Which Sabine Deck is Best for YOU in Star Wars Unlimited? (Green, Yellow, and Double Red Compared!)

  • Опубліковано 20 вер 2024


  • @doomkid360
    @doomkid360 4 місяці тому +2

    I think green sabine is my easy pick because it's not just cheap, but if you aren't playing competitive like me, it's like SUPER bulk friendly. I was able to get majority of the deck besides the expensive cards like for a cause/red three/K2S0 and its been super fun teaching and showing other friends the game. I think what makes me most excited is filling out the rest of my deck list and hopefully moving myself towards the Aggression version because that sounds like the coolest for sure!

  • @Ilovetoplayjazz
    @Ilovetoplayjazz 4 місяці тому +2

    Love this breakdown. I’m torn between green and red for my showdown this Friday.

  • @BotaFaCose
    @BotaFaCose 4 місяці тому +1

    Great video, I am struggling in a similar decision, so your video has a great timing as well, watching the meta and the incoming events! I tested a lot cunning and I am a big fan of Jeddah city, often very useful as explained by the Unplayable staff in a dedicated video, would never use the 30hp again! Give that video a look mate. Yep, it’s not ECL, still a good option that saved me many games. Love also your aggression builds indeed, your ideas are always very interesting and I was testing that version as well. I just feel that cunning has the best toolbox for the control meta we are living. Red is Sooo funny and way more unpredictable than command, which as you pointed out is a plus for cunning and aggression.

  • @MajinBuugatti
    @MajinBuugatti 4 місяці тому +3

    Ive tested all 3 aspect choices. I personally think red is the most explosive as you have options to remove units more soundly and definitely feels stronger against control. I do like cunning best though. I think it feels more consistent

  • @obsidiantain
    @obsidiantain 4 місяці тому +1

    Meta-Hipster! Love it :D

  • @kerambeach
    @kerambeach 4 місяці тому +2

    Red sabine is the most fun deck

  • @davidcfarr
    @davidcfarr 3 місяці тому

    I've just got my third Aggression so going to build your double red... what's the best video to learn the tech?

  • @Cwynareiro
    @Cwynareiro 4 місяці тому

    I think Chewbacca is worth pointing out as a great card for aggro mirrors in yellow sabine, you just have to dodge the ecl steadfast :P

    • @TowerNumberNine
      @TowerNumberNine  4 місяці тому +1

      I personally do not like Chewbacca, he feels like one of those cards that always just gets countered or avoided one way or another. Perhaps I'm underrating him? I'm not sure...

  • @Slkt12
    @Slkt12 4 місяці тому +2

    Sabine yellow is the best Sabine for the mirror you have to play lothal insurgent or you’ll be behind by a lot

    • @TowerNumberNine
      @TowerNumberNine  4 місяці тому +2

      It's kind of annoying because Lothal Insurgent isn't a great card against the more control-oriented builds. My current Sabine Yellow plays one Lothal Insurgent and can sideboard in Wolffe for a similar role to avoid getting hit hard by ECL early.

  • @sunwentai1
    @sunwentai1 4 місяці тому +2

    I've haven't been paying attention to Sabine builds in the past few weeks, so I would appreciate your help about some card choices.
    I'm a bit surprised with the inclusion of R2-D2, which is quite underwhelming as an aggro unit. I understand it provides good card filtering, can smooth your resource curve and is a great target for Medal Ceremony, but is that it? Is there some other super cool use I haven't picked up on?
    Also, no Sabine's Firespray, which I thought was another great play with her. What's the reason for removing it from the build? Too slow?

    • @TowerNumberNine
      @TowerNumberNine  4 місяці тому +2

      Good questions!
      R2-D2 has been included thanks to his 1 cost, 4 HP and card filtering ability. While he's not the most aggressive card ever he fills a relevant role and isn't as easy to remove as some other one costs. Perhaps more importantly, he's Heroism and therefore doesn't degrade For a Cause I Believe In, unlike Benthic "Two Tubes" or Greedo.
      Guerilla Attack Pod ("Sabine's Firespray") has been coming out of lists recently thanks to being expensive and vulnerable to various answers. I think it's best in the Command build where you can perhaps hit someone hard with it via comboing with ECL to ready after you Ambush, and even there I'm not sure it's great.
      In double red I cut the Pod for stuff that improves the mirror (out of aspect Rebel Assault for instance), while I think Cunning already has a bunch of reach units with the Falcon and Sneak Attack and doesn't really need more.

    • @ooogyman
      @ooogyman 4 місяці тому +1

      I find the main reason R2 has become a staple in Sabine is that it's a 1/4 that both deck filters & provides an excellent early target for Wing Leader's 2 exp. A 3/6 R2 is out of range of many early removal spells (ex: Force Choke, Open Fire) and can easily defeat an opponent's 1st-turn ground unit while staying on the board. This puts a lot of early pressure on the opponent to either take all of their Turn 2 to address that R2 (ex: Waylay, Surprise Strike a 3-power unit) and take some tempo loss from building their board, or deal with the early 3-damage-per-turn clock.

    • @joshh266
      @joshh266 4 місяці тому +1

      Ive found R2 into wing leader is a super rock solid opener as well

  • @jKonradcz
    @jKonradcz 4 місяці тому

    I cant get on board with the Steadfast Bat. It's 5/5 for 5 baseline. The "value" is bound to the trigger, that you get if you actually have the leader on board. Which is usually the turn you'd play it, meaning it improves your already spiky turn. If your leader sticks for multiple turns, I would dare to say that you are already winning, making this card "win more"?

