequate. I'm guessing somebody in that business has considered it and maybe even tested it and thought it not feasible or we would have seen them being issued by now.
@@Scaleyback317 well it would likely just go right through it and with these charges the aim is usually to set off munitions inside the tank with a light armor vehicle you just put a very expensive hole in it that like you said could have just been done with a large caliber rifle.
I remember seeing weeks ago something similar from the orcs, their "innovative idea" was a dumb.... device of the size of a beer barrel at the side of the road and triggered by remote control or trap wire but only could hit one target and the device couldn't be hidden and no Foe or friendly detector, literally a thing from 30 years ago
The only dumb thing here is your comment. That roadside mine you described has been adopted decades ago by soviets, US, and other NATO countries. And it still does exactly what it was designed to do - ambush armored vehicles. Russians themselves have their own versions of top attack EPF smart rounds. Anything from MLRS delivered munition to a mine that launches the munition into the air like the PTKM-1R, very effective
@@Revener666 No, Bonus uses the rotationen of the shell (spin stabilized) and the sub unit to detect the target. A mortar have no rifling. Therefore it is impossible to build a "mortar version" of the BONUS system. What do you call the mortar version, mini-Bonus or? It's not existing, sorry!
@@Revener666 Correct that Bofors made the Strix for mortar, but this is a totally different product and hasn't any similarity at all with BONUS. To call it another "verision" is incorrect.
nope a Swedish AND french produsct . A cooperation of Nexter ( france) and Bofors ( Sweden). Nexter is well knwon for producing the CAESAR 155m howitzer .
@@rfarevalo There is whole family of Russian MLRS delivered top attack anti armor munitions. They have seen action in Ukraine, very effective. Russians do not have very many of them though. There is even a mine that air launches smart munitions, like PTKM-1R, very effective.
this is crazy, never heard of it. looks incredible tecnology from years ago, i wonder how much does that cost. And why we have such a little infomation.
Wow do they communicate with each other to select different targets? also that seemed to fire at an angle (while doing 900 rpm). It's crazy that this was developed in the late 80s.
No, but the hornet minefield system uses the same principle with up to 6 or 8 mines & the computerized system picks a target for EACH before it fires them... 🔥...
@@nunyadambusiness6902 yeah the original murder Hornets... those things were highly unpredictable though. I was a Combat Engineer for several years. The m93 was a great concept but bad in actual practice.
No they don't. I don't know for sure with THESE here, but the pretty much identical German variant "SmArt 155" does not. Natural dispersion when releasing the Submunitions from the shell case makes sure that they find different target areas on their own. One is in the high speed drag a splitsecond earlier and falls shorter. This is not a shell to target an individual tank anyway. It is fired in dozens, when you know the position of a tank battalion in a certain area.
i bet theese projectiles will also hit civilian vehicles, if present. but with the 200metres cones of effect, you will be firing those only at areas, where you know there are tanks anyway.
@@certaindeath7776 I haven't tested it myself obviously, but at least the German variant "SmArt155" is supposed not to target civilian vehicles. It is supposedly capable to distinguish between different types of tanks according to one of the developers of the round that I had the chance to talk to years ago. I forgot how they do it, as it was pretty insane and I didn't really understand it. With weapons like that it is always unclear which tech levels were suggested as possible by the engineers, which were actually realized and which one was actually put into service at the end.
Thanks for watching everyone. Be sure to check out our accompanying article for this video here - Thanks - Matt
USA needs to stop supporting both sides of this war.
Pick a side or GTFO
And how is the US supporting Russia my dude?
@@TheArmourersBench russia's total GDP is 65% oil.
If we started pumping in USA, it would drop gas prices and actually have an effect on russian economy... . . Instead we are buying russian oil indirectly... They are sanctioned and have to sell for less, but they are still making loads of money because Brandon jacked up the prices so high. it's his greatest accomplishment.. The Saudi's are loving this war
Designers failed to develop a detonation chamber into the electronic brains of the Bonus 155mm to prevent enemies from finding and studying it.
@@ttp_007 source ?
I don't know if they have the same charge but are also available for 120mm mortar named STRIX. Just imagine how devestating a mortar team can be on advancing armor...
Yup, and that one has a solid state rocket booster option too, extending the range from 7km to almost 9km...
(I've fired them myself in trsining back in 2003)
It's amazing, fucking awful to face. Even knowing these exist will make tank crews cry (This doesn't include Russians, they are told they are wiping out Nazi's, they are happy with dying for nothing)
@@SonsOfLorgar STRIX is laser guided only right?
