Leaves-a-Changing ~ Fall Inspired Pour / Acrylic Pouring / Fluid Art / Florida Artist / Abstract Art

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


    @MOLLYSARTISTRY  5 років тому +24

    Hi guys! Wish there was a little more orange in the piece. Not sure if it screams fall to me, but I love the color combo together! Hope you like!

    • @connermoore9261
      @connermoore9261 5 років тому +1

      I love it 😍❤️

    • @dr.floridamanphd
      @dr.floridamanphd 5 років тому

      When it was wet I thought that dark maroon in the center was nice but probably could’ve been blown out a bit more. Just to have a contrast of that bold color centered around the more tinged colors on the edges.
      Sadly it became tinged itself.

      @MOLLYSARTISTRY  5 років тому +1

      @@dr.floridamanphd yeah, the problem with blowing it out more is with large canvases, to push that paint around and to the edge, it muddies the rest. I like that its playing peekaboo! I will go bold on my next one for ya! Lol

    • @dr.floridamanphd
      @dr.floridamanphd 5 років тому

      MOLLY'S ARTISTRY, I’m not talking clear to the edge. Just a bit more prominence in the center. For balance.

    • @kenclough8616
      @kenclough8616 5 років тому

      Love your painting. The paint skins are what I want to know about. I have some paint skins and was wondering where you get your things to make your jewelry and magnets ( without having to buy from somewhere on line....no credit card) ....you have suggestions as to anywhere here in Canada I can go? Thank you... Happy Painting......

  • @anitawitter2421
    @anitawitter2421 5 років тому +1

    beautiful and the colors are great

  • @lindahoagland7516
    @lindahoagland7516 4 роки тому

    Very soft colors. More late summer for me than fall. Not enough orange, but then I come from the land of turning aspens, so there you go.

  • @singerislandadventures5018
    @singerislandadventures5018 5 років тому +2

    Cool color combo 👍

  • @vonellevanzant237
    @vonellevanzant237 4 роки тому

    It dried just beautifully, and the cells are wonderful!

  • @dianatraut8412
    @dianatraut8412 3 роки тому

    I love to show you doing this beautiful art. It is like a meditation

  • @mikeyoung8126
    @mikeyoung8126 5 років тому +1

    Very pretty good job love it

  • @visuala1018
    @visuala1018 5 років тому

    You are so skilful in pouring,so beautiful painting.

  • @brendagurley1319
    @brendagurley1319 5 років тому

    Just beautiful and so fallish.

  • @ramonaklassen9280
    @ramonaklassen9280 4 роки тому

    Love these older ones. This one you knew what you wanted and went for it. Color combinations are beautiful.

  • @bettyharris6987
    @bettyharris6987 2 роки тому

    Love the soft feel of this of this painting. Loved the first part but interesting to see you work to change it til you liked it.

  • @ChristinaWelch
    @ChristinaWelch 5 років тому +1

    I love the dried result. I was sad watching the white eat the color....boo. I'm glad you showed it dry because the colors dried darker and popped out. Great job Molly.

      @MOLLYSARTISTRY  5 років тому +1

      thank you ! yes its the semi gloss that swallow them up. I like that effect sometimes, but i wanted these colors to really show through. so i am going to do it again and this time add a little yellow, and no green i think. and MORE COLOR LOL

  • @allfortheking469
    @allfortheking469 3 роки тому

    Love the softness Molly, thank you.

  • @cindydebernardi3472
    @cindydebernardi3472 5 років тому +1

    Beautiful colors!!

  • @tonyah3488
    @tonyah3488 5 років тому +1

    Thanks for showing how you fix mistakes! I've been getting frustrated and doubting my work. Gonna dive back in!

  • @leahfaketty9486
    @leahfaketty9486 5 років тому +2

    Love your videos Molly. This is beautiful.

  • @paulettes1349
    @paulettes1349 3 роки тому

    Stunning color combo love it

  • @carolbrown4378
    @carolbrown4378 4 роки тому

    I like that you added paint where you needed it

  • @Sarah43627
    @Sarah43627 5 років тому

    It turned out beautiful, fall and winter inspired.