  • @joecampbell5491
    @joecampbell5491 4 місяці тому

    I'm not denying Falcon is a great card, but is really *that* vital to the deck?
    I'd argue other cards like bamboozle or sneak attack are more important

  • @lukewright9145
    @lukewright9145 2 місяці тому

    Are you going to update these deck with the new chpt 2 cards ? Thanks

  • @rebelresource
    @rebelresource 4 місяці тому +5

    Ok, Yellow/Blonde is the best imo. Look at the past few weeks - tons of top 8s - in Arizona they took 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th in one tournament. Lots of 1st places. Your yellow list is running too many events. I would take a look at my recent one. It still needs some small tweaking but it's probably close to the best possible list you could make with just set 1 - opinion based on 100s of games.

    • @TowerNumberNine
      @TowerNumberNine  4 місяці тому +4

      Thanks for the feedback, I’ll check out your list! Mine isn’t “final,” just what I’ve been playing around with recently.
      Overall, if there were an event tomorrow I probably would bring yellow to it, but I don’t think yellow is the obvious only choice. In particular, I think if I predicted there were going to be a lot of control builds (esp. krennic green, Vader blue, double blue Iden) I would want to have red there for Tarkintown and Aggression - and Saw’s not bad in those matchups either!

    • @rebelresource
      @rebelresource 4 місяці тому +1

      @@TowerNumberNine Falcon is the bane of control though. If they take initiative you can slam Falcon and a surprise strike for massive damage. Thats a pretty common line for me into control.
      Regarding your list, I’ve found medal ceremony to be too slow since it takes an action. You lose initiative and end up on losing out on damage. Not to mention this list doesn’t run a ton of rebels. Chewie is such a good card. I think running him is necessary

    • @ooogyman
      @ooogyman 4 місяці тому

      @@rebelresource Medal Ceremony might cause the Sabine player to lose initiative, but the free early experience can be critical to keep units on the board, especially for the Sabine Leader unit. A plain Sabine leader unit can be one-shot by a Takedown or an AMBUSHing Syndicate Lackey, but a Sabine with an experience token from Medal Ceremony is suddenly out of range of those two common Sabine answers. One extra Sabine attack can decide the game.

    • @BotaFaCose
      @BotaFaCose 4 місяці тому

      Also medal ceremony helps vs mirrors

    • @rebelresource
      @rebelresource 4 місяці тому

      @@ooogyman if they remove Sabine we get a ping back in the leader zone. And they did not remove a different unit. The card can be good but I think losing initiative or card advantage for small pump maybe isn’t worth it. It’s also such a dead draw late game

  • @ineedwow
    @ineedwow 4 місяці тому +2

    how do you properly utilize tarkintown in double red?

    • @TowerNumberNine
      @TowerNumberNine  4 місяці тому +2

      It depends on the matchup, but most often I use it to counter either Ambush units or big Sentinel units.
      For instance, in a recent tournament game at a Store Showdown, my opponent played a 6/6 Lt. Childsen. However, since I had Tarkintown, I attacked into it with a 3 power unit and then used Tarkintown to do the remaining 3 damage, clearing the way for other units.

  • @luca4037
    @luca4037 4 місяці тому

    why you don't play echo base defender in sabine green?

    • @luca4037
      @luca4037 4 місяці тому +1

      just agree with you....follow and listen what you just said about that :-) maybe i will replace in main deck with 2x bright hope and third rebel assault :)

  • @mtyfwaders6450
    @mtyfwaders6450 4 місяці тому

    Can you do Leah decks

  • @MrBefaro
    @MrBefaro 4 місяці тому +1

    I played a lot of Sabine and while I think Cunning is fun as well, I keep coming back to Command.
    The more I play, the more I think, that saying something other than Command is the best is copium.

    • @TowerNumberNine
      @TowerNumberNine  4 місяці тому +2

      While you could be right, I note that league data has been showing Cunning and Aggression above Command for some time now…

    • @rebelresource
      @rebelresource 4 місяці тому +1

      @@TowerNumberNine Yeah data wins out imo. The data is Red/Yellow are the best.

    • @MrBefaro
      @MrBefaro 4 місяці тому +1

      @@TowerNumberNine But if that is the main argument, then why even make a video about anything else? Then let‘s simply look at league data and determine from there what decks are the best in what order. :)
      Then there should be no discussion if league data is the way to define that.
      I guess this data is pretty different around the world - I think it differs widely in local metas.
      Also „newer“ decks or decks that are not that „common“ might perform better when people are not expecting them and they might play worse against them.

    • @MrBefaro
      @MrBefaro 4 місяці тому +1

      @@rebelresource Love your Sabine Cunning videos btw!
      But you also might be a little bit biased there, right? Not saying your data is not true, but I guess it‘s also your favorite version and you couldn‘t comment anything else here while promoting Cunning on your channel like you do. :)

    • @TowerNumberNine
      @TowerNumberNine  4 місяці тому +1

      @@MrBefaro I think league data is one of many relevant inputs. I don't think that data definitively establishes Aggression or Cunning as the best, but I think it's definitely a data point that makes me less confident that Command is the be-all end-all -- despite its popularity.
      Other relevant inputs include the arguments in the video, my experience playing all three versions, and so on.
      You have a good point about data differing around the world though, and insofar as we can get data from other groups that might be quite helpful! As you say, things that are rare or unexpected locally might also get better results -- to me another argument in favor of the less commonly played Sabines!