Oh God imagine the Amos using this thing
The 120mm STRIX is a terminally guided mortar round with a HEAT warhead, it’s guided by heat signature of a target. Its effect on a target is devastating.
Good lord, I'm both terrified and impressed.
Before the Ukraine war, I didn't even know that such ammunition even existed. Projectiles that steer to the target at the end of their flight, yes, I thought of something like that, but definitely not of those parachute things that then calmly look for the target within a radius of 200 m and only then destroy it.
@@OpenGL4ever it is electronics, EMI probably will damage it quite good, it is interesting how RF conteract such type of armory. i tend to believe they have type of weapon for that case, it is stupid to think, who have rocketery that fly over land and hit marketed targets, do not have anything against such toys :)
@@vladimirassalukas6726 looks like the entire thing is shielded.
Like 100:)
The US used to have these in our arsenal. They were called SADARM and they were quite nasty. The submunitions could talk to each other so they wouldn’t double task on the same target. And, they could also modify their explosive effect to either frag for soft targets and infantry or they could jet for top armor attack. The Army and Marine Corps lost these munitions due to political in-fighting with the Air Force. The argument was that the SADARM capability crept into the Air Force core mission of tactical air support.
Well that is an irrellevant argument is I've ever heard one.
If they are still sat in a warehouse somewhere they should defo be sent to Ukraine.
Sounds like the Stupid US.
wow weird logic if true, but idk knowing military bureaucracy it can be a circus
imagine then armies shouldn’t field artillery or mortars or surveillance drones or tanks since their jobs can be done by aircraft…..
@@Revener666 everything sort of has its purpose, just like how Marine and Army attack helicopters operate differently in support of an element
I'm most impressed with the accuracy, stability, and range of that EFP. It appears it can reach as far as 200m by the one diagram? In the footage they are quite high when they pop. Long range AND fired while spinning rapidly well above the target. Well done.
It's the target zone, 200 meters in diameter it can hit anything. So the artillery folks need to know where about the tank or other vehicles are and fire on them and the Bonus goes after the vehicle that the crew have designated as a target.
@@kristofferkaaling8795 If the radius of the "zone" is 200m, then one would assume that even with a WIDE wobble creating a broad detection cone, that the efp could potentially fire from up to a couple hundred meters away. That said objects on the very outside edge of that zone may be more of a hail-mary pass with impact velocity going up as the target approaches the center of the cone.
@@mattfleming86 the round it self goes far out. You do not use an artillery system to reach 200m out. The range of the bonus round is 35km.
@@mattfleming86 just Google the thing. No use in arguing about it here.
You mean the footprint of each munitions sensor which is roughly 178x178 meters.
SMArt 155 also uses a millimeter wave radar both passiv and active. Thanks to that it can’t be stopped detecting the target even if it has reduced thermal signature or is hiding in multi spectral smoke.
Yes I believe it does. There's been a few videos suggested to be it but never ones I would consider conclusive. Another capable system.
@@TheArmourersBench Most likely. Lida is easily affected by dense fog, rain and snow, unlike the milimeter radar.
I believe Brimstone uses mmw too.
@@TheArmourersBench yes but it’s way more powerful and the largest versions can also be laser guided.
Ther german article regarding smart155 is much more detailed than the english one: "The two submunitions spiraling down the parachute autonomously scan the target area for targets with their triple seeker sensors. The sensor algorithm is said to be able to detect armored combat vehicles, distinguish them from false targets and engage them even under difficult environmental and weather conditions"
I'm really surprised how far it can shoot that jet and still pierce thick armor. Impressive all around.
It's not a jet like HEAT shells. It's a roughly-formed metal 'slug'. So it works as a kinetic penetrator.
"Still pierce", actually that's another explosive ignited like 100m from the tank, carried chemical energy, so it's not surprising. But I regard surprising, that despite of the recoil of that second explosion in the air, the kinetic penetrator still keeps the correct aim.
@@professionalfire3902 thats also what HEAT is
@@chost-059 It's the same principle, just different angles (amongst other things).
how do you shoot a slug without a barrel?@@professionalfire3902
Bonus is such a wicked name for it. Thanks for the vid.
Congratulations Russian soldier we have a BONUS surprise for you! Step outside and see what you've OneFiveFive!
@@LordOceanus And the bonus question is
How long can you stay alive ?
