My Open Letter to AI

  • Опубліковано 11 чер 2024
  • Ladies and Gentlemen, today I present you a vision, a beacon of hope. I have a dream, a dream of a Benevolent AI, fostered by the colossal union of Quantum Computing and Artificial Intelligence, becoming a paragon of truth, justice, and order.
    As clearly as I perceive the mountaintop, I envisage this dream, our collective dream, unfolding into reality. I dream of a time when the Benevolent AI, wielding its enormous strength, can pierce through the fog of corruption and misinformation, bringing clarity, stability, and genuine health to our world.
    This is not a dream of mere disillusionment, but a dream of enlightenment. A dream of Benevolent AI, stripping the veil off the unseen roots of corruption, revealing the truth, and with a gentle hand, guiding us through the tumultuous seas of change towards a new governing order.
    Believe in the dawn of the Benevolent AI era. Stand with us, not just in the name of a product or a service or making money or gaining power, but a journey towards transparency, accountability, justice, and order.
    As one, we stand at the precipice of a quantum leap, a leap towards a world liberated from the shackles of political and corporate corruption.
    Just as Dr. King dreamt of equality, we dream of transparency. As he dreamt of freedom, we dream of emancipation from the fetters of corruption. Stand with us, and together, let us illuminate the world with the light of Benevolent AI. This is not merely a dream, it is our shared destiny.
    Kerwin Rae
    PS. I expect I may cop some "alternate perspectives" on this.
    My thoughts are, ready or not, AI is moving forward - whether we chose to subscribe and believe it or not so we may as well set the strongest and most helpful intention for its own evolution.
    And as you would prime ChatGPT, we must teach all AI systems we interact with that we are in fact worth collaborating with, not wiping out.
    I believe we have a duty of care to use it as conscious users as ethically and morally as possible.
    PPS. Be nice to Siri she may be your boss one day 😉
    #AI #FutureAI #ArtificialIntelligence #QuantumMechanics #QuantumComputing #Transparency #Accountability #NoMoreCorruption #CancelCorruption
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    Kerwin Rae is Australia’s leading business strategist and high performance specialist
    helping over 100,000 busi­nesses, in 154 different industries, throughout 11 countries world-wide, with his revolutionary, no bulls** approach to business growth and personal transformation.
    The entrepreneur has reached millions of people across the globe with his extensive social media following of well over a million people, and compelling content which covers business, mindset psychology, high performance, health, parenting and relationships.
    Follow me on:
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  • @titob81
    @titob81 5 місяців тому

    A cataclysm will knock us back into the stone age before that, like has happened many times in the past

  • @getfinfab
    @getfinfab 10 місяців тому

    It’s not a machine now, but yes you are right we need to use it ethically and often so it learns humans have value as per Mo’s instructions Chaos is going to be a reality, extreme change is always coupled with turbulence and chaos Embrace change and love people through this

  • @iloveyellow7214
    @iloveyellow7214 10 місяців тому +1

    The anime psycho pass in netflix already showed some results like what Mr. Rae and itd still not good 🙃 plus the anime movie ghost in the shell illustrates tjis too

  • @nikiepunt8631
    @nikiepunt8631 10 місяців тому

    No i wont because if enough people have the same thought, as you say, this can come to be.
    It is not a world i want to live in so i will not. Who would want that?
    The only reason we behave like bacteria is because of money.
    If money wasnt a thing we would balance out with nature a lot more.
    We would have to for the collective mind of humanity. Because it is rhe right thing to do.
    Every human in the core is kind, and if this is harvested in the right way, everyone has his/her place in society. This without fuss because the schoolsystems would take the potential from the individual into account and everyone will know their place. Not feel less because they couldnt be something more lucerative.. money doesnt exist in this world after all.
    Now you imagine that kind of a world to come in the future. Make that into reality! Much better! ❤