My concern has always been between the hyper-rationalists and the irrationalists. (These people are different sides of the same coin.). I'd put Sam Harris as part of the former, of course. I would argue that one main driver of the Germans going down the wrong path (to eventually think of Jews as the problem) is precisely (at least leading up the troubles) their reduction of reason to the instrumental/factual/conceptual. If reason is seen as simply an instrument for determining the most efficient way to a given end, it fails to acknowledge the complexity of human experience. Imagine your whole society is like this (the goal is always efficiency and practicality). There are constant pressures to always get to the bottom of things. You literally strip away the essence of everything (including the human and human experience). The human being looked at instrumentally is not much different than seeing the human as a machine. You start to ask what are the implications/consequences of this person/this group and their consequence on society instead of an intrinsic interest in that person/the people. If you are impatient and see any issue as a problem to solve, you likely have a very reductive view of reason.
My concern has always been between the hyper-rationalists and the irrationalists. (These people are different sides of the same coin.). I'd put Sam Harris as part of the former, of course. I would argue that one main driver of the Germans going down the wrong path (to eventually think of Jews as the problem) is precisely (at least leading up the troubles) their reduction of reason to the instrumental/factual/conceptual. If reason is seen as simply an instrument for determining the most efficient way to a given end, it fails to acknowledge the complexity of human experience. Imagine your whole society is like this (the goal is always efficiency and practicality). There are constant pressures to always get to the bottom of things. You literally strip away the essence of everything (including the human and human experience). The human being looked at instrumentally is not much different than seeing the human as a machine. You start to ask what are the implications/consequences of this person/this group and their consequence on society instead of an intrinsic interest in that person/the people. If you are impatient and see any issue as a problem to solve, you likely have a very reductive view of reason.