@@LordOceanus If he steps outside the vehicle, he MIGHT have a chance
BOfors NUtating Shells is the name, 22000 euros piece
It’s amazing how it can conduct targeting while spinning so rapidly and shoot the jet so accurately from such a distance and it still be effective.
actually spinning the whole machine at a known rate simplifies the targeting mech. and is used in rocketry since the very first "seeking" missile (when the electronics of the time could not solve the targeting task without spinning)
Everything is possible when its not human
@@tommolldev it doesn't "eliminate" an axis, it converts the coordinate system into a polar coordinate system (all dimentions preserved) which eliminates the ARTIFACT-rotation that inevitably emerges from the composition of course corrections expressed in a cartesian system.
@@tommolldev btw, the ground radar systems (albeit unable to spin as easily as rockets) also spin around the axis of the beam!
(usually by rotating the polarisation of the beam)
@@sillysad3198 Shut up sad
And now it’s time for the BONUS Round!
Tell 'em what they've won Ron!
*_IT'S_* *_A_* *_NEW_* *_COFFIN!_*
@@beardymcbeardface69 good old soviet steel coffins, where the incineration of the bodies is icluded feature in the ammo storage below the turret crew.
So russian goverment can tell its people: "na they did not die, we just cant find them anymore, im sure they are there somewhere. we only lost 10k men"
You have to say it with a french accent. 🥖
@@beardymcbeardface69 but wait! There's more!
Spent three years with a M109a3 battalion at Ft Sill after OCS and FAOBC. Too see the things we tested coming to fruition almost 4 decades later is proof that Artillery is the King of Battle.
This thing is an unbelievably powered weapon system. About 20 years ago, I saw a "Future Weapons" (show) episode where they showcased some of this technology. It was a cluster munition missile though. It was said to be a "13 stage weapon" It deployed many sub-munitions, that then deployed more, that oscillated, tracked, communicated between each other, and used EFPs as well.
It was said to be used to destroy entire armoured columns. However being a cluster munition I dont think it was legal. It was very cool to see brought into the 155MM BONUS system. I think this gives it a great ability to be used on smaller scale and be upscalled as required (fired from a battery of artillery at the time),
The only downside i can see is the 35km range but that still is good. One person mentioned putting it on the HIMARS or MRLS. Makes you not want to be inside that tank!
If you saw any of the Armenian/Azerbaijan war, they used small drones that targeted enemy armor and towards the mid/end you would see guys refusing to be around vehicles, and super spread out, because they would also bomb groups of soldiers.
I cant imagine being in that position.... Fuck war.
dude, you were a us dude, you did test shit with bofors or rheinmetall subammo. also, albeit you might thinking you us americans were the ones with the idea, you werent.
@@bradcloud7670 bonus actually is just as old as the us cluster ammo you have seen, the us were neither the first on it, nor the ones bringing the 2nd gen tech.
@@tarkitarker0815 Yes I am aware BONUS is very old. I just wasnt aware that it used EFPs. From what I understood years ago, it was just a highly accurate 155MM round.
Has it always used EFPs?
@@bradcloud7670 yes, it was always a projectile without an explosive load, or more like, without a explosive load that is meant to directly damage. there were many demonstrations against bonus and smart as they are effectively clusterbombs that fit into a only somewhat legal spot.
IT would be expensive but : Whole bettery of Pz2000 could in minute anhilate whole tank brigade.
Compared to the tanks destroyed, it's nothing.
We use the SMArt 155, not the BONUS. Similar concept.
these would be prefect for the russian/belarussian front from the north if that ever happens
Germany delivered SMArt 155 which are very similar. The German submunitions use parachutes and scan with infrared sensors and a radar for targets around them.
That is exactly how Ukraine can spearhead pretty much anywhere it wants, we have an upper hand in precision artillery systems. The possibly to end the war this year is there. But unfortunately AFU high command is inept and does not use resources properly. If the war ends then how will Zelenksy and his jews make money?
This is one of that most amazing engineering feats.
its like shooting a 3 stage rocket at the enemy, this is practically rocket science.
They even built smart ammo for small caliber gun which can chase human target
Explosives, mines, grenades, trip wires, uxo are terrifying tbh
Like a cute little orbital strike satellite
The US airdrop munition CBU-97 sensor fuzed weapon operates the same way. 10 submunitions with 4 sub sub munitions or Skeets on each of the 10 for a total of 40 skeets. The fire a copper slug into the top of an armored vehicle. Quite reliable and accurate.
Ukraine needed cub 97s when the russians where all lined up on the hi way
The issue with that is that you need air superiority. And if you are Sweden and Sovjet is attacking , you might not have that.