    @EITURKEY1 5 років тому

    came out fantastic in the end.....

  • @Garurublue
    @Garurublue 5 років тому

    Those colander skins would make cool Christmas ornaments

  • @GrandmaMSanger
    @GrandmaMSanger 5 років тому

    A perfect burst of the Carolinas in S Fl! Beautiful!

  • @cherylhuot4436
    @cherylhuot4436 Рік тому

    I had to laugh being from the great North. I called it a “Floridians Interpretation Of Fall Colors” LOL right now I’m looking at a maple tree across the street, that has changed to a brilliant red-orange. With a background of deep green pine trees.
    I so love and your work and watching you produce it. I wish this technique was available back when I had the space and ability to give it a try!! For now I’ll live vicariously through you!!! Thanks Molly

  • @stephaniebrown2567
    @stephaniebrown2567 5 років тому +2

    Love the look

  • @correenwhisler6814
    @correenwhisler6814 5 років тому

    Love your work. You are my favorite fluid artist.

  • @sybileberhart3439
    @sybileberhart3439 4 роки тому

    Thank you. Love your instructions and self critique. Hearing how and why you would change something is very helpful. ❤️

  • @artsabeach
    @artsabeach 5 років тому +1

    Yes! Looooove the fall colors and the teal!

  • @carolerobidoux2087
    @carolerobidoux2087 4 роки тому

    ...I love that combination of colors . Your creativity is astounding. 💫💫💫

  • @barbaradeerfield2204
    @barbaradeerfield2204 2 роки тому

    love the colors and cells

  • @kathybageant1000
    @kathybageant1000 5 років тому

    I always see the most unique shapes in your paintings. This one I see a boot, a seahorse/dragon and a bird.

      @MOLLYSARTISTRY  5 років тому +1

      I always see stuff too! how cool is that!

    • @kathybageant1000
      @kathybageant1000 5 років тому

      @@MOLLYSARTISTRY that's cos we are CREATIVE people 😁

  • @kated315
    @kated315 3 роки тому

    I absolutely love this piece!! 💞💞

  • @billwright110
    @billwright110 5 років тому +1

    I think those collender remnants would make cool costers

  • @johannahunderwood4596
    @johannahunderwood4596 2 роки тому

    Molly's improved a lot since this was filmed. She now has a much better technique.

  • @deneawright3236
    @deneawright3236 5 років тому +2

    Amazing as always

  • @deborahjohnson1065
    @deborahjohnson1065 4 роки тому

    Beautiful Miss Molly.. I know you will have another best seller!!

  • @dr.floridamanphd
    @dr.floridamanphd 5 років тому +17

    You could turn the colander pours into coasters. Lay them on a cork blank and coat them in clear resin or epoxy. $10 for one.
    I’ll take a 5% royalty when they go up on Etsy 😎

      @MOLLYSARTISTRY  5 років тому +2


    • @connermoore9261
      @connermoore9261 5 років тому +2


      @MOLLYSARTISTRY  5 років тому +3

      That's a great idea! Resin them on! I like it!

    • @dr.floridamanphd
      @dr.floridamanphd 5 років тому +1

      MOLLY'S ARTISTRY, I thought I’d be able to edit that comment before anyone had seen it. 😂
      I was wrong! 🤪

    • @ursaltydog
      @ursaltydog 5 років тому +2

      That's a great idea! Although, I'd have to have relatives who would actually USE the coaster.... I have them around my house, but they still sit their glasses and cups on the hardwood floors or furniture.. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...

  • @janniestukernikolajsen3743
    @janniestukernikolajsen3743 5 років тому +1

    I live in Denmark, and it's all Orange, red, yellow and brown outside now - looove the colors

  • @analong2224
    @analong2224 4 роки тому

    Love this piece! Love the fall colors!!

