I love your room sm! you should totally get a daylight lamp to help brighten your room during the day, I had the same problem in my old room and it reallly brightened it up without making it look like artificial light :)
Thank you! Here's the link x www.amazon.co.uk/Kingrack-Clothes-Clothing-Garment-Freestanding/dp/B0BJ21FY2M/ref=sr_1_12_sspa?crid=17VQ8LX5WHLNM&keywords=narrow%2Bclothes%2Brail&qid=1690113757&sprefix=narrow%2Bclothes%2Brai%2Caps%2C409&sr=8-12-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9tdGY&th=1
Wow your channel is so amazing and the videos you publish are amazing I am your new follower Anais from Algeria and I love you so muchPlease reply to my comment
this is so cozy. gave me sm inspo
I love your room sm! you should totally get a daylight lamp to help brighten your room during the day, I had the same problem in my old room and it reallly brightened it up without making it look like artificial light :)
hey girlie. loved the vid! do you mind linking where you got the clothes rail from? xx
Thank you! Here's the link x www.amazon.co.uk/Kingrack-Clothes-Clothing-Garment-Freestanding/dp/B0BJ21FY2M/ref=sr_1_12_sspa?crid=17VQ8LX5WHLNM&keywords=narrow%2Bclothes%2Brail&qid=1690113757&sprefix=narrow%2Bclothes%2Brai%2Caps%2C409&sr=8-12-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9tdGY&th=1
Wow your channel is so amazing and the videos you publish are amazing I am your new follower Anais from Algeria and I love you so muchPlease reply to my comment