I would say also, that is probobly why the Swedish weapon work so well in Ukraine. They are designs for exactly that sort of war.
Great video. I love that you took the time to find the company's demonstration video. So often is that not included in videos.
Thank you. Thanks for watching!
I remember very well a Q&A question for the Chieftain about what he feared the most, where he complained about those types of ammunition: "What am I supposed against it?" He asked...
@Peter T Except your unit has to have one, and have it emitting when you get fired on......
@Peter T No one is towing a C-RAM on its 40ft trailer around on the battlefield though are they Peter???
@Peter T Yeah... now protect every tank (expesically ones close to frontline) with C-RAM aganist chance of getting hit by rare 100k USD round while being any country that isnt USA
@Peter T oh yeah let me just mount a whole ass CIWS to the top of my tank lmfao
@@schmiddy8433 Harsh but true 😂😂😂
I'm pleased I'm too old to be a soldier.
I'm fro that the insurgents in Afganistan didn't have drones!
Not in Russia.
@@aloeisthestuff9622 You beat me to it.
Yeah, I'm ex (Australian) tank crew.
I'm glad I'm out of those tin-can death traps. Can't believe I felt so invulnerable in them!
And the saddest thing is, it really has to be us! the human race will never learn ! there will always be wars as long as there are people. even after the worst wars in this world, global peace only lasted for two or three generations. people forget very quickly when the generations that have experienced these terrible things first hand are gone. the reasons are always the same.
The US produced the CBU 97 and CBU 105 going back to 1992. Each bomb had 10 submunitions which themselves contained 4 submunitions for a total of 40, individually targeted munitions. It was called the, "thousand miracles bomb" due to its complexity. I think the Ukrainians would find it useful.
I can never get tired of those GIAT videos man, they look so goofy now but they do their job well
Each shell weighs around 14 lbs. which is well within the payload capacity of a commercial drone.
Getting closer to a total "push Button" war.
Commented on a diff video about these early french weapon photos. Your on point
I've been subjected to the copper explosively formed projectiles used in these rounds when I was in Iraq. Its devastating and also terrifying once you know what they can do. We're talking a molten copper projectile going mach 20 right at you, and whats left over is not pretty( i was a medic)
Welcome to human flesh meeting a HEAT shell. Does wonders against armor and not so wonderous things to the human body.
HEAT shells (I'm assuming RPGs in your case) are not EFPs, and molten copper is a myth (melting temp of copper < melting temp of steel, so it will not help penetrate armour). It's the sheer energy of the shaped charge explosion that does the most damage
@@haley746 It's the focused shockwave of the high explosive that liquifies the copper focusing cone as well as the steal ((and other layered armor) that gets sprayed into the crew compartment of the tank. So no it is not the copper itself ""melting" it's way through so much as it's just being turned into a jet of molten copper and steel purely from the pressure which creates the heat.
@@SilvaDreams EFP's don't necessarily liquefy the "squirted" copper lining when ignited:
"the copper jets are well below the melting point of copper. However, these temperatures are not completely consistent with evidence that soft recovered copper jet particles show signs of melting at the core"
Tantalum is superior to copper when it comes to effectiveness of EFP lining materials and tantalum's melting point (3017 °C) is much higher than that of copper (1084.62 °C):
"it was found tantalum is superior to copper, due to its much higher density and very high ductility at high strain rates."
A very ductile metal might "behave as a mix of both", liquid and solid, in EFP applications (maybe some form of plasma jet).
HEAT just like APFSDS works on the principle of erosion, not melting.
It was invented by BOFORS here in Sweden. BONUS stands for "BOfors NUtating Shell" Development of the BONUS began in 1985 as a study project of the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV). The intent was to find a way to increase the effectiveness of artillery in engaging enemy armoured units❤
Think I mention that. Thanks for watching
Is there only 1 video of them in Ukraine? I thought quite a fair amount had been shipped there, so where is the combat use?
@@mattiasdahlstrom2024 Ukraine is much better nowadays about not giving too much information away.
Bofors: Swedish Metal. They know guns since forever.
They were bought out.
@@Sun-Tzu-Yes, but these munitions were designed before that.
Very detailed breakdown of weapon, one of the best on UA-cam. Thanks & subscribed
Thank you!
It seems expensive only if you have never seen how many ordinary cheap rounds it takes to get a direct hit on a tank. It’s just the same money packed in less volume.
with the fast "ceasar" howitzer, 3 minutes to stop-deploy-fire 6 shots-leave. 62mph on road, 31mph off-road.
When your on the receiving end of something, It's always great to receive a Bonus.