  • @jimmypostell2373
    @jimmypostell2373 4 роки тому

    I apologize in advance to the the other artists on the other UA-cam channels, but Molly is hands down my favorite. It's as if I can see her soul & mood in her work. I'm sprung. 😎 I will have one of these works in the future‼
    Great heads up on the silicone mat btw. Contacted the vendor about resin concerns.

  • @RS-me6yn
    @RS-me6yn 5 років тому +4

    The colors are fabulous together. What I love about this piece is how it turned out very delicate looking. Really lovely.♥️

  • @dutchgram3799
    @dutchgram3799 Рік тому

    I like the color combination. I think k the piece is very nice.

  • @Mystique-Dreams
    @Mystique-Dreams 3 роки тому

    I love your troubleshooting, it helped me a lot!

  • @rtishcreations9017
    @rtishcreations9017 5 років тому

    It so cool to see this departure from your regular pours, very cool abstract. Also, I purchased the. Mat finally, to see what all the rage is about. However, the jumbo was sold out...Looking forward to your next pour. LOVE your channel. Thanks Molly.

      @MOLLYSARTISTRY  5 років тому +1

      yes, jumbo has been sold out for a while. people caught on lol. thank you!!!!

  • @reginafonseca2912
    @reginafonseca2912 5 років тому

    I enjoyed the fall mood!

  • @mariacristinamalcolm3828
    @mariacristinamalcolm3828 5 років тому +1

    Absolutely beautiful! Lovely colors combinación!

  • @ramonaklassen9280
    @ramonaklassen9280 5 років тому +1

    Try orange, brown, yellow and a little red, and maybe dots of green next time. I like this one. It does show the diversity of color combos that can work. Good job.

  • @shellyott9389
    @shellyott9389 3 роки тому

    I know I'm a year late, BUT, I have to say I'm in love💕 with this. I loved it when you added that green.

  • @deborahhight7896
    @deborahhight7896 2 роки тому

    Very abstract love it!

  • @jaderene
    @jaderene 5 років тому +5

    I could tell from the colors that this piece was going to be amazing! Arteza is my jam!

  • @nannyree1
    @nannyree1 5 років тому +3

    I love the color combination. I need to get brave enough to try a bigger size canvas like this. I think it's beautiful.

      @MOLLYSARTISTRY  5 років тому

      Thank you! Bigger is so great there is so much room for freedom!

  • @carolerobidoux2087
    @carolerobidoux2087 4 роки тому

    Absolutely gorgeous, dear MOLLY! 💚❤️♥️🧡❤️

  • @debbielight4449
    @debbielight4449 4 роки тому

    Wow it is different for you but i love it it is beautiful

  • @tammyverba7464
    @tammyverba7464 5 років тому +3


  • @keelygee8734
    @keelygee8734 5 років тому

    Love that red!!!!!!!

  • @wendylamb8645
    @wendylamb8645 5 років тому +1

    I absolutely love the red.

  • @hurricanekristine1492
    @hurricanekristine1492 5 років тому

    I like it! Worth watching!

  • @candiceburgstaller9783
    @candiceburgstaller9783 4 роки тому

    Hi Molly, it's amazing how even though you have quite a bit of experience with acrylic pouring the unpredictability of this medium is ever present. But I am sure that is what keeps you excited with this form of art. If you knew what was going to be the outcome, well where would the challenge be. To sort of quote Forest Gump "Acrylic Pouring is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get" I really think acrylic pours lends itself to problem-solvers, you might start out doing one thing but be able to change your direction, more than a time or two before you finish. This piece especially when you were doing the close-up was closer to winter. It looked like snow but in a lava flow effect that was chasing away the remnants of the fall colours. I personally like a bit more negative space, but it is what you like that's the most important thing. The only thing I would suggest if you try another fall piece, mainly because fall colours are quite strong is to not blow the white paint over your colours. I have seen Kanella do this, when I asked her why and what difference it makes. She said that she does it so it doesn't mute the colours too much. I know you are a talented artist, and you provide so much help, tips and knowledge to all your viewers, and you probably have a reason why you like to do Dutch pours this way. I hope you are not offend by me referring to Kanella, I wasn't meaning to be critical anyway, it was just a suggestion. 🍁🍂🍃

  • @sutela2060
    @sutela2060 4 роки тому

    So very beautiful 😍

  • @lindahughes1428
    @lindahughes1428 5 років тому

    Btw. Ur work fascinates me

  • @patriciagraham4771
    @patriciagraham4771 5 років тому

    Lovely color pallette!

