perhaps going back to school elevate your education level would help you to find a better pay job and give yourself more confidence / self assurance notoriously your pay scale is based on your education think about that
In order to survive in Canada, it is best to pick up (learn) more skills. I believe you are under Stream B scheme, take your time to make more friends and understand the Canadian culture in different aspects. In reality, I came across your experiences with multiple jobs and also had hurdles to deal with the language barrier in the first few years after moving to Canada. One day you will see the light in the tunnel. Best wishes.
How do you find friends as a newcomer? Im in a situation where all my friends left the country so Im always by myself now but I’ve heard newcomers are usually more willing to make friends 😭😭 Not sure if you’ve noticed this but people who’ve lived here all their life are usually very reluctant to add people in their social circle
I'm very introverted😂 For me, I like chatting with girls who have common interests instead of partying with a big group of people, so I like to connect with girls who have common interests on @thread. I also recommend you to join some whatsapp or facebook groups to meet new people.
@@icytso 演算法令我地遇上😂
@@purpleNpineapple 本身就有subscribe你😬
@@icytso 💜💛
第一次睇你啲片!好好睇arr ,喺加拿大生活加油
@@mattiroad104 多謝你啊😄
多謝小明💖you always support me🥹
我也讚成生活水平超高因為刚刚收到公司的 bonus 1567但交税都交了500、所以最後落到袋只是一千元。😅
👍👍可以拍多d你彈琴或者教琴時嘅片嗎?, 一定好有氣質! 我老人家嘅想法有d不同, 會比較想專注先搵到一份收人穩定和喜歡的工作. 然後先至去發展自己其他副業. 當你嘅副業收人高過你嘅正工時, 就係真正財務自由嘅時刻來臨了.
都Ok 呀,起碼我睇到未,keep up the good work 👍💪
thank you☺️
楓葉不錯 樣樣剪一點很好 不會太冗長
thank you😄
perhaps going back to school elevate your education level would help you to find a better pay job and give yourself more confidence / self assurance notoriously your pay scale is based on your education think about that
thank you for your suggestion😄
thank you☺️
我想問你嘅full time job 係咩?
@@loll5549 普通文職
ABRSM證書可以係RCM做credit transfer嫁, 唔洗專登再考試, 除非你想再考高級啲就另計
@@kakaka4340 我已經transfer咗樂理證書~但practical仍然需要親身考一次🤧
❤❤pretty n good at piano!
thank you☺️
剛剛見到你的channel,你的片係有人睇ga! 我都最近開始拍片,對住個電話講野真係好怪😮。大家一齊努力!
Hi 香港人 from Las Vegas
@@just6968 hello👋🏻
@@just6968 重視每位觀眾嘅留言🤣
你係同男友走/ 自己一個? 如果成年都係靠自己都好勁
我都係身兼多職㗎😅 Gen Z 仲有大把時間,一定成功
個問題係,假設返緊1份正職full-time,點樣搵到多一個part-time,搵到已經好叻 !
@@kenyuen4328 我主要根據自己興趣同專長去搵兼職,亦有諗過做餐廳(因為有tips),不過喺加拿大的確連兼職都難搵😟
看到你工作的 cafe 感覺我們應該是 neighbor lol
@@livin-ca 上個月已經搬到別的地方了haha
In order to survive in Canada, it is best to pick up (learn) more skills. I believe you are under Stream B scheme, take your time to make more friends and understand the Canadian culture in different aspects.
In reality, I came across your experiences with multiple jobs and also had hurdles to deal with the language barrier in the first few years after moving to Canada.
One day you will see the light in the tunnel. Best wishes.
Yup my English is not really fluent, but I will keep learning! Thank you for your sweet comment☺️
How do you find friends as a newcomer? Im in a situation where all my friends left the country so Im always by myself now but I’ve heard newcomers are usually more willing to make friends 😭😭 Not sure if you’ve noticed this but people who’ve lived here all their life are usually very reluctant to add people in their social circle
I'm very introverted😂 For me, I like chatting with girls who have common interests instead of partying with a big group of people, so I like to connect with girls who have common interests on @thread. I also recommend you to join some whatsapp or facebook groups to meet new people.