I just watched 4 times todays video of masacre near Vuhledar, were brave Ukrainians repeled Russian orcs attack. On one moment was to see arty explosion above 10m sideling over orc tank.... and this after few second started to burn from inside (ammo fire). At first moment i thought it was miss but now im almost sure it was something like BONUS shot.... Orcs lost over 30 IFV and Tanks in just one clash.... great succes !
General : I want 360 no scope while airborne
Engineer:hold my beer
Spinning angry satellites that shit "lasers"
What a great piece of kit to have on our side! I'm very impressed that they got it to work in such a small package.
From Karlskoga with love! :)
Loots of old Swedish cold war stuff is being used.... what next STRIX? (the mortar shell of the same consept)
NLAW, Bonus, Excalibur, RBS-17, AT4. Lots of Bofors Systems in use in Ukraine right now
Would be great to see STRIX in action.
@@ezragoldberg3132 Maybe even JAS39 (of course not anytime soon) and RBS15 (also available with truck launchers) and later RBS15 versions can also attack land target and not just their fleet...
Swedish AND French ☝️🥸
@@jetaddicted True true, all I know is it started development here in Sweden but probably needed a joint partner to realize the project, for some reason Nexter doesn't seem to have a hand in STRIX which is the same technology... perhaps Bofors holds the patent or SAAB licenses it... still neat even though it's been around for >2 decades.
I didn't know of this thank you for sharing this. It looks impressive.
Thanks for watching, glad you found it informative.
If I was show an animation of this round I'd probably say it's an "overcomplicated childish fantasy". Difficult to believe it's real ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It's something isn't it. Wild concept in terms of the engineering.
As amazing as it is, this concept has existed in a working form at least for the past 30 years.
Take a look at the US Air Force CBU-97 Sensor Fuzed Weapon. Same kill concept, with fin spiralling shaped charge munition which triggers on engine heat signature.
The French used these shells in Iraq and Mali. It's not science fiction, it's technology ))
@@TheArmourersBenchHonestly, 100-140 mm of armored penetration really isn't that much. I mean, Kontakt-1 ERA, alone, even arranged in a manner that doesn't allow the block/brick to make the most of its abilities, provides 100-200 mm of protection, iirc, so this kind of weapon would actually be much more devastating against Western armor, & now Russia can reverse engineer it. Great...
@@Greg881994 It strikes the roof of the vehicles. What kind of tank has that thickness in the roof?
Amazing bit of kit
That's an impressive weapon.
This video was very good & informative. I’m an old nerd who loves to learn. Nice job 😊
Polyethylene is optically transparent to infrared, I don't think it would provide any kind of camouflage for a ground Target.
No, I think it's either bad machine translation (I don't think so) or it's just an in vain idea.
That is frightenening! Very clever and the power unbelievable!
Thanks for the post! Interesting if that is scaled to 125 or 80 mm mortar rounds .
There is Bofors STRIX. It works in a slightly different way, but is also a guided top attack round.
BONUS round!
BONUS hit!
Yeah I see myself out
Wondering how much the Russian tankers appreciate the "bonus".
Atleast it won´t cost them anything except their lives 😂
Russian tankists aren't even being taught how to operate their vehicle properly any more. I doubt the Russian MOD is is telling them about these horrors they're up against.
Cope cages are gonna come back in style for spring/summer 23.
considering the almost regular destruction of pzh 2000 and m777 by loitering munitions, I don't they are too concerned about it
this is the only bonus they're getting this year, lol!!
Sounds like a game show--bonus round. That's pretty impressive for something that looks like a paint can. The winglets are pretty neat--I'd never seen anything quite like them before.
the US had a $1M missile in early 2000s or late '90s that had around 16 of these canisters, but I'm sure was very limited and not cost effective: could've been used upon the initial invasion line of vehicles
Assault Breaker program’s Brilliant Anti Tank Munition for the ATACMs missile.
@Steven Evidente Hellfire costs $125k. Cost effectiveness is comparable.
the us however had not smart ammo, it seeked enemies, but enemies and thats it, and as we know every arab thats not rich is an enemy of the usa. they were normal, illegal cluster bombs.
Very interesting! Thank you for the video
Glad you liked it!
France is still a master in artillery 👍🇫🇷🇫🇷 Since Napoleon
Well, if I'm not mistaken, this is a BAE Systems Bofors developed munition, but I guess that if it is shot from a French artillery piece it is still impressive on the receiving end 🙂.
@@Chimaera72 Yep, it's a co developed France - Sweden but it's produced in France at Nexter.