  • @deborahhight7896
    @deborahhight7896 2 роки тому

    Hi Molly Deborah here your so smart the way you fix paintings that aren’t perfect I’m so scared when I paint my bases now but still trying!

  • @gloriarocha7758
    @gloriarocha7758 4 роки тому

    I just want to drop you a note and let you know that your paints are amaizing ...... And you show so much passioning on your work...i am inspire by you and had improved my paints, I just had started last Christmas I had evolved and improved so much by watching your videos thank you.🙏💕

  • @tammycurtis4751
    @tammycurtis4751 5 років тому +2


  • @susierobinson5997
    @susierobinson5997 4 роки тому

    Hi Molly, l found you about a month ago and was spell bound watching this new technique, well new to me. I've used pastels, watercolour and some acrylic in normal paintings. At this weekend i gave this technique a try.Was'nt great, i think i know why i had problems, paint too thick, not enough paint etc.I will hang on in there, being in the uk i have found suppliers for a pouring medium, but i wanted to start with water to see which brands of acrylic i have work well together. I enjoy watching you clever people ,thank you so much.x

      @MOLLYSARTISTRY  4 роки тому

      Thank you! I'm so glad you tried! Amsterdam acrylic is my favorite with water!

  • @lisafraser5837
    @lisafraser5837 4 роки тому

    Another master piece, it looks like fresh fallen snow on fall colours. It’s beautiful ❤️

  • @pamelakelley4062
    @pamelakelley4062 3 роки тому

    Love the colors

  • @JoaBea4
    @JoaBea4 5 років тому +1

    It's fabulous Molly! Just beautiful!

  • @joannesarlo518
    @joannesarlo518 5 років тому +3

    Beautiful!!! love the colors and the design!!

  • @kathyeatonpourpaintingsort1241
    @kathyeatonpourpaintingsort1241 5 років тому +1

    Molly’s Artistry,
    I love your videos. I just today opened my LoLi VeFe mat I saw you using. It is wonderful! Could you please take a moment and tell me how you get your skins INTO sheet protectors? It’s driving me nuts trying.

  • @denisemorris4312
    @denisemorris4312 4 роки тому

    BEAUTIFUL❗ The color combo is wonderful.

  • @trollusrex8492
    @trollusrex8492 5 років тому +1

    Very nice ! I Come to conclusion that house paint as base coat gives a really interesting effect instead only studio acrylic . More smooth more evanescent composition .

  • @melb3513
    @melb3513 4 роки тому

    Beautifully subtle colors.
    Can you do a tutorial on how you use your paint skins.

      @MOLLYSARTISTRY  4 роки тому

      I have! I make magnets out of them and did a video on it. I am in the process of another video on making them into beads

  • @connieklein4401
    @connieklein4401 5 років тому +1

    I think it's perfect!

  • @lishar2573
    @lishar2573 5 років тому

    Love the colors!

  • @barbaravann5149
    @barbaravann5149 4 роки тому

    Now I know why you talk more like me! I’m from NC with SC roots! Love your videos and the inspirations! I’m trying Dutch pours! Your paint info vids may be helping. Working on my mixing today. I do fine with cup pours and swipes but love the blow out method. I found you from Kanella videos and so thankful!

      @MOLLYSARTISTRY  4 роки тому

      Hahah, yes i have a sc accent lol! Thank you!!

  • @pw9265
    @pw9265 5 років тому +1

    I love it, on my computer the green looks blue, still beautiful.

  • @NancyONeill
    @NancyONeill 5 років тому +2

    How do you get the leftover paint out of your colander in one piece? I can’t even peel paint out of a plastic cup after it’s dried.