No it was a joint venture between bofors and giat industries (french old MoD consortium) now nexter. It's 50-50 swedish and french but It's mainly used by France.
I don't think people fully sppreciate just how amazing these submunitions are in that they can identify enemy armor and fire their shaped charge at just the right moment, while spinning, to hit the target.
the LUL is the real bonus here :D
Mind boggling how something that small can be so effective and accurate.
Haha I would like to know what that stands for!
@@TheArmourersBench BOfors NUtating Shell according to wikipedia.
@@TheArmourersBench In dutch it's dick🤣
@@TheArmourersBench LUL is a French manufacturer's marking attributed to LUCHAIRE DEFENSE, a subcontractor for Nexter.
Funnily enough on some French shells you can find the identifier "ASS" which stands for the "Ateliers de Salbris" subcontractor.
I thought I'd seen LUL on something before, excellent thank you.
Military tech adds are the best, this Smart 155 logo animation i laugh at every time.
What you show at 7:15 was a SMart 155 submunition parachute, not a Bonus. For the quality of the video, its to big to be a Bonus submunition.
Yes, the submunition has the size of a hatchet compared to the armor vehicle, or the size of a parachute. A Bonus round would be barely noticeable.
It is parachute, or a very big winglet submunition 😁
I could do with with these to create a parking space when shopping at Waitrose.
I could have swore I saw a video on telegram where a helicopter was taken out by some type of munition that shot downwards just like this one. I'd be willing to bet money it was some type of munition like this. Extremely interesting video. 💪🇺🇦
when heli is low enough, thats certainly possible. but i guess it was not aimes at the heli, but the heli was in the wrong moment at the wrong places and took a round ment for a tank ^^
@@certaindeath7776 hell of a video ! Definitely the first I've ever seen of such. And I dig through these videos all day long. Crazy hit
That video was most likely an S300. Clearer angle showed the projectile being almost as tall as the helicopter. S300 has a diving terminal mode for some of its missile types.
It's also easy to mistake a high speed air burst for an EFP as explosions, while fast, are not instantaneous and do carry some of the momentum and velocity vector that the warhead was traveling in.
@@Noubers okay okay thanks for info 👍
Excellent informative vid!!
Thank you, much more like this on the channel so if you haven't yet please do check them out and sub! :)
this is very good news they have a new way to atrit russian armored vehicles. ive been wondering since the beginning of the war what will happen when russia runs out of t72s... do they just go home at that point?
they have 10 000 hulls that can be repaired. Acsees to iran nk algeria. Basically endless tanks.
@@dukenukem8381 we'll have fun popping them.
@@dukenukem8381 But hulls of what?
You don't just slap a new motor and a coat of paint on the carcass of a T-80 that has been sitting in a debot since the USSR collapsed.
We have seen a ever increasing amount of T-62's operated by Russia which makes you question the condition of T-72 and T-80 tanks.
Even Russian state went: "We will reactivate our million T-80's!", but then they started talking about activating more T-62's.
@@poromafia around 5000 t-72 type hulls, they have full production cycle
@@tech477 godspeed
Cooperation between Sweden and France promises great advances in artillery. These two countries have been experts in this area for a long time. Well before Napoleon, France won the Hundred Years' War thanks to new cannons manufactured by the Bureau brothers. These cannons revolutionized artillery by transforming fixed bombards into mobile cannons mounted on wheels and with which the firing range could be adjusted.
I do have a pesky squirrel in my yard…….
squirrels appeared on this planet before people, so we are their guests. Have respect
Ideally top attack munitions in a 120mm smart mortar Metal Storm configuration.
Russia: We are not fighting Ukraine. We are fighting NATO.
NATO: Then come attack us.
Russia: ...
Then why does NATO not just role into Moscow and remove Putin?
Surely something is holding them back?
@@moos7005 "Then why does NATO not just role into Moscow and remove Putin?
Surely something is holding them back?"
It is called nukes.
NATO does not want Russian land. The same cannot be said for Russia and Ukrainian land.
@@gabrielteo3636 Exactly, the rosso-brainwashed people fail to understrand that NATO is a defensive alliance. NATO cannot invade. It exists as a shield, not a spear.
@@gabrielteo3636 also, not wanting to accidentally world war 3.
@@tenpoll Unfortunately, the Russians have never given up till they have had 500K losses. This war will go on for another 3-5 years, the Russian economy will be wrecked and they will become another N. Korea. The only thing stopping that is a bullet for Putin.
The Russian Smerch 300mm Mlrs is supposed to have Rockets with submunition like these .
Wtf that is some crazy ass tech! Imagine how difficult it was to develop something like this!
Now lets also imagine that this is an "old" tech, imagine if that was developed in more recent years
yes, people were describing using these in training in 2003, imagine what kind of developments have been made in the past 20 years.
Its 40 year old technology
Imagine being killed by something with LUL on it.
Surely, that's just a BONUS...
it always amazes me the amount of cost ,engineering , machining and materials for just one thing to be wasted in a split second
i just live the name of the round… like the enemy is winning a prize :)
Never knew artillery could get this fancy wow!
That is loads of different fancy artillery munition. There is also one system to complement BONUS, The STRIX that is a 120mm light artilery (mortar) that can fire 7-9 km ad track and target enemy armor and IFV and. APC. It have much more advanced sensors and can differentiate between hit and active vihicles and also can tell the diffrance between different vehicles. Taking out heavy vehicles like tanks first, then IFV then APC.
They was all designed in sweden in the late 80s for a war that never came. Bonus would thin out the Sovjet armor. STRIX would target what was left, and then go in With N-law and finish of what ever survived.
Clearly the ammo looks like to have been send with Caesar and the older TRF1 too.
Thanks. That was really interesting!
Glad you enjoyed it!
If there is one thing Swedes know, its how to kill Russian tanks. XD
Yes Bofors have been working on it before World War II, with (for that time) excellent
Bofors 37 mm anti-tank gun, and continued....
Fabrication française nexter
@@bikesfrench8524 You do realise that BONUS stands for Bofors Nutating Shell, right? You making some dont make them yours.
@@Eyeless_Camper 40 mm Nexter
Wow thank you ✌👍☝️🇨🇦
I like the fact that the BAE animation even shows it targeting what looks like a t72 lol.
You don't know your tanks, that looks nothing like the 72. The turret overhang, the number of road wheels, the extractor, etc, it is obviously an Abrams.
@@sergeig685 I have forgotten more than you will ever know lol, you don't know how to read..I said in the animation, not in the diagram.
I am astonished that this could ever work. To even fet the two tumbling blobs accurately above the target seems hard enough but for then those two blobs to somehow pinpoint fix on the target and launch their own projectiles at the target, while they themselves are falling and revolving it is unbelievable.
Thank you France and Glory to Ukraine!
Informative. Thanks.
Thanks Marc, I do enjoy making these looks at some of the more technical systems like the Russian top attack mines etc.
I would put my money on incorrect fuze setting or malfunction in EPIAFS before I suspected that russians had found a way to mitigate their effects.
yea exactly , just like the claims the Iranians shot down one of our stealth drones. They show pictures that dont show any damage other than it broken into a few pieces. Then they claim they "hacked" it. Like its on the internet ... pfft.. Then they claim they "overrode the controls and landed it" so all these things run on crypto that cant even be broken by the NSA in real time as its a daily changed randomized encryption. By the time they broke the code its already been changed to a new one not that they could break the first one but anyway. I used to do this SIGINT/ELINT stuff and i know what we can do. What a backwards nation like Iran or Russia? Please.
I wonder if modern science could make smaller versions of this for say NLAW or Carl Gustav - Imagine forward infantry able to take out IFV/APC and even light tanks with this tech?
idk i think you could get the electronics to fit just fine but you would probably not be able to pack in a big enough shape charge to penetrate such amounts of steel would probably still be useful in striking manned positions you cant see perfectly though and know roughly where they are at.
@@zachmoyer1849 Thanks. If a -50cal/7.62 round can penetrate a lighter armoured vehicle a smaller version of this should be adequate. I'm guessing somebody in that business has considered it and maybe even tested it and thought it not feasible or we would have seen them being issued by now.
@@Scaleyback317 well it would likely just go right through it and with these charges the aim is usually to set off munitions inside the tank with a light armor vehicle you just put a very expensive hole in it that like you said could have just been done with a large caliber rifle.
@@zachmoyer1849 Good point and well made sir - thanks.
So this is the artillery delivered version of the CBU-97 "Weapon of 13 Consecutive Miracles".
Pretty much, two skeets instead of 40
Lol, this reminds me of those videos of people making a basket without looking and flipping out like it wasn't their 1000th try 😂🤣
I remember seeing weeks ago something similar from the orcs, their "innovative idea" was a dumb.... device of the size of a beer barrel at the side of the road and triggered by remote control or trap wire but only could hit one target and the device couldn't be hidden and no Foe or friendly detector, literally a thing from 30 years ago
You mean this one?