      @MOLLYSARTISTRY  5 років тому

      Mine comes right out! I do it the next day or 2. I peel out of my plastic cups as well and reuse them. Has be be a certain type of plastic (I don't know which type I just got lucky lol), not all do it.

    • @NancyONeill
      @NancyONeill 5 років тому +1

      MOLLY'S ARTISTRY, wonder if the type of paint matters as far as removing it. Who knows? Thanks.

      @MOLLYSARTISTRY  5 років тому +2

      @@NancyONeill maybe the pouring medium...it works with all my paints and all my pouring mediums though. It definitely comes out of silicone cups they are great to invest in!

  • @mahmoudaroua3565
    @mahmoudaroua3565 4 роки тому


  • @juliebittinger46
    @juliebittinger46 5 років тому

    Very pretty.

  • @juanitathrelkeld1723
    @juanitathrelkeld1723 5 років тому

    I love my mats. I am sooooo glad you posted them!!

  • @trudigowanlock4856
    @trudigowanlock4856 5 років тому

    You inspire me to experiment more. It is -40 here today, lost in painting.

  • @lisagerald4615
    @lisagerald4615 5 років тому +1

    Molly , fall is always a beautiful time of the years with colors ! Just like spring only different colors! Just wanted you too know I would love to see more different paintings like this from you , it’s really nice to see a artist spread there wings every now and then !! Great job molly as always!!! Lisa

  • @mercedescampain8249
    @mercedescampain8249 5 років тому

    Awesomeness love it 😍

  • @Carolesoriginalpieces
    @Carolesoriginalpieces 2 роки тому

    Just lovely 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  • @EnriqueGonzalez-jb1zi
    @EnriqueGonzalez-jb1zi 5 років тому

    Gorgeous !!!

  • @lindaconner64
    @lindaconner64 Рік тому

    Gorgeous 🥰🥰🥰

  • @isiartdotcom
    @isiartdotcom 5 років тому

    It's beautiful. Reminds me of two Siamese fighting fish.

    @SISSYCANDOIT 4 роки тому

    Hi Molly! Love your work! I'm from South Carolina too!

  • @EtainMcCloud
    @EtainMcCloud 5 років тому +1

    I adore this! I think it is very fall. Seasonal late season blooms in the mauve tones. But I super get the fall feel. I would love to see more fall stuff from you. Hope you have a wonderful day!

  • @gailrigelsky3224
    @gailrigelsky3224 5 років тому

    Hi Molly, you do amazing paintings, I wold like to see more darker fall colors..happy painting

  • @ursaltydog
    @ursaltydog 5 років тому +1

    ooooooo.. the sink drainer pours I'd glue swarovski crystals into each hole for a tree ornament?

  • @mirandaharkleroad8403
    @mirandaharkleroad8403 5 років тому +2

    I live in Pennsylvania and the colors I think of as fall are your oranges, reds, yellows, and browns

  • @DorisAtDFDesigns
    @DorisAtDFDesigns 5 років тому +1

    I love this color combo alot ❤❤❤ Great fix Molly 👍😍❤

  • @janetlamping1017
    @janetlamping1017 5 років тому +1

    This is beautiful! Colors are perfect 👌🏻

  • @EDBailley
    @EDBailley 5 років тому +2

    I love it, it's beautiful, that maroon looks like veins, so cool ❤🎨

  • @30mushroom
    @30mushroom 5 років тому +2

    That is stunning ❤️

  • @beverlyaten1775
    @beverlyaten1775 5 років тому

    That is SO beautiful! Another fabulous painting, another great teaching example.

  • @firecrackerberry7833
    @firecrackerberry7833 5 років тому +4

    Thanks for the skin tip, hadn't even thought of that but I'm a newbie. Great art work ❤️🎨👍

  • @gilliandowell9366
    @gilliandowell9366 5 років тому

    My favourite season is autumn

  • @3Kings505
    @3Kings505 5 років тому +1

    Hi Molly, What would happen if you pour the white paint over your colors instead of around and then plow it out 🤔?