The only dumb thing here is your comment. That roadside mine you described has been adopted decades ago by soviets, US, and other NATO countries. And it still does exactly what it was designed to do - ambush armored vehicles. Russians themselves have their own versions of top attack EPF smart rounds. Anything from MLRS delivered munition to a mine that launches the munition into the air like the PTKM-1R, very effective
3:25 - 4:53 Wendigoon would love this editing.
Designers failed to develop a detonation chamber into the electronic brains of the Bonus 155mm to prevent enemies from finding and studying it.
You don't need to. Russians and other countries have their own versions of it for quiet a while.
Incredible engineering
It is also available in a mortar version.
No, it is not.
@@pingvinencharleswood971 yes it is
@@Revener666 No, Bonus uses the rotationen of the shell (spin stabilized) and the sub unit to detect the target. A mortar have no rifling. Therefore it is impossible to build a "mortar version" of the BONUS system. What do you call the mortar version, mini-Bonus or? It's not existing, sorry!
@@pingvinencharleswood971 Sigh!
Bofors made an attack tanks from the top shell for mortars called Strix.
@@Revener666 Correct that Bofors made the Strix for mortar, but this is a totally different product and hasn't any similarity at all with BONUS. To call it another "verision" is incorrect.
copperjet frisbee, nice
Perfect time to do some real battlefield research, to fine tune this round.
Descending from above a LiDar Shape Charge 🍃 deadly design for sure
Bonus is a Swedish product from the beginning.
nope a Swedish AND french produsct . A cooperation of Nexter ( france) and Bofors ( Sweden).
Nexter is well knwon for producing the CAESAR 155m howitzer .
100 % French for its invention and creation on paper , then built by French and Swedish companies
I remember seeing a promo video of the Russian version of this thing years ago. It was similar to the second variant you described with the parachute.
Russian version doest exits
@@leneanderthalien what is doest? Is it russian version of - it exist on paper and on invoices, but doesnt exist in real life?
There is no Russian equivalent.
@@rfarevalo There is whole family of Russian MLRS delivered top attack anti armor munitions. They have seen action in Ukraine, very effective. Russians do not have very many of them though. There is even a mine that air launches smart munitions, like PTKM-1R, very effective.
Great video
Thank you!
French present for russia's tanks. Cocorico!
Imagine dropping 100 of these out of a plane at one time you could take out an entire tank division in seconds.
I remember when this technology was on the drawing board....looks even more devastating in deployment. Now, the countermeasures.....
Counter Measure - Don't attack Western Nations
this is crazy, never heard of it. looks incredible tecnology from years ago, i wonder how much does that cost. And why we have such a little infomation.
Thank you France. ❤🇫🇷
Slava Ukraine. 🇺🇦🇬🇧
*Sweden engineering made this piece.
The greatest discovery occurring during the 1970's for Russia was the electric bread toaster.
Because we had electric shaslik grills since 1960's, four parallel universes ahead of the world.
Sending greetings from Sweden
So.....since there are 2 of them in a shell...
Is this like tea-bagging enemy tanks?
Wow do they communicate with each other to select different targets? also that seemed to fire at an angle (while doing 900 rpm). It's crazy that this was developed in the late 80s.
No, but the hornet minefield system uses the same principle with up to 6 or 8 mines & the computerized system picks a target for EACH before it fires them... 🔥...
@@nunyadambusiness6902 yeah the original murder Hornets... those things were highly unpredictable though. I was a Combat Engineer for several years. The m93 was a great concept but bad in actual practice.
No they don't. I don't know for sure with THESE here, but the pretty much identical German variant "SmArt 155" does not. Natural dispersion when releasing the Submunitions from the shell case makes sure that they find different target areas on their own. One is in the high speed drag a splitsecond earlier and falls shorter.
This is not a shell to target an individual tank anyway. It is fired in dozens, when you know the position of a tank battalion in a certain area.
i bet theese projectiles will also hit civilian vehicles, if present. but with the 200metres cones of effect, you will be firing those only at areas, where you know there are tanks anyway.
@@certaindeath7776 I haven't tested it myself obviously, but at least the German variant "SmArt155" is supposed not to target civilian vehicles. It is supposedly capable to distinguish between different types of tanks according to one of the developers of the round that I had the chance to talk to years ago. I forgot how they do it, as it was pretty insane and I didn't really understand it.
With weapons like that it is always unclear which tech levels were suggested as possible by the engineers, which were actually realized and which one was actually put into service at the end.